Author Topic: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]  (Read 240593 times)

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #600 on: February 18, 2016, 05:45:10 PM »
I spent around TWO hours trying to find the barrier key in SDM. The first two keys were obvious (backyard and tower), I know there's one in the fairy invested living room (but one misstep forced me to slaughter half the fairies). After that I spent around an hour trying to find the last key before I went screw it and watch your let's play (somehow I missed a sane fairy located on 2nd floor, silly me). Watching your let's play makes me realized how much refined the current SDM.

For the enemy, the Maid can inflict Sap status which makes them credible threat. The Scarlet Maid has TWO Instant Death attack and a full heal. I thought they were the NOTORIOUS enemy before I read your bestiary (I beat Patchbot easily thanks to Cirno's Call and because it mainly target it's organic counterpart to little effect). Because the first part littered with these enemies and you can't escape from them, it's harder than the library and basement.

Eientei is a change of pace, the enemies there doesn't inflict much damage, but they have varied weaknesses and immunity, so it's just mainly finding out enemies weakness.

- Hitting enemy's immunity doesn't make the damage listed as IMMUNE.
- Some status effect gives no indication whether or not the enemies are inflicted (the only indication for Freeze is for the enemy to skip it's turn, Heat and Berserk have the same indicator (turn red) which makes me scared shitless in Reisen's fight)
- I like how only 10% of the items were found in chests. The rests found on environment.

I'm going to have so much fun fighting the last 2 boss in Beta1
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 05:54:16 PM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #601 on: February 19, 2016, 12:15:05 AM »
Yeah, it's not super obvious where 2 of them are. Well, the backyard one and the one in the tower are obvious places I guess, as well as the living room area with all the fairies and the one lone fairy that doesn't move. The last one, not so much because it expects the player to remember the rooms that they couldn't visit the first time they went inside. >_< And yeah, old SDM was really terrible looking and just bad. There's less fairies here than the old one too I think.

Aye, Fairy Maids originally were just...the Fairy enemy from Misty Lake pretty much. They got changed to be a bit more meaner, same with Scarlet Maid which originally was just upgraded Fairy/Fairy Maid with level 2 elemental spells. Coffee is by far the worst since it's a Fire-elemental attack and Cirno/Meiling are weak to Fire, as well as it inflicting Heat (take any action while under Heat, instant death. Sentinel bypasses this I think).

Eientei's enemies used to JUST be the Tewi? and Trap Door enemies you fight throughout it. It didn't have the Bamboo Forest enemies at all, and it even has a couple enemies not found until much later in the game (which is pretty mean of me, all things considered...). But it's definitely easier maybe, as long as things don't bug out (please let me know if there's any bugs or text cut-offs or anything of the sort. ^^; )

Yeah, 2K3 doesn't have that option. There's a plugin that does that, but it's broken (crashes the game if you use an Item after an enemy uses an attack). This same plugin also allows me to decide what attacks can be avoided with Blink, what can be specifically reflected by Reflect, and how much of the ATB bar it increases/decreases upon damaging an enemy or using a skill. So it'll be really nice once it's fixed up. ^^;

Yeah, the current plugin I'm using that shows the enemy HP/ATB bars allows me to show status icons. I just haven't messed with that yet since I don't know how the plugin really deals with it (and I have like...500 statuses to deal with because most statuses have 10 levels me).

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #602 on: February 20, 2016, 10:00:40 AM »
Damn, I must be pretty stupid if I continue to get stuck on puzzles. In Eientei I found some oddities, nothing game breaking though.

- BGM doesn't change when you enter Forest of Bamboo from Eientei
- The Teleporter on the room after Trap Door leads to... SDM? Is this Tewi's doing?
- Reisen's Poison Curtain still inflicts Sap, and yes, it wrecks my party.
- During the chase scene against Nemesis!Kaguya, she gets stuck immediately the moment she chased me. No wonder she sic Tewi? on us in the next room.
-  During the chase scene against Nemesis!Kaguya, the battle music went silent (Kaguya's theme supposed to override everything right?).
- Patchouli still refers to the Illusion before fighting Remilia despite there's no illusion -based puzzle anymore.
- Rabbit: "Left, left, straight, right." Huh? What'chu talkin' about rabbit?

Personally, I still prefer the old puzzle except the quiz and item sacrifice.

About Eirin and Remilia, they're both really hard because they have TPK attack. But after you changed their attack, I breezed through them. Hmmmm.....

Note: I want to play as Kyouko! Look at her stats, she's far better than our party combined. Her skills all in the range of 1000 - 2000 power. I bet she's able to beat Pandora all by herself, she's like Mickey Mouse from Kingdom Hearts.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 10:24:58 AM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #603 on: February 20, 2016, 10:06:11 AM »
*Huh...strange. That's something I'll fix up, I guess I made the music fixed to an event or something.
*Actually yes, that teleporter there is MEANT to get you back to SDM quickly in the event you needed to go heal. That's a leftover from the old Eientei where Bamboo Forest was horrendously bad.
*Poison Curtain is still meant to inflict Sap heh.
*Yeah, RPG Maker AIs are really, really dumb and don't do pathfinding at all. ^^;
*The...battle music was supposed to be Kaguya's theme yeah. Something probably broke somehow. >_<
*Oh...right. I forgot to change that since there's no more illusions. Oops!

lol. Kyouko WAS going to be an optional character at one point, even came with full abilities and the like, but...I decided against it since there's already way too many characters. ^^;

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #604 on: February 21, 2016, 03:53:06 PM »
*Poison Curtain is still meant to inflict Sap heh.
Guess I misread one of your update. Also, one of the rabbit in Eientei still refer to the old maze puzzle (left, left, straight, right)

Beta2 is pretty awesome, especially Youkai Mountain Arc.

