Author Topic: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?  (Read 66267 times)

Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« on: July 23, 2009, 03:25:11 PM »
I've noticed that from a few comments I've been reading on this forum. Feel free to move this to a more general area as it comments on fandoms in general. I'll probably become a lot less popular after this but I need to get it off my chest.

Recently, I brought up anime and Touhou on the 2fort2furious forum(a popular TF2 sever). They made fun of me for it, but there was a particular turning point in the argument when this place came up, and I said "ah actually they're not so bad at all, in fact there's some people that would agree with you about some of the fans". They made Shrine Maiden to be full of the kind of people that draw Wriggle x Yukkuri Yukari etc. and they percieved my response as being in support of that. They also attacked Weeabootique which I've also seen some here doing(it's not THAT bad).

After that I get posts like "Wow, you're the worst person ever". They proved themselves to be one of the nastiest, irrational bunch of people I've encountered over a while, all because I basically didn't accept that all Touhou fans were all perverted idiots. Their primary "evidence" for this was crossposting the Yukkuri article on the Touhou wiki, and further tore into me for even trying to "defend it". It was automatically wrong for trying to defend something, this was a consistant theme, they didn't think they actually had to read my posts and debunk my points.

Of course, no argument is really automatically wrong except this one, but the attitude people have towards anime fans, and now Touhou fans apparently, is that irrational hatred is always logical.

But I start seeing hints of that same kind of attitude in a lot of people around here. I don't think those people are vicious sociopaths like the 2F2F crowd, but it's still something I'm wary of.

Now there are certain kinds of Weeaboo I'm not too fond of, you might have seen me refer to the "Kingdom Hearts" style Weeaboo. There's nothing wrong with that game, or all it's fans, but I've found that it has one of the higher rates of the fluffy, ES SO KAWAII xD nonsense especially since it's combining the "Nerdy fangirl" elements of both western(disney/cute cartoons in general) and eastern culture(final fantasy etc.). However, unlike 2fort2furious, that doesn't mean I tear them apart. Some people don't understand this. I have a friend who fits this description on the surface but isn't really all that annoying at all.

Just because something annoys you, doesn't mean. Have you seen what an unbelievable shithole the Transformers community is because some people can't accept that some fans don't like the new movies? Again, it started with annoying fans, unable to let go of the original and denying any changes. All of a sudden, these people were outnumbered by vicious Internet Tough Guys who are taking a moral highground that can't logically exist.

Yes, it's kind of annoying. That doesn't mean you should form a militia the size of the internet to tear them down. They're just fans. Whereas these people, the 2fort2furious crowd too(who are, as I pointed out, just another kind of nerd, appreciating similra Rofl so Random xD cartoony action, and should stick by their fellow nerds), are becoming something much worse. Annoying fans are sometimes thoughtless of others, but relatively innocent. What the 2F2F guys were doing were both playing at a "tough guy" image intolerant of this "fluffy" fandom, but also created abstract standards for behaviour nothing to do with any logical system of ethics. They're glorifying schoolyard bully ethics and acting like it makes them more mature.

And that's what both causes that stupid rivarly between western vidya geek and weeaboo geek, and destroys fanbases.

Now, I'm really really worried that's what's happening with Touhou fandom. I'm relatively new to it, but I see a lot of the initial signs.

What I'm saying is that all the unbelievable crap in the Touhou fandom, yes, it is annoying, it is something I'll speak out against, but you don't have to care. The minute people start creating abstract standards for "a better fan", "a more mature fan", or contrast one fanbase to another, that's when it all falls apart. People aren't at fault for being fanboys. "Fault" should mean something wrong, with a demonstratable intentional negative effect. Not only is it nor part of any noteworthy ethical system, it's not something that can logically fit in one.

In this day and age, geeks should have a lot more power than they do. But what you see is geeks cannibalising each other even if the mainstream doesn't, setting these elaborate standards. I think it's probably something that happens in a lot of minorities too - you get a lot of segregation in some areas between a "proper" gay guy and a silly one. And you know, it's great to point this out as people can often become "fanboys" of their own status. I think overly camp gay guys are probably being ridiculous. But does that mean I should be an ass to them? No! It's not going to help the problem.

