Author Topic: Just how popular is Touhou?  (Read 51192 times)


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Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #90 on: November 21, 2009, 03:39:30 AM »
Because I was like that too, before looking it up. I dunno, but it seems Touhou has a really bad image on the intarwebz.
Touhou has a fairly poor image on the Internet among people who DO know what it is.
The reason, as simply as possible:  TOUHOU HIJACK LOL

(although that at least gave rise to this, which was worth a laugh)

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #91 on: November 21, 2009, 05:02:27 AM »
Touhou has a fairly poor image on the Internet among people who DO know what it is.
The reason, as simply as possible:  TOUHOU HIJACK LOL

(although that at least gave rise to this, which was worth a laugh)

I thought it was about the "Otaku & Weeaboo" issue.
"... but what is certain is that the average consumer will continue to rest easy on his Record of Agarest War pillow case knowing that his games will continue to be packaged with things that he will never look at or use" - Jeremy Petter - ENN


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #92 on: November 22, 2009, 12:00:05 AM »
I live in Vancouver B.C. Canada and I've never heard or seen Touhou outside my own internet searches anywhere. Of course not being into anime and manga probably hurts my awareness of it.

Still though I have a few friends that are into that sorta thing and they were completely unaware of what Touhou was when I introduced em to it.

As for Vancouver being very "weeaboo" (I forget the spelling), I notice it has almost as many Japanese restaurants as starbucks locations. And a couple malls have one manga/anime shop. But that's about as far as I've seen on that subject.

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #93 on: November 22, 2009, 12:43:59 AM »
I live in Quebec City in Canada and I've only seen one person play touhou (IN) at work. I was really surprised, he told me one of his friends introduced him to the games. I told him tips and linked him to here and the wiki. Aside from that a few of my friends know about it but they didn't play it more than at my place. Other people might know about it since there is a lot of anime watchers/manga readers here but most are fan girls who love Sasuke or read only Clamp manga.

There is only one Japanese hobby shop in the entire city so I got a project of opening one when I have money. I would definitely have demos of touhou games running with some games to sell. It's probably never happening, but a guy can dream, haha.

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #94 on: November 22, 2009, 01:38:11 AM »
There isn't a single Anime/Manga/Japanese Import shop or anything along those lines here, so finding anything Touhou related here is a lost cause, unless I get really lucky and find something in a car boot sale (you can always hope i guess)


  • Byronic Commando
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Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #95 on: November 22, 2009, 03:26:32 AM »

We seem to have a small Touhou culture.  It got a panel at a convention out in Vancouver recently, along with a few cosplayers.

I hope you liked the panel! :3 We'll be doing one at next Sakuracon in Seattle too, which is more in my own territory.
There's quite a few Touhou fans in the area, actually.


Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #96 on: November 22, 2009, 03:27:47 AM »
Like I said, it would be great if we could get a Touhou panel at Anime North.

Chainsaw Guitar

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #97 on: November 22, 2009, 04:46:09 AM »
I thought it was about the "Otaku & Weeaboo" issue.

Yeah, Touhou has a bad reputation on the Internet because of weeaboo's who think it's cool to like loli shit.

As for Vancouver being very "weeaboo" (I forget the spelling), I notice it has almost as many Japanese restaurants as starbucks locations. And a couple malls have one manga/anime shop. But that's about as far as I've seen on that subject.

One time while riding my bike out to Langley, I saw a Sushi Restaurant called "Ninja Sushi". I fucking kid you not.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 04:49:32 AM by Chainsaw Guitar »

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #98 on: November 22, 2009, 05:00:05 AM »
One time while riding my bike out to Langley, I saw a Sushi Restaurant called "Ninja Sushi". I fucking kid you not.

I'll have to check that out next time I'm in the area. :V


  • pew pew lasers
Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #99 on: November 22, 2009, 05:09:19 AM »
There's a Ninja Sushi in Markham(Greater Toronto Area) too. =V


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #100 on: November 22, 2009, 05:13:25 AM »
There's a Ninja Sushi in Markham(Greater Toronto Area) too. =V

Zomg you live in Markham!? That's where I grew up. Kindergarten until the end of grade 3. still feels like that's where I'm from. *sniff* I forget my exact address but it was something "Fincham" avenue (spelling might be off slightly). Was just a block away from a school.


Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #101 on: November 22, 2009, 05:17:10 AM »
Hmm... I should check it out sometime then.

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #102 on: November 22, 2009, 10:06:13 AM »
Well, i'm Danish which means i've only got 5 million people to compete with. I've gotten quite a few guys to play Touhou. First there is my little brother who is actually getting close to clearing IN Extra. Of course, with a lot of advice and support from my side.

Aside from that i've gotten three of my classmates to try them out. One of them couldn't manage a 1cc of IN Easy despite trying it out quite a bunch of times. Really weird he wouldn't succeed after the 2nd try or so... most people i know would.

The other one too found the games very difficult on Easy. Finally there is the third one who actually managed to clear EoSD Easy very quickly. Nice. He's the same dude who considers my own abilities absolutely inhuman.  :V

Aside from those, i have gotten a few people at a danish gaming forum to try out the games. They actually liked them and i still think a few plays to this date.


