Author Topic: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)  (Read 8683 times)

Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« on: February 16, 2015, 09:17:42 PM »
The french community Touhou-Online thinks about organizing an European convention dedicated to Touhou, which would be called HakureiCon.
Please give your thoughts about this project here :
(this is still a project and we can't guarantee it will come true someday, but we'll do everything we can to make it true)
« Last Edit: February 16, 2015, 09:21:23 PM by brliron »

Spotty Len

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Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2015, 10:32:31 PM »
Considering Touhou's popularity in France, and considering how (not) well the existing communities tend to blend together, I don't see this happening before a very, very long time, if it happens at all. Still, that's a nice effort, so I'll share one or two thoughts. These may sound a bit aggressive, but no hard feelings, I just want to see how far you intend to go with this.

First, you shouldn't leave a choice between French-only and European. Unless you intend to have a convention in a 50m? hall with a few dozens people roaming around, there are just not enough Touhou fans in France to host something you can call a Reitaisai. Of course, I don't know how big you intend to make this, but considering you're considering of making it international, I don't feel like you want to merely organize an IRL event. In order to make it big, you gotta include other countries as well.
(Also, why would you only include Touhou-Online for the French side? Pretty sure you are not alone, and limiting yourself to your own community would shut lots of people off.)

Second, sorry if I sound rude, but I don't remember ever seeing Touhou-Online staffing at a convention before (I went to a few Japan Expo and TGS already). How well are you experienced towards managing such an event? Being staff at a convention is already a lot of work, and organizing a convention is ridiculously hard, especially when working with people coming from other countries.
That being said, did any other European country seemed interested in this project? If so, did you take contact?

Third, there are a few spelling mistakes and weird translations within the questions, both in French and English. Just thought that you might wanna know.

Finally, asking people about what they want to see is nice and all, but I think you should also share your vision of this project. Just how far did you think ahead? Is it just an embryo of an idea, or do you have some ideas already?
Also, what do you want to see at this convention if it ever happens? What are your ambitions?

I know this project isn't in a state where you could even call it a "project", and this may be only to gather some data, but I think these are important points to think about if you want to pursue this idea. Again, sorry if it sounded aggressive, but while a Touhou convention not too far away from my home is an interesting idea, I just want to know how you see it happen.

In any case, good luck.

Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2015, 11:14:49 PM »

First, you shouldn't leave a choice between French-only and European. Unless you intend to have a convention in a 50m? hall with a few dozens people roaming around, there are just not enough Touhou fans in France to host something you can call a Reitaisai. Of course, I don't know how big you intend to make this, but considering you're considering of making it international, I don't feel like you want to merely organize an IRL event. In order to make it big, you gotta include other countries as well.

I have to admit that the question about french only and european is a bit outdated. This poll was intended only for french first, but quickly became for european purposes.
About the convention, we don't intend to make a small 50m? like you said, and I already took informations from several places about space and cost. This will be more than a simple IRL event.

Second, sorry if I sound rude, but I don't remember ever seeing Touhou-Online staffing at a convention before (I went to a few Japan Expo and TGS already). How well are you experienced towards managing such an event? Being staff at a convention is already a lot of work, and organizing a convention is ridiculously hard, especially when working with people coming from other countries.
That being said, did any other European country seemed interested in this project? If so, did you take contact?

We already made several stands in some conventions (We asked several times for TGS but the expo aren't very keen about us. And for Japan Expo... well, same. But we are always working on new conventions). We participated to Made in Asia (45000 vis.) and some smaller conventions, like Japan Addict (1500 vis.), Gameplay Convention (3000 vis.), Mang'Azur (11000 vis.). For stands, we have quite a good experience. And for convention organization, I know the subject quite well as I'm part of another convention. So, I know how the stuff works as well as convention, security standards, and etc...

As for others europeans countries, Poland, Netherlands and Spanish are actually interested by our project "now that I speak to you". Italian community also heard about us, we gonna contact them soon. We also keep contacting the others communities, of course.

Third, there are a few spelling mistakes and weird translations within the questions, both in French and English. Just thought that you might wanna know.

