Author Topic: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~  (Read 31880 times)


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #30 on: April 26, 2016, 02:02:08 PM »
I have no issue with that.

Also..... namusan ! ♡ \(^w^)/
Will Hans get to date Namusan ? Will Medicine ever play with Annabelle ? Will Marisa, Yuuka and Alice form a mahou shoujo trio ? All that on TARC from MotK ! Stay tuned for our next update.

So this changes all my work.... *scraps idea*

Let's work on the trio then....
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 05:17:30 PM by Starlighthawk »


  • To Hell and Beyond
  • I don't give a damn about rules...
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2016, 03:51:26 PM »
Even though you misplaced the characters, it's still acceptable for me. It's okay. :D
Now, let's do this!
( ?_?)>⌐■-■( ?_?)>⌐■-■ ( ?_?)>⌐■-■( ?_?)>⌐■-■
(⌐■_■)(⌐■_■)(⌐■_■)(⌐■_■) = Four of us writers...
"For a split second, all hearts stopped beating. - Sanzu River"


All the engines now roared as hard as they can, ear-torturing everyone nearby. The tires and tracks kicked up so much dusts and smoke while in the same time, screeching the road, it's as if there was a Sandstorm by Darude. Poor fairy gonna live the rest of her life suffering a lung cancer, unless if she committed suicide and respawn all healthy again.

Now for the first time in vehicle engineering, the Germans were able to accomplish an achievement: drifting on tracks, at least for the Sdkfz 250. But the absurd speed of the vehicles meant that the soldiers couldn't give a clear sight of the landscape. But it didn't matter to Steiner as the only thing in his mind was to beat this bakebake in this epic race in Gensokyo. The Sdkfz 222 however made a good progress in the race considering that it ran on only wheels and not on tracks or a mixture of both.

"Ooo~ I want to shoot this cannon into that red car. Can I, Can I?" asked the gunner of the 222 childishly. He does have a history of taking down an M18 Hellcat Tank Destroyer and a couple of M8 Greyhounds and Mk.VII Tetrarchs. But only due to how lightly armoured were those vehicles. But still, a kill is a kill.

"No, that would be cheating and our Generals will mock us for that. Now shut up because I'm trying to catch up with those folks. You in other hand, keep an eye for incoming obstacles that I may not notice," answered the more mature driver in a mature way. Though he is still grateful to have a skillful gunner despite being in the same time, having some personality like Rumia in the author's opinion.

Meanwhile on the motorcycle,

"Haha, this baby's still up and running for this race! All that maintenance wasn't for nothing!" said Byakuren to herself as she excitedly drifts her the bike according to the corner's direction and angle she was facing up against. Nue however in the sidecar was just unamused to what would everybody call 'intense' competition, probably to the death.

"I wish I could still read my newspaper but the winds are against me. And now I'm feeling- OARGHH!!!" Nue puked violently down the road as a result of her dizzying head dealing against the G-force Byakuren is putting on her bike. Those liquid however aren't useless as the slowest racer, which was the Panzer splashed through the pool of liquid straight from the stomach. The liquid decreased the friction of the tracks to the road, thus speeding up the Panzer by 'slipping'. However, not everyone in the tank was pleased.

"I'll make the fucker who puked on my tank lick it back clean..." grumbled the tank commander who was up on the hatch. He saw the disgusting scene and was pissed when he smelled the 'lovely perfume' from Hell. The driver however suffered worse as he was the nearest to the puke, not to mention the first to smell it before the rest of the crew.

Makohashi Nyaako struggles on the steering and pedal controls while repeatedly turned her face at the talking car that challenged her earlier. Even though she was the first, for the time being, it wasn't even two minutes before the Audi stepped up to the 1st place, and vice-versa a few minutes later.

"Damn this guy is a good competitor, not to mention that youkai in it only serves as a living camerawoman along with her two dolls in the back seat. One looks scary though. But anyway- What the actual Fuck..." commented Makohashi on the current change of events, only jaw-dropping after she took a glance on her side-mirror. It was Steiner's mobile command post catching up just behind the Audi.

"This is what happens if you put Steiner's foot on Hanomag's pedal while running on high-quality fuel from Stalin himself! Even though he's an enemy of my country!" boasted Steiner loudly to get attention from Makohashi, but failed as his voice was only audible to the soldiers in the cabin, which were desperate with their pencils.

Let's see the current places our racers are in now:
#1: Makohashi Nyaako
#2: Dark Horse
#3: Steiner
#4: Byakuren
#5: Sdkfz 222
#6: Panzer IV
#7: Sdkfz 250/1 *wasn't applying much effort to the race. :V

Inside the Dark Horse, Medicine's seat rocked roughly but still managed to stay where she was. Su-san and Annabelle sat next to each other behind the car. Su-san received a menacing aura from Annabelle for the whole time, and not even realizing there was a race going on. But meanwhile up in the sky beyond the heavens, sat four gods named Grand, Starlight, Hannibal and Andy.

"How about I make an erotic NFSW scene in that car? Hihihihi... (evil small laugh). I'll add a censor in case somebody's still pure!" said Hannibal as he tries to manipulate the story, without the acknowledgement of the other Gods.

J-U-S-T K-I-D-D-I-N-G                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

In the Sdkfz 250/1, the soldiers on it were merely giving a 'meh' to the race they were participating. Sadly, only the driver and the gunner was present in the cabin as they experienced Gensokyo's peaceful breeze of untouched nature. Birds were chirping in the air, winds blowing in a peaceful manner and the sight of large fields of green grass and a few trees.

"Wow, this is purely an experience the others don't feel as for now. Our decision of not taking this race seriously has been paid off with this magnificent true view of Gensokyo!" said the gunner before taking a fresh breath of clean air. Since they're not on full speed, the engines were merely a small problem when sight-seeing. Then, comes three silhouettes.

(Writer's only:
It's Marisa, Yuuka and Alice. And they're not tasked with mapping the area so they may forget some places.

"Driver, stop NOW!"
"Please continue this since it's late in the night for my place." - Hannibal

A Hellcat went down the Hell's Highway after the Battle for Caen, "Byou". - Hannibal

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2016, 04:51:02 PM »
Before i write, what is the course of the race?


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2016, 05:37:25 PM »
Sniped ! Finally have access to PC ! Well..... *ahem*

And we come back to our trio consisting of our Puppeter Mage, Black-white Witch and OP Youkai Gardener, the former is tracking the tire and tread trails while the latters are holding icebag on their injuries from that "minor battle" which occured before.

"What is that freaking broom made of ? That can`t be regular wood." Said Yuuka.
"It isn`t, my dear broom here was a subject of tons of magical experiments, so it`s as tough as metal now, and sometimes grows some branches...." Replied Marisa.
"Oi you two ! "Alice called "I think i see something !"
"Huh ?" The two said.

And right she was as they closed in to find our German Half-Track and it`s crewmembers, who after noticing them halted and let them approach...
"Who goes there ? And how are you flying ?" The Gunner asked while maintaining a neutral, yet ready stance.
"The name is Alice." Alice introduced herself. "While these two are Marisa and Yuuka respectively, don`t mind their injuries, they had a 'friendly discussion' earlier."
"I am Franz, a soldier of the glorious German army, we`re currently on a mission to map out this new land.... although one of us didn`t get that on his head and is now racing this strange cat-like girl, a self-aware car, two ladies on a motorcycle and 2 of our vehicles. We`re just admiring the view."

"Hmm is that so.... then you must be the ones who ravaged the flower field back there." Alice said with crossed arms.
"Oh...." Franz said nervously "Yes, that was probably our group`s fault, i am sorry for causing that."

My attention is split, i think i should just pass for now until i use all my AP in GBF, meanwhile, anyone fell free to take over.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 06:18:12 PM by Starlighthawk »

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2016, 05:42:14 PM »
Before i write, what is the course of the race?

You decide. Write something clever and possibly put a spanner in our works while doing so.  :derp:

Also..... namusan ! ♡ \(^w^)/

You didn't think I would forget her lovely appearance with Nue in the 2nd section, did you? She had to come back in once a serious race started. I mean, she has a motorcycle!

So this changes all my work.... *scraps idea*

Playing with our expectations and rewriting our ideas due to somebody else meddling with them is the name of the game buddy. Don't hate the player, hate the game.  :V

The tires and tracks kicked up so much dusts and smoke while in the same time, screeching the road, it's as if there was a Sandstorm by Darude.

Loled. Brilliant!  :D

But meanwhile up in the sky beyond the heavens, sat four gods named Grand, Starlight, Hannibal and Andy.

Ooooh, it's getting personal.  :3

InB4 one of the 4 "gods" pulls a Deus Ex Machina and saves a character from a bad fate of some kind *IN* the story. Don't do that if someone is thinking of it, it's lazy storywriting. I believe you are all better than that and can come up with something more creative. But hey, suggestions, not laws.  :)


  • To Hell and Beyond
  • I don't give a damn about rules...
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #35 on: April 26, 2016, 11:42:25 PM »
InB4 one of the 4 "gods" pulls a Deus Ex Machina and saves a character from a bad fate of some kind *IN* the story. Don't do that if someone is thinking of it, it's lazy storywriting. I believe you are all better than that and can come up with something more creative. But hey, suggestions, not laws.  :)
Oh I'm not making *that* move, for real. Just imagine I was breaking the fourth wall for a while back there, while we're here just watching what shenanigans we could come up with. Anyway,
"Hmm... Looks like we found our suspect. Should we, interrogate him with my own hands?" asked Yuuka sadistically while punching her palms, intimidating the Germans enough.

