Author Topic: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You, Ei, Yume - Gameplay Translation into deep Dreams  (Read 383346 times)

永遠の檻 - "Eternal Cage"
Adds an invincibility state to a targeted allied team for one turn. The team will not take any damage, but cannot act and will not gain any power from fighting.

鬼門遁甲 - "Kimontonko"
Chen casts Zeal on herself at 130 power. Only once, not every turn.

Sounds strong. What about Sanae's new skill? She has a wierd one too

Well then, time to deal with that one chapter, Chapter 73. I really need a plan here to get the WP. I've got Team 9 and Letty at L66, Reimu, Yukari, Sanae, Kanako, Alice,
, the Prismrivers, Orin, and the ship at L73, Youmu, Yuyuko, Okuu, Satori, Koishi, Shou,
Byakuren, Yorihime, Toyohime,
at L72, and Eirin, Marisa and Mima at L75 in my party at this time.

I did one run of Chapter 73 but failed the WP bonus. Between the enemies throwing MAP attacks left and right forcing me to use up so much SP on Faith, having so much bulk that one character would take around 2-5 teams to defeat without using the strong attacks,
Yorihime, Mokou, Okuu, and Tenshi especially
and overall being overwhelmed I wasn't able to complete it in time. Could someone give some advice to tackle this brutal chapter?

風の標  - "Mark of the Wind"
Sanae can cast Miracle on herself at the cost of 30% Faith, once per stage. (Miracle will still give you 20% Faith as part of its effect)

ファイナルマックスゴッド - "Final MAX GOD"
Maximum Faith becomes 200%, and reaching max Faith bestows bonuses larger than MAX GOD's. (I don't have exact numbers on these bonuses and I honestly have no idea how you'd get a stage to last long enough to get 200% Faith anyway.)

妖力スポイラー - "Youkai Power Spoiler"
Sanae recovers 20 MP when she defeats an enemy. She must be at the front of the team for this skill to take effect.

奇跡の現人神 - "Living God of Miracles"
Sanae begins the chapter with Maximum Faith.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2017, 12:12:59 AM by Nook »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Just combo Share Umbrella with Living God of Miracles for a fun, fun time.

Also, I think the final card can kill me on hard, since it is essentially
4 MAP Attacks with 15-20 Range that is all charged up for some reason (She casts every command every other turn, but that does not explain why she is Gekisen all the time.)
, I heard there is another plot power half way down the health, but what is it, and does it help against the situation?

Also, can Hertz tell me that if it is every turn on Lunatic?  cause that would be hilariously bad to deal with.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2017, 12:15:18 AM by c l e a r »

Now I know what those do, imma abuse them >:)
what do you mean by plot power? A spirit being cast? She does change forms 2 times tho, and the final phase has an epic theme.

Now that I think about it carefully, the players team casts a spellcard that makes FPM always recharge each turn and increases max power and sp. Its the thing Sanbondo prompted you to name before you head to the dream world.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2017, 12:30:25 AM by LazorPagoda »

I That this is a mistake? ... but if Byakuren attacks first, then it becomes 4000 instead of 3200

To be honest, this chapter was ... pretty easy. The first meeting with Yumeko made me very pain.
I was sure that for the bonus of this chapter - you need to activate the cards Yumeko and Shinki at the same time ... but this is trivial breaking all spell cards.

You can push the ship forward than cut Yumeko's way to the rest of your characters (she will alternate attacks in the Ship / Byakuren, but Byakuren is absolutely immune to her self assist)
And, you can use the combo: Yukari (the border of the focused) / Letty (-30% evasion to all enemies) / Kagua (Invincibility on all vanguard characters)
Interference will also make a significant share of the aid.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2017, 02:01:33 PM by Nikkanoffun »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
I That this is a mistake? ... but if Byakuren attacks first, then it becomes 4000 instead of 3200

To be honest, this chapter was ... pretty easy. The first meeting with Yumeko made me very pain.
I was sure that for the bonus of this chapter - you need to activate the cards Yumeko and Shinki at the same time ... but this is trivial breaking all spell cards.

You can push the ship forward than cut Yumeko's way to the rest of your characters (she will alternate attacks in the Ship / Byakuren, but Byakuren is absolutely immune to her self assist)
And, you can use the combo: Yukari (the border of the focused) / Letty (-30% evasion to all enemies) / Kagua (Invincibility on all vanguard characters)
Interference will also make a significant share of the aid.
Not true, the bonus for that stage is to capture all spell cards from both of them.

Also, gg for me, time for Lunatic.