Village Underground: The Dungeon is pretty challenging with many damaging tile and Save Point decoy. The enemies there is annoying, befiting a cave level with only the lamp type and darkness enemy being dangerous. The bosses is legitimately difficult, you have to fight 2 bosses back to back with varying weakness. Ironically, Reimu seems to do better against them. I only found 2 oddities:
- The battle background is not placed correctly.
- Speed bug! Finishing this dungeon immediately sends you to Youkai Mountain with new characters. If you happens to use Sakuya before, you will move in slow motion, considering the size of the mountain... (And you can't HRCS :-[  )

Youkai Mountain: It is awesome... But really takes a while to finish. I think the main theme for it is "escort". you spent 2/3 of it escorting weak character. Half the enemy will one-shot Aya and Sanae's... just there. During the second part, I put my heavy hitter on Reimu's team, unaware that Momiji's team faces even tougher boss. The last part kicks all kinds of ass. But you still escorting someone though. Oddities:
- Signs cannot be interacted. (No indication left = Tengu. Right = Moriya)
- I think canonically, Suwako's elemental affinity is Earth and Kanako's is Wind.

I bet I can beat Kanako had Suwako's skills didn't suddenly severely weaken

I realized something, we didn't need to grind EXP in this game, we need to grind money.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2016, 04:40:08 PM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #605 on: February 21, 2016, 09:27:03 PM »
Huh...that's an odd speed bug to have happen. I may have to check that out myself to see if that happens to me as well. Nothing about the final 2 beta1 bosses?? And yeah, that's just the size of that battle background. I can't do much else about it sadly. T-T

Yeah, Suwako's Earth and Kanako's Wind. I don't remember why I made them the way I did, but I guess I just wanted another Water user since Nitori's the only one, and even she doesn't use THAT much Water (granted, neither does Suwako...). Not sure if I'll actually change that or not honestly.

Yeah, EXP is hardly needed in this game. Yen, on the other hand....

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #606 on: February 22, 2016, 03:55:17 PM »
Nothing about the final 2 beta1 bosses??
About Eirin and Remilia, they're both really hard because they have TPK attack. But after you changed their attack, I breezed through them. Hmmmm.....
Or maybe it's because they never use their strongest attack against me? Did I whoop them too fast?

Hakugyokurou Arc:
Main Protagonist: Reimu and Youmu

Snow Forest: A snow forest that is pretty easy to navigate and filled with Ice based enemies. Half the enemy there only mildly bothering you, the other half (Snow Beasts, a freakin' NOTORIOUS Toad, and NOTORIOUS Half-Ghost) on the other hand will burn through your 1-up and B stock(which is why the game gives you 10 1-up in a row). The Boss were nothing special, basic attack (with Fire), heal strategy will get you through.

Undertale moment: If I fight with intent to escape, the enemies will try to kill Sakuya, always happens.

Hakugyokurou: Despite being just a long stairway, the encounter is so hard that I was forced to F12 if I meet a bad encounter (Can't escape). The NOTORIOUS Fairy only serve as a testament how weak Reimu is. Youmu is the main here as she'll exorcise almost all the ghost and the focus during the second part of Hakugyokurou. I tried to be a badass trying to 1v1 Yuyuko, she dunked me in less than 5 seconds. I guess that's to be expected since it's a test for Youmu to rely on others. But still, that's pretty funny. Yuyuko is a gigantic waste of B and 1-up. Her second form is... Exdeath??? She's so tough I didn't realize she was nerfed.

Unfair moment: 1 enemy near death, I attack it with all 4 member, all misses.

- HRCS-ing in Forest of Snow somehow changes the BGM there to its Vanilla form.
- HRCS-ing Youmu for the first time doesn't replace Kyouko, resetting does fixes it. Maybe I shouldn't do that. Imagine, Kyouko vs Exdeath!Yuyuko, she never stood a chance.
- 3 books on the left in Kirisame is uninteractable (upgrading new character can only from Youkai Mountain onward).

Climbing Youkai Mountain is a pain, it took 5 minutes including random encounter, another 5 minutes to buy scrolls and using them, and another 5 minutes to climb down.

Parsee's portrait makes her looks like a tsundere. (What's with the constant blushing)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #607 on: February 22, 2016, 08:31:13 PM »
Sidenote: Bring Reisen to areas you've completed (such as Youkai Mountain). The game NEVER explains this,'ll see. Just check around the first screen or so and you'll find out.

Remilia only uses "Red Magic" when at 25% or less HP (btw, after Youkai Mountain you can go to SDM for an optional boss fight. The game never mentions this at all). Eirin will do the same after charging up a Bomb Charge at 1000 or less HP, using only Galaxy in a Pot. She used to use that move regardless, but she got nerfed to having to use the Bomb Charge beforehand so as to make it not as ridiculous to keep up if she used Hourai Elixir.

