Author Topic: New Chinese Fangame《东方幻想乡?异变!三次元入侵》is aiming for PS4 (and PC)  (Read 102414 times)

A doujin group by the name of "MyACG" has plans to release a 3D action-RPG reminiscent of the Ys series on the PC and PS4. Yes, that's right. The PlayStation 4. This would be the first Chinese Touhou fangame to be released via PSN, and it looks quite good too. Their lead member has already talked face-to-face with ZUN about their plans, and the game is to be released sometime later this year. The retail version is expected to have at least four playable characters (Reimu, Marisa, Cirno!, and another to-be-decided character) and the classic 6 stages+extra stage formula. The current plan for the stages is the Hakurei Shrine, Human Village, Youkai Mountain Waterfall, Heaven, Scarlet Devil Mansion, and aforemented extra stage. Gameplay-wise, it will feature the tried-and-true method of danmaku-dodging and enemy-slaying followed by a boss fight. Many spells and attacks will be usable, and there will be a host of power-ups and items. The full project description (in Chinese) can be found here, and a video of the demo version, including a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes production process, can be found here. What do you think? Is this something you'd get when it's released?

I am in no way related to the circle mentioned here, nor the development of this game. I'm only posting this because I find it interesting and I'd like to share it with the rest of the community.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 08:00:42 AM by cuc »


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  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
I know a few things about the project. Let me clarify the situation.

First, the developer have yet to obtain a PS4 development kit, meaning they can't actually make a PS4 version at this point.

Second, they have not received ZUN's permission to make a Touhou game for PS4.

Their team leader visited Tokyo Game Show 2014 on a IGDA (International Game Developers Association) scholarship, and met ZUN at the Indie Stream Party 2014 event, which is an indie-focused party taking place after the closing of TGS. He tried to explain his game to ZUN in English, which ZUN could not fully understand. That's the circumstance under which the picture was taken.

At present, what this team is trying to do, is to sign up with the Play,Doujin! programme so that they may obtain both a PS4 dev kit and a license to make a Touhou fan game on PS4.

Frankly, I think their chance of success is slim. The purpose of the Play,Doujin! programme is to help Japanese doujin developers reach a wider audience by porting existing titles to PlayStation consoles. Publishing a newly developed game from a foreign developer is a bit far outside of their scope.
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Let's hope that someday or even soon Play,Doujin! can be a platform for any doujin circle to use, but I guess it would depend on your definition of doujin and if it fits in with the Japanese term.

I love the cloth physics, reminds me of the Havok engine, I wonder if it's a modified version or most likely a custom one. (Havok expensive heh)
Touhou Fugyouseki ~ Nightmare of Sleeping Girl English Patch
I run a crappy YouTube channel, check it out if you wish~

First, the developer have yet to obtain a PS4 development kit, meaning they can't actually make a PS4 version at this point.

Second, they have not received ZUN's permission to make a Touhou game for PS4.

Thanks for those clarifications. It was pretty late when I submitted this topic and my phone was at single-digits in terms of battery life, so I probably looked over some important points.

I don't even have a PS4, so either way I'd get the PC release. If, for unlikely reasons, a PS4 version is made, I'm sure it'll spark some sort of movement in the greater overseas (from Japan's point-of-view) doujin community.

He tried to explain his game to ZUN in English, which ZUN could not fully understand.
This seems like a huge oversight.


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So these guys were the ones behind the creation of Touhou DOTA (Defense of the Shrine)?  Very interesting...

They also seem to be doing a fundraising on Modian.  What's this about? 

This looks like it's something sponsored by Sony themselves. If you go to the home page, you'll notice the SCEI logo under "项目创建者", which translates to "project creator". The game we're talking about here is just one of the many games this fundraiser is supporting, and there's "rewards" for donating past certain amounts. ?1299 or more gets you a PS Vita, among other goodies, and ?2899 or more gets you a PS4. All donors get to vote for up to three developers of their choice, as well obtain an entry into a prize drawing for a PS4. The votes are tallied right under the prize tier-list.