"No no... It's not their fault after all," answered Alice. Yuuka however only gladly let it aside. At least because it's not her sunflower fields that were smashed through. Marisa however decided to intervene, with another subject of talk.

 "Hey hey, ye know who's the most powerful human here, in Gensokyo?" asked Marisa in her usual accent. Franz only scratched his head before shaking his head in a 'no'.

"That would be me!" boasted Marisa. Then, all turned quiet.

Franz however only answered with a "Err... Okay then." Alice just gave a laugh at the amount of fucks given by Franz toward's Marisa's fact. Marisa only clenched her fists in embarrassment. Franz and his driver however were still not able to wrap the situation with their heads.

"F-fine, w-whatever... But I'm sure you can't beat me in a Danmaku battle!" Marisa tried to regain her charisma after being embarrassed by her own words earlier.

"Dahn-Mah-Khu? What is it?" By this time, the driver lost his patience to sit in the cockpit and takes his seat in the cabin. "Hey Wilhelm, too hot in that driver's seat?" Wilhelm however did not answer Franz's question and proceeds to take a smoke. Marisa then continued the conversation.

"A Danmaku battle is where you shoot bullets at opponents until either side of the battle gives up." Explained Marisa in a short manner. But she had no frickin' idea what a bullet actually meant in the Outside World. And what was about to happen next was disastrous.

"Oh, we are specifically trained to play this kind of game, actually. So are you challenging me now to show that you're the best Dan-Mah-Ku player here?" asked Franz in clarification. This question however only thickened Marisa's ego in the coming battle. "This fool is from the Outside World so I'm sure he doesn't even know what a spellcard is. But still accepts my challenge that easily? He's going to get wrecked."Thought Marisa for a while. Marisa nodded to Franz's question as a 'yes'.

"Are you sure, Franz? She doesn't give a chance to her opponents in any Danmaku battle, especially when she's the most experienced one among us," warned Alice. Franz however wasn't afraid of the threat Marisa could give. He pulled out his Walther P38 pistol from his holster, got out of the truck and faced Marisa as the two were ready to fight. "So let's begin!" shouted Marisa as she pulled out her spellcard and floated in the air,

"Star Sign, St-" Before Marisa was finished reciting her spellcard, there was a life-threatening interruption, from a 'bullet'.

*THAMM!!, Clank...

An empty shell hit the surface of the road after Franz gave an accurate shot with his pistol at Marisa's leg. Marisa, slowly sank in the air and landed on the ground before her knees were on the ground, along with the blood that flew. For a moment, everyone except Wilhelm who was on his third cigar and Franz who was still holding his pistol, were too shocked to move an inch. Marisa only growled at the pain she received as she knelled on the road.

"Did I won?" asked Franz in an innocent manner.
"I think we need to call a Sanit?ter here, it seemed you were doing it wrong by the reaction of those two," answered Wilhelm, who was only a little worried considering Marisa was the one who provoked Franz to battle Marisa. Yuuka and Alice however were still not flinching their bodies at all the moment when Marisa was shot.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 03:37:19 AM by Hannibal_Kills »

A Hellcat went down the Hell's Highway after the Battle for Caen, "Byou". - Hannibal

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2016, 05:49:09 PM »
As this rate, i would have to call this thing initial G  :)

Meanwhile on the race

As Makohashi Nyaako placed first on the race, she suddenly realize something:

"...Hasn't we forgot to actually set a finish line?"

Those she's worried, in the race that demand high concentration, it's only last in an instant. Makohashi then leave her right hand out the handle and reach out for a radio-like device.

"Nick, prepare the G-track. We're going to have a 6-way battle to the top."

"It's NItori! Stop calling me that ! And a 6-way battle... would track 1, 6 and 19 be suffice?"

"Perfect, thank Nick!"

"Again, stop calling me with your Western-nickname! Huh... ' OI, fellow kappa! We're going to annonce an emergency race!' "

 Sastified with the answer, the Crimson Ghost lead the team to the direction of the Youkai mountain.


Before we continues the story, there's some information that need to be explained.

With the coming of the automobile wandered from the outside world 2 years ago. In the Youkai's community, there sprout a unique and secret sport that combine speed and terror, to create the race that's not adhere to common sense.

People, no matter if you're a time-stopping maid, the proud Tengu, the crafty Kappa or an ordinary Bakeneko, must limit themselve and controling the forgotten 4-wheel metal beast. customize to the condition of the track with capital G for the land they stand. In a way, that's like the Spell Card battle, where one introduce their's skill and flair to the audience as they compete to be the top of the hill.

"Lady and gentleman!..."

The roar of the Kappa rang from over the mountain, disrupting the peace of the forest.

"...Scum of the Earth that terrorize the land of the living!..."

As the racer passed through, the audiences of all shape and size, who come for the thirst of speed and terror, cheers as if the racers themselve are the food for them to enjoy.

"...Today, we'll offering to us again... the entertainment of speed and terror!"

The ground below them slowly transforming, from the dirt to the asphalt road, as they climb onto the top of the mountain, constantly bombarded with the feeling of being raised to the plate of some twisted deities.

"....6 racers! 6 warriors! Offering themselve to the mountain the feast of burning rubber and vibrant soul!"

As the cheer becoming more excited and twisted, the road began to illuminate, in clear daylight, the eerie path made out of ghost flame. As the line reach to the top, the calming mountain suddenly showed it's fang, like running through the haunting road to the Netherworld...

"Oh, the mighty deities of the Mountain!! We, the Scum of the Earth, present to you... the first ever 6-way battle to the top!"

 ...Even so, with the nerve of steel, our 6 racer bravely and recklessly head into the back of the mountain, as they reached closer to the intersection of the 3 road instantly made and rise from under the earth, as the seemingly ancient ritual began to take it shape.

"And so, together we dine... on the ancient race of Gensokyo!!!!"

And so, the race of terror and speed truly begin on the back of the Youkai Mountain.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2016, 06:02:40 PM by andykhang »


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #37 on: April 28, 2016, 02:02:06 AM »
Swift add-on !

The race course also seems to have been changed in order to allow different routes, with some being faster than others while also being more treacherous and more likely to temporarily take down a racer, other parts also had traps and obstacules added to test our mighty speedsters' skillset: spikes, slippery areas, blinding danmaku and disruptive danmaku, the latter creating a magical chaff that numbs chemical reactions, consequently making engines output less power for a while and making the vehicles slower.

Now, how about the course itself and where it will go through ? Well i'll leave another god to define that. :P

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #38 on: April 28, 2016, 07:06:50 PM »
"Ahhhh, it has been some time now since I've last seen the mountain in its true racer friendly glory" Makohashi reminisced to herself as the road ahead of her was slowly changing shape from a plain gravel road to a mixture of asphalt with a clear sheen of almost silvery translucent texture... it felt almost otherworldly. It was quite a sight to behold to anybody who was used to your every day run-of-the-mill racing tracks you see out in the outside world.

Makohashi dodged to the left and went off of the side of the road briefly as the road transformation past from in front of her to behind her. Such a dramatic road change, if it were to go underneath her car so suddenly, would probably have damaged the underside of her Crimson Ghost. With such a competitive streak within her and a will to win this race, she didn't want to take any chance to sustain any damage that might hamper her in some way. Makohashi swerved back onto the now new road and felt the smoothness of the now spiritually infused road glide beneath her. "Now, if I can just remember the traps, shortcuts and hazards from the last time I raced this track, I should have a clear advantage over all the others here" Makohashi said sneakily to herself.

A little bit behind her was Dark Horse, who just now had detected the changing road conditions on its outer sensors. "Pathway parameter changes detected, re-initializing..." the car quietly muttered to itself in an almost automated fashion. Just before the road was going to change surface underneath Dark Horse, the autonomous car did a slight bunny hop and quickly re-calibrated itself to adapt to the changed road conditions. The tires adjusted itself to apply less grip on the road and the hydraulics lowered itself slightly to maintain a proper weight ratio for the smoother surface. Truly Dark Horse was a feat of modern engineering. The car quickly blazed onward like nothing had happened while Medicine and Annabel on the inside where still looking over the interior to find a way to possibly escape... Wait? Is Annabel looking around the car all by herself? Medicine I don't believe had noticed her yet.

Byakuren and Nue were close by on their motorcycle and Byakuren just now noticed the road changing ahead also. "My my, it looks like the road ahead is transforming or something Nue. It looks smoother though so it's alright" Byakuren exclaimed to Nue who was still holding her stomach from feeling sick. "Ahoo~! Maybe I can finally have some relief from this rough road that shaking me about" Nue let out with a sigh of relief. "I don't think we want to get caught up in that transformation though Nue, hold on tight now ^_^" said Byakuren as she began to lower herself downwards. Just as she lowered herself, she bounced herself upwards and left the ground just like she was flying. She was up in the air for almost 10 seconds before she gracefully came back down with a slight thud, barely making the bikes hydraulics adjust.

Byakuren's boobies bounced up and down nicely though from this sudden departure from the ground ; ).

"My Buddha, it sure douse feel nice to get some of that high mountain air through your hair when you fly. Don't you think so Nue?" Byakuren said with a smile as she looked over to Nue. Nue however was not as ready as she though from this sudden flight off the road and she began to look green again. "I know Nue, I can barely contain my excitement as well! Namusaaaaaaaaaan~! ^_^" Byakuren cheered as she rushed on ahead.

