Author Topic: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3  (Read 76407 times)

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #90 on: March 02, 2018, 01:54:41 AM »
>Yawn? All of us?
>Could something be trying to lull us to sleep?

>No, just the two of them. Although Minoriko looks a bit drowsy as well.
>No, you're probably all just feeling the effects of this conflict.
>Except... Yuna hasn't really had as much action as the rest of you. Maybe there IS something fishy going on here.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #91 on: March 02, 2018, 02:35:17 AM »
>Cautiously cast about and see if we can identify anything. Though be ginger while doing so; this is a bad environment to go mentally fishing.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #92 on: March 02, 2018, 10:11:21 PM »
>Cautiously cast about and see if we can identify anything. Though be ginger while doing so; this is a bad environment to go mentally fishing.

>Exercising a great deal of caution, you sent your thoughts out again, trying to pick up some hint that this fatigue you're feeling is some new kind of attack against your group. Your senses are drawn back towards Eirin, against your will. That freezing sense of cold is omnipresent, unavoidable. But you can tell that this isn't right. You recall the sensations you felt from the Avatars of Air and Water, they were nothing like what you're sensing from Eirin. She may or may not be the Avatar of Ice, but that's irrelevant at the moment. That psychic sensation of hers is not right, you can tell. It's stronger than it should be, more dominant than it should be. It may be being amplified by something, but by Semitur or by the fact that she's an Avatar, you're not certain, not at this level of scanning.
>Unless this is some factor inherent to Lunarian humans. You've never mystically probed one before, after all.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #93 on: March 02, 2018, 11:01:02 PM »
>If we think we can do it safely and without alerting her, let's probe just a little more focusedly at whatever it is feels 'not right' about this aura.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #94 on: March 03, 2018, 02:10:28 AM »
>If we think we can do it safely and without alerting her, let's probe just a little more focusedly at whatever it is feels 'not right' about this aura.

>Which 'her'?

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #95 on: March 03, 2018, 02:13:43 AM »

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #96 on: March 03, 2018, 09:22:34 PM »

>It takes all the focus you have, but you probe a bit deeper. There is definitely some amplification going on here. The aura Eirin exudes is being empowered by an external force, but localizing that force will be difficult That omnipresent sense of being watched, the sounds of screaming in your mind, the increasing sense of fatigue weighing you down, working your senses through the energy all around you... it's all too much. You're only human, confronting a demon that's the stuff of nightmares. And what if Fire loses control again while you're in here? What if Flandre proves too much for your friends outside? It's all too much for one person to handle. Too much pressure, too much responsibility.
>The soul-numbing chill deepens as it settles even more firmly upon you. How can she be so cold? How can she function like that? Doesn't she know what it's doing to you, maybe even to everyone around you?

>And then something else touches your mind. You feel a cold hand lightly touch your psyche. But it is not the same debilitating chill Eirin is giving off. In fact, that touch- No, that caress, stems the confusion that had been starting to run roughshod over your mind. You still feel fatigue, but you're now certain it was someone else's doing. It is like a cool hand passing over your fevered brow. And it feels familiar. Without even needing to check, you know it to be the touch of the Champion of Ice.
>This draws so much of your attention that it is only peripherally that you notice the sounds of blaster fire around you.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #97 on: March 03, 2018, 10:30:49 PM »
>That's something we need to more than peripherally notice! Quick, what's going on? Shield...whoever is being shot at? Us?
>And if the shooters seem affected by Semitur's power again, let's give them another Amber Lotus
>Then try to take stock of the situation

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #98 on: March 04, 2018, 04:19:19 PM »
>That's something we need to more than peripherally notice! Quick, what's going on? Shield...whoever is being shot at? Us?
>And if the shooters seem affected by Semitur's power again, let's give them another Amber Lotus
>Then try to take stock of the situation

>You've had a lot on your mind.
>Perhaps not unsurprisingly, some of the police officers present have opened fire on you. But Rin has you covered. She is presently standing in front of you, a spinning wheel of energy in front of her, intercepting the stun blasts being loosed at you and your group. "Cut it out!" she is shouting. "We're on your side!"
>"We'll determine that once you're in custody." one of the officers states flatly as he discharges another stun blast into Rin's shield.
>Prudently, the officers present have all taken cover behind chairs, pillars, suitable cover for evading hostile fire. They're not so foolish as to stand out in the open and let you blast them all with a single shot. Or perhaps Semitur, if she is the one responsible for this, has learned from that mistake.
>Needless to say, the shooting has had a rather dramatic effect on the crowd. People that had been sitting, watching the fighting outside, are now running the other way. Other officers and medical personnel are helping move the wounded farther into the airport, away from the shooting. All but two of the medical personnel are focused solely on that. Two of them, you note, are keeping an eye on you. A very handsome man with well-coifed black hair and a faint sneer on his face is keeping a very close eye on you and your group. The other one, only watching you out of the corner of her eye, is Eirin.
>As for your group, Minoriko and Yuna are standing behind Rin's shield, while Kiku has moved apart from your group, moving to your west.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #99 on: March 04, 2018, 06:39:43 PM »
>That man... couldn't be Semitur in disguise, could it? We don't happen to see a hunk of amethyst on their person do we? Or anything else that might be identifying/suspicious (other than just their behavior)?

