Author Topic: Abilities - What would you like to see?  (Read 73784 times)


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #210 on: January 07, 2012, 12:52:16 PM »
Power over nothing the Void.


  • Triple Teasing Charicature
Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #211 on: January 07, 2012, 04:29:14 PM »
It all starts from one. No, it all starts from zero. And so must the world... return to zero. It all starts with this...

That's the... Chaos Emerald!
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Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #212 on: January 07, 2012, 05:44:31 PM »
Manipulation of Singularity

Irate Researchers

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Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #213 on: January 08, 2012, 02:25:11 AM »
Manipulation of knowledge.


  • Triple Teasing Charicature
Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #214 on: January 08, 2012, 02:43:28 AM »
Manipulation of knowledge.

I assume this extends to the manipulation of youkai named Knowledge as well.
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  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #215 on: January 08, 2012, 05:11:01 AM »
Metagaming, lol.

Irate Researchers

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Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #216 on: January 08, 2012, 06:53:46 AM »
I assume this extends to the manipulation of youkai named Knowledge as well.
Hadn't thought of that, but yes.

Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #217 on: January 08, 2012, 08:00:00 PM »
Power over nothing the Void.

The ability to turn empty space into danmaku~


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #218 on: January 08, 2012, 08:45:25 PM »
The ability to turn empty space into danmaku~

That would the receiving end.


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Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #219 on: January 08, 2012, 09:50:42 PM »
Random newbie's first post.
Maybe the powers
To manipulate the memory
To manipulate the body cells (allowing improved body features like speed and strength)
To manipulate the direction of something moving (be it damaku or a kick)
To negate magic in one spot
To manipulate solar energy
To manipulate molecules

I find the blood and gravity control abilites quite cool
So I'm a newbie that can't socialize directly and can hide my emotions, so what?

Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #220 on: January 09, 2012, 12:10:15 AM »
Indeed it would.

The ability to calm a person's soul.
She can make you fall asleep~


  • Triple Teasing Charicature
Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #221 on: January 09, 2012, 03:57:55 AM »
Then everyone can be a sleepy moe like Yuuka-98

-u- zzZZ Ah~
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Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #222 on: January 09, 2012, 04:16:04 AM »
Imma take the thread title literally for a second: I'd like to see someone with the ability to play a SA ReimuC no focus pacifist run.

Irate Researchers

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Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #223 on: January 09, 2012, 05:15:24 AM »
The ability to affect the fourth wall.

wait.  Oh no.


  • Excuse me while I prepare /your/ demise. <3 TSO
Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #224 on: January 09, 2012, 11:53:08 PM »
I would like to see the ability to0 clear Cirno when she uses everyone's spells combined.  :derp:
" Borders are Borders. They were meant to be manipulated and mistreated. "


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Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #225 on: January 11, 2012, 03:39:26 PM »
Power to grant the wishes of others.

Of course, the wish granter can twist said wish in any way he/she wants, depending on how specific the wish is. He/she can easily make the wish bite you in the rear sooner or later if you wish isn't very detailed.

Loophole abuse abound with this power.


  • Perfect and Elegant Maid
Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #226 on: January 11, 2012, 11:40:48 PM »
Manipulation of Chaos would be pretty cool maybe like a FLandre/Keine hybrid  :V

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Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #227 on: January 12, 2012, 01:06:37 AM »
I hear someone mentioning the ability to manipulate chaos...

I'd like to say I already claimed that.  :derp:


On a serious (and on-topic) note, I would like to see someone with the ability to physically replicate an item. To be specific, I have a normal spear; watch as I suddenly summon an exact copy of that several times over and throw it at you.
I understand the argument 'isn't that what danmaku is, though'; hence it's an actual object and not a bullet. Sakuya doesn't really do it as she stops time to gather knives.

Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #228 on: January 12, 2012, 06:21:10 AM »
I hear someone mentioning the ability to manipulate chaos...

I'd like to say I already claimed that.  :derp:


On a serious (and on-topic) note, I would like to see someone with the ability to physically replicate an item. To be specific, I have a normal spear; watch as I suddenly summon an exact copy of that several times over and throw it at you.
I understand the argument 'isn't that what danmaku is, though'; hence it's an actual object and not a bullet. Sakuya doesn't really do it as she stops time to gather knives.

