Author Topic: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]  (Read 240446 times)

R. P. Genocraft

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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #780 on: February 21, 2018, 07:00:00 PM »
Nah, the Nitori one is just perfect XD
For Reimu, how about the Greedy Oonusa/Merciless Purification Rod, ReimuA's shot from DDC? As for Sanae, it could be something miracle-related such as the Staff of Moses.
"Magical Girl's Stick"
, I can totally see Sanae using that lol


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #781 on: April 18, 2018, 02:17:16 AM »

New update to the game! Man, can't believe it's been 2 months since last one. This one fixes a bad cutscene error for Yuuka's story segment, in which after beating the final boss, it would loop to the start due to not setting a switch (this was due to the remapping of Mugenkan and moving the boss's event without its events properly). Other changes include the following:

   *Hakurei Amulet has been buffed in power:
      *Level 1: 80 > 160 healing. 4 MP > 8 MP.
      *LeVel 2: 200 > 300 healing. 8 MP > 16 MP.
      *Level 3: 340 > 540 healing. 12 MP > 24 MP.
      *Level 4: 620 > 900 healing. 16 MP > 32 MP.
      *Level 5: 940 > 1600 healing. 20 MP > 40 MP.
      *Level 6: 1280 > 2500 healing. 25 MP > 50 MP.

*Yumemi: No longer has Bluff command.

   *Subterranean Rose:
     *Level 1: No changes.
    *Level 2: 1000 power > 800 power.
    *Level 3: 1400 power > 1050 power.
    *Level 4: 1800 power > 1300 power.
    *Level 5: 2200 power > 1600 power.

*Andvarinaut: Now only grants +1 Yen per step when equipped by Reimu, and grants Double Yen when equipped by Komachi.
*All chests in Corpse Cave will no longer respawn upon opening them, giving one chance from the random chests.

And that's that! I'm still working on final dungeon, only got 5 more bosses left to test and finish up, and then that's it for the game! Outside of other things like some optional stuff, crafting system (if it stays at all), etc. Getting closer and closer...but will it be done before the end of the year or before the 12th anniversary!? Who knows! \ o /


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #782 on: May 07, 2018, 08:49:33 PM »
11 1/2 years. That's how long this game has been in development, ever changing over the years. It originally started as a silly little fangame, based on one single dream I had for the Touhou series, about what mythological stuff from other countries haven't shown up yet in the series. This was back when I actually played a lot of Touhou, and was into Touhou a lot. Nowadays, I don't even deal with the series, or rather, I haven't dealt with it outside of Soku and this game for the past 4 years. The game was putrid trash, not having any real form of customized...well, anything. The character battle sprites and overworld sprites were the most I had, but the maps were absolute trash, and the battles were very bland and generic and boring. This game saw a lot of criticism for the terrible mapping and bland gameplay, especially on the old site known as Pooshlmer where it was frequently updated on. Eventually, after reaching the 50% mark of the game as I considered it (which is the Caves to Makai), I decided to finally go back after about a year or so of not working on the game to fix up maps, and that took up another part of a year to do that alongside fixing up old bosses. Afterwards, I FINALLY pushed myself forward after 2-3 years of not going beyond the 50% mark to actually get the game done. The game evolved and evolved, and it ended up a bit bloated with a lot of various quirks and whatnot with equipment, characters, and statuses. A bit of a "feature creep", as one may say, as I figured out more fun ways of doing coding due to DynRPG and its plugins. However, in the end, I believe this actually helps make the game a bit more unique and exciting from what it would've been otherwise.

11 1/2 years ago, I started a little fangame that took up hours upon hours of time, and got me connected to a few people here and there, some of whom I've lost contact with over the years, some of whom I still talk to to this day, if not very often. Some of whom were of massive help, whether it be with coding, graphics, or testing, some of whom were really big jerks. And some whom had promised to do things, but vanished and were never heard from again.

Today, I have finally finished said game. After testing the final boss and the ending, it is all done. However, even though the game is "done", it's still not "DONE". How so? Well, so to speak, there's still quite a bit of testing and polishing left to do for the game, which requires more testrunning through the game for Blue Magic, different party configurations, equipment, treasures, enemies and bosses, and shops. So yes, the story may be done, all maps may be done, heck even as it is the game can be considered done, but I'm not done with it quite yet. If you, yes you, the ones that have helped with this game, are willing to help with more testrunning to help with polishing and finishing the game once and for all, please, lend me your aid one last time, so that I myself can finally finish this one single game.

