Author Topic: First time playing EotSD  (Read 1206 times)

Mew seeker

  • Find things
First time playing EotSD
« on: August 20, 2013, 01:46:16 PM »
I have finally got the game and started playing it. I have managed to make it to stage 3 on easy.
So far, I have learned a few things.
It's the music that take lot, lot and lot of time installing when installing the game. Like, more than half the data. X D
I should bomb more. Like, WAY WAY more. X D
I would probably do better if I panicked and bombed. X D
It's nice to have homing bullets but there is also a great merit in being able to kill stuff fast. : P
Cirno does not start with her Icicle Shotgun. Come on, you watched videos before, you should know this already. X D
It actually take a while before getting full power mode. And I actually need more than 100 in power for this. X D
She also caught me by surprise with her freezing bullets when I should know better. X D
I probably learn how to use focus mode. It feels unnatural so far. ^^;

That being said, I managed to capture Rumia spellcard with Marisa. ^^

Also, I gave the instruction manual a quick look. There is a section that is basically called "If something would go wrong".
In it are various things to try and check to make the game work.
Afterward, there is section called "If nothing would go wrong."
In it it says "Please have fun." :3

You can wish for anything!

Re: First time playing EotSD
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2013, 02:11:47 PM »
You should probably use the blogging thread.

Mew seeker

  • Find things
Re: First time playing EotSD
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2013, 03:34:26 PM »
Ok, understood.
I put the link for the thread so that others use it too.,15361.0.html

You can wish for anything!