As for the German exploration convoy that was coming along at all different speeds, they didn't seem to take notice of the road transforming ahead of them until it was too late. They went roughly over the changed ground and pretty much everyone who was manning the cabins of all vehicles got a nasty bump to the head from going over such a speed bump so quickly. "Neeeeiiinn!" squealed Steiner as he adjusted his squashed cap. "Truly the roads of this land are nowhere near as smooth as the ones on our great autobahn!" Steiner whinged to his fellow comrades all around him. "If our great F?hrer WERE to conquer these lands, the first thing I would recommend for him to do is put down some proper roads around here!... actually this road now feels quite nice all of a sudden" Steiner realized as his convoy now where on the smoother roads. Most of his soldiers didn't really notice though as many of them were still rubbing their saw heads or seeing stars around them.

And thus, the race to the top of the Youkai Mountain continued...


Back towards Alice, Marisa, Yuuka, Franz and company...

"Arrrrgghhh~!" Marisa was grimacing to herself from the pain. "I've never had a miss as painful as that one before! That bullet HURT!" Marisa shouted at Franz while Franz stood their with a puzzled expression. "Miss you say? I believe I hit you directly and accurately" Franz exclaimed while he still scratched his head. "Aaaaah, that's just terminology we use here, a figure of speech... damn it this hurts worse than a double spark to the face!" Marisa said while she rocked on the ground, nursing her open wound she received from her "duel".

Alice knelt down next to marisa and put her hand on her shoulder. "Look, it's not as bad looking as it probably feels. Just sit still and I'll try and patch it up for you" Alice said as she unraveled the pink ribbon around her waist. "Gah! Why don't you try feeling how I'm feeling now and see how you like it ~dazeeee!" Marisa said as she rolled around in both pain and frustration.

In about five minutes, Alice did the best she could to both dress the wound using her ribbon as a bandage and clean it up as much as possible. It was only a temporary fix as she knew she would probably have to extract the lead piece that was still stuck in Marisa's leg later. "There! Patching up dolls I guess comes to use in other fields as well. But now Marisa, you owe me another waist ribbon since that one is all bloody now" Alice grinned with a bit of confidence in her work. "Yeah, I owe you one for that. I'm feeling a little better already" Marisa meekly said as she rubbed her eye to get rid of a small tear of pain.

"Listen, I'm not sure how bullets work for you in the outside world but our bullets here go a little bit slower. We go by curtain fire shooting here, not manic shooting" Yuuka said to Franz like a teacher to a student. "Ooooooohhh, I get it now... better take notes men!" Franz ordered to his subordinates who then quickly jotted down notes in their notebooks.

Marisa then looked over to the distance and then began to see that the road was starting to look different and it was coming towards them. "Hey guys, douse it look like the road is transforming to you or somethin'?" Marisa said as she squinted her eyes off to the distance.

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #39 on: April 29, 2016, 07:34:44 PM »
While the german were stupified by such scenery, the trio calmly converse with each other:

"Ho... that's new. What's those Youkai up to now." (Alice)

"It's happened now and then about 2 years ago though. When that happen, the road is raised, and the entire mountain is filled with excitement as they racing to the top of the mountain using the metal beast you see earlier." (Yuuka)

"Nom... So you..Nom... know about these thing?"

As they converse with each other, Marisa casually bring out a certain green mushroom and put it into her mouth. After she swallowed it, green light started to come out of her, as she then remove the bandage. Suddenly, the bullet began to come out and dropped to the ground, and the wound become completely healed, in the surprise of the german troop.

"W-What is that !?" (Franz)

"Marisa, did you find another weird mushroom again? I suggest you stop with that habit... " (Alice)

"It worked, isn't it? Feel like i got an 1up... So, what is that thing?" (Masisa)

"It's called a racing car. You sit in it and control the wheel, as you made turn around the corner of the mountain, while still maintain high speed as you race to be the top of the mountain.  " (Yuuka)

"Woa!... did you do these thing?" (Marisa)

" the early day, when these brat race pass my flower field, i usually drive it to teach these guy a lesson. With the coming of the road though, the brat stopped coming to here, save for some that keep driving pass these field and challenge me, so i started to think about stop racing and just beat these guy normally... (sigh)"(Yuuka)

"Wait... did you already know that these thing doesn't come from me..." ( Marisa)

"...Can't a girl have a little joke?" (Yuuka)

As Marisa scowl before Yuuka, who just returned it with a slight smile. The ignored german troop finally speak up.

"P-please, can't you tell me where did you find those mysterious mushroom !? "

"Woa! What is up with you guy, suddenly fire up like that?"

"We can't help it! This will be the great contribution to our country! Could you please tell me ?"

"It's deep in those mountain... It's the Youkai territories though."

"Hpmh! Like that is going to stop us!"

"No, really, didn't you see what up there earlier ?. Those guy-"

"So you guy want to have that mushroom huh?"

As the german are getting heated up by the prospect of a miracle cure, Yuuka who is watching the sideline suddenly speak up.

"Would you care for a match with me? You could used those vehicle, if you want."



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2016, 02:24:18 PM »
Ummm.... so did you guys hit a wall in terms of how to proceed ? Because i'm not writing due to that.

Or did this thread die already ? (I don't want it to die.....)


  • To Hell and Beyond
  • I don't give a damn about rules...
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #41 on: May 06, 2016, 03:01:56 PM »
Sorry, I think everyone went "Okay, let's give a chance to other writers to give their story." including me, honestly.

But I promise you that we will soon breakthrough the Wall of Writer's Block!

But only after I deploy and load this first...

A Hellcat went down the Hell's Highway after the Battle for Caen, "Byou". - Hannibal


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #42 on: May 06, 2016, 03:31:54 PM »
Hey ! That's a Karl Siege Artillery Piece correct ?

Those needed a specially converted Panzer IV equipped with a crane (i think ) just to load the bullets from what i read right ?

(And as you can see it was limited to railroads.)
What's next ? A battalion of Maus tanks ? A P.1000 Ratte ? A DD Sherman ?

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #43 on: May 06, 2016, 03:55:28 PM »
Sorry, I think everyone went "Okay, let's give a chance to other writers to give their story." including me, honestly.

Me too. It's rude (and a bit tiresome for me) to write a storyline twice in a row.


  • To Hell and Beyond
  • I don't give a damn about rules...
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #44 on: May 07, 2016, 05:28:15 AM »
"No, thank you. We're tired of racing considering the vehicle we're using now. It would be unfair even if you limit your speed," said Franz. Yuuka nodded, understanding the situation.

"So, you're still going out there?" asked Alice for clarification.

"Yes, do not worry though, we will be fine." replied Franz. Wilhelm throws his cigarette away, makes his way into the diver's seat and fixed his butt onto it. After starting the engine, they drove off to the general direction of where Marisa pointed.

"You were concerned about him?" asked Marisa while giving a grin to Alice. Alice immediately blushed a bit.

"N-no! Y-you know how dangerous Youkai are to Outsiders, r-right?!" answered Alice, stuttering in her words. Yuuka gave a chuckle. as the trio saw the Sdkfz 250 sped away from them, towards the Forest of Magic.

Back to the race we're going to forget... (Side note: We want to end the race quickly so sorry if it's not epic)

Traps were appearing out of nowhere on the tracks in hope to slow down the racers. But that day was really a strange day for the race, because every trap encountered were easily dealt with. Much easier than two years before. Don't believe me?

A spike trap emerges from the road suddenly. It's spikes were hard and and the shiny effect on it made it intimidating to anyone. Unfortunately, it got hit by the Panzer IV fitted with tracks that aren't suppose to puncture, breaking the trap instead. The crew inside felt a small bump and heard clatters of metal. But considering the few minutes after it experienced no change, they continued the race like usual. The spikes however broke off it's base and scattered the road, but it was okay since the Panzer IV is still the opponent in the last place.

Byakuren grips the handles harder than usual after not racing for a long time. Nue was still recovering from her dizziness as she found the Sdkfz 222 right beside them, Sat inside the turret was a bored crewman, yawning as he waited the race to finish, while not doing anything but watching. Nue however was unsatisfied, how can he still yawn and almost fall asleep when she in the other hand had to fight against G-force of that of a fighter pilot? It could've been Newton's First Law but fuck it.

The road became more curvy as it went up the Youkai Mountain. Makohashi however was already used to drift in tight corners as her tires screeched against friction. Dark Horse however was catching up fast as he drifted past Makohashi.

Annabelle looked out of the opened window as she received a blast of wind onto her face. She pulled back her head and faced the opposite direction of the car, in which she saw Su-San fainted (how the hell?!). Through the rear window, she could see strange-looking trucks1 covered in armor while having some soldiers hanging onto the vehicle inside the passenger cabin. Then, she and Medicine made eye contact with each other.

"Uh, hi?" asked Annabelle in an creepy, echoic but cute-sounding voice to Medicine. Gladly, Medicine didn't faint like Su-san after hearing that.

Suddenly, a car came out of a tunnel beside the road nearly colliding with Makohashi. It was a BMW M3 with blue and sliver colours in a fiery pattern2. It's tinted windows prevented Makohashi from identifying the driver. But  then, that's before the BMW plunged into it's destruction down below the cliff because of an unsuspecting corner the driver probably didn't saw.

"What the fuck just happened?" asked Makohashi, dumbfounded as she drifts around that corner the BMW plunged from. 

Suddenly, the mountain's rocks opened up little holes which began to spew out Danmaku. Byakuren reacts naturally by dodging those bullets by zigzagging and slowing and accelerating, further worsen Nue's head. Luckily for the Germans, their armor deflected those Danmaku with a couple of 'tings' every second. But then, it disturbs visibility due to the colourful and bright light the Danmaku emitted. The soldiers still needed to take cover behind the armor plating if maybe the bullets were lethal.

