Author Topic: Touhou Dream Thread  (Read 320424 times)

Unroyal Paladin

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #480 on: May 26, 2015, 08:30:30 AM »
Well, had another Touhou dream.  This one was about actually playing one of the integer games....... maybe.
I was playing what seemed to be 'EoSD Extra Stage' ... or at least that's what I thought at the beginning of the stage. The patterns weren't anywhere near 'EoSD Extra Stage' , they were more like 'RSS Extra / Phantasm Stage' . The background was Misty Lake, like EoSD stage 2 , or DDC stage 1. I'm not sure at the end who the player character I played as really was. It seemed like some sort of 'Chen/Ran' player, or Flandre at some other point. ((Pfft, EoSD Extra where ->I<- am playing as Flandre. ))
I proceeded to play through the... Extra stage,  then somehow my conciousness wondered about who the boss is halfway through, and decided it was Ran, 'because it wasn't phantasm' ... sure, logic. (( But wasn't the game EoSD, and not PCB? :V )) I was surprised that I actually ended up PERFECTING the stage portion, all that apparently without even seeing the boss once.
At the end of the stage I looked at my remaining lives..... they broke the screen border. I remember The Last Comer giving you so many lives they break the border too, but not like this, the red star icon really was half on the screen, and half out of it. Ok, back to the game, the boss really was Ran. Her sprite in the dialog seemed to be somewhat like one of her Dairi portraits. Didn't bother reading the dialog in the slightest though.
The dream was generous enough to show me a nonspell and a spellcard before it ended ((I didn't lose all my trillion lives thank you, the dream just ended :V )) . The nonspell was somewhat like the 'Banquet of 12 Generals' or something like that, but only the criss-crossing wedge bullets. There were two waves of it at a time though, to make it a bit more difficult.
The spell, however, was way more Flandre than Ran. It was kinda like Laevateinn, only with two lasers. It kinda worked like what Saraka Sant-Angelo does with her lasers... and kind of like Honest Man's Death in the way it actually did its gimmick. The laser you have to go through before it materializes is like the second and third waves of Laevateinn, but it materializes some bullets on itself much like Laevateinn does so you have to be careful when you pass. A really nice spell idea.
Another thing I noted... is that the deathbomb timing in that game was unreasonably large. I literally bombed almost one full second later and it still counted for some reason. Well, EoSD Extra Stage :V

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #481 on: May 27, 2015, 07:19:28 AM »
For some damn reason I was riding a motorcycle down the road.  Just as I woke up Byakuren rode by.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #482 on: May 27, 2015, 10:19:34 PM »
I haven't had a Touhou dream in a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong while. Most I've had are dreams where a Touhou character might appear in the background for a second, but other than that, nada.

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness

Emerald Mint

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #483 on: May 28, 2015, 06:11:26 PM »
Hmm I sort of had a Touhou dream. Ended up somewhere in America and went to visit this girl, who showed me through a 2D beat-em up fangame she was working on and asked me to help with it.

I only managed to see minutes of it before I woke up, it was supposedly going to be an online game as well, with a ranking system, tournaments and stuff built in. Wow.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #484 on: May 29, 2015, 09:47:53 AM »
I just dreamt that I lead a small army of moon rabbits on a raid of a drug den/prostitution place in Ireland. It wasn't very successful as it was also guarded by moon rabbits. A few rabbits were captured but a few enemy rabbits defected.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

Suspicious person

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #485 on: May 31, 2015, 07:56:40 PM »
Alright, actually made a dream that involved bits of Touhou :

