Author Topic: Your favourite Non-Touhou games  (Read 8685 times)


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Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« on: January 29, 2014, 06:23:55 AM »
So, here you can tell your favourite Non-Touhou games (and your usernames in themm if you want to) and possibly find other people who like same games. You can also add your Steam username if you want to. You can also arrange multiplayer games here if you find people you'd like to play with.

NOTE! Please, don't start flaming someone because he/she plays a game you don't like or if someone doesn't like a game you like.

Here is my list (not in order):
Minecraft (Username: R3dDust)
Don't Starve
Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

I'd like to play Minecraf or Terraria with someone.

I have no name

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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2014, 06:28:44 AM »
Ape Escape.  There's a reason I've put 1000s (? It's strange to think back and add it all up and come out to this number...) of hours into getting this game beaten fast, including sub 2 minutes on the time attacks, sub 50 on any% (going for WR), and the record on any% no IJ, any%2 and 100%.

Also, Rogue Legacy is pretty great, and VVVVVV is awesome too.


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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2014, 07:55:58 AM »
Oh god where the hell do I begin.

La-Mulana (Remake Version) - Amazingly crafted Metroid-esque with a heavy puzzle focus on first playthroughs that becomes extremely open ended on subsequent ones.
Distorted Travesty - Amateur freeware PC game, which sounds like a recipe for trash, but among its ripped resources and unusual controls is actually a fucking amazing(ly hellishly difficult) game
Live-A-Live - SNES RPG that is probably one of the most inventive and genuinely unique games ever created.  Really.  There's just nothing out there that's really even close.
Growlanser Generations - I'm not sure I'd call this the best SRPG I've ever played but holy shit I just really love it.  The Tactics + real time hybrid leaves it feeling unique and there's something different about the way the two games in this collection that make them way better than its sequels to me.
Final Fantasy V - It's the best damn FF game, and if you haven't played it before you really need to.  Fight me.
Etrian Odyssey - Yeah I don't even care which (but preferrably 3/4/Untold).  EO is the series I've always wanted from dungeon crawlers.
Fragile Dreams - It's only a mediocre 'game' but it's atmospheric and beautiful and I still get super depressed thinking about the stuff in the game because it's extremely emotional.

There's probably plenty others but those come to mind immediately.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 07:57:59 AM by Garlyle »

Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2014, 09:06:50 AM »
Hmmm, lemme think for a sec...

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - Raged so many times, but coudn't really hate it. My love for this game could only grow.
Phoenix Wright Series - Epic music with epic storyline. Onr of my favorite VN's.
Persona 3
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas -  Good times, good times.
Megaman Zero series
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII


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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2014, 10:33:33 AM »
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Planescape Torment
Baldur's Gate
Paper Mario TTYD

If I were to list all my favorite games the list would be a lot longer. But those 5 are the absolute favorites of the favorites.


  • alter cool
Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2014, 04:56:35 PM »
Baldur's Gate
Persona 3
Silent Hill 2
The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Pokemon Heartgold
Whatever Arc Systems fighting game is the current one
Castlevania (Symphony Of The Night and Order Of Ecclesia are my favorites, but I think I've played and enjoyed all of the 2d ones)

I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2014, 06:59:06 PM »
.flow:  I love the atmosphere and trying to figure out what is going on

Dark Souls: awesome gameplay and a great story for everyone who looks deeper

I consider those two with Touhou my top 3


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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2014, 08:27:23 PM »
Chrono Trigger - My all time favorite game.  I love  everything about it.
Digital Devil Saga - This is the game that started me on MegaTen so it holds a special place in my heart.
Wind Waker - It's my favorite Zelda.  There's just something about being on the open seas that I love.  And the music is the best.
Digimon World - I love this game.  I still remember the first time I played it and got transported to the Digital World.  Exploring the uncharted File Island, recruiting people back to the city, your partner getting stronger.
Final Fantasy V - It's the best damn FF game, and if you haven't played it before you really need to.  Fight me.

Those are my top five games.  I can start a new file and play them over and over and over again.


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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2014, 09:07:10 PM »
Severance: Blade of Darkness - Hard as hell hack'n'slash game, but very satisfying when you get the hang of it. The graphics are not too advanced at first glance, but it has a good physics engine and friggin' dynamic lighting and shadows!
The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall - Crawling through huge complicated 3D maze-like dungeons is fun.
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Detailed world that is awesome for self-made RP.
Doom, Doom II, Doom 3 - I like id Software stuff, but these games are their best. Just enough challenge, just enough fun.
Hexen - Best non-id game on their engines. Hordes of tough enemies that are fun to deal with.


