Well this will be a looooooooong one!
Unfortunately, that's the nature of LNN. It is not a goal that you can just snap your finger and get on the fly, unless you're really proficient like some of the japanese players (Or just really guerilla like yats).
When I went for my first PCB LNNN, it took me a year and a half, and at that time I'd already had about 400-500 hours total in the game. The fact that you don't have it yet isn't surprising, but shouldn't be discouraging. And don't think that UFO and LoLK are the only games that would take a lot of time to get. I took quite a surprisingly long time for Mountain of Faith (which some people even consider easier than PCB for some reason), and Yats took an uncanny amount of time for SA.
What I've learned about LNNNs is that they come when you least expect them. They're very random. You will never expect when that winning credit comes, but when you DO get it, it gives off an amazing feeling.
Do you stream by any chance? I'd like to watch you play sometime!
Do keep in mind that PCB does have a lot of challenging things like Youmu, some of Prismriver's things, and don't forget the lovely spam section you get in stage 6. So don't underestimate it. (You can underestimate TD though) By the looks of it, you're going with ReimuB too, who isn't very good at the spam. If the spam itself is giving you trouble, you could always do what I did and use ReimuA, or do what Yats did and use SakuyaB.
P.S. I saw a thread from you asking about border invincibility frames. Most people don't really consider it illegal. In fact, HS, the one who did the first PCB LNNN, used it on Hell's God Sword AND the spam section in stage 6. SOC and I used it to cheese Lunasa's second non in our ReimuB runs. PNG used it in his ReimuA run on one of the prismriver's attacks as well I'm sure. All these runs are still included in the LNN thread and recognized as legit
My stance on it, is that like in IN (where you get invincibility after a boss's final spell, allowing you to skip through bullets without dying), is that the game is GIVING you free invincibility. AKA, you will never die or get hit by any bullet, or fail anything. See, when you finish a border, you're always going to be invincible after the border ends, so my stance is that you might as well make use of it.
Yes, I know that a LNN is obviously not going to happen in 1 day. The thing is, I have been actively going for it for a fairly good amount of time by now, and the worst part is that I KNOW I can do it. Just need to spam more credits.
I see, well theres a lot of people who consider PCB to be the easiest overall game, that also includes LNN. I would be inclined to agree with that. But I guess it Will still take its time... It sure will be awesome when I manage to get it
Unfortunately, due to a couple of factors, I cant really stream. The two biggest reasons are that my PC/Internet just wouldn't be up to the task (I can barely upload Youtube videos in a decent quality/time as it is, streaming is probably out of the question), and even if I COULD, there is the language barrier (Since most of the community is naturally English) issue, so I couldn't really comment anyway (And then, what would be the point? xD).
That said, IF you are interested, I could link you the replay of my current PB. Who knows, maybe you can tell me what I am doing wrong or how to improve, since I know you have LNNNd this game long ago (I even saw your video on Youtube!).
Yes, I am aware of the "Dangerous spots" on PCB. The 2 most obvious are HGS and Spam, but I also have a bit of trouble with a couple of others (Chens final, Alices First, Lily, That annoying 2nd Lunasa non, Concerto Grosso, and of course, Resurrection Butterfly). All of these, while not as much of a run killer as the "Big 2", are also occasionally annoying and kill me. But that's just how it works, I guess. I actually find HGS to be a bit overrated, at least with ReimuB.
As for using another shottype... I rather not relearn the entire game just for a slightly easier time at
one part that last like 20 seconds at most (Spam), to be completely honest.
Its nice to know I can freely use the Iframes trick then. I have been trying to do it on Lunasa?s 2nd non, but in a real run its hard to get a good amount of Cherry in order to get the border at that exact moment, lol.
Where in the right mind did you ever come to the conclusion that LNN is easy?
Well, I think that it all started ever since I got the 8MNBNBB, I had the feeling that "I could do better than this", then I keep trying to reduce the amount of silly deaths. I wasn't REALLY thinking about LNNN at that point, I just knew I could do a better run. Then I got the 6 Miss. Wasn't all that happy with it still, so I kept going. And then I got the 3 Miss. At that point, I was quite satisfied with the run, since it barely had any silly deaths... but then I realized, "Woah, this is actually close to a LNNN run, might as well try to go for it"(Especially since that run marked the first moment in which I got to Youmu at an LNNN pace, something I have never done before) and ever since then, I have been actively gunning for it... That, plus the countless people who claim that PCB is the easiest game overall in the series for a lot of things, 1cc, No Bomb, and yes that also means easy LNNN, in comparison with other games. And it is indeed true. Which just makes the fact that I haven't LNNNd it yet more annoying, lol.
Do keep in mind that (while obviously important) you being good enough to LNN a game is only a part of actually getting it. A lot of things can go wrong in a credit even if you play on point the entire time, especially in a game like PCB, which, while generally considered easy, is very long (MoF is almost 10 full minutes shorter than PCB, one reason I believe many people consider it an easier game to LNN). It's always possible to get terrible RNG throwing you a situation where you simply can't do anything; nerves getting the better of you or, worst case scenario, have something like your keyboard fail on you like it happened to Yats
Indeed, a lot of things can go wrong- I already said were I think the dangerous spots are. That's true, PCB is quite a bit longer than most other games (We can thank Stage 4 for that), that means theres more time for me to die and have to restart the entire run from scratch...nothing I can do about that tho. Same with RNG.
TBH the most annoying thing about this is that I have to eat up this damn boring Stage 1 AGAIN every time I die to something after it. Playing that stage over and over is so DULL because NOTHING happens on it. At least Chen is somewhat dangerous at times so I have to pay attention, all Stage 1 is doing is testing my patience.