So I?m walking up the hills, following a straight road, with greenery around, with kids in Touhou character clothes (and some non-Touhou related ones) running around. I end up at a familiar looking place, and someone there tells me that there is an interesting sight to run into if I keep following the road and turn around. I do as she says, I end up in another place : red and orange color EVERYWHERE. There was a weird noise that kept going louder and louder in the background. Now there were giant, red buses without tires that were gliding around on the road, giant pillars that looked like people in the background, some of them looking like Yukari but with a creepy doll-like face, more red buses and noise. At the bus stop, there were extremely tall, faceless people standing there like statues, along with Maribel and Renko?s MMD model and a who looks like someone I know in real life. The giant red buses?s inside were pitch black and extremely noisy, and the slenderman-like people went in the buses that stopped in droves, like, how the hell does they fit in. It was rather creepy, around this time I thought about getting out of this place, then a small, blue bus came by and kept moving at a slower speed instead of stopping. I start running towards the bus, than all the tall faceless people behind me throws their clothes, run towards me, screaming and showing their teeth, butI manage to catch up and jump in the bus. Inside the blue bus were a fat bald glasses wearing dude with a blue shirt and gray shorts, the Maribel and Renko MMD models I saw earlier, a guy wearing Patchouli?s clothes(?!!!), some characters from other series like in Hellsing, a chicken, and a girl I?m slightly familiar with. I sit next to the girl, look at the window and saw the tall, naked faceless people running at a scary speed while grinning widely and hammering the window. Then the girl start starts muttering sentences that made neither head nor tail, recites every single goddamn thing I heard in a lecture we had few weeks ago while playing? a Touhou game on her tablet ?! Then the chair I?m sitting gradually turns into a bed, she puts a blanket on me, I turn around and, suddenly, I?m awake. I was a bit sleepy when I woke up so I went back to sleep? and I was back on the same, goddamn dream, in that very same chair : lots of tall naked faceless people and a fat guy wearing Cirno?s clothes were entering in the bus I was in and made unbearable noise. The girl stopped her senseless speech and, grinning at me, she proceeds to ask me with a wide grin if I enjoyed the ride, I nodded my head, and she asked me another question with the cutest smile about something that made no sense, but since the dream was more like a nightmare by this point, with all these creepy humanoids things grabbing me while laughing, I went ahead and woke up.

I usually forget whatever I dream about, but damn, my nightmare related memories are quite strong. Also, woke up around 11:30 in the morning with this?

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #486 on: June 02, 2015, 07:14:36 PM »
In folklore, noises like you describe are often associated with astral travel.  That is something one should do only with proper protections in place though some people will do it on accident.  In folklore of course.

Recently I had a couple more encounters with Yukari.  Once where she showed up the day of my test in Karate to give me some encouragement (real or not I am grateful regardless).  Then this morning before I woke up I could sense I was in that boundary state again and manipulated it to stay asleep and then I was in this room on a station in EVE Online and Yukari came in with me and for some reason she had this transport ship docked there, knowing her with a troll tank fit meant for baiting unsuspecting attackers into a trap.  We just lay in the room holding each other for a while.

I think I am a bit lucky with these dreams, would gladly share this ability if I could.  XP


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #487 on: June 04, 2015, 06:52:18 PM »
Still trying to figure out what actually happened in this dream but I'm writing it nonetheless. This may confuse you because I'll be switching from 1st person to 3rd person halfway through.

This started off as an adventure with me, my cousin and My Little brother's dad - also my pet rabbit. Over time my cousin became Marisa, My little brother's dad became Yukari and I became Reimu - this also lead to a change from first person to 3rd person. Somewhere in what we did, I had to transport my pet rabbit through a river by holding him up and walking across. I then talked about somthing that HoldenReviews got me into when we were both in the same chat room. It was around this time where I was starting to transition into Reimu. My cousin started making the transition to Marisa after we started discussing inheritance. During this conversation, I was moving between rooms manually transferring files. I then remembered wii sports resort's sword fighting and asked my brother's dad if it would be lower in price now that the wii u was out. He said it would be. After this he transitioned into Yukari. This then lead to the 2 of them playing a game which makes you money. The discussion turned to discussing that it seems more like somthing that Reimu would play rather than Marisa or Yukari. Nonetheless, I/Reimu was busy and approached them about it later. By that time it got to the point that Marisa voluntarily turned herself into the same creature Ran is. This was done in a big elaborate ceremony surrounded by fox youkai. I assumed that Marisa had been tricked and was shocked. It's hard to comprehend what happened nexe but I ended lying on my bed with wierd things around me. I believe I was back to me again aswell.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #488 on: June 10, 2015, 07:13:47 AM »
Halfway through last night I had a touhou dream. An imageboard that I often visit had lots of pictures of a genderswapped Alice on them. Somthing else was also going on in the dream but I can't remqmber what it was. Eventually I saw a picture of Alice performing a human sacrifice and started to wonder if I'd reject going to Gensokyo if Alice was going to do somthing like that to me. The very thought of rejecting gensokyo filled me with the feeling of doom and gave me a really bad headache - quickly waking me up.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #489 on: June 12, 2015, 01:51:50 PM »
About two days ago I dreamt of a PewDiePie restaurant where the dishes on the menu were themed and named after the various games he played (e.g. Amnesia Grunt Baked Rice), and one of the drinks was "Ichirin and Unzan's Fantastic Brofist".

