Author Topic: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.  (Read 140762 times)

Seppo Hovi

Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #90 on: November 02, 2012, 11:44:43 AM »
So-so balance. I always keep telling myself that SA scoring isn't my thing. It's a lot of pressing X and hanging around certain spots for extra graze. Oh, and there's the whole restart syndrome-thing, which I seem to have with this game: it forces immense amount of restarts out of me, even compared to the other games. (I restart a lot in the other games too, even more so in this one, though.)

So, when I do the first run of the day and it clears, it's pretty unique. Kind of ironic that it's also the run that reaches the target, I guess.


Normal - ReimuA
Seppo Hovi - 820,301,760 - C - 0.090% - Replay


SA stage 1 is hugely important for the score. (Every stage 1 is, I guess) Especially on normal, where you can't let your BpV drop afterwards. So, it's forming a base for the run, and I must say that lots of the supergrazing that's going on in there causes me to restart... quite a bit. Failed the starting portion, netting in less than the 120 graze that's available from those things. I could stream them more accurately, but eeeeeh, I'm not overly focused on it. Maybe some day I'll learn something proper and good, for now this is good enough (I do get 120 occasionally with this tactic too, but it's not consistent). Pretty O.K. Midboss Kisume grazing. I'm not entirely sure how you gain graze from the final phase, I once left it with 700+, but usually it's around 650.  Entered Yamame with 1109G, it's okay for me. As long as I'm past 1000, it's ok for me. Did a bit unoptimally on the first card (it's really hard for me), went from 1335 to 1723. Getting beyond 1800 would be nifty, and I've done it for couple of times. (the best grazing run after the first card ended in me crashing into Yamame just afterwards, I found it funny and tweeted about it). The rest of the stage 1 is sitting in a spot and occasionally pressing X, at least on normal. The second nonspell is a bit tricky to graze (at least on Reimu), must be interesting on Lunatic where you might also run into the red things more commonly. Left stage 1 with 4429G and 64,890 BpV. Could be better, but I'm satisfied with this!
Stage 2 is hard. I don't do anything optimally and gather a ton of items below the PoC. I'm too used into MariB during the post-midboss portion. Lazy. Oh, and the final card is hilarious. I'm being a huge wuss.
I'm doing the pre-midboss portion of stage 3 in an awful way. I really need to watch Atu's run more and practice if I wish to play again. Oh hey, gained about 300 graze from the post-midboss. Awesomeeeeeeeeeee. (not really, though. Practice, practice. It's static you lazy bastard.)
Yuugi's second boss non... is a trainwreck for my graze. I can't get the safespot right in it (not enough practice), so I do it really unoptimally. Oh, also finished it too soon. Oh dear.. Finished with 9860G. Awful performance on the bubble-grazing, I guess. I need more stage 3 practice, really, and I've been repeating it enough in this post to bore everyone to death, so, let's move on.
Collecting items below the PoC during the opener-Orin. . . I can't really say much about this, aside from the fact that I'm bad at it. Missing a fuckton of fairies, too. Static stuff, practice awaits. Stage 4 lasers, too hard. Or, well, at least too out of practice on my side. I'll need to consult some replays here. But that would be effort, and I was not ready for that kind of stuff. Rest of the stage portion is missing both fairies and graze. Entering Satori with 13,110G and 69910 BpV. Milked 1st spell (unoptimally), bombed DBDB (the WR does it too!), and used a bomb in order to get into the position with the final card. The timeframe for not losing either of the spell bonuses is surprisingly lenient. I was afraid of it at first, but then it turned out to be nothing too hard. (it's just pressing X at the certain point, after all). 16806G leaving the stage. Yeah, I'm fine with that. 18k would be a nice target for future, I guess. Nice number, too.
Being a coward in the final wave of the exploding wisps (saving power), after which I mess up the bomb on the ying-yang orb portion. Grazing midboss Orin unoptimally and leaving one bomb for myself since I want to be certain and leave some wiggle room in the case I fuck up the popcorn bit, which did happen on this run. Entering Orin with 21720G and 79390 BpV, which is pretty nice for my standards. Fucked up the second non as usual (hurr) and ended up bombing. Grazed the penultimate card unoptimally and saved power, after which I ended up using a bomb on the finished since I'm dumb. That meant entering midboss Orin of stage 6 with only 3,xx power. Bad.
Oh, well. Bombed the shit out of Utsuho and finished with a quite nice score. I'm content with it. Content enough to make my first Royalflare submission, actually!


