Author Topic: Colorful Days  (Read 3075 times)

Colorful Days
« on: September 28, 2012, 10:39:28 PM »
Hey there, this is just something I began writing after the idea popped in my head a few months ago. I had to keep nagging myself to finally get it out of my head and actually put it on paper, or so to speak. It's my first writing work outside of my school assignments, so it probably isn't that great and will probably have a few words that will show up repeatedly. I apologize for that.
Anyways this was originally posted on, but I decided after a while that I may as well give it a shot at posting it here too. If anyone would be willing to give it a read or post any constructive criticism/comments, I'd highly appreciate it. Without any further ado, please enjoy...or at least try to anyways.
Within the Scarlet Devil Mansion, the various rooms and hallways were thriving with activity, with the various fairy maids dusting the furniture and sweeping the halls. This sharp increase in activity was due to the arrival of spring, and the inevitable spring cleaning it brings with its coming. All of the rooms were crowded with fairy maids doing their respective jobs, from cleaning out the pantry, to sorting the thousands of books within the mansion?s massive library. This year?s spring cleaning was definitely the most active in recent years.

However, the mansion?s basement was a stark contrast to all the lively activity on the upper levels of the mansion, with the hallways being completely empty. It looked as if no one has stepped within these halls for several years, having a great amount of dust accumulated on the floor and furniture.

Deep within these dark and dank hallways there was one door that stood out from all the others. It was made of cold steel rather than wood like all the other doors, it was also noticeably larger than the other doors in the hall, with it being at least double the size of the rest. Another significant difference was that it was covered with locks; these locks prevented those without keys from entering the room, or leaving it.
Within the room behind this very peculiar door there was a small room. In this room there was a small bed, with one pillow and a blanket with a few tears and holes resting on top of it. There was a desk with several books and writing utensils scattered about its surface. Next to the desk was a small pile of toys, ranging to the common teddy bear to a board game. Some of the toys looked like they have been worn out from several years of use and were in a miserable condition. Though a few looked like they were still in a useable condition despite the age and condition they were in.
The walls of the room were decorated with several pieces of paper taped to them. The many pieces of paper made up one huge picture, depicting a large grassy field with white puffy clouds peppering a vast blue sky and a bright yellow sun childishly drawn on in the top right corner of the picture. The large piece of art looked like it was drawn by a mere child.
On the ceiling there hanged several small, multicolored lights that were attached to a thin cord, not unlike the lights one would use to decorate a Christmas tree. These small lights did very little to improve the lighting in the room, but enough to see that the room was as dusty as the hallway the room resided in.
The strange decorations paled in comparison to the sole resident occupying the room though. Sitting on top of the bed in the room was a young looking girl, looking to be between eight and ten years old. She sat with her arms wrapped around her legs; she wore a red vest and a skirt of the same color. Under her vest she wore a white shirt with puffy short sleeves and a yellow ascot around her collar.
Her eyes were strangely enough as red as the vest and skirt she wore. Her blonde hung down to her shoulders, with a side tail tied with a small red ribbon on the left side of her head.
This girl may have passed for a normal looking child if it weren?t for the bizarre, metal like rods protruding from her back, with crystals of all the different colors of the rainbow hanging from them. Each of the crystals glowed faintly through the darkness just enough to provide a small light source for the girl. The girl?s strange pair of wings could easily be compared to the decorations on the ceiling of the room in a sense.
The girl sat in silence, staring at the ceiling in above of her. She listened to hustling and bustling of the fairy maids above with curiosity, with her red pair of eyes never once looking away from the ceiling. The room was otherwise eerily silent deathly silent, with the only sounds that could be heard being voices on the upper levels of the mansion being muffled by the ceiling, the girl however, could make out every word spoken and found it as a new source of entertainment.
The girls? eyes suddenly darted towards the direction of the door, as she heard the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the hall, only to be suddenly replaced with the sound of the undoing of locks. Without warning the door suddenly creaked open, letting a faint light come in the room.
The young girl gasped in delight at the arrival of the person who stood at the now opened door. Standing at the doorway with a friendly smile on her face, was a tall red haired woman.
She wore a green Chinese style dress, along with a beret of a matching color that had a large golden star pinned on it resting on her head. In her arms she held a lunch box and a plate with a small steak on it that was still lightly steaming and was covered with a red sauce like substance on it.

?Meiling!? the young girl shouted in delight as she jumped off of the bed and ran towards the woman standing at the doorway, completely forgetting about her newfound past-time and giving the woman a warm hug.
The woman called Meiling gave the young girl a warm smile as she returned the hug.

?Hey Flandre, it?s great to see you! How have you been today?? Meiling asked.