Who knows? Maybe after this game is done, I'll finally start my own original game. Maybe...though that may never happen as I am no graphic artist meaning no way for me to do original spriting and graphics. But only time can tell...only time can tell.

For those who are willing to give it that try, here is the newest download link:


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #783 on: November 17, 2018, 01:35:53 AM »
Howdy all! So, it's been a good long while since I last posted, but at long last, I do believe the game is now finished! 99.99% done, at least, there's still a couple things that I haven't been ABLE to do (still looking for a spriter for a character), and there might still be bugs and glitches here and there, but overall, the game is actually done after nearly 12 years in the works!

* (84816.35 kB - downloaded 101 times.)

As usual, anyone that is willing to testrun the game for bugs and glitches, feedback, etc. would be highly welcomed! But for now, I will consider the game "DONE". a way, kinda makes me both very happy and very sad...I don't know how to feel overall.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 12:08:42 AM by Tom »

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #784 on: November 21, 2018, 03:13:07 PM »
Message deleted
« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 01:17:42 AM by sweetd »


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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #785 on: November 27, 2018, 08:06:16 AM »
Just started playing and I really like this!
There is a bug with the party switch item, it sometimes makes the party leader on the field move very fast when you add characters, this also happened after the cutscene where you fall under the school.  I'm not sure how to get the party leader to have their old speed again after that, seems to persist after saving.

EDIT: I found the NPC that corrects it


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #786 on: November 28, 2018, 09:55:57 PM »
Do you have Sakuya in your party, by any chance? She has an overworld passive that increases your walking speed by an extra notch.


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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #787 on: December 01, 2018, 01:04:56 AM »
No it was with Reimu, but the NPC fixed it when I talked to them

I'm stuck at the part where you have Iku Letty and Nazrin and you fight Alice.  Alice seems to regenerate any damage I do to her, was fighting for 20 minutes and still only had only damaged 2 pixels of her health.  And killing the dolls doesn't help since she respawns them on her next turn


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #788 on: December 02, 2018, 04:18:29 AM »
Huh...that's the 2nd time I've heard of this. I should test that more but....uuuuuuugh rerunning the game for the millionth time in 12 years. T-T

There is a specific enemy that needs to be defeated first before you can even think of damaging Alice at all. That is all the tips I will give on that fight.


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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #789 on: December 03, 2018, 05:13:08 AM »
I do defeat that enemy but she revives him on her next available turn, there should be more of a delay, I had to destroy that enemy 4-5 times (and its not easy to destroy either since it keeps using defend which halves damage).  After that battle though rest of the game was flawless, though now I have encountered a glitch in the dimensional rift area after the PC98 Purple Marisa battle you are sent to the room next to the battle (the one with 2 magic circles and a auto-silence fix character) without a party, all slots blank and Item menu is disabled so I can't get to the party swap scene

Edit: Fixed by opening the PCRS once and changing any party member before that battle
Perhaps you store both the current and previous party in 2 variables and the previous party gets cleared from all the party swaps from the previous scenes?
I didn't change any party members when the SDM party members met up with the Youkai Mountain party members, I just left the party selection scene (they were already equipped) perhaps this is the bug?
Maybe all party members should be unequipped so you are forced to select a new party when you are taken to the party selection scene

Edit 2: Perhaps related to the bug where if you leave the cave where Yorihime joins the party and come right back in she will say "You don't have room for me" even though she left when you left the cave.  You can fix this one also by just going to the PCRS changing party (to anything) and coming back


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #790 on: December 03, 2018, 06:52:58 PM »
Without a party??? That...shouldn't be happening at all. I wonder what's causing THAT, since it isn't storing any variables for party members in slots at that point in the game (in fact, IIRC it's supposed to take you to the HRCS area after you get both parties back together to swap?? But yeah, it sounds like something buggy is happening because maybe it's considering that everyone is still in the party when nobody has REALLY been assigned (it removes everyone when switching to HRCS at any point, but in THAT instance, maybe it didn't reset the "X_in_party" variables...that's probably it). And she just doesn't go back into the party unless you do HRCS, even though she JUST left it and it shouldn't be giving any issues? Darn game, stop being duuuuumb >_<

