Author Topic: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!  (Read 18185 times)

Menorah Jams, Pham

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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2015, 02:15:03 PM »
Hello, I just came from the Yuri Kuma Arashi thread on ADTRW.  The thread is so gold it's worth paying for SA just to read it. 

I'm not even into Ikuhara but the amount of sheer glorious gold has me laughing at the office over the trolls, weird feelings, and other goonish behavior within the thread. 

Going back now, see you all in six more pages. 

Seriously, so much gold you could melt it and hock it for a good chunk of change.

Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2015, 07:03:19 PM »
I actually didn't know anything about ADTRW or SA until just now, after seeing you mention it then searching it up.

Uh, apparently it's a funny forum you have to pay to get an account on? And they even have subscriptions, so you can read stuff on a forum..?
I don't know what to think, because, at the very least, this is definitely unusual.

Could you screencap a page of that thread or something, as a sampler? I'm considering actually paying the $10 to make an account.

Menorah Jams, Pham

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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #32 on: January 09, 2015, 07:38:19 PM »
SA is a good place to be if you can not only separate yourself from the fact that the internet is full of stupid people, stupid things, total absurdity, and horror, and bring some popcorn to laugh with fellow goons as you watch.

Let us show an example of this thread in all its finery. 

Later on it degenerates into "THIS IS PEDOPHILIA, LESBIAN PEDOPHILIA" and "more Liberal kowtowing to disgusting alternative lifestyles" by a guy who was banned, and the fun part about SA, you can link back to see when people were banned, why, and a link to the post in question that got the deed done.

Furthermore it contains useful and informative discussion.

The $10 is basically a way to filter out annoying people who A) can't get a bank account, B) can't get a credit card, C) can't figure out how to buy things online, and D) have a financial incentive to not be all that bad, lest you get banned and have to buy your way back in for $10. 


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2015, 10:33:40 PM »
So, just watched the first episode and, like Matsy, already trying to free associate stuff to predict what the symbols mean.
If it's ok to say stuff in spoilers, the big themes I'm noting thus far beside the extremely obvious (bears and lesbians herp), is the concept of "eating" and the concept of separation, which is expressed in some obvious and not so obvious ways. I just realized this /right now/, but just what is an all-girls school but separation from the outside world. Uh, anyway, there are other things but my mind is kind of running wild on the many implications of separation, particularly given the yuri theme and Morishima Akiko being involved. Of course, it's one episode so not much can be concluded without further context.


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2015, 10:49:22 PM »
I'm treating this as a fun project where Ikuhara pulls whatever he wants and I watch it because it's amusing. Specially since I don't think it's as ambitious as Penguindrum, what with being announced after it and I think it only has 12 episodes and also lesbian bears.

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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2015, 05:37:01 AM »
So my first thoughts

At first blush it seems to be about the definition of yuri itself, the innocence vs sexuality angle seems obvious.  I highly doubt it will remain this way all the way through though.

It reminded me of this quote from the afterward of this doujin.

"Nowadays, gentle, healing-type yuri is what's mainstream.  But I think that full-on romantic yuri, or immoral, lustful yuri would be very nice as well.  There is a bit of controversy that one you cross that line, it no longer becomes yuri, but as long as there are two girls, why not just let it be yuri?

The manga I draw mostly uses green humor as a base for the gags so it is a little of the beaten path, if I do say so myself.

But there is freedom in yuri. Probably."

Menorah Jams, Pham

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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #36 on: January 10, 2015, 02:55:04 PM »
So this came from SA, posting in its unredacted but spoilered entirety.  I think this'll be my "yeah, that's Yuri Kuma Arashi" nod as I move on, but like any good threadshit I figure I'd fling this and run.

OK, first off, let's state the blindingly obvious - this is a show about yuri. It's called Yuri Bear Storm, the female characters are labelled 'yuri', and there's a literal court that determines what is and is not acceptable yuri. Since Ikuhara is one of those highfalutin directors who includes messages and themes and all that shit in his work, it seems reasonable to guess that we're looking at an examination of the yuri genre and Japanese attitudes towards female homosexuality in general. It's not 100% sure what he'll say about this, but it's clear that he's addressing it.