In short, this appears to be some kind of collaborative event hosted by Sony and Modian to raise awareness of the Chinese Doujin scene. As for who the money goes to, I have no idea, though it's probably not going to the circles participating in this event.

Also, that classic PS1-era Sony Computer Entertainment logo at the very bottom...
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 04:46:33 AM by aUsernameIsFineToo »


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  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
IIRC, the team leader HJ was not the originator of Defence of the Shrine, but the leader/designer who guided DOTS to the peak of its success.

The Modian thing is basically what aUsernameIsFineToo said. Modian is a Chinese crowdfunding site. In anticipation for the PlayStation 4 launch in China, Sony Computer Entertainment is holding an event called "Chinese PlayStation Developer Contest" through Modian, which is essentially Sony doing crowdfunding-as-preorder, combined with a popularity contest.

The fund (with a goal of CNY 200,000, soon to be reached) will be used for "supporting independent game development in China". Donors can vote for indie developers participating in the contest, and the top 3 winning developers will receive a SDK and a test kit for PlayStation 4.

Before they heard about the Play;Doujin! programme, the MyACG team entered their Touhou game into the contest with the hope of winning their PS4 dev kit this way. At that time, their rank had been rising, but was still not in the top 3. They are running in the second now. It looks like they'll be getting their dev kit regardless how this game turns out.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 01:22:25 PM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter

Paz legalces

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Hey guys, sorry for intruding but I have got a little inquiry:
Someone has recently has started spamming on facebook about how this Touhou PS4 project is crowdfunded too and making snide sarcastic remarks about the hate for a certain crowdfunded-project-that-shall-not-be-named-in-recent
Upon close examination it seems this person is indeed Saijee's friend, and upon being called out for; this seems to be the respond:

I am just going to copy and paste a reply I did on a comment :
Quoting from Yonjin who tweets on behalf of Zun said,
[また、クラウドファンディングを利用して資本を集めることは、そもそも『同人活動ではない』とみなされます。 それは商業活動であり、つまり著作権侵害の海賊行為とみなされます。
Translation: Also, crowdfunding is considered to be outside the scope of doujin activities. It's a commercial activity, hence an infringement of copyright and an act of piracy.]
They are using Touhou's face to grab attention for the crowd funding of PS4. They are using Touhou's image so that 'PS4' gets more funds which gives a big IRONY. Big corporations who already have money can use Touhou doujin works so that they can raise crowd funding money for themselves and small groups of doujin people who literally have more needs for funds can't? Also, the developing team are entering this crowd funding which btw is not a 'specific doujin place' so that they can get the PS4 developing kit. They are using resources other than their own abilities with involvement of corporations. So how is the PS4 team involving into PS4 fund raising okay?

I just wanted people to see there is another crowd funding involving the Touhou doujin works. Yes, I am a friend of FSS and like ZUNs friends having his back I am just trying to have theirs. I didn't make any hate comments and I am sorry that I have made it look like that the PS4 team are crowd funding for themselves. However, the fact that they are involved in the crowd funding in some way remains the same. The team entered the crowd funding contest to obtain the development kit. This is involving big corporations in their development of the game. As far as I know developers are supposed to work on their games within only their abilities and not others. So how is just blatantly being negative only towards FSS fair? I think if FSS is guilty for not having the doujin spirit so is the PS4 team. I also think the PS4 team is even more far than having doujin spirit in that they are raising funds for a corporation with a touhou doujin work.

While I can answer these questions to a certain extent; I would like the experts' helps here and have a as-concise-as-possible explanation on how valid are these claims regarding the status of this Touhou PS4 project
My apologies for posting this here... but I think it is relevant to have these accusations regarding this project clearly explained here as well, thank you

This team is definitely not crowdfunding for themselves, as the (now more than) CN?200,000 shown on the campaign page doesn't go to any of the several doujin groups mentioned within. It seems that the campaign is sanctioned by Sony's PlayStation division, and that contributors get to receive rewards from Sony in addition to placing votes in exchange for their donation. The only thing the top-three circles get is a PlayStation 4 development kit, which allows porting of the game to Sony's console.