If I am reading it right, as far as I can tell, that can probably be used as Danmaku. Sakuya tosses knives, which are objects and one of Marisa's spell cards may
or may not be edible.
I believe Sakuya can summon knives with magic.

Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #229 on: January 12, 2012, 11:08:19 AM »
The ability to change colors.

Maiden Synnae ミ☆

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Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #230 on: January 13, 2012, 10:50:57 PM »
Okay guys, I finally took my time to read the whole topic, so, I?m going to reply to some of it.
Hmmm.... I would actually like to see a character who didn't have any abilities, but had a magical item that gave her (or him if ZUN is drunk enough) powers.
There?s an H Touhou Doujin where Rinnosuke obtains The 3 most valuable Japanese Imperial Regalia (The sword Kusanagi, the mirror Yata no Kagami and the jewel Yasakani no Magatama), giving him formidable powers and making him nearly invincible, capable of overpowering even Yukari. (Considering that he is a weak character in the series) so yes. I think it could work, but without the items he/she would be trash.
Manipulation of Dimensions
Ahh? Dimensional Manipulation. The extremely powerful ability that allows it?s user to create dimensions, travel between them, cause dimensional shifting or even create a scale composed of nothing and thus generating a big bang, leading to the creation of an Universe. I?d imagine a Final Boss or an EX one with this. Yes, it could work.
Manipulation of Probability
Ability to Manifest the Imagination
This makes me think of Longshot from Marvel.
The second one would be Reality Distortion, the ability that?s basically only limited to it?s user?s imagination.
Ability to null other abilities.
Oboro from the Basilisk anime had this ability. She was able to kill an immortal enemy by nullifying his immortality. While it?s not a direct offensive ability per se, it?s still a very dangerous one.
Manipulation of light, would be cool.

Or maybe even the power to Manipulate magma and lava, then we'd have a Volcanic youkai.
Photonic Manipulation. Sunny Milk can do that by some extension, but refracting light isn?t full control over light. An advanced user would be able to do stuff like holographic copies, emit blinding light, allow light to run through the user (invisibility), fire lasers made out of pure photonic energy or even solidify photons, creating light structures.

Patchouli can do the second one with the following EOSD spell card:
Fire & Earth Sign ?Lava Cromlech?
Mine would be Manipulation of Clones, Space and Forms (altogether).
I like this, it?s pretty original. But only the non-overpowered version.
I dont know what u mean by Manipulation of Ash, but i think it may similar to Suika ability.
Ash is burnt matter which means it can?t be burned again. That would be the best counter against fire based characters such as Utsuho or Mokou. The user could create smokescreens or change it?s body into ash to become ?fireproof?, and among other stuff like triggering explosions by gathering the residual heat around the ash (? la gunpowder).
Manipulation of vectors could be an interesting (albiet pretty overpowered) ability.
I know, but bah? It?s not that overpowered considering we have characters that can manipulate boundaries, density or nuclear fusion already. But yes, by manipulating vectors the possibilities are innumerous.
Power to become "justin bieber"
Power to become "rebecca black"
Thx to OkashiiKisei, i thought of Manipulation of Anti-Matter, well if u read Dan Brown's Angels and Demons, u will get how strong Anti-Matter than Nuclear Fusion (100% energy produced from the famous E=mc2)
Ultimate destructive ability. And yes, antimatter destroys any kind of matter via collision and ceases it?s existence.
The power to gain strength from hatred of others. In this sense, the one who has this power gains their strength from being that one guy (or in this case, girl) that everyone hates being around and just cannot stand. An example of this would be equivalent to how everyone feels about Excalibur in Soul Eater, only the one everyone grows annoyed with actually gets stronger from the power of 'lol u mad?'.
Hate on her all you want, she'll just get stronger because of it. Makes it especially bad if you take this out in the form of physical violence and try to beat'er like that. She is literally, the one annoyance that you won't get rid of.
Oh Jesus, that would be so horrible? and since it?s hard to control the hatred, one would hate her even without actually wanting it.
POwer to create pollution
Sometime ago by navigating through pixiv, I ran across a touhou OC with this skill and I found it to be pretty neat. The game?s name was ?The End Of Industrial Revolution? If I?m not wrong. All in all, one that can manipulate hazardous substances can be threatening? and with this, one would most likely be immune to polluted air as well.