?I?ve been doing okay, but now I?m great now that you?re here!? Flandre replied happily, ??But won?t Saky be mad that you aren?t doing your job?? she asked with concern.

?Nah, I?m on my lunch break right now, no need to worry about that crazy maid?at least for now.? Meiling replied, chuckling lightly at her own joke.

?Oh?Hey what?cha have there?? Flandre asked curiously as she pointed at the things Meiling had brought with her with excitement.

?Oh this?? Meiling asked as she took a quick glance at the things she held before returning her gaze to her small friend. ?Well I did say that it was my lunch break, and meals are much more enjoyable with good company. So when Sakuya asked me to bring you your lunch before starting my break, I thought it?d be nice to have lunch together and give you some company.? Meiling replied in her normal cheerful tone.

?Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!? Flandre cried happily as she gave Meiling another hug, this having a much stronger grip, causing Meiling to cringe a bit from its strength. Meiling found humor in her friend?s overjoyed response despite the pain the hug was causing her that moment, causing her to grow a large grin on her face.

While the two enjoyed their meals together, Meiling often talked about what she had been doing to keep herself busy since they?ve seen one another last, such as how she had started to plant new flowers in the mansion?s gardens with spring finally arriving, or even the occasional story of one of Meiling?s grand battles. She would even provide Flandre with the latest news from the world outside of the mansion?s walls, with the most recent news being the resurrection of a human saint in Gensokyo. Each and every story Meiling told Flandre always put a smile on the vampire?s day and made her day a little bit brighter.
Though the cheerfulness between the two?s reunion was ended adruptly after Flandre?s normally cheerful and childish expression disappeared and was replaced with a melancholic and timid one as she began to speak.

?Hey Meiling?Can I ask you something?? Flandre asked slowly.

?Of course! You can ask me anything!? Meiling replied happily, determined to answer her friend?s question to the best of her ability.

?Do you?Do you know if?I?ll be able to?I mean...well um?leave the basement soon??? Flandre asked in a rarely heard sad tone of voice.

Meiling took several moments to gather her thoughts on how to answer this unexpected question. Meiling thought to herself as she contemplated on how to answer her Flandre?s question without obliterating any of her hopes of one day living amongst the other residents of the mansion along with her sister.
The long silence of the room was broken when Meiling finally replied, ?I?ll be honest Flan, I don?t know when you?ll be free to leave the basement?but I swear to you on my honor as the Scarlet Devil Mansion?s gate guard and your friend, that I will do everything in my power to see you out of this basement and into the world outside! Or my name isn?t Hong Meiling!? Meiling shouted with great vigor and pride, pounding her fist against chest for emphasis.

Flandre then timidly stuck out her hand with her pinky finger stretched out and asked in a quiet voice ?You promise???

Meiling, without hesitating for even a moment took her own pinky finger, and wrapped it around Flandre?s and replied in a calm and reassuring voice ?I promise, and I never break a promise, alright??

Flandre?s smile returned at Meiling?s words of reassurance and then gave her friend a hug, this time taking care not to accidentally hurt her friend with her overwhelming strength.
This heartwarming moment wouldn?t last though, as Meiling?s break ended and had to return to her job quickly, lest she be met with an angry maid waiting for her back at her post upon her return.

?Come back and visit soon?Okay?? Flandre requested in her regular childish voice, though with a hint of sadness in it.

?Don?t worry, I will.? Meiling responded as she gave her small friend a pat on the head, lightly ruffling Flandre?s hair.
Meiling then departed from Flandre?s room, the door closing behind her and locking it after her. Though she was alone once again, Flandre had a renewed hope that she may one day be freed from the basement and be reunited with her beloved sister.

Re: Colorful Days
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 09:42:06 PM »
The second chapter. I hope you enjoy it. My apologies for any minor spelling or grammar errors.
?Man, these hallways are so dirty?When?s the last time those lazy excuses for maids clean down here?? Meiling asked herself as she traversed the empty labyrinth like basement. Many others would have lost their way by now, but Meiling knew the halls very well from her numerous visits to Flandre?s room over the years.

?Meiling.? A cold voice echoed behind Meiling.

?Who dares sneak up behind Hong Meiling!?? Cried Meiling as she began to turn around to confront the source of the voice, but jumped at the sight of the voice?s owner.

Standing before Meiling was a woman, who only stood a few inches shorter than Meiling with hair as white as snow upon her head. She wore a dark blue European styled maid outfit, with her arms folded across her chest. Her eyes were an icy blue color, and bore a look of indifference on her face. Many wouldn?t find this maid to look too frightening despite the intimidating expression on her face, but those who were familiar with the maid knew her knew that this meant she was moments away from brandishing one of the many knives she kept on her person at all times.

?O-Oh, M-Miss Sakuya! About that comment about the hallways! I d-didn?t mean it! Honestly!? Meiling said nervously to the silver haired maid.