However, in light of what appears to be a halt to the Play,Doujin! campaign, I wouldn't give this game ending up on the PS4 too much hope either. If Japan's own fangames are removed from the PlayStation platform, I don't see how a foreign game such as this would get a chance of making it on.

It seems at some unknown time, they have removed all the profiles of Play,Doujin! games from both the new page and the old ZUN X PS page.

The page also has an apology for terminating sales of the Gensou no Rondo PS Vita theme, leaving the Gensokyo winter theme as the only product on the page.

I don't know what all that means, but it gives the impression that certain things were not going as smoothly as they expected.


  • *
1. Yonjin does not tweet on behalf of ZUN. His comments are relevant to the discussion of the doujin scene, particularly in regards to the situation with FSS, but he himself does not represent ZUN in any way. In no way does this mean his comments are any less valid. Just a correction.

2. To imply they're using Touhou only as a means to advertise the program is blatantly false; they (HJISTC) were in charge of the rather highly-acclaimed Defense of the Shrines mod.

3. The commenter seems to be unaware of why crowdfunding isn't acceptable in the first place, as well as the separation between doujin works and indie development here.

4. As far as I can tell there's no mention of distribution method (correct me if wrong). The mention about acceptable distribution channels is unwarranted.

5. It isn't even known whether or not they can succeed here, since it hasn't been confirmed whether or not they've received explicit permission to develop for the PS4. We can assume they haven't by default, so it isn't as if people are even saying this is acceptable.

6. As far as I can tell it's entirely possible for the team to obtain the development kit but develop games other than Touhou, and it's also possible for them to only release the game on PC using accepted channels. That's perfectly okay, and I think this is a likely outcome.

7. Being the english-speaking fandom, we're more connected to stuff happening in the english-speaking fandom, that affects the english-speaking fandom. To focus more on FSS, even if these situations were exactly the same, is a no-brainer.

Overall they're just making comparisons on a situation they don't know much about. If Sony ends up eating most of the funds raised and using little of it to help indie developers, that would be shitty, but more or less irrelevant to what they're arguing.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 12:51:33 AM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
My own position on this contest is:

- Using the Touhou brand to participate in a popularity contest of this nature is hard to defend.

- Their action can be partially attributed to ignorance. They had initially put 东方幻想乡 "Touhou Gensoukyou" (the name of Touhou 4) into the game title, which is an embarassing faux pas.

- However, they have since obtained help from a trusted advisor who are supposed to do PR for them on the Japanese side. This advisor should have cleared up any misunderstanding, and told them to withdraw from the contest. The fact that they have not withdrawn yet does not reflect well on this supposed advisor.

With that said, they seem to already have some sort of discussion under way. Some result will probably come out in a day or two.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 10:08:40 AM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter

Hi everyone I am someone who is a friend of FSS and I just wanted to post my opinion here to hear what you guys think.
Regarding the TCP4(Chinese PS4 team), my focus is not on the PS4 team itself but how arbitrary ZUN?s crowd is towards commercial matters.  Here are some major criticism that FSS received and why I think it is unfair.
1.   FSS does not have a ?doujin spirit? because they are commercializing Touhou doujin. Mass commercialization is not doujin.
---- TCP4 is involved with a mass commercial activity in that they are used as means to gain more funds for a PS4 site
2.   Exposing Touhou doujin materials on a non-Japanese site and promoting its production to mass amount of people who does not know doujin is bad
-----This is not a Japanese site but a Chinese site. The PS4 in China and Japan are essential different companies and the voting taking place is for China not Japan. The PS4 site and campaign indeed says for Chinese ?doujin game support? and therefore may look like only people who know doujin will come but that is not true. Many people who don?t know about doujin can also see it and get involved with it.
3.   FSS should develop the game by themselves without any other help. Honest work is the way to go to be a true doujin.
----- Instead of trying to acquire the development kit by themselves TCP4 went to a mass commercial site to attain votes and win the kit so they can develop the game. In order to vote, people need to purchase the right to vote and along the votes the perks of they get depends on how much they purchase. Essentially this is not different from crowdfunding. 
4. FSS did credit ZUN whereas TCP4 have not credited ZUN for the touhou doujin game.