Thanks! I'll check that soon.

Finally, asking people about what they want to see is nice and all, but I think you should also share your vision of this project. Just how far did you think ahead? Is it just an embryo of an idea, or do you have some ideas already?
Also, what do you want to see at this convention if it ever happens? What are your ambitions?

We start to have ideas, but it's more in "embryo" state. That's why we created this poll to see what does peoples expect from us. But of course, we have our ideas too and our vision. We will be able to give more informations soon.

I know this project isn't in a state where you could even call it a "project", and this may be only to gather some data, but I think these are important points to think about if you want to pursue this idea. Again, sorry if it sounded aggressive, but while a Touhou convention not too far away from my home is an interesting idea, I just want to know how you see it happen.

We neglects nothing, but I know, and everyone should know it's a challenge!
Like we say in french, "Qui ne tente rien n'a rien".

In any case, good luck.

Thank you very much. I hope I gave you the answers you needed.
And... sorry for my english ^^

-NightLunya-, Touhou-Online
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 12:00:37 AM by -NightLunya- »


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Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2015, 02:29:10 AM »
No need to sign your posts; your user name is right there with them.

also, moving this to the right board.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2015, 03:19:17 AM »
As for others europeans countries, Poland, Netherlands and Spanish are actually interested by our project "now that I speak to you". Italian community also heard about us, we gonna contact them soon. We also keep contacting the others communities, of course.
You mentioned this before on IRC and I'm still a bit confused. This seems like at least one community felt as though they weren't interested until you posted about it in MotK and received our blessing, or something. This sounds silly for a number of reasons.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2015, 05:24:04 AM »
(to the first post)

Please, notice us of the spelling error so we can correct them (yeah, my English is poor as Reimu's donnation box)! =)

To respond at your point:
#1 We have the ambition to officialy create the convention when we will have enough of money to do it. It is only a ''embryonic project'' if you want. We want to be sure to base ourself on solide base before declare it official. We also want to know what you think of the project, because if you don't think it respect Team Shanghai Alice copyright or if we get not enough support, we will terminate it.

Our founder and I are working hard to find good goodies at first and we had the idea to do another project to finance it, but, be reassured: it have nothing to do with crowfunding.
Maybe selling cupcakes or find (eventually - if people reaction is positive) sponsor like the TouhouCon does.

#2 The first question was for our community only (we had to begun somewhere). We are going to remove it, because we get positive answers and the majority tend to say that a multilangual European convention would better! And I agreed: we don't need of this question anymore.

#3 We are going to be at the Senyu this years. We do at least three coventions per years and I prepare our arrival in Canada too! For sure, in 2 or three years, we'll get a stand at the Animaracon (Sherbrooke, Canada), the Hakureil fest at the Montreal Otakuton and at the Ottawa Geek Market. We une to usually do stand at the Japan Expo of Belgium, at the Toulouse Game show and another one in Strasbourg (France). Unfortunately, we can't get a stand to the Japan Expo of Paris, because it is too expensive.

Also, NightLunya have a friend who is getting his own convention and we help him.

We do stand each years since 2011.
+ If you want to help us for our HakureiCon, it will be a pleasure for us to get you in our team! We always accept help of motivated and optimist people!

We talk whit Poland, France, Belgium, Canada and we try to recontact our (I think) Brazillian partners. You are our first contact outside of this and we already contact the TouhouCon staff. We should also contact Lunatic Red because we are partners.

#4 We discuss beetween each other of some things that may be in our convention. We tought about tournament, quizz, graphic artist stand, illustrator stand, IRL, etc. And the list goes on (even if the idea are pretty basical). We will begin to create a complete list of our possible activities when we will get at least 100 answers.
Personnaly, I think we should have:
-Touhou Anime Marathon (I'm not a fan of this, but I think people would like to see that);
-Music Quizz;
-Osu Tournament;
-''All-Touhou-Games'' Tournament;
-Knowledge Quizz;
-Photo Shoots;
-A Touhou Flash Game Stand (why not?);
-A ''what is Touhou?'' Panel;
-Goodies stands;
-Artists stands;
-Community Stand;
-Some guests (including famous cosplayers);

Note that the convention location will be determinated by the answer we get! We well show you the result at each 100 answer, but up to now, some people said that they would like to have the event in Belgium, Luxembourg or Germany.