?Meiling, what are you doing here? Your break ended five minutes ago, you?re supposed to be at your post.? Sakuya asked, ignoring Meiling?s attempt to cover her earlier comment on the hallways. Her voice showed slight irritation with her coworker?s lack punctuality.

?O-Oh of course! I was just on my way there Miss Sakuya!? Meiling responded, with a bit of her confidence recovered from her earlier shock.

?Well hurry up then and get back to work before that damned witch decides she feels like ?borrowing? more of Miss Patchouli?s books. I have enough problems keeping this household up and running without that thief causing property damage every time she feels like dropping by.? Sakuya said in the calm and collected tone she was known for.

?Of course! No unwanted guests shall enter the abode of mistress Remilia while the mansion is under Hong Meiling?s watchful eyes!? Meiling replied while saluting her superior with a grin.

Sakuya sighed at Meiling?s response, ?That?s what you said the last time Marisa dropped by for a visit? Whatever, just return to your post and at least try to stay awake.? And with that cold response, Sakuya began to walk away.

?Wait, Miss Sakuya!? Meiling called after her.

??Yes?? Sakuya responded without turning around to acknowledge Meiling.

?Could you please send a request for a personal audience with the mistress? I have an important question to ask her.? Meiling asked in a serious tone that was rarely heard from her.

??I?ll give the mistress your request for an audience during her tea time with Miss Patchouli, but I give you no promises.? Sakuya said in her normal cold voice, devoid of any emotion.

?Thank you Miss Sakuya!? Meiling thanked gratefully in her usual cheerful demeanor.

?Just get back to work Meiling?? Sakuya said, brushing off Meiling?s thanks and began to walking away once again.

?Right! Thanks again Miss Sakuya!? Meiling called back to Sakuya as she started jogging back to her post.
Once Meiling returned to the gates to resume her duties to stop any trespassers from entering the mansion, she began to think about just what she would say to her mistress during her personal audience with her.

?What to say?What to say?Gah! This is so hard!? Meiling cried to herself while tugging at her hair, causing a few strands of her crimson hair to come out of her scalp. ?If I make one small slip up it might ruin everything! Argh! Come on think! Think!? Meiling shouted at herself in frustration, this time pounding herself on the head with both of her fists repeatedly.

?Whoa, you?re actually awake? Dang someone call Aya! This is front page news here!? said an all too familiar voice.

Meiling looked up, and standing before her was a young woman, appearing to be between eighteen and twenty-one years of age, with flowing blonde hair hanging from her head, with a braid of hair tied with a green ribbon hanging down on one side of her head.
Atop her head sat a pointed black hat, the kind a stereotypical witch would be found wearing. She wore a black dress that had short white puffy sleeves, with an apron of a matching color to her sleeves sitting in front of her skirt. She had golden colored eyes and bore a smug grin on her face.

?Oh Marisa, what a surprise.? Meiling responded sarcastically while rolling her eyes at the witch?s remark.

?That?s mah name, don?t wear it out, ze!? Marisa replied in her usual chipper tone.

The witch was a common visitor to the mansion, showing up at least once a week to ?borrow? anything she dubbed to be valuable to her, along with causing the occasional property damage during her frequent visits to the mansion. She also had a strange tendency to end her sentences with a ?ze? every once in a while. Though she seemed to be completely oblivious that she does it whenever she?s questioned about her odd speech pattern, Meiling just concluded it was just one of the kleptomaniac witch?s odder quirks.

?So what?s up with you today? You?re always sleepin? like a baby when I drop by.? Marisa asked.

?Since when did you start caring about other people?s problems?? Meiling asked in a slightly irritated tone.

?Ouch! I?m hurt China, I really am! I thought we were buddies! After all you practically let me in here without a fight! I am shocked! Shocked I say!? Marisa replied sarcastically.

?Don?t call me that! My name is Hong Meiling! And the only reason I let you in here without a fight is because Flandre enjoys your company, only heavens know why!? Meiling shouted angrily at Marisa.

?OK, OK calm down now, I?m just messing with ya, ze. Yeesh??

Meiling sighed to herself, ?I?m sorry for snapping at you?I?m just?Under a bit of stress right now?? Meiling replied while she rubbed the back of her head stressfully, with her eyes downcast.

?Sounds like someone needs to talk to Dr. Kirisame! Now what seems to be the problem, ze?? Marisa asked with her usual cheerfulness.

?Well?I guess I can tell you considering how you care about Flandre as much as I do?? Meiling began.

?Eh? Flan? What about her? Is something wrong with her? Tell me!? Marisa shouted, showing great concern that?s rarely heard from her.