This is a team ZUN approved and the approved team are doing things against doujin. IF ZUN does not halt the team this means his guidelines actually matter a lot less than what others claim.

We will have to see how things will turn out but as far as my points what do you guys think?

4. FSS did credit ZUN whereas TCP4 have not credited ZUN for the touhou doujin game.

From both the circle's website and advertisement since day one:
"Don't be mistaken! This is a derivative work of the Touhou Project."

Also, there's this on their website, right on top of the page:
二次创作团队:MyACG Studio
Owner of Touhou Project: ZUN
Derivative work by: MyACG Studio

I'm sure ZUN knows what these people are doing. If at any moment he wants to step in he most likely will do so, which means whether this game gets a PS4 release is still completely undecided.

Aren't you that person who spam-posted this in several places on FSS's Facebook page and in their YouTube comment section? I'm wondering what's your intention with this..... (I don't mean anything bad by that, it just seems like you're trying to say something more.)

I think it's important to keep in mind that FSS was explicitly asked by ZUN and his people to discontinue the crowd-funding. As far as I know it's unclear whether this is the case with TCP4's work or not. Or what exemptions ZUN gave them.

ZUN has every right to be 'unfair' or to 'have double-standards': Touhou is his intellectual property. Decided how it evolves is not my right, your right, FSS's right, or TCP4's right; it's exclusively ZUN's right.  If he decides to give a project an exemption from his guidelines, he's perfectly allowed to do so - it's no more "unfair" than him deciding not to have Sanae show up in any future game or making the next game's soundtrack techno-oriented are.

Information on this project and ZUN's word on it are a little sparse at this moment but stick around; people like cuc are doing a great job covering this as new details come in. =)


  • Charisma!
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  • O-ojousama!?
Aren't you that person who spam-posted this in several places on FSS's Facebook page and in their YouTube comment section? I'm wondering what's your intention with this..... (I don't mean anything bad by that, it just seems like you're trying to say something more.)
Ye that is him/her.

Quoting randomly Yonjin-san's tweet. I'll quote Drake because ShinesBright didn't read Drake's post it seems.
1. Yonjin does not tweet on behalf of ZUN. His comments are relevant to the discussion of the doujin scene, particularly in regards to the situation with FSS, but he himself does not represent ZUN in any way. In no way does this mean his comments are any less valid. Just a correction.


  • Awoo!~
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It may seem there are similarities but this situation is very different.
1) It's out of the country and we have no control over what happens, where as the TSSB got it's start in our forums and we as a Touhou Forum have a responsibility that we try and follow rules with things originating from our forum. (I assume that to be the case anyway I can't really speak for anyone but that's how I feel about it)

2) Because it;s out of the country and with a dev that doesn't speak English, it's tough to say what is even happening. I want to say they are not dumb enough to go about doing this without consent, but we still don't know everything so saying they do or don't is not something we can say.

3) Going around and pointing out like "Look look! Look at what they did that's so bad!" when you don't know the full details of the Chinese group really looks poorly on yourself. What you could have done better was just bring up the topic for discussion (which is this topic right now.) on Youtube instead of shouting it out with no actual knowledge on it.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 07:34:26 PM by Colticide »
Touhou Fugyouseki ~ Nightmare of Sleeping Girl English Patch
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  • Charisma!
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  • O-ojousama!?
@ Colticide, yes. But it isn't just that either, if ShineBright actually would've really read the thread:

With that said, they seem to already have some sort of discussion under way. Some result will probably come out in a day or two.
Meaning there is trouble for the chinese fans as well. As soon as our dear Tengu Cuc knows more about this, he will share it with us.