SA has nice music, and the gameplay is not that bad. Actually, it's a pretty neat game. I should play it more, maybe I'm just too bad for it at times and end up avoiding it due to that.

We'll see.

Time to slack off for the weekend.


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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #91 on: November 02, 2012, 05:52:17 PM »
Easy - ReimuA
Delfigamer - 333,144,310 - C - 0.0% - replay

Actually, I'm not a badass dodger. But, seems like here I've gone mad - 1 stupid death in the whole run.
I really dodge better in the morning? Bad, usually I am at school at that time.

The Jealous Witch did nothing wrong.


  • みょん
Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #92 on: November 05, 2012, 04:03:29 AM »

Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #93 on: November 12, 2012, 07:26:33 PM »
Lunatic - ReimuC
ARF - 1,557,756,800 - C - 0.0% - Replay

Alright, this might be my first record submitted that actually gets the top spot in a category that has other entries than my own. I have to say that i really didn't have any plans to return to this until just a few days ago, when I got unexpected recognition from people in the community which I highly respect. I always felt rather detached from the community before but things like these make everything much more fun. The run has a few scoring tricks in it, in stage 1 I'm just grazing the opener fairies and helix fairies as much as I can without putting myself into too much risk, letting the time run down on Kisume's second non, not really pushing myself here for graze though, trying for some spawnpoint grazing on Yamame's opener because I though I might just as well autobomb it every time. Supergrazing Yamame's second non, I'm pretty consistent at it now, and autobombing Yamame's last spell for some graze, and trying to graze it a bit when the spirals spawn, mostly failing because I'm not very used to doing it. Stage 2 is uneventful except for screwing up Parsee's last spell card.

Stage 3 is rather terrible with two misses on Storm on Mt. Ooe, I have planned suicides against her last spell, which I though I'd skip this time, but... The death on her last spell was probably a great thing, because I used the extra power to graze some more like I should. Apart from that i play it really safe, autobomb midboss card for graze, I used to be confident enough to time down her opener but i don't risk it anymore. Bomb to enter the laser safe spot since I never bothered learning the first blue wave, this is something I should change if I decide to improve this further. Enter stage 4 just short of 10,000 graze, not great, but considering how badly some things went it's ok. Stage 4 is just cashing in and trying for some graze but otherwise just survival play, I could probably learn this stage much better rather easily too. Satori is the same every time, I don't go down for extra graze during the safespot, too scared. Everything else that happens is what I expect. i had a tight dodge happen which looked cool on her last spell card though!

If I enter stage 5 at 0 power I sometimes try to spawnpoint graze the suicide bullet spirits, I have practiced this some and can usually pull off a few, it's risky though because I'm usually slow at it so I'm afraid of letting them suicide before my deathwave kills them off, and miss out on some point items needlessly. I rarely have stage 5 go in a way where I feel confident enough to not bomb the orbspam streaming, I usually suicide or bomb the pacifist friendly sections for score. I use a bomb on Orin's second non to get some point items, should learn to milk it safely instead, or do both. I try to capture spleen eater, but I'm too out of practice, I had it down pretty well for a while before. Bomb ghost wheels for graze and survival. The rest is just survival play really. Stage is the same as always, I have been lazy with learning the streaming still though so I bomb there. I tell myself to not screw up on the BoWaP spirits and actually succeed, which is pretty huge for this run I think. Supergrazing Okuu's opener always crosses my mind, but of course I don't do it. She can move up and smash you and it's pretty much impossible to predict. Okuu is just survival play, I have forgot which direction to stream the bubbles during the last non, but I proceed to capture her penultimate spell card with 0 power afterwards which felt really trippy. Bomb a lot and die once to Subterranean Sun, not upset about it though, pretty much expected.

I don't know if I'll keep working on this, if i knew that 2 billions was attainable for me I'd probably try for it, but I'm not sure how far off it is. I'll probably watch the WR and see what I can do. Maybe I should go for another difficulty? I'm pretty sure I'd get frustrated rather quickly though.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 02:22:10 PM by ARF »
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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #94 on: November 17, 2012, 10:05:47 PM »
Extra - ReimuC
Wriggle - 734,581,370 - C - 0.050% - Replay

Bad run with two freaking deaths and very little scoring effort, I'm really bad with this shot type.