?No, No! She?s fine! I visited her not too long ago actually.? Meiling explained.

?Then what?s the problem? Spill the beans already!? Marisa asked impatiently.

?I was just about to until you interrupted me, now just let me finish.? Meiling grumbled before continuing, ?Anyways my problem here is that I was going to ask mistress Remilia about letting Flandre out of the basement?? Meiling said.

?Whoa! Really ze!? Looks like good old China?s grown a back bone! Even I haven?t gotten the nerve to ask fangs about that!? Marisa interrupted in surprise.

?Yes, really.? Meiling replied patiently.

?Dang, you must really care for the kid, I gotta respect that.?

?Well thanks?Anyways the problem is that I?m having trouble thinking up the right words to say?Any advice?? Meiling asked, with a hint of humility laced in her voice.

?Awww shucks, your overthinking things! Just let your heart do the talkin and Flan?ll be outta the basement in no time! Just have some self-confidence, ze!? Marisa said enthusiastically, giving Meiling a thumbs- up.

?You?re right! Thanks Marisa! I?ll get Flandre out of the basement no problem!? Meiling said with great enthusiasm, reassured by Marisa?s words of encouragement.

?Any time, but if that fails you could always sneak her out, ze.? Marisa said jokingly while winking at her.

?Ha, I?ll keep that in mind.?

?Well, with that I?m off, gotta get back home before it gets to dark.?

?What? You?re not going to try to ?borrow? anything?? Meiling asked.

?What? A gal can?t just chat with a friend? Besides I got my fill of borrowing from Patchy while you were yelling at yourself like a lunatic, ze.? Marisa replied smugly.

?Wait, what!?? Meiling asked in shocked.

?Hahaha, later China!? Marisa shouted as she bolted away on her broom.

?Dang it, Marisa! Get back here!? Meiling shouted at the thief, but the effort was in vain as Marisa was long gone.

Meiling sighed to herself sadly, ?I really hate my job sometimes??

With Meiling no longer worried about meeting her mistress from Marisa?s words, Meiling began to doze off as she normally would. Meiling?s dreams were usually quite strange, one example being her battling a giant talking catfish, but today Meiling?s dream was quite normal in comparison to doing mortal combat with a giant catfish.
In this dream Meiling was planting flowers in a large garden, with a huge assortment of flowers, from sunflowers to roses, and much, much more. But Meiling?s dream garden paled in comparison to the person who stood next to her as she watered the various plants in the massive garden.
Standing next to Meiling with a great big smile was Flandre, providing Meiling with company as she worked.
Out of all the dreams Meiling has had in her life, it ranked in the top five, if not ranked as the best dream she?s ever had.
Not only was she in her very own dream garden, she was also in the company of the person she would consider to be her best friend, Meiling wouldn?t mind having more dreams like this?
Meiling awakened from her dreams with the call of her name. As Meiling opened her eyes, she was met with an angry looking Sakuya, standing under the moonlight with her arms crossed as she stared daggers at the gatekeeper. ?Moonlight? How long was I out for??? Meiling asked herself in her half-asleep state before realizing that her superior was standing before her as she became more and more impatient with her.

?O-Oh Miss Sakuya! I was just resting my eyes! I swear!? Meiling stuttered as she braced herself for any knives the maid might throw at her.

Sakuya simply groaned to herself, ?What part of ?stay awake? didn?t you understand, Meiling?? Sakuya asked as she rubbed her forehead in frustration.

?I?m really sorry Miss Sakuya! It won?t happen again! I-?

?Save the excuses Meiling. I?m here to inform you that your shift is over, and that the mistress will see you now, she is currently in her study. Do not keep her waiting.? Sakuya interrupted.

?Oh right! Thank you Miss Sakuya!? Meiling said as she began to dash inside the mansion.

?Sometimes I wonder how she stays in employment?? Sakuya said to herself once Meiling was out of earshot.

As Meiling reached Remilia?s study, she took a few moments to collect her thoughts. ?Alright Meiling?You can do this?? She said to herself, and then knocked timidly on the study?s door.

?Come in.? a young yet mature sounding voice said from the other side of the door.

Meiling took one last deep breath before opening the door to the study.
The study had one lone desk in the center of the room, with one chair in front of it and another behind it. The desk had several papers strewn across its surface. Behind the desk and the chair behind it sat a bookcase filled with many books, more books than Meiling had probably read in her lifetime.
Sitting behind the desk was a small girl scribbling quickly on some papers with a feather pen. She wore a pink dress, her hair was purple and was up to the length of her shoulders, and upon her head she wore a mobcap that was the same color of her dress. Her most noticeable features were her blood red eyes and the black leathery wings that came out of her back.