Nazrinn from Touhou-Online

Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2015, 01:20:14 AM »
Good new for everyone!

We have now 106 answers to our urvey and the Japan Impact of Switzerland contact us and want to become one of our partner!

There all the result for tthe first part of 100 answers:

#1 Souhaiteriez-vous voir une convention d?di?e ? Touhou Project? / Would you like to have an only-Touhou Project related convention?
YES - 98% (104)
No - 2% (2)

Well, I think this question should be removed...

#2 O? souhaiteriez-vous qu'elle se passe de pr?f?rence? / In which city and country would you like it occurs?
FRANCE - 52 (A lot of Britain respond ''France'')
UK - 13

I think the convention should be in the center of Europe for the first edition to make it more accessible, like in Luxembourg or Germany.

#3 Qu'attendez-vous comme activit?s lors de la convention? / Which activities would you like to have in it?
GAME SESSION (was alredy included) - 42
QUIZZ - 10

Well, we are totally going to have a Mascarade. The Cinema offer seem interesting and we hope that we can have guests for concerts and conference! I really like roleplay, so why not? Game session and tournament was already planned.

#4 Qu'attendez-vous de voir comme type de stand lors de la convention? / What kind of stand would you like to have in our convention?
DOUJIN (including books, artist and indie stuff) - 84
GOODIES (including rare or exclusive goodies) - 78
COSPLAY STAND (organisation) - 2

Well, I think it's clear... BUYING STUFF.

#5 Qu'attendez-vous, en g?n?ral, de la convention? / What do you expect, in general, of the event?

The convention will probably be in English and traduced by communities. We will probably add French latter; English first. The convention will probably be small for the first edition and we will try to make new Touhou fans with it; make the European Fanbase grow! Adapt the covention for persons who are haddicapped is a good idea.

#6 Jusqu'? quelle distance seriez-vous pr?t ? parcourir pour atteindre la convention? / How far would you be willing to travel to go to the convention?
On average, ~1032km / 640mi.

#7 Where do you live?
UK - 13

All other questions:

Comments: Uh, we hope we can sold somethiong to finace our project (at leat, 5/8 want to contribute). It's nice if you are will to pay! We will be able to pay our place in the convention center!

Comment on comments:
Wow! thank you to propose us such great help! It is really appreciated.
Unfortunatly, we will probably be unable to bring ZUN in Europe for the first edition, but if you want a stand in our convention, make bus know!

Thanks to all of you, we have meet our first objective and we wait other answers with excitment! Now, we can move to the next step: Create a Website for the HakureiCon.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2015, 01:25:05 AM by Nazrinn13 »


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Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2015, 01:27:11 AM »
I am very saddened by the lack of votes for the sale of official Touhou products

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2015, 02:57:08 AM »
Don't worry about this. I think that some people including this in the ''Doujin'' section.

But we encourage official work. I Do iut myself. I have Wild and Horned Hermit 3 in Japanese at my home, just for supporting.  :D
I'm ensure you that we will try to encourage our supporter to buy more official product. Maybe sale the games if we have the right too?


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Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2015, 12:22:53 PM »
You really need to cool it with the double-posting and site pimping. In the future, please just edit your post to add more info instead of making a new one - edits show up in Unread anyway, and don't push down more active threads. Thanks.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2015, 10:16:30 PM »
So, is this where it ends for this idea?

Also personally I am extremely merciless whenever a survey is being used to conduct a research. N = 100 is not a valid or presentable number of opinions for a Europe wide survey or convention. Neither is every +100 on top of that. There is absolutely no value in presenting charts, graphs and other information when it means nothing. A survey on its own means nothing. The results also mean nothing. People make a meaning out of it for no reason. That isn't how you carry out a research.