I also dreamt of a new Touhou game, a Phantasmagoria if my memory serves me correctly, and one of the new characters in said game was named Corin Redgrave and resembled Joseph Ducreux. I cannot exactly recall but I think Corin was supposed to be a painter like Ducreux. Regardless, I find that I like Corin and I'm thinking of adapting her into an actual Touhou OC. Granted, I actually had ideas of a Joseph Ducreux-based 2hu and "Corin Redgrave" as a character name before, but they were completely unconnected to each other before I had this dream.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #490 on: June 13, 2015, 02:35:39 AM »
Nothing much this time, just briefly saw Yukari across from me before I woke up.

Been seeing mostly Babylon 5 and EVE Online stuff recently.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #491 on: June 17, 2015, 08:22:47 AM »
In my dream it was the future. I had just finished a party and the defence system activated. Out of the 3 robots which were defending the place, one had gone rouge and the other 2 had been acting weird. I had to figure out what had happened as I was working with the robots. The 3 robots could talk to each other so that was a start. Eventually I found Rumia who seemed to know something about them. Apparently they had been enchanted by 3 weapons. One of them was a staff as I was about to see in he flashback. I can't remember what the other 2 were - or if I was even told them. It then transitioned to an interactive flashback. It turns out that a long time ago, the guy from Forbidden Scrollery
the one that Reimu killed
went down to the human village holding the staff. He then made his way to the shopping district where Rumia was being held. During this flashback, Rumia refered to this person as "big sister" as he was wearing a female disguise. Either way he used the staff to break Rumia out. Rumia proceeded to cause a bit of damage to the roads and buildings around her before escaping having killed nobody. I don't really want to think about what happened next but it involved me going to the Human Village and diving into random things to figure out what they do.

Been seeing mostly Babylon 5 and EVE Online stuff recently.

For me it's been Game of Thrones.

Had another dream. In this one me, Remilia, Hina, Tenshi, Nazrin and I believe Tewi had to come up with ways to hide a marriage between a youkai and a human from the human villagers. The first idea that we came up with was that he would stay in the house all the time but the human rejected that idea and, after health concerns, we rejected it. Afterwards we came up with the idea that he would pretend to be married to another girl. He was much happier with this idea. With that done, we set out to convince some others to do it.

Also during that dream I had a touhou question in the music exam which I had no idea why I was retaking - seeing as I got an A in music.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 05:27:34 AM by aListers »
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #492 on: June 18, 2015, 08:39:28 PM »
Well I had another one of them lucid things, though not to the point of total control.  I basically saw myself "exiting" my physical body and into a world sorta like my room but different.  Aya was there for some reason and I kissed her.  I don't think Yukari approved as she was very hard to approach the whole time no matter what I did and no matter how much I called to her.  That said she did allow limited contact but now I hope I learned my lesson.  I woke up and then went back to sleep.  Then I had a non-lucid dream where I was in an EVE Online setting, somehow eating a ship shaped piece of metal and there was ZUN programming something for the XBOX or something and it involved Yukari.  I did get to see Yukari fly past wearing some kind of ship rigging but for some reason she didn't have underwear...  whoops!  The rest was just dealing with going into a highly trafficked system and the lag associated with it.