?Ah Meiling, I was expecting you. Close the door and take a seat will you?? The young purple haired girl requested.
Meiling did as she asked and took a seat in front of the desk, waiting for the young girl to grant her permission to speak. The purple haired girl suddenly stopped writing on her paper, setting aside her pen and turning her attention to Meiling.
?So Meiling, what would you like to discuss with me? I hope it isn?t about a raise.? The young girl asked as she rested her head in her hands.

?N-Nothing like that, mistress Remilia. I-I?d actually like to d-discuss??

?Stop your blubbering and get to the point Meiling. I?m a very busy person as I?m sure you know, and I?d prefer it if you didn?t waste my valuable time. Now what is it that you want?? Remilia said irritably, cutting Meiling off midsentence.

?I?d like to talk about your sister!? Meiling cried out, almost shouting.

?What about her??? Remilia asked as her eyes narrowed.

?W-Well mistress?I think it may be time to let h-her outside of the basement, she has much more control over her powers now??Meiling stuttered as she tried to make her case.

?Meiling?Let me ask you something. Where in your job description does it say you may suggest courses of action to your mistress? Much less when you have no business sticking your nose into such subjects? Because I believe that falls more into Patchouli?s job as my adviser.? Remilia growled.

?B-But mistress!? Meiling began.

?Silence! I don?t care for your petty opinions on my family matters! Now I don?t want to hear another word on the subject from you! Flandre will remain in the basement now and until I say so otherwise! Am I understood?? Remilia roared at Meiling.

??Yes mistress?? Meiling replied in an almost inaudible voice.

?Very good?Now leave me at once before I teach you why they call me the Queen of the Night.? Remilia said as her crimson red eyes began to glow lightly.

?Yes mistress??   Meiling said with sadness evident in her voice.
Meiling then left her mistress?s study, with her hopes of her dream ever becoming a reality now crushed in the span of a few short minutes.

Re: Colorful Days
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2012, 04:57:32 PM »
Eh, no replies yet? :P Yikes, must be worse than I thought...Oh well. Here's an update anyways.
After Meiling?s fruitless confrontation with Remilia, the saddened gatekeeper slowly walked back to her room in the mansion, her head downcast in shame.
?Some friend I am?I can?t even keep my promise?I could?ve said something, anything?I can?t believe I just ran away like a coward with my tail between my legs! I?ve brought shame to my family?s name with my cowardice! I hope you can forgive your weak fool of a friend Flandre?? Meiling muttered to herself sorrowfully.

As Meiling reached the door leading to her room, she began fishing out her keys from her pockets. Once she retrieved her keys she opened the door, and the gatekeeper silently entered the room. She quickly changed into her night clothes, which consisted of a plain white shirt and a pair of green shorts, threw off her beret and plopped onto her bed and turned the lights off.

As Meiling stared blankly at the ceiling she realized she was missing dinner, though she didn?t mind, not at the least. Going to dinner would mean she?d have to see Remilia again, and she was the last person she wanted to see at the moment. Heck, she?s rather see Marisa right about now. She may be a pain to deal with, with her thieving ways but even so Meiling did get along well enough with the witch when she wasn?t causing mischief. Meiling might have gone as far as considering her a friend.
At the thought of Marisa, Meiling began to remember the conversation the two had earlier that day. Specifically what Marisa said after Meiling asked her for advice on the meeting with Remilia, which sadly didn?t go as well as she wanted it to. Marisa?s words ?You could always just sneak her out, ze?, Echoed in Meiling?s thoughts.

?I wonder?could that work? I know Marisa was just joking around, but still?It could work with the right planning?Bah, what am I thinking? I can?t just take Flandre out of the mansion and be on our merry way.? Meiling muttered to herself.
?But I swore to her that I would do everything in my power to make sure she can leave the basement and see the world?and Hong Meiling never breaks a promise, especially not one to a friend!? Meiling said to herself, with all her doubts now extinguished and replaced with determination. She would make sure she fulfilled her promise to Flandre, no matter what the cost.

By morning Meiling had devised a plan, it was risky but if it worked Meiling would be able to show her friend the beauty of the world beyond the mansion. But if it failed?Meiling would prefer not to think of the possible consequences that would befall not just her, but Flandre as well.

Once Meiling was awake, she slipped on her day regular guard uniform, put on her usual grass green beret and went down for breakfast. Thankfully Remilia would not be present, as Meiling was still wary of seeing her after the events from the night before.

As Meiling walked into the large dining room where the senior staff ate their meals, she was immediately met with a pleasant aroma entering her nostrils. In the center of the room was a long table, it was covered with plates, silverware and of course, food. Hanging above the table was a golden chandelier, which helped provide the lighting of the room, along with the sunlight coming in from the windows. Sitting at the table eating breakfast was a purple haired woman with just as equally purple eyes. She wore light purple robes that many would call pajamas, and a mobcap in a matching color on her head, with a crescent moon shaped pin attached to it.
Sitting next to the purple garbed girl was a red headed one, with wings not unlike Remilia?s coming both out of her head and back. She wore a black dress with white longs sleeves; she also wore a red necktie.