EDIT: hurr more derp scores with derp shot types durr

Extra - MarisaB
Wriggle - 747,465,390 - C - 0.040% - Replay

Extra - MarisaC
Wriggle - 797,384,270 - C - 0.050% - Replay
« Last Edit: November 18, 2012, 01:22:53 AM by Wriggle »


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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #95 on: November 23, 2012, 11:25:39 AM »
Extra - ReimuA
Yao - 484,564,990 - C - 0% - Replay

~Yukkuri Shiteitte ne~
So much for Take it Easy...


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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #96 on: December 09, 2012, 03:41:39 AM »
Hmm, why not.

Extra - ReimuA
Karisa - 967,416,080 - C - 0.0% - Replay

Soul Devour

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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #97 on: December 12, 2012, 04:05:49 AM »
Well, I saw no Marisa B Hard scores's a fast little run just so there's something. Don't know if any of these are desync'd or not.

Lunatic - Reimu A
Soul Devour - 868,343,880 - C - 0.000% - Replay

Hard - Reimu A
Soul Devour - 676,510,390 - C - 0.040% - Replay

Hard - Marisa B
Soul Devour - 518,398,680 - C - 0.010% - Replay


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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #98 on: December 13, 2012, 08:46:17 AM »
Lunatic - ReimuA
Karisa - 1,990,640,420 - C - 0.0% - Replay

Clearing the game on the lives remaining after 4 scoring suicides wasn't as satisfying as I thought it would be, even though I'd been aiming for it for so long. Not when 2 billion is so close. Maybe with a better Satori battle...
« Last Edit: December 13, 2012, 08:52:13 AM by Karisa »


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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #99 on: January 09, 2013, 07:02:35 PM »
Easy - Reimu B
S-TORA - 299,585,670 - C - 0.0% - Picture

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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #100 on: January 22, 2013, 04:43:23 AM »
Extra - ReimuB
Wriggle - 872,126,730 - C - 0.030% - Replay
« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 01:55:34 PM by Wriggle »


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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #101 on: February 08, 2013, 07:14:53 PM »
Update checkpoint.
Let's fight.


  • Oh no, which direction should I move?
  • Clumsy
Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #102 on: February 20, 2013, 09:24:05 AM »
Lunatic - ReimuB
Mesarthim - 621,180,790 - C - 0.010% - REPLAY

I'm surprised I can even beat "a" lunatic since I'm only about as skilled as hard mode in most games. Stage 5 is a trainwreck and I have a really hard time with Orin. Normally I can do the second spellcard really well! But on Lunatic the waves come too fast for my experience. So uh, haha? My entry for the lowest score for ReimuB lunatic.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 09:29:21 AM by Mesarthim »

Hard 1cc: 4 (LLS), 6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW)13 (TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)
Lunatic 1cc: 8 (IN), 9 (PoFV), 11 (SA), 12.8 (GFW), 14 (DDC)
Extra Clear: 4 (LLS) ,5 (MS) ,6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW),13(TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)


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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #103 on: March 05, 2013, 04:35:37 PM »
Lunatic - Marisa C

Nindel - 1,264,937,840 - C - 0.010% - Replay   [No Death]

Kind of a shame because I didn't attempt any scoring methods; no grazing Yamame's final non on her hand etc.
Will probably work on a much better score some time in the future, 2 bil + should definitely be possible if I add grazing into the run and spend some lives for super grazes.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2013, 04:39:30 PM by Nindella »
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Seppo Hovi

Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #104 on: March 08, 2013, 07:20:01 PM »
Changes are I won't improve this for a while, so, posting anyway.


I need to have the panic medication next to me whenever I play. I should've learned it by now. Idiocy hits hard and relentlessly. Fucked up everything during stage 6. Collection, boss milking (whatever) , and then died to Petit Flare. Great.

If I scrap the mistakes and look at it, things aren't that bad. 600M would be a somewhat realistic goal if I bothered to open practice mode and improve the fourth stage.

Easy - ReimuA
Seppo Hovi - 501,180,100 - C - 0.330% - Replay

Blog time. Close your eyes.