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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2014, 11:52:14 PM »
Fire Emblem.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2014, 04:23:54 AM »
So many games, where do i start!
Off the top of my head and in no particular order

Chrono Trigger
Dark Souls
The entire Ys series
Golden Sun TLA
Fallout New vegas
Zelda oracle of time/ages
All the Ace Attorney games
All the metroidvania Castlevania games

Better stop there and keep it relatively short  :V
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 04:30:03 AM by Frog »

Third Eye Lem

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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2014, 09:23:09 AM »
Fire Emblem.
Just started playing Radiant Dawn again recently. What have I gotten myself into :ohdear: Oh well, there's always FE: A to cheer me up! :D

I also like the following:
  • Jazz Jackrabbit (2 to be specific)
  • The 2D overhead Zeldas (the GBC games, Minish Cap, and Link Between Worlds)
  • Wild Arms 3 (this game deserves an HD reboot, if not a remake)
  • Bayonetta (more brawlers need smooth and fast-paced gameplay like this)
  • Ratchet and Clank (why this series doesn't have a successful multiplayer mode is beyond me)
  • Pokemon (need to finish Y at some point)
  • Bravely Default (I loved the demo, I can't wait for the full version, hope putting this here is ok)
  • Skylanders Giants (because collecting tiny plastic figures and sending them into a video game is just so satisfying, also Stealth Elf is one of the most OP characters ever and I love her for that)
  • Paper Mario: TTYD (this game should get an HD remake next...make it happen, Nintendo!)
  • Etrian Odyssey 4/Untold (4 is a finely-crafted and paced masterpiece, Untold has an amazing Story mode)
  • Brave Frontier (I like this game more than I like Puzzle and Dragons, it's so satisfying to watch your units beat up monsters)
  • Metroid Prime Trilogy (the best "easymode" FPS/adventure game I've played, though I wouldn't mind a 2D platformer either)
  • The Gray Garden (I just started playing this, it is one of the most adorable games ever and has a nice mix of cute and surreal/creepy stuff going on)
  • FF3/5/X-2/Bravely Default (any game with a customizable job system like these games have is A-OK in my book)
  • Super Talking Time Bros (perhaps the best Mario fangame series ever made, it's got some pretty crazy levels too)
  • And finally, Anti-Idle (this game is an absurd timesink, if you like Progress Quest, Cookie Clicker or similar games, you might like this)

I have no name

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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2014, 09:26:38 AM »
Final Fantasy V - It's the best damn FF game, and if you haven't played it before you really need to.  Fight me.
2nd best.  FFIX is the best because setting, soundtrack and characters.  Job system is <3 and soundtrack and characters are nice too, but I prefer FFIX to it  :V


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    • Tormod Plays Games
Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2014, 11:58:11 AM »
2nd best.  FFIX is the best because setting, soundtrack and characters.  Job system is <3 and soundtrack and characters are nice too, but I prefer FFIX to it  :V
I'm completely willing to give IX the award for best setting/music/visuals/etc. in the series... 
I just can't play it anymore because it's too slow and way too easy and simple but I have this feeling about most of the FF games up until about X
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 12:32:42 PM by Garlyle »


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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2014, 01:39:06 PM »
Let's see...

Kingdom Hearts (any one, although BBS is one of my favorites)
Valkyrie Profile
Practically any SMW ROM hack with the exception of Kaizo and Pit style hacks
Demon Souls/Dark Souls
Chrono Trigger/Cross
Final Fantasy I/IV/V/VII/Dissidia
Intelligent Qube/Kurushi
Etrian Odyssey

...So practically almost every game I've either played on a regular basis at one point or still remember fondly.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2014, 05:14:39 PM »
Morrowind. I remember spending the entirety of my two month school break thoroughly exploring the whole island. And merely plundering dungeons wasn't enough, so I ended up stealing everything of value and not nailed down to the floor. I'm hoping to eventually replay the whole thing with the Tamriel Rebuilt megamod installed, but imagine the amount of time necessary for THAT if the base game alone took two months...

Doom, Doom II and Wolfenstein 3D. Plenty of great memories associated with the games, but they're on my list mostly because of their respective modding communities. Doom II is a perfect FPS game and its superior, still unbeaten gameplay mechanics have been spurring numerous modders to produce top notch work for twenty years now, and they're not slowing down at all. Wolfenstein isn't holding up quite that well, but new mods still appear regularly (including my own soon enough).