"Damn these light orbs! Why don't you just blind those damn Flying Fortresses instead?!" shouted Steiner in anger as he tries to see through the blinding light to make sure they don't also fall down the cliff. After the Danmaku barrage was over, the soldiers rose back while still trying to maintain balance.

Aya Shameimaru was speeding in the sky trying to capture the race scene in hoping to make people interested in her newspapers. With the right and perfect view angle of the race, she can put it up the front page. Now with the pictures done, she readies her journal and scribbled down a few paragraphs describing the race.

1) Annabelle is from the Outside World, of course she will know what the heck is a motor vehicle.
2) If you can guess what universe does the car originates from, you'll receive a

Hey ! That's a Karl Siege Artillery Piece correct ?
Nein sir, it's the Schwerer Gustav Railway Gun. This is the Karl(-Ger?t) you're talking about:

It's a super-heavy mortar firing a 60 cm shell, and the scary fact that runs not on rails but on frickin' tracks! But it still needed to be transport on rails to reach the front line faster.
Those needed a specially converted Panzer IV equipped with a crane (i think ) just to load the bullets from what i read right ?
As for the Karl, yes. Except that there were around 14 converted Panzer IVs escorting the Karl just to carry it's ammunition. Karl has it's own crane, so yeah.

Gustav in the other hand, has it's own ammunition storage down below the hull. 2 Flak Battalions (around 500 soldiers each) to guard the gun from air attacks, a few hundred men to man the gun, and 3,000 workers to build the railway is 'enough'.
(And as you can see it was limited to railroads.)
What's next ? A battalion of Maus tanks ? A P.1000 Ratte ? A DD Sherman ?
I was posting it to show my extreme measurements to destroy Writer's Block, not really a spoiler for the next part.

I would be more than happy for you to post this thread on if you think it will garner enough people to enjoy reading it as much as we all enjoy writing it. if you do decide to do that, be sure to add a small description that this was a community story medley that had many writers just winging it one after the other. Be sure to credit all the people who added a contribution to the story as well for honors sake. You could probably skip adding in all the posts that where us just discussing the thread or you can probably add in an "omake" section at the end if you think its worth adding. We should also wait until our little story comes to some sort of conclusion before we post it anywhere though... If we do come to any sort of conclusion to this story. :derp:

Oh yeah, don't forget to say that this story originated on Maidens of the advertising of our great community and all. ; P

Any other of the writers have any objections to having this posted elsewhere on the internet?
We'll assume no one objects this. Also, how about rather a 'behind the scenes' section where we discuss our story after every ten posts or like that?

Also I was wondering if Reimu were to smell something strange going on, and Yukari.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 10:53:19 AM by Hannibal_Kills »

A Hellcat went down the Hell's Highway after the Battle for Caen, "Byou". - Hannibal

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #45 on: May 08, 2016, 04:07:27 PM »
More like they already know and is neck-deep into that place.

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #46 on: May 09, 2016, 03:52:49 PM »
Phew, it's been awhile since I last posted here and I apologies for my absence everyone. Two reasons I haven't been here for awhile:

1. I was simply busy with other things and didn't have the time to write an awesome addition.

2. Since I was busy, I wanted to see if this thread could go on with other members and without me writing an addition. I thought that maybe this thread was on life support and I was keeping it alive by writing every few posts. If the thread died then that would prove that the hype of the thread has died down and people probably weren't as interested in it than I first thought. Consider it a test of our determination to keep this thread going.

I don't want it to die.....

Oh well, if you put it that way then I guess we will have to keep this gravy train chugging along then wont we. We don't want Starlighthawk to be upset now, right guys? ; P

We'll assume no one objects this. Also, how about rather a 'behind the scenes' section where we discuss our story after every ten posts or like that?

Having our ramblings in between posts about our plans for the story and sorting things out is definitely something to keep as part of the overall experience of how our story comes about. Having a break in between every 10 posts is good but another thing we could do is have a little "Omake" section at the end where we put our non story posts. That way we don't break the flow of the story and those who do want to see the behind the scenes of how this story comes to fruition can do that at the end and not interrupt those who just want to read the final product. Still, whoever decides to upload it to can decide how to format it. I'm not too fussed about out silly little story we made together.  :derp:

Now, without further ado... it's my turn now  :D


Back inside the interior of Dark Horse, Medicine was still being bounced around inside the drivers seat of Dark Horse while she could only look on to the outside where the scenery around her was washing past like a blur. More immediately however, a doll was just to the left of Medicine and it just spoke to her.

"Waah! Su-san! the doll we picked up earlier is moving around and talking to us. It's another doll just like us Su-sa-". Medicine just then looked around to Su-san in the back seat that was still passed out and lying on her back with her eyes closed. Medicine was shocked to see Su-san lying down like that, because normally Su-san doesn't need to lie down or sleep because she was simply a doll. "Gaaaah! Su-san! what's the matter? Did something happen to you? Why are you lying there motionless like that? Speak to me Su-san!" Medicine blurted out in panic.

"That one over there is fine" said the mysterious talking doll that was unknown to Medicine. "She simply seems to be a little shocked at seeing me move just now" the doll continued in its strangely calm yet echoy voice that resonated around the interior of Dark Horse. Medicine made a funny face at Su-san, still passed out on the back seat, and she pouted at the mysterious doll. "Normally Su-san is a lot stronger than this, but considering this whole strange situation we are in now, I wouldn't be surprised if Su-san couldn't take it anymore. But besides that, who are you and why are you moving around like that?" Medicine blurted out of surprise at another strange occurrence that was presented to her today.

"Ah yes, excuse me for my carelessness of not introducing myself to you earlier when I woke up. My name is Maxwell but most people seem to refer to my new form as Annabell... which is the name of my new form that I seem to inhabit. You see, I died probably around ten years ago but not long after I died my soul it seems inhabited this strange doll. I saw heaven not too long ago and it was fantastic... but some angels told me that I had a purpose to live again in this doll form, but they didn't explain to me what that purpose was... angels always were vague and spoke in riddles from my time up there" The strange doll explained to Medicine still in its echoy voice that sounded cute. Medicine just stared at the doll with a dumb look on her face, probably not comprehending what this doll was telling her.

"So you see, these angels sent me back to the land of the living but I was trapped in the form of this doll that was behind this thick glass case in a museum. I laid dormant there in that doll for years, wondering why on earth I was sent back just to rot behind some glass I couldn't even open... but that was when I one day ended up in this strange land and was picked up by a man with white hair and glasses who seemed like a collector. Not long after that, you picked me up off of his shelf and here I am, awoken from my sleep again when in your presence. Perhaps I was sent here to help you with something?" Annabell/Maxwell exclaimed with a slight smile on her(?) slightly crumbling face that peeled a little from the moving face she(?) had.

"I don't know what on earth you are talking about little doll but this doesn't make any sense to me at all! I haven't met another doll before that moved and talked like I do. I just wish that we could talk under more pleasant conditions!" shouted Medicine as the steel container that called itself Dark Horse was jerking her around on the inside when it took sharp turns and drifted at sudden intervals which threw Medicine around in her seat.

Annabell looked around the interior of this car for a moment and thought for a few seconds when she(?) finished her examination. "You know, the interior of this car looks quite familiar to me, like I have seen it before when I was alive. You see, back when I was a middle aged man when I was alive, I was an auto-electrician and a pretty damn good one as well if I do say so myself" Annabell put her(?) hand on her chest and boasted confidently. "I worked on exotic cars, limo's of celebrities and even did a few special orders of custom electrical works for cars in the movie industry. You name it I probably worked on it! Heck, I died from when a Ferrari I was underneath got loose from the hoist and crushed me. At least I died doing what I love" Annabell shrugged her shoulders with a wink. Dark Horse took another sharp turn that jerked them both around suddenly. "Waaaaah, when will this torture end? It's like it has been going on forever!" Medicine weeped as her eyes were spinning all around from the sudden movement.

Dark Horse then muttered to itself in its same monotone electronic voice it always did "open plain detected for next 10,000 meters. Supplementary nitro boosters engaged". Dark Horse then blew blue flames from its exhaust, its engine roared once again like a raging dragon and it's speedometer threw itself forward another 100 kph in 3 seconds flat. This enormous thrust of power as you could imagine threw both Medicine, Annabell and the still unconscious Su-san back into their seats once again like a rocketeer blasting into space. Annabell looked shocked for a moment but then came back to her senses.

"Wait, was that?... No... No it can't be... D-Dark Horse? I-I thought you were decommissioned and taken apart for scrap? What are you doing still intact and speeding around at this ungodly speed?" Annabell said to herself(?) as she(?) examined the dashboard with an expert eye, like she knew exactly what everything on it did. "Wait" Medicine yelled. "You mean to tell me that you know exactly what this thing is?". "I know precisely everything about Project Gamma... well, better known as Dark Horse as it likes to call itself. You see, I was the one who took this regular Audi that was hot off the assembly line and turned it into the AI programmed, personality fitted juggernaut of a machine that you see here today... well, I oversaw the main development team behind it and put the finishing touches on its AI processor anyway" Annabell said to a still perplexed Medicine who was still simply trying not to have her mouth flap from the incredible power that was pushing her back.