It's funny how I always tell myself that SA scoring isn't my thing, having tried it out on every difficulty and shot, but before or later I find myself playing it for score again. Some goal, some score to snipe. This time the story is as boring as usually. I was thinking of taking a small break from IN anyway, and then I came around a link to this thread in some Youtube comments. First thing I told myself after opening the link was that I shouldn't have opened the link, but the damage had already been done. Whatever. So, I noticed the old Easy ReimuA standings, and how badly I had fared back in the day when I spent one coffee induced sleepless night trying to produce a run. That means I started playing SA once again.

I have a basic idea of a route in the back of my head, mainly for Normal though. I modified a few things and it worked just fine. BoWaP safespot is scaring me on easy, since the spot is at a different location. I don't need the safespot to beat that old thing from a year ago, but it would certainly help. Also, it's the same spot statically there every time, so all I'd have to do would be a little bit of practice at it. It's not that scary, I'm just unwanting to put effort into this game, since I don't like it that much. It's a nice refreshment every now and then. Love-hate.

Effort. I've been somewhat slow at SA, compared to the other games (or it maybe just feels like it), while I don't have much trouble surviving anything in the game due to mainly static difficulty, something always goes wrong during a full scorerun, consistency for an entire run is scary, hence I don't play much non-extra outside IN. If something goes wrong, things are often fixable. Spell failed? So what, SA spell values aren't exactly huge. Graze missed? I don't care, I'm not playing optimally. Grayed items? Missed fairies? Couldn't care less. Death. Esc plus R. The attitude towards a single death wrecking the entire run hurts. Overly safe playing later on. Getting scared about every single little bullet. Panic. Bad. And whenever I finish a run, watching it later on makes me cringe in disgust due to overly safe playing. Take the 820M Normal for example, so many silly things done wrong. So much graze lost due to wanting to play safely.

It's less of a such attitude on Lunatic (all or nothing, changes are I won't clear anwyay), and I could play SA lunatic more, but for some reason I always start up an easier mode and play it instead. Maybe I like supergrazing Yamame's frist spell too much. Or maybe I'm scared of playing Lunatic seriously after what happened with UFO. And, even forging an unoptimal route would take a lot of aforementioned effort, which I don't want to put into the game. No other reason than wanting to enjoy the ride. Have fun with the runs, put my heart into the playing and love the outcome of a stage one gameover since it was a pleasure to play the game. (Lunatic is fun for challenge runs, which tend to take a lot less of time.)

Joyous feeling. That's what I yearn for. I can play games without having fun, of course, but I don't honestly know if that'd be worth it. These are a past-time thing I do for enjoyment. It'd be nice to be decent in all of the games, but I'd rather be competitive only if I enjoyed the thing I was competitive in.

Speaking of competitive play and effort, I spent a bit over ten hours of playing today, getting this run done. It's the main bad thing about today's experience, that I got one run out of hundreds of sessions played. Restart less. Die less. Play safe... Bad score. - If this was PCB or IN, or UFO, I would've produced many runs that made it to the end by now. There's something in SA that doesn't click with me, I guess.


Ten hours, however, is not really much. Maybe a bit for one finished run, but other than that ... not really. At least not for me. I don't know if I've ever brought up addiction or things like that in any of these posts of mine, changes are I haven't. Years ago, I used to play WoW around 14 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Not exactly healthy, good or anything like that. Nowadays I play quite a bit less than I did back when I still played it, but things do get scarily close to that at times. I'd hate for Touhou to become similar drug that WoW was, and I'd hate to return to playing as much as I did when I played it. Also kind of ruins the pleasure from playing the game when you play to please an addiction instead of actually wanting to enjoy the game. So, as long as the grind feels good and I have fun (i.e. IN), and I don't start reworking my entire life around the game, it's okay. Not okay for everyone, but okay for me. Dancing in the flames, trying to not get burned. Maybe I'll have to force myself into quitting Touhou for good one day, who knows. Nothing lasts forever.


How is that releated to SA Easy ReimuA, I don't know. It's a great way to fill up a thread with useless shit, though. I've been trying to post less due to most of my posts being either these terrible blog posts, or not-entirely checked statements that are wrong in a way and end up being faulty. Account deletion? Eh, that would be somewhat harsh. It'll be the last resort, if I can't keep myself from posting bad things.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 07:22:27 PM by Vee »


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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #105 on: March 10, 2013, 08:28:25 AM »
I know the feeling. Seeing a score you know you can do better than, then spending way more time than you expected to try to improve it... Try not to make any rash decisions though. And remember that although you tend to complain about the "blog" posts you make, plenty of others have said they do find them worth reading.

