Author Topic: Touhou 14.5: 東方深秘録 ~ Urban Legend in Limbo. is HM sequel, demo at Comiket 87  (Read 815227 times)


  • 0 - The Fool
  • Pave your own path
Still, a part of me suspects that some of the entries might be fakes deliberately put in by Tasofro to mislead data miners. I think some companies used to do that in the past, though I can't really remember which.


  • Shipper On Board
Please let this be real.

I want playable Shinmyoumaru. More badass Shinmyoumaru. Please tasofro, *falls to knees and bows repeatedly* please!


  • 0 - The Fool
  • Pave your own path
If Shinmyoumaru is indeed real, then someone better do a combo video with Guren no Yumiya as the BGM sometime after release. :V


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?

By the way, this 2chan post is a troll post. It says you can download a hex editor and find those strings in the .pak file, which is impossible.
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • Charisma!
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  • O-ojousama!?
By the way, this 2chan post is a troll post. It says you can download a hex editor and find those strings in the .pak file, which is impossible.
That is indeed why I questioned initially because that isn't how it works :V I've scanned few of the screenshots and they were using process analysers.


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
o/ to everyone lurking who came here from the Touhou FB page.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Please let this be real.

I want playable Shinmyoumaru. More badass Shinmyoumaru. Please tasofro, *falls to knees and bows repeatedly* please!

I would love to have a playable Shinmyoumaru Sakuna for a variety of reasons:

1- She is awesome
2- I would love to hear another version of Kobito of the Shining Needle
3- I?m interested in how she would play like and what rumor she would use
Extra Mode: Ran Yakumo, Okina Matara


  • Dragon of Seven Colors
  • Disaster in Takamagahara
I would love to have a playable Shinmyoumaru Sakuna for a variety of reasons:

1- She is awesome
2- I would love to hear another version of Kobito of the Shining Needle
3- I?m interested in how she would play like and what rumor she would use

Shinmyoumaru would probably use old legends (like the Issun one) and yeah, I agree.

On the other side I AM SO HYPED, because Mokou is one of my favorite characters, it would be pretty cool to see her (and listen to arrangements of Reach for the Moon :v )

However, I'd be a bit disappointed is this ends up as the final roster. Think about it, most HM characters will get their moveset modified and some mechanics will look weird (FUTO NO), while the story would be... weird to still have them. Let the religious stuff end already, what got me hyped for DDC is that we were abanding that and getting to Touhou's "Old youkai in modern settings"

If there is remaining space for more characters, I'd love to see Seija, Hatate, Seiga, Nue and Keine.

Edit: whoopsie, I got more chars there. Then I only want Hatate, Keine and Nue :v
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 08:44:38 PM by Auraldo »

I would love to hear another version of Kobito of the Shining Needle

and listen to arrangements of Reach for the Moon

While it's very likely they will have their original themes rearranged, there exists the slight possibility that they will get completely new themes. One again, that's a slight, though not impossible, possibility.

Paz legalces

  • Namusan
  • Howdy, I am Potato
    • Touhou Project FB
Hey guys, the folks over at Touhou patching community (THcrap) just contacted me and confirms that indeed those name lists code are real and existing within the gamefiles; as they have discovered this on the day the demo was out
They reported it here but it is in French so I guess we kinda overlooked that one:
They looked into the game-code and did find the exact same name list reported here; and here is a translated excerpt provided by their leader:

In game files, next to names reimu, marisa and kasen, we sometimes find "hanako". Also, the script file which shows the scene just before "To be continue..." where we can see the shadow of the probably final boss, launchs a file called "hanako.csv". So it's probable that the final boss is a Hanako from toilets. More, it corresponds well to the story game, which is talking about urban legends.
Also, there is a file with binary data, this:
(Each dot is a byte which doesn't correspond to any character)
Nothing is definitive as we aren't supposed to access those files, but it seems to be a list of characters which are actually planned for the complete version (we insist on the non-definitive term: some characters may well be removed before the game goes out for several reasons)"


  • Dragon of Seven Colors
  • Disaster in Takamagahara
While it's very likely they will have their original themes rearranged, there exists the slight possibility that they will get completely new themes. One again, that's a slight, though not impossible, possibility.