Something I'd like to see is "Manipulation of Fury/Anger." Something along the lines of Parsee's ability, where the character them selves turn out to be quite angry in an introverted prospect.

I'd imagine some attacks doing something like using red bullets while making the screen fade in and out of red itself, or a single spellcard that makes the screen constantly slightly red. A tribute to those annoying red levels in HRtP.
I?d like to see a variation of this ability. Someone that gets a massive boost on it?s power level through anger. In other words? the angrier she is, the stronger she is. So, don?t harm her loved one or her friends if you don?t want to become cosmic dust through a violent rampage.
Inspired by a recent theme in Kingdom of Loathing: The ability of spontaneous candy generation.
What a sweet idea. (Literary)

I imagine a very cute girly-loli with this ability. By the way, charlotte from Madoka Magica can do that.
The ability to delete objects from existence.
Basically what Xenmas from Kingdom heart does. (Manipulation of Nothingness)
Manipulation of gemstones.
This gives me some inspiration.

Manipulation Of Gemstones:

-One can create gemstones out thin air with this. The value of the gem is determined by the user?s power level.

-Beginners can only create semi-precious stones, such as Jade, Quartz, Onyx or Amber.

-Advanced users can create precious stones as well, such as Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald.

-Master level users are able to create diamonds.

-As a method of attack, one can create weapons made out of gems, such as ruby swords, emerald spears, sapphire axes or even fire omnidirectional sharp gem shards.

-The more valuable the gem, the more energy it takes to create it.

Manipulation of missing objects.
Awesome. This character would work like a living radar.
I'd like to see the ability to reflect magic: have spellcards where the shooting the boss causes your own bullets to be reflected in an arc (obviously as reasonably slow bullets, not the instant ones the heroine uses), others where the boss summons allies or something from the bottom of the screen that shoot upward at her, and their bullets get reflected back down again. Would still take damage from being shot, just means you may have to think about whether you should perhaps take your finger off the shooting key once in a while. Alternatively, have her only reflect danmaku periodically, and you have to damage her in between immunities, in which case it could be a timeout-centric fight like Yoshika.

May be too similar to the echo youkai though
-Ability to make someone's worst fears real
Like boggarts from Harry Potter? That would be nice, I think.
I'd like to see some abilities that would be useful in my daily life:
- To show up late for work without anyone noticing.
- To borrow books from others and have people be like "yeah, take your time returning it, there's totally no rush"
- To show up at bus stops exactly one minute before they arrive.
- To never get a busy signal when calling someone.
- To have unlimited bandwidth.
-To always get into buses with at least one free seat. (I don?t know how it is with you guys, but here in Brazil I nearly always get into crowded buses without a single free space).

-To get into a queue, and ask for people if you could get into their front and have them be all like ?Sure, sure, please feel free to do it, I?m in no rush?

-To make the first car you give a hitchhiking signal stop and give you a ride.

-To go into a store, ask the owner if you could pay the product off in parts and have him/her be like ?Of course, it?s always a pleasure to deal with you?

The ability to enter someone's dreams would be interesting.
A succubus character. Like the traditional succubus, she would drain the energy of the target and he/she would wake up completely worn out, the worst thing is that the dream would not be remembered.

A more advanced succubus would kill the target through the dream world, and the death would me manifested in the real world as well consequently. Or worse than that, she could imprison the target into his/her dream forever.
The ability to make a container have infinite storage.
Infinite Supply. It?s also possible to do other things, like making a gun never run out of ammunition or causing a book to never run out of Paper. (Possibly even a wallet to never run out of money). I?ve seen some characters with this, and it?s a good skill. Suika?s bottle of sake has an infinity effect, but she can?t induce this effect on stuff herself.
1. O - Astral Photosynthesis
2. O - Referee Youkai lol
3. O/X
4. X - Combine the powers of Cirno, Utsuho, Mamizou and Suika.
5. O - Cool stuff
6. O - No Touhou yet who can do that.
7. X - Indeed that is what Reisen can specifically do.
8. O  - Well, Masha is limited to Mushroom spores. (I think)
9. O - Koishi/Sunny Milk/Reisen can do that by proxy though not exactly the ability, really screws that outsider who's a living GPS.
10. O/X - Alchemy? Patchy?
11. O - Kanako/Suwako can do that on a small scale, maybe Yukari if she gets creative.
12. O - A few characters can do that by proxy.
We're thinking this too hard, can't we have something simple like manifestation of awesome?