Anyway, I don't need to echo what is said here but I personally think you're taking this too lightly. Judging from your replies I am not convinced about anything actually.

This isn't to discourage, but to create some extreme realism. Ambitions are nice, but at the end: Money is what makes things happen for conventions in general.


  • One of the only Touhou fans from Luxembourg... I guess.
  • Oh, I'm just a concerned observer.
Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2015, 03:15:20 PM »
If the event is ever going to be held in Luxembourg, then it would have to be held at the Luxexpo, in Kirchberg, since it has an indoor area of 34'000 m^2. What also needs to be considered is that Luxembourg is one of the smallest countries in Europe, and this is pretty much the biggest (and only?) exhibition/congress centre we have (all of the big fairs, like the Spring Fair, take place there). I'm not even sure myself if it's big enough for an event like the hypothesised HakureiCon (European Reitaisai), nor do I know how much it actually costs organising such an event here. Don't forget that organising such an event will go into your own pockets (for stands, infrastructure, etc.).

Lastly, I don't think Touhou is that well known in Luxembourg (I myself only know two other people), so it would be a pretty big risk organising it here, in my opinion. I'm pretty sure that if people were to see the announce in the local newspapers over here, they'll just go "what? Why?" and not care afterwards. In my opinion, the purpose of such a convention is to attract fans and/or people who are completely new to the series.


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Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2015, 03:57:25 PM »
Also let us not forget: To reach a European level of convention you need to set up a profile first and consider many serious things. Cost and money is one thing but getting the attention is also another thing.

Even if 1000 people claim they want a European Con, maybe 100 will show up eventually? Traveling to a Con, especially if it is outside your country means you need to take a break from school/work/life in general. It also means you need to come up with a plan.

I'll give a real life persona example. Let's say I want to go to Reitaisai 2015 this year in Tokyo at Big Sight. I need to fly for 11 hours forth and 11 hours back. That's 1 day of travelling at minimum. 1 day of Reitaisai and considering I fly back the next day. That's a 2 night hotel/place to stay. Avg prices in Tokyo (unless you stay extreme cheap) is around 60 euro a night.
- Airplane ticket: 700 euro
- Hotel/lodging: 120 euro
- Food/drinks/survival: 100 euro (you restrict to simple meals and kombini food)

That's almost 1000 euros spend for just 2 days of fun. The number of people who can afford this are either rich students or working people with a decent job. Nobody is going to spend randomly 1000 euro to attend 1 Con unless you're heavy addicted. Hence I said out of 1000 people only few will show up.

Ok, the above is a personal issue. Let us take a closer look at your reputation and ambitions:

You've mentioned that you have been running stands/booths at several cons over the past w/e events. That is all nice but what is actually your major first attempt on hosting something bigger than just running a stand? Like a mini-convention? How many people attended? What was their response/experience?

A Dutch forum I know is running a in-house fun-get-together con called 'Yuyucon'. They are about to hold their 5th soon and their average number of guests is ~50 or maybe slightly more. If popularity of their con gets larger, they might expand to bigger locations (even though it is not their ambition). This is just to show that things need to be build up slowly. Nobody is going to attend an unknown Touhou Con somewhere in Europe without even knowing what it is all about. I could ask the dutch community what they think of a European level con. Because I highly doubt they even know about this idea.

Second constraint is popularity of Touhou. Face it, Touhou isn't as popular anywhere else aside than the Asian countries. Correct me if wrong but even Anime Boston has a separate Touhou panel. Anime Boston itself is not a Touhou-con. Anime Boston's Touhou panel could evolve into a Touhou-only con if popularity rises but haven't seen it yet. (Neither sure if there is an ambition to do so). Not sure if you also read Cuc's news info about Taiwain's Reitaisai. They are organising their own "Reitaisai".

