Author Topic: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...  (Read 67018 times)


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #90 on: May 19, 2012, 07:26:56 AM »
Halfway through act 2 on Hell as a Wizard.  So far, the only difficult things for me are the elite packs. Those things range from hard to push my shit in impossible.

I cringe when I see a pack with something like Arcane Enchanted+Vortex+Jailer.


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #91 on: May 19, 2012, 07:34:56 AM »
Finally got a chance to play after my machine died last night.  Got my wizard up to 13 before I called it a night from lag.  I thought it might have been my internet connection, the beta was entirely unplayable for me due to rubberbanding every 5 seconds but apparently I'm not alone in bitching about the lag.

Ugh I know the technical reasons why they went this way but I'm not sure it was worth having a RMAH with this kind of a showstopping issue.  I really wanted to roll an HC character but not now considering I've already died once and it was completely out of my control.

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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #92 on: May 21, 2012, 03:49:03 AM »
Made it through Act 1 of Hell on my Monk in just the weekend. The game has been satisfying to play thus far, though there are some monster traits/combos that keep killing me I could deal without. Arcane Enchant, I'm looking at you.
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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #93 on: May 21, 2012, 04:05:01 AM »
Made it through Act 1 of Hell on my Monk in just the weekend. The game has been satisfying to play thus far, though there are some monster traits/combos that keep killing me I could deal without. Arcane Enchant, I'm looking at you.
Arcane Enchanted Waller Vortex :V
Cheating? I cannot even wrap my head around the point of it. Wouldn't you know you had cheated? How on Earth could you maintain crisp certainty of your superiority to all others? And if you're unable to do that, what's the point of anything?


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #94 on: May 21, 2012, 05:53:24 AM »
Arcane Enchanted Waller Vortex :V

Arcane Enchanted, Frozen, and Waller while inside a cave.:colonveeplusalpha:

Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #95 on: May 21, 2012, 06:37:58 AM »
And if you want an potentially very unkillable champion that will keep living, a Vampiric/Plagued/whatever else if on hell or higher mob on quests where you have a NPC escort that have really dumb AI and will melee IN THE FUCKING PLAGUE POOL despite the fact that the mob gets insane life back from the plague. Keep meleeing in the plague pool, fucking genius NPCs.  :V

Although I hear you haven't met these Illusionist rare mobs/champion mobs that would absolutely do wonderful with other monster mod combinations to make your life hell.  :V

Playing in hardcore is just stupid due to the crazy amounts of mob modifiers that combo well with others to give you a death sentence on later difficulties. Although I'm not sure on who the fuck thought Arcane Enchanted was well balanced and beatable especially with the other traits.

Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #96 on: May 21, 2012, 10:49:18 AM »
Game balance is a wreck on Inferno. I take that back, it's non-existent. Melee classes get shafted wayyyy harder than they were in D2. Actually, it's still somewhat viable if you spec-ed vit and resists up till they're overflowing from every single imaginable orifice on your toon so that you can survive 4 hits and then do the standard separate packs/hit-and-run tactics for 10 minutes per blue mob because your dps just got flushed down the ancient tunnels. But you will still get 1-shotted by molten chained teleporting champions, and that's not even counting the other fun mods they can get. I can't tell if it's a bug. I've seen monks with 80k hp die instantly once Serenity wears off when the mob teleports onto them. It's like playing Touhou, but with lag. As a result, I've gone back to the Asia server temporarily, at least till Blizzard does something about the insane latency and spikes that I've been getting on the US ones :(
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 10:55:07 AM by ApharmdB »


Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #97 on: May 21, 2012, 02:50:53 PM »
Inferno is unplayable if you're a barb, and only playable by exploiting a glitch if you're a monk. Items need some retuning. D2 wasn't perfect at launch either, though, so... eh.

Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #98 on: May 21, 2012, 07:43:03 PM »
What's insane is that the barbs and monks did get 30% more DR that is separate from armor/resistance I think, but clearly the buff did nothing since the majority of the monster modifiers hate HATE HATE HATE melee and favor ranged so much it's silly. I mean, fighting bosses as barb/monk is going to likely be easier than the rare mobs/champion mobs, which is just silly. And guess what? A Wizard who is supposed to be ranged and thus squishy has Force Armor on Energy Armor. Suddenly, he's not squishy even with 1k hp and 500 health regen as long as he's very careful, which is WAY MORE DURABILITY THAN MELEE CLASSES except the dumb modifiers on mobs like fast/invul and things that one-shot you anyways through Force Armor. Wat.