  • Awoo!~
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@ Colticide, yes. But it isn't just that either, if ShineBright actually would've really read the thread:
Meaning there is trouble for the chinese fans as well. As soon as our dear Tengu Cuc knows more about this, he will share it with us.

Right I'm sorry I forgot about that part, I read it so early in the morning. My bad. :P
Touhou Fugyouseki ~ Nightmare of Sleeping Girl English Patch
I run a crappy YouTube channel, check it out if you wish~

While I'd agree that this development has little impact on the Western Touhou community, I'm still interested in how this will be handled since it's similar to a certain other project that matters more with respect to us. With that said, I dug up a bit more information about this specific project, and found a post by HJISTC, the circle's leader, in the comments section of a promotional video on bilibili. This post is numbered 450, and should be on the 7th page as of this post. I've translated it to the best of my ability, though others with some knowledge of Chinese (looking at you, cuc) can, and are encouraged to, join and interpret the original text from their point of view. Commentary from me will be (italicized) to separate them from the translation.

I feel a bit disconcerted about this... Many people are supporting us, paying to cast their votes, and it makes the situation somewhat sensitive. To be safe, let me reiterate:

1. A PS4 release is unlikely, depending on whether our game is good enough, whether ZUN allows it or not, and whether policies and laws allow us as well.
(The circle mentions that certain regulations may prevent the PS4 release from the get-go.)

2. We will strive to go with the above [point], not for commercial purposes, but to finish our project, while benefitting everyone.
(They also mention that they are doing what they are doing purely for non-commercial purposes. I interpreted the "对大家都有好处" as "benefitting everyone", meaning both the copyright holder (ZUN) and the Touhou fan community.)

3. There will be a PC version, following in-line with the few Touhou games on PS4, which all had a PC version first. We will not exclude the PC platform because of "for profit" reasons.
(I believe that is done so to stay in-line with what Japanese developers have done. That is, release the game on PCs and if possible, other platforms (PS4, in this case). Also, since this is China we're talking about, concerns over piracy have been brought up, namely the fact that the PC version will be easier to distribute illegally.)

4. We are still in the middle of development, so aspects related to game production will not be revealed too quickly. The final product might not even be as amazing as some players imagine it to be.
(Basically, they're saying that fans shouldn't get too excited about the game based on what is shown in development-progress videos.)

5. We are not forcing people to do anything, the money spent on votes do not belong to us. The purpose of receiving votes is so the ps4 campaign will notice us, as well as doujin games. Even if we do win a development kit, we still need PS4-development rights.
(I think this is to clear up any questions people might have regarding where the money they spend ends up. Once again, they mention that they still need permission to develop for the PS4.)

There is strong uncertainty with this, so please don't expect too much, since there are many things beyond our reach. We will put our best foot forward, and we might be able to succeed. All that's left is whether others believe in us.
(There is, indeed. While the leader has contacted ZUN about this project, that was before the Modian campaign started. If ZUN does step in, I'd imagine they'd back away from developing this game for the PS4 if they want to stay out of legal trouble.)


  • Charisma!
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  • O-ojousama!?
Moderation note:  The posts about FSS have been moved to the target thread because it became too specific about the subject. Please continue the discussion over at the merged thread.

I've translated it to the best of my ability, though others with some knowledge of Chinese
-translation snip-
It's a pretty solid translation.

cuc appears to be a little busy, so you'll have to make do with me. A couple of suggestions in italics:
I feel kinda fake after promising too much...
[I don't know the context behind this sentence, so I'm making a guess here that he made claims during his campaign promotion or something.]
1. A PS4 release is still not for certain...
["Unlikely" seems too strong, as compared to what was used in Chinese.]
3. There will be a PC version, following in-line with those Touhou games previously announced to be heading to the PS4, which all had a PC version first. We will not exclude the PC platform because of "for profit" reasons.