The Fallout series. This includes Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3 and New Vegas - each one for different reasons. Fallout is an incredibly atmospheric gem of a post-nuclear RPG. Fallout 2 is a bit more light hearted, but much, much richer in content and more open ended. Fallout 3 has a much weaker storyline, but since it's a combination of the Fallout atmosphere and Morrowind-style freedom, I didn't care. And in New Vegas, the storyline is no longer an issue.

Deus Ex. Oh my, even the story behind this one is uncanny, with Romero calling Spector and pretty much telling him he can make any sort of game he wants to. The result is splendid. So much freedom, so many viable playing styles, secrets to find, lore to uncover, meaningful decisions to make. Recently I have also played The Nameless Mod, which is a Deus Ex modification that's probably even bigger and better done than the original game. Both Deus Ex and TNM are absolutely delightful gaming experiences.

Heroes of Might and Magic III. It's been a long time since my last attempt at this one, but believe me, it's an unbelievably addictive, perfectly executed and simply brilliant turn based strategy. The AI might be weak, but that's OK because most good maps, and even some official campaigns, are very tough and require you to exploit its weaknesses in order to win. And where the game really shines is multiplayer mode anyway, especially Hot Seats.

System Shock. It's like a several years older Deus Ex minus all the NPC interaction. Superb level design, terrific, tense atmosphere, a creative approach to storytelling and highly appealing gameplay, all really well executed. Well, perhaps the respawning enemies were unnecessary, but they do keep you on your toes when exploring the station.

The Might and Magic series. First person perspective, turn based (with a bit of real time fighting thrown into the mix) RPGs bordering on hack and slash. Exploration, combat, exploration, combat, exploration, combat, repeat as many times as necessary. A rich, varied world, and just challenging enough to keep you playing.

Secret Agent and Crystal Caves. Two extremely fun, but sadly equally obscure platformers. They deserved fame, glory, and a level editor. They got neither. There's a game freeware game called Special Agent, which is sort of a spiritual succesor for Secret Agent. It's equally obscure and the author's website is defunct. It's a sad story.

Deluxe Ski Jump 2. OK, this is a very niche one, but honestly, ski jumping is fun and this is the best ski jumping game ever made.

I guess that's it, though games like Raptor: Call of the Shadows, Tyrian 2000, Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Sensible World of Soccer, Championship Manager 2001/2002, Heretic, or I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, all deserve a mention here.


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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2014, 06:43:51 PM »
Super Monkey Ball Deluxe- It's the right combination of difficulty and fun. Despite a few overly difficult levels(Arthropod :colonveeplusalpha:, Toggle), it still remains a pretty good game.
Ratchet and Clank:Going Commando- This game improves on all of the elements from the first game and adds more stuff for player's to do.
Super Smash Brothers: Melee- The first Super Smash bros. game I played and it remains my favorite to this day.
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkiachi 2 and 3- I like 2 because of the music and the battle courses they had. I like 3 because the gameplay is much better then 2.
M.U.G.E.N- It has endless possibility's of what characters and stages you want to put in. That way it stays entertaining and fun.
Skullgirls- It is a fun fighting game where you can do amazingly long combos. It also has good art and a lot of humor in it.
Normal 1cc: IN,EoSD,MoF,PCB,LoLK-P(403 Retries(Hope to Improve))
Extra Clear:PCB
ISC: All Stages Clear !

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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2014, 09:46:01 PM »
Pokemon - I play it all the time, especially the older titles because I like old stuff like that. (especially Yellow)

Tomb Raider - I love this series. The way the games play with shooting and puzzle solving is great, and I have all of them on Steam now. (thanks winter sales)

Minecraft - Who doesn't like this?

Team Fortress 2 - I actually probably play this the most, probably more so than Touhou now, even if it runs like junk on this system. If I'm playing something, you'll usually find me in this game.

The Elder Scrolls - Any of the titles go here. I myself have only played a little of Arena, Morrowind, and Skyrim, not any of the others, but I plan on running through all of the series in order when I get a new system. (which reminds me, I'm gonna have to look into that pre-order of ESO soon, even if my system can't handle it yet)
I figured out how to play midi in games with a different device on Win7 ^^
TF2 Backpack
Embodiment of Scarlet Hair English Patch is almost completed.
^ I didn't forget about this. I don't know what you're talking about. >_>


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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2014, 07:45:22 AM »
Secret of Mana:  Story was great, the combat was really fun, plus MULTIPLAYER.  I always played the Sprite.  Layering magic was always fun once I had the MP to do so.