  • Border of Whatever
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #493 on: June 29, 2015, 01:13:27 PM »
Tonight i dreamed of the Watatsuki being in my yard with some fancy pink car. I was mocking Yorihime because Remilia managed to hit her on the Moon, but i remember she was rather friendly and shy, and told me to not tell the other lunarians what happened.
Later, i become aware that to everyone else, i'm Rumia. I still have my own appearances, but i have Rumia's memories and start remembering her past, such as being in EoSD or Aya's interview, like it was mine.
Then another girl who i knew was some sort of scientist/mage appears. We start talking about the spell card system, debating why knives, nukes and other stuff don't kill people. She also says that everything in SC battles "doesn't hurt", and fires a laser to me. I answer that it actually hurts a damn lot, and she starts apologizing, saying that she didn't do it on purpose.
Yorihime/Toyohime then tells me that "it's all that damn youkai's fault", and everyone goes away, ending the dream.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #494 on: June 29, 2015, 09:33:20 PM »
I had a couple that might be interesting.

One, just before waking up I saw what I thought were images of Maribel...  after I woke up I realized the ribbon on the mob cap means Yukari!

Then I had another dream, I met Yukari and she had the same feel as Maribel, but it was Yukari.  Then we were in World of Warcraft for some reason but even when battle started we would not let go of each other.  Very simple but very powerful.  The feels in those dreams were really intense and possibly overwhelming.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #495 on: July 01, 2015, 04:51:16 AM »
First post! :D

Some of these dreams are a few years old so the details might be a bit fuzzy.

- This first dream started out with me doing a favour for Kanako. It then faded out to a battle between Sanae and Momiji with a broken mech scattered around. It ended up in a standoff until Sanae pulled out a detonator and broke the silence by saying, "Wait! This detonator is rigged with c4 on all of your ancient scrolls... and your collection of 70's arcade games." And Momiji gave in and agreed to whatever Sanae wanted her to do. The dream ended there.

- This was a really short one. I was at the Hakurei shrine and I walked half way up the pathway and flicked a quarter into the donation box. Although I don't think a Canadian quarter would be any use to Reimu. :p

- I don't remember how this dream started but I was basically going on a killing spree in Mark VI armour from Halo 3. It then reached a point where I was surrounded by fog. My shields went down then the shield indicator disappeared, and eventually one by one everything on my HUD disappeared. Then the power on the armour went out rendering me immobile. I then saw a silhouette of Suika coming at me very fast to my right side. Then I woke up.

- I remember shooting a bunch of armed people with a galil. Once I finished off the last person it all went black and I heard Yukari's voice, and for some reason in my mind I knew it was Yukari's. She said to me, "Good, that was only a test. Now the real challenge begins." I asked if I could have my weapons back. At first she said no until I begged, and with reluctance she finally gave them back with a snap of her fingers along with a crate full of ammo.
double kill, triple kill, overkill, killtacular, killtrocity, killimanjaro, killtastrophe, killpocalypse, killionaire


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #496 on: July 03, 2015, 05:16:51 AM »
It's the week or so of summer in Scotland so I've had difficulty sleeping in the heat. Nonetheless, I had a short dream.

I was discussing the deaths in my dream diary with people who sat in my corner of the classroom. I simply mentioned that I record deaths of people by name or significant feature. I eventually had to go to another place so I finished what I was saying while walking down the street. Eventually I came across a Kappa (may have been Nitori) who was going to the same place as me. We came to a roundabout and the Kappa sprained her ankle. She mentioned that she may not be able to make it but she kept going. Eventually I sprained my ankle too. Eventually I saw Alice and rushed towards her despite the ankle pain. Eventually I caught up with her and the way that she was walking suggested that she was a bit fed up. She wouldn't look at me. I asked her what was wrong. She replied "I hate you now." I asked her why. She said that she was so busy before she was with me. I then said "look, there's no reason for you to need to stop working when you're with me"

then the dream cut off.  She hasn't dumped me yet so we can still work things out. I'm going to nap a few more times in an attempt to continue this conversation because I don't want our relationship to end.