?Good morning Miss Patchouli and Koakuma.? Meiling said to the eating duo.

?Meiling.? The purple garbed woman Patchouli acknowledged then quickly returned her attention back to the meal before her.

?Good morning Meiling. How did you sleep last night?? Koakuma asked happily as Meiling took a seat across from the two.

?Eh, no complaints I suppose.? Meiling replied.

?Really? That?s good. I thought you might?ve had a rough time falling asleep last night.? Koakuma said to Meiling.

?Why would you think that?? Meiling asked with an eyebrow raised.

?Well?You know?I heard your meeting with the mistress didn?t go very well.? Koakuma explained to Meiling.

?Y-You know about that?? Meiling asked nervously.

?Well, I don?t know the details of your meeting or anything, but I heard that it didn?t end favorably to you.? Koakuma explained as she took a bite of food from her plate.

?Oh?So how did you hear about that?? Meiling asked as she loaded her plate with food.

?Oh Miss Patchouli told me, and the mistress told her.? Koakuma explained casually. Patchouli glanced up for a moment upon hearing her name being brought up, but then quickly went back to eating.

?I see?? Meiling said in response to Koakuma?s explanation. Oh this could be a problem?if Remilia told Patchouli the details of our discussion?This could take a turn for the worst? Meiling thought to herself as she glanced at Patchouli taking the last bites of food from her plate.

?Ah, that was quite delicious?Koa, I will now be returning to the library now, please report there once you have finished your meal.? Patchouli said as she got up from her seat at the table.

?Yes mistress.? Koakuma replied to her master.

?Please commend Sakuya for this wonderful meal for me if you see her, will you Koa? And Meiling, it was a pleasure seeing you.? Patchouli said as she slowly exited the room.

?It was nice to see you too, Miss Patchouli.? Meiling replied. It doesn?t seem like she knows any details of my meeting?but with that one you can never be too careful, there is a reason why her last name is ?Knowledge? after all? Meiling thought to herself as she watched Patchouli exit the room.

?Well I better get going as well before Miss Patchouli gets cranky with me; she can be so impatient sometimes. It was nice talking with you Meiling.? Koakuma said after several moments had passed. With that, Koakuma left the room, rushing off to the mansion?s library, where she and her master spent the majority of their time together.

Meiling was then left alone in the dining hall, left alone to finish the rest of her meal in solitude. Meiling made quick work of her food, scarfing it down fairly quickly. Once she had finished stuffing herself with food, Meiling stood up to begin her guarding duties for the day. But as she was ready to leave, she heard a door open, and saw Sakuya enter the room, with a tray of food balanced on the palm of her hands.

?Good morning Miss Sakuya!? Meiling greeted as she saluted her superior.

?Good morning, Meiling.? Sakuya responded as she stopped to speak with Meiling.

?Where are you going with that food, Miss Sakuya?? Meiling asked out of curiosity.

?The young mistress?s room, this is the time she usually arouses from her sleep.? Sakuya explained to her coworker.

?Oh, let me do that for you Miss Sakuya! You must be busy enough the way it is without a little job like this.? Meiling offered.

?Thank you Meiling, just be sure not to linger there any longer than needed, you still have your guarding duties to attend to.? Sakuya said as she handed Meiling the tray of food she was holding.

?No problem Miss Sakuya! I?ll be done in a flash!? Meiling said as she started heading out of the room and towards the basement. How convenient, I can fill Flandre in on my plan now without raising any suspicion! Things are starting to look up for me for once! Meiling thought to herself cheerfully as she walked through the dark and empty halls of the basement.

Meiling soon enough reached the cold metal door that was the entrance to Flandre?s room. She knocked on the door as it was common courtesy, and didn?t want to accidentally walk in on the vampire if she was changing into a new pair of clothes or
some other private matter.

In response to Meiling?s knocking, a tired sounding Flandre could be heard saying ?Come in?? from the other side of the door.
When Meiling entered the room, she saw Flandre sitting up in her bed, wearing a red nightgown and appearing to be quite tired. Meiling surmised that the young vampire had woken up not too long ago or that Meiling had woken her up with her knocking.

For a vampire, Flandre had unusual sleeping habits, rather than being active during the night, she was active during the day, and rested at night rather than vice versa. Meiling presumed this was the reason why Remilia rarely visited her, as their sleeping habits were polar opposites.

?Oh good morning Meiling?What?re you doing here?? Flandre asked as she gave the gatekeeper a tired smile.