Your translation of points 1 and 3 do seem to be closer to the original, and I think it does reflect the author's tone in a better way.

As for the first line of the original post, I interpreted the "有点虚" as "slightly worried". To be honest, I rarely use or see that phrase, so I interpreted the "虚" as "weak" (figurative), or even "humbled", as in "谦虚". "Fake", as you've used here, also captures what I interpreted it to be, as there are several ways of translating the phrase.

I'd like to know if ZUN knows about this project, and if so, what he thinks of it. This does seem a bit empty, especially the whole "game isn't even finished yet" and "asking for support", which requires payment. Sure, it's not the circle themselves that are getting paid, and the supporters are getting their perks no matter what from the campaign sponsors themselves, but I feel that some people may have voted just to see the game on PS4. That means that there's the potential of disappointment among fans if ZUN doesn't allow a PS4 release of the game.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 03:39:26 PM by aUsernameIsFineToo »


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  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
Regarding the contest, this was what Ruw said:
"I believe this isn't in-line with the guideline, but since you have given me an explanation, personally I think it's OK for this doujin circle. Actually it's never been in my authority to give you instructions to begin with."

So he isn't going to intervene. ZUN has been informed of it, but he also hasn't said anything.

Nonetheless, my advisor friend thought being involed in the Touhou Smash controversy has caused enough of a PR nightmare, and urged the team to withdraw from the contest - which they haven't done as of now.

About the more specific problems with the contest page, namely, the Touhou Gensoukyou title and lack of proper attribution to Team Shanghai Alice:

I'm not going to defend MyACG, but like I said, they entered the contest in a state of ignorance. They knew nothing about the guidelines; even if they knew "Touhou Gensokyo" is the name of Touhou 4, it would have never crossed their mind that it is a major faux pas to use an official game's name. They had since been informed of these problems, and removed "Touhou Gensokyo" from the game's name. Apparently they cannot modify the contest page at will, so it has stayed the way it is.

While it's true that this situation differs from Touhou Smash in many ways, I still believe entering a Touhou fan game into such a contest was never the right thing to do. Ruw has summed it up pretty well:
Ruw: The problem with crowfunding for a derivative work is that it becomes impossible to differentiate whether people are contributing funds due to their appraisal of its creator, or due to their appraisal of the original work it's based on. In the latter case, doing that would be plagiarism.

He was talking about From Soy Sauce, but I think it applies to this case very well. Sony's contest was supposed to be a competition between developers through their game pitches. One factor in the competition is the strength of each pitch's fiction, and by invoking the brand power of Touhou, which they don't even own themselves, they have short-circuited the competition. Encouraging Touhou fans to vote just because they are making a Touhou game would be unfair to other contestants.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 03:16:10 PM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


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Thank you cuc, it's nice to get some clarification on this game. It is strange that they picked the name Touhou Gensokyo, I would have thought they would look up the name first to see if it would cause issues. Heck if Dark Souls stuck with their original name "Dark Hole" they would have gotten in trouble with countries that have that as a bad word.
Touhou Fugyouseki ~ Nightmare of Sleeping Girl English Patch
I run a crappy YouTube channel, check it out if you wish~


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  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
Some corrections about your translations - this is tricky, since you are dealing with somewhat "internet colloquial" speech here.
"Don't be mistaken! This is a derivative work of the Touhou Project."
The sentence “是的没有看错!” is grammatically incorrect. It should be “是的,你没有看错!” Meaning: "Yes, your eyes have not deceived you!" or "Yes, what you see is true!" This is a self-explanatory advertisement line. The intention of the text is that their expected audience already knows what "Touhou derivative" means, and they are speaking exclusively to this audience, with no consideration given to outsiders.

I feel kinda fake after promising too much...
The meaning of this sentence isn't entirely clear. I could think of two possible meanings of 虚 here: 心虚 "lack of confidence due to having been dishonest", or 虚浮不实 "empty, lacking in truth, substance or pragmatism".

In the context of the whole post, it seems to mean the latter. "I feel we made a little too many empty promises."