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #100 on: March 04, 2018, 08:49:11 PM »
>That man... couldn't be Semitur in disguise, could it? We don't happen to see a hunk of amethyst on their person do we? Or anything else that might be identifying/suspicious (other than just their behavior)?

>There DOES seem to be something a bit off about the man. It isn't until you happen to glance at his left hand that you identify the source of your misgivings. There's a ring on his finger set with a green gemstone. The same kind of stone that Vice wore. The man is Blood, a Blackblood. That's a complication you don't need. Razorclaw said that all the Blood were supposed to stay away from Semitur, to let you and mikos handle her.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #101 on: March 04, 2018, 09:15:31 PM »
>That man over there [in the appropriate direction] is a Blackblood.
>We've curved our beams in past and we can see where the police shooting at us are hiding. Let's snake a couple Amber Lotuses around the pillars and chairs at them.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #102 on: March 04, 2018, 11:07:06 PM »
>We've curved our beams in past and we can see where the police shooting at us are hiding. Let's snake a couple Amber Lotuses around the pillars and chairs at them.

>You can presently account for five officers in various locations arrayed against you. Do you wish to attempt to strike them all at once?

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #103 on: March 04, 2018, 11:10:10 PM »
>If that isn't too hard, sure. But if that's going to take too much concentration, it's perfectly fine to strike them in sequence. We don't want to just blanket the whole area.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #104 on: March 05, 2018, 04:46:59 AM »
>That man over there [in the appropriate direction] is a Blackblood.

>That doctor? asks Minoriko. How can you tell?
>There's not supposed to be any Blackbloods here. Rin protests.

>If that isn't too hard, sure. But if that's going to take too much concentration, it's perfectly fine to strike them in sequence. We don't want to just blanket the whole area.

>With Rin protecting you, you have the time and the focus you need. The exertion of bending about a half dozen Amber beams will be more efficient in the long run than having a protracted battle with the cops.
>To their credit, the visible officers all duck behind their chosen covers very quickly when you discharge your Amber beams. They have no way of knowing it won't do them any good, and they are all likely caught by surprise as you curve your energy in the air, over chairs, around pillars, all to strike unerringly at your targets. You know they wear armored vests, but that does them no good against your attacks, and you hear the expected clattering of blasters hitting the floor from the area of your targets.
>What you don't expect is the silence that falls over the crowd. The running and the yelling stops as, slowly, each and every one of the gathered civilians that you can see stops to look at your group. And they do not look happy.
>Correction. All but two. Eirin and the Blackblood doctor do not look unhappy. The look on Eirin's face is indecipherable, while the male doctor, though still sneering faintly, seems slightly confused about something.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #105 on: March 05, 2018, 04:51:06 AM »
>'Unhappy' in the way that a civilian might be if they'd just seen an unknown party take down a bunch of cops or 'unhappy' in a way that suggests they've also been mind-controlled to attack us?
>There isn't, but look at the ring on his hand. I can sense it.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #106 on: March 05, 2018, 07:55:49 PM »
>'Unhappy' in the way that a civilian might be if they'd just seen an unknown party take down a bunch of cops or 'unhappy' in a way that suggests they've also been mind-controlled to attack us?
>There isn't, but look at the ring on his hand. I can sense it.

>For the crowd, you're not certain. Both, probably. But they're not attacking YET, so that's something.
>As for the Blood, that's even more difficult to tell. But if he has been mind controlled to attack you, he doesn't show any overt signs of it yet. He doesn't seem as angry as the other civilians, and more importantly, he isn't powering up his Jewels yet. The fact that you can sense it at all is slightly confusing. He must be using it, but you can't tell what for, the sensation is very muttered. Whatever he's doing with it, he isn't aiming it at you. Yet.
>Of course, the way this day's gone, that's probably only a matter of time.
>Doesn't that mean it's active? White Rose asks. I mean, normally we can't pick up those things unless someone's using them, right?
« Last Edit: March 06, 2018, 01:09:13 AM by Oldmansour »

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #107 on: March 06, 2018, 01:10:54 AM »
>That's normally true, though I can't tell what it's being used for. There's so much... psychic noise here.
>I don't suppose any of you have picked up something we could use to track Semitur?