EDIT - Should be updated on the site now! There were some variables and stuff that wasn't in play when you got both parties back together BEFORE going into the HRCS area, THAT is what caused the issues after the PC-98 Marisa fight. As for Yorihime yeah, not sure why she isn't going back into the party if you haven't added anyone else into it afterwards. She won't come in if you have 4 party members ever, so if you leave the place, come back with a 4th party member, and try to add her, she won't join.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 08:05:17 PM by Xenomic »


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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #791 on: December 05, 2018, 12:27:11 AM »
I now have another glitch, after you get the stone with Yuki and Mai after all the cutscenes are over and you are back at Shinki's place I get a black screen, the menus still open and I can move around and get in to battles but I can't see where I'm going
Even battles are sort of invisible

Perhaps the screen was faded to black but never unfaded?  Or the scene was unloaded before the screen was faded back to normal?


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #792 on: December 05, 2018, 06:01:59 PM »
Yeah, that's exactly what happened. For some reason after all is said and done, it just...never changed it back to normal. Weird...updated it on the site, so grab that and see if that fixes it (it SHOULD, but you never know, coding might be in the wrong spot still...).


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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #793 on: December 05, 2018, 08:39:22 PM »
Another small thing, after the Prismriver Mansion sequence Reimu is not unequipped as would be expected, is it possible to make it so she gets unequipped?  In nearly all other party switch cases the characters get unequipped (honestly to an annoying level, where you enter boss fights without a weapon)

Or at least is there a way to obtain the demon charm later in the game?

EDIT: Replayed up to the point where the black screen bug used to be, its gone but the player character is invisible


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #794 on: December 05, 2018, 09:41:24 PM »
Yeah, there's only one Demon Charm in the game. Weird that I never unequipped her there of all places it's coded to do that, though you won't be able to use what she had on for now since you're past that part. Also updated to HOPEFULLY fix the cutscene issue, so one more update on THAT bit. >_<


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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #795 on: December 06, 2018, 04:39:34 AM »
Cutscene fixed, your player doesn't disappear in the following cutscenes though but that fixes itself after a few cutscenes.
After the Vina cutscene sequence I'm kind of lost as to where to go,  Seiga appeared and took some weapons and I assume you need to go to the fallen shrine, though I'm not sure where to start looking.
I tried the cave with the tanks but it doesn't let me progress past the end


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #796 on: December 06, 2018, 05:08:20 PM »
Hmm?? You mean that the player is still visible during those cutscenes?? Which ones were those?

That is to the wrong area. There's another cave in Gensokyo you have to go through to get to the Fallen Shrine. I believe that's the one with the walls you have to check??


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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #797 on: December 10, 2018, 03:53:16 AM »
The player was still visible during some of the next cutscenes (I think flashbacks??)
Finished the game, which I really liked, though on the last boss it would have been nice if there was some indication that you are actually doing the right thing when it changes phases.  I originally thought I was doing something wrong when boss kept full healing through the fight (as in some of the fights you are allowed to lose the boss does just that).  One thing I really liked about the game was that there were many playable characters to pick from, though I was a little disappointed you can't keep some of the characters you are given for dungeons later on in the game.  Also, did all the fragments original names related to their current names?  Elpis and Thana(tos) were obvious but I couldn't figure out the other ones even though I know Greek

Heres some bugs I found in the game:

  • Void Castle: You can't leave the room up the middle stairway with save circle and bars that block the way (the door on the bottom of the screen does nothing!)
  • HRCS: Marisa's dialogue should change after Prismriver Mansion events
  • Tengu Inn: Lobby Tengu's dialogue should change after Prismriver Mansion events (or make it depend on who the party leader is at the time?)
  • Underground + Cave to Makai + Magic Stones Void: Some bridges you can walk under are NOT obvious, I was stuck there for a while until i realized "this isn't a wall, its a bridge"
  • Optional battles at endgame (the blue portal ones on the world map) make your player character invisible permanently, you have to reset to get them back
  • Pandora's Box:  In the last few scenes theres a building (?) with a ladder you climb up, you can just climb up the wall, there is no collision detection
  • General/Everywhere: Roofs of buildings sometimes display below the character/your character shows on top (especially corners of roofs) this could just be a limitation of the engine though
  • Shinki's place: Some hallways on the upper floor dead end, and there is a scene on the ground floor on the right that is just a hallway, no doors.  I get it needs to look big but that's a lot of walking in an area you end up spending a lot of time in
  • Gloom's event: Patchouli's cure is not obvious, took some luck and time in finding what I had to do
  • Ruins of Vina: Theres quite a few invisible walls in this area which makes exploring it kind of annoying (outside near some castle? if you take the left path)

Lastly, any plans for a sequel or continuation?