With that in mind, let's look at the history and origins of yuri as a popular literary genre. Around the early twentieth century, a socioliterary trend called Class S took off. Inspired by the Western concept of romantic friendship, which had been imported via Victorian literature during Meiji Japan's frantic Westernisation, it held that girls should form close, romantic friendships with each other in order to train themselves as proper wives for their future husbands, as part of the 'good wife, wise mother' philosophy brought in to indoctrinate Japanese women as good little baby-factories for the expanding empire. It had a lot of cross-pollination with the legendary Takurazuka Revue founded in 1914, which I'm sure many Ikuhara fans are familiar with. For the uninitiated, the Revue is a musical theatre troupe based on traditional Japanese kabuki, with the big twist that rather than being all-male, the actors are all-female. It's loud, hammy, garish, and hyper-stylised - sound familiar? Anyway, Takurazuka occupies a complex place in Japanese feminism and LGBT rights. It's often viewed as a liberating force, allowing women to escape the bounds of their gender, but while the actors are women, the whole spectacle is very male-controlled - the directors and backstage staff heavily skew towards men, and the original creator of the Revue, Ichizo Kobayashi, was a wealthy industrialist (the president of the Hankyu Railway company, in fact, which is why the Revue's named after the Hankyu Takurazuka line in Osaka and the actresses are all employees of Hankyu Railway) who created it as a training ground for housewives in-keeping with the Meiji 'good wife, wise mother' ideal.

Class S had a major impact on Japanese attitudes to lesbians. It meant that same-sex relationships between girls were acceptable if they didn't go too far, and if they were stepping stones on the path to a proper, heterosexual marriage. Adult lesbians were shunned and treated as immature/in need of a good hard dicking. This was reflected in Japanese lesbian fiction, yuri, where two options were traditionally presented to the main characters. One is 'Story A', a light, fluffy romance juuust this side of a close friendship where two girls like each other, discover they like each other... and then the final curtain slams down like a guillotine before the relationship can develop beyond holding hands, gazing soulfully into each other's eyes, and maybe a kiss if they're lucky. More sexual lesbian relationships tend to end in death or some other permanent, tragic separation, as the girls receive karmic retribution for violating society's norms, in much the same way as Hays Code-era crime movies showed gangsters being cool and awesome for almost their whole runtime before they were abruptly punished for their crimes in the last few minutes.

Now let's look at how this applies to Yuri Bear Storm. There's a clear contrast between the bears and the humans set up here. Kureha and Sumika's relationship is extremely chaste and desexualised, but still faces systemic opposition. The girls are dwarfed by enormous buildings and literally walled into their society. Their world is bright and colourful, but very regular and ordered, with a miasma of paranoia and oppression. The bears, on the other hand, are free and enthusiastically, aggressively sexual - they're responsible for 90% minimum of the fanservice and sexual imagery, and eating is an obvious metaphor for sex (rape, in fact). As opposed to the tame, Story A yuri of the human world, they're the predatory 'psycho lesbian' villain stereotype of innumerable Japanese and Western shows. They present a threat that can only be fought by conformity with the social order that controls Kureha and Sumika's lives. Even the bears aren't free, though - they're subordinate to the Court of Severance, the only men in the cast so far, who decide what is and is not acceptably sexy, beautiful, and cool yuri. Remember what I said about the organisation and purpose of the Takarazuka Revue? In fact, if Ikuhara's being self-aware, this might even be commentary on the fact that he, a guy, is directing a yuri show. "Will you be invisible? Or will you eat humans?" is a really telling line - the arbiters of yuri are asking the bears to choose between what is socially acceptable (tame, desexualised same-sex relationships) and unleashing their lust in an aggressive, blatant, and destructive manner. I wouldn't be surprised if the goal here is to preach a middle ground that goes against what either the Court of Severance or the human world will allow - a stable, loving, and openly sexual lesbian relationship. Certainly, that's what the opening seems to champion, with Ginko, Kureha, and Lulu ending it leaning against each other in a happy, naked heap after expressing their mutual affection with a string of kisses.

Basically, the evidence so far seems to suggest that Ikuhara's purpose here is to say 'yo, Japan, your attitude to lesbians is kind of fucked up and restrictive - let the girls have their fun, why don't you?'


Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #37 on: January 10, 2015, 05:48:47 PM »
Huh. I like it.

I hope that's the direction this ends up taking, too.


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #38 on: January 10, 2015, 05:59:28 PM »
Oh, wow, that post was really really good forboth the background and likely symbol explanation.
I...admit, I had an underlying feeling about that being what "eating" referred to but I didn't want to jump to that conclusion so quickly. Still, I suppose it makes sense.
So, um, yeah, I'll be bearing all that in mind.


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #39 on: January 10, 2015, 07:39:36 PM »
Yeah, I like it. Makes sense, good direction. Fingers crossed it pays off that way.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #40 on: January 10, 2015, 11:21:23 PM »
It makes sense, but if that's what Ikuhara's doing then it's unlikely his message will reach anyone that doesn't pretty much already agree with it.

I mean, who would watch this outside of the people who have already been exposed to stuff like it?


Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #41 on: January 11, 2015, 12:17:50 AM »
My best guess is that Ikuhara's rolling with intentionally oversexualized material to draw in those who tend to fetishize and objectify lesbians and kind of blow it all up in their faces.

As far as his past work is concerned, he's never gone THIS far over the top with anything explicitly sexual-- Utena had a few moments (mainly the ending of the movie), and Penguindrum only had one outstanding moment and it was by no means meant to be enticing (more like terrifying). And I've yet to watch Sailor Moon R/S/SuperS, so I can't say, but I seriously doubt it.

It doesn't seem like him to do something thematically symbolic and have it have no loaded meaning.


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #42 on: January 11, 2015, 01:04:39 AM »
I've been waiting for this for a while. Never seen anything of Ikuhara's before, but with a name like Lesbian Bear Storm. I just had to give it a shot. He also made Utena, which people really seem to like (too lazy to watch, plus backlog too big :( )

As for the episode itself, I thought it was enjoyable. The theme song seems really weird, and it's great. The symbolism though...Is Ikuhara always this blantant with it? Some of the stuff seems like something I'd expect from Gainax.

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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #43 on: January 12, 2015, 10:11:00 PM »
Ep 2 is out and well
the twists began early huh


Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #44 on: January 12, 2015, 10:12:03 PM »
So, uh.

"Eating humans" is not the innuendo one would have implied from the OP. Sumika is indeed dead, and has been eaten by Ginko and Lulu.

However, it seems like there's either a competition among bears, or they can't tell who is and is not a bear, since Yurizono was the one to kill the bucktooth girl who turned out to be actually a bear. And Yurizono is also a bear. Everyone is bears. Is everyone with 'Yuri' in their name a bear?

I read what has been translated of the manga and, even if Morishima's story idea is VERY different from Ikuhara's, something stood out to me:

The first translation of "invisible storm" in the manga said "clear storm"-- and it seems true on both accounts that
bears seem to prey on those who don't stand out, or, one could say... are clear? Yurizono, who was presumably eating the corpse of bucktooth girl whose name I still cannot remember, said she didn't taste good because she was too visible or something like that-- but Sumika, who did not stand out, was incredibly delicious.

Also, "Kureha" sounds a lot like "clear" if you say it quickly.


I've been waiting for this for a while. Never seen anything of Ikuhara's before, but with a name like Lesbian Bear Storm. I just had to give it a shot. He also made Utena, which people really seem to like (too lazy to watch, plus backlog too big :( )

As for the episode itself, I thought it was enjoyable. The theme song seems really weird, and it's great. The symbolism though...Is Ikuhara always this blantant with it? Some of the stuff seems like something I'd expect from Gainax.

Watch Utena, it's worth your time.

And yes, Ikuhara's symbolism is blatant and obscure at the same time. That is to say, you can definitely tell what is symbolic, but you can't tell what exactly the hell it's symbolic of without context. And as context is given over time, so too does the symbolism, if that makes sense.


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #45 on: January 12, 2015, 11:03:34 PM »
I might be misinterpreting the point entirely, but right now I can't think of this as anything but a lesbian-charged game of bear-mafia where we don't even know how many mafiabears there are in the town.
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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2015, 01:44:31 PM »
Second episode:

Wow, I did not expect that the girl from last episode had actually died. People are getting dead all over the place, that's a surprise.

Other than that, still lookin' good. I think I liked this episode a little more than the first one even. Will keep watching.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #47 on: January 13, 2015, 02:56:55 PM »
I choose to ignore all symbolism and instead it's about bears eating people.



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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #48 on: January 13, 2015, 07:18:49 PM »
I'm still not sold on Sumika being actually dead. I think she's been removed from the narrative for now, but a couple episodes from the end we'll be in for a...



Which actually ties into another theory I'm kinda developing as I go. As Matsy said, it seemed like everyone with Yuri in their name was a bear. I think that people can be made into bears, and that the "eating" process might tie into this. I think Kureha is basically on the border of bear and person. Arashi helpfully noticed that one of the street names outside Kureha's apartment says "Severance Barrier" (I really hope a Bearier pun comes up before the series is out. It's just too good but I don't know if it'd work in Japanese *pout*), and the way her house is placed is on a crossroads. I'd be paying a lot of attention to which direction people approach her house in when their human/bear status is unknown.

Anyway, I was mildly disappointed by this episode because I figured we'd have a lot thicker symbolism for the first 3 or 4 episodes, and then it would become clearer as we go, but this one didn't add much symbolism and instead added more...background information, I suppose, but not really. I don't know how to describe it. It was satisfying narratively, just didn't poke my symbol sense as hard as episode 1.

