Author Topic: You Know You're Addicted To Touhou When ... Vol. 8 Imperishable Night Edition  (Read 222548 times)

You are addicted, when you start remaking your usually used avatars into Touhou characters.

Get ready George Washington, you will be next!  :V

When you start matching Touhou themes with people you know irl or online, or make your own for them that sounds ZUN-like.

Abraham Lincoln

  • Mendelssohn for President 2016
  • Make Bach Great Again!
When your Touhou OCs are legion.


  • pichuun
When you buy a speaker to blast touhou music everywhere.

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

  • The Oddity
  • 今コソ輝ケ、我ガ未来、ソノ可能性!!
I did enquire about the choice of music that a certain card shop holds... because I heard a certain arrangement of Utsuho's theme. Not sure which one it was or what circle it was made by though.


  • Rollin' fluffball.
  • Am I sane, or insane? That is the question.
...when you spend four years of your life developing a Touhou Fanfic idea.
That, and when you make it a habit to play Touhou tracks on the piano in the college lounge between breaks despite not being not that good with the piano, just so that you can snare any passing Touhou fan to your presence.


Also, when you start thinking of cars as danmaku when you cross the street. There's this nagging voice in my head that keeps on telling me to 'graze for points' every time I cross the street.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 11:40:18 AM by ズル »

When you are actually driving cars and when you live where everyone drives crazy your brain goes into "danmaku dodging" mode and you keep your eyes in the spaces between the cars so you don't run into them.


  • Garden of Death
  • Reaper
You've found Cirno's own brand of wine.
That time, is breakfast time!
My Fanfiction Profile:
My Deviantart Account:

When touhou's music start echoing in your mind every time changing to fit the situations

Fireworks seem weak compared to the beauty of danmaku.


  • pichuun
Fireworks seem weak compared to the beauty of danmaku.


oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)


  • Garden of Death
  • Reaper
I was just watching the fireworks yesterday night and I thought, "These are some really easy Danmaku patterns. Probably worse than Icicle Fall."
I spent the entire time visualizing a little Reimu up there, grazing the fireworks with ease.
That time, is breakfast time!
My Fanfiction Profile:
My Deviantart Account:

I know, right?  I would have killed to be able to just fly up after the grand finale and just light off Bounded Field ~ "Border of Life and Death" just to prove how pathetic those fireworks were.

Abraham Lincoln

  • Mendelssohn for President 2016
  • Make Bach Great Again!
When you are proud of some random girl, wearing black hat, because she must be portraying herself as Renko : 3

The Charleston church murderer...whoops.

...When you have your own distinct world view of Touhou that is unique and barely influenced by the views popularized by fanon.

When your friend gets a job as a hearse driver and the song you're listening to at the time is Corpse Voyage ~ Be Of Good Cheer.


    • My Let's Plays!
When you're actively trying to figure out what they'd be likely to give out for birthday gifts, for the sake of RP.

Nope, what are you talking about? I'm not such an egomaniac that I need my OC to get gifts.

......OK, so I was. But 'I' didn't actually get any from 'them.' 'I' got them from my other OCs.

My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:


  • pichuun
When you pretty much have all these huge fanstories in your head for touhou but you know for a fact you dont have the time to write them nor do you believe you have the writing skill to show it.

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)


  • Touhou, Rhythm Game, JRPG fan
When you call a character with the name of similar character appearance in Touhou.

Started building decks in your favorite card game inspired on the characters.


  • pichuun
Everytime you need to give your location on the internet you say Gensokyo.

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)


  • Love Sign
  • Master Spark
I did some meditation thingie at school and...
I seriously felt like I was communicating with Toyosatomimi for a bit.

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness

Abraham Lincoln

  • Mendelssohn for President 2016
  • Make Bach Great Again!
When you call a character with the name of similar character appearance in Touhou.

...and this is how Anger from Inside Out became Super Meat Udonge.


  • Seg Fault
When you name your cell on "Yuyuko"


  • Call of Loli: Waifu Warfare
When you use Marisa and Alice for your English conversation essay

All the time
Normal 1cc: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, LoLK, HSiFS
Hard 1cc: MoF, IN, SA, PCB
Lunatic 1cc: MoF, IN

Currently struggling against depression by writing a light novel. Also, stop talking about nazi. The fact that I have Swastika in my name makes me stressed whenever anyone brought up any topic related to nazi and neo-nazi (unless we're talking about history, then I'm up for it). No, I'm not a neo-nazi. Neither are my parents. F**k off.


  • Lifeless Energy
  • Attributes and weaknesses are the same.
-When you meditate while listening to Touhou tracks (it actually helps me so well).

-When you're watching anime and just about every maid character makes you think of Sakuya (I'm looking at you, Grayfia from Highschool DxD and Wilhelm Mina from Shakugan no Shana).

-When you see a projectile coming your way and you try to graze it.

-When you avoid using the word "lunatic" because Touhou is all that comes to mind.

-When you pull out multiple knives and practise utilizing them.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2015, 05:02:05 PM by Boomer »
I just know what I know...

Abraham Lincoln

  • Mendelssohn for President 2016
  • Make Bach Great Again!


  • Lifeless Energy
  • Attributes and weaknesses are the same.
Ugh, now I can't unhear it...
Also, when you border on becoming delusional.
I just know what I know...


  • Rollin' fluffball.
  • Am I sane, or insane? That is the question.
When your entry to 'religion' fields, when it exists (such as in FB), is either 'Hakurei Shintoism' or "Shinto, Hakurei Sect'.


  • I need to stop changing my name
When you name your character after Mokou and make a build around the Mokou's Embrace rings in Path of Exile.

When Touhou is pretty much one of the only few games you kept up with for years. :)

When you get extremely defensive whenever someone says anything bad about Touhou. (I've settled down though.)

When you really wish magic was real because of Touhou, and that if it was, you can learn how to use it.  :3


  • Lifeless Energy
  • Attributes and weaknesses are the same.
When you meditate and it feels like your channeling one of the characters.

When you comment on how beautiful the night sky is while listening to Flowering Night.

When you accidentally mention "Touhou" in a conversation when you meant to say something else.

Also, I am almost certain that magic is/can be real.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 05:47:01 PM by Boomer »
I just know what I know...