Author Topic: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)  (Read 46145 times)

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #120 on: December 02, 2009, 08:24:50 PM »

"But I called dibs," says Rumia. "Dibs win. That's how it works!"


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #121 on: December 03, 2009, 11:17:05 AM »
Bar and Grill

"That is where I come in." Sariel said matter of factly. "I will make sure he does nothing stupid."

The Park

"You can fight amongst yourselves for the shiny. I've got none left right now. I'll have to get the box off Shingyoku." Rem said softly. "I don't need your troubles to leak to me that much."

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Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #122 on: December 03, 2009, 06:16:27 PM »
Bar and Grill

"Righto..." Forte downed the last of his drink, his plate cleaned off. Slapping down the payment, he left for the hangar to check up on the machine...


Wishing to avoid a confrontation, Nazrin decided to let Rumia take the other pieces of treasure and left for another part of the ship, Marisa following close by. There was bound to be stuff in the hangar, as people might have dropped stuff...

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #123 on: December 03, 2009, 07:17:10 PM »
Bar and Grill

"Well that ruined the poor guy's day," says Kisume. "Gotta be a huge pain in the ass to have you past come up and bite you like that." She shakes her head and sighs. "He was just trying to help us out, too, from the looks of it. We oughta do something nice for him, don't you think?"

Kisume frowns for a moment, trying to think of a good thing to do, before looking back to Sariel. "Hey, you kinda didn't answer me." She lowers her voice. "Don't worry. I won't sell you out to Yukari or any of them."


"Dibs win again!" Rumia says, spreading her arms and wiggling her fingers victoriously. She then waves to Nazrin. "Thanks! I'll let you know if I find any treasures!"

Let alone, she runs her fingers over the her new acquisition. People from the outside are all weird, she tells herself. No one would just give that sort of thing away. Even if he did have big problems. She looks at the crystal bauble again in wonderment. Maybe it was supposed to be given away?

She stands there for some time, contemplating that mystery.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #124 on: December 04, 2009, 07:09:21 AM »
Bar and Grill

"We're hired guns that were sent to Avalon at the time," Sariel said. "That is all you need to know. As for myself? That is none of your business."

The Park

Rem spent a few moments looking at Rumia, then shrugged. "I have no more business here, so I'll be leaving. Hope you have fun with your shinies." he said, turning away, and making his way to the hangar to conduct measurements for his secret weapon project - Project TITANIA. As he walked, he raised a hand and waved back at Rumia, not looking back.

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Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #125 on: December 04, 2009, 02:34:27 PM »
The Hangar

As Shanghai spit shined another part of the Nightmare, Alice sat down, looking up at the Nightmare. How was it that Forte was the one, of all the pilots that Ares had encountered? Hourai had taken up to the task of repairing the hakkero in the chest as Alice stared at the machine, thinking over the events that had recently transpired. Alice stood up when Marisa and Nazrin had entered the hangar.

"Marisa, how many times have I told you to not use the Masterspark cannon?!? The hakkero can't handle the energy from the core!"

"Hey, at least I got back alive." While the girls argued on the hangar floor, Forte walked up the cockpit. The only part of the Garunda was the cockpit and a part of the sensors.

Sitting down into the cockpit, he ran his hand over the controls. "Looks like we're in this for the long run, buddy. I know you can hold up a little longer." Forte got out of the machine when he spotted an oddly familiar machine nearby. He jumped down and walked towards the it, followed by Marisa and Alice, who had become concerned as to why Forte was heading to another machine.

The Sleek figure of the Nightmare was an entrancing sight. This was indeed the very machine that shot down Forte long ago, and not too long ago as well. Forte peered at the name of the machine: EFX-F Ophelia.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #126 on: December 04, 2009, 02:50:07 PM »
The Hangar

Kikuri was already in front of the Ophelia, peering at its figure and checking that it was kept in pristine, mint condition. Then, she noticed Forte looking at it from the side. "Ain't she a beaut'?" Kikuri said. "Lorelei really took a liking to Remmy's NTR Pixie, or something. We didn't even have to make many adjustments! I dunno, it's like puttin' a key you don't know in a keyhole you don't know and watching it work!" Kikuri laughed, not noticing Rem walking into the hangar as well. Rem had seen Forte look at the Ophelia, but he made no notice of him. He approached his Nightmare and asked Kikuri a question. "Cap'n, have you taken the measurements?"

"Aye aye, Remmy!" she said. "They'll be forwarded to you later. We'll still need to tackle some other issues before we get it going."

