Author Topic: Unreal Tournament 4 - The community game! Or is it... (Pre-alpha released?)  (Read 1359 times)


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I'm going to keep biased opinions about the UT series for myself in the opening post.

It seems Unreal Tournament 4 got announced a while ago. The news is few days old but seeing no threads made I decided to make one. Unreal Tournament will be the game that will be shaped and designed as the community pleases. A few things noted was the movement speed.

Reading / video material:

I wonder if they will give this game a dumb-title such as Unreal Tournament - REBOOT or something. Either way, UT4 seems to be a reality. The question is whether Epic can polish up the game's poor reputation for lack of hype. Facts are fact, after UT2k4, the community for pro-gaming faltered and UT3 quickly was forgotten.

It seems Epic launches now and then some livestreams, you should keep an eye on them. What I noticed from the current screenshots is that they are rehauling the new engine. Weapon models, physics, HUD and behaviour so far resembles UT3. Would be quite fun to go back to the roots by having the old character squads and classic maps. After all, nothing in the UT series had surpassed the popularity of UT 1.

Maybe it will be worth to make BunnyTrack maps again? As an ex-srsbssUT player, I am going to watch the development warmly.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 11:44:13 AM by Helepolis »


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Re: Unreal Tournament 4 - The community game! Or is it...
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2014, 01:42:47 AM »
I liked UT1 quite a bit but never played it srsbsnss, ut2k3 was also fun... ut2k4 was obviously more like an expansion to ut2k3 than its own game but I liked it so much more. Despite the fact it was like the least popular gametype, I really liked assault.

Part of WHY I liked ut2k3 and 2k4 so much was  the player mobility. You could move fast, dodge fast, dodge double jump, jump walldodge, double jump, etc. I thought that ut2k3 and 4 had more emphasis on dodging and mobility than any other fps game. However unlike modern fps games which feature high mobility like titanfall, you dodn't have to be a super cyborg when it comes to being able to kill enemies despite that mobility, because most of the weapons in ut were powerful, many had explosions or area of effect, or bouncing mechanics, or something that made it so that I could play, be aggressive, and yet focus on survival more than headshots or whatever, but still rack up some kills/damage...For me anyway. I'm sure there are plenty of great players out there who put more effort on precision than me but I had alot of success playing the way I did...And the thing is I never ever was able to play any other fps game like I did ut2k3 and 4 and be successful (I even won first place in a tournament with a cash prize for was the only cash prize tournament I ever attended too! yay).

UT3 was a bust for me... it was slower, characters looked ugly (everyone looked like a futuristic version of those armored people who can get beat up by attack dogs safely), you couldn't dodge double jump or jump walldodge jump or anything like that. I don't really see why everyone in ut3 has to wear all that armor anyway when you can still kill people in seconds =P. Oh yeah, and being always online wasn't fun.

I also love how before UT3 was out they were talking about how their new gametype was like onslaught only way bigger and more epic and yada yada whatever. But hwen the game was out it was practically pint size onslaught with like 2 or 3 nodes all the time. Half of them were so tiny you could kill the enemy base with a turret IN YOUR OWN DAMN BASE. I don't know wtf that was about. Did they get a budget cut and had to cancel that plan? Did they thinkt heir fans were stupid and not notice it was just a pint size version of onslaught? I don't know, what? I mean I realize onslaught wasn't exactly the most pro competitive gametype (like assault), but some people had fun with it still, and if they are going to go out of their way to support a similar gametype with vehicles and @#%#%, wtf would they neuter it down so that it would have elements that both crowds DIDNT want?!

One thing I would love for them to do is make it so it would be really easy for players to "import" custom player models for their characters. I mean I know it's hard to expect a model importing "template" if you will to be able to properly rig a 3rd party model. But I imagine it can be reasonably well done if they yoink a model from like the model's database or something, and then they have a wizard or something ask the player: "click where the knee is, click where the elbow is, neck, heel, shoulder (armpit), etc". Then the player selects a movement style, flexable (for characters wearing little armor or bodysuits or something), robotic, etc)... This would then make it so the default animations for an "armored" character wouldn't involve doing the splits while they flip in midair or something like that. Naturally, the editor would allow for further adjustment using traditional UEdit means but I think that would be a great start. in-game reporting and kicking for display exploits and stuff would be required (not to mention a game option which prevents user models).

But most important to me is to feature ut2k3/2k4 mobility again.


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Re: Unreal Tournament 4 - The community game! Or is it...
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 09:54:48 AM »
Apparently you can modify things such as mobility. The question is whether UT4 is going to allow us to decide to activate/disable regular dodging & strafing (UT), dodge jump/double jump etc (2k3/2k4).

UT3 felt honestly like Gears of War Tournament with the fat armoured persons. I really hope we get the good old characters back.

DM CTF and maybe Domination remain the most interesting game modes, unless they manage to redo Assault proper. Onslaught is an attempted game mode, but Planet Side does that better. Vehicle CTF and such are just fancy additions to the game and not really vital on pro-play. I felt Double Domination to be extremely iffy. Just give me good old DOM with 3 points to conquer.


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Re: Unreal Tournament 4 - The community game! Or is it...
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2014, 08:33:35 PM »
I have been so excite when they announced UT2014 and so far have not been disappointed at alllllllllllllllllll

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He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."


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Re: Unreal Tournament 4 - The community game! Or is it...
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2014, 10:33:53 AM »
Apparently you can download the pre-alpha already.

Really, these days it is perfectly acceptable to release garbage and tag it pre-alpha/beta/kickstart.