Yeah, Snow Forest isn't too bad (even more of a joke if you brought Patchouli with an Ice-resistant equipment like Barette). The boss honestly isn't meant to be hard at all (even Youmu's boss fight isn't meant to be hard), but Hakugyokurou is (Winter Forest is more of a break between the hard dungeons heh). That HRCS thing is weird though. You mean it reverts back to Phantasmagoria for the theme instead of Paradise?? That's weird about Kyouko, sometimes it does that. I think it's because I don't properly reset variables and the like before sending the player to the HRCS area. And yeah, those books are meant to be that way.

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #608 on: February 24, 2016, 04:01:34 PM »
Sidenote: Bring Reisen to areas you've completed (such as Youkai Mountain). The game NEVER explains this,'ll see. Just check around the first screen or so and you'll find out.

(btw, after Youkai Mountain you can go to SDM for an optional boss fight. The game never mentions this at all).
That HRCS thing is weird though. You mean it reverts back to Phantasmagoria for the theme instead of Paradise??
That gap thingy right? I thought it was Yukari fooling around.

This unfortunately has the side effect of locking SDM until I recruit her. Oh well, at least she's having a Shrine Maiden, Gatekeeper, a rabbit, and a magician for dinner. You also forgot to mention there's another one at Youkai Mountain, this time I learned a very important lesson: Don't fuck with spring

Yes, the song switches from Paradise to Phantasmagoria. I'm using Extended version.

More Oddity:
- Entering other place gives you "Enter xxx ? Yes/No", Garden of the Sun? Immediately enter for a discount trip to game over land. (If it were Disneyland though, I'll hit it)
- One treasure in Eientei changes the BGM to Resting BGM on loop. Needless to say, I F12.
- An item named Precieuese doesn't have description.
- 1/3 of Youmu's stance skill doesn't have description.
- Ascension Kick Level 1 scroll description: Power 250, [Phys] [Ignores Defense]. Compare that to other scroll.
You can't HRCS in Eientei 2 :-[
- Collision Detection in Eientei...

Protagonist: Reisen and Reimu
Holy shit! This game has jumped the moon! There are two things I wouldn't expect from a Touhou RPG: A death scene and a torture scene. Imagine how surprise I was after seeing one of these two unlikely scenes. The boss battle managed to swing from sad, to awesome, to sad again.
Although I don't think Reisen has become stronger, she doesn't learn new skill and she still waste B.

Though it would be breaking if Reisen HRCS line changes to "Master..."

PS: Fighting 10 Rabbit in a row without break is really exhausting, even if they have high EXP and YEN.

Since I completed Beta2, I guess no more Yuuka for me.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2016, 04:03:19 PM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #609 on: February 24, 2016, 09:42:18 PM »
*Did I not give the option so you could retreat if you entered Garden of the Sun?? I thought I added that along with that...blah! >_<
*Hm...that chest I'm thinking of just removing since it doesn't really serve any purpose.
*Oh, that weapon. Yeah, I just never added one to it. It's just a weapon for Momiji is all it is.
*That's because Youmu's stances are dummied right now. I could've sworn I removed those too. Blah!
*Yeah, the collision detection I need to fix.
*Well, Eientei 2 is kinda relatively short so I didn't think you'd need to do that. Plus, you kinda needed Reisen and I didn't want to deal with that that early in the game. ^^;
*I think it's still possible to get Yuuka? She's there until halfway through beta3 IIRC.

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #610 on: February 28, 2016, 03:52:10 PM »
Yuuka = Earth, Meiling = Earth. Bringing Meiling against Yuuka = WIN. Remember what I said about non-indicative status? When Meiling got hit by Yuuka's Envenom, I used every single status recovery items until I just Miracle it (What does it inflicts anyway? Besides poison I mean). Yuuka's Master Spark vs Remilia = WIN. Until Beta2, there's only 1 indoor based dungeon doesn't it?

- Description for Soul Splitting Scythe lv 2 scroll says it upgrades it to lv 3
- Sakuya's portrait has holes in her eyes
- Cirno's skill continued to be unavailable in Kirisame long after we got her back.
- Sometimes, absorbed damage doesn't heal, instead deals negative damage (ex: -700). It still does the same thing though.
- Try using Komachi as the Leader. It's Touhou Fantasy: The Clone Menace.
- Does Reisen's Insanity works?
- I'm unable to tent in Road of Reconsideration after defeating Lich, forcing me to use the very expensive Inn. (Great, now the game is scamming us)
 * And then, Suika came.

Road of Reconsideration: The mirror have 5000 HP and yet they have the same payload as Tewi? Granted, she halves elemental. Fighting against them is already miserable and yet you expect us to Mug them? Geez... Spamming Mug every turn is just...tedious. Mugging bosses is even more tedious. The encounter is a little weird, first area I mostly fought a bunch of Nitoris and Patchoulis with occasional Reimu, second area is filled with Youmus and Cirnos. Maybe it's just me though.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2016, 04:49:23 PM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #611 on: February 28, 2016, 08:57:33 PM »
Envenom inflicts Venom. That's all it does. It doesn't inflict Poison at all, although both statuses are cured the same way. I don't have all the status icons/sprites so not everything is going to be shown.

