Author Topic: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You, Ei, Yume - Gameplay Translation into deep Dreams  (Read 383221 times)

No one can go to that waterfall backdrop, reloaded about 10 times and she never teleported there.
Just tried to position all the units there and see if Yukari can wedge someone into the dead spot, no deal.  I think this is legit.

Then it's quite funny.
However, I just prefer to fight her on the edge of the cliff from the maximum distance, she is too fragile and can not hold out with all any spellcards longer than one phase (hard)

I wouldn't be so quick to discount Yuyuko's other personal skills. Considering her insanely powerful, albeit costly, spirit list, running a PS that helps restore SP is very tempting most of the time, even before you unlock her last two spirits. And of course there's always the option to turn her into the game's most invincible support defender.

Yuyuko's PS list is quite strong all around, really.

I always keep she with Youmu, to be honest, 10sp for one enemy killed by her is too little and hard realize, if regard her as a tank, she almost never dropped her HP below 50%, Youmu too good evades and too seldom becomes a target.
But there are a lot of unpleasant opponents (Gigantic Babkebabke and just opponents choosing defend) as well, it's just a good synergy with the Chain Action.
Then I give her a double effect from the consumed products, and she actually gets +160sp

Although I never had to use the Soul more than once. It is much more profitable to use reactivation, and give a move to a group that can make more substantial damage.

Seriously, they could give Yuyuko SP-regen, since her seishins are very expensive...
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 02:11:52 PM by Nikkanoffun »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Then it's quite funny.
However, I just prefer to fight her on the edge of the cliff from the maximum distance, she is too fragile and can not hold out with all any spellcards longer than one phase (hard)

She has quite a bit of HP on Hard/Challenge and Lunatic.  Range does not really cut it, especially you really cannot take her on with Reals cause you cannot alert.
She took all my waifu support hits quite well (11,000 or so).  She has 62.5k on Super Ego (66k on Lunatic), 68.5k on Rorschach (72k on Lunatic).

Seriously, they could give Yuyuko SP-regen, since her seishins are very expensive...

Ha, you should know that Return to Yomi is her best ability.  In fact, you will see just how good it is if you try to crash Mokou into a boss. :wink:
The more practical use is Alice Doll Crash, ofc.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 02:46:57 PM by c l e a r »

She has quite a bit of HP on Hard/Challenge and Lunatic.  Range does not really cut it, especially you really cannot take her on with Reals cause you cannot alert.

For this I use Kaguya PS giving 不屈 all avantgarde characters.

Ha, you should know that Return to Yomi is her best ability.  In fact, you will see just how good it is if you try to crash Mokou into a boss. :wink:

Ho~ho... Maybe I'll try this combo....
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 04:35:07 PM by Nikkanoffun »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Also, I like to note that Koishi Drama Stage on Hard/Challenge can kill you if you don't go into Focus Mode and cast Focus while going into capturing Embers of Love.  I learned that the hard way.  Getting hit by Philosophy on a 15%. :v

For this I use Kaguya PS giving 不屈 all avantgarde characters.

But... you can only do it once.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2017, 11:59:29 PM by c l e a r »

I've been hit by Philosophy before, and it only did like 10 damage.I was also hit on a 1% :/

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Yumeko is much more easier this time around now that I know her abilities.  Misery Doll is the only very dangerous spell since I cannot damage her without Fury, but I just bomb bum rush it.

What I did different this time is actually using Aya/Yukari proper, this is not just for speed.  By getting to Yumeko by the end of Turn 2, she never leaves the area she starts on, which means you can use it to fly up, or land to avoid getting Fury'd because of how the AI uses it to go pass Support Defend.  Of course, you can just let her come to you (you have land there), but two things, first is WP is on a Turn 7, and two, having less control of the Makai Bugs that way, they were so distracted, they could not even get to me when I finished the Stage in Turn 5.

The only actual way to use reals off this stage is to use a partner with Hide.  Yumeko just wipes you if you don't.  Landing actually helps too, since the terrain gives 10% Defense up.

EDIT: Murasa is no longer forced to sit out the 2nd Makai Mission.  Before it causes the game to softlock, if she was on the ship the stage beforehand.  Now the ship is forced to go to Rinnosuke mode instead, and Murasa to be deployed.

I did not deploy Murasa, and now the game is stuck in a softlock trying to play the cutscene in the end...
« Last Edit: June 26, 2017, 04:14:44 PM by c l e a r »

But... you can only do it once.

It also nulls all damage from Grazing if your real-type has two support defense, most likely they will reach the boss without getting any damage.
This is also very effective against MAP attacks (in fact, I almost always had the opportunity to use interference during three turns)

So, has anyone made a setup to kill Makura in 1 turn? Im thinking it's not possible, utsuho could die in 1 turn if you abuse support attacks and Flan. Makura though, her spell effects should make it impossible

So, has anyone made a setup to kill Makura in 1 turn? Im thinking it's not possible, utsuho could die in 1 turn if you abuse support attacks and Flan. Makura though, her spell effects should make it impossible

This is impossible, simply because her final spell card sets her HP into the standard final bosses SRW games. Especially since she is throwing herself an Iron Wall, and this actually doing her HP 2 times larger.

