Author Topic: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming  (Read 162888 times)


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #180 on: February 12, 2013, 10:42:06 AM »
>Or save that outburst for later, if stealth is needed
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #181 on: February 12, 2013, 03:59:06 PM »
> The redhead's obviously the one calling the shots. Are we in a position where we can fly up and behind her without her noticing?

> It would be almost impossible to use stealth directly, as she's looking right at you.

>Or save that outburst for later, if stealth is needed

> "Isn't it obvious? I'm taking down your superweapon."
> "Palkia, set a horizontal ground portal, 30 meters up, and prepare tactic tri-portal misdirect."
> The red-head's pokemon, all it's previous distortions dispersed, claws open a horizontal portal. It then stands itself along the edges of the gap. You can see the snow-covered ground through the hole.



  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #182 on: February 12, 2013, 04:01:49 PM »
> "Wait wait wait. What the HELL are you even talking about?  Is it the sun? Because that's more for convenience considering the fact that you're blocking ours. "

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #183 on: February 13, 2013, 06:28:57 AM »
>Tri portal misdirect
>Doesn't that seem somewhat similar to one of Yukari's spellcards...?

>Prepare our 'Hourai "Mizue no Uranoshimako and Five-Coloured Turtles"' Do not use yet.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #184 on: February 14, 2013, 06:58:15 AM »
> "Wait wait wait. What the HELL are you even talking about?  Is it the sun? Because that's more for convenience considering the fact that you're blocking ours. "

> "What. Really?" The womans states. Then with a pause, she snarls, "Hmf. I suppose it doesn't matter. The issue isn't it's utility, its mere existence is a threat."

> "You could stop blocking our sun," Nue says.

> "I could say the same about you. For that matter, it would be really nice if you new worlders would stop attacking our fortifications and eating our troops. I am sick and tired of running into super-powered cannibals."

> "Not all of us eat humans, you know," Nue replies, smirking.

> "No, I'm sure your one of the good blood sucking monsters that wears the skin of a cute little girl.

>Tri portal misdirect
>Doesn't that seem somewhat similar to one of Yukari's spellcards...?

> Does it?

> If it does, you are having a very hard time remembering it.

>Prepare our 'Hourai "Mizue no Uranoshimako and Five-Coloured Turtles"' Do not use yet.

> Ah, yes, that spell takes you back. You prepare your turtle summoning powers.

> A glance at your spellcards reveals that you have a surprising number of options, you tend to forget that you actually know more non-fire spells than fire spells; you guess you should use them against a creature that can shrug off a phoenix spark. You suppose you also have Marisa's spells too, considering she did everything through her Hakkero. Anyway, Five-Colored Turtles is a lot like the spell Reimu uses to summon Genji, the primary difference is in addition to summoning a single turtle for flying, you can instead choose to summon lots of flying youkai turtles for overwhelming opponents.

> "Now," The red-head commands. While still standing on the edge of the portal to the ground, over the course of two seconds the dragon quickly rips open a series of portals directly above the gap. First a vertical portal you can see Utsuho through, then a horizontal portal, which you can see is underneath Utsuho from the gap facing you as Utsuho reflexively shoots a fireball through the upright one. While the hell raven still aiming her cannon out the vertical portal and scanning the horizontal portal beneath her with a glance, the Palkia smashes open a third, horizontal gap, breaking through the space above Utsuho and kicking the raven from above and then through the gap beneath Utsuho. You hear Utsuho grunt as she exits the bottom of the second portal under Palkia's heel, the dragon completing whole technique as a single fluid motion; it must have taken less than two seconds from start to finish. The pair are already halfway through that "grounded" portal Palkia was standing on when the red-head adds, "More gravity".

« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 07:19:53 AM by capt. h »


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #185 on: February 14, 2013, 09:39:47 AM »
>"What, does nobody around here try to negotiate?"
>"In any case, did you realize that this girl, the raven here, is the one who's currently in control of the sun? And that bad stuff involving the sun might happen to everyone if you incapacitate her?"
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #186 on: February 15, 2013, 12:01:04 AM »
>Don't mention that to her; they are clearly omnicidal, that will encourage her.
>And in fact, we figured how to teleport enough to use St Germain at least; teleport on the gap dragon's back then use turtle spam spellcard.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #187 on: February 15, 2013, 11:39:41 PM »
>"What, does nobody around here try to negotiate?"

> "Negotiations have been less than successful," The redhead replies.

>"In any case, did you realize that this girl, the raven here, is the one who's currently in control of the sun? And that bad stuff involving the sun might happen to everyone if you incapacitate her?"