Well, in my dream naps I've beseiged the same castle 3 times because Alice and 2 others were trying to hold it. I couldn't find her in it though. Hopefully the fight will have entertained her (hopefully I haven't annoyed her) but otherwise I don't know what I'm doing. Should I let her have some alone time or keep searching until I can have a proper conversation about how she's feeling and what we can do about it?
« Last Edit: July 03, 2015, 10:21:25 AM by aListers »
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #497 on: July 03, 2015, 11:22:17 PM »
I had a strange dream about some police brutality incident and a solider being injured by the police.  The Army then deployed to counter the police and I was a soldier for some reason.  It was planned for the next day and during the night I stayed at a hotel.  I didn't realize it in the dream but I was staying with Yukari and we had multiple...  encounters...  until the next day when I had to march.  There were sooo many soldiers on the streets and I was in full battle gear ready for war.  But yeah, stupid lack of lucidity, probably would have ruined the story though if I was lucid because then I would have just said "screw it" and spent the whole time with Yukari instead had I known it was her during the dream itself.

Then this morning I had another strange dream where Yukari charges by me in her train and I go through this weird FPS stage...  but even on opposite teams we are still bonded together and don't harm each other.  Still confused me, though.


Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #498 on: July 04, 2015, 03:42:28 AM »
Let's see if I can remember my dream before I go in a frenzy trying to remember...

I was in a weird looking realm that resembled a plain with a forest scenery that's all the same. Some Gensokyo residents, including me, were teleported there and we eventually had to settle for a while. (Something to do with Yukari but I forgot) I meet up with Marisa where she ends up drinking some normal looking water only to include a toxin that soon turn infectious. Marisa goes to find Reimu but realizes if she goes, there's the possibility of giving it to her, so she sends me to go find her. I manage to find Reimu and notify her, but payed no attention to me right after I told her the news. (Well that hurt) She goes to find Eirin, but no luck. She then goes back to me and asks what to do, since she has no leads. I tell her to find Alice and Patchy since they're also magicians, and automatically agrees to it. But once she gets to them, they reject the favor since Marisa's case could not be interfered so easily, plus they might catch it. An angry Reimu leaves in disbelief and we have no choice but to go to Marisa ourselves. After that, all I remember is being in an old, abandon castle where Marisa is at, and realizing she will be okay with a bit of rest, after Parsee cured her. Reimu, Parsee and me are sitting in a wooden fence talking about a way out. The last words I remember were from me, telling Parsee, "Your not just a jealous youkai, but a sweet and jealous one too!" and we all fall to the grass laughing.   :blush:   ::)

I admit it was anti-climatic for me and weird, but it was nice. My dreams have been getting more interesting lately with the expense of sleeping late.  :V


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #499 on: July 04, 2015, 04:12:59 AM »
I get the slight feeling I've been dreaming about Touhou a lot, recently, but I'm not remembering any of my dreams...
I doubt they're anything nice, though. They're probably about me having to kill some random character. I don't like doing that, I wanna be nice to the Touhous!

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness


  • pichuun
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #500 on: July 07, 2015, 12:16:31 AM »
Haven't had a touhou dream in a while, especially one that's short.

I had this dream where I was standing in some garden. Wasn't sure where I was really, but while I was looking around for a good sized leaf to cover a small wound (I got pricked bad by a rose) I noticed a dust cloud.
At first I thought it was just some fool thinking he could scare people by kicking up a bunch of dust with a big fan, but it was completely different.
It was Momiji.
She didn't seem to have her sword with her and she was approaching fast, real fast.
I needed to move, but I didn't, I was too curious to see what was going to happen if I just stood in her path.
Even though she was probably still maybe 500 meters away from me, she jump. That's when I realized...she's coming for me.

In a matter of seconds Momiji flies into yelling happily, "FLYING MOMIJI HUG!"
The Impact launches us across the garden, soon we seeing to be flying over stairs. It was a huge staircase, I couldn't even see where the bottom was from the top.
I realized I was in the Netherworld, what was I doing there? I don't know. What was Momiji doing there? Don't know that either. She held me too tight for me to get out of her hold and it seemed Momiji wasn't going to fly to break our fall, but because of how fast she flew at me, we never hit the stairs.
We even crossed the border into Gensokyo.
still falling
How fast was she running for us to be taken this far?
It was insane, and if she didn't do something we'd hit the ground. I didn't say anything, I was panicking too much to do so.
We did eventually hit the ground, and that is when I woke up.