Thats a shame, but I do like how Meeko is an easy 1 turn kill on normal, but Yuuka is hillariously not an easy kill.

Thats a shame, but I do like how Meeko is an easy 1 turn kill on normal, but Yuuka is hillariously not an easy kill.

I personally think Meeko is one of the easier bosses overall in this game
« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 03:17:32 AM by Komoumo »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Hilarious not an easy kill or it was hard?  I'll report back and see if Hard/Challenge gives me any troubles when I get there.

Okay, so due a really bad bug, you must deploy Murasa yourself manually, and then merge with the ship on the stage, if you put her into the captain spot like I did in Mystic Voyage.  Otherwise, the cutscene will replay endlessly since they don't see Murasa in the ship when they try to play the cutscene.

EDIT: but now... I cannot put Murasa back on the ship...?

This is impossible, simply because her final spell card sets her HP into the standard final bosses SRW games. Especially since she is throwing herself an Iron Wall, and this actually doing her HP 2 times larger.

New strat I think for now on Lunatic, is to throw hits at her until 50% health to trigger the 2nd phase, then have Kogasa do a surprise MAP to trickle down her damage output, and daunt 8 times.  This puts her to 120, where Grand Dream cannot activate and she does not cast anything, and does 1 less MAP attack.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 04:18:12 AM by c l e a r »

I meant it should be really hard. Her double spark should take about 2-3 turns to kill, and her later spells are really too dangerous to rush, and before her "nerf" in 1.1.0, the rng shield defenses and double image are a pain in the but. But..... maxed parsee should be able to take her out infinitely faster than Rumia ever could.

Invitation to Death is a great idea, why did I not think of that.  Just Komachi, extend in the range to infinity, death turn 1.
I use this combo (Infinite Range Komachi + Dead Butterfly Yuyuko) a lot in Ei and Yume, especially in stages with WP bonus requirements for clearing the stage within X turns. They are incredibly useful.

EDIT: but now... I cannot put Murasa back on the ship...?
I think this was fixed in the latest v1.1.1.1 patch.
Put the new .exe file in the game folder and run the game with it (do not rename or replace the existing .exe file). This is only a temporary patch and the developers said that they will put up an official patch later.

I decided to give up on Toyohime's map. So now im plaYing version 1.1.1, and I'll wait for this next patch. I'm thinking about doing a 2.5 and under run next, and without maxed parsee. Another interesting run would be 3.0 and up, as it would make the earlier stages wp bonuses quite the challenge (Tenshi would probably be impossible wp bonus wise). Also rip Sakuya, Yumeko is her powercreep. I've noticed, Ran's 1.5x predict etc skill lvl up now

honestly i preffer using Sakuya over Yumeko. that 50% double image rate or having the ability to use chain multiple times in the same turn while being a 2.5 unit made her way more useful to me.

I can be mistaken, but I think that the transition from S to SS gives a bonus twice as strong as the transition from A to S?
Also, I noticed that the final skill of Remilia (Eternal young scarlet moon?) Gives her + 5% for each deployed SDM (Sleepless night castle in the night terrain did the same damage as the Full Burst Levantein Flandre with +30% damage at 170 power... I did not take Sakuya and Koa )
Well, of course Nue ... Placing Murasa in the ship and Ichirin in a pair with her (I give them all bonuses friendship) ... I think it was equal to level 18? Her damage was at the level of Flandre. One assist crit in 5k, it's something...

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Sanae no longer gets 奇跡の現人神 after Beyond the Seal, but I think this may be a glitch since if it is removed, then it is out of the game completely like Aya's Sachichiko's Guidance.

What does that skill do? I'm kinda confused. On another note, there seems to be a bunch of other new skills in the game. Orin has one that I don't understand, but it activates in 130 power and in cat mode. I think Yuuka has more as well. I'm a bit sad Tenshi has so little personal skills, but 10 cost gaurd is crazy so it evens out. Also Parsed has one that looks like it casts accel and assail on the team, but I'm not sure.

Sanae's skill that lets her begin the stage with Max Faith got pushed back until she's level 70, but it's still in the game.

Rin got a couple new skills. One of them is that if she has 130 power and in Cat form she will cast Chain at the beginning of each turn. The other one switches her Devote spirit for Revive, which costs 90 SP (it might also max out the unit's power?)

Yuuka's two new skills are Cast Pressure on all enemies for one turn (lol) or regenerate 50% of her SP when she transforms into her Bloom form.

Both of Yuukas sound crazy. Cast chain on rin sounds kinda weak if you arnt boosting her skill damage. It does sound interesting for maxed rin runs or stuff like that.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Chain is good when you need to take Orin's travel mode to the fullest.

