Author Topic: Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta 2017: For Gilgamesh, it is Morphing !Time  (Read 35050 times)


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
  • each pound of which weighs over 10,000 pounds
Okay... at least on the bright side, I didn't get suckier job like Beastmaster, or Bard

Bard is actually an absolute powerhouse!  They can't do much attacking on their own but the !Sing command is bonkers.  Do not underestimate them or fret if you roll one!

I can't speak from experience, but I know some folk refer to it as BESTmaster.  It's a little fiddly to get started with, but there's so much potential.

Also, any of the bonus classes are not eligible for FJF since some people play on the SNES/PSX version so no worries on getting one of those.


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Just ran the Karnak 500 last night. It's kinda surprising how little gets done with a pack of normies, but at least I got all the good treasures and a couple elixers to boot. Tonight I get to use Banish on Byblos. 1HKO'ing bosses is going to be silly this year especially with time mage starting up once I get to Ronka.
Well, my first run this year, in Classic Mode provided me with white and black mage and two knights, and that went over relatively well;
Really so far as classic goes that's probably one of the best parties.
Okay... at least on the bright side, I didn't get suckier job like Beastmaster, or Bard,
STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM. Also for as much as I rag on blue mage for being a massive pile of work that is nerfed by magic accuracy existing, they still act as the Swiss army knife of the FF5 classes. This is especially true if you find some way to confuse opponents. It may be a hassle, but you will probably get White Wind and then have that as your healing spell. Also stock up on rods and bust those for damage.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16

The Greatest Dog

  • Grazing at Mach 10
  • 90 Frames per Second GO!
Re: Bestmaster

Very few characters can put out 9999 against all pieces of the final boss in one strike (via Breath Wing) without the help of Bard or intense level grinding.

!Control also works in like every random encounter don't diss it until you try.


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Re: Bestmaster

Very few characters can put out 9999 against all pieces of the final boss in one strike (via Breath Wing) without the help of Bard or intense level grinding.

!Control also works in like every random encounter don't diss it until you try.
Capturing critters is a PAINFUL process but works. Sure I'd prefer to straight up nuke bosses and stuff but at least it provides some sort of powerful attack to be used.

!Control was always the deal maker for me. It completely removes the strongest opponent during a trash mob fight and lets you hurl it at all the other enemies. Stick !Control on two teammates and go to town on dragons and other baddies with no risk of your eyebrows getting singed. The success rate is dubious but comes through often enough to make it effective. Also the success rate nearly doubles when you get a certain equip. It also gets you every last blue spell early and without issues.

So sure, BESTmaster is a chore for big boss fights but for everything else its probably more potent than a lot of classes.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Speeeeeeeeaking of Blue Magic, what about Healing or Buffing Blue Magic ? You need to get hit for those, yet i doubt the enemy will be as generous as to hit you with one, what do i do in that case ?


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Speeeeeeeeaking of Blue Magic, what about Healing or Buffing Blue Magic ? You need to get hit for those, yet i doubt the enemy will be as generous as to hit you with one, what do i do in that case ?
The BEST method is the aforementioned !Control using a beastmaster. It grants access to all skills used by an enemy and will freely allow you to choose to expose your team to blue mage spells, including healing and buffs. Failing that, you can use any ability that confuses your enemy, which will result in them using good magic on you. Failing THAT, you can use the dancing dagger, which has a chance to confuse upon attacking with it and... the wonder rod? I forget about the wonder rod bit but all the other stuff should work. That's how you get white wind and big guard.

Also seriously check out a guide or walkthrough. Blue mage almost starts the game with Flash which you can get from the gravestone baddies in the Hiryu moutain place but the game sure doesn't like telling you about it. Or which spells are blue mage spells. Or what their effects or accuracy or potential uses are.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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  • Harbingers, yo.
So with ye ol' Team 750, I've gotten White Mage, Summoner, and Bard. Thiiiis I think is Triple Crown-worthy for a change? Doesn't exactly matter if I get Dancer or Chemist, I think this'll work out well.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Also seriously check out a guide or walkthrough. Blue mage almost starts the game with Flash which you can get from the gravestone baddies in the Hiryu moutain place but the game sure doesn't like telling you about it. Or which spells are blue mage spells. Or what their effects or accuracy or potential uses are.

Did you really think i would let:

>Not enough MP !

Go by without any tinkering ?! :V

Don't worry, i got it (and Aero from Magissa, because i knew SOME Blue Magic was there with an boss literally called Sorceress), but yeah, i will check an list of existing Blue Spells for FFV, but that will be it.


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    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Triple Crown acquired.

NED double Almagest'ed right before Krile pounded his last face in.

Started another Chaos run, got MK Wind and Samurai Water.  Should be fun!

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Finally was able to use Gilgabot, and...

Mystic Knight, well, that sure isn't familiar.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Fire Crystal gave me... Bard.

Uh... well... time to learn how 2 bard. :V

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Yeaaah, I shouldn't have bash certain jobs without knowing their strength. My mistake. I should use Red Mage as an example for crappy job. Sure the ability to cast black and white magic at once is nice, but they're only able to cast up to -ra level of spells. Dualcast may be incredibly useful, but dual -ra spells is no match for -ga spells. And besides, due to FJF job restriction...