Super Mario RPG:  I can always go back to this after so many months and not get tired of it.  Last run I did was a no-Armor/Accessory run. Was...interesting, to say the least.  Actually being threatened by things was a nice change of pace.

Those two are what pop into my head immediately, but special mention go to:
Any of the main PS2 DDRs and any arcade DDRs Extreme or later:  Mario Mix drew me in, these are what keep me there.  I really need to play more at home since I can never get to arcades outside of conventions...

Dragon Warrior Monsters(the Game Boy version.  Also DWM2 fits here.):  So much fun BREEDING monsters.  I used to pretend a friend of mine and I were two monsters in the game.  He was a Dragon with I don't even remember what cool stuff, I was a MadKnight that had a tendency to GigaSlash stuff til it broke.

Project Diva F:  It's pretty new to the group only coming out in August in the US, but I have a feeling I'll be playing this for quite some time.  At the very least I will Platinum it, though I likely won't rest there since I'll want to eventually get Excellents or better on all the Extreme songs once I'm good enough to play em all consistently(or at all).
If you're a Pazudora player and aren't on #puzzleandlibrarians, come join us!


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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2014, 12:32:15 PM »
My top 10:  (In no particular order)

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Pokemon Soul Silver
Outrun 2006
Spec Ops: The Line
Forza Motorsport (The original)
Virtua Tennis 2 (AKA Sega Sports Tennis, 2K2)
Super Mario World
Sonic Adventure 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Yes, i did pick it over COD4, just because MW3 atleast has Survival mode)
Team Fortress 2

Only 1 game per series, bias/nostalgia excluded. Okay, Nostalgia was a deciding factor for some of these.
I woudl elaborate more on why I like them, but I'm breedign Deino in Pokemon Y, so I haven't got time to spare  :V

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness

Maiden Synnae ミ☆

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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2014, 01:34:12 AM »
Mmmm... too many to list.

Platformers: Megaman, Castlevania, Ristar, Dynamite Headdy, Shinobi, Makaimura, Actraiser 1 and 2, Kirby, Mario, Sonic, Donkey Kong Country...
Run and Gun: Metal Slug, Demon Front, Gunstar Heroes, Contra...
Beat 'em ups: Final Fight, Dungeons and Dragons (Shadow over Mystara), The Punisher, Alien vs Predator (Arcade), Powered Gear, Cadilacs and Dinosaurs, Captain Commando, Battle Circuit...
Fighters: Arcana Heart, Daemon Bride, Skullgirls, Blazblue, Guilty Gear, Ougon Musou Kyoku, Big Bang Beat Revolve, M.U.G.E.N stuff...
Shmups: Dodonpachi, Crimzon Clover, TWIlight INSanity, Guwange, Deathsmiles, Espgaluda, Mushihime-sama, Gradius, Aero Fighters, zanac x zanac neo, Trouble Witches...
RPG's: Final Fantasy (only the super famicom titles), Dragon Quest, Seiken Densetsu 3, Breath of Fire, Persona, Star Ocean, Tales Series, Romancing Saga, Phantasy Star...

And that's what comes to my mind right now. Those 6 game genres are my favorite (not really into sports, racing, puzzles, simulation... etc)
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 01:35:56 AM by ☆ Synnae ☆ »

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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2014, 06:32:07 PM »
Unreal Tournament, especially '99 one. It's like a default game on my PC now.
This and Touhou are seemingly only ones which I keep returning to. At least I cannot remember any other.

The Jealous Witch did nothing wrong.


Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2014, 07:28:19 PM »
Unreal Tournament, especially '99 one. It's like a default game on my PC now.
Oooh, I remember loving this one back in the day. It was more fun than Quake III Arena. What's the state of the Unreal Tournament (the '99 one) community currently? Are there many online matches going on at a given time?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 07:31:50 PM by navpirx »


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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #23 on: February 02, 2014, 10:44:37 AM »
Well, there're some TDM and InstaCTF servers working around, and sometimes they are even full.
There also used to be a RocketDM one, but seems like it's not working now.
So, the game is still played, and I actually wonder if it'll be alive even in another 15 years.

Though now I play more on a Russian UT3 Titan Warfare server. There's a such good latency here, as it's not that far from my local gensokyo. :derp:
« Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 10:49:05 AM by Delfigamer »

The Jealous Witch did nothing wrong.

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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #24 on: February 02, 2014, 07:39:05 PM »
Aside from Touhou, MegaMan is my one true passion series (been playing since all Megaman games+beyond)
As for other games:
-Monster Hunter (been playing since MHF1, hit me up if you wanna hunt on Wii U)
-Tekken (been playing since Tekken 5, quite good, hit me up if you want a match)
-Pokemon (since first gen, hit me up if... nah)
-Metal Gear Solid
-Harves Moon/Rune Factory
...and other miscellaneous games which are too numerous to count -__-"

Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #25 on: February 02, 2014, 09:47:45 PM »
I really enjoy playing MMOs such as Maplestory, Mabinogi, and Elsword Online in my free time. 

And who can forget the classics like Mario, Pokemon, Minecraft, etc.?

I've been playing Osu! a lot recently as well.  They've got a lot of Touhou songs. xD

Shin Rokuren

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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2014, 06:45:31 PM »
A lot of favorites but the best ones are the Wild Arms, and Mega Man X and Legends series. Especially the Wild Arms series.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2014, 06:47:57 PM by Shin Rokuren »

Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2014, 06:13:20 AM »
I guess it would have to be:
-various visual novels
I don't really play a lot of games...


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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2014, 03:01:34 AM »
Well, I guess i have quite a few picks, considering I don't play too many touhou games, haha

I won't name a specific game here because I've sunk at ton of time into a ton of these games. Gen One stands out for most time sunk, but in hindsight the mechanics are ancient compared to later gens. Also insert Mystery Dungeon games, Snap, XD, etc.

Super Mario World Probably my favorite platformer to date. Super fun, and these days you can get a ton of extra mileage from the game with ROMhacking.

Mario Kart series I don't think any other racing games can properly compete here. Mario Kart is just pure fun. It eschews the weird-ass mechanics of more realistic driving games. and items make the game a blast (even with the occasional blue shell ruining your day). My favorite is probably '64, just because it's one of the first videogames I'd ever played and sunk untold amounts of hours into.

Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Probably my favorite tactics RPG game. Disgaea makes grinding fun! The humor is top-notch, and the storyline is satisfying. I'm currently playing through Disgaea D2 (sequel to HoD), and I'm absolutely loving it.

Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie
Classic Rareware games, probably some of the best games ever released on the Nintendo 64. If you didn't like either or both of these games, I would call you nuts. The games are satisfying from start to finish, have excellent characters, plenty of difficulty, and are just all around excellent to play, and replay, and replay.

A bunch of other Nintendo games
If I kept making a list of Nintendo games I loved, this list would be massive, so here's just a runthrough: 3D Legend of Zelda games, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Super Metroid, 3D Mario Platformers (all of them), Paper Mario 2

Katamari Damacy
Great, relaxing title. catchy music, easy to pick up, enjoyable for any amount of time. Katamari has that quirky brand of humour that I find extremely amusing.

Phantasy Star Online
I can't think of a hack-and-slash game I've sunk larger and more pointless amounts of time into. Still play this game online, despite it being the most ancient of ancient console games that still have a dedicated server on the internet.

Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time
I really like the Star Ocean combat system. It is real fun to play with. It basically makes the game for me, I could really use another game like it with a realtime arena combat system, but those games are tough to find (.hack series, Tales Of series, ). Star Ocean 3 had a, in hindsight, incredibly cheesy storyline, but I for one really enjoyed it and it made me cry, which put it pretty high up the list. IMO I liked it a lot better then other epic RPG storylines (Final Fantasy stories come to mind), but my opinion so whatever. It also has great music!

Dwarf Fortress
Quite a lot of console games in that list, despite the fact I've barely touched consoles in the last 4 years. Oddly, I can't think of any other PC game to add here, aside from this one.
No good list of videogames can be complete without Dwarf Fortress. But what makes Dwarf Fortress so good? The music? Hah, there's only two endlessly looping guitar songs. The graphics? What graphics? The story? Nothing there either. Of course, Dwarf Fortress makes up for the crippling lack of all of these, which is the ridiculously deep simulation gameplay that Dwarf Fortress provides. Already the most complex game ever created, and still only in Alpha, Dwarf Fortress blows a "normal" game out of the water by being utterly interesting in how stupidly detailed it can get, and the hilarity that ensues due to this nature. The gameplay of Fortress mode is satisfyingly time consuming, and it's a great game to play with friends, or to make a Lets Play of, or to just watch. Best of all, this game has a development cycle of "one lifetime", which means there's always a new - and better- Dwarf Fortress on the way.
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: Your favourite Non-Touhou games
« Reply #29 on: February 11, 2014, 11:13:21 AM »
Just started playing Radiant Dawn again recently. What have I gotten myself into :ohdear:
a challenging strategy RPG that is at no point unfair
5 and 6 on the other hand...