*That's because all of the higher leveled skills are at Youkai Mountain now. Human Village becomes obsolete by the time you have access to the Tengu Village the first time.
*That's a bug with 2k3 that I can't do anything about (the healing thing sometimes showing as - damage instead of green numbers).
*Reisen's Insanity does not work. I found that out a while back and am thinking of what to do to replace it.
*Exactly. That's why I did that. You're never able to use the Tent in that area (Komachi DID say the place was super dangerous, so why would you camp out in that area, right?).
*The rewards from some of them are worth it though. Usually Level 3-4 scrolls for characters that don't have them yet, a couple rare skills from Sakuya's and Nitori's mirrors, and Patchouli mirrors have Magic Crystals to steal too if you're so inclined.

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #612 on: March 01, 2016, 01:21:09 PM »
Envenom inflicts Venom. That's all it does. It doesn't inflict Poison at all, although both statuses are cured the same way. I don't have all the status icons/sprites so not everything is going to be shown.

*Exactly. That's why I did that. You're never able to use the Tent in that area (Komachi DID say the place was super dangerous, so why would you camp out in that area, right?).
Poison and Venom I can shrug off just fine. The problem is it freezes Meiling, which is troublesome.

In FFV, I make a tent on a castle that is set to explode in 15 minutes.
I don't know, maybe it's because there's another boss to fight? It's not like LISA where anything can happen if you sleep in wrong places.

- Exiting certain house in Remains of Hell put me in different spot from where I was, nothing gamebreaking.
- Two instances of butchering Shikieiki's name in her arc.
- I thought that 5 eyes demon was called YuugenMagan.

Great, now there are instant gameover in world map.

Chireiden Arc:
Main Protagonist: Reimu, Marisa, Momiji. (You'll be using them throughout the entire arc)
I could mention around 10 characters who doesn't have excuses in going to Hell. If you know what you're doing (fire resist gear to everyone), the Remains of Hell is easy. Only a group of 4 enemies or more and Basilisk give me real trouble. The sheer length of it is what makes this place hard, one bad encounter could make you load your save file.

The bosses in Phase 1 could be passed through with mere glance, I especially liked the part where Utsuho helped us in Marilith... when Momiji already kicking her ass.
Phase 2 boss is hard. Let's just say I took a few tries against Tenshi, Parsee, Kisume and against Utsuho. Best part of phase 2 is Yuugi's strongest skill does squat against all bosses in phase 2.

This Arc manages to top Eientei in term of story. Whereas Eientei
caused a single fatality, Chireiden caused FOUR fatality! You don't get a chance to grieve before the bad guys claims another lives. I think this game has a sadistic equivalent exchange, if you want an awesome curb-stomping battle, you must prepare for a death scene afterward. In the end, the player and the characters feels the same thing: emptiness.

By the way, the Void's SFX could cause a gigantic mood crusher.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #613 on: March 01, 2016, 11:05:35 PM »
Venom is based exactly on its FFIX variant. Combination of Poison, MP Sap, and Stop (meaning if all characters get Venom Lv10 on them, game over. Same with Petrify Lv10 and Stop Lv10).

*Yeah, I keep forgetting to fix those. Though that city may get revamped later on so...
*Probably back when I kept forgetting to put in the h in her name a lot way back when. Much like with Yuuka being Yuka and Tewi being Tei.
*It might be, but I generally don't capitalize the m for some reason.
*Oh don't worry, those aren't the updated versions which will be scarier~
*Yuugi's Four Devas Arcanum is actually the quickest way to kill Kisume since she's weak to Earth. Parsee and Tenshi don't care much for it though, and Utsuho is immune to Earth due to her flying nature (as all fliers are want to be). She's still good though for most other parts, but really REAAAAALY slow. ^^;

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #614 on: March 02, 2016, 04:49:12 PM »
*It might be, but I generally don't capitalize the m for some reason.
It's not that, you wrote it's name as "Yuugenmagen"

- Apparently, all Prismriver are gloomy as heck. Even goth aren't as gloomy as them. Aya must've bad interview with them.

Yuuka's Threaten is stupid. By the time you got her, only enemies from Forest of Magic and Misty Lake that can be Threaten. I guess she's just adorable as she looks.
I even think her characterization is like a slightly more mature Cirno

I don't like how both Suwako and Sanae immediately left the story after their Arc. Their skills even become outdated fast. (At least Yuuka become one of five main characters and Remilia at least have interactions)

Prismriver Arc:
Who ever thought an ordinary mansion like that become a place for a climatic battle. I'm guessing this is the end for Beta3?
Now THIS is hard, let's see... The enemies has 1500 - 3000 HP, varying weakness, hits like a truck... and produce very little EXP *sigh*. Basically you need someone able to holy and hits both physical and magic(Reimu), elemental magic(Patchouli), take a beating(Meiling), and Wind(Aya). Second phase makes Reimu and Lunasa mandatory, but let me tell you, Lunasa's Bardsong is OP. But yeah, who ever thought an ordinary mansion like that become a place for a climatic battle. Last two bosses are exceptionally hard, Chaos took me around 10-15 minutes to beat (she just won't die)
and she's probably the most sore loser I met
, and
makes me wished I grind Yuuka, she costs me a lot of F and a Megalixir. Speaking of her, the BGM just went silent the moment Byakuren did her Heroes moment.

