Author Topic: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)  (Read 46077 times)

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2009, 08:31:12 AM »
A couple minutes after Trei Noir beamed up a whole lotta dudes

"Hey," says Kisume, as she disengages Bucket Force from one of the remaining platoons. "I think the Martians are starting to run away!"

"You would be right," says Shizuha, "It seems their forces are falling back as a whole. Whether they are just regrouping or retreating as a whole, remains to be seen. But we do have other problems."

"There's earthies and moonies out there," says Rumia, frowning, "I can see 'em."

"It seems that there's been been an evacuation order for Avalon, as well," says Shizuha, also frowning. "Kisume, I think this battle has been mostly lost."

Kisume growls, gripping the control yoke strongly enough to drive all the color from her hands. "Like hell it has. Did we come all the way out here just to let all the bloodshed continue? We can't just back down!"

"It seems the Terrans and Lunarians are fighting each other, as well." Shizuha notes. "We could turn that to our advantage. If nothing else, they'll distract each other while people get away."

"That's not much better," says Kisume. "You've not seen what their worlds are like, Shizuha, okay? I have. I've seen it! I've lived among the most hated youkai outside of Makai, and the things I saw made me sick to my stomach!"

"Go on," says Shizuha. Rumia nods as well, looking away from her her controls to look at Kisume.

"If it's Terrans and Lunarians fighting, there's not going to be any mercy, alright? Whoever the capture, I don't even want to think about what would happen to them! They don't deserve that, alright?"

"Even though those victims would happily victimize the same way if given the chance?" asks Shizuha.

Kisume fixes a hard look on Shizuha for a moment, before jerking her head back over to the visual scans. "The hell you saying that for? That's what they used to say about us in the Ancient City, you know! And that's what people would say about Grouch, too! I don't even want to hear it! If that's the way you want to be thinking, just get the hell out of this machine right now!"

"That is not what I meant," says Shizuha. "I just needed to know where your heart is. It is important for a deity, you must understand."

"Right, we're going then?" asks Kisume.

"It isn't right for one such as I to make that decision," says Shizuha. "I don't have a life to risk in the same way that you do."

Kisume nods. "Rumia?"

"Why'd you think I came?" Rumia says, "Not because I like Yukari that much!"

"Good, thanks," says Kisume, as she shifts the mecha into Crow Force. "Red, let the others know what we're doing."

"Of course," Shizuha opens a general comms to the Gensokyoan forces, as Crow Force zooms toward the battle. "This is Red with Bucket Force. The Martians are retreating, but the Terrans and Lunarians are here and spilling too much blood for our tastes, so we're going to go route them as well. If someone would be nice enough to back us up, we'd really appreciate it. It might go toward keeping Avalon intact. Over~"


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #31 on: September 05, 2009, 03:00:23 PM »
Target Locale: Avalon Colony Airspace

Rem was able to get the message from the Crow Force mentioning their intent to decidedly rout, or at least dissuade the Lunarian and Terran forces from continuing their assault on Avalon and against each other. Rem smiled as he thought to himself Now is my opportunity to get back at those bastards who left my ass, and my pals' asses out there for dead. They will not leave unscathed! Actually, it wasn't even clear if the message the Bucket Force issued was going to be for them as well as the other Nachtmare pilots, but it appeared that Shingyoku did something to snitch the message, as she was constantly giggling.

"Let's get this show on the road!"

Sariel relished control of the Ophelia back to Rem as he started to shift back into invisibility and rest the Sturmfraulein for the meantime, instead opting to use his deadly piledriver, which he would skilfully and swiftly slam into the neck areas of specific Terran mechs, causing them to malfunction and get destroyed. Speaking of, Rem earlier managed to fell a Lunarian mech, but something about that Lunarian mech turned Rem off a little. That thing... It seemed a little bit familiar. The movements are quick, very quick, just like that one... he thought. It seemed too easy to take down though, so I doubt it was him... Or was it? I don't know. All I do know is that he is an adversary and if he is to take me down in combat, I won't forgive myself. Or die trying.

Rem sighed. "Hey, Sariel. I think it might be best for us to co-ordinate with the others for the meantime."

"What's with the change of heart?" Sariel said.

"I... have some scores to settle."

"I... see. I'll patch them up then." Sariel continued, allowing Rem to gain communications to the Crow Force.

Rem sounded a lot less cold and a lot more excited. "Hey, this is Nymph calling to Red. Sorry about my little display earlier, but I feel that if you plan to rout those Terran and Lunar bastards, you should let me lend you guys a hand. I can assist in taking down key specific mechs and disabling for your own uses. Just let me know what to do. Over!"

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #32 on: September 05, 2009, 08:28:16 PM »
Avalon, Martian High Orbit, After Anthony rips open his cockpit.

A Terran frame hit the ground as Forte charged up the Bunkerbuster again. This new machine was a rather nice change. The controls worked well with him, much like the Garunda, but better. It was as if it was made for him.

Unbeknownst to Forte and Marisa, there was a definite connection between the two as the Twilight Moon moved gracefully through the enemy frames; well, as gracefully as a machine can. This would have a rather grave consequence later on...

"Carrier Dao Sutai to Full Moon, come in!" It was the reinforcement fleet.

"Go ahead, Dao Sutai."

"We're here to take you home. The rest of your squardon is safe in the hangar bays."

"Sorry, but I'm a little caught up in something right now!"

"Understood, we are dispatching New Moon to assist you."


LC Carrier Dao Sutai, Hangar Bays, end of the transmission.

"All systems are go. New Moon, you are clear for launch."

Aria took a deep breath in and readied herself for battle. "Roger that, Dao Sutai. New Moon, launching!" The thrusters shone with an eerie blue light as the Dancing Whirlwind darted towards the Avalon. Throughout the Martian and Terran fleet, warning lights and panic rang through both fleets as the infamous "New Moon" approached. The comms system flooded with paniced talks of the Angelic Circ Saw coming. One abitious pilot flew in front of Aria, Bunkerbuster ready.

"I'll stop you, you Lunar butcher!" The pilot roared. That's all he really got the chance to do as a great Plasma beam slashed the Terran frame in two.

"That was too easy." Weaving in and out of enemy fire, the Dancing Whirlwind landed, running a Martian frame through in the meantime. Aria quickly spotted the Garunda's IFF and rushed over to meet him. She would try greeting him in a cute fashion to win him over again this time around...

Avalon, near the Great Mana Core, Aria's arrival.

Alice was explaining to Forte about the situation as he and Marisa fought off enemy frames. As it stood, the Terrans and the Martians were fighting over the ship. The Lunar Corporation, as Forte definitly knew, were simply investigating the occurance. However, to lose a former Ravager pilot would be a big blow to the military, thus a fleet was sent to retrieve Forte. But damn it all, why did they send Aria?

In anycase, the pressing matter was with the Mana Core overload that needed to be prevented. IF the Mana Core overloads, millions would die, something that Forte can't allow to happen. The first thing to do was clear out the MFC occupying the area around the Mana Core, but that would be a little difficult.

"Forte! I finally found you!" The Whirlwind landed as two halves of a Martian Heavy Frame crashed to the ground. Aria was overjoyed at first until she noticed Forte's new ride.
"F-forte? what's going on?"

"Eh? Who's that, an ex-girlfriend, ze?" Marisa asked audibly to Forte. Aria's heart jumped when she heard Marisa's voice on the comms system.

"Forte, who is this?"

"Look, Aria, it's not going to work out. Besides, you came here to get me, right?"

"Yes, but what's with that Frame of yours? What happened?"

"Ah, well, the thing is that the Garunda got combined with her machine, so all we have to do is ju--" FOrte didn't get to finish his sentence as a Plasma Blade grazed the Twilight Moon.

"You bastard...I waited and waited for you to return..."

"Hey, when did I say that?!?"

"I'll free your machine from hers even if I have to rip it apart with the LRPS!" The other 7 Plasma blades shot out and the LRPS began to spin menacingly. Forte pulled the Twilight Moon away as the Dancing Whirlwind suddenly charged.

"Man," Marisa began, "this is one crazy broad, much like another girl I know."

"Hey! Now isn't the time to joke around!" Alice frantically yelled from the comms system. "That Frame has an experimental Plasma weapon! I recommend long-range attacks!"

"Well, We've got a capital-ship's gun by the looks of things, so how much more range do we need?" Marisa activated the Railgun. Forte gripped the controls tightly. Sorry Aria, Forte thought, but I'm only fighting to survive...

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #33 on: September 07, 2009, 01:19:08 AM »
(OOC: So now I'm a Co Sub GM, and I'll be handling this bit)

Literally seconds after getting comms from Trei Noir and Ophelia

With the twenty-seven Terran and twenty-seven Lunar Corp frames savagely tearing into one another, they did not really notice the loan Nachtmare flying at them until it was within a couple hundred yards. By the time that their recon mechs were able to transmit this information, Crow Force had already rained down several indiscriminant volleys of the Fweem Beem upon the long-range units, and was in the process of making a turn for another pass. The pace of the battle slows for a moment, as the recon units do their best to make sense of this turn of events.

"Have you found their eyes yet?" shouts Kisume as she changes Crow Force to the thinner and more manueverable Eel Force; the force of its velocity and the turn whipping the mecha around quickly at the cost of speed. "I'm heading in this time!"

"Still searching," says Shizuha. Rumia makes small noises on the edge of her tongue as she sends barely-aimed attacks at the long-range frames, sounding oddly like drum drum cymbals.

Moments later, Trie Noir fires upon one of the Luna sharpshooters taking aim at Crow Force, a heavier mech with an energy-based rifle. The attack catches it off guard, severely damaging its stabilizing arm; more than enough to send its shot wildly array.

"This is Red," Says Shizuha as she contacts Trei Noir and Ophelia, "Keep the pressure on their reconnaissance units, please, before they can organize against us. If you can do something about the marksmen that would be lovely too. We're going to plunge into the melee a bit, that should detract them from firing at us. Stay mobile, over~"

A couple of lightly built snipers; two Terran and one Lunar Corp, turn their attention toward Trei Noir now, taking aim with what appear to be solid-state rifles.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 01:24:06 AM by Dr. Purjewry M.F.D. »


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #34 on: September 07, 2009, 11:45:39 PM »
Just after Anthony's declaration

"...Team, I'm giving you new orders. The rest of our army is here responding to a terrorist threat, so go aid in evacuating citizens."

[Wait, what?][So, we're a peace corps now?][Guys, let's just go!]

As his team made sense of the new orders, Jan activated the thrusters on his own machine, making his way over to the ship Anthony had pointed out. If Anthony wants to settle things this way, so be it.

Atop the GranShario

Bringing his mech up to the top of the ship, Jan switched off his radio to silence the objections of the other Martians inside. Seeing Anthony standing outside of his mech on the GranShario's hull, Jan opened up his cockpit to do the same.

"...What the hell do you think you're doing? Don't you see that you're attacking your own comrades?!" Jan called out, hoping Anthony would hear him over the sound of the ship and the sounds of combat below. "You're battered and bloody. I can take you home and we'll figure out some way to-"

"The Martian Foundry Corporation is no home to a Warrior of Justice!" Proclaimed Anthony loudly, pointing at Jan. "And I will make sure the world knows of the MFC's evil ways! Starting... With you!"

"Wha- What the hell are you talking abou-' was all Jan managed to say before he was cut off again.

"The Martians have ordered attacks on innocents on this colony! I cannot stand by doing nothing while people who did nothing wrong suffer!"

"We're supposed to be here stopping some terrorist threat! Didn't you pay any attention to the brie-"

"Of course they said that! If Warriors of Justice like you and I knew of the truth, we would never have followed their orders in the first place!"

Jan recalled what he had discussed with his own unit members on thier way to the ship. What if he's right? What if we were all lied to because of some other reason? Ugh, I can't trust anyone's judgment... "...But my own!"

Strengthening his resolve, Jan made his way to Anthony. "We'll see about that soon enough... But I'm not letting you go out there and die for something you don't even know is true!"

"Didn't you hear what I said?! Of course it's all true! Even I must try to make up for it... Even I have to fight harder to ensure that-"

"You don't have to fight anything! We can go back and order an investigation, or do it ourselves, or-"

"There's no time for that! Justice waits for no one, and neither will an empire of evil!"

Gritting his teeth, Jan kept going to Anthony, who was now walking to him as well. "Empire of evil? Don't make me laugh! This isn't some fictional ancient show, Anthony! This is real. Very real! We can't go rushing into everything!"

"Hah! Like you know anything about what's real! Justice is real! Evil is real! And it's our duty to eliminate evil! Even if it means..."

The two were now right in front of each other, with each of their machines right behind them. Looking right into each others' eyes, there was no mistaking it: Each one of them had their own resolve, and neither one was backing down.

"...Means what?" Jan challenged.

"...Even if it means that I have to get through to you, Jan."

Jan instinctively threw his right fist forward, catching Anthony in the abdomen. "You're not getting through me before I get through you!"

Anthony stepped back, but immediately rebounded forward, driving his own right first into Jan's exposed solar plexus. Scoring a direct hit on a very vulnerable spot, Anthony shouted, "I'm a Warrior of Justice! Even if I die, I will-"

Doubled over in pain, Jan sprang forward and hit Anthony's chest with the top if his head. "Stop your grandstanding! You can't die here!"

Instead of being forced back, Anthony answered Jan by pounding down with both of his fists, hitting Jan's shoulder blades. With an audible grunt of effort, Jan managed to stay up, and reared back with an uppercut that caught Anthony in the chin.

Having grit his teeth beforehand, Anthony simply came back with a wide swing of his left arm, but Jan dodged by jumping back. Anthony pressed his attack with a right jab, but Jan caught it in his left palm and answered with his own jab. Anthony caught it as well, so the two friends were locked in.

"I... Will not... CANNOT... Die here." "Then... Stop this absurdity... And come to your senses." "Thing is, Jan, I've already done that." "Right. I'll have to knock it into you then."

"I cannot lose here!"

Simultaneously, the two pilots let go of each others' fists while coming forward at the same time. Bringing in their resolve for the finishing blow, both landed a full punch on their opponent's face. Flying back and spinning, each had their own thoughts."

I... I failed, didn't I? He's not coming home... No. I have to... Ag...
Does he see? Or does he still want to stop me? It doesn't matter...


Maid Xan~

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #35 on: September 08, 2009, 03:41:01 AM »
Orin and I finally reached the hanger bay our ship, the Nox Sophia, was docked in. Dodging the destruction caused by the various mecha involved had been difficult. Frankly, what side they were on was irrelevant. If I'd been caught in the crossfire, I'd have been dead, regardless of whether they were some of the attackers or the defenders.

Of course, the docking bay was full of hostiles. Just my luck. They hadn't boarded my ship, which was good, since Yuyuko and Youmu probably wouldn't have been able to take all of them, judging by their equipment. They appeared to be Terran forces. I wasn't totally suprised, as I'd picked up some of their com chatter, along with some in frequencies used by Martian and Lunarian military radios (the latter of which I knew well), and a few other private signals. Boosting my comlink to pick up that kind of chatter had been one of the first things Orin had done for me after I brought her on board. It was quite interesting what she could do with scrap. She was better with damaged and used parts than she was with new stuff, something that never ceased to amaze me.

I pulled my gun out of its holster with a smooth motion and put a shot into one of the soldiers heads. The others turned to face me, but not fast enough to avoid my second shot. Orin was already firing on the remain ones, but they were activating their shields. I smirked and tapped a button on my comlink, causing one of my ships lasers to begin to glow dangerously. We dived back through the doorway as the weapon fired, taking out all the soldiers in seconds, but also, and to my great annoyance, triggering some sort of alarm system.

"Warning. Heavy weapon fire detected Hanger 1138. The hanger will be locked down until port authorities can investigate."

Like hell I was waiting for that. Orin and I made a dash for the ship as I politely asked Youmu to "Open the goddamned ramp already, let's get out of here before the hanger doors close and make life difficult."

Youmu agreeably lowered the ramp. "Alright, how do our chances of making it through the hanger doors before they close look?" I asked as I made it into the cockpit.

"A little late for that. They're already closed. I suppose we could try concentrating really hard. We might develope psychic powers and and make the ship two dimensional so we can slip through the space between them." Yuyuko snarked.

"Or you could used your magic ghost powers to make the door open. Or we could just, you know, get in the Nachtmare and force the damn thing open. You did prepare it like I asked, right?" I shot back at my spectral co-pilot.

"Yeah, yeah. Isn't the old one more appropriate for that?"

"I'm not getting back in that deathtrap. You know that."

"I seem to remember you loving that thing. What the hell happened?" Orin asked.

"I don't know, nearly getting killed by a faulty fuse blowing up half of the damn things side does that two you."

"Oh yeah, blame the mech. That was combat damage you took, and then you refused to come back aboard to let me repair it."


I remained silent. Now wasn't the time to argue this. But there was no way in hell I was going to get into a mech designed for close combat ever again. I shuddered. Visions of the beam saber stabbing into the mech's side, followed by the explosion that had put Youmu out of comission thrust themselves into my mind.

"Let's get the door open, already. Meanwhile, Youmu, see if you can contact the person who hired us. I want to see how much of the situation we can salvage" Yuyuko and I dashed out towards my newer Nachtmare and hopped into our seats.

As we exited the ship, more red warning lights began flashing

"Warning: Unauthorized Nachtmare detected in a locked down hanger. Port security alerted." Yeah, like they'd be coming in this SNAFU. I walked the thing over to the hanger door and gave it a hard push. The door clearly had not been designed with Nachtmares in mind, as it bent and then tore out of its frame with little effort. I flew out of the Hangar and looked around cautiously. No enemy craft nearby. Good. "Alright, it's safe to move out of there now."

The Nox Sophia lifted off and moved swiftly out of the hangar. It was an old, decommisioned frigate that I'd had to twist a few arms to get, not to mention reduce the weapons loadout quite a bit. I set the Falter down on top of it and gave another scan, using the Nox's scanners to augment my own. Good. Everything was quiet.

"Youmu, any luck?"

"It would help if we knew who hired us. However, I've narrowed it down pretty well. I should be able to tell you soon."

I hoped it would be quick. I didn't give our client good odds of survival if we took very long. But there was nothing else to do but wait. "Yuyuko, did you bring anything to eat?"

"Does the earth have gravity?" she drawled sarcastically, while fishing out a few synthesized meals from under her seat and tossing one over. I nodded thankfully and began eating. I hoped it wouldn't be a long wait.
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.


Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #36 on: September 08, 2009, 06:14:57 AM »
After the Incubus turned to engage the incoming masses, Friendly sent a message to the Noble White: "So you're one of us? As an apology, I shall have my shop repair your mech and give you a part of your choosing for free."

"Free? Really?! Do you sell blue hamburgers?! You see, the green kittens ran off with my broccoli so a blue hamburger might work as a new hat." Trent replied

"For you, I will get this as your new part." He cut the comm channel and opened the intercom.

He then flew out and began taking down the heavy weapons teams and other mechas engaging the transports, making sure to kill the pilots so that there would be as few enemy veterans as possible. This continued until Bucket Force gave its announcement.

"Ah, I see that the transports will be safe without my intervention. Rinnosuke, send me the targeting info for the Terran, Martian, and Lunar commanders and any experimental craft in the area," Friendly said.

"I detect three experimental craft. However, two defected to our side and the last is over by the Avalon's core. Here are the Terran, Martian, and Lunar Commanders. I haven't seen any but the recon teams that can detect stealth. The commanders are in the warships I have indicated."

"The Martians are retreating so they will be disorganized. Medicine we're getting the Martian commander. Then the Lunar Corp. Then Terran. Activate booster."

"Boosters active! They won't know what hit them."
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #37 on: September 08, 2009, 07:38:24 AM »
Target Locale: Avalon Colony Airspace
Objective - Disable reconaissance, destroy anti-stealth units

"Right, reconaissance squads... Hey, those things can see us!" Rem exclaimed as he completely ignored Sariel's dumbfounded reaction. Sariel was opening her mouth to state a retort, but she stopped herself as she knew that deep inside, Rem had his own reasons for his actions. What a snake! Sariel thought. He did it deliberately so that he had an excuse to not get interrupted and wreak havoc on his own! I don't know whether to commend such trickery or to condemn it for being underhanded... But all's fair in war. The Ophelia sped off, still in its phased form, although it could be seen by some specialized jammers coming from the Lunarian enemy squadrons, they were quickly sent to the scrapyard below with deft strikes from the Ophelia's LETS Piledriver, as it sped to and fro, evading enemy fire. "Come on, you savages! Where's your aim?!" Suddenly, the Ophelia let out its Sturmfrauleins and shot at an unknown location.


Locale: Undetermined, somewhere in Avalon Colony Airspace

A dark, heavily armored mecha can be seen. It seems to be some sort of... home-brewn Solar Frame, as it displayed the knowledges of several corporations instead of just one. Whoever was piloting it was also quite an apt engineer, as it seemed to handle surprisingly well for a heavy mech. Suddenly, a volley of energy bullets was showering it. It shrugged them off with ease, but something sparked up as if it were disabled. From within the Frame, there was a woman who smiled as she clearly recognized who was firing at her despite the enemy fire coming from... seemingly nowhere. "Aha... One of my systems was disabled. Not like I need the targeting for my missiles, but... Dear, why are you out here, fighting? My sweet, because of you, my project, I have left my team, and searched for you on my own. I see you have friends. Maybe I should join in the party, no?" the lady spoke to herself as she sped off in the Solar Frame and entered the fray.

The black, armored mecha suddenly entered the vicinity and let out a salvo of missiles from its back, damaging everyone who was nearby - Terran, Martian and Lunar alike, there was no discrimination. It seemed as if this mad woman was her own side, she seemed fixated on only one thing. Rem quickly pulled the Ophelia back and evaded several missiles flying towards it. He sighed with relief, and then there was a communications coming from an unknown source. "Huh?! How did someone get our IFS...?! Get them on, quick!" Rem said. It was the woman in the black mech.

"I knew it was you who fired, my sweet."

"...What?! Who are you?!"

"Don't you remember me? I worked on you. I'm the reason you're like this. I heard what happened to you, you poor thing. Don't let these... trifling matters get you. Let me take you... And keep you."

"Get away from me! Let me do my job!"

"You're doing this for information, no? I have what you want, Remmy."

"Get out of my head!"

"Oh, but of course."

"I refuse to go with you! Leave me alone!"

"If you won't co-operate, I'll make you go with me! Heehee."


The communications link was suddenly severed as Rem cursed to himself. He quickly phased into invisibility and quickly sensed the black mech nearby, Rem could feel an amazing energy within it, it was like the energy from his Nachtmare, but... Less paranormal and more... earthly. "What is that energy? Oh, damnit! It's heading straight for me!" Rem quickly yelled as he maneuvered away from the black mech's big bulk, and quickly sent an emergency link to the Bucket Force. "Red, this is Nymph! I have to pull back for a while, I have an enemy Solar Frame pursuing me and attempting to take me down! Ignore me and continue with the enemy forces, I'll return once I shake this crazy lady off my tail! Over!"

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2009, 10:48:49 AM »
Neo Flying Iron Fortress MazinGetter! Episode 5 [The Rise of the Flying Iron Fortress!]

During the Fist Fight between Jan and Anthony on the GranShario

A stray Nightmare was flying in the Avaion area, fighting against stray enemy mecha, it was piloted by two girls, Letty and Orange, it was taking heavy damage while fighting, a figure popped up on one of the monitors "Dammit you two I told you that this nightmare was still in work!" Yelled out the annoyed Konnagara, "Especially you Orange, since you were the one building it"

The words of Konnagara fell on deaf ears as Orange quickly turned off that monitor and focused on piloting.

"Orange, I think we should retreat, the nightmare isn't holding up too well, and the Mana core is acting a bit off." spoke Letty, getting more worried by the second which then Orange made the nightmare smash a stray solar frame in the face with a well placed punch, sending it flying. "ALL HAIL GENSOKYO!!!" yelled out Orange, too focused on the fighting, which this was the last straw, for as soon as those words were said, Letty went over and tried to pull Orange from the controls

"Dammit Orange this is no time for your extreme loyalty, if you keep this up we're gonna die!" Screamed out Letty, who was then knocked off balance from enemy fire hitting the nightmare,

"I will show here that Gensokyo is the superior group, now shup up and do your job" Yelled out Orange, who then returned to the controls, Letty was annoyed at Orange's anticts already, but she knew that if she didn't do their job, they would be screwed, even if Orange's piloting is gonna screw them over anyways. They were continuing to fight, but it was a losing battle, for a group of terran solar frames surrounded the nightmare, with no visible openings. Each of the solar frames raised their weapons at the nightmare, it looked hopeless, which then in a supr of the moment attack, Orange rammed into one of the solar frames, the other ones started to open fire, causing heavy damage to the nightmare, but surprisingly, it got out of the ring of surrounding Solar frames, but a bit after getting out, alarms started sounding off and lights started to flicker.

"W-What the hell is happening Letty?"

"We took too much damage, we're gonna have to make a crash landing" said Letty, as with those words, the two braced themselves as the nightmare started to go into free fall, which ended up crashing into the ground inside of the avalon, around the area under the GranShario, what became of them? They ended up surviving, the Nightmare, not so much, it was pretty much scrap metal now, but the mana core was at least in one piece, Orange was decently battered and was now passed out, while Letty was slightly injured, and keeping an eye on the mana core,

"Wait, that's what was acting weird with the core, the one it is ment for, is near" muttered Letty, who then sat next to the core, waiting for the one that the core was reacting to.

On top of the GranShairo, returning to the fight on top of it

Does he see? Or does he still want to stop me? It doesn't matter...
"I CAN'T GIVE UP NOW JAN" Yelled out Anthony, who then up righted himself back onto his feel, somehow still able to stand, he pointed into the sky and yelled out to the heavens "You may not be able to understand now Jan, but I must go on, I can't stop, I need to defeat that evil right here and now!"

As soon as those words were muttered, the Ship Anthony and Jan were on started to make a weird noise, the sound of electricity was crackling, the sound of gears turning, and the sound of metal scraping on metal filled the air, then it was visible, the GranShario's greatest weapon, it's Wave Motion Gun, and it was aiming towards the palace, and charging.

"Dammit, I can't let them fire that!" Yelled out Anthony as he rushed as fast as he could towards the Proto-MazinGetter, hopping into the cockpit, closing the door, but it would not fully seal due to the previous way of opening it. Anthony thought he could hear the yells of Jan, but shrugged it off and started up the Proto-MazinGetter.

"Now how the hell do I stop that thing from firing?" questioned Anthony, looking over the remaining monitors, not seeing anything that could regularly stop it, hope seemed lost, but Anthony wouldn't stop looking for an answer, he continued to go through the system, at least what remained of it, only one thing apparently would work, the BR-Z Thermal Chest laser, which would have cut through the large weapon of the GranShario, but then the BR-Z was broken from the last firing of it.

"Dammit, just, God dammit!" Yelled out Anthony, smashing his fists onto the console, and he accidentally hit one of the buttons on it, it was the one for the BR-Z, he didn't expect anything to happen, but then that expectation was wrong, one of the monitors showed a diagram of the Proto-MazinGetter, with the BR-Z charging up, there was a warning message under it though


"Well, if that's the only way to use it...THEN SO BE IT!" cried out Anthony, who then smashed the fire button with his fists, causing the BR-Z to fire, which ended up very odd, the usually laser that would fire out, just started to creep out of the chest, covering the Proto-MazinGetter in an aura like the BR-Z's laser, the temperature of the mecha was increasing rapidly, it was especially getting to Anthony, who was practically burning up.

"Divert all power to the boosters and the BR-Z!" Yelled out Anthony, who then he followed up by shifting the power levels, causing only the boosters and the BR-Z to be active, Anthony then flew the Proto-MazinGetter into the air, right above the Wave Motion Gun of the GranShario "LISTEN TO ME WORLD, I SHALL STRIKE DOWN THIS INJUSTICE WITH ONE LAST BLOW!!!" yelled out Anthony, who was now facing the Proto-MazinGetter downwards

"TAKE THIS! GETTER, SHINE, SSSSPPPPPAAAAARRRRRRKKKKKKK!!!" Screamed out Anthony, who then instantly started charging downwards towards the WMG of the Granshario, and rammed right into it, the burning aura of the BR-Z laser was intensifying further, and eventually the Proto-MazinGetter started to pierce into the weapon, then in a split second, it shot through the whole thing, causing massive damage to the wave motion gun, one last thing went through Anthony's mind

"I job is done here...just, has been upheld...and the innocents are save. At least, I can die a good death now."

Then, the Proto-MazinGetter crashed into the ground, it deactivated shortly after collision, the great prototype was now gone. Anthony had happened to crashed near the area where Letty and Orange also crashed, a bit after the moment, Letty felt something from the remains of the Proto-MazinGetter, and ran off towards it shortly after.

"W-what is this mecha, it looks so different, but I feel that the person, the core is calling out to, is in there, I need to get him out!" said Letty, who rushed right up to the Proto-MazinGetter, and opened the ajar Cockpit door, and found Anthony, bruised majorly all over his body, his forehead, face, and the entire front of him was covered in blood, Letty looked away for a moment, before grabbing Anthony, and taking him out of the Proto-MazinGetter, bringing him over to the Mana core, she then laid him down next to the core, and started to nurse his wounds

"I'm, not going to let you die, you're the one, that is meant for this core" thought Letty, she then checked Anthony's pulse, it was faint, but it was definitely there, then she checked his breathing, that made her worried, he stopped breathing, without hesitation, Letty quickly started the CPR Process, trying to get Anthony to breath, to follow up, she then had to put her lips on his, she hesitated slightly, but then connected, trying to get air into his system, suddenly Anthony woke up, with lips locked with Letty, his eye's grew huge at the sudden surprised and backed up away from Letty, and she followed to do the same, both were majorly surprised.

"W-w-what the heck just happened?!" yelled out Anthony, feeling surprised to be outside of the proto-Mazingetter and thinking he was being kissed, Letty was speechless as she wasn't expecting Anthony to wake up like that.

Anthony then calmed down for a bit, and stood up, and did his best to introduce himself "Uh, hello, my name is Anthony Kabuto, it's uh, nice to meet you" muttered Anthony, Letty soon mustered up enough courage to stand back up and speak herself

"H-hello A-anthony, I'm Letty Whiterock" Muttered Letty, still a bit timid from the sudden surprise. Both stared at each other for a bit, each of them embarrassed, then Anthony tried to break the ice of this situation

"So, what happened exactly?"

"Well, me, and my friend here got shot down a bit earlier, and our nightmare is now wrecked, and a bit after that, I saw you crash a bit over in that direction, the reason I saved you was, that the mana core was calling out, saying you were meant for it"

"mana core? you mean that thing?" questioned Anthony, pointing to the mana core, glowing a slight blue

"Yes, and it was calling out for you" muttered Letty

"Me? so, am I like the chosen one or something?" asked Anthony

"Well, these cores tend to choose someone, it just varies who it chooses"

"I see, well this thing seems kinda useless at the moment, since it's just a core, and nothing else" sighed Anthony, who walked over to the core and touched it, then the mana core suddenly brightened up, causing it to blind Anthony and Letty for a bit, then suddenly it floated into the air, and random bits of scrap started to orbit around it, both Anthony and Letty were in surprise and in shock from the sudden event, then the mana core, after picking up a decent amount of junk and scrap from the previous nightmare, floated towards the proto-mazingetter's resting place

"Hey, get back here!" Yelled out Anthony, chasing after the mana core, with Letty following, both stopped on the edge of the crater the Proto-Mazingetter made, and saw the mana core lowering itself onto the Proto-Mazingetter, and somehow merging with it, suddently the core fully entered the Proto-Mazingetter, and the extra parts of junk it brought along started to fuse with the wrecked prototype, suddenly it was becoming new, all of the damage on it before was being repaired, after it finished, the Proto-Mazingetter looked brand new, and different in several spots, Anthony rushed up to it and entered the usual spot for the cockpit, looking inside, the layout is completely different and updated, Letty soon followed in there, instead of the basic single seat for solar frames, there was now several seats, and controls that were mounted for one of the side seats.

"Proto-MazinGetter, you're alive, no, reborn, you are no longer Proto-MazinGetter, you are, the full blown, New flying iron fortress, MazinGetter!" Yelled out Anthony smiling as wide as he can at the new and improved MazinGetter, Anthony quickly hopped into the pilot seat, and Letty decided to sit down in one of the co-pilot seats

"Uh Anthony, do you think we could first go back and get my friend Orange?" said Letty

"Of course! We won't leave a friend behind" boasted Anthony, who then tried to move the MazinGetter, with no response "wait, what the heck is happening?!"

"Oh, I guess this mecha became a nightmare, I guess I need to be co-piloting here" said Letty, who took grasp of the co-pilot controls, with both of them working together the New MazinGetter started to move, and walked over to where Orange was still passed out, Anthony quickly jumped out of the MazinGetter and picked up Orange, and placed her in one of the other seats, then Anthony took the controls once more, ready to fight again"

"Now GO! MazinGetter-Z!" yelled out Anthony as he made the new mecha start flight into the air.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 10:20:25 PM by Evil Magnum Anthony »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #39 on: September 09, 2009, 12:27:14 PM »
As Trie Noir approaches and Ophelia gets chased off.

"This-" THOOM! "-wasn't one-" WHOOMP! "-our better ideas!" Cries Kisume, as she jerks the controls to and fro, trying to slide among and between the Terran and Lunar Corp forces. As one would logically expect, no one had taken particularly well to the Gensokyoan mecha trying to sidle between their ranks and disable them. Had Eel Force been less agile, or the two forces less occupied with each other, there would be no doubt that the nachtmare would have been reduced to slag already. As it stands, there are more enough frames on either side willing to take pot shots at Eel Force, and at the present range, it is not difficult to connect.

"It wasn't my idea!" says Rumia brightly, as she fires upon a Luna Corp frame drawing too close with a beam sabre.

In turn, Eel Force has managed deeply into both the opposing forces, disabling melee units that get too close with its fins while Rumia has more than enough targets to fire upon freely. That, combined with the attacks upon their recon units, has served to make the battle all the more chaotic and disorganized.

"Shut up!" Kisume says, as she pulls the nachtmare into a upwards position. "I'm getting us out of here!" A couple snipers, noting this change in position, anticipate that Eel Force is about to take to the air and start to organize to shoot it from the sky. Instead, however, it changes back into Bucket Force, coasting upward a little. Two nearby Terran Units strike at it with axes, but against the significantly heavier Bucket Force, the attacks are not so damaging as before. Then the boosts fire, rocketing Bucket Force past them, knocking aside a medium build Luna Corp frame, and bowling over a couple of light frames dueling.

"Look out!" Shizuha cries as they emerge from the melee and find themselves hurtling straight at Trie Noir.

"Ah hell!" Kisume cries, jerking hard on the controls and flying just over Trie Noir's head, missing it by less than a yard.

"This is Red," Shizuha says, contacting Trie Noir, "Please accept our apologies for that. I hope we didn't spook you too bad. Oh, and it seems our friend in the faerie mech is having problems of his own. Over~"

"Wait, what?" asks Kisume as she pulls Bucket Force into a loop. "I was counting on that back-up!"

Meanwhile, Trie Noir finds that in the wake of Bucket Force's exit, and its own movement toward the battle, it has attracted a great deal more attention, while a few other units take to the air to chase after Bucket Force.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #40 on: September 10, 2009, 04:04:31 AM »
(O-O-C: alright, I'm going to try my hand at naming this an episode for easier reference...)

Episode 5: Battle at the Core, Two Aces face one.

The brilliant glare of the Great Mana core lit up the battle between the Twilight Moon and the Dancing Whirlwind. All the time, Aria was shouting out what Forte thought was nonsense. After all, wasn't it Aria who ended the relationship in the first place? The battle was so intense that the surrounding MFC units in the area were obliterated.

Meanwhile, on the LC Carriar Dao Sutai...

"It looks like New Moon is having trouble with an enemy frame. Waxing Moon, launch and assist New Moon."

"Roger that, Dao Sutai. Beginning mission now." The Overthrusters roared as the X-LSM 15 Nightwing soared into the battle. Smiling, Lazuras muttered to himself, "Let's try this 7 Generals thing out...". Slashing a Terran Frigate in half, the Nightwing continued on towards the Avalon...

Meanwhile, back in the battle...

The sensors on everyone's Nightmares rang out as an unidentified Frame was closing in on the Palace. The eerie blue light from the Warp Swords flashed as the Nightwing made a bee-line towards the Palace, clipping the Noble White in the progress.

The sensors in the Twilight Moon began blaring as another Frame bursted into the room holing the Great Mana Core.

"This is Waxing Moon to New Moon, I'm here to assist you."

"New Moon to Waxing Moon, roger. We need to rip the enemy frame appart and extract the captive pilot."

"What the hell?!? I told you, I'm no--"

"Understood, New Moon. Commencing extraction process" The Warp Swords shone brighter as energy was pumped into the swords.

"Be careful! I have no idea what that new Frame can do! I'm still analyzing it! Hold out as long as you can!" Alice said frantically.

"Understood!" Marisa switched to the allied channels. "This is Marisa calling any Nightmare units available! We need assistance in the Mana Core room! I repeat, we need assistance in the Mana Core Room! Please be cautious, two unidentified Lunar Frames are in the area!"


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2009, 03:46:18 PM »
Civilian Surveyor Ship Amaterasu, High Mars Orbit, Behind Deimos, 5.50 PM, Day1

?What?s the word from the ground?? Reimu asked mission control onboard the Amaterasu.

?Wide-spread jamming on all frequencies.? Yamame reported from her mission control station in one corner of the multi-deck command bridge of the Civilian Surveyor Cruiser, Amaterasu. ?We can?t reach our teams on the ground. Our scanners are only picking up lots of haphazard activity around the Borroughsbury palace and the hangar bays.?

?Tch?we can?t launch without confirmation that at least Yukari is safe?? Reimu gritted her teeth as she tightened her grasp around her pilot controls.

?Wouldn?t she be able to gap out?? Yamame asked.

?Based on these mana readings?? Reimu?s co-pilot Linker, Sanae, began. ??Avalon?s mana core?s is going critical. The ambient mana levels within the Avalon wouldn?t allow for gapping or any other mana-based abilities.?

"We have the flare! I repeat! We have the flare! Yukari's been liberated! I repeat. Yukari's been liberated!" Daiyousei reported.

?Then we?ve got the all green for mission launch.? Reimu nodded over at Sanae. ?Tch?making us wait almost a full half hour in our cockpits?? She muttered, flicking a few switches and typing over a holographic panel as the engines whined up into a low hum.

?All systems are confirmed green.? Sanae gave her a nervous smile in return as she tapped her fingers across a holographic panel. ?Nachtmare Hisou Tenkou is all go for launch.?

?Hisou Tenkou is go for launch on linear catapult 1. Linear catapult is now charging, please wait warmly until it?s ready?.? Yamame announced. Raw energy crackled all around their nacht as the linear catapult was lit up by coursing energy. ?Opening launch hatch 1 and 2.? A curtain of light rose, dispelling the shadows within the cockpit and their faces as the hatch slid open to reveal the sun just as it was setting over the edge of the red planet. Reimu and Sanae squinted for a brief moment before their optical computers dimmed the light reception. They felt a tremor run through their nacht as the restraint locks on the nacht?s back and shoulders were released, letting their nacht float in the magnetic field generated by the linear catapult?s mass driver units.

?This is Heartbreak! Confirming go for launch, Armpits!? Koishi trilled cheerfully from her nachtmare, the Heartbreaker, as her nacht was readied for sortie inside the second linear catapult.

?We?re the Hoshigami!? Reimu corrected, tersely. Sanae simply sweat-dropped nervously. ?At least get that right!?

?Heartbreaker is go for launch on linear catapult 2. Now charging linear catapult.? Yamame announced. ?Hoshigami, you?re clear for launch. I repeat, you?re clear for launch. Happy hunting. Heartbreaker, you?re go for launch behind Hoshigami. God speed.?

?Kami?s already with us. Hoshigami, launch!? Reimu declared, as the linear catapult?s hum reached a crescendo.

?Ittekimasu!? Sanae said, grasping her controls tight. The cockpit shook, the hexagonal patch of space outside quickly enlarged, as the Nachtmare was shot down the linear catapult and out into the darkness of space outside.

?Whooohoooo!? Koishi cheered as her Heatbreaker spiraled out alongside Reimu?s Hoshigami.

?C-calm down, Koishi!? Koishi?s linker and dear sister, Satori, gasped. ?Ulp?I think I?m going to throw??

?We?ve barely just started! That was only 3Gs!? Koishi laughed.

?Prismbuster squadron!? Layla called out over the radio as her own nachtmare was loaded into the linear catapult, just as it was only cooling down from Reimu?s shot. ?What is our job?!?

?RAH RAH RAH!? Merlin roared. Rin giggled in the Linker seat behind her.

??whatever?? Lyrica sighed. Mystia similarly sighed behind her.

?Ufufufufu~?? Lunasa chuckled in a rather sinister tone. Her Linker, Yuka, merely smiled happily?or gloated, if the shadows are right.

?U-umm?C-Cielo Cello?l-linear c-catapult 1?? Akyu was almost in tears as she tried to prep the nacht for launch.  ?H-help!? She squeaked.

?Prismbuster squadron, you?re clear for launch.? Yamame said. ?Linear catapult is all green. God speed.?

?LAUNCH!? Layla roared.

?Whooooot!? Merlin roared as her nacht, the Genocide Trumpet, shot out into the abyss alongside Layla?s, the Cielo Cello.

?Why me??? Lyrica sighed in despair as her nacht, the Piano Forte, was loaded into the catapult. ??I?m gonna die??

?I don?t wanna die! Not here! Not with you!? Mystia shouted. ?Now chin up and eyes forwards.?

?Ufufufu?just as planned?? Lunasa steepled her fingers before her face as the catapult charged up around her nacht, the Violent Violin.

?Indeed?? Yuka nodded, with her usual amiable smile.

?Ulp?Our mission?s to?secure Yukari, repel the invaders and save Avalon, or, if all else fails?we?ulp?help with the evacuation.? Satori tried to read the mission objectives through her vertigo. The Prismbuster squadron consisting of four nachts, piloted by the four prismrivers and their Linkers,

?All right.? Reimu nodded as they rounded the moon of Deimos behind which the Amaterasu was hidden?to come upon a battlefield riddled with laser fire, tracers, missiles, and huge fiery balls of fire. ??everyone, battle formations. Koishi, on me.?

??aaaa?aaa?.aa?a?.? Akyu?s face was as white as a sheet.

?TONIGHT?.WE DINE AT ORIN?S!? Layla roared.

?RAAAAAAAAH!? Merlin was practically leaping in her seat.

?10?20?30 solar frames inbound?? Satori reported. ?They haven?t noticed us yet.?

?Mwahahaha!? Layla turned her radio to broadcast on all frequencies, before popping in ?Promise? by Kohmi Hirose AKA the ?Get Down song?. ?LISTEN UP! THOSE OF YOU WHO DON?T WANNA DIE, GET?DOWN?!?

?...? Reimu facepalmed royally as all the enemy frames in the area spun around to face them.

Inside the palace, by the evacuation shelters, Borroughsbury Palace, Avalon Haven, 6.08 PM, Day 1

Another loud kaboom shook the entire palace to its roots, causing more loose dust and plaster to rain down on the shrieking and crying dignitaries who were piling into the handy shelter pods destined for one of the evacuation transport shuttles down below.

?Keep it moving, ladies and gents.? Tenshi said, shepherding the dignitaries towards the shelter doors. ?No pushing. Ladies and the elderly first please. No, Mr. Emperor, you?re not a woman?.and you?re only 25?no, that?s hardly adulthood, let alone elderly. Back of the line, please.?

"Why're the marines pulling backs?" Suwako asked, looking out a rather smashed window frame at the Martian military transport dropships dusting off and flying back to the frigate GransShario above.

"The cucumber beer calls..." Trent murmured ominously as he peeked out from inside a nearby wardrobe, assault rifle at the ready. "Blood and ice cream shall be spilt soon. Nobody wants to be here when the great god of corn descends to have his feast of warrior snails and ballet-dancing whales on a stick.?

"They're planning on destroying the palace, one way or another." Yukari said, joining Suwako at the window. "...I was hoping that having their marines there would mean they weren't planning on doing that anytime soon...." She sighed. ?Oh well, the palace itself is no big loss, but the people inside??

"Does that mean I get to cause ruckus with much blowing ups?" Trent asked, excited, as he slithered snake-like across the ground with his assault rifle. "Possibly with a toy hammer and a nuclear balloon? You know, before the god of corn brings down his rain of popcorn upon?"

"I'm surprised you're worried about a few polished brasses biting the dust." Tenshi said, interrupting, as she joined them in the corner, well away from all the other dignitaries who were too busy trying to save themselves to care.

"If only to keep overly 'sharp' people such as yourself from accusing me of committing something utterly pointless, then yes." Yukari said.

?Hey, the pink corduroy wants its accordion back. The sheriff of east banana is going to eat it for breakfast before performing his millennial salutations to the great space emperor penguin and his peanut of doom.? Trent said, peeking out from behind a pillar and pointing out at the battle unfolding far in the distance. ??.is that a pair of flying beavers in pajamas??

?Do beavers give out plasmas for jets?? Suwako asked. ?I think that?s a violations of animal rights, yep.?

?Animal rights?!? Trent blinked, as he ducked under a table and peeked out suspiciously at a flapping tapestry. ?My pickles don?t have toilets and animals have rights?!?

?Funny. I?m actually starting to believe you had nothing to do with this.? Tenshi scoffed. ?When you obviously did! It was so convenient! Too convenient! For the MFC to show up right there and then with all of us gathered! Nobody but us knew about the meeting! Somebody spoke!?

?And it was definitely not I.? Yukari said. ?Gensokyo has no military force. We already have our hands full dealing with the corporations, let alone dealing with you lot! Besides, there were ambassadors from the Holy Empire of Yamato in there. Would we, a vassal state, attack our own Emperor??

Holy Empire of Yamato
All sanctuaries once part of Japan are now independent vassal states under a head state, the Holy Empire of Yamato. Other sanctuaries other than Gensokyo under the Imperial rule include . However, there is much political turmoil within the Empire, due to corporation influence and thus corruption having reached the higher echelons of the government, perhaps even the Emperor himself, despite the pact of secrecy held by all sanctuaries. There is thus high tension between Gensokyo and the Empire, mostly over the Empire?s violating the pact of secrecy and getting involved with the corporations for personal profit. There are rumours that there have been many veiled attempts to oust Yukari from power orchestrated by the empire itself. However, thankfully, due to the lack of a formal government within Gensokyo and the ad-hoc mutual agreement that nobody else really gives a damn enough to lead in Yukari?s place, all such attempts have met with complete abject failure. Also, there are rumours that a lot of random outsiders dressed in thick black have been found dead lying amidst the Suzuran field lately?the Empire can?t be stooping down to assassination, could they?

?We all know you?d backstab his Royal Highness the Emperor given the chance!? Tenshi shouted, but only loud enough for Yukari to hear. ?What?s an ambassador to you?!?

?Saving them saves me a little trouble.? Yukari shrugged. ?I lead a nation now. Personal sentiments are no longer an issue.? She pointed out as she walked away to oversee the last of the dignitaries entering the last shelter.

?Ran, Chen, take care.? Yukari said, patting her aides and shikigami on the shoulders as they were about to enter the shelter doors. ?Get these people onboard the first transport off this rock.?

?B-but?w-what about Y-yukari-sama?!? Chen asked, reluctant to let go of her mistress? hand, but she had no choice as the shelter?s blast doors slowly closed in between them.

??are you still going after that??? Ran asked, a very concerned look on her face.

?Don?t worry, I?ll see you onboard the Amaterasu, if not sooner.? Yukari said, with an encouraging smile to the two. ?I promise.?

?W-wait! You?re not going after our mana cor-?? The emperor of Avalon shouted, before the door shut with a final heavy hollow sound.

?That?s the last of them.? Tenshi nodded with satisfaction as mechanical whirs from behind the door signified the shelter?s departure for the hangar bays. She then turned to survey the rest of the now partially demolished palace. ??.sad isn?t it??

?Says the person who smashes other people?s homes with earthquakes.? Yukari smirked.

?At least I don?t go around molesting every single thing I see.? Tenshi scoffed.

?It?s called spreading love.? Yukari pointed out. ?Now, if you?ll excuse me, I need to go do one last thing?? She said, turning away and leaving.

?Excuse me, ladies and gentlecuckoos?.? Trent said, peeking out from behind the chandeliers above with assault rifle in hand. ??y?see, I would prefer seeing you all back onboard Shirayuki, lest she gets lonely and starts binging on cauliflowers. Besides, I don?t want to see the palace get too messy??

?Thank you for your concern, but you best save it for whoever ends up in my way.? Yukari said, before disappearing around a corner.

?You?re serious about having him pilot?? Tenshi asked, pointing at Trent, who had begun to swing the chandelier around into a flying circle.

?He?s a good Knights.? Suwako nodded.

?Good night to you too, oh good people of the cherry pudding! Brush your teeth twice with express trains before you go to bed!? Trent called out.

?What ho! I say, what ho!? A voice boomed over a set of loudspeakers as the loud whine of Solar Frame thrusters filled the air. ?I can?t believe this! This certainly can?t be true, and yet it is!? The voice said excitedly as a silver-white Solar Frame decorated with blue landed by a huge hole in the ceiling to look down upon them, just as, up in the sky behind it, the GranShario?s base opened up to reveal its main wave motion cannon, already crackling with charging energy. 

?It?s an enemy frame!? Tenshi shouted the blindingly obvious as she rushed for the Shirayuki, which was parked nearby.

?To see you again?.? The cockpit hatch hissed open to reveal a young man with well groomed jet black hair. He looked down upon Trent, eyes burning with glee. ?Dear Trent, it?s been too long!? He spread his arms open wide, just as the main wave motion cannon suddenly erupted into a huge, spectacular ball of fire above as something shot through it, shedding plasma trailers and fire.

?Your boyfriend?? Yukari asked, raising an eyebrow.

?I only have fridgefriends.? Trent said, simply.

?Yes, I know your name?? The man said, not put off by the general lack of emotion surrounding his arrival. ?I can never forget that face.? He said, taking hold of his cockpit pilot hook and lowering himself down onto the ground before Trent. ?After that humiliation you dealt me on Europa?I?ve never forgotten??

??I?ve humiliated many people and hippos on Europa, even the planet itself!? Trent said. ??that said, I don?t remember them all?are you the one I pushed into a cess-pit before piling you with pink feathers and sending you flying over Concorda Ravine??

?You humiliated a planet?? Yukari blinked, suddenly interested. ??how??

?No.? The man said, simply, as he walked up towards Trent.

?The one I sent into lower orbit in a rubber dingy piled with earmu droppings with a hole in it?? Trent asked.

?No!? The man snapped, pulling up his sleeves.

?The one whose face I pushed into a plate of spaghetti, before I made you breath in saucy pasta through your nose?? Trent asked. ?Oh, wait, I did that to a purple bear??

?NO!? He punched Trent hard in the face, causing him stagger backwards.

??Zou. Zou Yamato Daihitenryoku.? He said. ?And you?? He pointed at Trent. ??were the first person to ever defeat me in combat. I will have you remember my name after I defeat you resoundingly in combat!?

?Hey, I?ve been defeated before, I never held a grudge.? Trent shrugged. ?So the purple swordfish ganged up with the pink hippos on me to steal my blue hamburgers?doesn?t mean I had to get back at them with my candyfloss nunchucks.?

?I challenge you to a duel!? Zou declared, .

?Trent!? Suwako ran over to Trent and slid onto her knees by him. ?Hey, that wasn?t nice!? She glared up at Zou.

The man was taken aback by Suwako?s sudden appearance. Very much so in fact. He did a double take, his eyes widening perceptibly. ?Suwako-sama?? He suddenly lowered himself to his knees and bowed. ?I have waited for so long?and finally you have answered my prayers.? He opened his arms wide. ?I have long awaited the chance to serve your cause, your??

??err?.sowwies?but?who are you??? Suwako asked, smiling nervously, sweat-dropping majorly all the while.

?Wh-what?!? Zou straightened up abruptly in surprise. ?How could you not recognize your chosen one, Suwako-sama?!?

?I am but a humble construction workers, yep.? Suwako said, nervously. ?I?m sure this is a misunderstandings, yeps.?

??m-misunderstanding??!? Zou gasped. ?N-no?i-it c-cannot be?I won?t accept that! You?ve been away from dear sweet Terra too long, Suwako-sama! I?m sure that?s the problem! Your powers have waned and your thoughts slurred! But I shall help you! I shall help you as your loyal, devoted servant!? Zou strode towards Suwako, his expression fiercely determined, his strides filled with fiery purpose.

?N-no!? Suwako squeaked, still trying to shield Trent.

?Kid, out of the way!? Trent shoved Suwako aside and leapt onto his feet. He threw a wide swing at Zou?only to miss as Zou ducked and spun around, delivering a boot to Trent?s stomach, sending him flying backwards into the ground once more.

?I?ve trained since then, Trent?more so than you have, it seems?? He spat as he grabbed a struggling Suwako around the waist and walked back.

?S-Suwako!? Tenshi gasped.

?So long, Trent. I?m afraid I?m postponing our duel indefinitely. I have an appointment with fate that just cannot be delayed!? Zou declared, as he rappelled back up to his Solar Frame with a struggling, kicking Suwako in his arms.

?What happened here?!? Yukari strode back into the room. ?I leave for 2 minutes and??

?U-ugh?.? Trent heaved as he slowly picked himself up, wiping a trail of blood from his lips. ?T-the kid??

?They took Suwako!? Tenshi shouted, leaping into Suwako?s linker seat and readjusting the settings for herself. ?Get on! I need help with this thing!?

??.no need to tell me twice?? Trent leapt into the cockpit and climbed into his own seat. ?SHIRAYUKI! MOVE!?

?Tch, you?re not leaving without me! We have a mission!? Yukari climbed into the cockpit behind him, just as the hatch hissed shut.

?She hasn?t paid my fee yet.? Trent chuckled as the engines wound up into a high-pitched whine.

?Yukari, we need to make the second to second adjustments now. We have no computers and we?re flying blind.? Tenshi said, urgently, over her typing frenzy.

??Oh my, what insanity~? Yukari giggled as she took her controls.

?Uh oh?big red elephants!? Trent shouted as the Noble White suddenly shot forwards, its terrain masters spinning wildly into the marble floors. Just then, something huge, heavy and flaming crashed through the ceiling above them.

?I-it?s that Martian ship!? Tenshi cried as the Noble White slalomed in between the falling debris, spinning and pirouetting madly through the palace under a rain of blazing fire and inferno.

?Slow down, I can?t keep up!? Tenshi gasped, manually manipulating the balancing ratios for the gyros on her left while doing rapid manual course adjustment calculations for the veneer boosters on her right. ?YUKARI!?

?How many channels can we get here?? Yukari asked, typing on her own console?s holographic screen.

?YUKARI!? Tenshi roared in frustration as they ducked under a flaming ball of wreckage.

?Just kidding, jeez. Eyes forwards.? Yukari sighed, typing rapidly. ?Oh, drawbridge?? She said, as the flaming husk of what was once the Granshario?s wave motion gun smashed through the ceiling and fell in front of them.

?The red elephant?s noble trunk! I sincerely hope it is not full of funk!? Trent cried with glee as they boosted into the falling flaming cylinder of the gun and flew spiraling through it before somehow coming out the other side safely with only a few scratches to show for it.

?Wait! Wait! It?s a wall!? Tenshi shouted, pointing at the solid wall ahead of them.

?I see the liiiiiiiiiiiiight!? Trent roared?

?.before they smashed through the wall, out into the open.

?Phew?? Tenshi sighed in relief as the terrain masters kicked in upon landing in the palace grounds outside. ?Now, where is???

?MILKSHAKE!? Trent shouted into the sky, at Zou?s Solar Frame?.which was?

?He?s chargin? his lazah!? Yukari pointed out. Sure enough, it had a huge, nasty looking cannon leveled at the palace and the Granshario?s burning remains. It was the sort of cannon that screamed mass destruction, cool mass destruction. And it was indeed charging.

??you did not just say that?? Tenshi facepalmed.

?I will get?? Trent began?

?before they were all blinded by a huge flash of radiant white light which swept over them with the force of a tsunami?

The cockpit shook violently as the external feed turned into hazy static, before a huge tremour ran through it as it fell facing skywards. The ground beneath them rocked with a ferocity even Tenshi, celestial ward of earthquakes, has never experienced.

It was dark inside the cockpit when the tremours finally stopped.

??.are we dead?? Tenshi?s voice ventured.

?Not yet, no, unfortunately.? Yukari?s voice replied.

?I smell a fart that isn?t mine.? Trent said.

?Shut up, moron.? Tenshi muttered.

?It was the hippo, it must be.? Trent replied.

?External feed back in 3?2?1?.? Tenshi announced, before the screens blinked back on, showing the Kawashiro Heavy Industries logo, before proceeding to show the outside world?.

?which was now a flaming, charred crater. The palace, and the town immediately adjacent to it, had been vapourized clean. All that was left was a huge, gaping hole where the palace once was?

?.which was more a huge access tunnel, lined with metal girders, its rim a pile of molten slag?

?The mouth to the deep bowels of the giant worm king?.? Trent murmured, ominously. ?The worm king has eaten its fill, leaving behind naught but the bitter black hyenas, starved of their pineapples.?

??this is terrible?? Tenshi surveyed the destruction around her. ??I hope?nobody was left in the town??

?All Nachtmares not currently involved in evacuating the citizens, follow the Noble White. We have a situation.? Yukari said into the emergency radio. ?Now go.? She gestured at the hole.

??go where?? Trent asked.

?In there.? Yukari nodded at the hole. "The Avalon Core where the Main Mana Core is held is down there!"

??where all the green ninja kittens are going?? Trent asked.

?Suwako?s down there.? Yukari added.

?Oh, payday!? Trent revved up the engines and flew in.

?he wasn?t the only one, as a huge horde of Lunarian, Terran, and Martian units, standards and aces alike, were racing for the tunnel as well?
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 03:48:04 PM by Mind-The-Grue »

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #42 on: September 10, 2009, 06:12:15 PM »
"Alright," says Kisume, as she eyes the frames flying toward Bucket Force, "Let's get read- Hey, why are they turning-"

Shizuha straightens in her her seat, eyes widening. "Green, land now!"

"Wh-okay..." says Kisume, forcing the nachtmare to the ground as the Terran and Martian frames double back to do the same.


The ground shakes, and debris flies through the air. Several chunks slams into Bucket Force's rather armored underside. The cockpit shakes violently as the force the explosion sends the mecha that skidding a good three or four yards down the cobblestone road it landed on. Rumia screams at the top of her lungs, grabbing onto her seat restraints, while Kisume braces her knees against the edges of her bucket ducks down while throwing her hands over her head. Shizuha simply closes her eyes and waits, though a sharp eye would note she clutches to the armrests rather fiercely.

"Red, what the...?" says Kisume, her voice trailing off as the drama settles.

"That capital ship just fell on the palace," says Shizuha. "There are escape pods all over the place."

"It's g-gone?" says Rumia. "Every-ryone's dead?"

Shizuha shakes her head, as she sets to checking a few things. "I can't say, dear. But there is a comms from Yukari." She patches Yukari's message through as Kisume picks Bucket Force up off the ground.

"Let's go," says Kisume as she turns the nachtmare around, shifts it into Crow Force, and fires the boosters to send it rocketing toward the crater. "We'll just have to hope they're distracted enough with their own to let us fall back properly! Is Trie Noir alright?"

"Finding out as soon as I can," Shizuha says, as she hails Trie Noir, "This is Red, are you alright? We're falling back before the enemies can reorganized. Over~"


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #43 on: September 10, 2009, 07:51:15 PM »
Recollections of a Solar War - Chapter 2 - Leaving the Past for the Future
Co-post written by Xan, Theorist, and MTG, with added dialogue, narrative and details by MTG. There will be another co-post soon with Jan and Purvis included.

Inside the access tunnel towards the Avalon mana core, 6.15 PM, Day 1

"Shirayuki-chaaan!" Suwako cried out from where she was tied into the the solar frame's backseat. "Shiraayukiiii-chaaaaaan!" She cried herself hoarse.

"Please, Suwako-sama!" Zou pleaded. "You will see the wisdom in these actions soon! I assure you!"

"Shirayuki-chan....Shirayuki-chan...." Suwako sniffled. Everything, everything ever since she left earth had only been one bad turn after another...but at the very least she always had her dearest friend and companion, Shirayuki-chan....even when she was at her darkest hour she could be glad knowing that Shirayuki was alive and waiting to rescue her...

...but now....

She saw the land lit up....

...She saw the palace disappear in in a blinding flash of light, Shirayuki with it...

...and now she couldn't feel Shirayuki....

...Is she all right? Was Shirayuki dead?

"This is RAI! We're going for the mission objective, the core. All wings form up behind me and cover our ingress." He ordered his wingmen.

"Yes sir!" His Zero-ARCs commandos replied as two Zero ARCs squadrons formed up behind him.

"Shirayuki-chan...." Suwako's eyes brimmed with tears, as she reached out once more for the elusive beat of the mana core. "Please...please! Trent! Protect her! TRENT! TREEEEEENT!"

"Sir! We've got pursuers!" One of the Zero ARC commandos reported.

"WHAT?!" Zou looked down at the unidentified signal on his screen, before calling on screen the rear-view camera feeds and zooming in on a rapidly approaching spec....

"...that hunk of junk!" He cried in surprise. "TRENT!"

"TRENT! SHIRAYUKI-CHAN! TREENT!" Suwako cried tears of sheer relief and happiness. "You're alives, yeps!"

"Nobody runs off with my payday and gets away with it! Not even the blue cheese!" Trent cried.

"On our right! Martian frame inbound!" Tenshi shouted.

"Nobody gets in my way either! Not even peanuts waltzing with Matilda!" Trent cut the boosters and came up level with the martians before spinning around in midair and smashing a pile bunker into is body, stealing its rifle, and tossing it into another martian mech, causing them to bounce off each other and into walls.

A voice chimed in over the emergency comunicator, "Hello, is Yukari Yakumo there?"

"Hmm?" Yukari looked over at the emergency communicator. "Yes, this is Yukari Yakumo onboard the Noble White, who is this, over?"

"Nobody, not even you green kittens will stand in the way between me and my payday!" Trent roared as he slammed his pile-bunker through an unfortunate terran mech, pinning it into a wall. Sparks exploded as it skidded along the walls, shedding bits of metal and armour, before it exploded in a fiery fireball.

"Y-yukari!?" an unknown female voice exclaimed.  Seems like wherever it was coming from had left their comm systems on "broadcast".  "Nathanial!  Aim for the white mech!"

"Um... R-r-right, Yorihime!" replied a male voice.  "Uh... Ah, let's try this... INAZUMA KIIIIIIICK!" From the skies hurtled an unidentified white mech that didn't seem to match to any known designs, aiming an electrified kick at the Noble White.

"....somebody's coming at us..." Tenshi said, blinking in disbelief.

"I'll just turn it into many little bits of cheese pixies!" Trent said. "Just like the others!"

"...this one's not like the others..." Tenshi said, sweatdropping.

"How so?" Trent asked.

"'s....trying to flying-kick us..." Tenshi said.
"Yeah! Hotblood!" Yukari nodded with approval.

"Hmmm...?" Trent flicked the boosters a bit, causing them to side-step the kick...which connected with an unfortunate Martian heavy mech, ramming it into the walls of the tunnel.

"You know, I always wondered why in animes the poor enemies can never avoid such simple wide attacks..." Yukari mused.

"YUUUUUKAAAAARIIIIII!" yelled the female voice.  "Stop dodging like a coward!  Stand still and take the hit!"

"'s the big orange vulture's fault. I'm sure of it." Trent said, raining tracers on another Lunarian mecha.

"That... That's..." Somehow, it was obvious the owner of the male voice was facepalming right now.

"....that voice..." Yukari blinked. "Hmmm...nobody else could hold the 'I' in my name for so long..." 

"...before shouting out something so stupid.." Tenshi added.

"'s that Lunarian brat..." They both sighed in stereo.

"Brat!?  I'll show you... Nathanial!  Use the sword, now!" The female voice demanded.

"Fine, fine..." The unknown white mech drew a large sword handle, from which erupted a massive blade of pink light red energy...  "SWORD OF LUNARIA!" ...With which it slashed at the Noble White.

" sword..." Yukari and Tenshi facepalmed majorly. "Please...Mr. Moron...if we get hit by that, I don't think we can live it down, even in hell..." Tenshi pleaded.

"It... It's not pink, it's light red!" insisted the male voice, half-heartedly.

A few switches being flicked could be heard over the communicator as the person on the other end limited the broadcast to Yukari's frequency. "I'm hearing combat sounds. Are you alright over there?" The previous mystery person asked.

"Do we LOOK alright?!" Tenshi shouted into the communicator as Trent raised a laser pile driver to counter the blade, before swinging around and aiming the rifle in the other hand at the Lunablade's face.

"...Maybe we can talk this over?  Um... R-right, Yorihime?" The male voice, apparently named Nathanial, managed to evade the gunfire with a quick, painful looking head-twist.

"I don't know, I can't see you!" The mystery person from before shouted.

"NO!  Yukari must die!" Yorihime declared.

"Can I have co-ordinates please?" Mystery boy asked, very, very politely. Infuriatingly so.

"It's a tunnel! There's only one way down! And there's only one battered construction nachtmare in it!" Tenshi shouted in exasperation. "Doh...don't you Gensokyo people load up nachtmare data into ALL your nachts?!"

"You seem to be under some mis-impressions. That said, I'm on my way." Mr. Mystery said.

"Look, Yorihime, fighting will get us nowhere right now.  I mean, this might not even be Yukari's fault... Right?" Nathanial was half-pleading now.

"Of course it is!  Who else would do something like this!?" Yorihime pointed out.

The duo in the Lunablade began bickering like a pair of children.

"Should be there in another minute. Just hold on." Mr. Mystery said.

"Look, how about this..." the male voice said as the Lunablade sliced an attacking mech in two.  "We help Yukari fight for now, and later we can ask her what's going on.  Is that okay?"

"...Fine."  Yorihime replied, before muttering under her breath, "She'll probably lie, though..."

"Hey, Ms. Middle-age. Kero-chan's kinda envious of how popular you are." Trent said to Yukari, indicating his beloved froggy towel. All the while, the Noble White spun around, dodging and barely grazing through the torrent of bullets and lasers from the Zero ARCs squadrons below.

"Why, thank you, Kero-chan." Yukari nodded, pleased, sifting through a dozen different operatives at the same time. "We simply must have tea sometime. I'll tell you all about this spoiled Lunarian princess who..." She began as the Noble White spun around to cross swords with a Lunarian mech, energy blade on laser pile driver.

"Who're you calling spoiled!?" Yorihime yelled over the intercom, as the Lunablade struck down the Noble White's enemy from behind.

"Oh, I wasn't speaking about you..." Yukari giggled teasingly.

"Y-y-you..." the Lunarian began, but she was cut off by the male voice.  "Just ignore her, Yorihime... She's just trying to wind you up..."

"Alright, in position. Who do you want me to shoot.?" Mr. Mystery asked.

"Whoever you are, please shoot the nachtmare beside us." Yukari said with glee.

"Yukari! NO!" Tenshi shouted. "No shooting at allies! Bad Sukima! Bad!"

"B-but...oh fine.." Yukari sighed.

 "No, pink hippo, they're not trying to steal our blue hamburgers this time. The milkshake's making away with our payday! This is serious business! This is unprecedented serious affair!" Trent shouted at thin air as the Noble White skewered another enemy frame with its pile driver and spun it around for use as a shield against the fire from below.

 "...Nathanial, what IS that man talking about?" Yorihime shifted the focus of her irritation as Lunablade shifted from target to target, striking them all down with the Sword of Lunaria.

"I... I really don't think that's important..." muttered Nathanial.

"Look, times a wasting, who should I be firing at?" Mr. Mystery asked.

"Anybody who's not in a nachtmare." Tenshi said. "Vapourize them!"

"Affirmative." Mr. Mystery said. A laser blasted down the tunnel, blowing a large hole through the center of one of the enemy mechs.

"Holy Mother Izanami, what was that?!" Tenshi gasped.

"A laser sniper. One shot, one kill" Mr. Mystery said. Another shot was fired, this time from somewhere much closer. Another frame exploded.

"Impressive..." Nathanial noted under his breath, whilst his mech sliced through yet another enemy frame.

"Identify yourself, mystery person, over." Yukari said into the communicator, as the Noble White was blasted backwards by a well-aimed shock-impacter melee punch from a Terran mech. "Akh!" She gasped as the cockpit shook violently from the impact.

"You zuchinis?!" Trent demanded, as he righted the nachtmare in mid-air before ramming its terrain-masters into the walls of the tunnel. Sparks burst out from its terrain masters as it sped around the walls, boosters flaring, as it spiralled down with guns blazing at its attacker.

"You hired me, if you recall. Sean Alistaire, mercenary." Mr.Mystery wasn't a mystery any longer!

Another voice chimed in over the communicator "Hi Yukariiiii~"

"Oh did NOT bring the blackhole with you!" Tenshi pointed an accusing finger at Yukari.

"...Blackhole!?  Is this some kind of secret Gensokian superweapon!?" accused an annoyed princess.

"No, no, no, I've been dealing with Yuyu's eating habits, I swear!" The voice of mystery man, presumably Sean now, said.

"Hello Yuyu-chaan~" Yukari replied happily. They both giggled like schoolgirls over the radio.

"Act your age, you two..." Tenshi sighed, defeated.

"If you're talking about the one and only rampaging banana turtle of Good Tonsils, then yes, it is a secret superweapon, built by a conspiracy of armed peanuts who..." Trent began as the Noble White spiralled around on the walls like a mad gekko high on prozac.

Another mech was blown up. The beam eminated from right behind the Noble White this time.

"I KNEW IT!  I knew you'd been working on some superweapon to wipe out Lunaria!" screamed Yorihime.  "...Wait, what?  What are you babbling on about!?"

Sean patched into the Lunablade's com frequence. "Yuyu's not a weapon. Well, I guess she might eat you out of house and home..."

"...See, they don't have any superweapon with them.  Stop overreacting to everything Yukari says, Yorihime."  Another mech was bifurcated by the massive energy blade.

"...I still say she's up to something..." Yorihime muttered.

"Hah, two of them even seem to be lining up for me. Perfect!" Sean said excitedly. Another beam blew through two frames. This time it seemed to be coming from somewhere over near one of the walls of the tunnel.

"The annoying bugs are getting closer..." Zou muttered, picking up more IFF signals on his radar. "Wait...Geist...?! SEAN ALISTAIRE?! ...but you're dead! I killed you!" Zou sputtered in surprise. More lasers fired down the tunnel in reply.

"Heh, now that frame looks familiar. Let's see you hit me now." Sean grinned.

"That you, Alistaire?" Zou asked, opening up a direct communication link to Sean.

"Oh, so I was right. Odd seeing you here." Sean said.

"What a many chance meetings...and seeing a ghost too..." Zou smirked. "Well, don't worry, I shall lay you to rest properly soon enough."


  • mrgrgr
  • *
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #44 on: September 10, 2009, 08:08:57 PM »
Just after dueling Anthony, top of the GranShario

I... I failed, didn't I? He's not coming home... No. I have to... Ag... As his last thoughts wandered off, Jan thought he was beginning to black out. He had some surprising strength and stamina in his small body, but even he couldn't take a punch like that without some major damage.

"How can you.. Still stand?" Struggling to keep his consciousness, Jan struggled to his knees, and watched in confusion and horror as Anthony ran back to his machine, intent on stopping the GranShario's charging cannon.

"Stop! Anthony!" Jan shouted, even though he knew it was futile. Crawling back to his machine, Jan climbed back into his cockpit and started up his systems.

[-Are you there, Leader? I repeat, they're attacking civilian interests-] Recognizing the voice of Dakka 2, Jan blanched even more at the realization that Anthony had been correct the entire time. Shaking his head, Jan tried to clear out the fuzzy pain and focus.

"Dakka 2, this is Dakka Leader. I read. What's the situation on the rest of our unit?"

[We've stayed low until receiving further orders, sir! I don't think they've spotted us.]

"Anthony was right, then... Listen! He's moving to stop the GranShario's cannon. We're going to stop the machines of the other corporations. The other Martians remaining are damaged and few in number, so we'll justhave to hope that those defenders can handle it."

[Sir...You know that we would ight our comrades if you gave us the-]

"No! I need you guys to be able to keep fighting. If I get you labeled as traitors, we'll all face the firing squad. besides, I'm looking at the wreckage below... I think those guys can handle themselves. Now, the GranShario is probably going to take and some damage, and I'm too close. I'll resume communications when I'm safe. Spread the word to the other members of the Brigade."

Just after Anthony's Getter Shine Spark and crash

Jan watched as Anthony's mech smoked down to the ground from below. He had managed to fly off the ship and land near enough to see without taking damage. However, even after the broken cannon crashed into the ground, Jan recognized a point of light off in the distance. Is that... the Yamato No Hikari?

"This is Dakka Leader to all units! Get ready for combat!"

Jan managed to get his message out just before the recognized enemy fired its weapon, blowing a huge tunnel into the ground. "Heh... Zou, you've just made my job easier... You arrogant punk."

[Hey, Leader... Was that the Yamato no Hikari?]

[Damn right it was... How the hell did that bastard get here?]

[I've only seen it in simulations... Can we really-]

"We're not taking him on, at least not yet. He's created a direct path for everyone we need to fight, meaning we only need to hold that one point. Get ready, team... We're making our stand there."

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #45 on: September 11, 2009, 12:04:31 AM »
"You can't kill what you can't see, Zou," says Sean, "Besides, worry about yourself. You're in my sights."  He fires off a shot at the Daihitenryoku's arm. Before the laser could blow off his arm, the Daihitenryoku countered with a dazzlingly fast katana slash, deflecting the laser straight into an incoming Martian mech, which crashed into the walls and exploded in a brilliant fashion.

The Noble White skids under the flaming wreckage bouncing along the tunnel walls before spinning back upright to gut another Terran mecha in two with its pile bunker.

"Trent! You persistent little..." Zou reverses his boosters and aimed a katana slash at the Noble White.

"Incoming cucumber milkshake!" Trent manages to dodge just in time, so that only his right arm was severed along with his right shoulder veneers.

A voice, amplified to the point that the loudspeaker squeals just a tad, echos from above. "GETTA TOMAHAWK" Yells out Anthony as MazinGetter's descends into the fray, drawing out the Getta Tomahawk, and boosts towards Zou.

"Nathanial, that seems to be the enemy leader..." notes Yorihime as she observes Zou.

"Hmmm, yes... Well, only one thing for it then..." The Lunablade hefts its mighty energy blade and charges straight for Zou's frame.

Zou stabbs the Getta Tomahawk through the center with one katana, spins it around him a few times, maintaining then speeding up its momentum, using it to deflect the Lunablade's energy blade, before launching the tomahawk flying at the Noble White. But just as this happened, Suwako gives Zou's pilot seat a sharp kick in the back, causing the shot to go off by just a bit, ending up only slashing off the other arm off the Noble White.

Another laser shot out at Zou, this time from behind, and barely grazed his frame. Inside the cloaked Wiederauferstehung Falter, Yuyuko looked worriedly at Sean "We're not going to be able to keep the cloak up for much longer"

"I know, damnit, just keep it on for as long as possible." Sean said.

Then a Martain frame, riding heavily on its boosters, takes aim at Noble White's engines. A moment later, a distictive "Fweem" noise echoes from upwards, as a greenish beam tears into its rockets and forces it to land. "This is Red," comes the voice of Shizuha on the Gensokyoan Comms channel, "Are we too late? Over~"

"Dammit! If the Tomahawk won't work, then Suck on my Rocket punch!" Yelled out Anthony firing the MazinGetter's rocket punch at Zou's mech

Within Noble White, Tenshi says,"Oy...we're unarmed..." while looking side to side at the two sparking stumps where arms once were.

Meanwhile, the Lunablade was moving ever closer to Zou's mech.  It lifted it's blade high, and... "SWORD OF LUNARIA!  DEATH STRIKE!" ...Brought it crashing down towards him.

"They're not answering," says Shizuha to Bucket Force's pilot.

The Daihitenryoku chose that moment to stab its katana through the Noble White's chest, before raising it for use as a meat-shield against Lunablade's strike and the Mazingetter rocket punch. The Noble White's cockpits burst open as the Lunablade's and the Mazingetter's strikes hit it in the back. A rather mad-looking Trent burst out from inside, propelled by the impact, a stolen sword of hisou in hand. He ran along the stabbed katana and the Daihitenryoku's arm with a scream of "MIIIILKKKKKKKSHAAAAAAAAAAKKEEEEEEEE!" before leaping at its cockpit hatch.

With a maddened grin, he stabs through the hatch with the force of that way well rival an earthquake, shattering it into bits, exposing an enraged and horrified Zou and an excited happy Suwako to the rushing air.

The Mazingetter's rocket punch hit the impaled Noble White, and bounced off, the MazinGetter quickly flew up and reattached the arm. "Dammit, I can't get anything at him, he just blocks or avoids it, I need something to pierce through!" yelled out Anthony.

"Well, there's one weapon left over from the old nightmare" said Letty, bringing up the weapon list on one of the monitors, one of the weapons looked unfamilar to Anthony.

"There's no time for organizing!" Kisume, annoyed with the lack of response from their allies, as Noble White is impaled. Shifting into the distinctive heavily-armored shape of Maple Force, Team Bucket moves to join the fray. Kisume boosts around Daihitenryoku and jams its sword at the frame's side.

"Kisume be careful!" Shizuha cries, "There's a person on the outside of that thing!"

"Oh no you don't!" Zou shouted, deflecting the Maple Force's blade just in time, causing the the Maple Force to ram into it through sheer heavy momentum. Before Trent could reach out for Suwako, the shock from the Maple force sends him flying backwards off the Daihitenryoku.


"MORON!" Tenshi shouted after him...but the Noble White wasn't fast enough to catch him.

"Damnit, I can't fire with all these idiots in the way!" Sean muttered.

"What is that maniac doing?" Kisume asks, as Bucket Force draws back, then turns its attention to a set of Terran Mechas coming up behind them. They watched as Trent fell back past their cockpit.

"Bein' awesome!" Rumia says as she unleashs the Fweem Beam upon the Terrans.

Trent landed with with a thump atop...thin air...? "Oh damn, pull him into the cockpit before he gives away our position, Yuyu" Sean shouted, gesturing up at Trent's butt which was now pressed up against his 'windshield'. An arm reached out of thin air and pulled Trent into... somewhere invisible.

Anthony, taking advantage of the momentary lull in action, turns his attention toward his newly remade machine's panel. "Bang Nail? Sounds like it'll pierce that sucker right through!" He yelled, upon noticing a weapon option with a catchy name. "Now! BANG NAIL"  The head of a nail popped out of the right shoulder of the MazinGetter. Anthony pulled it out; the nail being around the size of a sword on scale with a mecha.

"...By the gods, I'm surrounded by idiots," moaned Yorihime.  "Nathanial, I don't care what you do right now, just... Do something."

"As you wish..." sighed the press-ganged pilot.  "Um... Meh, it's worked so far..." Lunablade once again struck out at Zou with its sword. Zou simply spun around with his dual katanas and parried, though his parries were no longer as graceful as before. Now they were filled with raging force. "TREEEEEEEEEENT!" He roared into the air.

The other Zero-ARCs commandos moved in to protect their leaders. They were aces, true aces, and weren't about to let their leader down just like that. "They're moving to protect that damaged nacht," says Shizuha as she tracks them.

"On it," says Kisume, as she fires the boosters and moves to ram the hefty nachtmare into one of the Zero-ARCs.

"Keep moving!" Cries Shizuha as Maple Force bowls over the Zero-ARC it targeted and moves to lock swords with another.

"I know, I know!" says Kisume, whilst Rumia cries "WHUMP!" and focuses the Freem Beam on the Zero-ARC as it moves to strike Bucket Force with its free hand.

One Zero-ARC managed to ram the Lunablade into the wall. "Gah, cocky bastard!"  Nate tried to knock his attacker to the side.  "Get out the way!"

Suwako spins around in her seat, crying "TREEEEEEEENT!" grabbing the sword that had been lodged in her seat by Trent's heroics and slashing through her bindings.

"S-Suwako-sama! Get down!" Zou cried in panic. "You'll die!" Zou shouted at Suwako.

"No...Shirayuki-chan....Trent...will save me...I'm sure of it...because...Shirayuki-chan chose him..." Suwako smiled, before leaping out of her seat and into the rushing air. She spread her arms wide open, catching the torrents of air, and flying upwards. "TREEEEEEEENT!"

"Nothing can stand between me and my payday!" Trent kicked open Sean's cockpit and leapt out. "PAYDAY KID!" HE roared as he leapt for Suwako.

"Suicidal moron," Sean muttered aside to Yuyuko. "Oh well, Yuyu, I'm going to let you pilot for a moment. Just stab the damn thing once those two are out of the way."

The Trent and Suwako floated in free-fall as they fought to get closer to each other, Suwako by desperately reaching out, Trent by doing his own comical rendition of the breast-stroke. "Treeent!" Suwako cried, arms spread towards Trent.

"PAYDAY KID!" Trent shouted back, grasping for her. Their fingers missed one another's a few times, before they finally grasped one another tight. "Payday geeet!" Trent cheered.

"TRENT!" Suwako cried, pulling Trent into a tight hug, as if she was afraid of ever letting go. "I-I thought you were dead..." She cried, crying tears of relief.

"A real man never kicks the bucket..." Trent said. Kisume just happened to sneeze at that very moment. "....not even when he is swallowed hole by pickled broccoli layered in fish oil from a giant 200 meter long whale."

"Tehehehe~" Suwako giggled a little through her tears. "Silly Trent, whale aren't fish..."

"They aren't...?" Trent blinked. "Those whales lied to me!" He gasped in outrage.

"Yuyu, now!" Sean shouted. A beam sword extended itself through the Daihitenryoku's mid-section. Sean nervously fidgeted as Yuyu held the sword in place.

"SEAN!" Zou roared, kicking Sean back and slashing his katana at Sean's nachtmare. "I have no time for the likes of you! Suwako-sama! SUWAKO-SAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAA!" He called out into the rushing air.

The Noble White chose that moment to boost up behind Suwako and Trent, cockpit open. Tenshi and Yukari reached out and pulled them out of their freefall and back into the safety of the nacht. Then Trent caught the Clap from a free-floating virus. With a silent hiss, it sealed itself shut once more.

"Shirayuki-chan!" Suwako glomped her usual Linker seat. "You came for mes, yeps! And you brought Trents! I'm so happy!" She cried out through tears of joy.

"Phew, glad that's over..." Tenshi sighed, plopping back into her usual seat.

"It's far from over." Yukari muttered, darkly. "Back to your seats, people. We've got a mana core to catch!"

"Now," says Anthony, "feel the piercing strength of Justice!" and charges with the Bang Nail in hand at Zou. One of the Zero ARCs commandos managed to blast the Mazingetter's booster unit.

"Dang it we're going down Anthony!" Yelled out Letty.

"Well, if we can't get close, we'll send them a present from afar!" answered Anthony. Then the MazinGetter threw the bang nail and followed up with it's rocket punch right behind it, being the hammer for this nail. "TAKE THIS! SUPER, BANG NAIL PUNCH!" Yelled Anthony.

Unfortunately, before Anthony could attack with the nail, he was suddenly knocked aside by a mysterious red mech that came out of seemingly nowhere.

"What was that?!" screamed  Letty.

"You do know the price of treason, right?" transmitted an oddly young sounding female voice to the Mazingetter.  "Why where you firing on friendly troops?"

"You..." muttered anthony "It's you...Rouge"

"Ah, I see my reputation precedes me..." The girlish voice giggled softly.  "Now, answer my question before I lose patience with you."

"I am not the one truly betraying, I was betrayed before, being lied too, and now I see the true justice, and defeating the evil of this universe!"

"Who the hell is that one?" Cries Kisume as Rouge's mecha comes into view as she cuts into a Zero-ARC's jets.

"I'm not sure," Shizuha answers.

"Oh, really?"  Another giggle from the red mech as it ignores the chaos around it.  "And what is this "evil of the universe" you speak of?"

"The corporations, all of them! I thought Mars was the only one free of it, but I was wrong, all of them are evil! and so, I shall go on, and defeat every single one of them!" Anthony shouted.

"Who is that guy with the nail, anyways?" asks Kisume, as she dodges around a Zero-ARC's energy axe.

"He's...I'm not sure who he's with, but I think he is working with us." Shizuha answers, as Kisume cuts into the offending Zero-ARC's arm.

"He's the guy who said cool things while we were fightin' the Mars People!" says Rumia, as she aims at another Zero-ARC.

"That's guy? Huh," says Kisume as she jets back before the Zero-ARCs could swarm her, and Rumia fires upon them to hold them back.

"Now Rouge! I shall defeat you!" Yelled out Anthony, preparing to throw the nail at Rouge.

Rouge merely laughed.  "Oh, you've got spirit... I like that~" The red mech readied it's weapon, a nasty looking energy lance.

"Well, you shall be the first. To meet the power, OF MY TRUE JUSTICE!!!" Yells Anthony, who changed the Mazingetter's stance to hold the nail like a sword.

"...You do realise you sound like an idiot, right?  "Oh, oh, true justice, ultimate evil, wah wah!"  Heh."  says Rouge.  "Sakuya... You know what to do~"

"Affirmative, mistress." replied a calmer, more mature sounding voice.

"You are the foolish one, for someone who doesn't believe in these shall never achieve True Victory!" Anthony declares. Letty just facepalms, feeling a bit sorry for Anthony and feeling jealous of Orange being the one knocked out

"I don't know, I seem to be doing just fine so far~" As though it had moved instantaneously, the red mech was suddenly behind MazinGetter.  There was a light chuckle over the intercom, before it pierced the side of it's opponent with the lance.

"Dang it, boosters off line, and the tomahawk is lost" Muttered Letty.

"Don't give up like that! we can still win!" Yelled out Anthony, who then made the MazinGetter's arm swing around in a 360 degree arc, hitting Rouge that was behind them

"Hmm, that Frame that Noble White is fighting can take a beating, can't it?" Shizuha says. Rumia aims for the weapon arm of another Zero-ARC as Maple Force collided with another Zero-ARC, causing it to tumble head over heels.

"OUT OF MY WAY, SEAAAAAAAAAAN!" Zou was in a furious rage as he slashed at Sean, whose cloaking device had begun to fail.

"G-gah, too close, much to close, got to get away!" Sean gasped. Sean frantically grabbed at the controls and rapidly reversed thrust, pulling the sword out and sending the Falter zooming out of the way.

Suddenly, the tunnel widened out into a huge chamber. There, far below them, in the middle of the huge spherical chamber, sparkled the small, half-nacht-sized circular mana core that powered the entire Sanctuary.

"It's the mana core." says Yukari.

"That thing powers the Avalon?" Tenshi asked.

"Yes, and it has gone critical." Yukari said, noting the arcs of energy bursting out of it.

"The mana core!?" yelled Yorihime.  "What do you plan to do with THAT, Yukari!?"

"I'm taking it." Yukari replied to Yorihime, with a hint of glee.

"I... I can't let y-" Yori began.

"Yes we can, Yorihime.  I just... Have a feeling we should trust her for now." Nathanial said, in a calming voice.

Shizuha, in the meantime, sends out a comm to her allies. "This is Red. What is wrong with that thing? Over~"

"Bucket Force, everyone, that core is failing! Treat it with care!" Yukari shouted over the coms.

"Oh, that's Yukari!" says Shizuha. "You heard her, Green."


Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #46 on: September 11, 2009, 12:05:49 AM »
Among the Martian Forces. After they stopped running and started heading for where the mana core was located.

"They're rallying?" Friendly asked.

"Maybe they decided to be good targets and stay in the fight," Medicine said.

"Whatever, let's gun them down," Friendly replied

The squad leader was the first to die.

"Damn, we're under attack!" a martian yelled

The others began evasive manuvers.

"All this dodging, be good targets and die," Medicine said.

The martians were dying one by one, till one was left.

"Damn I can't see where they're coming from" he shouted.

"Right behind you~" Medicine said

"Shiiiiiiit" was that pilot's last words.

"And now for those targets over there!" Medicine said.

And the Incubus turned towards the core.

"who enforces the "no killing escape pods rule"?" Friendly wondered as he flew through a field of escape pods.

And they were off to the battle at the core.

"Would the aces simply eject and laugh that no one dares kill them? And it would be true because of the enforcers? Why then do people fight to the death? Is this all a game? A conspiracy for the amusement for a powerful few? Is the resource war simply fiction? To be played as a mere pawn for someone's amusement...I will not stand for it. The road to victory will be long , but soon enough, I shall lay waste to my enemies. If even Gensokyo stands against me, I shall conquer this system and bring forth a new age of peace and prosperity!" he thought to himself, "well, if I cannot kill them in the pod, I must simply prevent the pods from ejecting."

With his determination fired up, he entered the chaos around the core.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2009, 07:59:27 AM by Madness Chaser »
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #47 on: September 11, 2009, 01:10:08 PM »
"There appears to be a wreckage, Rem," Sariel stated bluntly as the Ophelia swerved in order to inspect quickly the scene that had occured with such spontaneity. "Maybe we can use that and escape the clutches of your pursuer." she advised. Rem quickly nodded with approval. The woman in the black mech, Serena, in her DPS Lavitage, could cause serious damage if she persisted with pursuing the Ophelia. The Ophelia was not designed to take on something as strong and bulky as the Lavitage in mind, and needed to find a safer place to do battle, or even completely evade her sights. The Ophelia quickly shifted to the phase invisibility and made their way to the wreckage, but they quickly noticed many Zero-ARCs circling at the border entrance. "Damnit!" Rem cursed. "Do we break through or stealth entry?" he asked. Sariel remained silent.

The Lavitage started to relent on its pursuit after realizing that Rem was really adamant on keeping away from its clutches. "Oh, my sweet," Serena said, sounding slightly irritated. "I want to liberate you, but you keep thinking I'm a creeper... I'm hurt. Well, I shall retreat and come back for you another time." she said to herself. The Lavitage quickly sped off in the opposite direction, perhaps to recharge its energy or do something else.

Rem started to enter the wake of the wreckage and saw the multitude of enemy mechs attempting to barrage the friendly Nachtmares. Rem immediately saw a familiar... face. Quickly, the Ophelia made its stealth entry past the enemy targets and shifted back into reality, passing by a certain Zou's mech trying to clash blades with another one. "Oh... It's that asshole." Rem muttered to himself. Sariel tilted her head. "Is something irking you, dear?"

"...The guy in the mech that's in a furious rage." he said.

"That doesn't tell me anything."

"...When I was still a part of TMC... That asshole abandoned my squad and I to fight for ourselves." Rem explained, maneuvering the Ophelia to evade any crossfire from the Zero-ARCs and other Nachtmares.

"So... You... Hey, wait." Sariel said. "Look at the mana core."

The Ophelia set its gaze at the bursts of energy emanating from the ailing mana core. "Huh... it's at critical status!" Shingyoku exclaimed. "You'd better get back, or lest we get nuked outta orbit!"

"Damnit... There's too much fighting going on here. The others are probably changing their priority to saving that mana core. And if that goes down... We all do." Rem said bluntly.

"Let's do something about it, then!"

Rem thought to himself. I'll settle my score with you some other time, you ingrateful bastard. I have been serving you for God knows how long, and your self-mutiny is what caused my death. I will have your head, whether you like it or not.

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #48 on: September 11, 2009, 01:33:45 PM »
Episode 6: Nightmare's Overdrive: A Phantasm's True Form?

The three aces took cover as the ceiling was blown away by some force. The mana core was now visible for all to see. It was a losing battle, as the Twilight Moon wasn't geared towards close quarters. It's Bunkerbuster cut loose from it, the Twilight Moon stood by the mana core as the two aces approached.

"Damn it, I can't lose here. I..."

"Don't give up, ze!" Marisa said, swatting Forte's head. "We still have one more trick up our sleeves."

"Don't you dare use the Master Spark Cannon! It's not ready yet!" Alice shouted.

"Aw... Alright, then we'll just do this. Hang on ze!" The Twilight Moon put the spot where the right arm sed to be on the mana core. Suddenly, everything began to light up, and the two aces drew back from the light. The Twilight Moon seemed different now, mainly from the unusually familiar wings on the back...

"What in the world is going on? New Moon, be careful!"

"Flandre's wings, huh? Well, that was un-expected." Re-attaching the arm it lost, the Twilight Moon's Overthrusters glared. "You know what to do, ze."

Forte grabbed the controls roughly, a fire seemed to have been lit in his soul. "Alright, you two! You want to rip this thing in half?!? COME AND GET IT!!!!"


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #49 on: September 11, 2009, 03:17:54 PM »
Civilian Surveyor Ship "Amaterasu"
Loading Bay No. -Classified-
5:50 PM, Day 1

"Observing", Elise scoffed, "what a roundabout way of doing things.  Just take care of it and it will all be over."

"Why do you never talk like this normally?" asked Gengetu.

"Never mix business with pleasure my dear, as I always say" said Elise with a smile.

"You never say that..."

"Anyway we've been given orders to stand by and observe the unfolding situation and that's exactly what we're going to do.  Strict orders from command."

Gengetu shook her head in dismay, "As I've tried to tell you before they are no more strict than any other orders.  A true soldier must be able to make snap judgements about whether or not to carry out her orders."

"And as I've tried to tell you, if we all went and ignored our orders the chain of command would collapse!  How you Gensokyo people managed to survive so long is something I'll never understand."

Elise was rewarded for her momentary outburst with a sharp smack on the head from a smiling angel above her.  A complaining "uguu~" sound escaped her mouth as her head snapped forward before she looked up at Gengetu, who was floating above and behind her.  Gengetu gave her a gently reproving look and shook her head.  On the whole, Elise decided she preferred Gengetu's punishments to those of her twin sister Mugetu; they were sharp and to the point, not the longwinded lectures that Mugetu liked to give.  Well, not that Elise liked being punished at all but if she had to be fussed over by two lunatic dream demons then she at least wanted to be able to pick her poison.

"In any case, our orders are clear", Elise said with an air of finality, "we wait for the signal before deploying.  We're supposed to be the trump card, remember?  Our presence onboard the Amaterasu is classified."

"We were the ones who told you that" answered a very deadpan Mugetu, "don't go repeating our instructions as if you were the one giving them."

"Coded message~" sang Gengetu, "it's from command.  It seems that the critical point of this mission has been reached and they want a little extra insurance.  We are to deploy immediately~"

"...time to go to work then?  Very well.  Mugetu?"

"Charging the Alchemical Drive.  Thrusters warmed and ready.  Power buildup on the linear catapault complete."

"Elise Kalinin.  Unit-10.  Launching!"

As Unit-10, unofficial designation "Faust", was thrown from the Amaterasu's launch bays, Elise felt nothing at all.  All of the switches and valves in her mind snapped to combat mode and she became her true self - a remorseless killer who would carry out her orders to the best of her ability and without any hesitation.

The encoded message was being displayed on one of her screens.  It seemed that the Amaterasu had come under heavy attack and that she was being ordered to hold the line until Reimu and the other support Nachts could arrive.  She consulted another display, directly linked to Gengetu's tactical feed.  Around 40-50 hostiles converging on the ship.  Not good odds.  Then a light flashed on the top right corner of her display, just above the Core readings - "Alchemical Drive Ready".

She smiled grimly.  Perhaps this would be fractionally less difficult after all.

"Come then, Prismrivers, and we will sing the melody of oblivion."
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #50 on: September 12, 2009, 03:22:52 AM »
Without the relative confines of the tunnel or the chase from before to force them into a defensive position, the Zero-ARCs start to fan out. "Keep the pressure on them, Golden Silver!" says Kisume as fires the boosters and sends Maple Force hurtling toward the centermost ARC. The Solar moves to sideside, while Kisume shifts Maple Force into Eel Force and jukes over to catch the ARC with its fins. The ARC frame shifts directions quickly, minimizing what would have been critical damage and jams the short blade it was holding into Eel Force's side, drawing out a high metallic screech as it skips across the nachtmare's armor.

Eel Force whirs around, as Rumia unleashes the Fweem Beem on the furthest out of the ARC frames, and two more close in on them. The ARC that they attacked moves back, as the others turn and fire upon Eel Force as it changes back to Bucket Force, cutting into its already scarred and pitted armor.

"Noble White, this is Red," says Shizuha, as Bucket Force darts aside to the ARC frames closing in between itself and the gunners, while trying to deflect their weapons with its bludgeon. "Yukari, is there anything we can do about the Mana Core? Anything that can be done? Over~"

"Red, get us some help!" says Kisume as an ARC's Sword cuts deeply into Bucket Force's side. The nachtmare jerks aside to escape the attack, while Rumia uses that moment to fire upon an ARC unit about to take shots at Lunablade, damaging its legs significantly as it throws itself aside to avoid a worse fate.

"I'm trying to find someone who isn't being overwhelmed in some way, Green," says Shizuha, while the ARC with the short blade circles around Bucket Force. She then sends out a general comm, "This is Red. Bucket Force is direly in need of assistance, please help! Ove-" A short burst of static accompanies end of the comm as a shot grazes Bucket Force's head and disrupts it for a moment.

"It it still good?" Kisume cries, as she whips around Bucket Force's bludgeon to keep the circling ARC at bay, and jets through the gap it left, trying again to put the Nachtmare between the Zero-ARCs at the rest of the melee.


Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #51 on: September 14, 2009, 06:14:07 AM »
The Incubus emerged from the tunnel seeking kills.

"A desperate defense. too bad it's too early for a Big Damn Hero moment. heh." Friendly said.

"They're all elite, that squadron seems the most coherent and lacks any anti-stealth measures." Rinnosuke said.

"Let's get them, El!" Medicine said.

The Incubus closed in on the nearest ARC frame and attacked.
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #52 on: September 17, 2009, 11:12:34 PM »
Accessing archive...complete.

Authorisation accepted.  Welcome, Child of Miare.

Specify subdirectory --- Side Materials.  Subdirectory valid.  Specify file name --- Kalinin, Elise.

File found.  Displaying archival side material for Elise Kalinin, Lieutenant, F-4F145R.

Io Foundries
United Republics of Jupiter
Several months earlier...

The main hangar and assembly areas were as quiet as a grave during sleeping hours.  Curfew was imposed for 11 standard Terran hours, allowing for an estimated 1 hour mealtime, 2 hours leisure and 8 hours of sleep necessary to sustain a healthy and sound mind.  During this time only the night shift provosts and com-bots patrolled the docks in search of suspicious activity.  This was the information that Elise had found out through her contacts.  Even on a factory moon as ordered and productive as Io it was still possible to get the heart's desire for the right price, so information on the patrol routes and shift changes, as well as the proper challenge/answer signals for the com-bots was a relatively simple matter.

Getting the star charts with the last known sightings of the Gensokyo colony ship was much harder, but still doable.  Elise sidled the length of a wall as a trio of provosts walked in the opposite direction.  Judging from their easy banter and the speed of their walk, they were likely just coming off duty and weren't likely to be as attentive.  When they passed, she ran back to the storeroom door and resumed her lockpicking.  Twenty-three seconds later she was rewarded with a sharp click and the door opened, revealing stacks upon stacks of supply crates.  Elise checked the manifest - a shipment of textiles from the Homeworld.  This was the right place.  Looking up, she saw a grille leading into the air duct and leaped nimbly onto the crates, using them as stepping stones to climb higher until she could reach it.

A sharp kick dislodged the grille, sending it clattering down the shaft.  Elise winced but there was nothing that could be done; there had been no time to acquire a fusion cutter and it was only one stage of the plan.  No need to bring along any unnecessary things.  She produced a small rectangular device with four wired attachments from a pouch on her belt and attached it with magnetic clamps to the duct.  The lights flashed and it began broadcasting the jamming signal for the foreign object sensors.  Elise took a deep breath, then pulled herself into the duct.  Five minutes to cross the hallway and access the hangar controls.  She began crawling as fast as she dared.  According to her information there should not be a patrol in the corridor below for another 8 minutes, leaving her with 3 minutes to finish her work before someone inevitably found out that she was up to something.

Elise came to the next grille and peered down.  There was some kind of light in the room, illuminating the control panels and glass windows overlooking the No. 09 Hangar Bay.  Certain that no one was around, she kicked the grille in once more and poked her head out of the vent, only to find herself staring down the barrel of a G-44 Heavy Vulcan.  The com-bot's display lights were blinking yellow, a warning.  It was demanding identification.  Perhaps some tech didn't want to get caught being late for work and had tried to sneak in the very same way she was now...Elise stopped herself.  This wasn't the time for crazy musings!  If ever there was a time for action, it was now.  She flashed a stolen red chit, supposedly a clearance for high level research staff.  The air seemed to freeze.  It wouldn't work.  The com-bot would reject her clearance and Elise would be nothing more than a red smear on the air duct for the cleanup crew to find in the morning.

Except that the com-bot wasn't moving.  Its display lights had turned to green, for idleness.  Elise finally allowd herself to breathe, and then dropped down into the hangar control, landing flat on her behind.  A sharp pain shot up her spine and she fought the urge to shout at the outrage of it all.  Biting her lip, she took the second item from her belt and inserted it into the data drive for the hangar control computer.  Running the program contained on the memory chip, she began to crack the security on 07 Central, the main computer for this particular dock.

"Not much time, not much time", Elise muttered impatiently, "of all the docks on Io why did I need to pick the one with intelligent operators?"

The terminal screen flashed as access was granted to the 07 Central mainframe.  The program continued to work, subtly re-routing power that was normally for the convenience of the night shift provosts to the No. 09 Hangar Bay.  The display read -Boot Up Sequence Starting-.  30 seconds.  The patrol would be coming by any moment now and Elise had to be absolutely quiet.  For the sake of her dream she couldn't be caught now, and she was so close.  Footsteps.  There were footsteps outside the hangar control room.  She held her breath and waited for them to pass.  Every step was like the sound of a hammer blow in her ears.  For a further three minutes she waited until the patrolling provosts had passed a safe distance from the room she was currently trapped in.

Then she ran.  The time for stealth was almost over.  Frantically forcing the door to the Hangar Bay itself open she ran across the catwalks and down the ladders like a boot camp obstacle course.  The reward at the finish line was her survival and her ticket off this rock.  Alarms began to wail as the cracking program was detected by the automated security programs.  Elise knew it would be.  It was only a matter of time and the security surrounding 07 Central was too good to allow such an easy getaway.  She slammed the elevator button and propelled herself upwards toward the cockpit of the hangar bay's occupant, a humanoid giant painted entirely black.  The torso was sharp and angular towards the front and two thin membrane-like wings were stretched out on either side of its back, connected to two circular barrel-like attachments.

The autocracker was still at work as Elise threw herself into the cockpit, her fingers flying frantically across the controls as she hotwired the mech's systems for manual control.  The OS hadn't even been installed yet which meant there was only basic motion data being fed by the autocracker itself, but that was fine.  Elise hadn't been planning on fighting anyway.  She could see provosts surrounding the mech with efficiency and levelling their guns at the cockpit as they had been trained to do, but she knew it would be too late.  The hangar bay was already de-pressurising and the linear catapault had been charged before access to the power grid could be cut off.  There was nothing more they could do.

"All systems green.  No significant damage to cockpit.  As of this moment, I hereby resign my commission as an officer of the United Republics of Jupiter."

Moments later a precious experimental mech, only recently approved for mass production, was hurled into the space surrounding Io.

"Thrusters, full burn.  Navigation has booted up, inputting coordinates."

A coruscating defence laser flashed past her right side, almost close enough to blister the paint away.  Elise grabbed the controls and spun the mech through the air in a series of awkward maneuvers, cursing the lack of motion data to help her.  More defence lasers were brought to bear and traced her path across space.  Soon she would be beyond their reach but before that...

"Attention, Nothung prototype.  You are not authorised to exit Jupiter space.  Return to base immediately or we will respond with lethal force.  I repeat, Nothung prototype, you are in unauthorised possession of a classified mass-production mech and will be terminated if you do not comply.  This is your only warning."

Elise said nothing, but she could imagine them scrambling as many pursuit fighters and mobile units as they could.  Alerting outlying patrols to the escaping threat.  A cordon would be established and a net would tighten around her until she had no choice but to surrender, or stand and fight.  The rendezvous point had been calculated and a course plotted, so all she had to do was stay alive.

It would be difficult, but a prototype with this speed...could outfly them all!

Error!  Archive corruption.  Archival side material incomplete.  Arranging for further interview to complete archive.
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #53 on: September 23, 2009, 08:18:54 PM »
The Amaterasu, at around the same time...

Elise stared at the tactical readouts for what must have been the millionth time.  She picked up some of the comms chatter from other parts of the battlefield.

"All of the Martians are attacking, I wonder what these other units are waiting for.  Well, there's no sense in taking any chances.  We have to protect the evacuation after all and if they were friendlies they would be hailing us by now."

"Wait", admonished Mugetu, "you can't possibly be thinking-"

"Thrusters on, low burn.  Distance 10500.  At 5200 switch to full burn and engage the Alchemical Drive.  Gengetu, give full control over to me."

"We don't have orders from command", Mugetu was saying, "you can't just attack without authorisation and go around spreading chaos wherever you want."

"I was ordered to defend this ship and I will cut down whatever I see as a threat.  To this, all concerns, even my life, are secondary."

The Faust was closing with the unknown enemy units steadily.  The distance readout ticked down like a clock of doom...7800...7500...7000...6200...5700...

"But what about support?" Mugetu was getting desperate now, "at least wait until Hakurei and the Prismriver squad are in support positions."

"I've waited long enough", was Elise's only reply, "implementing Case CWAL.  Engage Alchemical Drive!  All those who oppose Gensokyo will die!"

On the back of the Faust, the larger secondary thrusters flared to life, giving the normally sluggish heavy mech a temporary burst of speed.  It surged forward and the gun ports on its forearms open, spitting forth a blazing trail of laser fire.  Two of the mechs started trailing fire and the rest scattered to avoid the oncoming nightmare.  Elise's lips curled as she rushed another of the enemies and grappled them, unloading another burst of fire from the twin laser submachine guns while pouring fire on the cockpit from the concealed gunport on the Faust's head.

Scattered units attempted to return fire but much of the damage they caused was mostly offset by the Faust's self-repair functions.  The element of surprise was theirs for the moment but it wouldn't be long before they regrouped and their superior numbers started to take a toll.  Before then, Elise had to find and tear the heart out of this formation or that her allies would snap out of their stupor quickly enough to back her up.  The Alchemical Drive flared to life again and the Faust propelled itself towards another pair of enemies that had become isolated from the main formation, travelling between them while lashing out to the side with a long, curved sword.  The resulting explosions danced across the mech's red and white paint scheme, splashing it with orange.

Elise turned back to the main formation, which was beginning to regroup and present a threat, and proceeded to break it up again with standard dispersal tactics.

"Case CWAL, Stage 1 complete.  Proceeding to Stage 2."
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #54 on: September 25, 2009, 04:58:35 AM »
"Noble White, this is Red," says Shizuha, as Bucket Force darts aside to the ARC frames closing in between itself and the gunners, while trying to deflect their weapons with its bludgeon. "Yukari, is there anything we can do about the Mana Core? Anything that can be done? Over~"

"Those Martians by the core..." Yukari began, referring to the Martian science scout solar frames tinkering with the mana core. "...they're trying to move it...and the core doesn't like being moved. I suppose that simply means we must stop them~" Yukari said, simply, trying to concentrate over the sound of heavy explosions pounding against the Noble White's hull.

"So that you can steal it, you mean?!" Tenshi accused harshly. "What about the colony?!"

"Either way, the colony is doomed." Yukari pointed out, shrugging. "We don't move it, half the solar system disappears along with the Avalon. We move it, Avalon collapses but everyone else is spared. I think this one's a no-brainer." She gave Tenshi a small smile.

"Incoming transmission from the Prismbuster Squadrons! We can hear thems! They must have entereds the Avalons!" Suwako announced, all the while maintaining the now armless and helpless Noble White's mana shields on full while Trent did his best to dodge and graze incoming stray enemy fire. At least nobody was bothering with the cripple...for now...

" Prismbuster 1, do you copy? Any Gensokyo forces within Avalon, this is Prismbuster 1, do you copy?" The voice of Akyu filtered in through the radio static.

"Copy that, Prismbuster. This is Yukari onboard the Noble White." Yukari replied.

"Noble White, we have breached the outer defenses and have completed our liberation of the hangar bay. The ground squads lead by Wolf and Firebird have captured the transports and we have begun the first wave of evacuation." Akyu reported. "Evacuation of Avalon is now 50% complete. Over."

"Copy that. Not fast enough." Yukari said. "The Avalon is about to go nova. Double time now!"

"We're trying. But the enemy isn't making it easy." Akyu explained. The sound of explosions was audible over the coms, accompanied by Layla's maniacal laughter and the 'Get Down' song. "They're capturing Avalon citizens and the supplies of mana cores and nachtmare parts from Gensokyo."

"...tch...they want to build their own nachtmares? But...who could have leaked the information...?" Yukari muttered  to herself.

"...Prismbusters! Hurry your efforts as much as you cans! We will do our best to hold them offs!" Suwako said into the coms.

"Copy that, Noble White...and thank you..." Akyu replied, before signing off.

"Heard that? We need to buy times until the evacuation is completes!" Suwako declared, grasping her control orbs tight while adjusting the Nachtmare's mana core feedback manually by feel. "Trent, let's kick buttocks!"

"Aye, let us give them a royal prod in their flagrant warthog arses!" Trent pushed his control platforms, yokes and all, hard forwards, causing the Noble White to hurtle towards the Martian scouts around the core.

"Ahaha, bringing a cripple to an ace fight." Tenshi sighed, shaking her head with a smile of amused defeat. "I sure hope you people know what you're doing..." She muttered, flexing her fingers over her controls before inputting a complex set of balance adjustments.

"We're in a good position." Yukari reasoned, running rapid trajectory corrections on their veneer boosters. "We're far too crippled to do anything."

"Oh yes! I can already see us routing the enemy. Look! No hands!" Tenshi quipped sarcastically.

"Shirayuki isn't done yets!" Suwako declared, focusing all her willpower on keeping the Noble White's mana shielding up as the Martian scouts, noticing their approach, began pelting them with every manner of hot ordnance they could muster.

"This is Red. Bucket Force is direly in need of assistance, please help! Ove-" Shizuha's words came over the coms, the urgency of the request inherent in her tone.

"....Shizuha!" Suwako cried, looking up at the Bucket Force trying to break out of the Zero ARCs' enclosure. "Trent! They need helps!"

"Stay the course!" Yukari ordered. "If that core goes, we all go!"

"Trent!" Suwako turned to look up at the Knight.

"You...want me to...'protect' them, huh?" Trent said, still grappling with the foreign concept. "Just make sure the gray carps don't make the pinata go KABOOM, right?" He pulled on the yokes, causing the Noble White to swerve violently upwards towards the Bucket Force.

"Tch..." Yukari gritted her teeth as she fixed the trajectory calculations on the veneers. "The core takes priority!" She snapped irritably.

"Who said I forgot about them green warthogs?" Trent grinned as the Zero ARCs turned on them, every manner of remorseless steel and merciless lead aimed at them.

"Do a barrel roll!" Tenshi shouted as the first shots arched towards the Noble White.

"For my cheeeese!" Trent roared, pushing one yoke forwards and pressing down heavily on the opposite pedal. The Noble White's veneers reversed, sending the Noble White into a rather lopsided looping spiral, evading the worst of the enemy fire. The enemy immediately tried to maneuver out of the way, but their acceleration was nowhere near fast enough. The Noble White spun like a top as it somersaulted through the air, building up centripetal momentum, before aiming right for the ARC frames in the Bucket Force's way. Everyone gritted their teeth, wincing, fighting to stay conscious as the G-forces built up abruptly. "PEANUT BUSTER KIIIIIIIICK!" Trent roared.

The Noble White's legs spun out to either side, smashing into a pair of ARC frames, catching them right in their booster units. The booster units exploded, sending them both hurtling helplessly towards the Martian scouts by the core. All they could do was open fire on the Martians, hoping to clear them out of their way. All they received was counter fire from the panicked Martians.

In the ensuing chaos from the surprise attack, the Trie Noire flanked the ARC enclosure and managed to rain pure death down on the unsuspecting lot, catching a few unawares and dealing enough damage to cause them to scatter their formation.

With that, the Bucket Force only barely managed to slip out of the Zero ARCs enclosure. However, it left the Noble White itself pinned by half a dozen other Zero ARC commandos.

And none of them were happy with the cripple who just smashed two of their comrades into a dead dive.

Barrage upon barrage of hot lead and fiery plasma rained down on the Noble White. "Augh!" Tenshi cried as the cockpit shook violently under the torrent of heavy enemy fire. "...mana shielding's down! We're being torn apart!"

"...looks like we have ninjas in our pipes..." Trent observed, pulling on control yokes but eliciting no reaction from the Noble White. "Shirayuki fell asleep..."

"We can't maneuver. Boosters are shot." Yukari sighed, sitting back in her seat, defeated. "At least we got the martians by the core scattered."

"Oh wow, a silver lining..." Tenshi muttered, doing likewise, as the cockpit's main screen broke into broken static. "...oh, by the way, the cockpit ejection's smashed."

"Noble White, this is Bucket Force. We and the Trie Noir are moving in to bail you out, over." Shizuha's voice came over the coms once more.

Yukari turned to everyone else. Suwako nodded, resignedly. Trent shrugged, his usual mad grin in place. Tenshi merely sighed and nodded in defeat. Yukari gave them all an encouraging nod, though she didn't really put her heart into it.

"No. Prioritize efforts on saving that core." Yukari replied into the coms. "We'll draw the enemy's attention in the time being. Noble White....out..." She set down the coms and sat back once more into her shuddering seat, a thin smile on her lips.

"...we just lost both lower limbs...." Tenshi announced, halfheartedly. "....mana core output dropping....reaching critical down...."

" can't be over, Shirayuki-chan! Not yet!" Suwako pressed down on her control orbs, willing the Noble White to move. "Please!" But all she received was the dismal sound of the Noble White's mana core winding down, its hum dying down to almost a whisper. "N-no...S-Shirayuki-chan!" She cried as the instrument panels died out. The lights winked out not long after. But they weren't in the dark for long. Sparks exploded as the first of the lead tracers burst into the cockpit. "Shirayuki-chan..."

Suddenly, the enemy fire ceased. Everyone in the cockpit looked up and around at one another, puzzled. Did the enemy decide that firing on a cripple was no longer worth their time?

Their answer came soon enough, in the form of an almighty crash that shook their cockpit violently.

"TRENT!" A voice boomed across all frequencies. Sure enough, it was Zou. "Heed this! I shall rend you apart, on my honour! Then I shall free Suwako-sama once more! Do you hear me?!"

"Looks like he called off the attack." Yukari's smile brightened, before another violent tremour ran through their cockpit. The now quadriplegic Noble White had crashed into something again. This time, the cockpit hatch blew open as the cockpit's metal frame was bent out of shape, revealing the gleaming surface of the gigantic mana core outside. They had crashed straight into it.. Its surface was a chaotic haze. The prismatic surface was thrown into convulsive epileptic flashes, almost psychedelic to the senses. To add more insult to the eyes, bright flashes of energy arched over its tempestuous surface every few moments, threatening more than just a few light burns on impact.

"Suwako?" Tenshi blinked as Suwako unbuckled her seatbelts and leapt out of the cockpit. "SUWAKO!"

"Noble White!" Shizuha's voice blarred on the external speakers outside. "Bucket Force, Geist and Trie Noire here will provide cover! Hurry and evacuate!"

"As if we can even move!" Tenshi leapt up onto her seat and opened up the Noble White's mana core access hatch. Lights flickered and danced in the cockpit from the light of the rapidly deteriotating main mana core outside and the fire of battle around them. The Mazingetter, its flight units trailing fire from damage from the tunnel battle, blazed past, locked in a fierce duel with the now battered Diablo Rouge.

"Can you get the coms working again?" Yukari asked, pulling out a notepad and a pen. "Suwako will try to talk to the core, I'm sure. It's all we can do for now. I'm going to do the calculations for mobilizing it. You get that com system working."

"But..." Tenshi looked around at Trent. " go after her and keep her safe." She gave him a death glare, before leaping out of her seat to take a look at the coms. A fiery explosion lit up the cockpit as the Mazingetter and Diablo Rouge finally gave away in a deadlock tie and crashed into the core closeby.

"..." Trent merely shrugged at Tenshi and climbed out of the cockpit...

Now any normal human would quickly regret this as he was immediately assaulted by a crippling surge of agonizing mana energy that ran through his entire body...

...but as established, he was no normal human. He was insane. And thus he perceived things like being mana-trocuted rather differently.

...he perceived it as being eaten alive by a million starving weasels in a cage....

Something that he doesn't regret however. He knows the weasels will get him one day. So right now he focused his mind on his next objective - get rid of the weasels...or....that payday kid, AKA Suwako...

There was an explosion of mana sparks nearby as the Bucket Force smashed into the core's surface just a little distance away, after being blown back by a Lunarian impact gun. It was quickly joined by the Incubus smashing into a rolling ball of fire across the core's surface, courtesy of a Martian buster beam.

Trent shielded his eyes from the explosion's glare and managed to spot Suwako kneeling against the core's surface, gritting her teeth in pain as she tried to comfort and speak to the mana core. "Please, calm down. You have nothing to be afraid of. You have friends here to help you!" She pleaded. "There are people counting on you...if you give up now..."

"K-Kyaaa!" An arch of energy leapt up and zapped her, causing her to shriek in agony before falling over sideways. "W-why...?" She breathed, wincing in pain. "...p-please..."


A fist smashed into the glowing white material. There was a very audible hiss as the core's energy scorched the fist's skin and flesh.

"T-Trent?!" Suwako gasped, looking up at the fist's owner, Trent.

There was another explosion as Geist slammed violently against the core, courtesy of a Zero ARCs commando's bunker buster. More rampant energy bursts ran across the core's surface under the abuse. The Geist raised a trembling sniper-bearing arm up into the air and got its revenge by smashing the bunker buster straight out of the commando's arm, followed by its rear stabilizers, forcing it to retreat.

"Hey,'re a man, ain't ya?" Trent asked, opening his usually Kitsune-like eyes to glare at the core. "Any ol fool of a zucchini can just curl up and die. But it takes a real man to man up and bite the cheese! Real men don't squat about in a corner with his pink hippos, sulkin' and cryin' for his towel! Real men FIGHT, no matter whether it's through whipped cream and wasabi! You wanna die a cowardly yellow rat death...or will you do the brave thing and live on like true ostriches?!"

The core released a huge shockwave in answer, sending both Trent and Suwako flying high up into the air. Suwako was thrown into the safety of the Noble White's cockpit. Trent, however, smashed against the cockpit's hatch, before falling back onto the core's surface to get mana-trocuted once more.

"Hurry up!" A voice boomed from the Trie Noir as it threw up its mana shields on maximum to deflect incoming enemy fire from causing the core any further grief. Sparks exploded on its armour as tracers and other manner of fiery enemy fire pierced through its shields to strike the already abused armour. The fire seemed to come mostly from the Lunarian forces who seemed oblivious to the core's value.

"Ora Ora Ora Ora!" Trent roared, as he pulled himself up onto his shaky knees. "Listen to me!" He shouted, smashing another fist into the core's surface. "If you're not part of the solution, pal..." He smashed another fist in. "'re part of the problem!" Another punch.

He was thrown skidding backwards by another shockwave of raw energy, just as the air lit up with the radiant light of the Trie Noir's beam cannon that sweeped through at least a quarter of the enemy ranks, creating a panorama of blazing fireballs. However, the high mana usage left the Trie Noire's mana shield down, allowing it to be blasted back into the core by a Lunarian shocktrooper. The abuse was too much. Another tremour ran through the core as its surface began to shatter, letting out eerily colourful beams of light from within.

"Orphelia here!" Another voice shouted as the Orphelia zig-zagged through the enemy lines, leaving a trail of fireballs and escape pods in its wake. "We're moving in on the Zero ARCs. I repeat, we are-aaaaaaaaaargh!" The radio transmission was cut off as the Orphelia was surprise-rammed by a heavy buster blade, courtesy of a Zero ARCs ace, before it was smashed into the walls of the chamber by a well aimed bunker buster burst from another Zero ARCs commando. It burst into flame as it bounced across the walls before falling down into the core and smashing violently across its surface.

"We're dropping like flies...." Yukari muttered, peeking out of the cockpit just in time to see the Lunablade be overwhelmed by Lunarian shocktroopers. It managed to hack and slash one or two, but was quickly surrounded and blasted from behind by a barrage of Lunarian railgun fire. "At least they're still busy fighting amongst themselves, but not for long I think..." She glanced down at the quickly collapsing core underneath them.

" that...?!" Yukari blinked, looking up at the tunnel they came through. A white and royal purple nachtmare came flying through, bearing what looked like a long pole. "...wait, my Lafcadio?!"

The coms squeaked as Tenshi managed to get it to run again. "...shhh...-kari-sama
...Yukari-sama! Please come in! I brought you your nacht-..." Ruukoto's voice came in, transmitting from the white and purple nachtmare, before it was suddenly cut off as the nachtmare was bludgeoned in two from behind by a Lunarian ace.

"RUUKOTO!" Yukari cried as the nacthmare Lafcadio trailed fire, before bursting into flames and smashing into the core. "RUUKOTO!" She cried, leaping out of the cockpit, only to quickly regret it as the core's energy ran shocks through her spine upon her touching it. "AAGH..." She gasped, doubling up, before gritting her teeth and straightening up against the sheer burden of agony and stumbling on towards the Lafcadio's crash site.

"Argh! Crazy old gap hag!" Tenshi cried in frustration before turning back to her coms. She had more important business than going out on suicide missions. "Anyone who's still alive, come in. Damage Report, stat." Tenshi spoke into the coms. The tremours inside the cockpit were beyond violent now as the core threatened to go nova.

"We're here." Shizuha replied, amidst a chorus of groans from her fellow Knights. "Mana core energy is critical. The impact drained the last of our mana for the shields."

"Flight controls are shot. Boosters are totaled. Stabilizers are fried." Kisume muttered, banging her consoles bitterly.

"Ditto on weapons." Rumia reported, poking her sparking consoles idly.

"We ain't going nowhere. That's all I can say." Iku sighed to a background of Margaret fussing over the damage indicators.

"I'm hungry." Was all Yuyuko said as other frames from other factions began crashing into the core, showering debris and flaming junk everywhere.

"Weapon systems barely functioning. But we've got no mobility." Sean added. "And we're out of snacks."

"Err...Letty here...." Letty reported, her voice a little shaky, from within the Mazingetter. She was trying to speak over the sound of some boy who was making a valiant attempt at trying to get the nachtmare to move by sheer show of will by shouting a lot of nonsensical yet manly drivel. "My Knight, Orange, is out-cold...though I sort of got a...replacement. But we're down for the count. Now....ummm... attempting system salvage."

"This is...Marisa..." Marisa's voice coughed over the coms to a background of Forte cursing loudly at his rival ace who just downed them. "...I think we're sitting on top of a timebomb daze..." She said, referring to the core.

"Orphelia here...." Kikuri coughed into the coms. "We're putting out fires here. The auto-fire extinguisher has engaged, but things look hot. We're out."

"Yukari! Where are you! You sabotaged my nachtmare, didn't you?! Giving this burning heap of junk as a gift...I knew I should've suspected a rat!" A certain spoiled moon princess shouted over the coms in abject rage, ignoring the protests from the young man beside her.

" that's it...?" Tenshi sighed, sitting back in her chair as another violent shock shook the now ruined cockpit.

"Ruukoto!" Yukari gasped as she reached the Lafcadio's cockpit access hatch. She grasped the manual hatch lever, only to get her hands burned with a painful hiss. "AUGH!" She gritted her teeth, blinked away the tears, before pulling the lever with all her might. The hatch slid open with a hiss to reveal Ruukoto, half-pinned by the crushed-in cockpit. "Ruukoto...RUUKOTO! Speak to me!" The usually calm Yukari shouted in panic, fearing for her aide's life.

"Y-yukari-s-sama...." Ruukoto suddenly smiled upon hearing her mistress' voice. "...I-I'm sorry...I-I broke y-your n-nachtmare..." She smiled an apologetic smile.

" sorry for breaking yourself!" Yukari sighed, still breathing hard from the pain. "...let's get you out." She said as she began to try and pull Ruukoto out. "There's one last thing we can do. Tenshi!" She shouted into her pocket communicator as another explosion outside lit up her face.

"Oh, so you were at least prudent enough to bring Noble White's hand communicator." Tenshi's voice crackled over the coms.

"Shut up and patch me through to all our friendlies." Yukari sighed.

"Sure, whatever. There, you're patched through." Tenshi replied.

"Everyone, there's not much time." Yukari began, her voice rather heavy. "I heard the damage report. I'll make this brief. Without our nachtmares, there's only one last thing we can do. You know what it is. We're not doing this for Avalon....we're doing this for the people...and for Gensokyo..." Yukari said. "...I'll meet you on the ground. Yukari, out."

"....what did she mean by that?" Nate asked Yorihime.

"....she really wants to kill us all..." Yori muttered, shaking her head. "...but...this much she's right about. This is the only way to prevent half the solar system from going nova." Yorihime climbed over her seat and reached up to the mana core access panel above her. She opened it, reached in, and twisted a lever, pulled it out, spun it again, before pushing it back in.

"Mana Core Implosion system activated. Now overloading core. Implosion will commence in T-minus 5 minutes...." A cool voice announced from their control console.

"....what does that mean?" Nate asked.

"Means we're going to die." Yorihime said, simply, before opening her cockpit access hatch and jumping out.

"What do you mean we're going to die?!" Nate demanded as he leapt after Yorihime onto the core's surface. Thankfully, the core's energy sparks had died down, now only sending brief sparks of pain through the soles of their feet and into their spines. "Ugh...well...explain...."

"By imploding the cores on our own nacthmares, they'll form mini-black holes to absorb all the rampant energy from the Avalon's core. Thus, at worst, Avalon will be destroyed...but not the entire solar system." Yorihime explained as she made her way towards where the Noble White's remains lay. "Now come...I want to at least settle a score with Yukari before I die!"

"....goodbye...Shirayuki...." Suwako murmured sadly, tears brimming in her eyes as she turned the self-destruct lever and pushed it in with one final click. "....and thank you..." She whispered, as if to a child falling asleep for the last time, as the cool voice began its self-destruct announcement. She blinked away her tears before following Tenshi to jump out of the cockpit.

Outside, there was already a circle of pilots and linkers gathered around. Some of the newcomers were having the plan explained to them. Some were digesting the idea of sacrificing themselves for the sake of the solar system. And some were going mad....

"Oy, Marisa! Isn't that a Lunarian soldier you have with you?!" Tenshi shouted.

"Well, Letty there's got a Martian soldier." Shizuha nodded at the approaching Letty who was carrying an unconscious Orange, accompanied by a new stranger in Martian colours.

"...Yukari!" Yuyuko turned with a cheery smile upon seeing her best friend trudge up to them, bearing an injured Ruukoto on her shoulder. "You're alive!"

"For the next....3 minutes and 34 seconds at any rate...." Yukari grinned back.

"Hey, the maid who delivered the mech to us..."  Nate looked around at the injured Ruukoto. "What happened to you?!"

"You know...suddenly nothing matters anymore..." Tenshi sighed, looking around at the 3 way battle still raging in the air around them. "....the fight is pointless...."

"Ironic, isn't it?" Konngara nodded as the Orphelia crew arrived to join the gathering.

"Let's have a drink." Shizuha invited everyone, holding up a pair of sake bottles and a few cups. "To celebrate a job well done, everyone."

"Yay! Drinkies time!" Rumia leapt up and down in excitement.

" people never fail to amuse..." Kikuri sighed with a helpless smile. "Come, a drink would be welcome." She nodded to Shizuha as the drinks were passed around.

"...sorry...what's going on here?" A lost-looking lone Martian pilot came up to them. The stranded Daka-brigade leader, Jan, approached the group.

"Aha, a Martian!" Yukari giggled, raising a cup to him. "Come, you might as well join us."

"To a job well done!" Shizuha raised her cup. "We're saving the solar system!"

"To life, universe, and everything!" Yukari giggled.

"42!" Yuyuko trilled.

"To Gensokyo!" Margaret cheered, earning her a round of applause.

"C'mon, Suwako, say something." Shizuha nudged a rather forlorn looking Suwako in the back. "We're celebrating. You know the Gensokyo customs."

"'re right..." Suwako smiled a small smile. " Friends! And Family! To US!" The group broke into cheers and laughter at this. Sake was drunk and passed around, along with laughter and joy.

This was how Gensokyo celebrated.

(Feel free to insert any more last minute conversations, thoughts, ruminations, revelations/epiphanies, etc. in your own scenes. I didn't do much PC dialogues to allow you players to do what you like.)

"....suddenly, all is peaceful." Yukari sighed, looking around. "Gensokyo will remain strong. That's a given. Reimu, the Prismrivers, Koishi, Elise and the others are still out there..."

"...yeah....peaceful" Tenshi rolled her eyes. "'cept this annoying prick here..." She nodded at Trent who was still fighting to punch some sense into the mana core.

"You got problems?!" Trent gave the core's surface another hard straight. "Well look at it in the eye....tell it to F*** off royally...give it the almighty finger....and turn your back on it....and face the F***ing future full on!" He roared, punctuating each pause with a punch.

Suddenly, the floor underneath their feet collapsed completely as the core's surface gave away, shattering into many, many small shimmering fragments. This was it. The core had collapsed.

The unmanned nachtmares all fell in, glowing a radiant bluish white as their self-destruct systems kicked in and their mana cores reached critical.

"....this is it..." Suwako sighed, falling backwards into the colourful abyss, watching as the Noble White above her blazed a brilliant white as its mana core imploded. Shimmering lights streamed past her as a bright, warm glow enveloped her. "...thank you...everyone..."


"...Brave Warriors, the Knights and Linkers of Gensokyo.....Thank you....for saving me...and awakening me....this repayment, the only thing I can give you, my last gift to you all...may it aid you in your struggles us..."


Back outside Avalon....

"Elise!" Elise blinked as she heard Mugetu shout in her ear. It was almost as if she was far away....with some other voice speaking, echoing all around her. The voice had said something about 'brave warriors' and a 'final gift'....what was....?

"E-eh?" Mugetu looked at the levels of mana flux in the Faust's mana core. It was going through the roof. It was as if the mana core was overloading...but all systems were stable. It was simply as if the core had decided to go hyper. "....what's this....?" She blinked as the Faust's thruster fire suddenly shout out a huge trail of blazing white. Its armour glowed with a radiant intensity, as if on fire.

The coms filled up with nervous chatter as the Hisou Tenkou and prismbusters experienced similarly strange phenomenons.

"....what...happened...?" Tenshi blinked, as she looked around. One minute she was being engulfed in radiant light...the next,  she, Yukari, Suwako and that madman were sitting back inside a cockpit....

...wait...was this their cockpit...? She remembered it as being a lot more junky and was definitely not gleaming with the latest in cockpit interior designing.

"....Thank you...Avalon....." Suwako murmured, tears of joy brimming in her eyes as she placed her hands on her control orbs. "....thank you....for giving Shirayuki backs...."

" I dead?" Tenshi asked. "Cause if this is heaven, I want all my donation money back. I ain't spending the rest of eternity with the gap hag!" She shouted, pointing at Yukari.

"....odd....all my nacthmare's weapons are on here." Yukari said, ignoring Tenshi. "...almost as if the Lafcadio merged with the Noble White...."

"Shirayuki, the princess of purest white, has been reborn as the noble white queen of holiest light! Oy oy oy! You hear me, Avalon?! I'll show them what your apples are made of!" Trent roared as the bright glow on the screen subsided to reveal the collapsing core chamber with the frames of all 3 factions all frozen, shocked, watching them.

Their surprise was well-justified. The core had suddenly exploded into a flash of blinding white light, only to leave behind a large group of glowing nachtmares, their armour gleaming under the light of a multitude of shimmering sparkles.

"The core chamber's collapsing. Avalon's about to blow!" Shizuha reported.

"...Gensokyo! MOVE OUT!" Yukari ordered.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #55 on: September 25, 2009, 07:20:58 AM »
Just after Exoleet gets there.

A scratchy older voice of an older man crackles to life on Bucket Force's Comms, as Kisume desperately bats away a Zero-ARC's sword with the Nachtmare's bludgeon. "I have to say, you're more daring than most we've fought, over." Kisume and Rumia, far too occupied with the fighting, barely register the new voice

"This is Red," Shizuha answers as she busily works to try to reroute damaged systems, "That is quite the compliment. Who is speaking, over~"

"This is ARC-Epsilon," answers the scratchy voiced man, "Stand down and you will be spared; Terra has no interest in casualties. We want to retrieve Zou and that energy core. Stand down and we will withdraw after these objectives have been met."

"I'm afraid we can't do that, there is likely no safe way to interact with the core, over~" Shizuha answers.

"A shame," answers ARC-Epsilon, "Please consider our words when we take your escape pod, over."

"Of course," says Shizuha, "We appreciate you-Ohr drat." She lets the rest of the message fall as the communication link dies. But then one of the Zero-ARCs mysteriously falls prey to an attack from nowhere, and Exoleet's assurances come through. Then Noble White puts itself in danger to give Bucket Force an opening.

"Now!" Kisume shouts, boosting forward and shifting the nachtmare into Crow Force, she puts as much distance between them and the Zero-ARCs as she can. "Man, it's about time people coordinated."

"Noble White's in trouble," Shizuha says. "Those Terran guys just took out its legs."

"On it, Red" says Kisume, while Shizuha starts giving orders to

"Gonna make a million points," says Rumia as she sights on an ARC and fires the Fweem Beam on it. "But I get 'em all so you can't spend 'em!"

"Give 'em all you got, Golden Silver," says Kisume, as the Zero ARCs clear the way for Zou. "In the meantime, I'm giving that one what he's got coming!"

"It's brave of him to keep going when his cockpit is shattered like that," mutters Shizuha. "I wonder what's driving him?"

Unable to stop Zou from driving Noble White into the core, Kisume contents herself with cutting deeply into the frame's arm with Crow Force's wings, and sending it stumbling back before it can follow up. Then, as she pulls it up out of its attack dive and starts to whirl around, the nachtmare shakes viciously and starts to spiral out of control. Kisume cries out in surprise, trying to force the now-useless controls to bring it down safely, but to no avail. Rumia screams and throws her arms over her face, while Shizuha resolutely braces for impact. Crow force slams into the core, Kisume angling down with some success at the last moment to avoid spearing into it, instead slamming the mecha's back into the massive sphere.

"Everyone okay?" Kisume asks, after a moment of stunned silence. "Red? Golden Silver?"

"I think so," says Rumia. "My everything hurts, but not that much."

"Golden Silver has summed it up, I think," says Shizuha. "Sadly, our nachtmare is much worse off. I'm not sure how much was due to that shot and how much is due to being in contact with the core."

"What got us anyways, Red?" asks Kisume as she tries to get some life out of Crow Force yet.

"It seems to have been a a Luna Corp unit," says Shizuha, as she fiddles with the scanners that work. "Ah, here we are. Unit X0060, codename Cerberus Alpha."

"Must've been watching us and waiting for his big shot, I suppose," says Kisume with a sigh, as she makes her third try at getting some response from Bucket Force. "Bet he got all kinds of data on us. Shame, that. We'll have to find a way to make sure he doesn't get it back home."

"Isn't it weird," says Rumia as she pokes idly at the weapon controls, "how we hit this big glowy coreamabob? We weren't even really going that way."

"I think it was force of the impact and losing control," says Kisume, before the comms crackle to life.

Exchanges are had with the other Gensokyoans, and Yukari announces her plan. The three sit in stunned silence. "Shit." says Kisume at last. "Guess I'll be seeing moms sooner than I thought."

"I'll go with you Green," says Rumia. "I'm not worried, I've been around a long time so it's all okay. But what about Red? She's not a youkai."

"One cannot kill the falling of the autumn leaves in such a way," says Shizuha with a small shrug, "But, I am not sure what will follow as far as I am concerned. If I can, I will make sure that everyone learns what happened. Mmm, it seems that the others are gathering below. I suppose the core's presence is no longer a concern, the radiation seems to have internalized. Shall we go?"

Leaving Crow Force is a simple matter for the flight-capable trio, and they land close to the crowd of downed pilots. A few pleasantries are exchanged, and Shizuha produces some sake she had kept onhand just in case someone got thirsty. The drink is distributed, and the three members of Team Bucket go to mind.

"Suwako dear," says Shizuha as she approaches her fellow deity, a little ways from the main group, "You really have found quite the madman, haven't you? I can't feel any of the autumn creeping upon his mind at all to explain what we've seen."

Suwako waggles a finger. "Let's not says bad things against Trent now, nope."

"Yes, how rude of me," agrees Shizuha, "Please accept my apologies. Curiosity does make bores of us all." Then she finishes her drink.

Kisume seeks out the various pilots who had saved and worked with her in the battles up to this point. "Hey," she says to each, bouncing up to them and offering them a hand, "I'm Green, with Bucket Force. But call me Kisume, alright? Look, I just want to say thanks for helping out back there. And, uh, don't worry about things. I've got family in the afterlife business. It's not so bad, really."

Rumia stares at Trent for a good minute, before approaching him. He notices the youkai approaching him, and is about to say something when she grabs him roughly by the shoulders, shakes him, then stares into his eyes and cries:

"Calm down, just calm down!
Calm down, just calm down~
Calm down just calm down~"

For a moment, silence hangs heavily between the two of them as they stare into each others eyes. Then, slowly, Rumia leans toward Trent, parting her lips a little...


And bites Trent's shoulder. It is not a hard bite, not at all painful, but many would find it disconcerting to have a stranger chewing softly on their shoulder. "Hey!" says Kisume, looking over as she bounces toward Ophelia's pilot, "Rumia likes you!"

Then the core implodes, using a portion of its ability to restore the various damaged mecha.

"Well," says Shizuha, "I didn't know it could do that sort of thing. How handy. I shall have to make an honorific of it come the next festival, Avalon, thank you very much."

"Let's go, Shizuha!" Kisume shouts, as various pilots scramble back to their machines.

"Yes, yes," answers the deity as she takes to the air and chases after Kisume,

"We're not leaving people, are we?" asks Rumia as she settles back into the gunner's seat. "Because you said we wouldn't!"

"Hell no we aren't," Kisume answers as she locks her bucket back into the nachtmare's control center and closes the cockpit while Shizuha belts herself in.

Shizuha sends out a general comm as Kisume shifts Crow Force back into Bucket Force. "Hello everyone, this is Red. As you can probably tell, the core chamber is about to collapse, and Avalon is likely to follow. You should gather up escape pods and get out of here as soon as you can. Over~"

And with that, Bucket Force moves to do just that, moving to grab the pods it can, shoving them into its bucket, and dodging debris in the process.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #56 on: September 25, 2009, 09:54:21 AM »
"You are unbelievable!" Sariel grumbled loudly as she could feel the Ophelia grazing enemy fire from all sides. This was pushing it to its limit, but then again, Rem was concentrated on dispersing the Zero-ARCs, unfortunately, this appeared to be an activity in futility. Even through activation of the SR system, it seemed that there was a little rat that managed to place a sonar tracker on the Ophelia's body, which rendered its SR system essentially useless as its location could still be seen. This was evident during the Ophelia's evasion of enemy fire...

"Get the-- Oh, SHIIII--"

A loud smash could be heard as metal tore through metal, the Ophelia's light frame could not take punishment as heavy as this.

"Some fucking rat put a tracker here!" Rem snarled.

"Ahhh! The SR's out of power! Our mobility has been hampered severely!" Sariel cried.

"This isn't over!! Not here...!"

Naturally, this was the worst thing to say. A gunner launched the final shot at the Ophelia and it hit its mark cleanly as the burst was strong enough to send the Ophelia careening into a wall, and subsequently burst into flames.


"...Are we goners?"

As the auto-fire extinguisher system was activated, Rem shook his head in disappointment. "I knew that the Ophelia couldn't take hits very well, but this is ridiculous. I have never experienced anything like this before."

Shortly after Yukarinrin's transmission...

"You know, Sariel..." Rem murmured, looking back at the burning remains of the Ophelia. "Perhaps this isn't the end... Only the start."

"I've never imagined such words coming from a man like yourself."

"I have no one else to confide in but you people."

"Are you so sure about that?"

"I don't know... I really don't."

"We can fix that. Only if you'll let us."

Rem looked back at the others. "Life's sweet, but short. Everyone knows that. I'm very unfortunate to say that I can't say the same thing about myself. Look at me. I'm a wreck." Sariel and Shingyoku looked with genuine concern at Rem. Shingyoku was now under the guise of a worried priest, and surveyed the situation.

"As it stands now, Rem," Shingyoku said sternly. "We cannot do very much about the situation. At best, we can still continue the TITANIA Project and get the enhancements changed for a replacement. We're all sad that this has happened, and I say this with much regret and trepanation, but we must move on." Rem applauded.

"Seconded..." Rem conceded, looking down at the ground. He clenched his fist. "...And there it goes." he finished, suddenly looking back at the Ophelia's wreck as it imploded and a white light engulfed all.

With a glare of disbelief, Rem, Shingyoku (now a priestess again) and Sariel stared at the condition of the Ophelia, which they suddenly found themselves back inside. It was pristine and mint in condition, as if it had never been touched before. Not even Kikuri could manage a paintjob like this. "I'm certainly surprised." Sariel could only utter these words as she took a feel for the controls again.

"It looks like that thing's gonna blow," Rem said, paying heed to Shizuha's warning. "Let's get the hell out of here before we get a repeat of what happened earlier."

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #57 on: September 25, 2009, 11:38:12 AM »
"Ohhhh...what on earth is going on?"

Elise was looking frantically at the readings while maintaining a defensive position against the enemies that she was still fighting.

"Well now that my rhythm's been thrown off, what do you want?"

"Are you sane, Elise?" Mugetu was asking, "Look at the engineering readouts.  Whatever has happened out there, this would be the ideal time to escape and save ourselves from your own madness."

"She's right", Gengetu conceded, "we've thrown them back for now but it's only a matter of time before we're cut off.  No one mech, not even our lovely Faust, can take on an army.  Besides, I'm getting a signal from the Amaterasu - we've got the order to retreat."

That did it.

"Tch...fine.  We'll make use of this power I guess.  Gengetu!  Take care of the thruster adjustments and use what we have left in the Alchemical Drive.  Mugetu!  Start diverting that extra power from the core into something we can use.  We'll get the science officers to take a look at the machine later.  We're retreating from this area.  Mission accomplished."

The Faust did a complete 180 towards the last known position of the civilian surveyor ship Amaterasu and began an orderly withdrawal.  Small arms stitched the space around it but everyone had seen that white light and knew without being told that today's battle was effectively over.  A few half-hearted parting shots were exchanged but nothing more of note was accomplished.

"Sending encrypted transmission.  This is Elise - we are returning as ordered.  Open the launch bays and for heaven's sake give us the coordinates of the docking bay so there aren't any more optic camouflage accidents."
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #58 on: October 07, 2009, 11:55:21 PM »
Neo Flying Iron Fortress MazinGetter: Episode 6 [The Dawn of a New Connection?]

Avalon Colony after Red's all unit communication

"Hello everyone, this is Red. As you can probably tell, the core chamber is about to collapse, and Avalon is likely to follow. You should gather up escape pods and get out of here as soon as you can. Over~"

With those words the MazinGetter with it's crew flew out to get a quick look over the scene

"Rouge is still back there, let me at that villain!" yelled out Anthony in search of Rouge's mech

"S-stop that now Anthony! W-we need to protect those escape pods!" Letty yelled, taking the co-pilot controls, preventing Anthony from taking the MazinGetter to a fight they might not win.

"Dammit let me go after Rouge!" Anthony yelled, trying to hotblood the controls to his will, which mostly just led to the MazinGetter flying back and forth in the air, nearly avoiding the debris falling in the area.

"What's more important!, Some rival or the lives of many more people?" Letty said, being deadly serious, and with those words the MazinGetter collided with a piece of debris, causing the MazinGetter to fly off a bit and causing come cockpit turbulence, sending Anthony from his seat into Letty, knocking both of them onto the floor, with Anthony on top of Letty, with their faces almost touching, with both of them noticing and getting red in the face. Anthony quickly got up off of Letty and got back to his seat, trying to stay cool, and Letty did likewise

"Well, lets go save those people..." said Anthony, his voice softer than usual

"Y-yea..l-lets..." muttered Letty, with both of them going off to help bucket force with the escape pods, avoiding debris while the two were trying to avoid eachother's sight
« Last Edit: October 09, 2009, 09:22:53 PM by Ana-Chan »

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #59 on: October 08, 2009, 01:17:34 AM »
"Left!" Shizuha cries, then braces herself as Bucket Force lurches violently. A moment later, a car-sized hunk of debris slams down where the nachtmare would have been on its previous vector.

"Hells," Kisume mutters, Bucket Force swoops around the debris and picks up a Terran escape pod. "Would've been nice if that Core could have given us just a bit of a head start."

"I expect it's why things have yet to disintegrate more than they already have," Shizuha says as she frowns at the her instruments, doing her best to pick out the next problem spot. "I don't quite have the time to figure it out right now."

"Martian grabbed a pod," says Rumia.

"I saw, dear," says Shizuha. "Thank you. Oh, keep an eye on that pod to the northeast, Golden Silver, it's in danger."

"Right," says Rumia.

Bucket Force makes it way toward the northeast corner of the Core Chamber, darting around and over fallen and falling debris. At one point, it lashes out with its bludgeon, smashing a boulder into the far wall. Here and there it snags an escape pod, shoving them into its bucket. As the rest of the forces make their way out, some of them grab the nearby escape pods; be it to claim credit for taking a prisoner, rescuing a companion, or simple law of the void instinct to leave no man standard. Here and there, a unit may take risks to grab a friend stranded far from the entrance, but many are them are left with only Bucket Force trying to rescue them.

"Hey," says Kisume, "That one weird Nacht's still here."

"No, it's moving toward us now," says Shizuha. Trying not to look away from her other work, she opens a channel to MazinGetter, and says, "This is Red, if you're going to help us, take the Southwest corner. Try to get the people furthest away, first, and plot a course for minimal backtracking. And keep coordinated with us. Over~"

"I didn't say you get to fall!" Rumia shouts at the same time, aiming Bucket Force's main gun at a chunk of debris starting to call on the pod that Shizuha told her to watch and reducing it to gravel.

To the Southwest, MazinGetter can see  fourpods, one of them nearby trapped under some loose debris, and another starting to come under heavy rain from above.