Okay, I admit Bard is powerful. In a certain Touhou RPGMaker RPG game, there's a character whose Bard ability let me steamroll my opposition with her buffs. Too bad she's a Guest character.

I think you need to, like, reduce enemy's HP to 1/16, I think, to Capture it? I ended up Graviga-ing that creature repeatedly to capture it. Not a pleasant experience.
I'm starting to realize the power of Blue Mage. On top of having Aero spells, they can use swords and medium armor. But still though, how am I gonna get support type spells form enemies? Confusing it? Well, it really is not a pleasant experience doing it in GoShit since enemies would very much prefer committing seppuku. There's a reason why I hate Satori very much in THAT game.

So, Liquid Flame. That thing is so hard that I think its the first boss ever to gives a major trouble to players. On top of having boat load of HP, it has very powerful attacks like Blaze (80 damage to all), and Fira (270 damage), and 3 forms, each with a different gimmicks and counters. Oh yeah, it counters every attacks you made. Since I don't have access to Blizzara, I pretty much have to resort to breaking Rods to kill it else it will outdamage my Potions. Even then, it still has a chance of just plain shrugging my magic. Geez man. It took me like, 3 tries to kill it. Thank goodness for Save States. I would like to express my gratitude to The ⑨th Zentillion for the strategy against that thing.

After that, we have an escape sequence. You have 10 minute to get out of dodge while collecting all the treasure if you can. But almost all the treasure contains enemies that likes to waste your time. During this section, the timer won't freeze no matter what. Pausing the game don't even freeze the timer (Yet, resting in Tent DOES). I learned this the hard way when I was little. Of course not everyone have a free time. That time, I was called by my parent to do some chore. So I paused the game and leave it. When I returned, there's no more castle and 4 heroes. Back to title screen. Fortunately, I was beginning my escape that time so I did not lose much progress. Now, I gotta ask this question: Why would Square Enix put this feature in a handheld game that is designed to be pick up and played with ease?

Anyway, for my third job, I got... Mystic Knight. Nice, I got a decent replacement for Black Mage. Mystic Knight can use Spellblade to infuse Black Mage's spell to their sword. How about if I infuse my blade with Flare?

EDIT: I think the boss in the Castle use Death Claw which Blue Mage can learn. I didn't know that because I kill the boss way too fast (I got out with 30 seconds to spare).
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 12:55:13 PM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Uh... i just got beat the shit out by some gray squirrel, and i can't breach his defense, looks like i gotta give up the Brave Blade. :<


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
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  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
FJF is less about charging through with an optimized party than it is completing a game project with a limited and varied toolset that you don't fully know about when you start. I mean, I'd really like to get a mystic knight/summoner/white mage/chemist/bard/your-favorite-class-here and coast through everything but the odds of getting a party with your ideal make up are moot point. It's best to hold on and hope for classes that cover a lot of bases and make use of those. Beastmasters do a great job of this because they can save up on big massive attack for bosses while cheesing through standard enemy encounters. They're always busy and doing something positive. Thief, monk, dancer, dragoon, and geomancer always feel far less valuable because they typically just spit out a bit of damage every so often. They don't have much in the way of reliable tricks and thus don't give you the tool you need to hurdle over tough spots. Sure, summoner winds up being the press-to-win button, but the odds of scoring one are small. Getting a party with a bit of synergy and a lot of tools is far more realistic and important, and beastmaster does a legit job of doing just that.

As for mystic knight, elemental -ga spells are one hit kills on enemies weak to that element. Also break blade works on nearly every trash mob and I think every boss that doesn't have the heavy designation. Flare blade does more damage but isn't as outstanding as it sounds. If you accidentally hit an enemy with a blade spell that doesn't work well, they miss, but you can swap to another blade spell any time. MK's are always useful though.
Uh... i just got beat the shit out by some gray squirrel, and i can't breach his defense, looks like i gotta give up the Brave Blade. :<
The brave blade can only be used by the knight class and is almost never chosen over the chicken knife. The brave blade starts out as powerful and decreases each time you run, while the chicken knife increases in power each time you run and never loses it once attained. The chicken knife also factors in an agility bonus, making it more powerful at its best even when the brave blade is in peak condition. Also, blue mage can get around the chance of running away so long as you use it in conjunction with goblin punch from the goblins at the very start of the game.

Also pretty sure you're in an optional dungeon at the moment. :V
« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 12:40:21 PM by Reddyne »

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Also pretty sure you're in an optional dungeon at the moment. :V

Well i can't just NOT explore it, must search every place ! Talk to all the NPCs !

Also Sandworm was a pushover, died in one hit , praise the power of Blue Mage.

Now i gotta find a way to kill this Prototype thingy, it's as tough as Skull Eater and apparently  has 5k HP, so i will be there for a while. :V

Spotty Len

  • The Spottiest Len Around
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  • Yuuka Master Race
And now, here's the full team.

Considering I got 3 Magic classes, Lancet will be useful, I guess.

Anima Zero

  • Captain of the Spear
Finished up my first fjf run a couple days ago.  Didn't think Omega would be possible with my team (Thief/Mystic Knight/Ninja/Dancer) so I didn't bother to seriously attempt him (Maybe it's possible, dunno), but I did bag them a Shinryu kill.  Who needs image or berserk when you can just bash your face against the boss multiple times until the cards fall right for you?

Currently on my second run which is a Pure Chaos + Fifth Job run.  Classes so far are Summoner/White Mage/Thief/Samurai.  Stinks that Samurai was the job chosen for earth (Gil Toss shenanigans!), but still, that should make the four crystal guardians much easier to handle.  Currently in the Barrier Tower where I'm gonna farm out my four Reflect Rings before going on.
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Aaaaaand Prototype is dead... x4. :v

??? Was MVP, who needs sick spells when you have Fixed Damage !

(Sadly no screenshot for now because bad internets.)


  • Exposition Patchouli
  • Seeker of Truth
Finished up my first fjf run a couple days ago.  Didn't think Omega would be possible with my team (Thief/Mystic Knight/Ninja/Dancer) so I didn't bother to seriously attempt him (Maybe it's possible, dunno), but I did bag them a Shinryu kill.  Who needs image or berserk when you can just bash your face against the boss multiple times until the cards fall right for you?

Currently on my second run which is a Pure Chaos + Fifth Job run.  Classes so far are Summoner/White Mage/Thief/Samurai.  Stinks that Samurai was the job chosen for earth (Gil Toss shenanigans!), but still, that should make the four crystal guardians much easier to handle.  Currently in the Barrier Tower where I'm gonna farm out my four Reflect Rings before going on.

Well, as we know from fighting him in regular games, (M-Knight/Ninja + Ninja/M-Knight) x 3 turns = win via Thundaga Sword.  Of course, since you don't have stop access, counterattacks are nasty and Encircle annihilates your damage.  It's really just another case of beating your head against it till the dice roll in your favor.  The other two would mostly be tossing elixirs around, I'd think.
Life and death are without purpose.  Our attempts to give them one are quite presumptuous of us.  But in the end, we exist, and that is enough.

Current status: Dissuading deliberately choking for imagined fame.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
So last job is Dragoon ! Well, this looks pretty good !

Although, i don't think i can get Mighty Guard, i have no access to control or reflect, ugh.


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
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  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.

Third year I've done this and I haven't gotten sick of it yet.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16

The ⑨th Zentillion

  • The impeaches were delicious...
  • Now hungry for conviction!
    • Zentillion's Tumblr
Although, i don't think i can get Mighty Guard, i have no access to control or reflect, ugh.

Confuse (dancong dagger or alluring air) works perfectly fine on Stingray, no worries. Now getting to encounter it and then killing it after it casts it on you on the other hand...
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.


  • Touhou, Rhythm Game, JRPG fan
lol I've never posted here again, because all my activities in the fiesta goes to the Discord server.

Anyways, this year's run is very kind to me. This is the first time ever I can beat Omega.

1st Run: Random Risk: Black Mage, Berserker, Thief, Time Mage

Victory pictures

2nd Run: Popular Fifth Job: Mystic Knight, Mystic Knight, Ninja, (Black Mage), Summoner

Victory pictures

3rd Run: Chaos Fifth Job: Geomancer, Ninja, Chemist, (Blue Mage), ??? (Ongoing)

I kinda lament that blue mage roll


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Why ? I'm loving Blue Mage, it is so versatile.


  • Touhou, Rhythm Game, JRPG fan
Why ? I'm loving Blue Mage, it is so versatile.

Because I'll lose it due to fifth job.

if it weren't for the fifth job I would cherish it.


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
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  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
Does anyone remember off-hand if the Quick+venom rod trick works on both Omega and Shinryu for the GBA version? If so, I may just sleepwalk though triple crowning this year.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16

The Greatest Dog

  • Grazing at Mach 10
  • 90 Frames per Second GO!
I've definitely done it with Omega. Though, I think Omega starts with permanent Reflect, so you'll need to set up Wonder Rod to bounce Bio off yourself, if I recall correctly?


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
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  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
I've definitely done it with Omega. Though, I think Omega starts with permanent Reflect, so you'll need to set up Wonder Rod to bounce Bio off yourself, if I recall correctly?
Hell, I'll just slap on a reflect ring and go to town! A couple years ago I forged ahead through boss after boss using legit methods but this year its time to bring the CHEESE WOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo000000!!!!

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
I wonder if I can subtitute Bio with Bio Spellblade for that? I think Omega is dodgy as heck, I think I need to get lucky. Shinryu on the other hand...

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Hell, I'll just slap on a reflect ring and go to town! A couple years ago I forged ahead through boss after boss using legit methods but this year its time to bring the CHEESE WOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo000000!!!!

Some of yalls might recall my war with Omega last year. I certainly do.

As such, I heartily endorse this method, if only for the sake of revenge.