I give a prop to Yuugenmagan, at least it's Void sucks fast and it sounds better.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #615 on: March 02, 2016, 09:33:41 PM »
Oh herp. Probably something I forgot to change like with a lot of typos.

Keep in mind that secondary commands usually have up to 3 levels. I haven't implemented it yet, but once you get a specific set of armor (in fact, it should already be available I think??), you can upgrade the secondary commands to level 2. For Yuuka's Threaten, it requires the enemy's Levels to be half the level that Yuuka is instead of 1/4.

Yup, Poltergeist Mansion is the final dungeon of beta3.

You probably didn't get the Missing Music Pack that was there with all the other Music. That was one of the two songs that wasn't included for some reason. >_>;;

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #616 on: March 04, 2016, 07:47:55 AM »
You probably didn't get the Missing Music Pack that was there with all the other Music. That was one of the two songs that wasn't included for some reason. >_>;;
What reason?

- If you took the wrong path in Misty Lake 2, you'll get sent back in Misty Lake 1 with MIST.
- Patchouli's skill scroll is still available after she left.
- Found a sweatdrop effect on Yukari's house. Sweatdrop. Effect.
- Koishi's Subterranean Rose costs more MP than it should be.
- Okuu is shit, 2/3 of her skills has the power of Beta2 character, and I'm in Beta4.
- Entering and exiting SDM 2 is dangerous, the moment you got out, you have to IMMEDIATELY MOVE DOWN else you game over. I especially liked the part after SDM 2: it's a shame if you died after fighting 2 bosses that won't freaking die just because you didn't move immediately.
- NO ONE FUCKING TOLD ME THAT FUCKING BAT IS A FUCKING BLOODTHIRSTY BAT!!! A game cannot change it's own rule like that! First time seeing birds and bat?! Animal to enhance atmosphere! After that there's gone! And now, BAM! It's environmental hazard! It took me a swift game over to realize the bats in Hell 2 is vicious as fuck!
(This is why you don't post while being pissed off)
Yuugi's sacrifice scene
has so many emoticon and a scene from Attack of the Clones (Since the default leader is Marisa by process of elimination).
- An instance of Momiji speaking with Koishi's portrait after
boss fight.
- Last time I remember, Kappa Village is located near waterfall, not in some Arachnophobia Nightmare.

Beta4 is where things started to get worse for Reimu/Momiji and frustrating for us, the player. After finishing 3 Arcs, they lost around
5 members, including 2 of my favorite boss killers
. Some bosses can take ridiculous amount of time to beat due to us never increase in power. On the plus side, Momiji becomes THE MAN GIRL.

Misty Lake 2 reminded of Mass Effect 2 for some reason.

There's so much thing going on in Beta4, there's Rinnosuke's faction doing evil thing, another faction doing their own thing, that's not counting the wild-cards who does what they think is the best of them. It's getting harder to follow.

- Rinnosuke's faction seems to have 2nd most member. While Reimu/Momiji's faction have the most.
- I looked around in Document and found out the casualty list. Pandora incident caused
[/b] Whoa the?!
Poor Cirno, her Call command is being obliterated.
- Updated HRCS line needs to become a feature, special mention goes to Momiji, Marisa, Reisen, Cirno, etc.
It feels strange for Marisa to mention Reimu when the main character is now Momiji.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 07:53:04 AM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #617 on: March 04, 2016, 07:58:56 AM »
I just forgot to include them. That's all. Somehow I forgot them and it would've been a pain to reupload the entire pack so they went into that folder. ^^;

*Eh?? I thought I fixed that??? Do you know on which exit that was on??
*Yeah, I left it as such. It'll be fine though I think.
*Yukari's house?? Back in Mayohiga? Probably emoticon variable didn't get reset properly after some event. That happens and it's hard to find which events need fixed in that regard.
*AoEs I've been trying to fix up now to make them more worth it. It's not as easy as it sounds. I THINK I have a way of fixing them up so that they're viable but not overpowered, but it's gonna take a while to get that set up to go.
*Utsuho's main problem is she's Gravity-elemental, which deals more damage the BIGGER the target is. If you're hitting smaller targets, it'll do less damage. That's what makes her super hard to use, but really REALLY effective against some targets (for example, Dragon-type enemies tend to take 200% damage from her attacks, while even bigger enemies take 300% damage)
*Yeah, that's there on purpose to MAKE the player pay attention. I do that a lot with placements like that. ^^;
*That's the first time you see a red bat I believe?? Most other bats you've seen are blue, and don't chase after you. I think that's a good enough indication, no?? o.o;
*Was there?? I'll look into that and fix it up.
*I think they said they moved their home into the mountain in the story??

Oh don't worry, after beta4 things simmer down a bit and you get to see more behind the scenes and whatnot that won't make it nearly as confusing. I hope.