Never thought that
Valor Charged Mountain of Faith
will be the biggest damage taken, but here we are. :v
(How come Lunatic is still locked after another round of play?)
« Last Edit: June 10, 2017, 03:27:47 PM by c l e a r »

Your gonna tackle lunatic already? That's crazy. Good thing they let you upgrade on the opening chapter so it's not a repeat of Ei. 
About the whole Byakuren thing, her attacks are stronger like that, before they get balanced to their regular power. It's probably so she can kill the giant evil eyes faster.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Your gonna tackle lunatic already? That's crazy. Good thing they let you upgrade on the opening chapter so it's not a repeat of Ei. 
About the whole Byakuren thing, her attacks are stronger like that, before they get balanced to their regular power. It's probably so she can kill the giant evil eyes faster.
Lunatic is still locked, even though I played on Hard, may be it is a bug.
I don't mind playing on Hard again, there is still a few things that bothers me and I want to figure it out, namely

Any way to defeat
in Chapter 74? FPM Makai Grimoire + Mini Reactor + Courage + Danmaku Power MAX Final Spark with Soul boosted Twilight Spark didn't KO it, and it casts Guts every time it's hit.

In chapter 67 does not work Dai-chan skill: Restoring 10SP for 5 killed enemies (in Chapter 66 it worked)

Shinki is a pretty imbalanced character ... it's kind of like a Support Battleship ... but it's completely useless, her seishin set is simply terrible. It would be better if she had her Boss-set. Since the Dai-chan will still have more SP (Shinky's SP regen works before the 10th phase)

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Any way to defeat
in Chapter 74? FPM Makai Grimoire + Mini Reactor + Courage + Danmaku Power MAX Final Spark with Soul boosted Twilight Spark didn't KO it, and it casts Guts every time it's hit.

I doubt it, do you know approximately how many HP they gave him?  It may be possible on Easy.
Although I am sure plot happens and cast super guts anyways.

Shinki is particularly helpful in 73 where you are so sunk in costs and want to milk every map you can use.  I look at her as an Attune Pool to give people that does not have Strike while having SP Regen.  Also Shinki is better off with the skill that gives 15 more SP Regen to her ability on higher difficulties, as well and the final boss stage, since one: those Nightmare Tengus are unhittable without Strike, and her shield is pretty useless something like a Fury charged MAP from Makura.

Also, I like to note that Parsee is ridiculously useful in this game.  All the super bosses (and even some smaller bosses) in this game has P-All, which is 4 Abilities in one, which inflates her damage output a shit ton.  She has 3 item slots to juggle with, which means you can put on S Terrain items, and
St. Nicol Scroll
.  As for the partner, give her a defensive unit that has Adapt, and you are in for some CRAZY high damages that is just off from a critical, cause you have a SS Rank damage bonus in the terrain that you want.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2017, 11:46:02 PM by c l e a r »

Also, I like to note that Parsee is ridiculously useful in this game.  All the super bosses (and even some smaller bosses) in this game has P-All, which is 4 Abilities in one, which inflates her damage output a shit ton.  She has 3 item slots to juggle with, which means you can put on S Terrain items, and
St. Nicol Scroll
.  As for the partner, give her a defensive unit that has Adapt, and you are in for some CRAZY high damages that is just off from a critical, cause you have a SS Rank damage bonus in the terrain that you want.

Parsee get 3% for each skill in the opponent's slot (I do not think that P-All counts as a few skills since it takes one slot) so that in total can do 24% more damage (this equates to 11 friendship bonus) big minus Parsee, then that she really does not have a friendship bonus with anyone, to start increasing her damage / accuracy.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 03:29:36 PM by Nikkanoffun »

I was under the assumption that parsee gets more damage from attacks, not skills.
That delicious feeling when your maxed parsee averages 40k across her 2 turns against the Namazu. I think Eirin has another new skill, and it does something with power. Her other new skI'll decreases the sp cost of her last spirit to 90. The akis also got a new skill, but I can't for the life of me guess what it does. Any help?

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
I was under the assumption that parsee gets more damage from attacks, not skills.
That delicious feeling when your maxed parsee averages 40k across her 2 turns against the Namazu. I think Eirin has another new skill, and it does something with power. Her other new skI'll decreases the sp cost of her last spirit to 90. The akis also got a new skill, but I can't for the life of me guess what it does. Any help?
Imma max waifu Parsee (1000 WP Bonus) to see how simple hard is going be.  Assuming it opens Lunatic after.  :V

Interesting, you will get to 1000 WP just before
if you did not skip too much bonus WPs.

Eirin's Shady New Drug Abilities as follows:
Eternal Rabbit Pill: Pump a Pair's power to the maximum Power until the end of the turn, Power will drop to 100 afterwards.

