Author Topic: 東方宝演舞 ~ Treasured Dance Performance [ version 1.50 released ]  (Read 74827 times)


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Re: Dance Contest! Showdown
« Reply #90 on: February 07, 2015, 08:51:19 PM »
A rare moment to see me working live on a 3D stage for the transition part. It might not look as flashy or exciting because of the boring coding and trial & error, but in case you're interested. I'm going to stream for an hour or so.

Currently: Live @

Edit: End of stream.

As explained, it will probably the only stream shown of me working. Because this was piece of a 3D stage, I felt it couldn't do harm. Of course I avoided all potential other areas of my game. But was just to show that making 3D stages can be easy, but getting everything align is bit tedious work. Working with powers of 2 (512x512 / 256 (ry) can make that easier. The part I worked on was a piece of a midboss fight with stationary background (normally you scroll through). But for this part the player will be in place (Similar to 10D's stage 4 fight at the end). The camera will be swaying around and that is about it.

Further more I am busy polishing the enemy wave patterns before tossing myself on the difficulty scaling. Stage 3 needs some work and tomorrow I will be making the first difficulty scales for stage 1 I think.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 10:12:13 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: Dance Contest! Showdown
« Reply #91 on: February 09, 2015, 07:18:53 PM »
Maybe you might have noticed it on my pixiv or twitter or youtube channel with the colourful mirror ball. It will indeed start playing a role in the HUD design. Therefore the screenshots have been "updated". And yes, the last ones are removed  :3 so if you happened to see them, lucky you.

So yes. Lots of work being committed. My partner and I already made a template for the sprite animating and had discussed the approach on Skype. So the boss sprites are definitely going to be in house. That leaves me to handle the player sprites, bullet sprites. But first, difficulty scaling as shown in the first post!

I'm also researching the costs and methods for printing our CDs. Sending out some more questions through mail. Purchasing my plane ticket. Oh dear. So this is what happens when you start taking things serious. I never imagined this would happen like this 3 years ago.

Could this be... fate?! O-ojousama!

Enjoy the HUD update!


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Re: Dance Contest! Showdown
« Reply #92 on: February 18, 2015, 01:01:27 PM »
I've decided to archive the video of me working on a 3D stage almost 2 weeks ago. You can watch/skim through it here. If you have questions regarding the video or content, I can see how far I can answer them.

Archived video:
« Last Edit: February 18, 2015, 05:35:06 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: Dance Contest! Showdown
« Reply #93 on: March 09, 2015, 09:31:07 AM »
Hello everyone, thank you for your patience until now. While I wish I could announce the game to be finished, much work is to be done but that doesn't stop us from reaching milestones. And a lot of mile stones have been reach in the past month.

First, important to note that a group of testers answered my request to help me out. I am greatly in debt for their efforts and feedback. Today the 2nd testing phase will kick-off to re-evaluate the previous issues and also check other things.

Second, the game itself is almost complete in terms of gameplay and such. What is lacking is the frame work, as in main menu, options, selecting stuff and so on. This will be worked on once the 2nd testing phase has kicked off. I will focus hard on getting the game together so the next (hopefully) final test, we'll have actually a real "tangible" game.

Third, good news regarding the game itself in terms of release and Reitaisai. With my partner, we've decided to make the game completely free. It was his decision and for me, it doesn't matter as I repeated countless times. So that means the game will also be free to download, which takes away all issues or troublesome obstacles for an online release. However, some content might change as we only received explicit permission for Reitaisai release.

Speaking of "his" decision and such. You're all aware that I have partner in this grand adventure. I consider him a good friend. A valuable friend. Someone who I've admired for a long time and actually also met in real life. Probably many people had guessed it or had a suspicion who my partner might be. Since we're closing in on Reitaisai, I feel like revealing bit more of my game. The reason why this game is our pride and also will impact the East and West.

My partner is no other than Warugaki him self.

Warugaki, already a close friend who I respect a lot, had answered my request for doing the artwork. All portraits, all character sprites are his work. That is right. We've actually replaced almost everything from ZUN by adding Warugaki's personal artwork. Not only we did this to avoid STOP HELEPOLIS issues, but also to give the game more that Warugaki-style. And I wish I could show you more, but for now: You get a Warugaki style Marisa picture (see first post) and if you look carefully on the second screenshot, you might spot Pierre.