Heh. That's why that's in the "Not for the Player" folder. It's chalk-full of spoilers obviously, but I never removed it because it's easy for me to find it in my Documents folder. ^^;;

EDIT - There, got a lot of the issues you mentioned fixed up. May have to re-read through everything and make sure other things were fixed. If you have any suggestions on fixing up MP costs for the AoE skills (you can find them in the Player Skills document. Those are the ORIGINAL MP and base damages for each of them. You can see how some were really, really good (i.e. Reimu's original Youkai Buster for instance). So...yeah. I'm currently wrapping up a segment in beta5, but am missing one boss skills, which is for
. The enemies and other two bosses,
Kanako and Meimu
, are all set to be tested too. I've just been very demotivated in working on the game lately, still got a lot of things to fix up, and some skillsets to do for some characters. >_<
« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 08:20:04 AM by Xenomic »

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #618 on: March 05, 2016, 03:43:00 PM »
*Eh?? I thought I fixed that??? Do you know on which exit that was on??
*Yukari's house?? Back in Mayohiga? Probably emoticon variable didn't get reset properly after some event. That happens and it's hard to find which events need fixed in that regard.
*That's the first time you see a red bat I believe?? Most other bats you've seen are blue, and don't chase after you. I think that's a good enough indication, no?? o.o;
*I think they said they moved their home into the mountain in the story??

I've just been very demotivated in working on the game lately, still got a lot of things to fix up, and some skillsets to do for some characters. >_<
* Hmm... Last time I remember, the correct path through easy path is north, north, north. I deviate it and went to north, north, east. Entering Hard path.
* Or maybe it was Nue disguised as a wall.
* SDM has red harmless bat. You know, Scarlet, as in... Red. It happens right at the start of that room, I haven't paid much attention to the bat yet. I thought they were just looking for my autograph.
* I know that, I'm just teasing. The place seems straight out of horror movie that I wasn't surprise
when all the Kappa turned out to be dead.

Well, you'll already working on this game for like 4-5 years? More? All by yourself. Of course it will happen to you. Wish I could help though.

- You can walk through empty space in the maze section of Yuuka's story. Although, it won't do you any favor, forcing me to look your video.
- There's a mini Reimu in Insect Forest and it sent me to some room... With interactable enemies, you, some other guys. It's the debug room isn't it?
- So many emoticon in dialogue. Mostly in Remilia's chapter (@_@ T-T).
- Emotion bubble trail slower than the character, leading to funny instances.
- Two buggy major boss fights: Alice and
Order (her beatable form)
. Alice takes way too long to beat (my record is 15 minutes), she heals any damage taken with the same value. I get it, it's because of that Defense Doll, the thing is, that thing is ridiculously tough + my attack keeps missing it. When I finally able to kill it, BAM! 9999 heal to it......... F12 ensues. Come to think of it. Kana does have the same antics: heals any damage taken with the same value.
Order has a bug in which she briefly turn the battle into turn-based battle(We can't move until everyone entered any command)  after she uses her gimmicks.

Completed all side-character arc (Sanae, Yuuka, Remilia, Iku, Team 9) and boy, things becomes worst. Only one story ends in positive note. The rest...

It's unfortunate I never grind them. This leads to instances where Koakuma has more level than Remilia, and Suwako getting OHKOed the moment she entered Kanako boss fight. It was frustrating, from Yuuka's maze section non-indicative solution, Holy enemies in Remilia's section... Only the guests member seems to have little trouble. I give you a prop though for giving each (one time?) dungeon new enemies.

Poor Cirno, her Call command is being obliterated.
Cirno's Call gets overcharged(Mysterious Fairy, Blind Nightbird, Butterfly storm, Ancient Duper, Phoenix Spread Wings),... But at what costs...
please don't them them, you'll disrespect their deaths

- Updated HRCS line needs to become a feature, special mention goes to Momiji, Marisa, Reisen, Cirno, etc.
It feels strange for Marisa to mention Reimu when the main character is now Momiji.
I spoke TOO soon. Warning: Spoiler

It was a really bad day for team Momiji/Marisa. They lost another member, their leader (this one makes me feels like getting punched in the gut), and their base (There's no shop left for them). All because of a certain motherfucker.
I need a break. I really need a break. I don't know if I can handle it. I haven't felt this oppressed since playing Return of Touhou Mother and reading Imperfect Metamorphosis.

I got one last word:
, mark my word! Once I'm able to fight you fair and square, I will cut your motherfucking head off, and I will show it on Youtube. 1000 people will be watching.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2016, 04:13:10 AM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #619 on: March 05, 2016, 09:53:49 PM »
*Yeah, I found it. It was on the east side of the area where both paths merge, where you exit to Hard Path. Strange, I could've sworn I fixed that when I fixed the other one on the west side. Well, it's fixed now!
*Oh...riiiiiiiight, SDM does have red bats, doesn't it...? I guess I could make a mention or something about the red bats there (it's not the last time you'll see them either).
*Oh lol. It's hard to tell teasing and stuff for me in general. ^^;

More like 6-8 years hue. It's been a very, very long time, I just know that much. I've had SOME help here and there, mostly in the graphics department and brainstorming ideas, and I've had a couple redo some story events (such as the Chaos event) and some maps, but most of the work has been done solo yeah. You're helping enough by telling me about the bugs right now at the very least. ^^;