"You... your a doll like me aren't you? Well, your in better condition than my body is anyway. What's your name? My nickname is Annabell since I took this form but I prefer to be called by my name during my human days, Maxwell. Well, just call me Max for short" said Max as he extended his hand to shake Medicines with a smile on her face. Medicine smiled back "I'm Medicine Melancholy, the poison doll of the flower fi-eeeeee!!!". Medicine was flung back in her seat again by another great boost of power as the windows around her melted into a blur of streaking color. Max seemed to be taking it alot better than she was though, like she had been inside something like this many times before.

"Little doll, I think I know now why I was sent back here on earth in the form of this old decaying doll with a creepy face. Me taking this form ended up with me back in this car, this abomination of my own partial creation, and I know now what my purpose was for me coming back to earth from heaven... I'm here to shut down this monstrosity called Dark Horse once and for all!" Max said to Medicine while he clasped his hand into a fist. "This is my purpose, my reason for coming back... it's to make sure that this monster car can never again hurt another person with its frighting speed, recklessness and inflated sense of self-worth" Max said to Medicine while maintaining eye contact the entire time. All Medicine could do is nod and go along with what Max was saying, still in its echoy yet cute voice of a young girl. It was still a little hard to believe for her that a human soul now inhabits this doll she just found.

"Here, hold tight now" Max said as he pulled a small little gray box out from his dress pocket. He opened it up and inside was a set of screwdrivers, clamps and other do-hickeys that were completely foreign to Medicine. "I, uh, took this from that little curio shop where you picked me up from a little while ago when the white haired guy wasn't looking" said Max while his eyes shifted left to right in a shifty way. "Anyway, I'm going to open this baby right up just here and gain access to the AI housing rack through the dashboard. When I have it open, hold my little legs so I don't fall inside, alright?" Max instructed Medicine as he put together his tools with his small doll hands. He jammed a screwdriver into the compartment next to the screen of Dark Horse's Dashboard and began the hard process of getting it open. Max banged, clashed, levered, hit and hacked his way into the interior of the car towards its motor. After a minute of so however, a calm yet electronic voice boomed through the loudspeakers on all sides of the car.

"My my, it seems as though you, my guest, are trying to tunnel out of me using primitive tools. I'm afraid that I cannot allow that from you now, as that is where my artificial brain resides. I'm afraid that you, little one, have outstayed your welcome as my witness to my greatness. I will replace you with someone who is a little more... honored with my presence. I will put you to eternal sleep now, little one" Dark Horse calmly spoke to Medicine, who seems to not have noticed that Annabell/Max has now joined her inside.

"Blow it out your exhaust you hunk of tin" Max said as he continued to fiddle and remove wires and other things that Medicine was not aware was important to Dark Horse. "I know your design like the back of my grease monkey hand you junk yard wannabee. Your days are numbered now, I tell ya" Max said as he kept intently working.

Just after that though, some vents opened near the windshield of the interior and strange green gas started to permeate throughout the cars interior. Strange slight fog began to float around the inside now as this strange gas kept pouring inside. Medicine sensed exactly what it was instantly... Poison! However, this strange cloud was completely new to her. She could not smell it (despite her not having any lungs) but its presence felt kind of comforting to her. It was strange indeed to Medicine but due to her being a doll of the Suzuran fields, she felt nothing out of the ordinary. Max as well, was still working as hard as ever to reach further into the inside of Dark Horse.

"Ha ha ha, deploying your only line of defense to intruders from the inside, ehh tin can?" Max said while still doing his thing to get closer to the cars critical area. "I remember this was suppose to go off in episode 8 of that crappy show you were supposed to be on... except a dummy was going to get the blunt of your neurotoxin gas spray instead of a real person" exclaimed Max as he pulled out a strange component of the dashboard interior. "Well too bad you stinky oil leak, dolls like us have no lungs to breath your gassy payload so your little gas trick is useless against us" Max exclaimed with an awesome intensity to his cute girly voice. As soon as he finished saying that, slight white noise like an old television began to be heard through the cars speakers. Was Dark Horse finally having his critical workings tampered with? The car felt... different than it felt before.

Just then, Su-san finally got up from the back seat, rubbed her eyes and shook her head a little, still probably feeling groggy from her fright induced slumber. Medicine noticed Su-san waking up almost like instinct and was delighted. "Su-san, I'm so happy you came back, I was worried you would sleep forever Su-san!" Medicine sighed to herself in relief that her important half was okay. Su-san seemed to be okay as she fluttered her wings but she then glanced over to the strange doll she saw that made her faint, and she began to look worried. Medicine looked at Su-san, then looked over at Max, who was still hard at work pulling stuff out, then looked back at Su-san and smiled. "Don't worry Su-san, this doll is friendly and is our friend. She means us no harm" Medicine said brightly. Su-san looked a little hesitant but then she threw that aside as she trusted Medicines word. "You, littler doll, you better go sit with your friend there because I'm about to do something really important" Max said to Su-san while still focused on his work. Su-san nodded her small head and flew into Medicines arms that were comfortably just under the cars seat belt.

"Right, hold on tight you two" blurted Max as he got ready to pull out something that seemed important to Dark Horse. He yanked out a thick, long cable that made a horrible screeching sound echo through the interior speakers as soon as he did it. Buzzing sounds and horrible electronic tremors bubbled out through the speakers and then suddenly, Dark Horse blurted out horribly gibberish in a deep yet fast paced voice.

"I hear its amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on Hari Kiri Rock. I need scissors! 61!" Dark Horse painfully blurted out over the speakers. "Whaaa~ what on earth douse that mean?" Medicine softly asked Max, who still looked confident in his work. "Oh, never mind that. That's just the death kneel of another horrible scrambled AI" Max said to Medicine with a hint of pride to his voice from his handiwork. "Now, I need you to listen closely Medicine because what I have to say next is very important" Max said as she came closer to Medicine away from the gaping hole he created inside the cars dashboard.

"We have 1 of 2 choices here on what we can do next, okay Medicine" Max said to Medicine with a sense of seriousness to his voice. "The first thing we can do is I can trigger the emergency seat ejection from the dashboard and that will blast the two of us into the sky while we are still in our seats and once at a certain altitude a parachute will deploy that will safely float us to the ground softly. Meanwhile, this brain dead hunk of scrap will continue going at 300 kph straight ahead and slam head first into a tree or rock or something and completely demolish itself into a fiery heap" explained Max to Medicine who was listening intently still. "One of my crewmen put that in for a scene of the show that was suppose to happen in a stunt on the 12th episode" Max said to himself, reminiscing of the times he worked on this car that was now downgraded into a regular car from his tinkering.

Max continued to Medicine "the second option is I can completely disable all AI routines that this car is operating as a backup for losing it's main programming that I just now disabled. Dark Horse will go bye bye and this car will turn back into a regular black Audi that is completely in control of the driver behind the wheel. I can drive this thing using the shoulder buttons on the steering wheel since my small legs can't reach the pedals" Max said as he looked down at his small doll-like legs that were a bit crumbled with age. "We can keep this car intact and we can use it for ourselves to drive around with without the AI interfering with us ever again... since I just destroyed Dark Horse's AI processor, rendering this car completely driver controlled now" Max said while he looked out the windshield ahead. It seems like a dense tree formation was coming up close ahead that this car would crash straight into HARD if they didn't make a decision soon.

"I'll leave the decision up to you Medicine, but you have to make a decision soon or we will crash and we will both be road kill along with Dark Horse here" Max relayed to Medicine in a clear voice and with a sense of urgency. Medicine will have to think quickly on what she will choose as she will meet certain doom if she doesn't make a decision soon. She thinks hard for a moment and tells Max her decision on what she thinks would be best.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2016, 04:36:47 PM by HalfGrand »


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #47 on: May 10, 2016, 12:53:00 PM »
~Raf is trying to figure out the decision Medicine took before writing, please wait warmly~

Decision taken, however process has been delayed due to the following reasons:

Lack of time with the PC.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2016, 11:42:29 PM by Starlighthawk »

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #48 on: May 12, 2016, 09:10:09 AM »
Decision taken, however process has been delayed

Sure, no problem. Exams are probably a little bit more important than what we got going on here.

Careful though, if you take to long then someone else will make the decision for you and then your plans will be ruined *wink wink*. ; )

Seriously, I would love for more people to write a contribution to the story than what we have now. It's a community game, not a small group game we got going on now.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #49 on: May 12, 2016, 04:29:42 PM »
Careful though, if you take to long then someone else will make the decision for you and then your plans will be ruined *wink wink*. ; )

Oh geez ! Yukari is already planning stuff. Where's a gohei at times like this ?

Edit: You can go ahead and post in my place now, something... unfortunate happened to me today and i'm not in condition to think of a continuation to write about, pardon me please.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 11:25:49 PM by Starlighthawk »

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #50 on: May 14, 2016, 01:54:40 PM »
Oh geez ! Yukari is already planning stuff. Where's a gohei at times like this?

Ufufufu~ No, I wouldn't post something right after I already posted something before. I'm going to let other people write the story before I write another contribution to it. Remember, it's a medley, not a one man sprint to the finish line.

You can go ahead and post in my place now, something... unfortunate happened to me today and i'm not in condition to think of a continuation to write about, pardon me please.

It sucks to hear something bad happened to you. I'll send you the best of wishes and don't worry about this thread, it's not going to finish anytime soon I don't think.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #51 on: May 18, 2016, 12:23:04 PM »
Okay, i think i'm well enough to start writing again, sorry if it went bad, i'll try my best... *ahem*

As those two options crossed Medicine's mind, the world seemed like it was frozen in time while she pondered, just getting rid of that thing would make her satisfied, as she would be free of the bumps and jumps and turns that terrorized her and her companions, but then.... why not spare the machine ? In a way he is just like her, a inanimate object that gained a mind of it's own and freedom, could she really erase all  the traces of Dark Horse's existence while having such a thing in common ? In the end all he wanted was to do what pleased him, racing.