In any case i think its pretty safe to state myself as the best Touhou player in the nation.

Oh and here's some danish words for the lulz!

Det der med de flyvende tallerkener kan virkelig v?re irriterende.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 10:08:34 AM by Zengeku »


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Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #103 on: November 23, 2009, 02:00:54 AM »
Aside from that i've gotten three of my classmates to try them out. One of them couldn't manage a 1cc of IN Easy despite trying it out quite a bunch of times. Really weird he wouldn't succeed after the 2nd try or so... most people i know would.
Truth:  It took me three tries to beat IN Easy.  It was my first real shmup (Kirby minibattles don't count).  I didn't know anything about the Shift key and Keine overwhelmed me with the power of having more than fifteen bullets onscreen at once.

For what it was worth I still thought it was fun.  Then I got better.


  • Servant for Life~
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Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #104 on: November 23, 2009, 06:22:29 AM »
I wouldn't really know if anyone around here plays touhou... I haven't even left my house in over a week...


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Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #105 on: January 02, 2010, 03:33:45 PM »
I live in Canada, so its hard to even mention it without everybody giving you a weird look and talking about CoD again, I mean, everybody hates STGs, I know a guy whos getting interested in the concept, he still hasn't seen any gameplay, just me explaining the basic concept. My bro likes it, he just doesn't get a chance to play it.


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Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #106 on: January 02, 2010, 03:55:18 PM »
I've never met anyone around here who knows about Touhou (to be honest it's not exactly like I've asked, so who knows?)
My friend knows I'm a Touhou addict, and though he doesn't show a lot of interest in actually playing the games, he digs some of the remixes. My other friend has seen me playing it during class and wants to try it sometime :V

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #107 on: January 02, 2010, 06:31:50 PM »
Oh look, a dead thread to bump

Well shit, we've got Canadians coming out the ass here. St. John's, Newfoundland, bitches.

Myself and two of my buddies are the only three people who I've ever seen mention Touhou, and neither of them play it, though one did try IN for a while. I bought Mushihimesama Futari for the other guy, and he loves it. We unleash two player Ultra mode all the time, and he's pretty good. I'll have him playing Touhou soon enough!

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #108 on: January 02, 2010, 06:36:38 PM »
:( What sort of stuff did she manage?
The stuff that you saw in the list Baity gave you, plus a lot of other stuff. She was the first Western player to time out VoWG and was pretty much tied with Kefit for position of "best Touhou player in the Western world." :V

Ignoring the gravedig, I'm in a bit of a unique situation. I'm American, but the private school I go to has a lot of international students. About a third of my school is from Asia, actually. I play Touhou all the time at my school, and when they see me playing, all the Asians instantly recognize it (or if they don't know it's Touhou exactly, they know that it's a STG). I know some of them play STGs, but I never get to see it because they never stop playing DotA. :(

For everyone else, no. I've shown some of my friends Touhou, and the general response is "...oh my god HOW DO YOU DO THAT" and the ever-popular "how come you're not dying?" But, only one of my friends has shown interest in actually playing the games, and she and another one of my friends love the arranges of the songs.

I bought Mushihimesama Futari
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF WHY DON'T I HAVE A 360 ;______________________;


Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #109 on: January 02, 2010, 07:17:38 PM »
I found out that the guy who's sitting besides me during biology actually knows quite a bit about it. He didn't knew that Touhou was a video game series, but he's visiting Danbooru rather often and knows some of the characters and memes.

And I thought I was the only one in my town who has ever heard of Touhou :V

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #110 on: January 17, 2010, 07:40:33 PM »
Here on Brazil we got quite a weeaboo comunity, but I only know two guys who heard of Touhou. It's quite sad 'cause they don't even try to play it. So I'm the only on around who does it =/


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Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #111 on: January 17, 2010, 08:10:43 PM »
Lieve Shinki, zijn hier echt zoveel Nederlanders?! En ik maar denken dat ik een van de weinige ben die het in dit kikkerlandje echt kent.

Well, you can sign up another Dutchman :V I've shown Touhou to some friends, but they didn't show much interest.... A few of my friends thought the characters were interesting though, but one of them (who I've shown a bit more about it) thinks it is the scourge of the Earth. And he constantly keeps yelling that it's a sucky series 'because the characters are unrealistic' and 'it's unoriginal'. Alright, I can understand the first one (planet destroying little girls are pretty farfetched).....but the second? Unoriginal?! He calls it unoriginal because it 'only uses bullets all the time'. He completely ignores the patterns and the effort to make the mind boggingly paths and numbers of danmaku. No, instead he has the balls to call the creator 'lazy'.

I think a part of my brain died from the sheer rage that went through it. He's so obnoxious you can't get through to him at all.

He also immediatly connects Touhou with pedophilliac hentai, although the work itself contains none. That's what the fanbase does.