You basically use this PS on Stage 74 for plot.  Game becomes an interactive cutscene regardless of difficulty. 
On Lunatic, you should use the ability on a tank with decent movement with Iron Wall to make sure you can mow them all down, the Shinakawa (Air S Item) will do nicely here).  This is cause all the sheeps, according to their AI I've seen on Lunatic, cast their seishins, and they all got Strike, which means Reimu cannot last with only 4 support defend.  On any other difficulty, you can just use Reimu.

If you screenie the aki's ability, I can translate... or may be hertz can just come in and tell you. :V
« Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 12:11:22 AM by c l e a r »

The akis also got a new skill, but I can't for the life of me guess what it does. Any help?

If you mean SLG skill, it duplicates the effect of the seishin for both of them.

A small observation on the game:
I note the absurd attack assist Byakuren in the Super mode, almost any ordinary enemy gets 10000HP of damage for a ridiculous price of 15MP. I also noticed that when she approached the group of Murasa+Ichirin, her damage went up to 12000HP, I thought that now the friendship of the rearguard character is working on the characters beside him (since they make works combo attacks).
After a similar experiment with Alice -> Shinki+Yumeko, I noticed that her chances are improving if Shinki is ahead, but not Yumeko .... so I do not understand why her damage was twho times stronger than it should be.

And if I understand correctly, the Moon Magatama does not give anything? It's still a trophy.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 09:56:18 PM by Nikkanoffun »

Byakuren is just op when in super mode. Now that I know what that skill does, it's seems interesting. Also doubling the effects of akis spirits sounds dumb (valor becomes 3.0 then, and other such things)

Byakuren is just op when in super mode. Now that I know what that skill does, it's seems interesting. Also doubling the effects of akis spirits sounds dumb (valor becomes 3.0 then, and other such things)
I meant it does not double effect, this duplicate it on both sisters, if they stand in a group with this skill. This works by analogy with Kogasa skill, only on a permanent basis.

That makes sense, I doubt Sanbondo would make the game THAT easy. Youmu's skill that makes soul 2.25, is that good? Or is her 30% acc and evade when adjacent still better?

Youmu's skill that makes soul 2.25, is that good? Or is her 30% acc and evade when adjacent still better?

I do not think that this has a special meaning, since you can make one or two attacks at most. Increasing accuracy and evasion will work almost all the time.

I think the Soul+ skill could be pretty good for her. I don't know if Spiritual Distance is all that useful anymore considering Youmu's iffy dodge rates, and she already has Strike so it's not like she needs the accuracy bonus. Not that she's great at tanking hits either thanks to her bad HP...

Good thing she has alert then. I just used spiritual distance for the Yori hime fight, using it and the h shooter so I could save sp for alerts. 100% parry isn't useful when enemits no lonher have strike attacks, and double image rates never work for me. Yuuka with her absurd ratings in Ei barely triggered her d. Image.
Also I just realized that Kogasa is a high armor real with shield defense and gaurd, but no alert:/

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Also I just realized that Kogasa is a high armor real with shield defense and gaurd, but no alert:/
She specifically designed to be Sanae's partner for the rest of the game for a reason.

It makes sense, they are a pretty strong team, with her accels and pretty decent damage output. I'd consider giving Kogasa support defense, but she her hp I'd kinda low. Kogasa only has a friendship with Sanae, right? The ship has sailed. As i was thinking about Eirin's new skills, i cant seem to find a use to her power one, but her invincible one sounds great if you manahe to bait the entre enemy front to attack thay one character. Is the whole spoiler thing even needed now, as most people who are active in this thread already played the game?

I finally got to the Nightmare Chapter, it's not as bad as it seems at the beginning.
I noted for myself the following:
1) Characters with MAP attacks are vulnerable to noise (they will not use seishins) Utsuho just made 500~1000 damage from MAP.
2) I think characters below the cost of 3.0 will not use seishins? Shou, Nazrin, Koishi did not use them.
3) Nue use noise on her first turn (thanks to Yuyuko who spammers dance), you need to somehow block this event, since her noise blocks the use of your noise.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
I finally got to the Nightmare Chapter, it's not as bad as it seems at the beginning.
I noted for myself the following:
1) Characters with MAP attacks are vulnerable to noise (they will not use seishins) Utsuho just made 500~1000 damage from MAP.
2) I think characters below the cost of 3.0 will not use seishins? Shou, Nazrin, Koishi did not use them.
3) Nue use noise on her first turn (thanks to Yuyuko who spammers dance), you need to somehow block this event, since her noise blocks the use of your noise.

as I noted before, is a complete nightmare to deal with unless you got only support defense at the back and none at the front.
Nue's PS is cast Noise every other turn, start from Turn 1.  Ichirin is the same skill except it casts Rage.

I think you are right about some of them not casting though, but the thing is, none of them is really an issue in the first place.
Any damage done from MAP is bad in the first place even if it does not kill, there is just so much shit on the map that you have deal with.

It makes sense, they are a pretty strong team, with her accels and pretty decent damage output. I'd consider giving Kogasa support defense, but she her hp I'd kinda low. Kogasa only has a friendship with Sanae, right? The ship has sailed. As i was thinking about Eirin's new skills, i cant seem to find a use to her power one, but her invincible one sounds great if you manahe to bait the entre enemy front to attack thay one character. Is the whole spoiler thing even needed now, as most people who are active in this thread already played the game?
I give her Portable Gap an item, Guard L1/2 and Support Defend L2/3.  The friendship is not really the reason, it is just that
Umbrealla Sharing
is stupidly good.  It allows the Sanae group to drop 2 MAP Valor Charged MAP nukes, a regular attack from Sanae, and a strong hit from
before they are done the turn.  If you equip Sanae with Rose Broach, you can even have another shot for Miracle later on.

Also, as I said, Eirin's Drug Ability is exclusively for Stage 74, you will not use it any place else.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2017, 04:13:51 AM by c l e a r »

Any way to defeat
in Chapter 74? FPM Makai Grimoire + Mini Reactor + Courage + Danmaku Power MAX Final Spark with Soul boosted Twilight Spark didn't KO it, and it casts Guts every time it's hit.
Here is what I did on Normal:

- Front:
Byakuren (Superhuman), Master of the Great Trichiliocosm, Valor
- Rear:
Medicine, Into Delirium, Triumph, Ignore 100% Armor
- Support Attack:
Yorihime, Takemikadzuchi, Soul, Excess Accuracy

I was able to pull this off before 1.0.3 was released, which appears to cast Guts on Giant Catfish even if its HP is depleted. i probably have posted this here already

Also I will start uploading weapon videos today after the new patch is out. Speaking of which, I finally have total control over the save files:

EDIT: Version 1.1.0 is out.

Changes to spirits:

- Fury is now also ineffective towards spirit commands.
- Rage can be used multiple times per turn.

Changes to unit abilities:

- Afterimage: Both Youmu and Reisen now have Afterimage; 25% chance of completely evading enemy's attacks at 130 Power.
- Nitori's "Optical Camouflage": Always enabled for nd only for the FA form.
- Suwako's "Native God": Applies to any terrain with a rating of S, not just Land and Water.
- Byakuren (Nightmare)'s "Magic Barrier": Weakened, now only reduces 550 damage instead of 1000.

Changes to personal skills:

- Both of Mima's previously unused skills are now learnt at Level 60.
- Cirno's "Strongest Danmaku": Instead of replacing Valor with Sacrifice, it simply changes the damage multiplier to 1.8x.
- Remilia's "The Eternally Young Scarlet Moon" (永遠に紅い幼き月): New skill. Increases accuracy, evasion, damage, and defense for every SDM member that has sortied.
- Lunasa's "Poltergeist Funeral Concert" (騒霊合葬): New skill. Reduces SP costs of herself by 5 when combined. Learnt at Level 65.
- Youmu's "Wheel of Pain of the Living and Dead": Since Afterimage is always available, the skill now increases the chance of activation by 20%.
- Yukari's "Boundary of Dreams and Bonds" (夢と絆の境界): New skill. All players' FPM attacks deal 1.2x damage. 1 use per stage. Obtained after Chapter 75.
- Wriggle's "Firefly Soul": Soul now costs 60 SP rather than 70.
- Reisen's "Hallucinogenic Tuning": Since Afterimage is always available, the skill now increases the chance of activation by 20%.
- Eirin's previously unused skill is now called "Heaven Spider's Butterfly-Capturing Web" (天網蜘網捕蝶の法). Learnt at Level 70.
- Rei'sen's "Armor-Piercing Shell" (徹甲弾): New skill. All weapons penetrate barriers.
- Rei'sen's ""Rifle Bullets" (ライフル弾): New skill. Range of all weapons +2.
- Toyohime's "Lunar Peach": Restores 50 SP instead of 40.
- Aya's "Sarutahiko's Guidance": Removed.
- Aya's "Peerless Wind God" (無双風神): New skill. Power of "Illusionary Dominance" weapon +400, and weapon's Sky rating becomes S. Learnt at Level 65.
- Medicine's "Lily-of-the-Valley's Praying" (すずらんの祈り): Casts Prayer on all allies. 1 use per stage. Learnt at Level 65.
- Yuuka's "Bloom": Renamed to 狂い咲き.
- Yuuka's "Shiver" (戦慄): New skill. Casts Pressure on all enemies. 1 use per stage.
- Yuuka's "Flowering" (開花): New skill. Restores 50% SP when she transforms into the Flowering form.
- Yuuka's "The Only Unwithering Flower" (唯一つ枯れない花): New enemy skill. At 130 Power, always performs Shield Defense the first 0 / 1 / 2 / 4 times she gets hit on every turn.
- Hina's "Nagashi-bina of the Hidden God": No longer a consumable skill, it now makes Sacrifice do 2.5x damage.
- Letty's "Dance of Snow": Mobility +45, range of all weapons +1. No longer reduces HP and Armor.
- Nitori's "O. Camouflage": Since only the FA form can have it, the skill now increases the chance of activation by 25%.
- Momiji's "Wolf Fangs" (狼の牙): Power ofthr "Rabies Bite" weapon +400, range +2. Learnt at Level 65.
- Iku's "Dragon God's Strike" (龍神の一撃): New skill. Power of the "Dragonfish Drill" weapon +400, range +1. Learnt at Level 65.
- Yamame's "Mood of Creeping Terror" (忍び寄る恐怖の気): New skill. Power of the "Kandata's Rope" weapon +400, range +1. Learnt at Level 65.
- Satori's "Revived Trauma" (蘇るトラウマ): Previously unused skill. The "Recollection" weapon deals 50% more damage. 2 uses per stage.
- Orin's "Rekindling of Dead Ashes" (死灰復燃): New skill. Replaces Devote with Revive (costs 90 SP); additionally increases the resurrected player's Power to the maximum.
- Orin's "Hell's Traffic Accident" (地獄の輪禍): New skill. At 130 Power, casts Chain on every turn if in Cat form. Learnt at Level 65.
- Utsuho's "Sun Reactor": Gives HP Regen (M) instead of HP Regen (S).
- Koishi's 心読めずとも: Renamed to 瞳見えずとも.
- Both of Shou's previously unused skills are now obtained after Stage 68.
- Hatate's "Modern-Day Thoughtography Reporter" (今どきの念写記者): New skill. Reduces MP costs by 40%. Stacks with MP Save. Learnt at Level 65.
- Sunny's "Shining Sunlight" (輝ける日の光): New skill. Replaces Valor with Courage (costs 70 SP). Learnt at Level 65.
- Luna's "Silent Moonlight" (静かなる月の光): New skill. Replaces Yell with Drive (costs 45 SP). Learnt at Level 65.
- Star's "Pouring Starlight" (降り注ぐ星の光): New skill. Replaces Scan with assault (costs 50 SP). Learnt at Level 65.

Genjii is now an item that increases movement by 2 and changes the Sky rating to S. It is a hidden item on Chapter 69.

The game now checks if there are more WP points or items than allowed, and immediately ends the game in that case, but it appears to work if saved mid-game. All other data remains unchecked.

Stay tuned for edits to this post.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2017, 12:29:09 PM by HertzDevil »


- Fury is now also ineffective towards spirit commands.

Now Cirno will no longer die from the combo Fury + Strike. Ho-ho

Youmu is now moving in focused mode ... four(!) cells
I did not notice? It seems Sakuya received +200 base damage to Soul Sculpture and +300 base damage to Sakuya World
Suika now has A-rank in Air and S-rank for Earth.
Suwako was heavily reworked.
Reduced the coverage area of the Toyohime fan (MAP)
Nitori seishin Focus change Strike (15)
A number of other characters also have changed, there are quite a lot of them.

Also, I noticed that in "parts" I was added:
Alice's cookies (now there are two of them)
Full recovery HP (Reimu-Line ... I think this is a bonus for the passage Suika without Bombs?)

The difficulty level setting was added:

1) ベーシック
Easy, Normalでは敵の強化度が下がり, Hardでは敵の精神コマンドの使用を制限します.

Weakened mode, the enemies as a whole are weaker on the Easy and Normal. From Hard disables their use of the seishins.

2) 経験者

難しい (簡単) と感じたら, 別のモードを選んでみてください.

Standard Mode

3) チャレンジャー

敵の強化度を上げる代わりに, 獲得点を増加させます.

It's about +20% of the points(Hard+20%), and I think all enemies get +25% in addition to HP MP Basic Damage and Accuracy
I think it's generally a Lunatic mode, but without lowering the resources.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2017, 04:56:10 PM by Nikkanoffun »