Having such thought in her head, she clutched her hands and started speaking:

-"Let's just spare this machine, no point in destroying him entirely..."

Hearing that instantly makes Max get to work on doing so.
-"Are you sure ? Why is that ?" He/She asks with a doubtful face.

-"'s just, he is just so alike me in a way, destroying him without a thought wouldn't be right, if he is too dangerous to let loose, then we should at least let him live on in some harmless way...."

Max's face slowly changes from doubt to a slight smile.
-"Yea... i guess you have a good point..."

The doll then returns to his/her/it's duties.

This is a little sample, if this is ok then i guess i'm fine and i can keep going.


  • To Hell and Beyond
  • I don't give a damn about rules...
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #52 on: May 18, 2016, 03:15:19 PM »
I was about to write, but since it was interfered, I'll just post the alternate choice-making scene.

"Uhh... I'm not sure-" stuttered Annabelle as she tried to think a good decision.

"JUST CHOOSE!" yelled Max.


Then, Max drifted Dark Horse around a tight corner nearly dropping into their deaths, with a few crumbles of rocks falling due to the weight of the car. Medicine, who was closing her eyes because of fear reopened it and saw the grace of Maxwell changing gears, pushing the pedals while keeping the car on track. But then, Max realized something:

"Why are there cars at full speed- OH. I get it! There's a race going on! It's a long goddamn time I didn't went turbo with vehicles, now's the chance to once again live my glory!" exclaimed Maxwell as he pushed the pedal harder, trying to catch up with Makohashi in the first position. Medicine was once again trapped in a car speeding at full speed.

"No matter who drives it, I will never get out of this car!" yelled out Medicine. But due to the loud engines of Dark Horse combined with Max's excitement, Max didn't hear Medicine's complaint and continued his reckless driving. Upon arriving just beside Makohashi, she took a glance.

"Oh my, now a driver has taken it's place? Where did the car's soul go? Nevermind that, but it seems like the driver... IS A DOLL LIKE HER PASSENGER!" said Makohashi, surprised to see Annabelle, or it's true soul Maxwell driving like a professional racer. From the start, Makohashi was receiving all the shock since the arrival of Dark Horse, as if lightning struck every time she saw something very weird.

Nue in the sidecar was as bored as ever like the gunner of the Sdkfz 222, except that she is still trying to control her stomach. Then, she saw Aya not far and thought of a mischievous plan. She tried to use her ability on Aya, while Aya herself didn't notice the change. But the disguise caught the gunner's attention.

"Ernst! I'm seeing something in the sky. It looks like a..." reported the gunner as he tries to fill the blanks of the identity of this object his looking at. Then, all the blanks in his brain were filled and he finally found a sure conclusion.

"It's The Jug! Are we clear to fire?" asked the gunner.

"If you have confirmed it, then fire at it, Manfred," replied Ernst. In reality, Ernst was too busy to think of a decision since he was bad at multi-tasking, so in case it really was an enemy aircraft, it would be a threat no more. Thus, Manfred with his gunning skill traversed the gun and fired a burst of 20mm rounds at Aya, who Manfred saw as the 'Jug'. The recoil however helped the armoured car from falling down the deep cliffs.

"Ayayaya! These Danmaku are faster than me!" said Aya as she tried the zigzag her way through the shells, while also trying to make sure her journal doesn't drop. A shell torn her left sleeve but thankfully, she was unharmed. Then, Nue thought of  herself:

"Disguise Prank Gone Wrong." She remembered when she last saw it on the title of a Youtube video. She didn't watch the video but she still understood the title. And so, she decided to disable her ability on Aya and now Manfred sees a flying woman with wings,
with torn clothes exposing a bit of her bra ;]
, in the air. He stopped firing and Ernst took notice.

"Did you took it down?" asked Ernst.

"Nope, it was a flying woman after all," replied Manfred.

"You're always like this, *sigh."

Cranking back a bit of time, when Manfred opened fire, Byakuren took notice since they are near to each other. At what the car was firing at, is what she saw some sort of flying blue orb. "Maybe that is their enemy?" wondered Byakuren, who suspected the orb to be spying on the foreign military that joined the race. Soon, the orb changed form into a more familiar looking being. Then, she looked at Nue who was sweating a bit fast. But she was a forgiver and wasn't all angry but she wanted to make sure she gives an advice later on.

Back to the present, the track was slowly getting steeper and Hans and the soldiers were hanging for their dear lives as Steiner was becoming more reckless. The Sdkfz 250 might have it's speed reduced but the same could also be said to the other racers. When the motorcycle drove into the sudden steep part of the track, Nue received her 'karma' as she experienced the G-force of a modern fighter pilot, thus once again puked onto the road. This time however, everyone dodged it and disregard it as another disgusting trap, except for the crew of the Panzer IV which recognized the same smell.

"The same person must've puked again. Lucky us we easily avoid it," said the tank commander while on the hatch.

Getting back to Franz and Wilhelm...

Now, the Sdkfz 250 entered the Forest of Magic as they heard crickets cricketing in the forest around them. Even if some of the plants were crushed by the half-track, it's small size could not do much damage to the forest, let alone causing deforestation. Franz looked around as he saw mushrooms bigger than a Tiger tank. But it was obvious those weren't the ones they were looking for.

Finally, Franz found their target when he glanced at a random mound of land. It was the mushroom that could heal even bullet wounds instantly just by eating it raw. He asked Wilhelm to halt, got down the from the passenger cabin, and walked carefully towards the mushroom. He proceeded to pick them up and put it in his sack. When he wanted to get back into the half-track, suddenly a creature pounced on him as he saw a glance of blonde hair with a red ribbon tied on it.

A Hellcat went down the Hell's Highway after the Battle for Caen, "Byou". - Hannibal

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #53 on: May 21, 2016, 03:58:30 AM »
Alright, the thread lives on! I was worried that it would die with only but a whimper.

I was about to write, but since it was interfered, I'll just post the alternate choice-making scene.

So just to clarify, Annabelle/Max spared Dark Horse in your post? I'm assuming so since on both your post and StarlightHawk's, neither made the decision to eject from the car. Still Hannibal, Did Max actually break Dark Horse's AI in your post or did Max simply take the wheel and just drive only? I just wanted to clarify before I make another post again.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #54 on: May 21, 2016, 04:10:35 AM »
Yea, On mine, Medicine realized how alike she and Dark Horse were, so she let him live on as a regular racing car.


  • To Hell and Beyond
  • I don't give a damn about rules...
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #55 on: May 21, 2016, 08:11:04 AM »
Well, looks like the advertisement didn't achieve our goal. At least it's still alive though. Also Grand, do you write your story on Microsoft Word first then copying it here or did you just write it here?

A Hellcat went down the Hell's Highway after the Battle for Caen, "Byou". - Hannibal

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #56 on: May 22, 2016, 07:42:10 PM »
Well, looks like the advertisement didn't achieve our goal. At least it's still alive though.

Meh, it was worth a shot. I can understand if a lot of people aren't into writing huge blocks of dialogue/text for something that they can't even claim as their own. Maybe some people are simply too busy to put in time for something that they see as just a silly open source fan-work? But hey, the advertisement is still up now some maybe it will just take a little more time for a fish to bite.

Don't be discouraged guys, we got this! Don't forget that even though the number of people participating in the writing department is small, as of me writing this post we have approximately 1400 total views. That just goes to show that even though only a small number are actively contributing to the writing side, quite a few people are reading it. I'm not doing this for fame or attention or anything but it is certainly a plus that people are actually reading our "literature".  :derp:

Also Grand, do you write your story on Microsoft Word first then copying it here or did you just write it here?

My modus operandi is that I simply hit the reply button on the last post in the thread, type everything into the text field until I'm finished and satisfied, then as insurance I copy everything I've written into an new untitled notepad document and then finally I post it to the thread. Pretty much every time I post a lengthy story post I then read over it again to check for spelling errors or anything else that requires fixing and just edit the post to apply those fixes.

Any time you write anything lengthy onto an online forum or anything that requires uploading, I find that it is *mandatory* to copy what you have written onto another platform like notepad before you post it. I have had instances in the past where I typed something lengthy (not on this thread thankfully), trusted that nothing would go wrong when posting it, hit post and then find that something goes wrong in the sending/processing process, either on the server side or on my internet/browser side. Then, when you press back to try and resend your post... you find that EVERYTHING YOU SPENT HOURS WRITING HAS VANISHED FOREVER!!! So, I learned the hard way to always make a temporary backup of everything you plan to post before doing so, just in case something screws up in the posting process. You can always delete your notepad document once your post is successfully posted.

Also, so far I have written every post in this story thread in one sitting. I find that if you finish what you start writing all at once then you won't forget any of the awesome ideas you have flowing around in your head as opposed to stopping half way through and then coming back to it later. I mean, it's not like I'm writing a 1000+ page novel here or anything.  :V

Yea, On mine, Medicine realized how alike she and Dark Horse were, so she let him live on as a regular racing car.

I like that you put some thought into just how alike Dark Horse and Medicine where and because of that she shows sympathy for him/it. It would be very easy to pick one of the two choices and not explain why but you went the extra mile by having her explain her choice thoughtfully which I think was great.

Anyway, expect my next story post soon guys.  ;)

Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #57 on: May 27, 2016, 05:49:02 AM »
Pardon the small wait there everybody. I got caught up in a few things for the past few days so that interfered with me writing the next part of the story. But now... lets continue!


Wilhelm couldn't see what was on top of him clearly due to the low lighting that peered through the rough tree branches and leaves above him but what he could tell is that the figure on top of him was menacing, a bit on the small side and... feminine? Wilhelm struggled in fright at the sudden surprise and after a brief second he broke himself free, pushed away the figure and ran back towards Franz at the half track. The figure, who was still merely a silhouette from the light behind it, stood there in a threatening stance as the two Germans struggled with their gear to prepare themselves for this mysterious threat. They pulled out two MP-40 rifles and clumsily began to load rounds into the chambers, still shaken at their ambush.

Still in front of them, the figure pushed back it's blonde hair and put its hand behind it's back to reach for something. It pulled out something long, silvery and sharp looking with an intimidating unsheathing sound. It looked like... a scythe! It's blade glistened light off of it from the skyline above. Our German duo gasped at the amazing weapon and how it shined so brightly. They were so amazed at it that for a second they forgot to keep preparing their weapons. As soon as the scythe was laid bare for all to see, the scythe was flung behind the assailants back in a throwing position and at that same time the duo finally had their rifles ready and aimed at the dark figure.

The scythe was then thrown towards the two Germans, spinning rapidly at them like a flash of circular silver light. It was so fast that the duo were barely able to react to it coming towards them. Before the spinning scythe registered in their minds that it was coming towards them, it had already arrived! The scythe stopped at Franz first and it chopped his MP-40 rifle clean in half right besides his face as he was looking down the sight of his gun. Seeing as his rifle pretty much disintegrated in front of him from the sharp cut of the flying spinning scythe, he let out a loud noise of surprise to now see that he was disarmed. The scythe did not stop there though, just as soon as Franz's rifle was chopped in half, it ricochet from Franz and then headed directly towards Wilhelm. Wilhelm's rifle was chopped in half instantly by the spinning scythe as well, rendering it useless towards there unknown attacker. Wilhelm let out his famous Wilhelm scream ( at seeing his rifle destroyed and he fell backwards from the wind that the scythe was spreading from slicing through the air. The scythe then headed straight back to the figure, who caught the handle of the scythe with ease and made it look like child's play to catch a spinning blade of death.

The figure then pointed it's hand towards the sky, which then made all the lights around it start to light up more, making seeing the figure clearly much easier. Franz and Wilhelm looked on in astonishment to finally see their attacker clearly. They did not expect their attacker to be such a dainty looking young woman when compared to the threatening looking silhouette from just before. This woman had blonde hair that was down to her shoulders and was curled up towards the ends. Her red ribbon was not attached to her hair but was actually attached to her white sunhat that she wore on her head. Her eyes glowed bright yellow with a piercing glare. She wore a long flowing red dress that went down to her ankles that were matched with two clean white socks that amazingly were not dirty from her walking around barefoot and of course this woman's scythe was carried on her shoulder with its blade wrapped around the back of her neck. She pointed towards the two disarmed Germans and and shouted her introduction at them.

"I'm Elly, head gatekeeper of mansion Mugenkan and caretaker of the Lake of Blood. Anyone who dares to trespass on my masters grounds with have their heads decapitated without mercy!"


Wilhelm still looked a little shaken from having the close encounter with Elly's scythe so close to his face but Franz spoke up with his questions to ease his obvious confusion. "M...Mu-gen-kan?" Franz stuttered out from his mouth while still obviously coming to terms with everything that just happened. "That's right!" Elly said with a smirk, "behind me here is the marvelous mansion Mugenkan and I am it's gatekeeper. Sure, the mansion might not have its master live here anymore and sure, the mansion has fallen into a decrepit condition from not being lived in for many years now, but damn it I swore an oath to Miss Kazami that I would protect this mansion from outsiders with my life if necessary. It's been more than a decade since I last seen Miss Kazami but my duty is my duty!" Elly spoke directly to the German duo but after that a tear drop rolled down her face. "Oh miss Kazami, why have you left me here with this empty mansion all to myself? Where could you possibly be right now?" Elly spoke to herself as she tried to hold back her tears and keep her brave face on.

"Kazami?... didn't we speak to a woman named Kazami just a little whole ago?" Wilhelm turn and asked Franz quietly who's attention was still directed at Elly holding back her sobbing. "I don't care about that! What is this Mugenkan and lake of blood? We were suppose to be in the forest of magic to collect these magical healing mushrooms but where on earth are we now?" Franz barked his questions at Elly in a state of annoyance for not knowing where he was now.

"Oh that... Mugenkan and the border of the fantasy world is right next to the forest of magic, so it seems that you probably traveled a little too far out of the forest. Sucks to be you. The lake of blood is just over there to my right, however over the years the blood has slowly began to dissipate and now there is nothing left but fresh water. No idea why that happened but at least I now have a place to wash my clothes. Mugenkan is the great mansion of fantasies behind me... but it has been a lot more fantastical in the past when my master actually slept here" Elly described to Franz the area around them. Franz looked over to the lake and sure enough, the water in the lake was crystal clear. Franz found it hard to believe that blood used to once be the entire contents of that lake... Was this Elly girl telling the truth? He found it hard to believe a woman who just attacked him.

Wilhelm spoke up next. "Wait a moment... you said before that this mansion has fallen into a ruined state or something because nobody lives there anymore. If you are the mansions guard then don't you live there?" Wilhelm puzzled to himself over this contradiction at Elly. "Oh that... Miss Kazami never actually let me stay inside the mansion because she wanted the place all to herself. I live in that humble little tent over there outside of the estate. Miss kazami has forbidden me to ever enter the mansion and has told me to only guard the exterior... douse she not trust me with the mansion at all? *sob sob*" Elly began to look a little upset again when thinking about her position. The two Germans looked over to the tent close by to the left of them and sure enough, a small yellow tarp tent was there that was small enough to only house one person. They could see a few spare items inside the tent through the open flap like a sleeping bag and some scattered books and a small campfire was warmly glowing just outside the entrance. Elly was obviously serious when she said she was forbidden from entering the mansion under orders from her neglectful mistress.

Franz frowned a face of disinterest and shrugged his shoulders. "listen you weird lady, me and my buddy here are just on a mission to gather these special mushrooms for science sake and to explore and document the surrounding area. Your little sob story really is of no concern to us. If you want to see what suffering really looks like, you should come to our special camps we have back home. But for now, please just let us pass and we will be on our way" Franz said in a serious tone to try and reason with this easily upset woman.

Elly wiped a teardrop from her left eye and then got serious again with a menacing look with a hint of curiosity. "You two... your human, aren't you?... It has been so long since I have seen humans in the flesh like yourselves. The last humans I saw where dressed in red and one was in black. They defeated my master who I was sworn to protect. I really am strong, you know? Despite my mistakes I make when I underestimate people" Elly said as a grin was slowly growing across her face. "What are you getting at here?" Franz asked in both confusion and annoyance at this woman who was taking up his time he wanted to spend elsewhere.

"What I am saying is that I am loyal right to the end, even more so when others have already given up. I haven't seen miss Kazami in years and my friend Kurumi had enough of waiting for her return and returned to hell long ago, forcing me to protect both the mansion *AND* the lake. Despite her still being my friend, she was weak and unloyal! All those who desecrate this sacred ground of my master will be punished and maybe then, my dear mistress will return to me! I will prove once again that I am indeed strong, after my defeat to the red and black one's. Maybe then my mistress will return to me with open arms!" Elly said while she began to look increasingly erratic with every sentence.

"I don't like where this is going, Wilhelm" Franz spoke softly to Wilhelm while Wilhelm replied "No, me neither!". Elly then groaned angrily and shook her head from side to side. "Enough of this time wasting! It's time for me to perform my duty that I have been patiently waiting to do for years" Elly barked at the Germans with a look of intense anger plastered along her face. The German duo began to brace themselves for something bad but they still had a look on them of fear of what to come next.

Elly raised her scythe behind her like she was going to throw it again towards them. Before she threw it at them for one last time, she uttered one final sentence. "When I send you to hell, if you meet a devil called Kurumi there, tell her I'm okay... and that I'm still loyal!" Elly muttered her line with anger but with a twist of coolness to it. She then threw her scythe again at the German duo as hard as she could, and this time she intended to kill.

The scythe span quickly towards them and again made slicing noises through the air as it traveled toward them. Wilhelm screamed in fright and crouched down with his hands over his eyes, cowering over his potential demise. Franz stepped back a step when seeing the scythe travel towards his quickly but instead of cowering, he thought quickly as to what he could do to stop the scythe coming to slice his head off. His brain was ticking as fast as it could to think of something to do to stop this blade of death taking his life. A moment past... but then he thought of something that might work.

His MP-40 rifle might have been chopped in half, but he still had a Luger pistol holstered to his side like a cowboy from the wild west. Without time to think it through, he quickly drew the pistol from his holster and fired at the scythe that was speeding towards him. he hoped to himself that it would do something as the bullet flew from the chamber and began to collide with the scythe head on. The bullet from the Luger hit the scythe dead on in the center of the blade... and then a miracle happened. The bullet ricocheted off of the scythe and the scythe stopped spinning toward the two Germans. With a loud *ping* noise, the scythe was pushed away by the bullet and began to descend down to the ground away from them. Success! The bullet stopped the scythe from slicing them up and it stopped the momentum of the scythe that was now twirling away from them. But still, the bullet ricocheted off of the scythe... which was now directed towards Elly!