1 - Indeed, it?s astral photosynthesis. I could think about characters with Lunar or Solar photosynthesis as well, but I think it?d become too redundant, so, astral photosynthesis would suffice. Maybe the three mischievous fairies could do that if they got developed enough.

2 - Exactly. (lol)

4 ? Hmm? alright, but none of them can cause Ionization or Deionization or manipulate plasma.

7 ? I?d imagine that. It?s stated nowhere that she is able to manipulate neural oscillations, but since Reisen is an advanced manipulator of waves, I think doing that would be no problem for her.

9 ? Maybe reisen, but I can?t see sunny milk doing that, she is able to refract light which can cause interference on the environment?s look and cause people to lose their way, but it?s not exactly the ability as you said. And I don?t think Koishi is able to do that by any extent, since she can only manipulate subconsciousness, and to activate the motor cortex you need to consciously stimulate certain parts of the brain. You never do body movements subconsciously, unless if you?re under somnambulism.

10 ? Maybe? maybe not.

Manipulation of Singularity
The ability to be absolutely one of a kind. Users with this cannot be cloned, having their powers mimicked or being targets of shapeshifters. Not really useful if you ask me, it?s only for defensive purposes.
To manipulate solar energy
Nice. Manipulation of solar energy is basically an improved version of fire manipulation. The cosmic fire of stars is not dependent on oxygen, meaning it?s able to ignite even into the vacuum of space or underwater. One could create solar flares, solar winds or even Moreton Waves. (Also known as the ?Solar Tsunami?).
The ability to change colors.
Chromokinesis/Camouflage. Not really useful, maybe a chameleon loli with this.

I also liked those:

-Sonae: Manipulation of Vibrations (8.0/10)
-Erebus: Manipulation of Parasites (8.5/10)
-Lavokashii: Animation (9.0/10) Yes.
-GuardianTempest: Cartoon Physics (9.5/10) | Troll logic (10/10) <3
-Unassuming Squid: Manipulation of Memories (7.5/10)
-Angelfire: Manipulation of Technology/Technomancy (8.0/10)
-Zap: Manipulation of Metals (7.0/10)

Anyway, I?ve thought of two others:

Manipulation of Entropy (Perpetual motion effect generation) / Irreversibility control

-Entropy is the gradual exhaustion of Natural processes. A tendency that through time makes differences in temperature, pressure, etc? achieve thermodynamic equilibrium, which explains the concept of irreversibility in nature.

-Which this ability, one is able to negate the effect of Entropy of a target. It?s quite complicated to explain, so, I?ll give some examples.
-The sun is gradually exhausting it?s fuel, which is going to lead to cooling.

-The Earth?s gravitational field is slowly losing it?s energy, which is going to cause Earth to lose it?s orbit.
-Nuclear fuel gradually becomes static.

-A wheel of fortune will eventually stop spinning and become inert.

-A top which relies on gyroscopic effect will slowly lose it?s energy.

-Everything is gradually drawing toward an end, and so is the universe. Manipulating the entropy would open up a very large range of possibilities, such as:

-Causing a volcano to erupt forever.

-Causing an everlasting Tsunami

-Creating a tornado that never stops whirling.

-Causing a supernova (Galactic Explosion) to burst eternally.

-Causing constant accelerated universal expansion.

-Before someone points out that this is the same as Kaguya?s manipulation of Eternity, no, I?d not say so. I think Kaguya can only induce eternity on solid, stable objects, such as a house, a person, or a carpet. With this ability one would be able to make something eternal AND eternalize it?s fluency constant. In other words, perpetual motion effect.

Extremely fast learning curve rate and unlimited learning potential

-While learning how to do an activity or how to use a tool, one?s increase in retention of information is more acute after the initial attempts, and eventually evens out, which means that less and less new information is retained after each retry.