On the other side of the spectrum, a female friend of mine genuinely expresses interest in the games, and she even liked the doujin anime (though she's an anime nut to begin with though). She thinks the characters are cute too, instead of 'pedo bait' as my other friend so lovely puts it.

Other people outside of my friend group just saw it as your typical anime (they only glimpsed at the drawings I was making, they haven't seen any of the bullet hell). Oh yeah, and my brother, who has seen the gameplay, thinks it's a game for masochists. He may not be so far off.


  • My magic finger will make your problems go away
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Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #112 on: January 17, 2010, 11:45:49 PM »
Okashii. I feel your pain. Same story in my town lately.

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #113 on: January 18, 2010, 01:43:25 AM »
On Topic:
Quote from: author
3. The Touhou Fanbase has achieved levels of craziness that make other Fanbases look downright lazy

Quote from: author
Stop and think about the Fanbase you hate the most. Star Trek? Kingdom Hearts? Twilight?

Now think about the crazy things you've ever seen them do. Room filling memorabilia collections. Conventions. Erotic Fanfiction. That kind of stuff...

Well, Touhou Fans have ALL of those, and more.

Quote from: author
Some groups even release full albums of these, with production values that your cousins garage band could only dream of. Most are sold at conventions like Reitaisei, but some make it all the way to AMAZON...

Quote from: author
Let's stop and think about all of this for a second. Can you name one game franchise that has inspired it's fans to produce entire albums of worth of remixes, set up entire conventions, and create countless comics and other merchandise?

You can't. You can't, because Touhou Fans are FUCKING INSANE. It is like a Cult. There is no other logical answer. While game publishers dole out millions in marketing budgets in the hope that it will help make their game the hit of the season, ONE JAPANESE GEEK has an army of dedicated fans who will spread the word for free...

Source: Touhou :

Was a link floating around in one of the topics on this board. :-\

If one is akin to disliking something popular because its popular, they should probably rethink their stance on Touhou. It's just that good. :V

Marisa: Okay, okay, I give up. You're right. The endless night, stealing the full moon, Hiding the human village, and putting hats on stone statues.
It's all Alice's fault.
Now, bitch, get out of the way!

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #114 on: January 18, 2010, 01:54:05 AM »
Well, you can sign up another Dutchman :V I've shown Touhou to some friends, but they didn't show much interest.... A few of my friends thought the characters were interesting though, but one of them (who I've shown a bit more about it) thinks it is the scourge of the Earth. And he constantly keeps yelling that it's a sucky series 'because the characters are unrealistic' and 'it's unoriginal'. Alright, I can understand the first one (planet destroying little girls are pretty farfetched).....but the second? Unoriginal?! He calls it unoriginal because it 'only uses bullets all the time'. He completely ignores the patterns and the effort to make the mind boggingly paths and numbers of danmaku. No, instead he has the balls to call the creator 'lazy'.

I think a part of my brain died from the sheer rage that went through it. He's so obnoxious you can't get through to him at all.

He also immediatly connects Touhou with pedophilliac hentai, although the work itself contains none. That's what the fanbase does.

touhou a masochist game?
I can see the connection but I really doubt it.

As for this friend of yours..
I don't know what to say...

planet destroying little girls are not so're right they are.

 ZUN proves tht you can have a one-man team..sure he reuses bullet graphics constantly, but that's expected of any series.

As for it only uses bullets... I remember hearing that nintendo power magazine gave a bad review of Pokemon battle Revolution.

They said the game contained too much battling.

This example reminds me of this friend of yours.

pedophilic hentai!?!?!? Well japan is a land of people who make and like this kind of crap, so finding tht stuff isn't surprising...However every series has a undercity that likes that shit.

Then again my friend calls touhou the zerg because it assimilates everything into itself.

Including phoenix wright and Pokemon.

I still get him to play every once in a while and annoyingly he still beats me in UNL.

I need to practice more with suwako...that or switch characters

The Sandwich of Doom

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Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #115 on: January 18, 2010, 03:43:39 AM »
Shawinigan, Quebec here.

No one yet. Guess I'm too far from the urban centres. It doesn't really make a difference anyway.


  • So Moe!
  • *heart attack*
Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #116 on: January 18, 2010, 05:28:21 AM »
I actually know quite a few people in my school who had been fans of Touhou before I was.

One of my friends says he knows a group of people at his church that're fans of Touhou.

I suppose my region has an unusually high concentration of Touhou fans, then? :-\


  • Doing >9000 Barrel Rolls
Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #117 on: January 18, 2010, 06:19:43 AM »
Heh... Is it bad that I introduced almost every gamer on campus to Touhou? Is it worse that they've all beaten it before I have, and one has even attempted PCB's extra while I have yet to complete stage 6? :V
I gotta have something for my sig, so...

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #118 on: January 18, 2010, 06:24:53 AM »
To above: It is inevitable.

But how did you get all those people into touhou. It seems pretty difficult to convince people. 

Re: Just how popular is Touhou?
« Reply #119 on: January 18, 2010, 07:03:37 AM »
One of my RL friends knows about Walfas, but I'm not sure if he has made the connection yet or is pursing it.