Now I know there's one or two people that mark themselves as outspoken, and I'm not trying to offend you personally, not naming names. I'm not just talking about being "outspoken", but about something that I do see as happening in the near future that will make it surprisingly difficult just to enjoy the fucking comics and games. Do we really have to take all these terrible Doujins seriously? No. Chances are, we're taking it much more seriously than the authors. I find it ironic people keep blasting ZUN for commitment to consistancy but them act like the Doujin authors are really "into" their work. Chances are ZUN does really care about his characters and stories. This is another artefact of the fractured fandom - people identify the flaws and start blasting the thing they love, again as if it makes them more "Mature" to accept it. Transformers again, the G1 cartoon was cheesy as hell, so obviously people aren't going to shut up about it(and ignore the comic).

Of course, NOT taking things seriously can cause problems too - another staple of the internet tough guy/"better fan" is to insist people should not care about certain things. But you'll always find they'll take something much more abstract far too seriously. There are some things, like you know, being a nice guy and other people being nice too, you absolutely should take seriously. And people will take changes to the thing they love seriously too. But the fans themselves? This is a crazy idea and never works.

People need to learn to understand other people, and read what they have to say, and not make certain people to be "not worth" your time. Instead of saying, Oh ho ho, Touhou fandom is such shit, I'm such a better fan, actually try and see why people are making some of this unbelievable garbage to begin with and reason WHAT these people are doing wrong and what they can do to make the fandom better; because otherwise I can guarantee you will become a problem many times in order worse. I posted a very nice explanation for some of this in the PC98 thread and I feel it was flat out ignored. I understand why people don't like "Gaiafag"ish behaviour. But they're just people acting silly and they won't grow up if you set a worse example for them; either they be a "friendly" weeaboo or a self righteous prick. Stop with the "us" and "them".

Don't forget, at the end of the day; you're all nerds.

Take it easy.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 03:37:54 PM by Rosie Rune »


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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2009, 03:39:20 PM »
Internet arguments are serious business.
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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2009, 03:41:21 PM »
Internet arguments are serious business.

You probably missed the bit I added in just now -

Of course, NOT taking things seriously can cause problems too - another staple of the internet tough guy/"better fan" is to insist people should not care about certain things. But you'll always find they'll take something much more abstract far too seriously. There are some things, like you know, being a nice guy and other people being nice too, you absolutely should take seriously. And people will take changes to the thing they love seriously too. But the fans themselves? This is a crazy idea and never works.

And it is true. INTERNET: SERIOUS BUSINESS types always take something too seriously, just the wrong things entirely.


  • Lily White Mage
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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2009, 03:46:10 PM »
I really can't say I see the same thing you do. Then again, I started becoming alittle more active in this community after coming from what has to be the most polarized fanbase I've ever seen in my life, and the Touhou fanbase isn't even near that from my point of view.

The only thing I can think of that might be near that area you mentioned is some YouTubers who RRRAAAAGGGEEEE!!! at people for asking "What is an anime is this?", but that's YouTube, a group of kids who excel at finding anything to complain about >.>;. Sounds like your fanbase is that combined with some 4channers who only believe what trolls and memes speak of.

I feel confident though that the only people that this place pushes out are those you mention, elitists who live for trying to separate and tier people and berate those of less skill or plays different modes.

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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2009, 03:50:16 PM »
guys why can't we all just... take it easy

*writes frikkin novel about how the fandom should be*

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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2009, 03:57:30 PM »
I kinda get what you're saying but I feel like you're just sprinkling dust in the wind. Such things are inevitable in any social circle and in the internet more than anything. The web brought about a whole new way of blind-relationships. When you log on you're no one. Asides from my sister, for instance, none of you know bloody shit about me. At most some might know what I study from reading some of my other posts but that's probably it. You don't my face, you don't know what I think, what I am like and that distance between people induces a lot of "fuck this shit". Because you don't know me and you know I don't know you you don't have to give a shit about what I think or about what I feel and respect becomes a more and more distant concept.

Then you take this environment with anonymity and without respect and throw in a bunch of over-exalted fans. It's inevitable. The circles quickly form in forums, boards, communities and there's a whole different kind of peer pressure. There's the always present need of establishing oneself as an individual or establishing a community as a "people". With the lack of personal boundaries these acts of self affirmation quickly turn to destruction and attack of everything that has not a direct influence in what your community represents, because having enemies is the quickest way you can set yourself apart from the rest of the world.

Of course that is a whole way of acting that is VERY VERY STUPID. But more and more I learn that people are amazingly stupid and the more people you have the more stupid they become. So the internet is populated almost exclusively by people that are complete retards on the large majority of their "cyber-lives" (and then every once in a while they'll play good boy and suck up to the people from whatever clan/community they want to belong to).

Regarding Touhou fandom I never hid it. I find the vast majority of it to be really stupid and I don't want anything to do with that. As Ark once pointed out I'm a traditionalist bastard and don't take well to... things. I am also a fan and, as such, am obviously unsatisfied with ZUN at points of his work but I believe that is proof that I like this cause otherwise I would look, say "yay" and not give a shit.

I think the answer to both things is self policing cause it's not like there's much you can do except not become a retarded yourself, and try to keep SOME measure of respect. Even I have kept inside tolerable boundaries in here despite shameless trolling every once in a while. So I guess there's not much you can do about your problems than holding on and taking it easy yourself u.u. Those people are likely retards anyway.
rofl bye


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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2009, 04:09:31 PM »


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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2009, 04:11:13 PM »
<big mofo essay>

Don't forget, at the end of the day; you're all nerds.

Take it easy.

I don't consider myself as a nerd as I don't go 24/7 around with Touhou in my mind. I do consider myself as an addict. Addicts are not perse nerds.

Besides your essay, seriously. What are you trying to achieve anyway? I normally read such posts but the discussion of Touhou fandom is seriously becoming annoying.

Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2009, 04:13:45 PM »
I really can't say I see the same thing you do. Then again, I started becoming alittle more active in this community after coming from what has to be the most polarized fanbase I've ever seen in my life, and the Touhou fanbase isn't even near that from my point of view.

The only thing I can think of that might be near that area you mentioned is some YouTubers who RRRAAAAGGGEEEE!!! at people for asking "What is an anime is this?", but that's YouTube, a group of kids who excel at finding anything to complain about >.>;. Sounds like your fanbase is that combined with some 4channers who only believe what trolls and memes speak of.

I feel confident though that the only people that this place pushes out are those you mention, elitists who live for trying to separate and tier people and berate those of less skill or plays different modes.

See, I'm not saying it's happening now.

I'm saying that it's going to happen in the near future.

It's like I'm identifying symptoms of HIV and warning you of the AIDs. I've just seen this happen a retarded amount of times now in just about every fandom.

Besides your essay, seriously. What are you trying to achieve anyway? I normally read such posts but the discussion of Touhou fandom is seriously becoming annoying.

Well really you don't have to read threads that are obviously about it. Another thing I dislike about internet culture is that apparently talking about a problem either makes it worse, or makes it exist if it doesn't, when the exact opposite is true in real life. Talking about "drama" is not necessarily the same as adding to it. If this was true half the world would be nuked by now.


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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2009, 04:14:14 PM »
The Touhou Fandom has rapidly deteriorated to shit over the last few years, end of discussion.


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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2009, 04:28:26 PM »

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #11 on: July 23, 2009, 04:38:51 PM »
I really can't say I see the same thing you do. Then again, I started becoming alittle more active in this community after coming from what has to be the most polarized fanbase I've ever seen in my life, and the Touhou fanbase isn't even near that from my point of view.

The only thing I can think of that might be near that area you mentioned is some YouTubers who RRRAAAAGGGEEEE!!! at people for asking "What is an anime is this?", but that's YouTube, a group of kids who excel at finding anything to complain about >.>;. Sounds like your fanbase is that combined with some 4channers who only believe what trolls and memes speak of.

I feel confident though that the only people that this place pushes out are those you mention, elitists who live for trying to separate and tier people and berate those of less skill or plays different modes.

See, I'm not saying it's happening now.

I'm saying that it's going to happen in the near future.

It's like I'm identifying symptoms of HIV and warning you of the AIDs. I've just seen this happen a retarded amount of times now in just about every fandom.

Umm, my arguement was I'm not even seeing this "HIV" state you mention. Or is it this Canon vs Fanon thing you're referring to?


Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #12 on: July 23, 2009, 04:41:44 PM »
It's really more a matter of recognizing that there are people who are faggots and people who are not faggots.  You talk about the fanbase as if it's a single monolithic thing, but individual people should be able to not associate with those they don't like.  And the suggestion that you can turn annoying idiots into people who are actually bearable by being friendly to them is pretty damn stupid.


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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2009, 04:44:40 PM »
It's really more a matter of recognizing that there are people who are faggots and people who are not faggots.  You talk about the fanbase as if it's a single monolithic thing, but individual people should be able to not associate with those they don't like.  And the suggestion that you can turn annoying idiots into people who are actually bearable by being friendly to them is pretty damn stupid.


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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2009, 04:48:27 PM »
I think the point he's trying to make is that:

-a lot of people(gamers, mostly) who know others who are really into anime, manga,etc. think that by just liking anime, they are into hentai/yaoi/yuri/ecchi/stupid shit. Therefore, they bash anyone they come into contact with that likes anime, without hearing any arguments.
-same goes for Touhou fans. From the outside, a lot of people see it as a bunch of nerdy people who like Yukkuris and super-deformed drawings of the characters, and that the whole series is actually like that.

And for that, I have to thank 2ch and 4chan.

Also: Your reference to kingdom hearts 2 fans is spot on. Damn Organization 13 and their wiles to make preteen girls dress up like them and hump each other(i have seen this happen). It's absolutely revolting. And it really kills a "normal" persons view on the anime culture as a whole.


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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2009, 05:06:33 PM »
-same goes for Touhou fans. From the outside, a lot of people see it as a bunch of nerdy people who like Yukkuris and super-deformed drawings of the characters, and that the whole series is actually like that.

Sure, I think everyone knows this though. What's to be done? Ignore morons, educate the genuinely confused. Not much else you can do apart from this except for rage at your monitor.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Vile Lasagna

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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #16 on: July 23, 2009, 05:11:44 PM »
It's really more a matter of recognizing that there are people who are faggots and people who are not faggots.  You talk about the fanbase as if it's a single monolithic thing, but individual people should be able to not associate with those they don't like.  And the suggestion that you can turn annoying idiots into people who are actually bearable by being friendly to them is pretty damn stupid.

rofl bye


  • Lily White Mage
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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2009, 05:16:05 PM »
Ok, so I'm reading this as either:

A. Vocal fans will tear the fanbase apart with elitism.

B. Fanbase will be destroyed by raids.

I've seen people try to be elitist before here, they get left in the cold. You're suggesting that we'll quit doing that. Why? Raids though, ever since the Habbo raids, it's become a fact of the internet. We'll deal with it. :)

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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #18 on: July 23, 2009, 05:19:37 PM »
Do we take Touhou fandumb too seriously?

We shouldn't. But we do.


The Touhou Fandom has rapidly deteriorated to shit over the last few years, end of discussion.

Although most of my rage comes form me not being able to tolerate stupid and seeing others just sit down and take what fandumb makes like it was crack (and thus become crack-heads).

Your effort to help bring Touhou's fandumb into a peaceful conformity is noble, and I respect that. But I'm afraid my faith in your efforts is dangerously low my friend. People will NOT change. They never have, they never will.

You tell them to stop shooting the Rhinos because they're dying out or some shit, and they go back and shoot it anyway. You warn them that the Earth's really fucked up and we need to save it, and look at that, people still litter and dump shit everywhere they want to. You let them know to stop having babies when they're fucking 16 (15 whatever), and would you believe they still spread legs and fuck like rabbits.

Respectively, Fans don't care if what they create is shit, nor will fans change their ways. It's because they're idiots and can't see what they're doing is shit. Worst of all, they don't want to listen to other folks who tell them what they're doing is shitty and that it's hopeless to support it.

I, for one, don't have the patience to deal with stupid, so I say to hell with them. They can go die in a fire for all I care. The best way for a fanbase to stay away from the shit we're dealing with is for it to never get popular in the first place, because once something gets popular, the retards start coming in and fucking shit up like the disease they are.
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"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus

Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2009, 05:30:35 PM »
It's really more a matter of recognizing that there are people who are faggots and people who are not faggots.  You talk about the fanbase as if it's a single monolithic thing, but individual people should be able to not associate with those they don't like.  And the suggestion that you can turn annoying idiots into people who are actually bearable by being friendly to them is pretty damn stupid.

This is just the "Us" and "Them" mentality I was talking about. I'm not saying you can solve the problem by being nice to them, I'm saying you're making it much worse by not doing so. When you act like a dick to them, they're going to take a look at themselves, take a look at you, and prefer to be the annoying weeaboos because frankly it's much better. You're not presenting them with a good alternative.

You can solve the problem by setting a good example. Don't like Touhou fan fiction? Write your own, or find someone you know is a good writer and get them into it. If the Touhou fandom isn't up to your expectations, take real measures to make it better instead of taking it out on people that have done nothing wrong.

I've seen people try to be elitist before here, they get left in the cold. You're suggesting that we'll quit doing that. Why? Raids though, ever since the Habbo raids, it's become a fact of the internet. We'll deal with it. :)

Really? Ever been to a Transformers board. Or a toy collector board. Anytime someone can be percieved as being too geeky, someone will be determined to prove they're not by acting like a huge asshole to anyone that is.


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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #20 on: July 23, 2009, 05:31:56 PM »
This thread.

That is all.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #21 on: July 23, 2009, 05:41:49 PM »
There's nothing wrong with this thread. There's nothing wrong with talking about problems or potential problems. People hold that talking about "drama" causes more "drama" when the exact opposite is true in real life, nothing ever gets resolved by ignoring it.

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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2009, 05:42:50 PM »

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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #23 on: July 23, 2009, 05:45:10 PM »
This thread.

That is all.

Same as losing THE GAME.


  • Lily White Mage
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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #24 on: July 23, 2009, 05:54:41 PM »

I've seen people try to be elitist before here, they get left in the cold. You're suggesting that we'll quit doing that. Why? Raids though, ever since the Habbo raids, it's become a fact of the internet. We'll deal with it. :)

Really? Ever been to a Transformers board. Or a toy collector board. Anytime someone can be percieved as being too geeky, someone will be determined to prove they're not by acting like a huge asshole to anyone that is.

Umm... what? Because someone in some unrelated board gets trolled, we going to get trolled even though we discourage it and kick those who try to troll? The game I just quit has two groups of people that are in a civil war and are willing to do to lengths such as hacking others and trying to expose as much private information that they can get their hands on to insult and smear the other side with. By your suggestion, we're going to do the same by virtue that it was done somewhere else.

That's like saying my neighbor's house is deteriorating because they don't take care of it, so my house will deteriorate, too. Doesn't matter I try to take care of it.

Do you see what I'm trying to get at here?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2009, 06:01:49 PM by Firestorm29 »

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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2009, 05:58:41 PM »
People argue over the internet because they don't have to deal with the other party in person. They just love to bash random people even if their argument is valid or not, but all they prove is that they are just all immature idiots who think they are cool. Even if people cosplay, like yaoi, or act weaboo, insulting them to no end can be the most immature thing ever. But this is the internet, logic and reason doesn't exist.

Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2009, 06:05:30 PM »
TF2 fanbase ragging on the Wriggle on Yukari yuri when they draw Spy on Sniper Yaoi?
TF2 fans have no room to talk...
Great game btw.


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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2009, 06:06:13 PM »
People argue over the internet because they don't have to deal with the other party in person. They just love to bash random people even if their argument is valid or not, but all they prove is that they are just all immature idiots who think they are cool. Even if people cosplay, like yaoi, or act weaboo, insulting them to no end can be the most immature thing ever. But this is the internet, logic and reason doesn't exist.
Sorry, but this point is pretty much moot. It really is.

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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #28 on: July 23, 2009, 06:12:21 PM »
There's nothing wrong with this thread. There's nothing wrong with talking about problems or potential problems. People hold that talking about "drama" causes more "drama" when the exact opposite is true in real life, nothing ever gets resolved by ignoring it.

In some cases. In this case, there is and always has been one solution to this non-problem - ignore the idiots. They can't be reasoned with, they certainly can't be shouted down, either, because they thrive on it. The only thing you can really do is report them to a mod and/or ignore them. This is pretty basic stuff.

I'm sorry, but this seems like a pretty pointless thread overall. You've discovered there are idiots on the internet. Alright. Sorry you think the "fanbase" has the equivalent of HIV, but as was said earlier, the fanbase isn't some monolithic entity. And if you think that most Touhou fans are, in fact, idiots, well, no one's holding a gun to your head forcing you to associate with anyone online.

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Re: Do people take the Touhou fanbase too seriously?
« Reply #29 on: July 23, 2009, 06:42:09 PM »
In some cases. In this case, there is and always has been one solution to this non-problem - ignore the idiots.
Tries that, it just end in the idiots keep on trashing you when he have a chance. I don't mind them continue doing it, but it is my reputation and people's view of me being trashed, eventually everyone will believe I am a xxx or xxxxxxxxxxxx.

The only thing you can really do is report them to a mod and/or ignore them. This is pretty basic stuff.
When one are smart enough to minimize it to calling you stupid, retarded every 15 posts in a  way(or other ways) that won't give the mod enough reason to stop him or when it is not in forum.

no one's holding a gun to your head forcing you to associate with anyone online.
Yea sure, let's give up something important to you since some jerk happen to associate or integrated into it.

Sorry, Ignore failed me, and I had gave up too much to give it up again.