Third, Reitaisai or Japan in general: Is a Doujin culture. Their dedication for hobby related work is extreme and unmatched. Yes, we got a lot of western artists who also make beautiful artwork or produce nice doujin CDs etc, but it isn't concentrated. And concentration is what Japan benefits from: It is all in their country and thus easier to achieve. This is also the same as previous point: Popularity. Gaming and events are nice but the main purpose of a Con is often presenting your work, selling them and having fun / interacting with the crowed. Tournaments are usually not seen at Reitaisai since the whole event revolves around selling Doujin material. It would also be too chaotic to organise, lol.

And the list goes on. . .
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 04:01:11 PM by Helepolis »


  • One of the only Touhou fans from Luxembourg... I guess.
  • Oh, I'm just a concerned observer.
Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #13 on: February 25, 2015, 05:20:57 PM »
A Dutch forum I know is running a in-house fun-get-together con called 'Yuyucon'. They are about to hold their 5th soon and their average number of guests is ~50 or maybe slightly more. If popularity of their con gets larger, they might expand to bigger locations (even though it is not their ambition). This is just to show that things need to be build up slowly. Nobody is going to attend an unknown Touhou Con somewhere in Europe without even knowing what it is all about. I could ask the dutch community what they think of a European level con. Because I highly doubt they even know about this idea.
This makes me think that the Luxexpo may be too big, since during the big fairs, there are at least 10000 (maybe even 100000) visitors per day. However, I found another place for Luxembourg (should it ever happen to be here) that's far smaller (and probably more appropriate): the Centre Drosbach. However, it's at a pretty remote place of Luxembourg (Gasperich, Cloche d'Or)....and the average charge for a full day of rental(?) of their "salle trap?zo?dale" is already ?4500, which is a fair amount of money.

EDIT: Another thing to consider is if the centres I talked about even accept foreign organisers.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 05:33:35 PM by fsvgm777 »

Re: Project : HakureiCon (European Reitaisai)
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2015, 06:52:38 PM »
Before editing (resume post):

Come for news:

First, for the survey: we will not base our entirely convention on 100 answers. It is too small, it would be biased; I only said that I will give the statistics at each 100 answers. It is there to first, receive comment from other convention (a Swiss convention contact us by it) and have people opinion on the project. It also give us idea and make us accept special resquest.

Second:  We already talked to a bunch of convention centers, including Luxembourg. For the moment, we have three interesting offers:
-Libramon, Belgium (1250 euros for 4 days and 5000m^2. IT COST NOTHING.)
-Somewhere in Flanders (They propose us 20% of discount for the first edition, but we don't have the price yet)
-Mitsubishi Electric HALLE in Germany (3000m^2, but we would have a partnership with another convention and the emplacement is really advantageous).

We know that the Touhou community in is not enough developed to create an only-Touhou convention, so we though that  we could  make a Japanese Culture Summer-Festival-Like convention (not about manga or anime, but Japanese historic, gastronomic, religious culture, etc).

It's really resumed, but I have to go in English class now. I complete this post later.

Note: NightLunya will be at the Senyu for this weekend, so you will not be able to talk to him until March 2th.


Note: The post will be update tomorrow due to some important things to do on my Facebook's community.

Also personally I am extremely merciless whenever a survey is being used to conduct a research. N = 100 is not a valid or presentable number of opinions for a Europe wide survey or convention. Neither is every +100 on top of that. There is absolutely no value in presenting charts, graphs and other information when it means nothing. A survey on its own means nothing. The results also mean nothing. People make a meaning out of it for no reason. That isn't how you carry out a research.

No, I agree with you. Anyway, the survey was not made for giving us exact result, and it is, in part, biaised, because to much of Frech respond to it, but we try to reach others country community. It is just there to giving us ideas of want we can do fort the convention + have opinions on the project. It's not really a research but a part of our ''encouragments''.

For the 100 answers, I only said before that I'll give you the statistics to each 100 answers. We also can't know how many Touhou fan we have in Europe, so the survey is not here to be ''serious''. It is just for support.

Anyway, I don't need to echo what is said here but I personally think you're taking this too lightly. Judging from your replies I am not convinced about anything actually.

This isn't to discourage, but to create some extreme realism. Ambitions are nice, but at the end: Money is what makes things happen for conventions in general.