*Empty space??? The black area? THAT isn't supposed to happen at all. Wonder why that's going on o_O;
*Hueee!! I forgot to remove that doll! Yeah, that was for someone to go back and test the boss in the next room of the area the doll was in (whom you've already fought). I'll have to remove that (yeah, that was the debug room alright...)
*Yeah, there's no nice way of showing the emoticons in well...emoticon format. ^^;
*Yeah, they both will restore all damage dealt to them. Kana's requires you to deal 2 hits to her Mana Wall to disable it. Alice requires you to defeat the Defense Doll (and she does revive it with full HP so that's why that happens). It's a hard fight with her for sure, so it's not exactly buggy at all. And huh...wonder why THAT happens. Must be something in the coding it doesn't like at all.
*Yeah, there's a solution to the maze which involves talking to flowers in the previous screen in an order, and then either doing that order or reversing it (so you  may need to write it down or use Notepad or whatever). Not the best way of doing it but...

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #620 on: March 08, 2016, 04:03:06 AM »
*Empty space??? The black area? THAT isn't supposed to happen at all. Wonder why that's going on o_O;
*Yeah, there's no nice way of showing the emoticons in well...emoticon format. ^^;
* The trees, there's a gap in the trees that allows you to enter black area.
* On the other hand, emoticon does makes the script become unprofessional. Take this for example:
Chen: "I hate you Ran-sama!!! ToT"
Emoticon makes you unable to take it seriously.

- During the time Momiji become leader. Reimu still prevent us from entering Border.
Even though she's unavailable

Well, that is weird as fuck. I come back to play after calming myself when suddenly Alice blocks my way. She summon one doll, two dolls, and then five dolls. The latter three kamikaze'd me all at once. And then I got TPK'd. Bottom line, I have around 15 turns to kill her before she killed me, which is impossible.

Maybe it's time for me to retire for real. I gotta say, Master Sparking Kotohime feels really good.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #621 on: March 08, 2016, 04:13:24 AM »
You have to keep the dolls dead at all times, so good AoEs is necessary if you have any, or focus primarily on the Holland Doll and make sure it stays dead as it will always use an AoE. You'll also need to time your heals properly for that fight to not be wiped out. I used a team of Meiling/Cirno/Marisa/Koishi to deal with this fight (if you haven't bought Koishi from the shop, go do so. She'll probably help a lot). Keine might also be of help possibly?

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #622 on: March 08, 2016, 01:33:21 PM »
After calming myself down, I tried fighting her again with your advice. After attempt no. 7, I realize it was not possible to win. Once Alice summon Edo Dolls, she basically deals free 1500 damage to all. From your listed party, only Meiling can consistently survive... Buuut.... Holland Doll always combo'd it immediately with AoE attack which Meiling is weak to.
Also, I haven't found any scenario where I beat Holland before Alice summons Edo. Holland is so resilient and my attacks keeps missing 1/4 of the time, which is fatal considering it's difficulty. Also, keep in mind that my two leaders (Momiji, Marisa) has 10 levels ahead of everyone and it's the only way for them to survive Edo dolls 1500 damage explosion.

Come to think of it, your Beta tester always had their own Ludicrously hard boss. Kaitani had Meira, while I had Alice (Makai ver).


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #623 on: March 08, 2016, 09:30:53 PM »
Strange. Neither me nor Dango had problems getting past her at all, nor a couple other beta testers (granted, they were like level 30-50 which is insanely and Dango were around level 20-25 so it's doable). All dolls are heavily resilient. Have you tried using any HP+% accessories to try and boost your HP for anyone? She may need slight adjustments here and there still maybe.

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #624 on: March 08, 2016, 10:45:20 PM »
That's my problem right there. My level were around 25-35 (like I said, Momiji and Marisa were 10 level ahead of everyone) with Nitori, Sanae, Sakuya, and Suwako still below 20 (Because they're sucks). And I don't find any HP increasing accesories, perhaps with that, Cirno could survive Edo dolls. Maybe I'll make a video of it later on.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #625 on: March 08, 2016, 10:47:20 PM »
Huh. Could've sworn you should have at least one or two by this point. I know I had one for a beta5 boss (btw, you're at the halfway point of the game. This is the final dungeon of beta4).

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #626 on: March 09, 2016, 12:37:47 PM »
Good news: After watching your video, now I know why you can beat her at level 20s.
Bad news: After 5 tries, unless you told me to use Megalixir everytime I took Edo Dolls, I still don't find any scenario where I'm the victor.

Maybe I'll make a video of it later on.
I'm just going to leave it here: And move on. You have your FFX-2 let's play, I have Touhou-A-Live let's play

Btw, call me when we can finally kill
. Don't worry my hatred of her is way stronger. She made Ajax looks like Professor Xavier.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 12:54:40 PM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #627 on: March 09, 2016, 07:59:36 PM »
...Well then. So now that you showed me what was happening, I looked into the coding and it was indeed bugged. You see, after every 30 turns Futuristic Bunraku is SUPPOSED to use "Self-Destruct", except when it uses it, it kills all Edo Dolls that are alive, and for each one alive it deals 500 damage to the player. So since all 3 are alive, that's 1500. HOWEVER, it was bugged (as in not coded correctly) to where it kept the Self-Destruct switch ACTIVE ALWAYS, and was turning off the WRONG switch. It should be fixed now. Thank you for letting me know about this one. @_@;;

I figured it was that I set their Attack too high, as Self-Destruct in 2K3 is doubled the user's ATK (because 2k3 formulas), but no, it was that. It wasn't even SHOWING Futuristic using Self-Destruct. Test it out again and see if it works. It SHOULD be fine now...