The rest remains a secret for now. Like ZUN does, we will also create a cover for the game in a odd silhouette or w/e. Since the Reitaisai version will be a physical release.

Please watch warmly as Helepolis & Warugaki do their best to prepare.

Arghhh so much to do! So little time. D-do your best! Kogasa-chan!


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Re: Dance Contest! Showdown
« Reply #94 on: March 09, 2015, 09:38:53 AM »
Wait, THE Warugaki? This party's getting crazy! :D
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 10:25:39 AM by Leon゠Helsing »

Re: Dance Contest! Showdown
« Reply #95 on: March 09, 2015, 02:44:09 PM »
Holy cow, that came out of NOWHERE! That's freakin' sweet! Wow wow I'm at a loss for words.

Warugaki's art is just crazy awesome.

I know you've been at it for YEARS now, so this is a nice announcement.

Looking forward to the release!


Speaking of a Reitaisai release, I assume that'd it be physical? Wouldn't making copies of that burn quite a hole in your pockets?


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Re: Dance Contest! Showdown
« Reply #96 on: March 09, 2015, 03:21:37 PM »
Yes, it is Warugaki and this isn't a prank or joke. I kept it a secret for various reasons. One of them being is that the game has been in "vaporware" status for long long time. I had received Marisa and few from Warugaki when I had asked him if he wanted to help out or not. He asked me several times when to start drawing the next ones but I had politely asked him not to draw any until I had stopped procrastinating and actually committed. With this announcement you can safely assume that things got real.

I take this fangame serious and therefore held back on this announcement until we reached beta-testing to be "worthy" of it. Hence it is quite an honour for me to do this collaborative Doujin fangame with one of the most awesome and crazy artists in the Touhou scene. Of course there are better or equal awesome artists, but this friendship kind of felt like fate.

@ Akj, yes. The fan game being physical copy is going to smash my wallet. But I am going to take it with all my heart. Warugaki will be paying 0 cents for this production or distribution. Everything is covered by me. This is kind of a last wish as I am not sure what is going to happen with my future life. I might get married, I might move, I might get a different job and it might impact my future in some sort of way. Don't worry, I won't be quitting the Touhou scene though this game have been a dream that needs to be completed.

More official announcements about Reitaisai details will occur once I actually have anything. We're waiting for the Reitaisai booth distribution (like which circle gets which space) so I can update that. Furthermore, the game depends on me and the testers from now on.

We will do our best and hopefully bring you an enjoyable game at all fronts. You won't be disappointed with the artwork, that is for sure.

Edit: I've also made the announcement on Twitter and Pixiv and seems we drawn attention of eastern fans now as well. This is going to be quite the peer pressure to get it right. Too late for regrets now!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 03:26:23 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: Dance Contest! Showdown
« Reply #97 on: March 10, 2015, 12:26:18 AM »
I'm still a bit surprised that other people are surprised about this since I've been in on it since the beginning lol

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: Dance Contest! Showdown
« Reply #98 on: March 10, 2015, 12:52:05 AM »

Honestly, I saw this coming since you two are bros beyond bros (the "worry that you don't want any money from the Reitaisai release" was a red flag even if the Japanese culture thing is justifiable) but this is still a nice development and holy shit that is a very nice Marisa.

Also, I assume y'all don't need help with the cover? I just want to know.


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Re: Dance Contest! Showdown
« Reply #99 on: March 10, 2015, 07:44:07 AM »
The news was spread around in Eastern fanbase as well and they too seem pumped about this. I wonder if we're going to be all right.  Oh well ┐('~`;)┌

@Soichiro, I will have to thank you for your offer but everything is pretty much covered/planned. ヽ(?ー`)ノ


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Re: Dance Contest! Showdown
« Reply #100 on: March 10, 2015, 09:54:52 PM »
Hehe, have to say, I didn't think Warugaki at first, but when I was reading the lead up, it kinda made sense then. I'm sure this is going to have a really good unique look to it when it's done with him. :) Wish I could be there for this Reitaisai.


