Author Topic: Mesmerizing Journey, a Touhou crossover with Magic the Gathering  (Read 5156 times)

Hi everyone. I am well aware that I haven't posted in forever, nor was I a frequent posted to begin with back in the day which I think was 8 years ago. I dropped out of the fandom for quite a bit (school and work can really getcha), but I finally remembered this place exists and wanted to both make people aware of this project and also make sure we're doing this above-board.

I have been assisting my friend for quite a while in making a full series of Touhou-based Magic the Gathering sets called "Mesmerizing Journey." We're going all-in -- the goal is to make 8 stand-alone sets similar to a "Standard" environment with its own storyline, mechanics, and takes on the classic Gensokyo setting. If you're interested in more details, I'm glad to go over them in this thread, but another issue takes precedence that I need your help with. I'm kinda out of my depth.

Last week we finally decided we were ready to start incorporating a wider audience and let them know about this project. Per the guidelines of Wizards of the Coast, we have no intention of physical distribution, nor any plans to sell the completed works. Once they're ready, tested, and balanced out, we will distribute the final products freely. We are pretty certain we're kosher as far as they're concerned. However, we wanted to use a Patreon account while the project is still in the alpha/beta stage so we can commission artwork for the various cards (and there are a LOT of cards; we're at a bit over 1,000 right now, though I doubt we'll ever get all of them done). Based on what I read in one of the pinned posts here, it sounds like that violates ZUN's rules, which is absolutely not our intention. What would you suggest? Is it possible for non-Japanese speakers to contact Team Shanghai Alice to see if we can get their blessing? Art is crucial for this kind of project; it's even recommended by Magic head designer Mark Rosewater in one of his columns when making fan sets.

Thanks for reading all of this. We've jumped into the deep end with both feet and are now hoping we can learn to swim quickly. However, having played quite a few matches now, I think we have something going on here, and we want to see it through.
E come vivo? Vivo!

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Re: Mesmerizing Journey, a Touhou crossover with Magic the Gathering
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2019, 03:05:24 AM »
Hi everyone. I am well aware that I haven't posted in forever, nor was I a frequent posted to begin with back in the day which I think was 8 years ago. I dropped out of the fandom for quite a bit (school and work can really getcha), but I finally remembered this place exists and wanted to both make people aware of this project and also make sure we're doing this above-board.

I have been assisting my friend for quite a while in making a full series of Touhou-based Magic the Gathering sets called "Mesmerizing Journey." We're going all-in -- the goal is to make 8 stand-alone sets similar to a "Standard" environment with its own storyline, mechanics, and takes on the classic Gensokyo setting. If you're interested in more details, I'm glad to go over them in this thread, but another issue takes precedence that I need your help with. I'm kinda out of my depth.

Last week we finally decided we were ready to start incorporating a wider audience and let them know about this project. Per the guidelines of Wizards of the Coast, we have no intention of physical distribution, nor any plans to sell the completed works. Once they're ready, tested, and balanced out, we will distribute the final products freely. We are pretty certain we're kosher as far as they're concerned. However, we wanted to use a Patreon account while the project is still in the alpha/beta stage so we can commission artwork for the various cards (and there are a LOT of cards; we're at a bit over 1,000 right now, though I doubt we'll ever get all of them done). Based on what I read in one of the pinned posts here, it sounds like that violates ZUN's rules, which is absolutely not our intention. What would you suggest? Is it possible for non-Japanese speakers to contact Team Shanghai Alice to see if we can get their blessing? Art is crucial for this kind of project; it's even recommended by Magic head designer Mark Rosewater in one of his columns when making fan sets.

Thanks for reading all of this. We've jumped into the deep end with both feet and are now hoping we can learn to swim quickly. However, having played quite a few matches now, I think we have something going on here, and we want to see it through.
First of we here on MoTK,members and guests,all would be very glad to see in the future small or great ,updates or status of MTG-Touhou "Mesmerizing Journey " !
Then about(welcome to search&check for better explanations) " Zun (Jun'ya Ota)'s Guidelines(Policy)about Touhou Fan,Doujin and Commercial Works " : IMPLICIT PERMISSION IF IT IS OR TURNS,FAN,DOUJIN(INDIE),WITH A MINOR COMMERCIAL ASPECT  ,even if popular ,widespread and with relations with a commercial franchise but still mostly Fan/Doujin, and yours is FAN+INDIE+FREE   :) ! Crowdfunding(e.g. Patreon) is A-OK if the Commercial Aspect is 0 or Minor.
Besides all that for Voluntary ENG-JAP Interpreters/Help,please go  in,37.0.html   ( especially the 'Kourindou 's Sticky " ).
IF THE COMMERCIALITY IS OR TURNS MAJOR,e.g.franchising license ,Start-Up,Commercial Distribution,Crowdfunding for Profit ,etc.,then No Touhou or ask,beyond a minimal ENG-JAP knowledge, a ENG-JAP Interpreter ( Previous Link )for Zun/Jun'ya Ota Approval (Touhou Half Doujin/Indie-Half Commercial New Works or Distribution,a steady but cheked increase,like on Steam PC/Steamware & Gaming Consoles,a number of JAP Literature Serialization and even Forbidden Scrollery in ENG-International).
« Last Edit: May 29, 2019, 03:34:40 AM by Branneg Xy »
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .

Re: Mesmerizing Journey, a Touhou crossover with Magic the Gathering
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2019, 06:38:17 AM »
Thanks so much for the reply Branneg! Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time parsing it -- it sounds like if we're crowdfunding just for improving the project, we're OK, but if we're doing it for income / profit, we need permission. Is that a good summary?

Thanks for the suggestion on how this site can help when we need further support. I can't wait to give you guys a larger update!
E come vivo? Vivo!

Re: Mesmerizing Journey, a Touhou crossover with Magic the Gathering
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2019, 08:46:33 PM »
I'm happy to say that with our first big patch, we're moving into a public testing phase now! Anyone can join the server and start playing, so we hope you enjoy your time with this project and the work we've put into it.

If this violates any rules here at MotK please let me know. I saw other people linking to their projects and figured this would be OK.
E come vivo? Vivo!

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Re: Mesmerizing Journey, a Touhou crossover with Magic the Gathering
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2019, 09:14:27 PM »
It is alright by MotK rules and by my reply I meant in summary what you specified in your second-to-last reply; in addition check out, if you are looking in-site for translators/interpreters/mediators ENG-JAP , ("Alice's Atelier "),37.0.html .
These guidelines(1st page) are outdated,17915.0.html so it is best to read the last replies and to look outside MotK for anything else while ,please,posting in that thread for even more updated Q&A.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2019, 10:13:25 PM by Branneg Xy »
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .