Author Topic: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)  (Read 34438 times)


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #30 on: November 09, 2012, 05:03:11 AM »
Alright, I am going to make a huge revamp to the character lore, so... [Also to create contrast between one who believes fate and one that manipulates and creates fate...]

1. Remilia Scarlet

[I figured since she was a vampire, there is a great chance she might need blood to survive, so can that be a part of the story mechanics (just for Remilia, I guess)? If not, it is fine with me.]

My OC.
Name: Owen Sterne

Alias [will be used]: Hikari Tsubame

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Visual Description
-Height: 187.39 CM
-Hair color/style: Black-Brown, with uncut sideburns and spiky, short hair.

-Eye color: Deep Purple
-Clothing: Black Jacket, Purple Tank Top and Camouflage Pants. If casual, same, but with rugged, worn-out jeans instead.
-Accessories: A waist pouch that contains a Swiss Army Knife, a MK-32 pistol stored in the pockets of his Jacket, and a Necklace and a Bracelet.

-Other: A severed left arm, a prosthetic and mechanical left arm, a deep scar in his right palm. Medium build, NOT muscular.

   Believes that only the strongest survive, and actively refrains from making acquaintances as he fears that he has to kill them someday. Also, very silent, and does not talk unless necessary, and in a no-nonsense way. He had also experienced betrayal, thus he is very conservative, and also careful. Usually he likes to talk about fate, if he ever talks.
   Appreciates people who display clear independence and survival instinct, and also has ability to fend for themselves. Though, he does envy those who are able to act based on their emotions instead of logic. Also, chivalrous duelists, and those who really know what honor and dignity is worth.
   Hates on people who are whiny and dependent, and are incapable of anything. Also hates people who act rashly on emotion and the people who fake bravery. Detests fate's rein on him.

History/Background: Owen Sterne is a member of a family of famous contract killers. They work part-time for the Singapore Military as assassins to eliminate important threats to society, and he has been raised in a world where he views all lives to be useless and merely tools. However, he himself is haunted by a memory of him having to kill a young girl in order to silence everyone at the scene of his killing of a Terrorist member, as the government would silence him regardless of whether he kills a "proper" person or not, as long as he is caught doing the act. He is on payroll of the Singapore Military's Sabotage and Espionage division, and also a contract killer that acts as long as there is a reward. However, ever since that incident that haunted him since 9 years ago, he is unable to let go of that memory, and refuses contracts that are inhumane as he deems. He used to have a comrade in a sabotage squad that he used to be in, and on one of his missions, he was the only member of his team to return and had his arm shot when he had to bail when the mission failed. Since then, he lost his best friend and comrade, and understood the true meaning of the sanctity of life - It is worth nothing. He resides in an apartment, and has spent most of his childhood in private education and also learning to use knives to kill. When his grandmother died, who was a gentle person, and did not know about the killing and the training he received in the first place, she gave a necklace she cherished to him. That was his last memory of the only person that treated him as a normal person. He also has a bracelet from young when his mother gave him during the first few months of birth before she died due to an infection and complication during the surgery done when he was born. His father is also a trained assassin, and treats him very coldly, and as if he were using him as a tool.

2 months ago, he had been sabotaged by his comrades that wanted to take his position [internal politics/office politics, if you know what I mean] in the military to go on a mission to kill a certain person in the apparent name of the government, and his comrade that sent him exposed him in order to gain his position and credit from his superiors as Owen was a very dangerous operative anyways, and the government also wanted to get rid of him due to some polictical complications. This was also when he experienced betrayal by another of his trusted comrades. As he was being hunted down in Singapore, he needed to escape. He created the false scene of him jumping into the sea and drowning, and the government never bothered to track him down as he was believed dead, or even if he was alive, would never be able to get back to Singapore with his belongings in Singapore confiscated, including his citizenship and passport. Eventually he arrived in Japan after being picked up by contacts he hired to escort him to Japan and earn him citizenship. He has since lived under the alias of Hikari Tsubame [lit. Swallow of Light/Light Swallow] and conceded to fate having him live his life this way. He still lives in a run-down apartment somewhere in Asaka, and still retains his killing profession. That is, if the contractors can find him. He works in a provision shop there in the day, and earns enough to sustain a living. He finds himself weak as he is controlled by destiny/fate.

As of now, he has no relatives, with his mother dead during birth due to complications, his father "killed in action" [government disposal after Owen's company misconduct was discovered], his grandparents dead and his comrades either dead or betrayed him. He has no friends nor contacts as of the current moment.

Fighting Style: He fights with a custom made Swiss Army Knife by his father, with the knife blade having ornate carvings on yit. He specialises in swift kills, going for the neck of an enemy and tries to keep fights, if any, to as short as possible. He does not favour the use of his firearm, as it was the very firearm he killed the young girl who witnessed what he did during that specific mission with. He also tries to aim for the artery and tries to give his enemy a quick, painless death. He fights with his Swiss Army Knife with a backhand grip, and is able to fight competently with blade-wielding opponents. If the opponent uses a firearm, he will favour ambush tactics.

Ability: Sheer Effort and training from young. Impeccable mastery of the Knife renders him able to swing at high speeds, however, only at human capacity. He does not like fights, and the most favourable option will always be to stay away from trouble. But when he does fight, he wishes to fight with all his might.

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: He wishes to be a strong person, as he believes that humanity is weak because of all the angst and qualms that people have when they do something. He abides to chivalry [as much as he can be for someone that strikes from the shadows], and is also unorthodox when need be. He also wants to escape fate itself, which he is a believer of, yet loathes fate's reins on his life.

Theme Song (Optional):
The Price of Freedom: [When he is in a sentimental talk/talking about fate]
The World's Enemy: [When he gets into a fight he cannot get out of... his family blood takes over, and his ruthless side shows.]

Fun Facts (Optional):
He keeps his Firearm in pieces, and only assembles it when he needs it.
His reluctance to use his firearm makes him consider himself weak.
His Swiss army knife is carved with the words "Silence".
He mastered a technique with his blade called the Swallow Reverse, where he dashes at an enemy and feints into a backhand slash. It is made so the opponent will have next to no reaction time if he pulls it off while the opponent is worn out, or botches their escape/parry. [Also a devout of Bushido, thus he knows of Sasaki Kojirou and wants to honor him with his developed technique with the Swiss Army Knife]
He only uses the blade of the knife when he is sure he can attack the neck, or he will use the blunt edge of the knife.
His unkempt sideburns make him look like a wolf.
His left arm is actually able to perform like a real arm, however, it cannot grasp anything very tightly, thus is usually not used in combat [can't grasp a sword/knife/gun].
He can be said to be the worst with the gun, despite being able to assemble it within a short span of 10 seconds. With one hand. His aiming is far off, and he never devotes himself to that weapon, as it is his most traumatizing event.

Soon-to-gain abilities: Undecided, but something to do with the art of a sword/knife. May change his weapon into a real sword, or give him abilities to project a sword weapon, like how Remilia is able to project her lance in Touhou: Unthinkable Natural Law. Also thinking of stealth...
Confirmed: I will have him use his blood as fuel for his abilities in a process called "Blood Ritual", and basically is the only thing that allows him to actually harm the more supernatural beings [i.e. Anything other than an ORDINARY HUMAN. He can still inflict harm to a human with magic abilities without Blood Ritual, but yeah. Blood will be his source of ability and power, so to speak, and his blood will be upkeep for both his abilities and Remilia... Wow, what have I gotten myself in to.]

So, tell me if you need it to be altered any more. He will use his alias, but soon will abandon it when he is alone/with trusted people.

Also, to clear your worry: He can and WILL be relying on Remilia to do the fighting after he realises how physically weak he is compared to a seemingly 10 year-old girl.
Did he seriously seem so OP-ed to you...? I mean, combat useless left arm, good right arm, decent assassination skills, good knifework, and veteran... + VERY VERY BAD SHOT...

Nevermind my statement, I was just curious... yeah, please review my profile to see if it fits into your standards... thank you very much...

[Wonders how I am so excited waiting for the RP to start]

Oh, when will registration close... er... not rushing you... but yeah, I just wanna know a rough estimation, thanks!

EDIT: This is when he uses his Blood Ritual ability.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 02:13:42 PM by Ran-Rii »


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Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #31 on: November 10, 2012, 06:28:28 PM »
This is probably gonna seem like a really silly question, but after reading some of the posts in the story thread, and the 'How to enter the game' posts linked in the OP, I'm a little confused as to how my character will join, since it is past 'Day 3 Afternoon'.

It's probably just me being stupid because that page may not be relevant anymore, but best to check.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #32 on: November 10, 2012, 11:50:47 PM »
I PM'd the GM on this one before, and he said that he needed to confirm the participants, then decide on a way to make us join...


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #33 on: November 11, 2012, 12:02:56 AM »
Ah, that makes sense.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #34 on: November 11, 2012, 06:22:22 PM »
This is probably gonna seem like a really silly question, but after reading some of the posts in the story thread, and the 'How to enter the game' posts linked in the OP, I'm a little confused as to how my character will join, since it is past 'Day 3 Afternoon'.

It's probably just me being stupid because that page may not be relevant anymore, but best to check.
Right now, if you are interested in joining Neo WUFTD all you can and should do is:
1) Post an application (character name, age, gender, partner choices).
2) Once step 1 goes through (or if you're that bent on joining), post a character profile and make sure GM(s) approve of it.

For now that's really it. We'll handle the tying in of the new characters into the current story. We're waiting to see if there's further interest before finalizing our plans and taking action, that's why we're waiting right now. You two are just early applicants. :D

@Ran-Rii, I like the revamped character profile for Owen, good job. Still approved, of course. ;)

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Faith, Hope and Love
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #35 on: November 16, 2012, 12:07:12 PM »
hi. (I reply couldn't reply on my message so put it here instead)

I want to stay and continue to play.
I have had some serious problem at home and didn't have time to make any posts.
I am sorry that I didn't say anything to you guys and just disappeared, I hope you can forgive me.

sincerely, natten20.

P.S I can't get to the Saniwa Shrine chatroom.


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2012, 03:18:02 PM »
hi. (I reply couldn't reply on my message so put it here instead)

I want to stay and continue to play.
I have had some serious problem at home and didn't have time to make any posts.
I am sorry that I didn't say anything to you guys and just disappeared, I hope you can forgive me.

sincerely, natten20.

P.S I can't get to the Saniwa Shrine chatroom.

I also can't get into the chatroom, it appears it's down.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2012, 03:59:37 PM »
The Saniwa Shrine chatroom is indeed down for the moment. I believe it's an issue with down services from hosting. For now, please go to Nemo Ma's new chatroom location: :)

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Brief Update
« Reply #38 on: November 19, 2012, 11:32:20 PM »
Update for those interested in joining:

I've been traveling to get home for Thanksgiving week, and working on a new post for the story. After that's taken care of, I'll work on getting you all set up for joining in on the action. Sorry for the wait! :D

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
  • *
  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #39 on: November 19, 2012, 11:42:56 PM »
No problem, I'm fine with waiting.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #40 on: November 25, 2012, 04:18:10 AM »
It is going to be interesting seeing how you are going to integrate the newcomers into the story, since the story looks like it has plenty momentum already.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #41 on: November 25, 2012, 04:39:55 AM »
It is going to be interesting seeing how you are going to integrate the newcomers into the story, since the story looks like it has plenty momentum already.
Yes, and since I just finished my next post I can start finalizing my plans for integration.

By the way, anyone else is welcome to join. Apply now! :)

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Information for those currently participating, and those joining now.
« Reply #42 on: November 26, 2012, 10:51:43 PM »
First, two announcements about the roleplay's status right now for current participants:

1. "I want to post, but I'm not sure what I should do."
Everyone who is currently in the story has absolutely free reign inside Virtual Gensokyo (which is, as you hopefully know, where we are now). In your posts, you may use your own characters, other participants' characters and partners, GM characters and their partners, NPC Touhous (Touhou characters that aren't going to be 'partnered' by others), and any other NPCs in the virtual world that you want to use or invent. Naturally you should check with other participants if you have doubts about how their OCs would behave, or if you are going to make them do relatively extreme things, but otherwise you are in control of what you write. For example, in my most recent story post I introduced Kosuzu Mootori and had my two OCs Ken and Mayli interact with her briefly, even though she isn't going to be acquired by anyone. I also included Duke's character Andy; I have been collaborating with Duke to make sure our posts fit perfectly and so far that has been very successful. I highly encourage that kind of interaction when writing posts, hopefully everyone can be active in this roleplay's development. The point is, you can use ANYONE: Everyone's well-known spitefully annoying favorite protagonists Reimu and Marisa, other people's characters (Andy, Neil, etc.), my characters (Ken, Mayli, Patchouli, Eirin, Parsee), you name it. Just remember that the goal while in Virtual Gensokyo is to make pacts with your designated destined Touhous before the allotted time (~3 hours) expires. How you go about doing it is up to you. Pacts can fail, if you want. I just had a pact with Ran and my character fail, and now they have to consider what to do as a result. Your characters can be warped into the Virtual Gensokyo anywhere you choose, they can fight or encounter other Touhous, or they can go to Kourindou or visit the SDM or whatever, it's up to you. Just make sure you get your partners!

I see somewhat of a slowdown in posts right now, so I'm saying this explicitly just in case there is confusion as to what participants should be posting about. I'm hoping that this isn't a case of mismatching (participants aren't interested in this severely open-ended roleplay despite joining it earlier with other expectations) and instead a case of participants being too busy with real life/school/jobs/etc. (which is very excusable, don't worry about it, but we would certainly like to know if this is the case so we aren't left in the dark about it). Nemo Ma hoped everyone was aware of how open-ended the roleplay was becoming once we reached Virtual Gensokyo, but I had my doubts and now I hope everyone is aware of what the hell to do. This gives me an idea to make prompts that tell participants what they need to accomplish but not go into detail (you know, like those things that are the basis of you writing lots of essays about books that you hate to read in high school English class), but that's a story for another day. *ahem*


2. Please talk to us!
Contact myself or Nemo Ma if you have ANY questions or concerns about the roleplay. Ask questions here in the Discussion thread, send PMs, or whatever. We are always here, watching...waiting. Or you can contact the other participants too, it's up to you. Feedback is appreciated too: if you think the roleplay sucks, tell us how we could possibly make it more interesting for you. Heck, if you know any roleplayers that may be interested in joining this roleplay, go right ahead and invite them to sign up now! If they have questions, we can answer those too. We're doing what we can to maintain a nice roleplaying environment, but only you participants can keep it going. Let's not turn this into The Nemo Ma and Kakyoin Show (although that would be...interesting). How to contact us? Read the first post in this thread, it is the holy grail for everything Neo WUFTD after all.


Now then, for anyone else interested in joining right now (Ran-Rii, Raikaria and any others who wish to join before we close registration), I am taking the first steps now to getting you involved. Read on to see more details, just know that we will be in the process of finalizing our plans and that the ones detailed in this post may change.

1. What in general is the integration plan?
We have asked you to specify how your characters came to Japan, and we (the GMs) want to introduce a scenario which invites your characters...

...into the clutches.




You all will start the PRISONERS! *lightning, cliche evil music* MWAH HA HA HA HA HA

Okay no but seriously, the goal is to have all of your characters be introduced as RAI captives in a second virtualization room that is hidden adjacent to the large one that everyone else is currently in right now, but they will be in a different simulation.

Nitori is currently at the controls in the primary virtualization room, and she will be able to monitor what is going on in the system. That's when she'll discover that there are others and then using her super kappa deduction skills she will figure out where they are, and realize that they are in a different simulation. She must then 'safely eject' them from the simulation they are currently in. When they come to and finally stabilize, they will explain to her what happened to them prior to their captivity.

So how did they become RAI captives to begin with? While in Japan, they were caught up in an unfortunate accident. First let's get some epic music going for storytelling time...all right, there we go. It was thus told...

RAI had a captive escape their laboratory into the streets of Hanamidori, Japan. RAI officials dispatched teams of elite soldiers to the streets to try to detain this individual, who was a part of their crucial experiments. The captive escaped into the Tokugawa Galleria, one of the largest mega-retailers in the region and one of Hanamidori's attractions. It is located near the border between it and its neighboring town Kamisuiwa. RAI soldiers flooded the galleria, locking it down segments at a time. They cautioned all shoppers to avoid a suspicious flighty woman and to indicate if she was spotted, claiming that she was a danger to all around her. The woman, being the captive they were chasing down, realized that she had little choice but to try to blend in with the shoppers in the galleria. During this time, she happened upon a group of what she thought were shoppers eating in the food court. They beheld her frightened, scattered face and figure and asked her to leave since they were discussing a business startup proposal.

It turns out that prior to this encounter, these individuals had been contacted by an organization called Rinji Operations, which wanted to do what it could to clean up and stave off delinquency and street crime in Japan, and that they had been singled out as trustworthy individuals due to "field observations" made in secret by several of the company's covert employees who specialized in talent acquisition. The company desired to have relatively normal citizens on its administrative board, and these individuals had eventually agreed to discuss the proposition further despite having doubts about the opportunty at first. The company seemed to be in relatively good public standing, so what could go wrong? Thus they were gathered at a business proposal over lunch in the spectacular Tokugawa Galleria.

Having stumbled upon who they suspected to be the escapee, the Rinji Operations officials suddenly tried to seize the woman after realizing who she was, one in particular resorting to physical violence to exhaust her and keep her from escaping. In the confusion, the invited individuals had seen one thing: an innocent being mistreated without proper care of authority and custody. All doubts about the company that wanted to hire them became a reality, and they began to intervene just as the RAI officers arrived. The Rinji Operations employee who had physically beat her claimed that they were staying true to their ideals, but the other officials violently opposed such intentions, claiming instead that they did not approve of those acts and were only acting out of concern for the public. Before any more discussion could be had, RAI officers acted immediately, flooding the area and seizing all who resisted. It was then that everyone caught in the skirmish realized that they had been deceived: the lone RO official had betrayed them for greedy intentions beyond their comprehension, sold them into the schemes of a greater presence. As they fought to protect the woman against this suddenly traitorous individual and the RAI officers, they were rounded up one by one, loyal RO members and the invited individuals alike, held at the mercy of RAI's advanced weaponry. The woman, with startling speed and dexterity, eluded capture and escaped into the vastness of the galleria beyond the food court.

RAI denounced the now-captives as criminals for aiding an escaped prisoner, accusing them of being in league with her. Blindfolded and handcuffed, they were led to places they could not comprehend via vehicle and foot. Before they could figure out what was going on, they were inside of a RAI base at the mercy of powerful technology. They were brought to the Kamisuiwa RAI base and forced into several testing experiments, ending with one long, virtual test that only RAI knows the intentions behind. It is then that Nitori, finally at the controls in the Kamisuiwa RAI base virtualization room, discovers their presence. She will invite them to join their quest after hearing their dislike towards RAI, asking them to aid her and her friends' cause. Having the same goal in mind, they will unite and will be entered into the virtual world known as Gensokyo, ready to put an end to the injustice they witnessed...

If you didn't guess, those invited individuals are your original characters. Very likely it will be optional to post about the scuffle in the mall, being taken to the RAI base and forced into experimentation, and then meeting with Nitori after being freed from the virtual simulation they were previous involved in. This gives you the chance to flesh out the situation as you see fit, but if you'd rather jump straight into the virtual Gensokyo action that's probably okay too. If you do post about them, the simulation for each OC will likely be up to you, but it should involve some sort of task in a virtual situation of your decision since RAI will have been testing their mental capacities and strengths over time. Unfortunately for RAI, Jeremy and Yukari broke free from their slumber in the main virtualization room and managed to take out the small RAI force overseeing the base before heading out and...getting captured again. Derp. :fail:

2. Cool story Kakybroin. So what can we start doing now?
Start thinking about the posting opportunities listed above. Even if the plot behind those situations changes, the general idea will be the same: your character will have been detained by RAI and forced into mental experiments via virtualization in the Kamisuiwa RAI base, and Nitori will free your character and invite them to join. However, please do not post in the story thread yet. See, I still haven't talked to Nemo Ma about this (shhh!) so now we have to agree on the specifics that I mentioned above...
« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 11:02:36 PM by Kakyoin »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #43 on: November 26, 2012, 11:12:52 PM »
You know, that bgm you posted ended JUST as I finished reading the post.

I'll probably do something about the mall incident, although once RAI show up it's more of a 'run away I don't wanna fight' because David... well... hates fighting. To be planning docments!

Also I better get in contact with Sonae to ask how he/she plans to portray Yuuka, because that will have a knock-on effect on a couple of points about Elly. [eg: No point having her have mental effects from Yuuka abusing her if Yuuka isn't going to be a sadist]
« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 11:17:28 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #44 on: November 26, 2012, 11:20:36 PM »
You know, that bgm you posted ended JUST as I finished reading the post.
I'm skilled like that, so it just happens naturally, you know? Kinda like how fish jump up to form a bridge beneath Reimu's feet when--yeah okay, joke's over. :/


Also I better get in contact with Sonae to ask how he/she plans to portray Yuuka, because that will have a knock-on effect on a couple of points about Elly. [eg: No point having her have mental effects from Yuuka abusing her if Yuuka isn't going to be a sadist]
Sonae is one of the queens of canonical adherence, so I don't think you have much to worry about Sadistic Yuuka. But yes, best to drop her a message and see what she's got cooking for later.

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #45 on: November 27, 2012, 01:59:54 AM »
As such, right now I am in Virtual Gensokyo, yes?
And it is possible to "backtime" my posts to before I was captured...

This is interesting...
3 hours, yes?

...what was the timestamp for us...?



  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #46 on: November 27, 2012, 02:11:42 AM »
As such, right now I am in Virtual Gensokyo, yes?
And it is possible to "backtime" my posts to before I was captured...

This is interesting...
3 hours, yes?

...what was the timestamp for us...?

Your character will not start in Virtual Gensokyo. Their first "present time" post will take place in the secondary virtualization lab after Nitori takes them out of their virtualization simulation in there. After interacting with Nitori, they will be invited to enter the Virtual Gensokyo simulation, they will presumably accept and they'll get back in their pods and she'll pull the trigger to put them in Virtual Gensokyo.

There is currently no set timestamp for all this yet, not until Nemo Ma and I finalize these plans.

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #47 on: November 27, 2012, 02:19:10 AM »
Your character will not start in Virtual Gensokyo. Their first "present time" post will take place in the secondary virtualization lab after Nitori takes them out of their virtualization simulation in there. After interacting with Nitori, they will be invited to enter the Virtual Gensokyo simulation, they will presumably accept and they'll get back in their pods and she'll pull the trigger to put them in Virtual Gensokyo.

There is currently no set timestamp for all this yet, not until Nemo Ma and I finalize these plans.

Alright. I think I lost you somewhere.
The part about us being able to post now still requires confirmation from Nemo Ma, huh...


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #48 on: November 27, 2012, 02:24:29 AM »
Alright. I think I lost you somewhere.
The part about us being able to post now still requires confirmation from Nemo Ma, huh...
Reread the second step for new joiners in my initial post. :)  I already stated that it required confirmation from her. I took on the task of integrating you all in, and she's mostly approved of it so far, but she hasn't yet said "okay now let's finalize it." But knowing her, she won't unless I go to her about it.

I'll kick her for some answers asap, don't worry. Time to be a nagging husband again!

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
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Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #49 on: November 27, 2012, 02:26:51 AM »
Reread the second step for new joiners in my initial post. :)  I already stated that it required confirmation from her. I took on the task of integrating you all in, and she's mostly approved of it so far, but she hasn't yet said "okay now let's finalize it." But knowing her, she won't unless I go to her about it.

I'll kick her for some answers asap, don't worry. Time to be a nagging husband again!

Oh, I see!
Didn't read hard enough. Thanks!


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
@Newcomers: details for posting.
« Reply #50 on: November 30, 2012, 08:25:44 AM »
Good news, everyone! Nemo Ma has OK'd the integration situation I set up for newcomers (Ran-Rii, Raikaria, and others interested in joining in the near future). Details follow.

-You have many posting opportunities, or windows for posting. Optional windows have an asterisk (*) next to them. Each window has one or more timestamps that you must use to signify what day and time the content occurs at. See the story thread for examples of how timestamps are used.

    *1. Description: How your OC got in touch with Rinji Operations and arranged to meet RO officials at Tokugawa Galleria for the business opportunity meeting. Timestamp: Day 1 - <Your choice of time> - <Your choice of location> (a city in Japan, fictional or not)

    *2. Description: The meeting with Rinji Operations officials at Tokugawa Galleria over lunch, pre-escapee encounter. Timestamp: 11:15am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court)

    *3. Description: The meeting with Rinji Operations officials at Tokugawa Galleria over lunch, during the escapee encounter (RAI standoff, RO official betrayal, OCs are handcuffed and blindfolded). Timestamp: 11:30am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court)

    4. Description: OC capture and detaining sequence (a. OCs are taken outside the Tokugawa Galleria to the RAI Graveyard base in neighboring town Kamisuiwa via foot and vehicle transport, then b. placed inside virtualization machines in the Graveyard base smaller virtualization room). Timestamps: a. 11:30am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court) b. 11:35am - Day 1 - Kamisuiwa, Japan - RAI Graveyard Base (Inner Virtualization Room)

    *5. Description: OCs experience the mentally-stressing simulation they are put into (your choice of simulation). Timestamp: Virtual World - <Your choice of location> - Day ?, ??:??am.

    6. Description: Nitori discovers the inner virtualization room and disables the simulations, then meets the OCs in said room. OCs agree to aid Nitori's cause and she places them into the Virtual Gensokyo simulation after asking them to talk to Amarillo or Ken and then form pacts with their designated partners. Timestamp: Kamisuiwa, Japan - RAI Graveyard Base (Inner Virtualization Room) - Day 3, 11:42pm

    7. Description: OCs arrive in Virtual Gensokyo. Timestamp: Virtual Gensokyo - <Gensokyo location of choice> - Day 3, 7:40pm

    8. You are then free to do as you please in the Virtual Gensokyo, as long as you try to acquire the partner(s) of choice using pacts.

        a. Post in the story thread here.
        b. You have control over what NPC characters say, so long as the plot in your posts follows the descriptions outlined in the timestamps for each posting window. Imagination is your bff. :D
        c. You may collaborate with any other newcomers to include multiple OCs in the same post (i.e. post collaboration).
        d. You may combine any # of posting windows into any number of posts. For example, you could write content for windows 2 and 3 and put it in a single post.
        e. The escapee has long dirty blonde hair, and she is wearing a torn and tattered uniform with no recognizable insignia. Her name will not be revealed.
        More clarifications will be added here as questions are asked.

Happy posting! :)
« Last Edit: November 30, 2012, 08:31:26 AM by Kakyoin »

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: @Newcomers: details for posting.
« Reply #51 on: November 30, 2012, 08:42:56 AM »
Good news, everyone! Nemo Ma has OK'd the integration situation I set up for newcomers (Ran-Rii, Raikaria, and others interested in joining in the near future). Details follow.

-You have many posting opportunities, or windows for posting. Optional windows have an asterisk (*) next to them. Each window has one or more timestamps that you must use to signify what day and time the content occurs at. See the story thread for examples of how timestamps are used.

    *1. Description: How your OC got in touch with Rinji Operations and arranged to meet RO officials at Tokugawa Galleria for the business opportunity meeting. Timestamp: Day 1 - <Your choice of time> - <Your choice of location> (a city in Japan, fictional or not)

    *2. Description: The meeting with Rinji Operations officials at Tokugawa Galleria over lunch, pre-escapee encounter. Timestamp: 11:15am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court)

    *3. Description: The meeting with Rinji Operations officials at Tokugawa Galleria over lunch, during the escapee encounter (RAI standoff, RO official betrayal, OCs are handcuffed and blindfolded). Timestamp: 11:30am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court)

    4. Description: OC capture and detaining sequence (a. OCs are taken outside the Tokugawa Galleria to the RAI Graveyard base in neighboring town Kamisuiwa via foot and vehicle transport, then b. placed inside virtualization machines in the Graveyard base smaller virtualization room). Timestamps: a. 11:30am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court) b. 11:35am - Day 1 - Kamisuiwa, Japan - RAI Graveyard Base (Inner Virtualization Room)

    *5. Description: OCs experience the mentally-stressing simulation they are put into (your choice of simulation). Timestamp: Virtual World - <Your choice of location> - Day ?, ??:??am.

    6. Description: Nitori discovers the inner virtualization room and disables the simulations, then meets the OCs in said room. OCs agree to aid Nitori's cause and she places them into the Virtual Gensokyo simulation after asking them to talk to Amarillo or Ken and then form pacts with their designated partners. Timestamp: Kamisuiwa, Japan - RAI Graveyard Base (Inner Virtualization Room) - Day 3, 11:42pm

    7. Description: OCs arrive in Virtual Gensokyo. Timestamp: Virtual Gensokyo - <Gensokyo location of choice> - Day 3, 7:40pm

    8. You are then free to do as you please in the Virtual Gensokyo, as long as you try to acquire the partner(s) of choice using pacts.

        a. Post in the story thread here.
        b. You have control over what NPC characters say, so long as the plot in your posts follows the descriptions outlined in the timestamps for each posting window. Imagination is your bff. :D
        c. You may collaborate with any other newcomers to include multiple OCs in the same post (i.e. post collaboration).
        d. You may combine any # of posting windows into any number of posts. For example, you could write content for windows 2 and 3 and put it in a single post.
        e. The escapee has long dirty blonde hair, and she is wearing a torn and tattered uniform with no recognizable insignia. Her name will not be revealed.
        More clarifications will be added here as questions are asked.

Happy posting! :)


Alright, first question: WTH is Shinji operations, (Yeah they keep peace, etc. etc.) and
what is RAI's objective/job/doing? (Or we cannot think of a simulation?)

Also, are our Partners initially restrained by RAI?
« Last Edit: November 30, 2012, 08:52:39 AM by Ran-Rii »


  • The truth is all that matters.
  • Nothing more, nothing less.
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #52 on: November 30, 2012, 09:19:03 AM »
Q: What is RAI's objective/job/doing?
A: Secret. ;)

Q: Simulation? What do I do for that?
A: Basically, RAI is trying to test the limits of human mental capacity, and how they do it to your OC is up to you. RAI captured the OCs because they believe that they are in league with the escapee, and thus may hold clues to furthering their experimentation research.

Q: Are our partners initially restrained by RAI?
A: Yes, they are physically located inside of virtualization pods in the primary virtualization room. RAI's software has partitioned their memories, so inside of the virtual Gensokyo they have no memories of reality whatsoever, and it if your job to have your OCs convince them that they need to escape the fake world and break out into reality. Your OCs will be physically located in the inner virtualization room, but will connect to the same virtual Gensokyo world after Nitori finds them and informs them of what's going on (also they should talk to either Ken or Amarillo in the virtual world for more details).

Former GM of the Neo Waking Up From The Dream Forum RP.

Inside this cold heart is a dream, that's locked in a box that I keep buried a hundred miles deep, deep in my soul in a place that's surrounded by aeons of silence...


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #53 on: November 30, 2012, 09:41:18 AM »
Q: What is RAI's objective/job/doing?
A: Secret. ;)

Q: Simulation? What do I do for that?
A: Basically, RAI is trying to test the limits of human mental capacity, and how they do it to your OC is up to you. RAI captured the OCs because they believe that they are in league with the escapee, and thus may hold clues to furthering their experimentation research.

Q: Are our partners initially restrained by RAI?
A: Yes, they are physically located inside of virtualization pods in the primary virtualization room. RAI's software has partitioned their memories, so inside of the virtual Gensokyo they have no memories of reality whatsoever, and it if your job to have your OCs convince them that they need to escape the fake world and break out into reality. Your OCs will be physically located in the inner virtualization room, but will connect to the same virtual Gensokyo world after Nitori finds them and informs them of what's going on (also they should talk to either Ken or Amarillo in the virtual world for more details).

Thank you. That should aid me greatly in making my paragraphs as accurate as possible.


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #54 on: November 30, 2012, 11:31:33 AM »
If anyone wants to write Window #2 and #3 and #4, and are looking for a partnership, please do inform me. I am interested in a collaboration for these parts.

(Raikaria, are you okay with a partnership with me?)

Also, one more question, Kakyoin, will there be mana supplied to the Touhous in Virtual Gensokyo? (What would they be doing there, minding their own business, or slaving for RAI?
One more thing, Ken, but I need approval to use your character. I shall post my proposal to the temporary chatroom.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2012, 11:58:31 AM by Ran-Rii »


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
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Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #55 on: November 30, 2012, 03:32:32 PM »
I intend to write all the Windows.

Last I checked Window #4 wasn't optional, however.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #56 on: November 30, 2012, 03:38:50 PM »
I intend to write all the Windows.

Last I checked Window #4 wasn't optional, however.

But it would be nice to actually standardize the flow of events.
I know window 4 is not optional.
Though I suppose we can do 2, 3, 4 together? I am thinking of skipping 5, but... meh. I think, since they want to test mental capacity, they'll get mental capacity.

I judt want to make sure we will not have a continuity break, and would like to know what actions you would like to take during the part where we are attacked by RAI.
Also, the contents of the talk: What sort of business proposal? Will you be suggestive during the talk, or take a passive role?

Just for continuity's sake, sorta.

So, can we work on the events of 2, 3, 4, as a team? It is okay if you do not wish to.
« Last Edit: November 30, 2012, 03:47:42 PM by Ran-Rii »


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #57 on: December 01, 2012, 02:21:43 PM »
And so, Raikaria, what is your pick?

Us discussing the whole thing, one of us writing the story first before the other one ties in, or do we just give vague-ish information (Just the main event, not much detail, and the resemblance would be mentioned later in the fic?)

[Note: My character will be highly hostile, and would probably be very suspicious, or try to kill you people one a many times. Slightly Paranoid, I think, a little differing from the bio I wrote for him, but I will change the bio entry in due course.]


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
  • *
  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #58 on: December 01, 2012, 02:58:01 PM »
Oh, I'm happy to go along with what you post. I don't have a solid plan for what I want to accomplish during the meeting except avoiding conflict when RAI shows up and not being happy at the abuse of the female, as well as asking a couple of questions.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
« Reply #59 on: December 01, 2012, 03:03:34 PM »
Oh, I'm happy to go along with what you post. I don't have a solid plan for what I want to accomplish during the meeting except avoiding conflict when RAI shows up and not being happy at the abuse of the female, as well as asking a couple of questions.

Alright. I shall go and work on the chapter now. I have pretty much some plans in mind.
I also will leave some windows, feel free to ask your questions to the people then. (Tsubame/Owen will be not paying attention for quite a while, I think. He'll be getting a drink.)