Momiji why did you do that.

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #501 on: July 07, 2015, 02:09:48 AM »
I wonder what happened after that in your dream?
Maybe you crashed into the ground and died horribly, as expected,
which would make Momiji panic,
then she'd call Eirin, hoping she can make some miracle happen to revive you,
and then she manages to revive you, and you and Momiji live happily ever after~
whether you want to or not!

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #502 on: July 07, 2015, 09:03:09 AM »
I dreamt I was walking in Berlin, only that all the citizens were replaced with various Touhou characters for some reason.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #503 on: July 08, 2015, 08:21:45 PM »
I had a dream that I was playing EVE Online and apparently my Tengu class strategic cruiser had Aya's power imbued in it because it could tank multiple Drifter battleships shooting at it with no problems at all.  They barely did anything.

Some other random sightings of Yuyuko and Yukari occurred but I don't have very much memory of them at this time.


  • Love Sign
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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #504 on: July 09, 2015, 01:50:52 PM »
A few days ago, I dreamt that Touhou 15 was released.
But Zun. for whatever reason, decided to troll everybody, and instead of making the game a danmaku as usula, he made it a GTA Clone. I remember seeing Reimu shooting a car with an AK47.
It's just
I mean, really, that was,
I don't know
Random? That's the word?

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #505 on: July 09, 2015, 06:14:32 PM »
Well, Touhou GTA mods actually exist and have been around for years...

As for me, I think I may have seen some Touhous the past couple of nights but my sleep quality was trash and I kept being awakened by outside sources and that has porked my dream recall.  I think I saw more Kancolle than Touhou due to playing World of Warships.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #506 on: July 09, 2015, 06:59:57 PM »
Well, I am well aware of those, and although I do play GTA often, I've never installed any Touhou mods in any of them.
TBH I can't say that dream has made me interested.

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #507 on: July 09, 2015, 07:54:03 PM »
I had a dream with Flandre and probably Nitori too. Unfortunatley I fell asleep again after waking up from it and forgot it.

I had a dream that I went on a sponsored walk to help pay for the vegetable garden for my school. Eventually we walked into a mansion filled with bandits. While I was trying to fix my friend Sunday's bike, the power went out. We were all seperated into different parties and had to try and reunite. We had to make our way to the bathroom without running into bandits and in the bathroom I found Aya, Wagisakihime and Kagerou. The dream ended soon afterwards.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2015, 12:44:56 PM by aListers »
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • pichuun
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #508 on: July 14, 2015, 04:15:55 PM »
Gud dream today (no flying momiji hugs, scared the crap out of me)

I was underground.
You know, at that place in SA that I totally forgot the name of.

I was around the area where you run into Yuugi, just walking in between buildings. I'm not sure where I was going, but I found a certain building that looked like it had broke down.
The roof was intact, but everything that should be holding up that roof was wrecked. Yuugi was standing in front of the rubble, scratching her head.
I cautiosly walked over to see what she was doing.
Yuugi turned her head to look at me and I froze, but she just smiled, "You dead?" she asked me.
I shook my head.
"Ah then could you help me out a bit? This came down all of a sudden, I'm not sure what happened, but I need to move this debris out the way."
She lifted the whole roof and set it aside while asking me for help. I'm quite sure the best I can is lift a few large pieces of wood, how could I help?
Nevertheless, I do. Me and mostly Yuugi eventually moved everything out the way. I was pretty tired by then.
Yuugi cracked her knuckles, "Alright! Now we gotta rebuild!"
I wasn't very excited to hear that, my hands were hurting.
At least half the work is already done, the foundation and roof is still perfectly intact. Plus, all the debris basically held their original shape, so all we really have to do is put everything back in the right spot.