Old characters always get re-arranged themes, even if they get a new theme (Like Demistify Feast, which is Remi's and Yuyuko), it would be very weird for a character to get a new theme, again it's not just that I see the pattern but it would be silly, unless that character's new theme is composed by ZUN (Any new character themes are composed by ZUN, Futatsuiwa from Gensokyo, Wonderful Heaven, etc)

You're probably right about that, now that I think about the previous fighters and what they did in terms of soundtracks.

On a different note, I'd hate* to see so many characters being re-used, especially ones that have little to do with the general plot of this upcoming game. I understand that creating all the character sprites and code takes time, but it would be nice if what has shown up so far is just a "subject-to-change" form of the game in development.

*to be taken lightly, e.g. as a figure of speech

The folks over at Touhou-Online , the community in-charge of patching Touhou has just confirmed with me that the leaked name list within the game's codes that we have just reported 2 hours ago are indeed real and exist within the game file:
Or as per quoted from this French article of their community, translated into English (thanks Lunya) :
"In game files, next to names reimu, marisa and kasen, we sometimes find "hanako". Also, the script file which shows the scene just before "To be continue..." where we can see the shadow of the probably final boss, launchs a file called "hanako.csv". So it's probable that the final boss is a Hanako from toilets. More, it corresponds well to the story game, which is talking about urban legends.
Also, there is a file with binary data, this:
(Each dot is a byte which doesn't correspond to any character)
Nothing is definitive as we aren't supposed to access those files, but it seems to be a list of characters which are actually planned for the complete version (we insist on the non-definitive term: some characters may well be removed before the game goes out for several reasons)"
So now we have patching community sources confirm that the codes and name lists are in-fact, very real. So the chances of us seeing familiar faces from Touhou 13.5 again (Yay Holy Hijiri) is... pretty dang fine right now, I have to say; and chances are we should certainly hope to see the addition of Mokou, Shinmyoumaru... and the Toilet Girl to the community of fighting 2hu soon folks
Thanks again Touhou-Online for the quick confirmation

Potencial characters whose name where found in the demo's files
Extra Mode: Ran Yakumo, Okina Matara


  • Oki-Dokie!
  • Ooh, scary, scary!
I personally hope that list isn't definite, it'd be a waste to bring back all the HM cast, methinks.  I'd rather see a lot more new representatives that'd fit in with the game's context, like Nue. If that list is the definitive one though, I'm SERIOUSLY looking forward to Mokou and Shinmyoumaru.

The optimist in me thinks that the leaked list is based off the HM cast, and that changes can be made to it at any time. However, I wouldn't be surprised if what we have here does end up as the final roster.

Spotty Len

  • The Spottiest Len Around
  • *
  • Yuuka Master Race
I personally hope that list isn't definite, it'd be a waste to bring back all the HM cast, methinks.
It would also be a waste not to bring them back, since the sprites and the moves are already there. Might as well keep them.

I personally hope that list isn't definite, it'd be a waste to bring back all the HM cast, methinks.  I'd rather see a lot more new representatives that'd fit in with the game's context, like Nue. If that list is the definitive one though, I'm SERIOUSLY looking forward to Mokou and Shinmyoumaru.

I would love to have a playable Nue and also a playable Wakasagihime since those 2 are obvious in terms of Urban Legends. Apparently ? ? ? is called Hanako...
Extra Mode: Ran Yakumo, Okina Matara

However, I'd be a bit disappointed is this ends up as the final roster. Think about it, most HM characters will get their moveset modified and some mechanics will look weird (FUTO NO), while the story would be... weird to still have them. Let the religious stuff end already, what got me hyped for DDC is that we were abanding that and getting to Touhou's "Old youkai in modern settings"

Keep in mind that we don't actually know what the plot is at this point. Yeah, we have a little manual blurb about the premise, and a tiny preview of Story mode, but pretty much all Touhou games feature a mid-game twist that changes the premise entirely. We all assumed HM would be about the religious war when guessing characters (and some people still think that for some reason), and then it turned out to be about Kokoro going through an accelerated character arc with her youkai support group. I think the urban legend stuff is equally likely to be a misdirection of some sort, and maybe Futo's ULiL storyline will fit in even better than she did in HM (which she didn't, it was bad).