Also unrelated to this one, they also need to fix the huge amount of spells that WD gets that is just dead in the water due to silly cooldowns and the fact that the majority of passives are useless on WD.

EDIT: Apparently Diablo 3 was already hacked before RMAH although it hasn't been confirmed yet: here. Note that even people who bought the extra protection services that Blizzard made are reporting the missing things as well if you go through the reports. EDIT2: Apparently the exploit involves spoofing SessionID which is why it bypasses the login part. Which makes sense at least if you think about it.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 01:21:21 AM by rizul98 »


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #99 on: May 22, 2012, 01:25:38 AM »
Also working on Hell Act 2 with my monk. It's been nonstop fun since the beginning. Tried out all sorts of different styles through nightmare before being forced to full rely on Healing Mantra and Serenity in Act 4 NM. I love the challenge level I'm at right now, but hearing from friends who are farther along in the content, it gets much tougher by Act 3 Hell and beyond. I've heard Inferno Act 2 is untankable, but w/e, one Act at a time.

I personally have fun playing against Arcane Enchanted mobs. Mainly because I feel like I'm trying to graze Counter Clock. One mod that annoys me heavily is Shielding. My current style on champions is to heal through them using the above and "Spirit spent heals" and having stuns in both Lashing Tail Kick and Seven Sided Strike to give me precious seconds to let my health regen a bit. Shielding negates that. The only champion mob I've had to skip so far were Shielding, Jailer, Reflect Damage magewraiths (the ones that whirlwind onto you). Far more terrifying to me than any of the elemental mods. Currently trying out a more offensive minded build with some Crit Hit chance, Fist of Thunder and Sweeping Wind with Crit Hit chance. Might also be somewhat viable in Hell still.


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #100 on: May 23, 2012, 04:29:08 AM »
I had to run past a Vortex Freezing Invulnerable Minion rarespawn spider tonight. :ohdear:
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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #101 on: May 27, 2012, 05:04:18 AM »
Invulnerable Minion

the wooooorst


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #102 on: May 27, 2012, 08:32:26 AM »
The only mods that really bug me are waller and jailer...they aren't so bad most of the time, but they can be pretty cheesy when combined with another such as desecration, arcane, vampire, etc.


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #103 on: May 28, 2012, 07:54:07 PM »


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #104 on: May 29, 2012, 04:24:04 AM »
The only mods that really bug me are waller and jailer...they aren't so bad most of the time, but they can be pretty cheesy when combined with another such as desecration, arcane, vampire, etc.
Waller/Jailer is so easy to deal with as Wizard, you have multiple escape methods and teleport + fracture can handle both easily in one skill.  Mortar and arcane are the ones that really mess with me most of the time.

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He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."


Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #105 on: May 30, 2012, 08:35:33 PM »
Waller/Jailer is so easy to deal with as Wizard, you have multiple escape methods and teleport + fracture can handle both easily in one skill.  Mortar and arcane are the ones that really mess with me most of the time.

^this, although Diamond Armour helps a crapton in that respect.

Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #106 on: June 03, 2012, 05:18:08 PM »
Up to inferno with my monk. I got a 1100 dps weapon with 14% attack speed for only 90k. Gosh, I love the Auction House.


Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #107 on: June 05, 2012, 09:00:46 PM »
« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 09:11:17 PM by Merp »
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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #108 on: June 06, 2012, 05:47:14 AM »
Lol I'm doing exactly that with my monk. Despite using a 1k dmg weapon, the most reliable way of making progress appears to be harassing them while Serenity and Blinding Flash are available, then making like that video for the next 16 seconds. I'm literally harassing enemies to death -.-;;

My bro (who played a barb, also to Inferno) and I have both rerolled wizard alts in the meantime. So much better....