-One with this ability massively exceeds on it?s learning curve, meaning that it has nearly zero initial difficulty of learning something, even during it?s first attempts. It?s possible to quickly learn how to do complex activities such as:

-Learning how to pilot a rocket during it?s first attempts.

-Learning how to operate complex electromechanical computing machines during the first day.

-Learning how to surf in few hours.

-Learning how to properly play an electric guitar in less than 1 hour.

-Learning how to paint fine pieces of art after some few attempts.

-Quickly learning how to efficiently use a bow.

-Even though it?s a good ability, it has some limits. For example, one cannot learn how to ride a motorcycle just by reading some Tutorials. Practical activities are still meant to be learned through trial and error, and not just theory.

-This ability isn?t omniscience. It?s not innately knowing everything and anything infinitely.

Sweetness and love~ ♥


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #231 on: January 14, 2012, 02:50:43 AM »
Thanks for the top scores, though what about Akyuu? Being able to memorize eternally could mean endless replay until mastered.

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Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #232 on: January 14, 2012, 06:06:09 AM »
I haven't seen someone with "ability to carry/store any object regardless of size, weight, etc."

Of course, someone in Gensokyo could invent such and such a storage machine that could do this. With various ways to retrieve stored items and such.

Maiden Synnae ミ☆

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Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #233 on: January 14, 2012, 06:49:15 PM »
Thanks for the top scores, though what about Akyuu? Being able to memorize eternally could mean endless replay until mastered.

It was a pleasure. And I haven't thought about Akyuu until you mentioned it. Yes, I think she could do that via photographic memory as a sub-category of her ability.

Learning curves of "intelligent" characters might be faster as well, such as Satori, Patchouli, Ran or Yorihime. But even so, I think someone like Patchouli would only have a fast learning curve on activities that requires Logical-Mathematical intelligence, such as learning how to use new chemical formulas. (I can't imagine her quickly learning how to surf or to skate) Ran would exceed on this as well, by quickly learning how to solve complex mathematical expressions. I'd imagine Satori or Koishi exceeding on intra-personal intelligence (It's what the psychologists have). Miko would probably exceed on Inter-personal intelligence, (Understanding skills).

I haven't seen someone with "ability to carry/store any object regardless of size, weight, etc."

Of course, someone in Gensokyo could invent such and such a storage machine that could do this. With various ways to retrieve stored items and such.

Dimensional Storage. The ability to store/organisms in a pocket dimension and make them re-materialize whenever necessary. I can name a few characters with this, such as Link from Legend of Zelda (With his bags) or Deadpool from marvel (able to pull weapons out of nowhere). It's a good skill to have, one would be able to do stuff like summoning big weapons out of a small bag or container, or random items to attack.

Sweetness and love~ ♥

Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #234 on: January 15, 2012, 09:37:56 PM »
More abilities:
- Manipulation of Smoke ~
- Dream Eater ~
- POwer to paralyze person ~
- High-Power Protection ~
- Elastic and Stretchy Body ~
- Cause disaster ~
- POwer to steal someone identity ~
- Can create magnificent weapons ~  Ippon-Datara
- POwer to cause droughts and thirst ~


  • Adorably Awkward Android
Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #235 on: January 16, 2012, 09:26:37 AM »
#7: Nue and Mamizou indirectly.

Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #236 on: January 16, 2012, 10:30:18 AM »
Oh yeah for elastic and stretchy body, can also be for Ittan-Momen


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Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #237 on: January 16, 2012, 06:53:31 PM »
This ability is impossible but, I'd like to see the ability to no bomb, Extra Mode, and Pacifist Run on EoSD, MoF, SA, and TD Extra.
" Borders are Borders. They were meant to be manipulated and mistreated. "


Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #238 on: January 16, 2012, 08:22:57 PM »
The ability to change the colour of anything.

#1: Screw the rules, I have green hair!
#2: Uh, no you don't.
#1: Wanna bet?
#2:  ???

It would be pretty awesome~!


Re: Abilities - What would you like to see?
« Reply #239 on: January 16, 2012, 08:54:09 PM »
This ability is impossible but, I'd like to see the ability to no bomb, Extra Mode, and Pacifist Run on EoSD, MoF, SA, and TD Extra.
That's actually very possible, maybe excepting EoSD due the madness that QED goes into. Subterranean Rose won't even get going if you don't shoot.