Regarding your huge list of characters you'd like to see, while I can completely understand that desire (I want EVERYONE), I think it's also a bit farfetched. This game is coming out relatively soon after HM, and even SWR only had 3 new characters, not counting the new bosses. Creating sprites is the most time intensive process for a game like this, so the choice isn't between "returning HM characters or more new characters", but instead between "returning HM characters or have less characters total". Cuc's idea of cutting out HM charcters for story reasons is plausible, but that does not come with having more new characters.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 11:54:28 PM by Clarste »

I personally hope that list isn't definite, it'd be a waste to bring back all the HM cast, methinks.  I'd rather see a lot more new representatives that'd fit in with the game's context, like Nue.
I think there's a huge missed opportunity here, because it doesn't appear as though the urban legends are based on the character who control them so much as simply assigned more or less at random (Marisa and school urban legends? I'd see Keine doing that, but....).

The HM cast doesn't really seem to fit into this sort of thing as well as many other characters would, for the most part. IMO Kagerou would have made an awesome offense- and speed- oriented character - and werewolves connect up to the idea of urban legends quite well (then again, a lot of youkai/monsters/etc. do). On the other hand, as much as I like her, I'm not sure what Byakuren has to do with urban legends (maybe she'll connect up to some kind of buddhist folk tale? Seems like a weak tie-in to the game's theme.....) But, if the sprites are there, they may as well be used - I think it's best to look at it as "TF has time/money for 3-4 new playable characters, plus everyone who was already playable" instead of "TF has time/money for 3-4 new playable characters, and the ones from the previous game are going to be cut". The more the merrier!

I'm under the impression Hanako isn't the actual toilet-ghost so much as just a name - as in, it's probably coincidental. Marisa's last word would fit in oddly with something like that - what would using it against her result in? =) Then again, who knows - maybe Marisa will play a significant role in the storyline and it'll work out in some way. Nor is it like Hanako is the only toilet-related urban legend, for that matter.....

I think there's a huge missed opportunity here, because it doesn't appear as though the urban legends are based on the character who control them so much as simply assigned more or less at random (Marisa and school urban legends? I'd see Keine doing that, but....).

The HM cast doesn't really seem to fit into this sort of thing as well as many other characters would, for the most part. IMO Kagerou would have made an awesome offense- and speed- oriented character - and werewolves connect up to the idea of urban legends quite well (then again, a lot of youkai/monsters/etc. do). On the other hand, as much as I like her, I'm not sure what Byakuren has to do with urban legends (maybe she'll connect up to some kind of buddhist folk tale? Seems like a weak tie-in to the game's theme.....) But, if the sprites are there, they may as well be used - I think it's best to look at it as "TF has time/money for 3-4 new playable characters, plus everyone who was already playable" instead of "TF has time/money for 3-4 new playable characters, and the ones from the previous game are going to be cut". The more the merrier!

I'm under the impression Hanako isn't the actual toilet-ghost so much as just a name - as in, it's probably coincidental. Marisa's last word would fit in oddly with something like that - what would using it against her result in? =) Then again, who knows - maybe Marisa will play a significant role in the storyline and it'll work out in some way. Nor is it like Hanako is the only toilet-related urban legend, for that matter.....

Then again maybe some characters won't use Urban Legends. I mean in Hopeless Masquerade we had Nitori and Koishi who had absolutely nothing to do with the religious war so... maybe the religionists will try to put a stop to the Urban Legends or something... but i doubt Byakuren and Miko will use them.
Extra Mode: Ran Yakumo, Okina Matara


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Am I completely childish for being excited about the idea of a toilet ghost in a Touhou game? Or for giggling at the words "toilet ghost" themselves?

No? Good. Just checking.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Mukyuu!
What if they want to pull out a Hisoutensoku?

The full HM cast is programmed in the full game, however they lack a story mode and can only be used by linking the game folders or downloading a .dat. But if that were the case, it doesn't make sense they added Mokou, Shinmyomaru and Hanako to the code but not others.

What if they want to pull out a Hisoutensoku?

Then I'll buy both games and link them!

HM looked so boring that I didn't even bother with it, but if the product of the two games is a decent story mode and somewhere around 20 characters, I'll seriously consider getting them.

One can dream, right?