Might as well post a score while I'm here. It seems this replay turned out almost exactly the same as yours. Except the final score is slightly lower.

Easy - ReimuA
Karisa - 501,084,640 - C - 0.0% - Replay
« Last Edit: March 23, 2013, 02:44:10 AM by Karisa »


  • Oh no, which direction should I move?
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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #106 on: March 23, 2013, 12:37:07 AM »
Extra - ReimuA
Mesarthim - 748,453,160 - C - 0.0 - Replay (No Miss)

Let so many score items go to waste. But because I am me I keep aiming for performance over score. One billion!? I think that won't happen with me any day soon. Release of the Id is like 50/50 depending on how hard I focus.


Hard 1cc: 4 (LLS), 6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW)13 (TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)
Lunatic 1cc: 8 (IN), 9 (PoFV), 11 (SA), 12.8 (GFW), 14 (DDC)
Extra Clear: 4 (LLS) ,5 (MS) ,6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW),13(TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)


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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #107 on: March 23, 2013, 02:43:58 AM »
Easy - ReimuA
Karisa - 558,060,270 - C - 0.0% - Replay

1-death run. Now to repeat this on Normal...

Seppo Hovi

Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #108 on: March 24, 2013, 03:05:50 PM »
And here I had planned I wouldn't play SA for a while. Then I saw your post and couldn't resist playing. I like SA's music.

Easy - ReimuA
Seppo Hovi - 565,951,490 - C - 0.110% - Replay


Oh right, these blogs. I'm a disgusting being.

Aside from holding bomb half of the run, most things were done rather unoptimally. I missed fairies for the worth of quite a few millions in stage 6, and the stages 3 and 4 were a mess, again. I didn't fail any of Utsuho's cards, this time. Seems like it was necessary after all (I had calculated that it'd be enough even if I bombed Petit Flare), seeing how close this drew.

Ah, SA optimization. I could get into it, given how there is some stuff during stages 4 and 3 that were surprisingly enjoyable to learn for Lunatic. Then I didn't bother getting down any fairy safespotting or any neater thingies for the lower difficulties. I never felt like it. Grazing momentum would also be one thing, many things are done not that well all around. But then there's stage 1 for some of the shottypes. I dislike EoSD for giving me random fairy movement / bullet spawns (in addition to the general bombspamming), and here we have important faith-dropping rocks being randomly placed around the screen. What am I supposed to do if I miss some of them? What good is it to get every neat little thing within stage 4 down, if I end up wounding behind just due to three rocks being on the opposite sides of the screen during stage 1. Maybe I should just man up and get better movements down and restart instead of blaming the game. But I won't.

I'll go play the games I like. I didn't smile after this run, I usually do. There's no looking back happily into what I've done in this game, since it'll be bad anyway: nothing good to look at. I'm one for spell value dancing and grazing stuff without bombs, I probably won't go much farther with the routes for this game. 600M+ would  be there, but it would require me to play the game. Maybe it happens, maybe it won't happen. Probably the latter.

It'd be nice to do something for every shot for a larger spread over the difficulties, but it takes time to do things, and I've got other things to do. I always will have other things to do, it's not like you'll run out of stuff to do in these games. Probably.
"You will never know.", what a bunch of detrimental belief right there. It's good to plan ahead, good to know things. Still I couldn't care less, living a day at a time.

Eh, what happened to the don't play much during weekends-thing. I guess I forgot, what a surprise, I'm rather good at forgetting things.

Thanks, see you.


Oh, and you few people who write the forms to keep the scoreboards updated in your own ... forms, If I recall correctly, Nereid was hired as a janitor simply once he sent the administrator a message consisting of "I'd like to keep the scoreboards updated." - You might have a change, go try. I've lost all of my ability to care about these boards after following the uninterested janitors/moderators for too long. It rubs off.


Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #109 on: March 24, 2013, 04:01:03 PM »
You might have a change, go try.
I think we've tried. At least I've tried. I asked on that IRC channel, but maybe you weren't there at the time. But now I've heard from Shimatora that some plans are going on for the scoreboards, I guess. Maybe? I don't know if it's like a secret or what. It would be nice if we could update the things, since keeping track of them separately is 99% of the (already minimal) work needed to do it in the first place. But I don't know what the deal is so I've kind of relented in trying to make anything happen.

e: Well, I'll try sending a PM to TSO and see what happens. If that doesn't work then I don't know.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 05:12:40 PM by Zil »


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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #110 on: April 04, 2013, 10:19:48 PM »
Update checkpoint.
Let's fight.