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I'm sure this is going to have a really good unique look to it when it's done with him.
I just hope the engine will cooperate to display his artwork proper, knowing how this engine usually has terrible reputation for pixelating resized images.

Also the game has now an official title which will be the official publishing title as well: 東方宝演舞 ・ Touhou Hou Enbu

The Reitaisai space has been also announced. Me and Warugaki's Circle will be invading booth number K-36a and b at Big Site Halls 東-4,5,6.

The testers are submitting their second testing forms so there is work to be done.

This is really awesome Helepolis. Congratulations for this fantastic achievement.  Eagerly looking forward to this.
Since you and I have sort of similar tastes, what is the music going to be like, and where is it going to be coming from?


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Music is currently troublesome, I have some permission-given pieces which aren't mine. But I am discussing with a real life friend whether we can replace these too. For the reitaisai release we won't make it on time perhaps with our own music. The type of genre or style will be reflected with the stage or boss you're running. Since we all know Tenji features in my game and you can see the screen, 2nd stage will be disco-ish  :D


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Music is currently troublesome

I'm curious; Assuming you are still having trouble with Drunkard's Lemura since it's ZUN-composed, why not use the Age of Ethanols cover? I remember you had some sort of connection with the devs (though I forgot the thread x-x) so it may be possible.

Unless, however, you have already solved that dilemma, then I'm just a crazy dum dum~~ :V
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 05:03:40 PM by Soichiro W. »


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Ye, Lemuria is a no go. Even though I love the song until the max (which is main reason why this game happened), I have to respect the guidelines. I did ask to use it for Reitaisai, but I was not allowed to. Painful but yea, can't be helped.

It isn't solved and tbh I don't wish to use too much scattered data. Right now the spriting/graphics are being isolated as Warugaki/Helepolis' original work. Music and sounds will be temporary borrowed with permission and then eventually changed when possible.


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Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #106 on: March 21, 2015, 10:44:16 PM »
I could attempt to help you out with music actually. I'm better at arrangements of existing pieces and work faster when working with established MIDIs but I can also make original music too.

Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #107 on: March 23, 2015, 12:57:16 PM »
I could attempt to help you out with music actually. I'm better at arrangements of existing pieces and work faster when working with established MIDIs but I can also make original music too.

Wow, not much people can do that, i think...
Maybe can i ask for a request to arrange one of my original song? (all of them area midi file)

For Helepolis, just a suggestion, i might be able to help you with the music too, i have a lot of unused original songs, though i don't know if it fits well to your game or not...


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Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #108 on: March 23, 2015, 06:10:03 PM »
Thanks for the offers but to make more music for this game is simply impossible due to time constraints. When it comes to music I am extremely focussed on the theme + the harmony. Just 'music' isn't going to do it for my game. My main concern is Lemuria which is too fitting for the game to be replaced, so I've contact Ozzy based on his response. Original music is something I will be focussing in the future and perhaps even try to also create it myself. I got the equipment to do so, just not the time to learn + make.

The tracks I've used or received permission for are also fitting in their own style. Maybe not exactly what I had in mind but I've been building those stages and bosses while listening to those songs over and over. So there is a like a relationship between the stages, bosses and game play.

That is the harmony that I am seeking.


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Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #109 on: March 23, 2015, 06:50:01 PM »
The tracks I've used or received permission for are also fitting in their own style. Maybe not exactly what I had in mind but I've been building those stages and bosses while listening to those songs over and over. So there is a like a relationship between the stages, bosses and game play.

That is the harmony that I am seeking.

Yeah. This is one of the reasons why music needs to come first - because the pacing of the stage, the style of the stage, the mood of the stage, and how everything fits together is based on the music used.

Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #110 on: March 24, 2015, 03:42:23 PM »
Well, if you're fine with that way...

Come to think  of it, what if the fps is down and makes the music out of sync with the gameplay, wouldn't that ruin the harmony?


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Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #111 on: March 25, 2015, 02:21:12 AM »
In most cases a small fps drop (to say 57 or 53) wouldn't affect the pacing of the stage too much, while a large one (like outright halving it) definitely would.