"That's good," Rem said. He then turned to see Forte right there. "Oh. It's you. What do you want?"

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Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #127 on: December 04, 2009, 06:18:04 PM »

"Me? I'm just admiring the craftmanship of this machine. It is quite a sight to behold." Forte turned to Rem. "I guess that's terran machinery for ya. See you in space."

He turned and left for the Twilight Moon and approached Alice and Marisa. "Alright, is the Nightmare ready?"

"Mostly. We just need to fix the hakkero." Alice said.

"Good enough. I'm gonna take it for a spin, get used to the feel of it, now that it's mostly ready." Forte walked to the cockpit of the nightmare followed by Marisa.

"I'll tag along. It won't run without me anyways."

The Twilight Moon entered the catapult.

"Nightmare: Twilight Moon. Launch!"

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #128 on: December 07, 2009, 08:20:09 PM »
Bar and Grill

Kisume's face sours considerably at Sariel's reply. "Well aren't you just a fresh little breeze, then?" she says, leaning back into her seat. "Sorry for presuming I was worthy to ask."


Shizuha wanders into the hangar, looking around furtively. Having roamed the halls and checked the park briefly, she had yet to find any sign of Suwako. Hoping against hope, she looks and checks around the Noble White. Seeing no sign of the frog goddess, she sighs. It was a long shot, in any event.

She turns to leave, then pauses. A small smile comes to her lips as she notices Alice. She crosses the hangar and approaches the puppeteer, still grinning. "Excuse me," she calls, "may I have a moment of your time?"

The Park

Rumia stands there, nodding idly after Rem, and she contemplates her new treasure.

The Hallways

Sir Kay's face grows stormy, but he nods toward Eirin. "Very well, then. I shall seek out your field marshal and introduce myself." And with that, he makes to walk past Eirin and Margaret and carry on toward the intersection of halls they had previously rounded.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #129 on: December 07, 2009, 08:45:16 PM »

As Nazrin ran off to mission control to guide Forte and Marisa, Alice turned to Shizuha. "Not at all, what do you need?"

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #130 on: December 07, 2009, 09:40:50 PM »

"I'd would like to ask for your help in improving our Nachtmare," says Shizuha, inclining her head slightly toward Alice. "Rumia had a rather interesting idea for improving it, and it would fall into your realm of specialty."

Alice, for her part, can not help but notice a few things about Shizuha. There is a faint, dusty odor about her, bringing to mind forest walks and tumbling leaves. A slight chill seems to hang in the air around her, in defiance of the fiery colors she wears, but Alice cannot quite tell if it's truly colder or just an impression. Something about the way that that Shizuha pronounces her k's seems off, sounding slightly like the crackle of fall leaves being trod upon. Most striking are her eyes. In most people's eyes, one can see light reflected; sometimes even one's reflection. But in Shizuha's eyes, there is none of that. Instead, she can see what seems to be the reflections of bare trees swaying in the wind, as though they were standing in an autumnal forest. She has a feeling that if she were to look into those eyes long enough, she could see an entire wilderness.

Shizuha gestures toward Bucket Force, still looking rather dinged up from its adventure in the core. "What we would like to do is tie a particular color to each of Bucket Force's shapes. Of course, we would need your skills, or at least your instructions, to perform this. We'd like to be a permanent effect as well, I don't know how hard that would be for you."

She gives a self depreciating smile. "Seven color magic is scarcely my realm of specialty, you understand; I am familiar with only a couple of them myself."

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #131 on: December 08, 2009, 12:08:38 AM »

"So," Alice began after hearing Shizuha's request, " You want me to color code you Nachtmare's forms? That shouldn't be too hard." Alice summoned the dolls towards the Bucket Force. "I just need you to shift the Nachtmare to the other forms so I can get the job done. That and what color you want it. Other than that, it shouldn't be that hard."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #132 on: December 08, 2009, 11:55:22 AM »

"I would have to gather up Kisume and Rumia first," says Shizuha. "Heavens know what they've gotten themselves into. Do you have a time that would be good for you?"

Elsewhere in the Amaterasu

Anthony, idly checking his box of goodies, will note that three of the DVD cases are missing.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 12:01:37 PM by Captain Purvis M.F.D. »


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #133 on: December 08, 2009, 12:45:16 PM »
Bar and Grill

"You will find out in due time," Sariel said in her soft voice. "I duly apologize if I offend you for my response."