Before she could dodge or even recognize this stray piece of lead, the bullet hit her in her right shoulder and it pierced right through her, coming through out the other side. She let out a small gasp at the shock of getting shot for the first time in her life by a real world bullet and she began to clutch her wounded shoulder with her left hand, as if her shot shoulder was Paralyzed in pain. She began to sway and grow light on her feet as her bright yellow eye's began to grow dull... then she collapsed on her back.

Wilhelm looked on at what happened and as if he forgot about her trying to kill him a moment ago, he rushed to her side to see what happened more closely. While Wilhelm ran to Elly's side, Franz simple holstered his still smoking Luger pistol and walked slowly over to her. He walked over not to see if she was okay like Wilhelm did, but to see if this scythe slinging woman was actually dead. Wilhelm knelled down over Elly to inspect her body. Thankfully, she was still breathing and was wearing a look of pain on her face as she continued to hold her wound where she was shot. She would live... but she was still in a lot of pain. "Gaaah, urrrgg... this pain... I have never felt anything like this before... Grrrrah!" Elly continued to wince from the shock of the shot, barely noticing Wilhelm looming over her.

"Poor girl... she was only doing her job and remaining loyal to what she believed in, her mistress. She would make a fine lieutenant to our F?hrer, she would. Wilhelm said will looking remorseful over her pain stricken body. Elly still didn't notice him as she was still groaning in agony over her pain. Then... Wilhelm had an idea... the green mushrooms, of course! He had a handful of them in his pack so it wouldn't hurt him if he spared one to ease the suffering of one downed combatant. Wilhelm dug into his pack and pulled out a single small green mushroom, then he looked over to Franz. "shall we?" asked Wilhelm, seeking approval from Franz as it was obvious to him what he was about to attempt. Franz frowned for a moment, though about his options and then finally shrugged a single shoulder. "...fine, consider this only a test run of the mushrooms, nothing else" Franz responded to Wilhelm coldly, but still felt a small soft spot over the girl who fought with them valiantly. Wilhelm proceeded to put the mushroom in Elly's open mouth. "Here, eat this, it will help you" said Wilhelm as he clumsily put the mushroom in her mouth and she began to slowly chew on it before finally swallowing it.

"Aaaah, the green ones... I have these regularly for dinner over the fire" Elly spoke softly with her eyes closed as she began to relax a little and not feel so pained. The effects were almost immediate, the bullet wound began to slowly close itself over with new skin and the two Germans looked on in astonishment as the wound slowly knitted itself back together through the hole in her dress. The mushrooms had worked, even on a youkai like Elly.

Elly opened her eye's slowly to Wilhelm leaning over her with a slight smile coming across her face. "You... you guys must be EX bosses... such power... with only one hit... heh... I feel stupid" Elly said while she began to look sleepy but also peaceful. "Nah" replied Franz "I am simply an intermediate in basic firearms training at boot camp" he said in a slight joking way. "You humans... sure are weird" replied Elly with a short breath inbetween. "It's been a long time... since I fought like that... it feels nice... to not be forgotten by the world... thank you" sighed Elly as she looked on into Wilhelm's eyes. Wilhelm had his lip tremble a bit and a single tear rolled down his cheek, feeling a little emotional over the whole series of events. "I think... I'll have... a small sleep now" said Elly one last time and then she proceeded to fall asleep, probably from the effect of the mushrooms or simply from exhaustion.

Wilhelm picked Elly up in his arms and carried her to her humble yellow tent where he carefully put her on top of her sleeping bag, while still fast asleep. Wilhelm wiped a tear from his eyes and went outside to see Franz again. Franz was smoking a cigarette as Wilhelm met up with him again. "This place" said Franz suddenly "really lacks common sense" he said as he dropped his cigarette and squashed it with his boot. "Yeah" replied Wilhelm in simple agreement.

"Still, we can't spend all of our time here when we have a task to complete at hand Wilhelm. We may have some of those miracle mushrooms that we can have our science department analyze but we still have the mission of mapping out this area. That was our prime objective all along, Wilhelm" said Franz with a hint of assurance in himself that he must push forward. Wilhelm nodded in approval, knowing that there was still a job to be done. "The next area we are going to investigate... is that mansion the girl spoke of" said Franz decisively as he made up his mind on where to go next. "But" Wilhelm stuttered "that's the place that Elly was protecting from outsiders. Surely there are other places we can go" stated Wilhelm as he remembered how important Mugenkan was to Elly.

"Our mission is to gather intel on all the places of significance in this area Wilhelm, and if that means exploring a crumby old neglected mansion in the middle of nowhere then so be it. Besides, since the place is abandoned, maybe we will find something of significant value that was lost for someone like us to find. You know how Goering loves to add new pieces to his art collection, right?" said Franz with a smile as he thought about setting foot inside the old manor. "C'mon Wilhelm, we are doing something that could greatly benefit the German people and possibly enrich our culture if we find something great inside. I know you are curious too as well as I am to see what's inside that warrants a gatekeeper to stand guard" Franz said with a look of curiosity and mischief in his eye. Wilhelm looked to his right and said "well, maybe just a little...". "C'mon then, let us see what is so magical about this mansion of fantasy as that girl put it" said Franz as he proceed to walk on ahead towards the old mansion. "Aaah, wait up Franz!" shouted Wilhelm as he jogged briskly to keep up with Franz.

Meanwhile, several hours later at the same location

"Oooh mister ghost!... mister ghost... where are you?... show yourself right now!" shouted Remilia as she walked through the same area that the German duo just went through. "My goodness, I've been looking all over this forest for this Crimson Ghost and it's getting late already. "I'm all alone, hungry and tired... looking for this ghost sucks!" said Remilia as she was getting cranky with her uneventful exploration. She put her hand above her eyes and scanned the area carefully to see if anything was interesting. While scanning the area she looked upon the mansion that is known to many others as Mugenkan, but to her she did not know. "Bah! the cleaner of that mansion should be scolded for such lackluster maintenance. Seriously, I am tempted to offer the owner of that dump Sakuya for a day so they can make the place look nicer on the eyes" Remilia uttered to herself in disgust at the eyesore of this mansion. "No matter, I'm growing tired of looking for this thing that I cannot find. I'm going to head back to my mansion and have myself a cup of tea and a nap before I look for that ghost again... probably, depends if I feel like it... besides, tonight's the night of a full moon. One of my favorite times of the month!" Remilia grinned to herself when thinking of seeing her precious moon again. She fluttered her little vampire wings and took to the sky, heading back to the Scarlet Devil Mansion as dusk was setting in across the land.

And just out of earshot from Remilia's ears, the Crimson Ghost she was looking for roared greatly in the distance around the Youkai mountain, still engaged in the race that lingered on still.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #58 on: May 27, 2016, 02:39:07 PM »
.......... Oh ! Right ! It's my turn now.

I guess i'll update....... on the Star/Plant/Doll trio then !

Just wait til classes are over though. :P
Pardon the small wait there everybody. I got caught up in a few things for the past few days so that interfered with me writing the next part of the story. But now... lets continue!

It's no bother for me, if i can wait for MarisaStory, i can wait for this too !


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Touhou Thread User Story Medley! ~Shenanigans of Maiden Community~
« Reply #59 on: May 30, 2016, 01:05:05 PM »
Sorry for double post and the wait.
Without further wait.

Back to our trio, Alice, Yuuka and Marisa, they were watching the race from the sky after finally catching up to them.

"Amazing, even though they're travelling by ground on the cars and all that, they still move so swiftly, it's not easy to keep up with their vehicles." - Yuuka commented.
"Well, they supposedly are professional racers, so that much was to be expected, but i'm still rather surprised to see Byakuren on it, who would have known she enjoyed this kind of thing." - Alice adds in.
"Oi, true enough, however we can't say the same for Nue right there, i'm certain she let out a bit of what she had today two times in only a few minutes-ze." - Marisa complements.

As if by command, another sharp turn followed by a jump made poor Nue let out some more of that delicious food made by Byakuren.

"Huh, make that three." - She says.
"I guess pranksters seem to have weak stomachs. Why did she even join that race in the first place ?" - Yuuka questions.
"Masochism ? A new way to lose weight ? Some kind of training ?" - Alice suggests.
Both Marisa and Yuuka shrug.
"We can't say." - Both say in unison.

Alice takes up a slightly surprised face, but quickly goes back normal.
"I guess..... i wonder where that Medicine doll went..."
The other two look at her with curiosity.
"Oh, so you ran into her ?" - Yuuka asks.
"More like she ran into my house." - Alice replies. "But yea, we met a little while ago and she was the one who told me you two had left without me."
Both Marisa and Yuuka point towards the other.
"It's all her fault ! - Both say.
They then turn to face each other.
"What do you mean MY fault ?" - They say again in sync."

Both drew their "weapons" to start another "friendly skirmish", but before they even got themselves at ready, a simple small hammer falls on each of their heads.
"Ugh !" - Both let out loud.
"Enough ! We still have the race to see you know !" Alice turns to the dolls holding the hammers. "Thanks for the help you two."
The two dolls nod.
"Okay....." - Yuuka and Marisa faintly say.
"Good, now behave or the next time i'll tell Shanghai to grab the mid-sized ones."
".......go back to your little crush will ya ? - Yuuka complains.
"Huh ? Did you say anything ?" - Alice stops.
"N-Nothing !"

And with that they resume with watching the race.

Edit: i guess i didn't really have to edit all of it as it seems, is this alright ?
« Last Edit: June 01, 2016, 05:05:54 PM by Starlighthawk »