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #108 on: March 06, 2018, 01:14:38 AM »
>That's normally true, though I can't tell what it's being used for. There's so much... psychic noise here.
>I don't suppose any of you have picked up something we could use to track Semitur?

>Are you okay? Rin asks worriedly.
>Yes. says Kiku. I think.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #109 on: March 06, 2018, 01:44:24 AM »

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #110 on: March 06, 2018, 02:26:37 AM »

>This way. Kiku's snout is pointing towards the northwest of the admission room. There's a lot of bodies in that direction, and none of the exposed faces you see line up with the description Razorclaw gave you.
>Why should they? Nothing 's been easy. Even that new spell you developed won't last forever. Every minute you're in here flailing around looking for Semitur is another minute the soulless have to free themselves, for Flandre to beat on Reisen and the others, for the Fire Champion to grow more and more unstable. What'll happen if that one turns against you like everything else has at this airport?

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #111 on: March 06, 2018, 03:11:39 AM »
>We will deal with new complications if they happen. In the meantime, try to stay focused on our immediate goal.
>Lead on.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #112 on: March 07, 2018, 09:43:49 PM »
>We will deal with new complications if they happen. In the meantime, try to stay focused on our immediate goal.
>Lead on.

>When they happen. There's no question or doubt of that. That's all that's happened since you became the magical hero you are. Just look at what's happened so far today.
>Or to put it another way, look at what's happened since the Champions showed up. Just about everything that's happened to you since then has been their fault. Even this today is only happening because of the Fire Champion. It was because their Avatar was on that plane that everything's gone wrong. And they they are, hovering up there, and you're down here just waiting for something else to go wrong.
>And the first thing that goes wrong is that more than a few of the civilian crowd that had been retreating from the shooting are now moving in the opposite direction, moving towards you and to cut you off as you follow the trail of the feline-form Kiku.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #113 on: March 07, 2018, 10:10:38 PM »
>Keep an eye on them, but otherwise leave them be unless they take openly hostile action

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #114 on: March 09, 2018, 10:14:53 PM »
>Keep an eye on them, but otherwise leave them be unless they take openly hostile action

>Leaving them be is not going to be an easy task. Though there are a handful of individuals heading away from your group, mostly medical personnel transporting wounded and adults moving younger people away, everyone you can see if moving towards your group.
>"I don't like the looks of this." White Rose mutters.
>"Semitur couldn't have done something to ALL of them, could she?" Carnation asks quietly.
>"I wouldn't put it past her." says Yuna.

>Kiku growls audibly and mentally as more and more people move to stand in front of her. I have lost the scent. he spits out, plainly irritated.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #115 on: March 09, 2018, 10:31:53 PM »
>About how many people seem like they're deliberately obstructing us versus just doing their own thing and milling about, as crowds do?
>Would it help if there weren't so many people in our way?

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #116 on: March 09, 2018, 10:58:39 PM »
>About how many people seem like they're deliberately obstructing us versus just doing their own thing and milling about, as crowds do?
>Would it help if there weren't so many people in our way?

>The impression you get from these folks is that there isn't a greadt deal of 'milling' going on. There are more than a dozen people of various races and from various walks of life standing in front of you, and just as many or more on your right side and behind you. It won't be long before you're completely encircled.
>I don't think so. The scent simply disappeared rather than was lost among other people. I suspect she knew I could track her and has now hidden her scent.
>But if she doesn't smell at all, you could still find her that way? asks Rin.
>Someone as good as Semitur is at hiding herself won't be that careless.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #117 on: March 10, 2018, 01:59:40 AM »
>Well, we still have a direction, at least?
>Let's keep going that way
>And although it's probably pointless to try this, shooting people who have done nothing more than be inconvenient feels like bad form, so once these people are actually blocking our immediate path: "Stand aside, please."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #118 on: March 10, 2018, 04:18:30 AM »
>Well, we still have a direction, at least?
>Let's keep going that way
>And although it's probably pointless to try this, shooting people who have done nothing more than be inconvenient feels like bad form, so once these people are actually blocking our immediate path: "Stand aside, please."

>Chrysanthemum says, Yes, but nothing else.
>Better than nothing. states White Rose.
>Your group manages to take another four steps before your path is blocked by the angry crowd. Kiku growls menacingly, but this does nothing to drive the assembled people away. And nor does your polite yet firm request. "Or what?" the young blonde man standing near the middle of the group before you replies. "You'll shoot us like you shot our officers?" An angry wave of muttered agreement sweeps through the crowd.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5, Part 3
« Reply #119 on: March 10, 2018, 04:30:12 AM »
>"They were under the effects of powerful mind control. We've done them no harm."
>In fact, shouldn't they already be rousting themselves by now? If so, point that out.