And that's basically what I have to say for epi 2.


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #49 on: January 14, 2015, 05:50:40 AM »
hashtag everyone is a bear but homura


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #50 on: January 16, 2015, 10:44:46 AM »
I too really liked MJP's analysis post, even more after episode 2 where
it seemed to fall apart midway when supposed humans Yurizono and Yurikawa started getting really fresh with each other, only to be confirmed back again when they turned out to be bears themselves. It also explained why the hell Yurizono kept quite about the Ginko and Lulu's identity.

One small annoyance I have is that it looks like we are going to be getting a lot of stock footage every episode. Which is par for the course for Ikuhara, but I still feel to be a little overbearing.


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2015, 08:34:53 PM »
Hmm..I found a Kuma Shock Button.

As for episode 3,
it looks like people were right about the whole invisible storm = heteronormative thing. I hope Yurizono stays around, I find her one of the more entertaining characters.

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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #52 on: January 19, 2015, 08:55:16 PM »
Hmm..I found a Kuma Shock Button.

I cut it out of last episode and made a notification tone. It's a little lower quality than that though.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #53 on: January 20, 2015, 03:41:34 AM »
Geez, I didn't predict the invisible storm thing at all, and it was kind of clear in retrospect. I get an F in symbol interpretation on that one. So, it seems we have a 2 axis struggle. The disapproving majority versus those who won't back down from who they are, and aggressive, in the present love versus passive, steady love...or something like that. Either way, aside from symbols, Yurizono is such a huge jerk, she was wonderful <3.

I'm still standing by my Yuri = Bear thing, so we're in for some KUMA SHOCK regarding the headmaster of the academy, for sure. She probably betrayed Kureha's mom so she could eat her...or maybe she reached some weird love enlightenment like Ginko and Lulu and a third force like Yurizono took Kureha's mom's almost certain that the headmaster is a bear tho.


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #54 on: January 21, 2015, 12:29:32 PM »
Either way, aside from symbols, Yurizono is such a huge jerk, she was wonderful <3.
I agree,
Yurizono siting there with a grinning jerk face as the other girls chose to Invisible Storm Kureha, and then mocking Sumika's last words just to anger her was so awesomely evil, I can't help but like her.

And I got the same idea about the principal. I would be surprised if she isn't the bear that ate Kureha's mom.

Other than that, I've been a little bugged by the way they keep using "suki" as a noun to mean "love" (instead of "ai" or "koi"). It makes the sentences involving it sound a little strange and unusual in Japanese. I'm convinced that this must bear some meaning, but I'm not really sure of what.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 12:36:37 PM by Nietz »


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #55 on: January 22, 2015, 07:01:43 AM »
I think it really depends on how obvious the Yuri=bear thing is supposed to be. If it's not expected to be obvious, then it'll probably be played as a straight SHOCK! KUMA SHOCK! Re: principal lady. But if you're supposed to kind of have a clue with that, then she'll probably be an example of a "good" bear.

Also, thinking about this, the Invisible Storm is kind of like heteronormativity or the majority imposing their shit on the minority or something like that,'s reaaaaaalllly interesting that it's the bears that enforce that imposition. And I'm curious what role that places bears in addition to the kind of aggressive passionate motif.


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #56 on: January 23, 2015, 02:33:18 PM »
Yeah, that makes sense, it is looking like there are "good" bears like Ginko & Lulu, who would symbolize well-resolved lesbians. And, judging by the OP and ED, actually want for Kureha to be together with them by "eating" her (so I guess that beside lesbians that would make them also poly?). And then there are some like Yurizono who bear more resemblance to sexual predators. And so the principal might as well be one of the former examples.

Ironically, the Invisible Storm, isolating the members of society that don't conform, only ends up making them more vulnerable to the predators. So, hey, just like real life!


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #57 on: January 25, 2015, 04:42:00 AM »
My wife has a new hobby, watching the Hannibal tv series and adding her own KUMA SHOCK using the above button.


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #58 on: January 26, 2015, 08:31:40 PM »
Oh boy, it's plot!


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Re: The Yurikuma Arashi thread will eat you!
« Reply #59 on: January 27, 2015, 02:47:45 AM »
I'm not entirely sure what to make of the sudden plot!

The whole selfish way to self actualization by helping someone find their promise kiss thing, though, is interesting. I...guess it's kind of making fun of yuri where the protagonist lets the woman she loves pursue another "normal" relationship so that said protagonist isn't "imposing" or anything by being weird, and it ends up hurting everyone. But, that model doesn't quite fit since Ginko is clearly after a girl..