>Don't mention that to her; they are clearly omnicidal, that will encourage her.
>And in fact, we figured how to teleport enough to use St Germain at least; teleport on the gap dragon's back then use turtle spam spellcard.

> St. Germain's isn't technically a teleportation spell. It's more like a series of small spellcards chained together mixed with some quick flying work. You place a flamethrower down, distance yourself from it, and repeat.

> You note that your battle plan has a couple of points that could use some clarification. You have the 5 colored turtle spell at the ready, but you aren't sure if dialog is an option or if you'd like to try something trickier. Your default response to the situation would be to launch the spellcard you have ready from where you are.



  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #188 on: February 16, 2013, 06:13:53 AM »
>"Well, who did you try to negotiate with?"
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #189 on: February 17, 2013, 03:14:49 AM »
>"And in the first place given that the first run in with you guys was you trying to poison a whole mountain and kill us, that might be why people weren't exactly friendly."

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #190 on: February 17, 2013, 09:16:33 PM »
>"Well, who did you try to negotiate with?"

> "We actually didn't get a chance. Half our recon parties were shot down before they hit the ground," she replies. "A lot of animal-people from the nearest mountain, most of them had wolf ears or crow wings."

> You feel the effect of gravity intensify as Utsuho and Palkia are fully through the grounded portal. You are beginning to fall fast.

>"And in the first place given that the first run in with you guys was you trying to poison a whole mountain and kill us, that might be why people weren't exactly friendly."

> "We didn't try to poison your mountain," the woman snarls over the roar of the air rushing past the two of you. "Though in retrospect, that wasn't the most subtle way of getting privacy."

> "Um, wait!" You hear Utsuho yell through the portal, which is also falling with you. "Satori wants to call a time out!"

> "What, now?" the red-head shouts back. "This is not a good time!"

> "Um, hold on," Utsuho yells. "Um... well, Satori says she's interested in talking!"

> "Utsuho, could you fire up some suns so we can find you?" Nue adds.

> "Um, sure, just a sec!" Utsuho yells back. "Anyway, Cloud woman, are you still interested in that diplomacy thing? Satori would really like to call a time out!"

> "Well, yes, but..." the woman replies back, stalling. "I'm kind of in the middle of a mission!"

> "Ok!" Utsuho shouts. "Oh wait, no, Satori says it's not ok. She says we might not get another chance to talk, but if we do, that her number is 666-9213. She says she really wants to see if we can come to an agreement without you completing your mission thingy!"



  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #191 on: February 18, 2013, 12:03:00 AM »
>"So, what is your mission? Does it involve sandwiching everything between two lands?"
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #192 on: February 18, 2013, 06:28:50 AM »
>"So, what is your mission? Does it involve sandwiching everything between two lands?"

> "No," the woman says. She pauses for a second, then changes her tone, saying more to Utsuho than to you, "See that fireball overhead? We don't really care how it goes down, Team Galactic would really appreciate it going down without a fight. That fireball is the only reason I'm here. Now I might not be the most altruistic person, and I may just be following orders, but that thing could destroy a city. Seeing as I live in a city in Sinnoh, I worry it could end badly, having a hithero unexplained half-mile wide mass of fire dangling over the heads of everyone in Sinnoh. Best for everyone if we extinguish it, or at least drop it someplace remote, alright?"

> "See that would be kind of tough," Utsuho shouts. "While Satori and I don't personally need a sun, we are making a killing off of it."

> "Perhaps a counter-offer? We do have quite a few resources at our disposal."

> "Hold on a sec," Utsuho shouts, still from the other side of the grounded portal, "Yeah? Yeah, alright I'll tell her." A fireball then launches out of the portal, clipping the woman's bird. "Satori says as long as you're still making the sun fall, we aren't going to let you stall for any more time. Though we would like to trade afterwards."

> "Hmf." The woman snarls, her old tone returning. "I was hoping to milk another minute out of you guys."

> Utsuho launches another fireball through the hole, though the red-head has put some distance between herself and the portal this time. You suspect Utsuho is grounded on the other side due to the gravity effect otherwise she would have come up herself, though she seems to still be able to launch fire upwards.

« Last Edit: February 18, 2013, 06:32:02 AM by capt. h »

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #193 on: February 22, 2013, 02:20:10 AM »
>Blast the gap dragon with St Germain.
>Wait no, call Yukari and tell her that a pokemon's stealing her gap ability. Then blast the dragon.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #194 on: February 22, 2013, 03:55:35 AM »
>"Ya know, attacking isn't a very smart idea. She could accidently discharge the thing. She wouldn't do it if she knew it'd blew up." Would she?