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Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #111 on: April 13, 2013, 12:47:48 AM »
Normal - ReimuA
Karisa - 774,492,140 - C - 0.0% - Replay

So close to getting that effective 1.5x multiplier on the stage 6 point items... and the death wasn't even at one of the usual places (Satori spell clipdeath, BoWaP safespot failure, Cat's Walk clipdeath, Rekindling of Dead Ashes). Well, next time I guess.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 01:06:17 AM by Karisa »

Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #112 on: April 16, 2013, 03:24:18 PM »
Well, why not.

Extra - ReimuB
Wriggle - 619.102.140 - C - 0.230% - Replay (no-bombs, no-focus)

Decent score, given the condition. The non-condition one sucks anyway.

Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #113 on: April 22, 2013, 06:16:03 AM »
lol i cant poc

Extra - ReimuA
Wriggle - 957,937,360 - C - 0.120% - Replays


  • Oh no, which direction should I move?
  • Clumsy
Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #114 on: May 02, 2013, 09:41:09 AM »
Hard - ReimuB
Mesarthim - 716,185,910 - C - 0.0% - replay

Stupid popcorns.

Hard 1cc: 4 (LLS), 6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW)13 (TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)
Lunatic 1cc: 8 (IN), 9 (PoFV), 11 (SA), 12.8 (GFW), 14 (DDC)
Extra Clear: 4 (LLS) ,5 (MS) ,6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW),13(TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)


  • There's no escape.
  • *
  • It's time to burn!
Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #115 on: May 02, 2013, 02:44:15 PM »
Update checkpoint.
Let's fight.


  • Oh no, which direction should I move?
  • Clumsy
Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #116 on: May 04, 2013, 04:37:15 AM »
Hard - Marisa B
Mesarthim - 672,783,440 - C - 0.000% - Replay

Edit: Screw the last replay, this one is better. My Marisa curse, especially with Change Type, still exists but it wasn't as apparent in this replay. Didn't actually die until stage 5! But when I die, I really blow it.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 06:33:22 AM by Mesarthim »

Hard 1cc: 4 (LLS), 6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW)13 (TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)
Lunatic 1cc: 8 (IN), 9 (PoFV), 11 (SA), 12.8 (GFW), 14 (DDC)
Extra Clear: 4 (LLS) ,5 (MS) ,6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW),13(TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)


Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #117 on: May 09, 2013, 04:16:10 AM »
Lunatic - ReimuB
DXK - 894,859,820 - C - 0.120% - Replay

Lunatic - ReimuA
DXK - 746,578,840 - C - 0.020% - Replay (no bomb)

Lunatic - ReimuC
DXK - 649,443,880 - C - 0.140% - Replay


  • That cat!
  • Nyaaa...
    • Youtube Page!
Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #118 on: May 11, 2013, 11:29:04 PM »
Lunatic - ReimuA
Nindel - 2,606,474,420 - C - 0.000% - Replay

Will definitely work on this ReimuA score in the future to break 3 bil, however after that I'll be focusing on MarisaB scoring  :3
Youtube Channel!
Please check it out for Touhou commentaries, LPs, piano transcriptions and more!
My Touhou replays!


  • Oh no, which direction should I move?
  • Clumsy
Re: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism.
« Reply #119 on: May 14, 2013, 09:25:44 AM »
Lunatic - ReimuC
Mesarthim - 766,937,570 - C - 0.000% - Replay

Died 4 or 5 times on stage 4. I think I'm onto something here.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 02:03:24 AM by Mesarthim »

Hard 1cc: 4 (LLS), 6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW)13 (TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)
Lunatic 1cc: 8 (IN), 9 (PoFV), 11 (SA), 12.8 (GFW), 14 (DDC)
Extra Clear: 4 (LLS) ,5 (MS) ,6 (EoSD),7 (PCB),8 (IN),9 (PoFV),10 (MoF),11 (SA),12 (UFO),12.8 (GFW),13(TD), 14 (DDC), 15 (LoLK)