Rem had been discussing the measurements of the Ophelia with Kikuri for a long time. Not much could really be discerned from their discussion if you were an outlooker. But this was pretty serious.


information classified

AI aes-purgatorium LOCK v1.8 auth: kikuria

information classified


Rem nodded approvingly. "I see. We just need to make it smaller."

Kikuri's response was grim though. "The smaller it is, the lesser the output of the actual product. The byproduct is a mediocre weapon that barely fits. We need to find a stronger source of energy. We need to amplify miss Lorelei before any actual work is done."

"I understand."

"Yes... We need intel. Now."

"Maybe in our next skirmish we can gather information on an energy source."

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Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #134 on: December 08, 2009, 02:29:51 PM »

"Well, I can do at any time, granted Marisa doesn't return with a wrecked Nachtmare frame again..."

Asteroid field

"Hmm... somethings seems off about this right now." Forte said as the Nightmare frame seemed slower to respond. The controls were not as fluid as they originally were.

"Hell if I know." as Marisa fiddled with buttons in an attempt to make the machine move smoother. She's going to have to talk to Alice about that, as well as the funky IFF that was still there.

Deep in the asteroid belt, engine cores fired up, wary of new prey...


Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #135 on: December 08, 2009, 06:21:14 PM »

Commander abandoned his questioning realizing that he wouldn't get anything useful even if he succeeded.

He went to the communications section to see if there were any good targets to raid for supplies.
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #136 on: December 08, 2009, 10:28:04 PM »
The Hallways of the Amaterasu

Anthony, on his own roaming the halls of the Amaterasu, had just realized that 3 DVDs of his had gone missing. "What the?! This can't be right" he cried out, starting to sift through his collection, finding that it was specifically those 3 DVDs missing. "The last few episodes to Great Mazinger, Getter G, and Koutetsu Jeeg are missing...this, means war." he said under his breath, which then he started to run through the halls, yelling out "OKAY, WHO THE HELL IS THE DIRTY THIEF AROUND HERE THAT STOLE FROM MY COLLECTION?!"

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #137 on: December 08, 2009, 11:15:47 PM »

Anthony quickly finds himself running toward a tall, red-haired man dressed in plate armor, who had just rounded a corner. He regards Anthony with narrowed eyes, before saying, "What in heaven's name are you shouting about like some addle-pated dotard? If you seek to wake the dead, at least have the decency to allow them some time to rest!"

Eirin and Margaret, who had just witnessed Kay round the corner, hears Anthony's shouting and Kay's response quite clearly.


"Alright," says Shizuha, "I'll have a message run to you if we don't find you around here."

After a moment, she adds, "So~, what can you tell us about that rogue pilot you just found? He seems interesting." While asking, Shizuha idly tunes Alice out, and listens instead to Rem's conversation as well as she can without being obvious about it.

The Cold Darkness of Space

Has not had much time to play in his machine before a comm from the Amaterasu reaches him.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 11:20:19 PM by Captain Purvis M.F.D. »

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #138 on: December 09, 2009, 12:13:40 AM »

"Not much, but the core seems to have taken a liking to him."

Asteriod Belt

"Hey, we're getting a comm from the Amaterasu, ze."

"Huh? They must be yelling at us to get back. Alright, time to bring this baby home." Forte turned the nightmare around and headed back to the Amaterasu

"Hmm, the IFF is still screwy." Marisa says as she fiddles with the buttons. "Ah, got it!"


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #139 on: December 09, 2009, 12:00:41 PM »
The Hangar

It seems the both of you are in a bit of a pickle.

"Yeah, we sure are, Miss Lorelei!" Kikuri said. "We need to increase your power. We have no idea where we're going to get energy for you, I know how picky you are with the Vivienne Sapling! That's not going to be enough for your diet missy!"

Rem sighed. "We're running out, yes. Eventually we'll need to resort to our standard limitless supply of Oberonoids... That's not going to fly by you too well, right?"

Of course not.

"You're terrible, you know that?" Kikuri said. "You need to broaden your horizons! Anyway, like we discussed, the frame is too small for our initial plans, so we'll need to amplify your energy intake and output so it can generate the same amount of power in a smaller body and increased pressure!"

Rem nodded. "What she said."

I understand. Well, I shall sleep for the meanwhile until my service is needed.

"Greatly appreciated, miss Lorelei!"

... ... ...

"So, Rem. We've got a plan on what to do now."


"Got any ideas on an improved source of energy?"