Except, I had no idea where anything goes.
Before Yuugi started to attempt putting everything back, we noticed Parsee walking over.
She was walking like she was a hunchback and glared at the both of us before asking, "What's going on here?"
Clearly not weirded out at all Yuugi answers, "Oh this building came down, so we're going to build it back up!"
Parsee actually perked up at this, "In that case I can help!"

she was actually smiling
That made Yuugi raise an eyebrow. I guess she likes building or something.

Anyway, with Parsee's help we started building everything back up. During this there was multiple times where both me and Yuugi messed up and Parsee will fix what we did and proceed to chop us in the head. Plus, Yuugi always punches everything instead of hammering it in, it works but Parsee chops her for that too.

After setting some stuff up I ask Yuugi, "Why do we have to rebuild his anyway?"
Parsee chopped me.
Yuugi answered, "Well I have to keep a good impression. Sometimes ghosts that don't realize they're dead wander here instead of arriving in the netherworld, if it was all dark and creepy looking it wouldn't seem very inviting. So, I must make sure everything here looks like a constant festival! That's why there's so many lights down here! Despite there being almost no one here most of the time."
"So this serves as an extension to the netherworld?"
"It can if it must, in case the netherworld gets an overload of ghosts some can come here.
Although not many come here often, Yamame tends to scare anything that comes in and Parsee doesn't help either."
Parsee chopped Yuugi.

I actually laughed a little when Parsee chopped Yuugi, but then she hit me again.
We continued rebuilding, and this is where I can't really remember anything, but I do remember that when we were almost done, Parsee started to clean up any dust and spiffed up anything that looked aged.
The building started to look brand new instead of rebuilt from old parts.

"What are you doing?" Yuugi asked her. She received a quick chop in the head before her answer, "This is what I do to the bridge! You noticed haven't you?"
Yuugi lifted the roof up from where it was and carried it to the almost finished building. I was inside, tired.
"That's right I have noticed," Yuugi said, sliding the roof on top, "You constantly remodel it, why?"
Parsee flew to the top to keep the roof in place, I walked outside just to observe, "Because when I remodel the bridge I feel as if I'm than anyone else at building and for a moment, I don't feel jealous of anything."
Yuugi paused for a moment. She let the roof slide down a little, "That's kinda deep." She says. She pushes the roof back up and Parsee made sure it didnt slide back down.

"Alright it's done! I need alcohol!" Yuugi ran somewhere, problably to get her sak? dish or something. Parsee just stood on the roof.

As for me, I decided I helped enough and wanted to see Parsee's bridge. However, I wasn't sure where to go, but I felt I was going in he right direction.

As soon as the rebuilt building was out of view I heard a loud crash. Some dust flew by me and I knew exactly what happened.

"DAMNIT!!!" I hear Parsee scream. I ran back just in time to see that the building came right back down, it didn't hold up at all! Yuugi came back and saw what happened.
"Well great," she says. Parsee immediately attacks Yuugi for some reason.
Yuugi dodges back and runs behind me, "What're you doing!?" she asked behind my back. I run around her to hide behind instead. I'm no meatshield.
Parsee did an almost too good impression of Yuugi there, "Well we can just build it up again right?"
Parsee blasts some danmaku at Yuugi, who tried to grab me to use me as a meatshield, but I dodged back. Thus, she took the bullets, but she was undamaged by them, I wonder if she's just messing with me.
"Okay, okay..." Yuugi says.
Parsee chops Yuugi so hard I saw a little blood, despite that I was laughing.

Laughing while awake in my room, creeping out the rest of my family.

How does my brain come up with this stuff to dream about?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 04:17:39 PM by Tribow »

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #509 on: July 17, 2015, 07:19:44 PM »
The things the subconscious can come up with.

I had a dream where I ended up in a room with Aya...  and then Yukari walked in.  Yukari was a bit jealous that I was there with Aya but I went with Yukari anyways.  Then Yukari challenged Aya to a duel over me...  I voiced concern but Yukari reminded me that actual violence and harm is against spell card rules and not to worry.  We then went about our way.  I really wonder what my subconscious was doing with that one...