>"How about this? Instead of a fight, how about you guys keep tabs on her, make sure it doesn't blow up? No fights, no accidents." For a one-time attempt to increase our persuasion skills

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #195 on: February 22, 2013, 09:30:34 PM »
>If that doesn't work though, default to the glorious violence

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #196 on: February 23, 2013, 05:39:19 AM »
>"Ya know, attacking isn't a very smart idea. She could accidently discharge the thing. She wouldn't do it if she knew it'd blew up." Would she?

> Well...

> To put it bluntly, Utsuho is not afraid of explosions, nor does the raven show enough care when it comes to matters of magnetude. Though from what you can gather Utsuho and Satori are profiting from having a sun in the sky, and magic of this magnitude usually requires a somewhat lengthy charge time to create and control. So you think the raven won't blow it up just to take out one grunt. Probably.

>"How about this? Instead of a fight, how about you guys keep tabs on her, make sure it doesn't blow up? No fights, no accidents." For a one-time attempt to increase our persuasion skills

> You gain +12 xp to your charisma stat. You are now only 36 points away from reaching charsma level 2!

> Well, no, not really, but it was worth a shot.

> "Palkia, get out of there," the red-head commands.

> Utsuho yells "Hey!" as you see the dragon re-appear by the red-head's side, ducking under a fireball as it closes a portal behind itself. Judging by the burn marks, Utsuho was not giving it an easy time.

> The woman continues over the roar of the air rushing past her as you all descend, "Well, that would be easier. You guys are tough. I suppose we could work something out."

> You see a talisman wizz past you straight towards the woman as her Palkia portals it, sending the slip a good hundred feet behind the red-head. "First, you turn off the gravity, then we might have some time to talk." Nue says plainly.

> "I suppose you realize that I don't have the authority to overturn my orders here," the woman sighs, as she gives you a slight shrug. "So it looks like diplomacy will have to wait. Palkia, reset." With one big roar, all the portals disappear, as you look down, you see a hot-spot about fifty miles south in Sinnoh coordinates, twinkling, spinning lights you believe to be Utsuho's fireballs.

>If that doesn't work though, default to the glorious violence

>Blast the gap dragon with St Germain.

> "We need Utsuho," Nue says, her Palkia-dragon-ditto thing by her side. Nue has her pokemon rip open it's own gap. "Be back soon."

> "Never have I hated a ditto as much as right now," the red-head yells over the wind, as you charge her, tossing ahead of yourself a barrage of flamethrower spells, surrounding the woman. "Palkia, spacial rend everything. Altaria, whilwind everything, and stay close to Palkia." The pair of attacks sends flames everywhere but into Palkia and Altaria for the most part. Though the sheer number of flamethrower talismans makes the attack undodgeable, the woman's pokemon are both resistant enough to it and effective enough at deflecting it that they shrug off the damage, using their attacks to ineffectually spit half the fire right back at you. Between your attacks the woman shouts, "You know, we know the risks. We know better than to bother taking it down with anything less than Palkia. And I know it's only 50-50 that if something goes wrong, Palkia bails me out in time. So you want to know why I'm doing it anyway?"

> "Well, one, there's the money, I'm getting a nice bonus for this." She shouts from atop her Altaria as it weaves between and blows away long streams of fire. "And two, that 'sun' of yours? It can take out half our operation. Sure, we didn't know it's purpose, but even now I don't care how non-violently you say it's being used. After all, you could be with Moriya."

>Wait no, call Yukari and tell her that a pokemon's stealing her gap ability. Then blast the dragon.

> You left your phone with Nue, and you think she left your phone and her bag with Kogasa since she wasn't carrying them when you saw her. While inconvenient, at the present moment you realize that if you fail while holding onto the contents of your bag, they would be completely destroyed by the sun above. On that note, you realize that you should speak with Utsuho after the battle; you think with her help you'll be able to create talismans with a higher maximum heat tolerance, and hopefully ones more suitable for electronics. For most practical purposes your talismans are perfect, but the truth is, they haven't been very extensively tested under the temperatures Utsuho is accustomed to. Prior to meeting Utsuho, there simply wasn't anything on earth hot enough to allow for a suitable test under the conditions Utsuho creates.

> You note that much like Fujiyama volcano is an especially convenient hand grenade, St. Germain is an especially convenient flamethrower, as you can stockpile hundreds of them fairly easily. The battlefield on your side is riddled with portals, most of them lead to Palkia, which is shielding itself with them using a bowl-like formation. You are also now close enough that you can consider switching from ranged attacks to direct attacks; though due to the high winds created by Altaria you don't have as much control as you would like, you can use the wind for speed, which at this altitude is convenient since there isn't much up here to hit if you lose control. Your Charizard is also up here.