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #798 on: December 11, 2018, 01:37:32 AM »
Flashbacks...where did they take place? Do you recall?

Glad you liked the game! Makes me happy to hear someone enjoyed playing through it, much less fully finishing it! There are a couple optional bosses that you can fight, if you really want to give them a try (and they do need testing). If you'd like, I can point out where they are to find them easier? Unless you've already fought them all and somehow managed to beat them?? And yes, the fragment's names are related (i.e. Elpis is literally translated as Hope). Chaos is the odd one out, being a name I came up with since it felt like it fit her well.

Yeah, I'm thinking of maybe changing the BG theme during each phase to the fragment's respective themes to indicate the change of phase. Was that fight actually balanced? Was it broken at all? I know it's one of those fights I never actually fully tested so....

Hmm...will look into those. Though I could've sworn I made Ruins of Vina inaccessible...did I make it accessible at some point? Because as you probably saw, there's literally nothing there. @_@;

There's no plan for a sequel of continuation of THIS game, but I HAD planned on doing a game specifically for the Fragments themselves, being a CANON game to just them.

The fixes so far:

*Door in Void Castle should be fixed now.
*After talking to Patchouli, Sakuya will give you the hint you need (since she would have some kind of idea of how to deal with that).
*Two of those optional bosses were bugged with players not being reset, and now should be fixed.
*A certain superboss in the Void has no warning before fighting him, but the location where he is at is CLEARLY marked now to warn you "Hey, this might be bad...".
*Kinda hard to make the bridges more obvious, especially if you're referring to the ones that run Up/Down. I don't know what to do about those. ^^;
*Do you know where these are at (Pandora's Box/Roofs)? Possible screenshots can help me more.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2018, 02:26:09 AM by Xenomic »


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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #799 on: December 18, 2018, 11:08:59 PM »
I don't remember which flashbacks it was, but it was in Makai and before Gloom.  Also, after finishing Makai I was disappointed you couldn't keep Shinki as a party member but oh well...
The Ruins of Vina have field scenes that are not used anywhere if you can't explore it?  As in they are not shown in any cutscene
As for the last fight it wasn't too bad, considering you have a lot of items at that point in the game, though I might have been a little overleveled, my party was around lvl 50.

The fragments were the part of the story I least understood, and what the temple was even for and why they worked there in the first place.  So that's a great idea for a "sequel"

Here is the wall


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #800 on: December 22, 2018, 10:39:06 PM »
Hmm. I may have to do yet another run of the game myself, as much as I'd rather not. T-T

Shinki would've been TOO good to keep anyways, I feel. For the record, don't know if you know, but during the segments you had her, if she were to die at all in any fight, it's an instant game over too. Yup, Shinki this entire time was basically Banon, just infinitely more powerful. ^^;

The entire area was playable, was TOO big (the biggest area in the game) and could potentially take up to 2 hours or so just to explore the entire place IIRC, since it was SUPER easy to get lost. And as it was, there wasn't even anything of note to find there. No enemies, no items, etc. The bosses that WOULD have been there were all dummied out, and were just relegated to the flashbacks.

There wasn't any bugs with it or anything? That's the big issue I'm worried about. Level 50 is about what I was hoping the player would be anyways, I think when I got there I was around that level (and of note, I did all of the last few segments of the game, from the last Skill Shop in Pandaemonium to endgame without any skill upgrades, so I was doing about 1000-1500 or so with my strongest non-Yuuka attacks, so I could make sure they WERE doable if you never found the hidden skill shop in the Void).