No, you are right, nothing is really official until we rent an hall. We consult organisers and he told us that, for a convention in Libramont, he bought ~10000 euros. If fact, we already have this money... But for personnal purpose. Touhou-Online have only ~4000 euros in bank.

If we have no money, we stop there. That's it.

Obiously, if we can't get money, we can't get convention! When our Website will be finished, we'll begin to search for sponsor and sell some stuff (goodies or games, if we can get some). We already have a Swiss convention that would be willing to support us.

We are discussing the price for stands already, because our location is almost taken. We'll try to be the less expensive possible to all our stands and visitor (something like 15 euros for 2 days for 3m^2).

Note: I'm not an orgniser, tough, I just contribute. Night is the real organiser.

Lastly, I don't think Touhou is that well known in Luxembourg (I myself only know two other people), so it would be a pretty big risk organising it here, in my opinion. I'm pretty sure that if people were to see the announce in the local newspapers over here, they'll just go "what? Why?" and not care afterwards. In my opinion, the purpose of such a convention is to attract fans and/or people who are completely new to the series.

We thought it would be nice to held a convention in Luxembourg, because it is small, central and connected to three important courntries: France, Germany, Belgium, but anyways, we already discuss with all convention center and it is too expensive. Maybe another year.

We also have planned that our convention will not exactly only Touhou. It would be also a Summer Festival on traditional Japanese culture to attract people who don't know Touhou.

Even if 1000 people claim they want a European Con, maybe 100 will show up eventually? Traveling to a Con, especially if it is outside your country means you need to take a break from school/work/life in general. It also means you need to come up with a plan.

We planned to make the convention happen in August or early september. There are low cost flights in Europ for 42 euros, but don't ask me about this; I'm not an expert about such things since I live in Canada.  For the number, we obviously can predict... Only press would help us. When the Website will be complete, we'll try to get press attention. Spread the word is the best thing to do at this step.

You should more ask Night about this because I don't really know much on this subject, but Night does.

I'll give a real life persona example. Let's say I want to go to Reitaisai 2015 this year in Tokyo at Big Sight. I need to fly for 11 hours forth and 11 hours back. That's 1 day of travelling at minimum. 1 day of Reitaisai and considering I fly back the next day. That's a 2 night hotel/place to stay. Avg prices in Tokyo (unless you stay extreme cheap) is around 60 euro a night.
- Airplane ticket: 700 euro
- Hotel/lodging: 120 euro
- Food/drinks/survival: 100 euro (you restrict to simple meals and kombini food)

That's almost 1000 euros spend for just 2 days of fun. The number of people who can afford this are either rich students or working people with a decent job. Nobody is going to spend randomly 1000 euro to attend 1 Con unless you're heavy addicted. Hence I said out of 1000 people only few will show up.

Wow. We don't expect to have some visitors from other continent, but if we have the, we can first do nothing for the flights, probably. The only thing I knowv is that, in three years, it will be possible to take a Flight New York-London for 42 euros (I don't remember wich company will do this, but I know that Night read an article on the subject. He should know. That statment suprise me a lot...).

Hotels: We try to avoid big cities so the cost will be reduced, but we are giving us some choice, in case that we need more big cities. Our choice are Libramont (Belgium - 10,602 inhabitants),  Kortrijk (don't have the price yet - Belgium - 75,219 inhabitants) and D?sseldorf (don't have the price yet - 3,000 m^2  - Germany - 593,682 inhabitant).

For food, again, we can't do nothing (event if we avoid, again, Islands), but if we can give free a free meal offer by one of our sponsor, why not? GAnime does it (I went to), so why not do this?

Also, make an entierly Touhou-only convention would be dangerous. So, to attrack more visitors, like said before, it would be also a summer festival in the same time.

You've mentioned that you have been running stands/booths at several cons over the past w/e events. That is all nice but what is actually your major first attempt on hosting something bigger than just running a stand? Like a mini-convention? How many people attended? What was their response/experience?