> "Hydro pump," the redhead commands. "But keeping your guard up comes first."

> You think you have 3 minutes before you hit the ground, 4 minutes before the fireball hits the ground.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 09:24:26 AM by capt. h »

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #197 on: February 23, 2013, 11:11:52 AM »
>Persuasion failed. Prepare for hell.

>Attack with Hourai Doll.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #198 on: February 23, 2013, 11:58:29 AM »
>Persuasion failed. Prepare for hell.

>Attack with Hourai Doll.

>We have turtles prepared. Use the turtles. They won't see it coming.

>Oh one more thing. Something new. Instead of giving outselves just phoenix wings, why not...

>Cover ourselves with an entire avatar of the phoenix. And then we strike. Use turtles as we dive in.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #199 on: February 23, 2013, 02:49:21 PM »
>If direct attacking will let us get up close to the gap dragon or the girl, do so and Fujiwara volcano them in the face. Let's see their fire resistance tank that.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #200 on: February 25, 2013, 05:41:49 PM »
Mod note: I had a little bit of trouble deciding how many spell cards to use for this update. Please feel free to correct me.

>Persuasion failed. Prepare for hell.

>Attack with Hourai Doll.

>We have turtles prepared. Use the turtles. They won't see it coming.

>Oh one more thing. Something new. Instead of giving outselves just phoenix wings, why not...

>Cover ourselves with an entire avatar of the phoenix. And then we strike. Use turtles as we dive in.

> You actually can go farther, become an embodiment of living flame for short periods of time. Though there are significant drawbacks to that, so you decide to stick with an impressive appearance.

> Actually, it's probably more practical to stick with flaming wings, since flaming wings have impressive range and can't impede yourself, but there are significant advantages to the intimidation the full firebird brings. Unleashing an army of turtles instead of the hourai doll spellcard, you fill the skies with a massive herd of what must be nearly a thousand turtles, gracefully swimming through the air as they make to overwhelm the red-head and her Palkia.

> "Holy-" the red-head gasps, turning scarlet as she scowls, "Palkia, we are not losing. We will be taking these tramps down, that is an order!"

> "Mokou? This is a surprise," One of the turtle's says. With it's distinctive facial hair, you immediately identify it as Genji. Looking over the situation, he adds in his typical soft-spoken manner, "Another battle? Well it's better than nothing, but there is more to life than fighting."

>If direct attacking will let us get up close to the gap dragon or the girl, do so and Fujiwara volcano them in the face. Let's see their fire resistance tank that.

> You decide to try to get closer to the gap-dragon and the girl with a fujiyama volcano tag in hand, leading the charge when the woman shouts, "Block!" The Palkia smashes open a portal in front of it, letting open a massive geiser of water directed both upwards and downward, and clipping you as you are knockback back by the surge of water. The bottom-side portal geiser flows straight into the shield of portals Palkia used to defend against your attacks, with water shooting everywhere around the portal-ridden battlefield. It's not difficult to predict where the water will come from, since the portals aren't moving, but the sky feels like it's being drenched, while the topside geiser of the portal is offering cover to both the red-head and Palkia.

> You note that when it comes to shields, the woman and her pokemon seem to need to see the attack coming to block; she doesn't appear to be able to put up perfect cover, or if she does she isn't willing to show you it. Your army can get around the geiser on either side, though there is little to stop her from sticking up more geisers.



  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #201 on: February 26, 2013, 12:32:16 AM »
>"'Sup, Genji. Just trying to beat the Yukari-dragon."
>Do we have any attacks that they won't be able to see?
>As a last resort, ready "Possessed by Phoenix". Just in case.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #202 on: February 26, 2013, 02:00:04 AM »
>Get Lighter to head around and span a fire tornado to cut off their sight, while we move to a less gueyserish spot and Fujiwara volcano them while they can't tell what we're doing.
>Just make sure to focus all the explosions on the girl and her gap dragon.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
  • *
  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
    • Muh Writings
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #203 on: February 27, 2013, 06:38:25 AM »
>As a last resort, ready "Possessed by Phoenix". Just in case.

>Just in case. Always just in case. It'll look even better due to the fact we are full-phoenix now. But that aside...

>"Any experience with reality-warping foes, Genji?"

>Implying PC-98 times

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #204 on: February 27, 2013, 07:21:07 AM »
>"'Sup, Genji. Just trying to beat the Yukari-dragon."

> "Yukari-dragon? What will they think of next," Genji chuckles with a flap of his flippers. "Though I suppose pleasantries should wait until we do something about this falling business. I'm assuming it's magic and not old age that makes swimming so hard?"