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
Keep in mind that we don't actually know what the plot is at this point. Yeah, we have a little manual blurb about the premise, and a tiny preview of Story mode, but pretty much all Touhou games feature a mid-game twist that changes the premise entirely. We all assumed HM would be about the religious war when guessing characters (and some people still think that for some reason), and then it turned out to be about Kokoro going through an accelerated character arc with her youkai support group. I think the urban legend stuff is equally likely to be a misdirection of some sort, and maybe Futo's ULiL storyline will fit in even better than she did in HM (which she didn't, it was bad).
Ah, but the religious war was more than only a misdirection. HM is about beauty, art and empathy triumphing over petty ideological differences. While something unexpected will come down in ULiL, the story will still end up saying something that has to do with the nature of urban legends.

Re: the cast, I do think there are clever ways to accomodate the HM cast in the story - ZUN watched Taiwanese jiang shi movies as a child, where Taoist and Buddhist priests fight jiang shi in a modern urban environment, for crying out loud. That was likely one of his earlier exposures to some Taoist stuff. My worry has been that at this moment, because he's so busy raising his son, and he just doesn't care about the religious folks enough, he wouldn't spare more energy coming up with scenarios for them. I hope this worry to be unfounded.
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter

Ah, but the religious war was more than only a misdirection. HM is about beauty, art and empathy triumphing over petty ideological differences. While something unexpected will come down in ULiL, the story will still end up saying something that has to do with the nature of urban legends.

I suppose misdirection isn't quite the right word, but it's always about more than it appears at first. The explanation for the missing winter is a ghost who wants to bring life. The divine spirits were being attracted as a side effect of a great person waking up (also Taoists). And as you put it, HM was about people putting aside their ideological differences to a common purpose. Obviously there will be urban legends in ULiL's story, but it won't be limited to them.

Also Ichirin and Futo served no purpose in HM's story, less than Nitori and Koishi.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 12:54:08 AM by Clarste »


  • Hermit Mode on!
  • Just chilling like a hermit.
My friends on Skype are flipping their shit over Mokou while I'm the only one screaming like the Sukuna fan girl I am... also MY DREAM TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM OF MIKO AND SUKUNA IN A FIGHTING GAME AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!  :getdown:
My danmakucopter goes pew pew pew!

Check out my newb PAD box it's a thing right?

About "X and Y serve no purpose", does TF have more control over who goes into the fighters? As in, they put in whoever they feel like putting in in addition to the plot-relevant characters? Or does ZUN supervise that to a certain extent? Seeing as how the fighting games have little connection to the main (integer) games, I feel a slight vibe of roster wiggle room on TF's end.

About "X and Y serve no purpose", does TF have more control over who goes into the fighters? As in, they put in whoever they feel like putting in in addition to the plot-relevant characters? Or does ZUN supervise that to a certain extent? Seeing as how the fighting games have little connection to the main (integer) games, I feel a slight vibe of roster wiggle room on TF's end.

My understanding is that ZUN has complete control, since he's the one who has to write the story modes. The only exception we've seen is Meiling in IaMP, but they took her out for SWR. That said, I'm sure they could, like, talk to him and convince him to add a character that they have a cool idea for or something, but they won't be working around him secretly or anything. Ultimately though, the fighting games are mostly a chance to show off a bunch of characters in a different format, so I'm sure ZUN and Tasofro's goals align in portraying a wide variety of characters.

When I say "serves no purpose in the story" I simply mean that ZUN wanted to show off this character, but didn't have any good story for them. Like, Ichirin is clearly designed for this sort of thing. Honestly I wouldn't be all that surprised if ZUN was half-heartedly thinking about putting her in a fighting game when he first designed her. The point being that thinking solely in terms of who's related to the story is meaningless, since that's not how these games are being written.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 01:20:14 AM by Clarste »

Thanks for the clarification.

I'm sure they could, like, talk to him and convince him to add a character that they have a cool idea for or something
And that's exactly what I meant by "roster wiggle room"

Ichirin is clearly designed for this sort of thing
So is Meiling. I always thought of her as the Touhou analogue of Chun-Li :)


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
Here's a thought: there's a tradition in Touhou fighting games. There are always two boss characters (the Catfish is not a full character and doesn't count). The bosses are most notable in that they are not featured on the official sites. Before release, they are officially spoiler territory. Until Soku, they are also the last two characters you face in Arcade Mode.

7.5: Yukari and Suika
10.5: Iku and Tenshi (the only game with the luxury of two all new bosses)
12.3: Utsuho and Suwako
13.5: Mamizou and Kokoro

It'll be interesting to see if ULiL breaks from the tradition. Or perhaps there's a fifth new character, after all.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 03:42:01 AM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter