Author Topic: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You, Ei, Yume - Gameplay Translation into deep Dreams  (Read 383310 times)

No. Each song has a "priority" and will only replace the previous song if the new song is of equal or greater priority. This is meant to keep the mood for boss battles and such, and is generally a good thing. The only songs that will override boss music are finishers like Master Spark.

If you just want to hear the song on its own you could also go to the music room on the options menu from the title screen.
I just figured out how to change the music priority and I can make each of my character's theme music override bosses' one ( just tested it on the previous stage) but the problem is stage 42's music override all the others.

I just figured out how to change the music priority and I can make each of my character's theme music override bosses' one ( just tested it on the previous stage) but the problem is stage 42's music override all the others.

There are stages theme-music of which is interrupted only by the boss/final spell card theme.
42 one of them.

By the way, I noticed that in the Eternal 直 撃 added the effect size ignores. Previously, this effect was not.
All Bunshin effect ignores too.
*No ignores Meiling skill Support Defense in Player Phase.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 11:15:49 PM by Nikkanoffun »

There are stages theme-music of which is interrupted only by the boss/final spell card theme.
42 one of them.
So there is nothing we can do about that?

So there is nothing we can do about that?

Most likely not ... I never thought about it.
This is the idea of developers - all "final" and "extra" stages music theme (if you've played the official touhou games, you will understand)

Most likely not ... I never thought about it.
This is the idea of developers - all "final" and "extra" stages music theme (if you've played the official touhou games, you will understand)


In the first game, in chapter 11, the main boss music does indeed get interrupted by the other, minor bosses, for some reason, EVEN THOUGH it is made pretty damn clear that it is supposed to be THE climax of that particular game... (It even says so in the music description). I remember begin pretty surprised/annoyed about it, I took for granted it would just keep playing and override everyone's else themes...guess not. A small detail, but it ruined the moment just a bit :/

Althought... it is technically not the Final Boss... but it might as well be....
« Last Edit: May 08, 2015, 03:52:59 AM by IlikeBulletZ »

Another clarification, are you sure that luck increases critical chance?
In the description it says nothing: it says only about the increase final chance to trigger Counter, Bunshin, Shield Defense, etc.


  • The Hidden Truth
  • Dreams are your hidden futures.
The Critical hits has nothing to do with the Luck Skill.

The Luck skill only increase skills of chance like the ones they mentioned.

Are there still no news off the FMW4 Demo off Reitaisai?

Last thing I saw was that PV.

Info dump for Gensou Shoujo Wars Dream trial version 0.0.2 follows. I will not distribute any extracted files until the final release of GSWD is announced.

Changes from GSWE:

The level limit is 65 in the demo.
The debug level remains largely the same, except all enemies are at level 99 instead of 60, and there is no background at all during battles.

Ran's "Shikigami (Ran)" has an effective range of 8 instead of 6.
Kaguya's "Salamander Shield" reduces damage from all weapons by 1200 instead of 1000.

Character skills:
Each character now has an extra common skill slot.
Predict L2 now increases both accuracy and evasion by 35% (instead of 30%).
Conviction/Belief now increases critical rates of all weapons by L1: 10%; L2: 15%.
Extend L2 restores the SP by 33% of the maximum or 30, whichever is greater, when the character's power/morale reaches 150.
Buddhist Power now increases the final accuracy by 3 ? Lv%. Depending on the character's power/morale, it also increases the final damage dealt and final damage received by:
(Previously, this skill increases the Melee/Defense/Accuracy stats of the characters.)

Cirno's "Freeze" now decreases an enemy's final evasion by 25% instead of 20%.
Cirno's "Hot Ice Fairy" now increases final damage by 10% when her power/morale exceeds 130. (Previously this skill amounts to ignoring size penalties)
Patchouli's "The Unmoving Great Library" now increases the threshold of Magic Barrier (Patchouli) by 300.
Chen's and Ran's "Shikigami Enhancement" no longer increase the effective range of their ability.
Lunasa's "Sounds of Melancholy" now works during assist attacks.
Yuyuko's "Dance of the Ghostly Butterflies" is renamed to "Dance of the Ghostly Butterflies+".
Yukari's "Yukari's Item Delivery" can now use the items of any player unit on any other player unit. (Previously she uses her own items on other players, or retrieves them)
Suika's "Power of Density" no longer reduces weapon range.
Wriggle's "Fixed Star on Earth" no longer applies to herself (but applies to the team leader).
Twei's "Strong Luck" now increases gold received by 20% instead of 15%.
Shizuha's "Good Onee-chan" now increases the final damage of support attacks and assist attacks by 25%. (Previously it ignores damage penalties in these cases, but with the introduction of Full Power Mode the new skill yields damage bonus there as well)
Hina's "Scapegoat Hina" now requires that Hina be the leader of her team, but no longer requires the Support Defense skill.
Momiji's "Stiff Wolf" now increases the shield defense activation rate by L1: 15%; L2: 25%; L3: 35% when her power/morale exceeds 120. (Previously, this skill depends on the distance between her and the enemy)
Momiji's "Clairvoyance" now increases the range of all weapons by 1 except those with range 1 and MAP weapons when her power/morale exceeds 105. (Previously it increases her evasion when receiving attack from far enemies)
Yuugi's "Superior Brawling" applies Fury when her power/morale exceeds 130. (Previously it applies Strike and Fury to both herself and the enemy battled)
Yuugi's "In-Fight" and "Matchless Warrior" are swapped. Moreover, "In-Fight" increases the power of melee weapons by 200 instead of 150, and the critical rate by 10% instead of 15%. "Matchless Warrior" works for enemies within a distance of 3 squares. (Previously it only works against adjacent enemies)
Nazrin's Galling Mouse Increases the damage received by an enemy during that turn by 10% whenever she uses Nazrin Pendulum. (Previously, the skill can be used with any weapon for 3 times per stage)
Nazrin's A Desperate Rat will Bite the Fox always performs critical hits against enemies with a size of L or above. (Previously this skill amounts to ignoring size penalties)
Nazrin's Pendulum Guard reduces damage received by 2000 for 4 times (instead of 3).

Some of these changes might have been in effect after GSWE 1.0.4.

New stuff:

When both units of a team reach 150 power/morale, Full Power Mode activates; if used, the assisting unit can use any weapon regardless of the weapon range, and there will be no damage penalty. Each team can only use this once per stage.

In stage 56,
Murasa and Ichirin become stand-alone units, while Rinnosuke becomes the captain of the Palanquin Ship whenever Murasa is not in control. Iku appears as an enemy, then joins the player afterwards.
In stage 57,
Tenshi appears as an enemy, then joins the player on the next stage. OF COURSE Kaname Funnel is a parody of funnel weapons from Gundam. HER THEME'S INTRO RESEMBLES BLACK STRANGER FROM SUPER ROBOT WARS Z.
In stage 58,
an original character, called Meko, transforms from Shiro and appears as an enemy. Orin and Utsuho join the player in this stage. Meko's stats:
HP: 31500 / 39500 / 59500 / 79500
MP: 420 / 500 / 700 / 900
Mobility: 100 / 120 / 170 / 220
Armor: 1100 / 1300 / 1800 / 2300
Size: S
- Crook: Melee weapon, Power 2100 / 2300 / 2800 / 3500, Range 1-2, Attribute PS, Accuracy +65, Critical +10, Affinity AABA
- Thunder Ram: Ranged weapon, Power 2450 / 2650 / 3150 / 3850, Range 2-7, Accuracy +40, Critical +15, MP 5, Affinity AACA
- Mount Sheep: Ranged weapon, Power 2700 / 2900 / 3400 / 4100, Range 1-3, Attribute P, Accuracy +45, Critical +20, MP 10, Morale 110, Affinity AABA

Reimu's "Transparent Shrine Maiden" grants a 25% chance of evading all enemy attacks, as well as nullifies all graze damage when her power/morale exceeds 150.
Reimu's "Fantasy Nature" now enables her to activate "Transparent Shrine Maiden" for 3 turns per stage, as well as her weapon of the same name when her power/morale exceeds 150. (this is an unused ability from GSWE)
Yuyuko's "Dance of the Ghostly Butterflies" now increases her final evasion based on the difference in the Maneuver stat of her and the enemy: +20% for a difference of 10, +50% at 30, +75% at 50. (Even without other upgrades this ability is still overkill.)
Orin has the same ability as Nitori (use any item on adjacent units as well as the team leader).
The Palanquin Ship's "Buddhist Power Shield" nullifies all damage below 1700 while using 10 MP. (Its HP has been increased from 8000 to 10000 as well.)
Nazrin's "Douser" applies Scan to all enemies if she is sortied.
Murasa's "Captain" prevents units entering the Palanquin Ship from decreasing their power/morale (when she is in control).
Meko's "Wool Guard" reduces damage from all weapons by 1100 and uses 5 MP.
The sheep's "Count Sheep" decreases the power/morale of the enemy by 2 when defeated, and nullifies the power/morale increase for all player units when defeated.

Character skills:
安地: Increases damage by L1: 10%; L2: 20% if the enemy cannot counterattack.
Assistance Enhancement: Increases damage by L1: 10%; L2: 20% during an assist attack.
Cut Back: Reduces defense and evasion penalties due to danmaku by L1: 30%; L2: 50%.

Fantasy Temperament: Grants a 25% chance of evading all enemy attacks when her power/morale exceeds 130.

American Dream: Increases the power of Gold Rush by 300, and its range by 1.

Reserve Anchor: Increases the power of Sinking Anchor by 150, its range by 1, and its ammunition by 3.
Auto Control L1: When she sorties on her own, allows support attack/defense from the Palanquin Ship if their distance is within 3 squares.

Nyuudou Block: Adds an ability "Nyuudou Block" which reduces damage from all weapons by 700 and uses 10 EN.
Nyuudou Rush: Increases the power of Consecutive Hooks Throughout Heaven and Earth by 200, and its range by 1.

Safe Driving L2: Increases accuracy by 20%, and reduces damage received by 10%.
Deputy Captain: Doubles the HP/MP restoration rate of all units inside the Palanquin Ship.

Homebrew Generator: Reduces the MP cost of Light Dragon's Sigh to 30, and increases its range by 1.
Danger Perception L2: Enables her to perform support attack/defense for other player units if their distance is within 3 squares.
Veils Like Water: Always receives graze damage when not defending.

Iron Wall Maiden: Reduces the SP cost of Guard to 10.

Vengeful Spirit Possession: Uses 30 MP to spawn any enemy unit she just defeated with reduced stats.

Yatagarasu Guide: Increases final accuracy by 40% when her power/range exceeds 130. (As enemy, this skill increased her accuracy by 60% instead.)

Unused content:
Unused event tables for stage 59 and 60 exist. Apparently, the player fights Nue in stage 59; Medicine, and Yuuka in stage 60. An enemy version of the Alice character is referenced (probably making Alice a third-side unit).
There is an older version of stage 58 where Meko appears immediately and the other sheep will try to reach part of the corner where the player starts; to get the WP bonus the player must defend that area and make Meko retreat within 10 turns.
There is an unused scenario split where the player chooses between Nameless Hill, Muenzuka, and Human Village in any order; the player will eventually play through all routes (like SRW MX and Impact).
Apart from Murasa, Byakuren may also become the captain of the Palanquin Ship. She may also transform into some sort of hyper mode (like Keine). There does not seem to be any other reference to Byakuren.
The player team table contains the following entries:
- Stage 61: Nue, Medicine, Kogasa
- Stage 62: Shikieiki
- Stage 64: Satori, Koishi
- Stage 65: Mima
- Stage 67: Byakuren, Yukemo, Shinki (this probably means the player will get two Devil Recitations)
- Stage 68: Yorihime, Toyohime, Reisen II
- Stage 69: Hisoutensoku (its sprite appears in stage 57)
- Stage 73: Yuuka (I would be really glad if the entire GSW is longer than even SRW F.)
On stage 59, the "normal" Utsuho form (without Yatagarasu) is unlocked. Moreover the following alternate unit forms are unlocked on stage 61:
- Lily Black;
- Sanae with Kanako, Sanae with Suwako, and possibly an unknown form;
- Nazrin (w/ Pagoda);
- Shou (w/ Pagoda);
- Two alternate forms of Nue; she may have 3 forms for each UFO colour (red, blue, green).
Reisen II also has an alternate form when she joins at stage 68. There is no further information on her apart from these references.

Since Nue's unit data no longer exists, the spirit command Confuse becomes unused. Similarly Soul goes unused as well (previously Yorihime used it in an event); all other spirit commands on the 1st, 3rd and 6th columns are not assigned to anything useful.

Utsuho's fifth weapon, "Abyss Nova" is not implemented, but the end-game event in stage 58 uses that to deal three times as much damage as Meko's HP nonetheless. Also she has unused dialog messages that are possibly reserved for a MAP weapon.

In stage 57, Aya and Hatate obtain "Double spoiler"; Cirno, Rumia, Mystia, Wriggle obtain "Baka-tet Special" (a portmanteau of "Baka" and "quartet", and a play on Final Dynamic Special).
In stage 58, Nitori obtains "Fly! Sanpei Fight".
These weapon data do not appear in the unit definitions, only their names are referenced in the event definitions.

The file-loading procedure contains an unused anti-cheat measure that checks whether the save file indicates a high amount of certain items than expected.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 01:38:22 PM by HertzDevil »


  • The Hidden Truth
  • Dreams are your hidden futures.
The Unused content is actually what is going to be in the full game of GSW Dream? Because its awesome!
Yeah Kogasa actually going to appear!!!, and what both Watatsuki sisters too that's awesome! And wow the theory about going to Makai might be true. So this fourth game we can say its based from SWR, UFO, Phantasmagoria of Flower View and Hisoutensoku. I'm actually surprised. And besides i was correct ;3 Yuuka was speaking with Shinki!

And by the way
i checked Sanbondo page, and i found the demo is going to be ready around the finals day of May.

So basically this Trial is a trial for the demo and the actual demo is to be released later this month?

Stages 56 and 57 are a retelling of the SWR story. Iku descended to Gensokyo searching for Tenshi, while the player's party looked for Koishi, who had been missing since the previous incident in GSWE.
The kappa at the Youkai Mountain held a bazaar; Kanako and Suwako put up a Hisoutensoku balloon shortly after Tenshi showed up at the bazaar. She attempted to cause an incident there but, unlike in SWR, she did not actually cause any earthquakes.
Shiro appeared and destroyed the bazaar, then revealed itself as メーコ (Meko), the sheep youkai with the ability to make people fall asleep. An opponent of novel technology and culture, Meko was sent by a hitherto unseen youkai called 夢渡まくら (Makura Yumewata?) whose ability was manipulating people's dreams; Marisa's dreams had been controlled at least once while she had Shiro as a pet. (Her ability possibly coincides with that of Doremy Sweet, but that does not matter since GSW's story has excluded the Touhou canon from Ten Desires and onwards.)

Win/Loss Conditions:
Stage 56:
- Win: Defeat Iku, Rumia, Cirno, Wriggle, and Mystia.
- Loss: Palanquin Ship is defeated.
- WP Bonus: Defeat 2 named characters in the same turn. (3 on Hard, 4 on Lunatic)

Stage 57:
- Win: Defeat Tenshi.
- Loss: Palanquin Ship is defeated.
- WP Bonus: Activate Tenshi's first spell card within Turn 4.

Stage 58:
- Win: Move any player unit adjacent to Shiro. -> Make Meko retreat.
- Loss: Palanquin Ship or Utsuho is defeated,
- WP Bonus: Defeat Meko. (retreats at 10PP or when HP is below 30% (25% on Lunatic))

Danmaku Effects:
Iku Non-spell: [Enemy] Accuracy +30 / +40 / +50 / +60%
Rumia Non-spell: [All] Enforce Night terrain affinity
Cirno Non-spell: [Player] Disable movement
Mystia Non-spell: [Player] Accuracy -20 / -35 / -50 / -80%
Keystone: [Player] Movement -1 / -1 / -2 / -2
Tenshi Non-spell: [Player] Weapon range -1 / -1 / -2 / -2
KEYSTONE "KANAME FUNNEL": NEWTYPE LV8 [Player] Attacked units are targeted 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 times consecutively (as opposed to evaluating the target unit after every enemy attack)
"Sky of Scarlet Perception of All Humankind": [Tenshi] Move count +1, all pilot stats +3 / +5 / +8 / +12 every time unit receives damage; [Player] Movement -1 / -1 / -2 / -2, weapon range -1 / -1 / -1 / -2
Black Sheep: [Player] Power/Morale -1 / -2 / -3 / -4 at beginning of turn
Meko: [Player] Disable movement and attacking if power/morale is below 120 / 130 / 140 / 150 (allows bombs; does not affect team's back member)

The game's code suggests that the whole GSW has
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 06:50:04 AM by HertzDevil »

I just finished the trial a while ago as well. A few comments:
Gameplay-wise it hasn't changed much from the previous game.
The Scarlet Weather Rhapsody plot is pretty much non-existent, getting the same treatment as Immaterial and Missing Power.
Shiro/Meeko's original theme is quite neat. Also, great entrance by Okuu and Orin.
At the end of the trial everyone gets split into 3 teams, heading towards the human village (Underground team), Nameless Hill (Scarlet team) and Muenzuka (Myouren team). This looks interesting.

So basically this Trial is a trial for the demo and the actual demo is to be released later this month?
No, it's the same trial but with some adjustments. It'll be available for download sometime in early June.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 10:50:08 AM by Nerios »

Ah, gotcha, thanks.

I'm very pleased that it seems like Okuu gets to keep her beautifully-animated final-boss finisher.

also, Orin is adorable in Kasha mode. :D

Is it just me or is Ichirin and Murasa's finishers particularly spammable? Especially with Economy/Capacity.

It should be safe to predict that the GSWD story ends with
Lotus Land Story, with Yuuka joining after stage 73 (the Thrudgelmir of GSW), battle against Mugetsu and Gengetsu in stage 74, and then the final battle against Makura in stage 75. It is a bit surprising but understandable to see no references to PoDD and before at all.

And, given that GSWD pretty much uses the same interface as GSWE, I also highly believe that Sanbondo will release a compilation remake; a Dream clear data could then be played again from the very beginning of Scarlet, with rebalanced stats, the unified system (remember how Wife bonus points were reset after Scarlet?), and even new secret unlockables that are impossible with the current separated releases.

安地 (Safespot) was supposed to have a higher PP cost for units with high cost, but the code doing this had been commented out.

remix of last judgement in the style of last judgement when?

EDIT: Kaname Funnel is best weapon
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 05:01:15 PM by HertzDevil »

A compilation remake is extremely likely. They did number those chapters sequentially after all, and the other SRW-based fangame who did a 4-game-split release also made a compilation remake after all games were out (Battle Moon Wars, a Nasuverse crossover SRPG).

I for one sure would love to see FMWS redone with new systems and all.


  • Blue flower
  • Green
Man, I've been inactive for too long it seems and my job got taken. ^^"
That's okay though, you seem to have a way better understanding of the language than I anyway.
I'll compile it all in the opening post once the full game comes out and I get to the respective point in the story to take screenshots to make it all look nice and have it fit in. (Which was pretty much most of what I did towards the end anyway as more and more capable people joined in on the fun :v)
If Yuuka only rejoins by stage 73 (which would still be a whole lot of playtime considering the length of the final stage of Ei) then I'd still be sad because this entire series would've taunted me with her being available maybe some day and then I get to have her only for a few stages. :<

Hmm ... Meco, her motivation and character quite well fits into the framework of the universe (I have not seen her herself), but in general this original I already like.

I note, Bosses are starting to use Seishin Command if you play on Hard. (although, I did not like that they have altered sound animations ...)

It should be safe to predict that the GSWD story ends with
Lotus Land Story, with Yuuka joining after stage 73 (the Thrudgelmir of GSW), battle against Mugetsu and Gengetsu in stage 74, and then the final battle against Makura in stage 75. It is a bit surprising but understandable to see no references to PoDD and before at all.

Well, we all remember how demo differs from release. They can add a lot more things.
I think the main problem GSWE was the lack of new game+.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2015, 08:39:13 PM by Nikkanoffun »

@Scarlet Weather Rhapsody: Immaterial and Missing Power, I can sort of understand, since it only takes place for a couple of days and it wasn't any sort of incident. But Scarlet Weather Rhapsody? I am pretty sure that was an incident. Of course, then again, I can see the author not having enough space to fit in everything. There seems to be too many things to wrap up for just one game.

Several official SRW releases do include powerful enemy original units towards endgame: Thrudgelmir from @G, Al-Van's Raftclans from J, Pers?nlichkeit from OG2, Naschim Guneden from Alpha 3, Neo Granzon from Masoukishin II etc. Provided Yuuka's special status in this game (she knew that someone was controlling everyone's dreams through Shiro according to the pre-game dialogue of stage 44), I do believe she will return much later serving as that overpowered unit.

Devil Recitation is an infinite-range MAP weapon

Maybe a compilation remake could somehow allow Sanbondo to include the Ten Desires story or other canon characters? (When the three SRW Compact 2 releases were compiled into SRW Impact, they added Nadesico, G Gundam, and two secret endgame episodes of Char's Counterattack.)

Some more 60fps attacks:
- Iku
- Utsuho (most are taken from GSWE directly)
- Ichirin
- Murasa
- Meeko

And some more notes:
- Although there is no such danmaku effect in Dream, players are immune to the "decrease armor" effect due to a mistype. (Youmu used this in Mystic stage 32.)
- This might have been mentioned: every Frozen Frog equipped by Cirno gives 5 extra initial power/morale, as does every Sweet Potato equipped by Minoriko.
- There are a number of unused items, referenced in the source code but not included in the item list:
  • An item which increases graze movement by 2 and accuracy by 20%;
  • An item which gives S affinity for all terrains;
  • Spoiler:
    An item by Shikieiki which applies Strike, Flash, and Valor to the user, that displays "ENLIGHTENED!" when used;
  • Spoiler:
    An item by Satori which restores 60 SP;
  • An item which increases the morale limit by 30;
  • An item which allows the user to receive 150% as much EXP as usual;
  • An item which allows the user to receive 150% as much PP; and
  • An item which raises maximum MP of a unit by an unknown amount.
- I have overlooked Mystia's Songstress ability before; her power/morale does affect the performance of her songs. (The menu item is highlighted only when her power/morale exceeds 110.) The songs give these bonuses for every 10 power/morale: (parenthesized adjustments are done so that, when Mystia's power/morale meets the required value of the song weapon, that weapon yields the same bonus values as shown in the weapon effect description)
  • Song of the Night Sparrow: +3 Accuracy / Evasion stat
  • Song of the Night Sparrow (MAP): +2 Accuracy / Evasion stat (-2)
  • Mysterious Song: +200 HP (+500)
  • Mysterious Song (MAP): +150 HP (-150)
  • Howl of the Horned Owl: +3 Defense stat, +1.5 Maneuver stat
  • Howl of the Horned Owl (MAP): +2 Defense stat (-4), +1 Maneuver stat (-2)
  • Midnight Chorus Master: +4 Melee / Ranged / Accuracy stat (-12)
  • Midnight Chorus Master (MAP): +2 Melee / Ranged / Accuracy stat (-8)
- I observe that only very few player units have A affinity or above for all terrains. These include: Lunasa, Komachi, Hina, Nitori (Water S), Suwako (Water S), Iku, Murasa (Water S). Tenshi also has full A as an enemy unit.
Shiro has 160K / 200K / 300K / 400K HP. If Meeko is made to retreat or defeated before Utsuho appears, she applies Guts, Strike, Fury, and Guard.
The player finds Koishi in stages 62-64, enters Makai in stages 65-68, and enters the Dream World or Mugenkan in stages 69-72. The player fights Meeko in stage 74 (no references to Mugetsu and Gengetsu so far).
- No flags have been defined so far in GSWD.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 04:02:29 PM by HertzDevil »

Several official SRW releases do include powerful enemy original units towards endgame: Thrudgelmir from @G, Al-Van's Raftclans from J, Pers?nlichkeit from OG2, Naschim Guneden from Alpha 3, Neo Granzon from Masoukishin II etc. Provided Yuuka's special status in this game (she knew that someone was controlling everyone's dreams through Shiro according to the pre-game dialogue of stage 44), I do believe she will return much later serving as that overpowered unit.

I think we can expect something like Sakuya-route?

Anyway, I agree that for 20 stages are trying to develop too much ... GSWE progressed "primarily" only TH06, and it was pretty good.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 07:58:50 PM by Nikkanoffun »

A more complete Sakuya route will be nice, but the game also has references to a Youmu route, and iirc there used to be a Sanae route according to the developers. (Of course these are not true routes in the sense that the Sakuya route consists of its own 4 stages.)


  • The coldest chill,
  • in the emptiness of reason.
Hi. Out of curiosity, has anyone had any luck messing with You in Cheat Engine to alter values besides Exp, Money, and PP? You can't directly-modify stats with PP until Ei, so I'm just wondering if with 400 Hit and Dodge that you could actually dodge reliably or the enemy passives and stats would still cause you to get hit every now and then.
I need an option, a reason, and some hope.

A more complete Sakuya route will be nice, but the game also has references to a Youmu route, and iirc there used to be a Sanae route according to the developers. (Of course these are not true routes in the sense that the Sakuya route consists of its own 4 stages.)
I was watching Sanbondo's early videos on nico nico when I found the scrapped Sanae route idea you mentioned (here: They originally planned to have a 3 episode route in Ei/Eternal for Sanae, focusing on the MOF cast and Hatate, which explains why Hatate and Sanae know each other and have a +2 support bonus. (The video also mentioned plans for a Moon & Earth route split which was never implemented. But I guess it was for the better, since the SSiB arc was handled really well. I enjoyed it more than the underground arc.)

Anyway, since we won't be seeing the full game until at least next year, I'll just drop a few things that I am looking forward to see in the finale:
- The
team will be heading to the Human Village after the trial. I'm interested in seeing how they interact with the villagers.
- Komachi to receive some new attacks. It should be fun to fight against her and Eiki in the same stage.
- Arranges of Alice in Wonderland and Grimoire of Alice, and a new final attack for Alice in Makai.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 02:47:20 PM by Nerios »

Hi. Out of curiosity, has anyone had any luck messing with You in Cheat Engine to alter values besides Exp, Money, and PP? You can't directly-modify stats with PP until Ei, so I'm just wondering if with 400 Hit and Dodge that you could actually dodge reliably or the enemy passives and stats would still cause you to get hit every now and then.
I don't think anyone ever has luck messing with Game Maker executables in Cheat Engine; it is easier to decrypt the save files and modify them directly anyway. You could probably make it so that each character has three copies each of Accuracy Enhancement L9 and Evasion Enhancement L9 (they are available before Ei) for +135 stats.

Here is the "get everything at beginning" save file for version 0.0.2:
The same save file, except the player starts at the debug stage:
Everyone's upgrades have been reset, even the ones that join the player later in the story; so Murasa no longer has 145 mobility, but obtains every unique character skill etc.

The exact team members of the
split after stage 58, according to version 0.0.2, are:
Muenzuka: Reimu, stage 1-2 bosses from EoSD to IN, PCB finals, Keine, Mokou, UFO team
Nameless Hill: Alice, Scarlet Devil Mansion team (including Kurumi and Elly), Eientei team, Prismriver sisters, Hina, Nitori
Human Village: Marisa, Suika, Lily Write, Fairies of Light, Aki sisters, Youkai Mountain team, SWR team, SA team

More stuff that I hope are present in the final GSWD:
- A BGM parody of Custos;
- A BGM parody of this map theme (the 4 or F (PSX) versions, never F (SS) or 2ndOG);
- An original song for the final map with lyrics;
- Mass-produced Evil Eye Sigmas at level 99 (c.f. SRW4 bad ending);
- At least one combination attack among Marisa, Mima, and Yuuka;
- More map weapons for the player in general; in particular there has never been a missile launcher-like map weapon for both players and enemies.

By the way, the Palanquin Ship landing animation in the intro exists as a weapon with 10000 power.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 02:00:04 PM by HertzDevil »

HertzDevil, you seems to be really familiar with the Super Robot Wars series. Can you recommend some decent old SRW games in terms of story, balance or music? I plan to play the alpha series and SRW F/Final at some point, but I'd like to try some of the older games first. I feel like I've been missing a lot references in Gensou Shoujo Taisen because my only exposure to the SRW series was a bit of OG 1 and some other GBA titles. If anyone else here are also fans of the series please do suggest some to me as well.


  • The coldest chill,
  • in the emptiness of reason.
it is easier to decrypt the save files and modify them directly anyway
And how do I do that?

Can you recommend some decent old SRW games in terms of story, balance or music?
The old games are not balanced because they're designed by Winkysoft. Winkysoft is not good at making video games. SRW started to get significantly-better in the 2000s when they were made solely by Banpresto. The least-awful of the old games are F and F Final, but they have brutal enemy stats. It's fine if you want to start out in the old era, but you really should keep pushing forward through the series' history because the newer games are so much better. It's just that from about 2000 to 2005 the games had odd balance and design ideas. Variable upgrade number, spirit modernization, redesigning spirit sets, changing the damage formula (Stats and will are weighted equally now, but not in the Winkysoft/Compacts and Alpha 1).
I need an option, a reason, and some hope.

- More map weapons for the player in general;

They have a great love for granting MAP to the player... Ran... Ultimate Buddhist in a player - so terrible...
And, I hope they will remember about Meiling.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 08:07:06 PM by Nikkanoffun »

And how do I do that?
Computer wizardry?

The old games are not balanced because they're designed by Winkysoft. Winkysoft is not good at making video games. SRW started to get significantly-better in the 2000s when they were made solely by Banpresto. The least-awful of the old games are F and F Final, but they have brutal enemy stats. It's fine if you want to start out in the old era, but you really should keep pushing forward through the series' history because the newer games are so much better. It's just that from about 2000 to 2005 the games had odd balance and design ideas. Variable upgrade number, spirit modernization, redesigning spirit sets, changing the damage formula (Stats and will are weighted equally now, but not in the Winkysoft/Compacts and Alpha 1).
Thanks a lot. I'm sure that I won't be interested in going back to the older series if I started from the post-2000 games, that's why I'd like to try out some of the earlier games first.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 11:19:08 AM by Nerios »


  • The coldest chill,
  • in the emptiness of reason.
Well, let me just say this, then: keep some painkillers close at hand, because the bullshit the old games pull on you will give you headaches. Because Winkysoft is such a terrible game company, they can't even program an RNG correctly. It will, and I shit you not, spit out failures on non-guaranteed chances for a certain number of outcomes every now and then. This is very, very obvious in F/F Final and the Complete Box. Everything you can do to reseed the RNG will simply not work. This isn't complaining about "missing on a 99%". Some JP players went through the code and found out that Winkysoft has a genuinely-malicious RNG. Thankfully, this will only happen in Winkysoft SRWs.

If you want to play the first Masoukishin game, play the PSP version. It still plays like it's from 1995 (ALL OF THE LOE GAMES DO), but the graphics are significantly less-terrible and it has voice-acting.
I need an option, a reason, and some hope.