Yeah, the game doesn't do an exceptionally good job of explaining the fragments in early game is the main problem. They were originally normal regular humans (bar Fate who still had her farsight abilities, albeit SUPER weak at that time but still powerful of course) and Chaos with her super strength, but the game never talks about either of them there. If by the temple you mean the one that you see everyone at a lot, that's just the temple that Fate is generally at (since she's confined to that most of the time as she stated in one flashback). The "sequel" was going to be just the OCs with no references or anything from other sources (i.e. nothing from Touhou, Final Fantasy, etc.) and it being its own thing, so it would've explored them a lot more. The problem though is how to handle such a game, as it's hard to do a game with just Hope as the main protag as she's normally a big pacifist, and isn't known for her offensive capabilities at all...


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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #801 on: December 23, 2018, 09:18:18 AM »
Oh didn't know about the gameover thing, I thought the instant gameover only applied to the 3 way party split sequence (the fort condor style area).  Maybe she could be nerfed after the story sequence (like Byakuren/Suwako), regardless she still wouldn't be as OP as Hope once you get the move Extinction and Chaos' skillset

As for Hope being a pacifist and all you might be able to do something like team with Fate, Chaos or Gloom from early on?  Or something similar to Undertale where battles are based on dialogue/actions and more like puzzles you have to "solve".


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #802 on: December 23, 2018, 05:50:19 PM »
Extinction is very powerful, aye, though it IS very risky and resource consuming as well I think. I could be wrong, it might be GROSSLY overpowered in fact. I actually never used Chaos's skillset since I like using Hope's initial skillset the most (a few are like that too that I know that's played the game. Nobody ever uses Gloom's skillset like ever lol...poor Gloom).

Well, there's a little thing with doing a starting story with them that would actually prevent such a thing, so it wouldn't be that simple sadly. Maybe in later installments if there were any, it'd be MUCH easier to do, but not in the first one at all. I've heard of people suggesting Undertale as a thing that it could be based upon, but I dunno if I'd want to go that route either honestly. It's a very hard decision when starting a game like this, hue. At least with THIS game, it all came to me from one single dream years and years ago, when I was thinking of what all cultural mythological stuff was in Touhou, and realized there really wasn't anything from Greek, and then immediately came to think about Pandora's Box in Gensokyo, and the rest is history. ^^;

So if I may ask, here's some questions for ya since you finished the game!

1) What part of the game did you like/dislike the most?
2) Any boss(es) that you found to be the most easy/difficult? Superbosses are separate from this, of course, but I'd like to hear about them too, assuming you've fought them all.
3) Any favorite/hate character (in terms of story and in terms of playability)?
4) Any favorite/hated dungeon(s)?
5) Anything you would think should have been different (other than missing graphics, of course, since I don't have anyone to do the graphics for the two characters that are missing them...)?
6) Any favorite/hated part of the story?
7) Any favorite/hated characters out of the OCs (that are not Touhou characters)?
8) Favorite party configuration(s)?

I'm sure I could've came up with more questions, but it's hard for me to do that too! T-T


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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #803 on: December 24, 2018, 06:21:44 PM »
Eirin could well be Artemis from Greek Mythology since she uses a silver bow and is related to the moon.
I'm not sure how good basing the game off Undertale would be but the combat concept could work.

1) I really liked the Youkai Mountain and Makai partd, the one area I didn't like was Cave to Makai because it was too long and confusing
2) Kotohime was the easiest boss and was annihilated after every battle.  Alice was probably the hardest boss once she got access to dolls
3) Out of the Touhou cast best would probably be Marisa and worst Tenshi (because you fight her way too many times)
4) Best would be Reimaden Mansion, puzzle was pretty interesting, worst is cave to Makai or passage underground (sealed off area)
5)  Alot of the later games indoor rooms felt too big.
 Pandaemonium has some dead ending corridors in the upstairs floor and some rooms that are too big.
6) I liked Youkai Mountain and I didn't like Poltergeist Mansion (this could just be because I lost demon charm there...)
7) Out of the OC my favorite would be Fate and didn't have one I specifically disliked
8) [Reimu, Sanae, Suwako, Yuuka/Marisa] until Poltergeist Mansion, then [Sanae, Suwako, Yuuka/Marisa, Koishi] until you get Hope, then [Reimu/Sanae, Hope, Suwako, Yuuka/Marisa].  If all characters were available I'd be using [Shinki, Hope, Chaos, Kanako] (Chaos is more useful when she gets her own turn instead of via Hope since you don't waste a turn to switch movesets)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #804 on: January 06, 2019, 05:32:09 PM »
That is very true, I forgot about that. May not be as clear cut as say Pandora, but yeah. You know what I mean nonetheless I think. ^^;

But yeah, did you fight any of the superbosses (outside of Hakurei Shrine, Youkai Mountain, Remains of Hells, and inside Silent Shrine and The Void)? o.o?