"Let me get my contacts. I'll have it forwarded to you later."


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #140 on: December 10, 2009, 10:58:28 AM »

Anthony notices Sir Kay as he continued to run, quickly coming to a stop before the tall, red headed man. "I'm Yelling so loud because there's a freaking thief on board this ship and they took something from my private collection!" Anthony cried out, getting ready to just run past Sir Kay in search of the possible thief of his DVDs.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #141 on: December 11, 2009, 04:07:47 PM »
Bar and Grill

Kisume is quiet for a moment. "Yeah...maybe I'm a bit jumpy," she says to Sariel at length, "Sorry. You get used to being looked down upon a lot when you live underground, it gets real annoying. Sorry about prying, just I'm real interested in people who go outside, you know?"


"Oh, I see!" says Shizuha, some moments after Alice finishes her brief explanation. "Ah...why did he change sides, anyways? Or was it more of a kidnapping on your part?"

What are they planning, Shizuha wonders. Messing with the core directly? Is that even remotely wise? Well, one can't been too strict about that sort of thing. She thinks back some of the things that she and the others had done in the creation of their own machine, and has to stop herself from shaking her head at the memory.

The Halls

"You search for a thief by telling him you're coming?" Kay asks, affixing a sour look on Anthony. "Stop wailing like a child with a scratch on his bottom and man up! You call yourself a man at arms? I wouldn't have you cleaning the servant's quarters with your lack of conduct!"


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #142 on: December 11, 2009, 10:08:46 PM »

"Look, I tell them I'm coming so they realize how badly they're going to get their faces punched in! If you got a better way of doing that then just tell me!" Anthony said, still all riled up from the lost of his personal property. "Besides, I'm rather pissed off from just losing something I've had close to me for most of my life, wouldn't you be just as angry?"

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #143 on: December 11, 2009, 11:42:34 PM »

Kay's face darkens considerably, as he fixes a glare at Anthony. "Have you the least idea whom you are speaking with?" He asks, he voice slightly lower than it was before.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #144 on: December 12, 2009, 12:58:35 AM »

Anthony took Kay's glare head on, and returned one of his own, soon he stopped and calmed down. "Sorry, I was getting too worked up and focusing too much on my own personal things." he said, following by holding out a hand "I should have introduced myself before, I'm Anthony, Anthony Kabuto, please forgive me for my hardheaded actions." he added.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #145 on: December 12, 2009, 01:46:36 AM »

"I am Sir Kay, son of Sir Ector of the Forest Sauvage," says Kay, his tone still low, and his posture stiff. "known and feared to Emperor Lucius as Caius Procerus; seneschal and foster brother to King Pendragon II himself. Your words were careless to a man who has just lost his home and quite possibly his family. A lesser tolerant soul would not feel his honor sated until you had been smote for such. Do you understand me?"


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #146 on: December 12, 2009, 11:02:50 AM »
Bar and Grill

"It's fine. Besides, my life outside isn't much," Sariel said, shrugging. "I just travel with Rem and that is pretty much it."


Rem spotted an intent listener through the corner of his eye.

"We have an eavesdropper in our midst," Rem said. "Let us talk of this another time. I fear we may be getting ourselves in trouble if we continue talking."

"Right," Kikuri said. "Just send me your data later once you've gotten a hold of your contacts, okay?"

"Roger that..."

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #147 on: December 13, 2009, 08:48:42 PM »

"Yes, I was wrong to act like that infront of you, please forgive me. It was not in my place to act like that, and I won't make any excuses for my actions." Anthony said, standing firm to Kay "Sir Kay, if you still feel wronged by me, then punish me, I won't feel right if I cause grief without proper judgment" he added, still staring at Kay.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #148 on: December 15, 2009, 03:34:42 AM »

There is a moment of tense silence. Then Kay's face subtly shifts from a forced neutrality to a more natural sort, and he says, "That is as a man at arms should be. I shall overlook your past words as though they have never happened. Now then, what prize was taken from you? Have you an idea who it was? And where is your field marshal?"


Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #149 on: December 22, 2009, 07:05:36 AM »

On the way to the communications center, Commander heard some shouting in the distance. He made out that something was stolen, but paid it little mind. At least, until he saw Sir Kay and Anthony resolving their differences.

'Ah,' he thought, 'so someone has stolen a precious thing from a pilot. An opportunity such as this is rare.'

He approached the two and said, "I couldn't help but overhear your yelling. I offer my assisstance with the matter of the stolen item."
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.