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #109 on: June 07, 2012, 11:44:53 AM »
So yeah, I'm a monk, in act 3 hell. Both my weapons have almost 500 DPS, and I have 45k HP. I'm getting facerolled quite badly... any tips?  :ohdear:


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #110 on: June 07, 2012, 02:56:36 PM »
So yeah, I'm a monk, in act 3 hell. Both my weapons have almost 500 DPS, and I have 45k HP. I'm getting facerolled quite badly... any tips?  :ohdear:
My nephew, Barb with 55k HP gets 2 shotted in Hell as well I heard. I am seriously wondering by reading all these "orz" material whether Blizzard intended us to solo easily Hell like in Diablo 2. I wouldn't know yet.

I am still noobing behind as lvl 36 Wizzard because I started playing 4 days ago.

Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #111 on: June 07, 2012, 04:12:53 PM »
I thought I should give everyone a heads up: Apparently players discovered how to spoof item links in chat. This ranges from changing the color on one of every letter to making completely made up items with retarded bonuses (Hello, impossibly high damage bonuses, ridiculous attack speed, etc!) to making items with more than 3 sockets. That last part will cause the client to crash every and each time, and will likely kill any hardcore characters.

So uh, watch out for these oddly colored item links, as they'll likely result in bullshit deaths upon clicking the item.

Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #112 on: June 07, 2012, 06:33:09 PM »
So yeah, I'm a monk, in act 3 hell. Both my weapons have almost 500 DPS, and I have 45k HP. I'm getting facerolled quite badly... any tips?  :ohdear:

Get armour and resists. My monk did fine with 23-26k hp all the way till Act 2 Inferno where I had to seriously shop for gear. His first ever death was in Act 1 Inferno to some BS combination of affixes on an elite mob, so Hell is perfectly doable solo. I only started partying up in Inferno. You'll quickly find that the monk has a few skills that are vital to his survival. Without the absolute best possible gear that will allow you to tank mobs without losing any health (if that even exists), off the top of my head you'll need Serenity, Blinding Flash, Fists of Thunder with the Lightning rune (the one that gives improved dodge chance), and either Mantra of Evasion with Hard Target rune or Mantra of Healing with Boon of Inspiration for the life leech. I primarily use Fists of Thunder because of the attack speed, the stutter/stun on the 3rd hit (it's AoE) and it doesn't lock you in place like Way of the Hundred Fists. You NEED to be mobile as a monk. You don't have the raw hp/armour of barbarians and dodge is a RNG game that I don't particularly care to rely too much on. Note that Blinding Flash interrupts enemy attacks. You can use it to stop Diablo from casting that bone prison skill for example. Something else about dodge - monks are supposed to rely on it (meh) because our heals do not scale with hp. This means that for your heals to be effective, you'll want high dodge and low hp. But as I mentioned, this leaves your survival in the hands of the RNG... Ideally you should have just enough health to not get one-shot killed and a very high dodge rate.

Currently my monk uses Blinding Flash with the rune that confuses enemies,  Breath of Heaven with the rune that scares away mobs, Serenity with the rune that heals (sometimes I swap it with the increased duration rune), and either 1. Lashing Tail Kick with Sweeping Armada for more crowd control, or 2. Sweeping Wind with the increased spirit regen rune for general fights, or 3. that skill that makes an area impassable for monsters with the rune that gives a massive health regen when partied up in certain boss fights, or 4. Seven-Sided Strike with the stun rune again in parties. It's usually on Sweeping Wind, and I don't like to switch them around because I'd lose the Nephalem Valor buff. My left mouse button is bound to Fists of Thunder with the Lightning rune and right mouse button to Mantra of Evasion with the Hard Target rune. Passives are Transcendence for the healing factor when spamming mantras, Seize the Initiative for the increased armour and One with Everything for resists all.

Playstyle matters. You can tank better than barbarians by cycling through your heals and Serenity appropriately, but you need to avoid eating attacks whenever possible. This means dodging ranged attacks, getting into positions that will minimize the amount of such ranged attacks from getting through, circling around mobs such as dark berserkers, demonic tremors, mallet lords, etc anything with a heavy pulverizing frontal attack and attacking them from the rear. Try not to get surrounded - if that happens, either Lashing Tail Kick or Breath of Heaven (with the fear rune) will help. 500 dps weapons are decent enough for Hell Act 4. You'll want something closer to 800+ dps for Inferno though.

Elite mobs - they're still manageable in Hell. Use Serenity only when needed, i.e. don't press it every time you get hit by a crowd control skill. I usually pre-heal with Breath of Heaven before the frost orbs burst, or try to stay alive with mantra spam while jailed, activating Serenity only when I'm absolutely sure I won't survive through being disabled otherwise. Don't tank arcane sentries unless all your healing skills are available. Your "footwork" is very important when facing molten mobs - don't run behind them and try to corner them so that they can't kite you. You can use shift-attack near them and still hit them with Fists of Thunder while staying out of the molten patch under them. Fire chains though, sorry you're out of luck. Try to separate one of them from the rest of the pack and deal with him far far away so that the chains can't activate. With huge resists, you can still tank the chains in Hell, but they'll drop even 60k hp within 2 seconds or less in Inferno.

Oh, stack attack speed if possible. It's crucial for monks - you only gain spirit when you attack. Without spirit, you're good as dead.

Sadly I've already re-rolled a Wizard sometime ago and she's at level 47 currently. Way more effective than the monk, at least until Blizzard does something about the abysmal survivability of melee classes in Inferno. -.-;;
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 06:52:43 PM by ApharmdB »


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #113 on: June 07, 2012, 07:17:22 PM »
Can anybody advise a skill combination set for a lvl 39 Wizzard? I am seriously detesting these 4 skills + 2 mouse skills for this game. Currently got:  Blizzard, Energy Shield, Teleport, Hydra (venom) as skills and Lightning (chain lightning up to 6) + Arcane Orb (large Aoe). Blizzard and Hydra are pretty much the most balling skills, but the arcane orb is hard to spam with the annoying.

Edit: I am currently in Act 2 - Nightmare.

Also my initial opinion about this game stands.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 07:20:09 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #114 on: June 07, 2012, 07:20:58 PM »
I think at 39 I was just disintegrating everything.

Something like this.!XYa!bbaaZa


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #115 on: June 07, 2012, 07:41:39 PM »
Disintegrate is too damn good for sweeping.  When it comes to major bosses I'd switch back to a cold-centric build (Ray of Frost is better for single-target damage) but nothing really matches up against Disintegrate for making your way through the game as a whole.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #116 on: June 07, 2012, 08:41:05 PM »
I think at 39 I was just disintegrating everything.

Something like this.!XYa!bbaaZa
Disintegrate is too damn good for sweeping.  When it comes to major bosses I'd switch back to a cold-centric build (Ray of Frost is better for single-target damage) but nothing really matches up against Disintegrate for making your way through the game as a whole.
Link doesn't work Edible =/  Somehow reloading 2x made it work. I see this skill set is fully based on standing still and beaming the stuff out of things. I assume that when ever Archon is up you spam it?

And I was disintegrating everything but the mobs ignore my Templar at all costs and always in my face. I cannot keep up the beam before getting 360 degree dolby surround THX 12.1 a** f*****. I seriously don't get what the use is of mercs if they get ignored 24/7. I know their skills are somewhat "useful" but if it doesn't agro it is useless in my opinion.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 08:42:37 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #117 on: June 07, 2012, 08:47:24 PM »
Diamond Skin is glorious.  If you get surrounded, pop it and lay waste to everything around you.  I'm still in Act 1 of Nightmare but I'm not having any problems (except with unplayable lag in my current place >:( )

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #118 on: June 07, 2012, 08:51:18 PM »
Didn't knew diamond skin scales so hard. Mine blocks perhaps for 5k atm. Guess I'll try this build out tomorrow, because Act II is so boring and goes so slow.


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Re: [Diablo 3] In anticipation of May 15...
« Reply #119 on: June 07, 2012, 08:54:33 PM »
Link doesn't work Edible =/  Somehow reloading 2x made it work. I see this skill set is fully based on standing still and beaming the stuff out of things. I assume that when ever Archon is up you spam it?

I saved archon for rare mobs and bosses, or as a secondary oh-shit button.

Edit: save->saved.  I don't use this build in inferno, it doesn't work without silly amounts of gear <_<