As for her? You won't be able to properly fight her until the end of beta5, and even then you still have to wait until pretty much endgame before you get the pleasure of that.

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #628 on: March 13, 2016, 01:25:47 PM »
Now that you've fixed Alice, she becomes a really hard boss as opposed to totally impossible boss. Now that Edo Dolls don't explode suddenly, you won't have to worry about being cheap shotted to death. Still, Futuristic and Holland combo can still TPK you. But at least you get at least 30 turns to kill Futuristic. (It's still hard though when your attack misses 1/4 the time)

- Mirror!Reisen is listed as Shadow elemental?
- Meira2 have Alice's cheap shot. She can deal 1000+ out of nowhere.
Or maybe I became too cynical after my run ins with Alice?
- Momiji seems to always get inflicted by unknown status that makes her unable to move. Can I see
data to see if she inflicts weird status effect.
- Uuuuh...... This?
Uuh... Momiji,..? Maybe you should look to your left.

No, it's not because it is NSFW. It's... spoiler? Perhaps?

Finally done. After 45+ hours, I'm finally done. Does this game have 90+ hours of gameplay when it's finished? I game over 18 times throughout the course of the game. One because of sudden Yuuka, one because of blood sucking bat, one because of one miss (yes, one miss) suddenly turns the battle against me, FIFTEEN because of Alice. Truly, she's my Sans. (Heck, you only died 7 times)

Beta4 is considerably longer than any of the previous chapter. The last half of Beta4 reminded me of FFX. It's dungeon after dungeon without resting for a bit apart from occasional shop to resupply. We did lost our second base. During the early part of the game, we really need YEN to buy items, equipment, and scroll. In Beta4, money becomes trivial, I have 250000+ YEN. That's because the skill scrolls never upgrades past lv 2-4 depending on the character and the equipment shop has been destroyed, so I only uses money to resupply items. Please don't tell me you intent to put lv 5+ scrolls as stealable item only.

After a bad time wall known as Alice, I finally enters Makai... And it. Never. Ends. The first part is a huge room filled with pitfalls that sends you far back, a "HOLY SHIT that's a lot of boss in one fight!" and Bats, lot's of it. At least the Bats is docile otherwise I get shredded in seconds (they often blocks the road though). The second part is even more huge? Huge-er? And filled with mazes, looping room, and invisible floor. And oh 3 bosses with only one of them has save point, and surprise! It's Meira, with glitches! On the plus side, our party is back again! And Hope joined the fight!
Shame though Fate has to die, she's the second coolest Pandora fragment. Unlike Themis! She doesn't represent her name at all! Fuck her!

One more thing: The spirit of AMERICA always prevail! Even in 8 years old fangame!
« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 05:24:42 PM by Your Everyday NEET »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #629 on: March 13, 2016, 08:43:35 PM »
Yeah, the end of beta4 was where I didn't go back and fix/change stuff, such as those dialogue choices. I really need to get back to fixing those. But good! At least Alice can be beaten and is hard, as she should be for that fight. I don't know if attacking Futuristic first or Holland first is a better idea (probably Holland as it has AoE).

*That's because I never changed anything about Mirror!Reisen.
*Meira has Strikeback as a battle passive, which is Komachi's Return Damage, but at full damage (any damage she takes, she will deal that back to one random target). Meira can actually hit dead people with it and whiff, same with her Mirror of Equity and Tiger skills (which I MAY make it so that it cannot miss). So you have to watch your damage output on her. Oh, and in case you didn't know, if you don't beat Meira within 100 turns...bad things happen. She'll hit the entire party with Iainuki to reduce them to 1 HP, then attack the entire party with Tempest for 4 hits of 1000-4000 unblockable damage. Meaning you're not going to survive.
*Which skill was it that she was using to hit Momiji?
*There's 7 betas, so...right now the game is about ROUGHLY 57% done, if not higher than that. Beta5 has the most story and dungeons in the game, with beta7 having the least (only 3, but it's the final 3 dungeons of the game so they might be relatively long).
*Oh trust me, that 250,000 yen won't last you once you reach Pandaemonium. Right now, you CAN play up to the final boss of Hollowed Caverns (beyond that, I'm still working on the game), so if you want to make a secondary save file to test out what's there of beta5 (including letting me know how fights are and of any glitches and all that), do let me know. Fair warning, once you get to Cave to Pandaemonium and enter the cave proper, exit and enter until the boss appears. I'm thinking of changing the gimmick of it appearing (1/10 chance of it appearing in 9 different areas, 1/10 chance to not appear at all. Yeah, you can see how this is bad....). Level 5 skill scrolls are all there, plus better equipment (and the upgrades to all of Nitori's skills). Sanae and Suwako still need to get their skills added into the shops though...
*Hm? Which of the fragments did you like the most?

Overall, what are your thoughts on the game and how much did you enjoy it? Feedback and criticism are all welcomed, of course.