1) Oh? What exactly about both parts did you like (and what part of Makai? You mean the entirety of the Makai segment? I assume because the story actually felt like a story and not all over the place. I can understand Cave to Makai, it does drag on a bit TOO long, but it's meant to be the intermediary between the two points of the game, so that's kinda why it's the way it is, even with its own unique music~).
2) Oh right...forgot Kotohime lol. I'm assuming you mean the non-joke fights with her and the actual fights? Surprised to hear Alice remains the hardest boss, figured there'd be others that'd be tougher than her, but I do think she's one of the more challenging ones for sure.
3) Ah, Tenshi. I think she's fought a total of 9-11 times total in the game, excluding repeat fights like in Hollowed Caverns? She's a tenacious one, that one. What makes you like Marisa the most, if I may ask?
4) I tried really, REALLY hard to get that puzzle to work. I know it's also really confusing too, especially if you're going for all the rewards, but I'd like to think that it turned out decently enough? Utilizing those Fire Emblem zodiac icons wasn't easy either. Don't know what you mean by the passage underground though?
5) Care to explain? Like which indoor rooms? For buildings? Because I can agree that while I tried my best to make them not that big, some are still pretty big (and I never fully remapped Pandaemonium simply because it was a hassle to even deal with...).
6) N/A
7) Oho? Care to explain? Curious to hear why that is~
8) Interesting, someone actually using Suwako (and Sanae too. Before nobody used either, mostly because both were pretty bad). Suwako isn't TOO broken, is she? I know she's got some terribly strong stuff, but I'm hoping that she isn't overly powerful. Finding balance is really hard (same with Extinction and Chaos's skillset, are those too broken/good?).


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Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #805 on: January 13, 2019, 03:57:59 AM »
1) I liked pretty much all of the Makai segment for the reasons you stated.
2) Kotohime even in the non joke fights was easier than most other bosses at that point in the game
3) Master Spark (...and Final Spark)
4) The area where you go to find Yuugi?  Theres a lot of places where you need to walk on lava and it was a little repetitive with the healing whenever you got out
5) I don't remember but a lot of the later buildings in the game felt a little big
7) Fate's story was interesting
8) Suwako's Ancient Jade was really useful as it could reliably inflict slowness in boss fights (also poison/drain) and the effects stacked (casting Ancient Jade twice didn't remove the first cast's effects).  Sanae had cheap healing (comes in handy on the field).  Extinction is the only ability I could find in the game that could deal more than max damage 9999 to bosses and with a fast party its possible recover from it before the boss gets their turn.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #806 on: April 06, 2019, 12:43:23 PM »
Well I finally returned to the game and lost quite a bit of progress, but here's the problem, when I finished the story between Order's past it somehow turned black and i can't see anything but i can save though. It never happens to me in the past though...[attach=1][attach=2][attach=3]
Just keep it neutral :3


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #807 on: April 06, 2019, 02:28:16 PM »
Is this super late in the game or...?? May be easier to just tell me, I can find the maps from there. I'm assuming it's at the end of the story segment.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #808 on: April 12, 2019, 08:27:29 AM »
Well I lost a lot of data, picked up the save file with battles between 3 groups in Pandaemonium, after that the dialogue between the fragments of Pandora and after I finished the rift on Frozen Fields, then go through a dialogue and the whole screen is in darkness. (I'm sorry i have really poor memory)
Just keep it neutral :3


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #809 on: April 27, 2019, 03:16:07 AM »
Huh. So, it's supposed to teleport you from the final Frozen Fields event, to the event with Order/Death, and then take you back to Pandaemonium at the entrance before dumping you in the throne room. For some reason, the teleport event is listed as going straight to Pandaemonium instead. I don't think the Order/Death event happens earlier, right?? I did fix your file you have a save before you finished Frozen Fields, by any chance?? If so, get the newest version and then test it please? It does mean redoing the boss fight(s), assuming you have the save file. Otherwise...well, it's going to be awkward when I fix your save file and you end up in a cutscene that isn't working right. ^^;;;