I just use Blooming Flower on Yuuka, there is no way to say no to 15% more damage.  There is always Attune SP Pools to help with Yuuka's shit accuracy, it is better to use Fury along with the 15% to ensure the best damage to the last two bosses she gets to fight.

Yuuka just gets more powerful every update hot damn.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Shinki simply gets squished by a very, very, very jealous Waifu Parasee.  31,000 Crit Damage on the final hit.  Buffed by Belief L2, Shotgun L2, and SS Terrain Bonus thanks to Adapt.  I think I will just use more people with Hide next time to skip the headache of thinking of who Shinki will try to attack after she MAPs, especially on Lunatic, she moves 3 times.

The only hard really is finding the correct formation, since there are a ton of unpassable spots created by her danmaku and those evil eye blacks.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 09:21:29 PM by c l e a r »

Finished the Parsee run, and it was fun. I ended up using Rumia-Parsee for the ss ranks in terrain. I might go for some kind of challenge run next, just gotta decide what kind. Also, the theme for Shin-trichromatic butterfly is only heard once. Unless you mess with settings or waste it against a generic enemy. In Makura's last attack, I swear she somehow gets pregnant, I don't even know anymore. Also, Parsee did 32k on her last bar, so that's a thing. Also good news clear, lunatic is now unlocked. And I'm never gonna choose it that's for sure. I'll probably try a normal harder mode or something

Edit ~> Something I now know is that Elly gets auto cast grit. That's isn't crazy at all. Also how does one get the genji item?
« Last Edit: June 29, 2017, 11:46:30 PM by LazorPagoda »

from what i heard its on chapter 69 if you have the protagonist go to the pound behind the Shrine. not there yet on my current playtrought so i cant confirm it.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
from what i heard its on chapter 69 if you have the protagonist go to the pound behind the Shrine. not there yet on my current playtrought so i cant confirm it.

Finished the Parsee run, and it was fun. I ended up using Rumia-Parsee for the ss ranks in terrain. I might go for some kind of challenge run next, just gotta decide what kind. Also, the theme for Shin-trichromatic butterfly is only heard once. Unless you mess with settings or waste it against a generic enemy. In Makura's last attack, I swear she somehow gets pregnant, I don't even know anymore. Also, Parsee did 32k on her last bar, so that's a thing. Also good news clear, lunatic is now unlocked. And I'm never gonna choose it that's for sure. I'll probably try a normal harder mode or something

Edit ~> Something I now know is that Elly gets auto cast grit. That's isn't crazy at all. Also how does one get the genji item?

I'm going into Chapter 69 now, I am 99% sure that it is the pond where all those special conversation took place.  Like that hilarious one where Sanae was surprised that Reimu left an old man at the pond.  :V

So 2 Hard playthroughs gets you Lunatic?
Also, do Hard/Challenge, it is quite fun.  Foes get almost Lunatic stats (about 20% less stats than Lunatic), but with no bullshit Personal Skills/Elite Mook AI they have on Lunatic, such as Shinki, and Makura moves 3 times, Yuka auto guards 4 times a turn, King Evil Eye, and Kappas that casts Faith/Strike. etc etc.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 12:22:12 AM by c l e a r »

That sounds horrifying, I might do it after a I get a crap ton of money to FUB ALL the 2hus. My 1st carryover run was on normal, and the second run ( Parsee run) was on normal as well. I'm not sure how to change the extra difficulty setting just yet. Also Rumia has ANOTHER new attack. I guess the game is begging me to do another maxed run with her. This new run is probably gonna be a 2.5 and under only run, so I'm just begging for pain during chapter 69, if it's the one where the sheep attack the shrine.

Now that I'm on tenshi's stage I learned something. Rumia's "new" attack is them slapping the new animation for NightBird on a stronger attack, and giving the old animation back. I'm dissa pointed in you Sanbondo, you could've atleast moved the finisher theme to the NightBird 2.0 as well
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 01:12:34 AM by LazorPagoda »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
On hard, Shikieiki always Sense + Valor before firing Last Judgment MAP.  She also fires off Last Judgment during Cleansed Crystal Judgment, although it has much less threatening area if you bomb, only 3 layers of rings.
Any boss with Fury will cast Fury to pass support defend that is in the front (but never if you keep your defenders at the back)
Meeko's anti-field is cap'd at 140 on hard.
Yuuka auto guards twice a turn.

Only a small amount of bullshit.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 01:41:15 AM by c l e a r »

On hard, Shikieiki always Sense + Valor before firing Last Judgment MAP.  She also fires off Last Judgment during Cleansed Crystal Judgment, although it has much less threatening area if you bomb, only 3 layers of rings.
Any boss with Fury will cast Fury to pass support defend that is in the front (but never if you keep your defenders at the back)
Meeko's anti-field is cap'd at 140 on hard.
Yuuka auto guards twice a turn.

"Small" amount of bullshit. If that's what harder hard mode is, harder lunatic is probably every enemy casts strike, fury and soul and a map each turn. I'm not kidding