I think in most music in Touhou games, either by ZUN or otherwise, allow for a bit of leeway when it comes to music synching. Unless your game is some resource hog or it's otherwise your fault, accounting for large fps drops shouldn't really be considered by the creator in my opinion.
Interested in playing some boss fights I made? Have Danmakufu? Then check out my Danmakufu creations!


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Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #112 on: March 25, 2015, 12:47:04 PM »
Good points being made.

Average performance during testing was found ok with no FPS choking during play. And this was even while no optimization was applied yet. I also tested my game on my 5 year old Laptop which has internal mobile GPU and that one also stuck close to 60 fps majority of the time.

The harmony is so far not endangered.


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Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #113 on: March 25, 2015, 05:08:39 PM »
So you do the same as I, eh? Testing on an older computer to see how the FPS run.

Honestly, I was also concerned by the FPS, after seeing previous scrips by you and the fact that you indeed abuse effects :V

Also, I love how your game has the same hype as an official danmaku :D
Small Teaser of my upcoming project~

No need to call me Teff007. Teff will do just as well~


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Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #114 on: March 29, 2015, 11:46:09 AM »
Testing performance is quite important yea. Can't expect everybody to have 60 FPS all the time.

Another rare moment to see me working on the ZUN replacement bullets. It isn't looking flashy or anything interesting :V but yea if you're curious:

Stream live at:

There is no duration for the stream, I need to finish the bullets so it might happen today or another day, who knows.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 09:06:20 PM by Helepolis »

Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #115 on: March 29, 2015, 02:35:36 PM »
As far as i can see from your live stream,
It looks like you were trying to remake the zun bullets with some little changes which makes yours better than the original...
Especially in the area of hitbox in each bullet


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Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #116 on: March 29, 2015, 03:41:46 PM »
Aye, tracing his original or close 1:1 can be said of my own sheet. I don't know if they are by default better. For example: I didn't manage to get the same shape as the rice pellets for example (mine look little more fat :V) and my butterflies look completely different so that might need some work too.

That said, a small break on live stream due to food + sudden RL. Will continue streaming later on.

Edit: Stream is being continued.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 05:41:27 PM by Helepolis »

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Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #117 on: March 29, 2015, 08:22:53 PM »
Replicating ZUN's bullets for the most part aren't hard, I've been doing alternates for my own shotsheet as well. It takes awhile to get things right, pellets are one of the hardest due to the small shape. I've replicated my own versions of almost all of ZUN's bullets. It takes time.

Though I didn't trace over them, I spent hours figuring out how to get the exact shapes for the more complex shots. Traces would be alot easier though. Gore, a japanese danmakufu scripter traced over ZUN's shotsheet to create HD versions (which look 5x better).


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Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #118 on: March 29, 2015, 09:05:37 PM »
If only Ph3's collision and animating would cooperate then we would have some beautiful and painless bullet sheets.

Drake had already pointed out in the Q&A the weird drawing effect and blurry stuff. Well, the same happens in your bullet sheet and there is nothing you can do about it. If you start angling anything beyond each 90 degrees, the result will be blurry mess. Also ZUN's bullets are packed tight in his shot sheets. This absolutely DOES NOT work if you try to replicate. I just did similar style by pixel-perfect packing the bullets. But unfortunately when you try to show an amulet, you will get a piece of your neighbour bullet and so on. Becomes worse for the outer-ring round bullets.

The only solution is to leave gaps. So I am going to jump 16 pixels before the next bullet row starts. The same happens if you blacken the background for your ADD bullets, if you don't add extra pixels outside the boundaries of your bullet, it will try to render transparent bg as ADD and result in disgusting things.

TL DR: ph3 is a pain in the ass.

I finished converting all bullets in rough form but above issue stands to be solved. I'll take a look at that tomorrow.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 09:07:17 PM by Helepolis »

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Touhou fangame: 東方宝演舞 ~ Touhou Hou Enbu
« Reply #119 on: March 29, 2015, 09:59:04 PM »
Assuming the texture size follows n^2 rule, I don't see how there is any blurriness. However, I do remember a member of LoCaA having a similar issue in which he had to space out his bullets to prevent the other sides from leaking in (inclusive and exclusive sides). I never had that problem ever. It may be a gpu issue possibly.

Anyway, good luck.