Alright, there's one thing I'd like to confirm. Are actions only resolved at the end of the day? So if I were to post bold tag octothorpe octothorpe colon Tackle Ramus unbold tag, then later in the day I were to decide that I'd rather heal him instead, I could make that change of action any time before the end of the day, right?
I believe actions resolve immediately, but you guys will only see the effects at the end of each day.
Thou shalt read Rules 4 and 8 and be glad.
4) Everything resolves when I update the thread each night. Yes, this means that you can "deathbomb" (declare a spell card to avoid getting knocked out) or Kefit someone (attack someone on the same day you are killed).
8 ) Because of the nature of the game all actions are final and non-negotiable. (As in, once you submit an action you can't take it back)