We will strive to go with the above [point], not for commercial purposes, but to finish our project, while benefitting everyone.
"把流程走通" in this context means "go through all legal procedures". The word 流程 "workflow" in casual speech generally refers to administrative procedures.

We are still in the middle of development, so aspects related to game production will not be revealed too quickly. The final product might not even be as amazing as some players imagine it to be.
On "游戏本身制作方面就不会很快出来": 出来 here can be understood as either simple "come out" (referring to releasing the game itself) or a more abstract 出来结果 "produce results". In either case, this is saying the game production will still take some time.

Even if we do win a development kit, we still need PS4-development rights.
"In addition, if we win, our development team can obtain the rights to develop for PS4."

It should be obvious that a PS4 dev kit should come with the rights to develop for PS4. Unless you somehow bought it on a black market  :3.

We will put our best foot forward, and we might be able to succeed. All that's left is whether others believe in us.
坑 "hole in the ground", here used as a verb, is internet slang for "leaving a creative work unfinished". It originated in the late 1990s with calling starting a fanfiction 挖坑 "digging a hole", and resuming or finishing a fanfiction 填坑 "filling up a hole", and gained several permutations over the years.

坑, as a verb, can also mean "deceive; con", which is not the meaning here.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 12:43:22 AM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • Still looking for the Hakurei shrine...
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pffft, i'm very sorry if i sound elitist or like a douchebag saying this, but come on now:

if these guys Freaking Seriously did NOT knew that there was an official game called "TOUHOU Gensokyo" in the main series...   :wat:
then it can only prove they did very little research about TOUHOU, and almost certainly do not really care about TOUHOU in general, and did not really ever want to make a TOUHOU game:

they just made their own whatever game, and then slapped the TOUHOU IP on it because it was something popular and free to use (or so they tought at least), that was guaranteed to get more people interested in it...

maybe i'm completely wrong i don't know any of them and didn't really follow this whole affair... but from what i see here, that's just what it seems like to me, from the point of view of an outsider...  :-/


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
pffft, i'm very sorry if i sound elitist or like a douchebag saying this, but come on now:

if these guys Freaking Seriously did NOT knew that there was an official game called "TOUHOU Gensokyo" in the main series...   :wat:
then it can only prove they did very little research about TOUHOU, and almost certainly do not really care about TOUHOU in general, and did not really ever want to make a TOUHOU game:

they just made their own whatever game, and then slapped the TOUHOU IP on it because it was something popular and free to use (or so they tought at least), that was guaranteed to get more people interested in it...

maybe i'm completely wrong i don't know any of them and didn't really follow this whole affair... but from what i see here, that's just what it seems like to me, from the point of view of an outsider...  :-/
Their team leader was the designer/programmer of the Touhou Dota map. You can't blame them of not caring about Touhou :). It's just that they had a typical foreign Touhou fan's level of knowledge. You mentioned "research", but if the game's premise is "the 3D (real world) are invading the Gensokyo". The enemies are sinsacks and "FFF members" - a meme originating from the light novel/anime "Baka and Test", who are a KKK-ish gang fueled by their envy of people who have girlfriends. The game is not going to require any research about the Touhou universe, because it's all memes from top to bottom.
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • Sister of the Devil
  • "So all I have to do is 'kyuu', and..."
So in the end, what's up with these guys? Are they allowed to go on, are they in trouble? I'm a bit confused by their situation.

Suspicious person

  • Just a humble wanderer
  • How suspicious~
So in the end, what's up with these guys? Are they allowed to go on, are they in trouble? I'm a bit confused by their situation.
Well, I daresay the problem here is about MyACG taking part in the contest : by bringing a Touhou fangame there, they are pretty much using a cheat code : they'll get lots of votes thanks to Touhou's popularity. I think this might be mainly an accident or some sort of oversight from their part. There shouldn't be a lot of drama with their case, at the very worst they'll have to retire from the contest. (Correct me if I am wrong)