?Good morning Flandre, I?m just here to give you your breakfast, and ask you a question.? Meiling said as she handed her the tray holding her breakfast.

?Oh thanks Meiling?So what do you need to ask?? Flandre asked as she started eating.

?Well what would you say if I told you there was a way for you to leave the basement and explore the world like you?ve always told me you?ve dreamed of?? Meiling asked cheerfully.
Flandre looked up from her meal and stared at her friend with her mouth agape, and her eyes now wide and alert.

?D-Do you mean??? Flandre stuttered in excitement and surprise.

?Well no?I tried asking your sister about releasing you but it didn?t really go all that well?? Meiling explained with a frown on her face.

?Oh?? Flandre said as her surprised expression was replaced with one of sadness and disappointment.

?Hey don?t look so sad Flan, Remilia may not have given you permission to leave your room, but that doesn?t mean you can?t leave.? Meiling said happily.

?What do you mean?? Flandre asked curiously.

?I mean we could sneak out, and go explore the world! So what do you say? I know you don?t like disobeying your sister and all, so it?s up to you Flandre.? Meiling asked her young friend.

Flandre simply stared at the gatekeeper, pondering on what to do. Flandre disliked disobeying her sister just as Meiling had said; she had always tried her hardest to be the perfect younger sibling and please her elder sister. But now the opportunity to live her dreams and explore the world with her closest friend is within her grasp, the young vampire struggled to make a decision, with all of these conflicting thoughts within her head. After several moments of debating with herself on what course of action to take, Flandre finally answered Meiling?s question.

?Y?Yes.? Flandre answered timidly.

?Are you sure Flandre? If something goes wrong and we?re caught, there will be consequences to pay.?

?Yes! I?m sure China, I trust you!? Flandre said as she hugged the gatekeeper in a tight embrace.

If it were from anyone else, Meiling would have chastised them for calling her ?China.? Flandre was one of the few people she didn?t mind calling her by the nickname. Meiling thought it was cute when the pint sized vampire called her by the nickname, rather than annoying like when Marisa or anyone else referred to her by it.

?Alright, I?ll do everything in my power to make sure this plan does not fail.? Meiling said reassuringly as she hugged the vampire back.

?What?s your plan anyways China?? Flandre asked as she let the gatekeeper go and went back to eating from her plate.

?Well it?s not perfect, but the plan is to basically sneak out at sunset, that?s when Sakuya is busy preparing dinner, and your sister will still be asleep at that time. We won?t have to worry about Patchouli or Koakuma, those two rarely leave the library, so all that we?ll have to worry about are the fairy maids, but even they aren?t too much to worry about, their intelligence isn?t exactly high after all. So that?ll be the best time to sneak out.? Meiling explained as Flandre continued eating her breakfast.

?Wow! I thought Patchy was the smartest one here! Your plan is perfect Meiling!? Flandre exclaimed.

?Oh stop?Your making me blush!? Meiling said with a sheepish grin as she rubbed the back of her head. ?Anyways, I have to go report to guard duty before Sakuya gets angry with me, I?ll come and get you when it?s time to put our plan to action. In the meantime, pack anything you?ll need, alright??

?Okay Meiling!? Flandre said cheerfully as she finished her breakfast.

?Good girl, I?ll see you soon.? Meiling said as she took the now empty tray and began her way out to get to work. As Meiling exited the room she caught a glimpse of Flandre beginning to pack clothes into a bag as she hummed a happy tune.

Meiling?s job was unusually quiet and uneventful that day. There weren?t any intruders to speak of, not even the mansion?s most frequent visitor, Marisa had shown up today. Leaving Meiling little else to do to pass the time besides stretching exercises and gazing at the sky until sunset, which was when Meiling?s shift ended for the day conveniently enough.

Once Meiling left her post for the day and entered the mansion, she saw Sakuya walking though the foyer, towards the kitchen. No doubt she?s going off to prepare dinner, Meiling thought to herself as she approached the maid.
?Good evening Miss Sakuya!? Meiling greeted.

?Good evening Meiling, is it the end of your shift already?? Sakuya asked.

?Yep, Anyways Miss Sakuya, I forgot to mention this earlier, but I?ll be taking my vacation days starting tomorrow. I hope it isn?t an inconvenience.?

?I see?I?ll have to begin looking into a suitable replacement then, thank you for informing me.? Sakuya said.

?No problem. I?ll be in my quarters if you need anything then.? Meiling said as she began her way to her room.

?Very well then Meiling?Hmmmm?Perhaps the flower youkai?s guard?  Perhaps the netherworld samurai? Or maybe even the Jiang Shi??  Sakuya mumbled to herself as she made her way to the kitchen.