A Dutch forum I know is running a in-house fun-get-together con called 'Yuyucon'. They are about to hold their 5th soon and their average number of guests is ~50 or maybe slightly more. If popularity of their con gets larger, they might expand to bigger locations (even though it is not their ambition). This is just to show that things need to be build up slowly. Nobody is going to attend an unknown Touhou Con somewhere in Europe without even knowing what it is all about. I could ask the dutch community what they think of a European level con. Because I highly doubt they even know about this idea.

In fact, we never really made a mini-convention, but we are always considered like major guest and attrack ~170 peoples per years in each convention. We do tournament, a 15-computers-stand (and later we will have an arcade for PC-98 games - the stand make 30^m2 minimum), PV projection and a conference. Ask NightLunya for details.

 I don't remember if we contact the Dutch, but with all the knowledge I have, I think that yes. But I was not knowing about Yuyucon. Do you know where I can contact them?

If we didn't contact the Dutch community, we have to, but for now, we are contactign Scandinavian communities (we work on [url-=][/url] for now). I know that we have to contact the Spanish community (there several ones that we have to contact) and we desperately try to reach Italian fans since their community is dead.

Second constraint is popularity of Touhou. Face it, Touhou isn't as popular anywhere else aside than the Asian countries. Correct me if wrong but even Anime Boston has a separate Touhou panel. Anime Boston itself is not a Touhou-con. Anime Boston's Touhou panel could evolve into a Touhou-only con if popularity rises but haven't seen it yet. (Neither sure if there is an ambition to do so). Not sure if you also read Cuc's news info about Taiwain's Reitaisai. They are organising their own "Reitaisai".

Well, they have TouhouCon in US. It's their 2th years and they are successful, so... (source)
We try to base our convention on this one.
They have a lot of sponsor. Wev hope to get two or three sponsor the first years. Their entry fees are of $35 US, for three day. For us, it would be maximum 12.50 euros (it will be probably 8 to 10 euros for two days).

We already contact them, but I (and not Night, because he contact them before) will redo it because, after 1h of talking, they just stop for an unknow reason. So I'll try to get more informations (if it's possible).

Third, Reitaisai or Japan in general: Is a Doujin culture. Their dedication for hobby related work is extreme and unmatched. Yes, we got a lot of western artists who also make beautiful artwork or produce nice doujin CDs etc, but it isn't concentrated. And concentration is what Japan benefits from: It is all in their country and thus easier to achieve. This is also the same as previous point: Popularity. Gaming and events are nice but the main purpose of a Con is often presenting your work, selling them and having fun / interacting with the crowed. Tournaments are usually not seen at Reitaisai since the whole event revolves around selling Doujin material. It would also be too chaotic to organise, lol.

Mmm... I don't really know what to say about this, because it's clear that the most demanded thing is tournaments. It's the point that we need to do the most big efforts. Finding Touhou Doujin and Doujinshi: Outch, difficult. Games: We need more materials for sure. I know ssome people who have traduiced books and stuff, but that's it. We need to do research for this... The only sure thing is: We have 15 computers, space for stand, goodies section will not be an only-Touhou section (more Touhou we have, more it's better) and spae for comminity and convention stands.

We have do got support for this and a lot of research. It's why we would need community abassadors and volunters soon.
It's one of the things we are unsure: How can we get pertinent guess, events ansd exhibitors?

You just ring a bell, Helepolis

This makes me think that the Luxexpo may be too big, since during the big fairs, there are at least 10000 (maybe even 100000) visitors per day. However, I found another place for Luxembourg (should it ever happen to be here) that's far smaller (and probably more appropriate): the Centre Drosbach. However, it's at a pretty remote place of Luxembourg (Gasperich, Cloche d'Or)....and the average charge for a full day of rental(?) of their "salle trap?zo?dale" is already €4500, which is a fair amount of money.

I think Libramont price  is better, but I will think about this one for the next years (we would change of location each years), because it is less expensive that the average (~5000 euros per day).

I think it would absolutly be a good idea if I begin to contact eventual sponsors or exhibitors.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 08:58:37 PM by Nazrinn13 »