>"Any experience with reality-warping foes, Genji?"

> "They'e only as powerful as they are creative," Genji says. "So watch out for ancient world builders, I've got quite a story to tell about that, let me tell you."

>Do we have any attacks that they won't be able to see?
>As a last resort, ready "Possessed by Phoenix". Just in case.

>Just in case. Always just in case. It'll look even better due to the fact we are full-phoenix now. But that aside...

> You have possessed by phoenix at the ready, though you don't have an "invisible" attack. As a recollection, possessed by phoenix does let you see through their eyes and engulf both yourself and the target in flames, while it doesn't really give you control of the target, it's a double edged sword that hurts.

> You could send the turtles through the geisers since the red-head's Palkia is currently using a primary one as a shield. Though you note that with this kind of summon, the turtles will individually probably only take a good hit or two before finishing up. They're glad to help and you're sure Genji would be glad to stick around himself, but part of the design of a spell card is that they tend to be quick, combat based spells as opposed to the long term deals you'd expect in a familiar contract. You could also employ a massive amount of spells and attempt trickery. You think a spark might be able to pass through a geyser for maximum surprise, though the accuracy would be low due to not being able to see the opponent. You've noticed that the yukari dragon's primary gap strategy always appears to link its gaps directly to itself, you strongly suspect that it has to physically rip open at least one end of each side of its gaps. You also notce the gaps appear to be two sided, with portal A's top linked to portal B's bottom and portal B's top linked to portal A's bottom. You think you can use this to get on top of the dragon during it's attacks.

>Get Lighter to head around and span a fire tornado to cut off their sight, while we move to a less geyserish spot and Fujiwara volcano them while they can't tell what we're doing.
>Just make sure to focus all the explosions on the girl and her gap dragon.

> You have Lighter flank left of the massive central geyser and command it to surround them with a fire tornado, while you flank right with a fujiyama volcano at the ready. As the redhead comes into your view again, you see Charizard begin forming a flaming tornado around herself and her pokemon. The redhead dives hard beneath the tornado as she shouts, "Teleport with hydro-misdirect!" You see the Palkia begin to rip open a portal horizontally as you start chucking your firebombs at the woman below.



  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #205 on: February 27, 2013, 09:59:53 AM »
>"A turtle story? This has to be good."
>Remember to ask Genji about it in spare time.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
    • Ask an Oarfish!
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #206 on: February 27, 2013, 04:17:03 PM »
>Do we have the strategery to trick them into portaling to a place we predict? Maybe we could use the TMNT to surround them but leave an open spot or something. If we could do that, we could blast them as they exit, before they could put up shields.
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #207 on: February 28, 2013, 01:24:12 AM »
>Since we can tell where the portals go from watching the geysers, take advantage of this to send exploding pain right into Palkia given the opportunity.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #208 on: February 28, 2013, 06:07:15 AM »
> You take a moment to visualize the condition of the the battlefield.

> You decide that that the green dots are turtles, and you quickly realize you are terrible at visualizing. Red bow is you, flaming thing on top is charizard, blue winged stick birdie is the red-head, and the purple dragon thingy is Palkia. You blame microsoft paint for your lack of skill at making pretty diagrams.

>"A turtle story? This has to be good."
>Remember to ask Genji about it in spare time.

> Genji is near the back of the turtles, but you decide to remember to ask him about it.

>Do we have the strategery to trick them into portaling to a place we predict? Maybe we could use the TMNT to surround them but leave an open spot or something. If we could do that, we could blast them as they exit, before they could put up shields.

> You consider this strategy, but can't recall what TMNT is.

> Actually, any strategy which causes them to launch a portal near you gives you a possible opening. The yukari-dragon seems to always rip open one end of the portals it makes directly in front of itself.

>Since we can tell where the portals go from watching the geysers, take advantage of this to send exploding pain right into Palkia given the opportunity.

> You actually can't tell much about where any particular portal goes by watching the geysers, but you know almost all of them are part of a defensive maneuver, the Palkia was using them to shield itself from your previous attacks by placing them in a bowl configuration. It then threw open a geyser on top of the bowl, sending water everywhere.

> You do know that the redhead gave the command "hydro-misdirect", and the gap-dragon is just starting to rip open a pair of portals. Last time the whole misdirect took a split second. The creature launches a horizontal portal at the geyser and holds onto a second one, as you notice that a gap has materialized above and below your Charizard.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2013, 06:14:55 AM by capt. h »


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Mokou Quest 3: Homecoming
« Reply #209 on: February 28, 2013, 12:05:52 PM »
>Yeah you should probably get Charizard out of the way.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.