Meiling quickly went to her room and started packing anything she thought she would need for her and Flandre?s journey, as they would not be returning to the mansion for quite some time. Once she packed in all her necessities, like clothes, money and an old lantern from her home country, Meiling walked out of her room and locked the door behind her, and headed off towards the basement for the second time that day to retrieve her companion.
As soon as Meiling reached the door to Flandre?s room, she tapped on the door a few times, ?Flandre it?s me, Meiling.?

?Come in!? Flandre said cheerfully from the other side of the door. Meiling did as Flandre said and entered the room.
Flandre was sitting on her bed, bouncing up and down in excitement while gripping a black staff like stick, with one end shaped like a spade.

?China, are you ready to go!?? Flandre asked excitedly.

?Yep, we just need to pick up some food before we go though, can?t travel on an empty stomach after all. I assume you?re done packing right?? Meiling asked.

?Yup, I got everything I need, just like you told me to!? Flandre answered cheerfully.

?Ah good! Now let?s go get some food and blow this popsicle stand!? Meiling said to her excited friend.

?What?s a popsicle stand?? Flandre asked curiously.

?Eh?Well to be honest I?ve got no clue. Just a weird outside world saying I heard.?

?Oh, well let?s go blow this Popsicle stand!? Flandre said cheerfully.

?Right, let?s go!? Meiling said as the two left the room, with Flandre taking one last look at the room that she had lived in for the past 495 years before going off to gather the last of their supplies.
The two wandered through the halls until they reached the mansion?s food storage. It was here where most of the mansion?s food was stored, with the rest being stored in the kitchen?s pantry. The room had three rows of shelves, two of the rows filled to the brim with food and the third being filled with an assortment of drinks, such as some very expensive looking wine.

"Alright, let?s take about?Two weeks? worth of food. There?s so much in here, I doubt anyone will notice that it?s missing?? Meiling said as she started putting all kinds of food into a bag.
As Meiling packed food into her bag, Flandre stared in awe of all the assortments of food stored in the room.

?Wow?there?s so much food in here?? Flandre said in awe.

?Heh, yeah, this place is packed to gills with all kinds of foods and drinks, sometimes I wonder how your sister affords it all.? Meiling replied as she continued packing.

?Huh...Hey what?s that?? Flandre asked as she pointed to a shelf full of bottles of red liquid.

?Oh that?? Meiling asked as she looked up, ?That would be the mistress?s blood supply.?

?Oh?Where does it come from?? Flandre asked with curiosity.

?It comes from humans, they exchange their blood for money, but the more generous ones donate it to the mansion free of charge.? Meiling explained as she picked up the bag she packed food into and walked towards the shelf Flandre pointed to.
?Good thing you asked me about that, I almost forgot to grab some.? Meiling said with a chuckle. ?So what type do you prefer?? Meiling asked.

?Type? Huh?? Flandre asked in confusion.

?Yeah, you know, Type A, Type B??

"I don?t know?Saky always puts the sauce on my meals, and she never told me what kind it was?? Flandre explained.

?Oh I see?Well then, we?ll just have to take one of everything!? Meiling said cheerfully as she started taking a bottle of each kind and putting it inside her bag carefully.

?Alright, I think we have everything we?ll need now, so let?s get out of here before someone catches us.? Meiling said after she finished packing the bottles of blood into her bag.

?Yeah, let?s go!? Flandre said with excitement as she happily skipped through the halls.

?Ah, wait for me Flandre!? Meiling yelled to her friend as she began running after her.

The two made it through the halls with ease, with most of the fairy maids slacking off instead of cleaning, and didn?t notice the two sneaking through the mansion?s halls. The two made it to the foyer soon enough without being noticed by anyone.

?Phew! We made it!? Meiling said as the two started for the door. ?Well Flandre, are you ready? Once we leave, we won?t be coming back for quite some time.? Meiling asked.

?Uh-huh, I?m ready China.? Flandre answered as she gave Meiling a smile.

?Good?, Meiling said as she opened the door. ?World, here we come!? Meiling shouted as the two exited the mansion, and flew off towards the land beyond the lake, while taking in the beautiful view of the sunset.


Re: Colorful Days
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2012, 06:07:55 PM »
Eh, no replies yet? :P Yikes, must be worse than I thought...Oh well. Here's an update anyways.

What are you talking about? O.o This fan fiction story is very interesting to me. Just because you get no replies man doesn't mean its bad. lol =D Heck even I don't have any replies from other people on my one but I don't doubt I don't have any readers or think its bad. ;-3

Re: Colorful Days
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2012, 06:49:51 PM »
I read most fics that people write.I'm just lazy to post something about them.Anyways,as Aya said ,this fic is very interesting,so don't get discouraged just'cause people don't  post.