Author Topic: Your Touhou anime  (Read 4050 times)


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Your Touhou anime
« on: October 22, 2011, 11:18:35 PM »
Let's say for some reason ZUN has some sort of breakdown (possibly related to someone driving a truckload of money up to his house) and decides to allow an official Touhou anime. One catch is that for some reason he has decided to give you creative control of the project. What would the anime be like?
Gensokyo Everyday's story My Touhou fangame

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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2011, 11:20:53 PM »
Slice-of-life action-comedy, typical shonen style.
Naturally, it's a retelling of all of the games, from EoSD to current, with games like PoFV, and the fighters being filler arcs.
Naturally, Cirno'd get a whole arc to herself thanks to GFW.
Essence RO
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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2011, 11:51:09 PM »
I'd say an arc for each game, including the fighters. It would follow the actual storyline for the games pretty closely, and characters' spell cards would almost completely resemble their actual in-game patterns.


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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2011, 12:00:35 AM »
Like Azumanga Daioh, but with more lasers and explosions.
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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2011, 12:08:39 AM »
Like Azumanga Daioh Nichijou, but with more lasers and explosions.

Fixed.  :V
"I'm not sure about this anymore...Are you sure this is safe?"

"Absolutely! This is 100% safe! ...Not."


  • What's punk? It's an explosion of suppressed dissatisfaction.
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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2011, 12:10:58 AM »
Bah, kids today with your Nichijous and your Ikamusumes and your Madoka Magicas and your...

...Ahem. >.>
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"


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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2011, 12:17:56 AM »
Bah, kids today with your Nichijous and your Ikamusumes and your Madoka Magicas and your...

...Ahem. >.>

Because it's better. BV

But I loved Azumanga,too. ;w;
"I'm not sure about this anymore...Are you sure this is safe?"

"Absolutely! This is 100% safe! ...Not."


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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2011, 02:41:40 AM »
There will be several of them.
One of them would most likely have extremely stretched out arcs for each game, abnormally long fight scenes spanning several episodes, bad ends, and of course an unholy amount of fillers after and even during every arc. Possibly spanning roughly 800-1200 episodes total or some other really big number to milk as much money attention out of the general fanbase as possible.
Another would be extremely short but still well done to appeal to those with short attention spans. They would fit entire games into one or two episodes. Very little non-canonical material. Possibly special fillers once in a while for the heck of it.
Not sure about something in between, I'm sure the fan base will follow along and make their own.


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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2011, 03:01:51 AM »
Oh, I also imagine the Three Fairies would be used for omakes or something.


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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2011, 08:57:37 AM »
I'd say I'd most likely follow the stories of the games, for the beginning HrtP, up to and beyond TD, along with fitting in the manga arcs around the approximate times they happened, with omake's from Aya, consisting of her interviews with the main characters of the episode (including new ones for the PC-98 characters).

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"

Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2011, 10:37:38 AM »
It depends, I guess. It could go in three directions, depending on what I wanted to focus on (dangerous world? awesome danmaku fights? cute characters?).

If I wanted the darker take on it, I'd probably give it more of a focus on the characters, their thoughts, and such. It would have more of a subdued art style, and would be more dialogue-intensive than your usual fare- in a way that actually services the plot, and interspersed with action and the like, so as to retain audience attention. I imagine I'd probably need to delve into fanon somewhat, I guess.

If I wanted to focus on the awesome danmake fights... Nanoha: Touhoues :V Come on, you know it'd be perfect!

And if I wanted to focus on the cute characters... I imagine a generic moe style. Like Higurashi. :)
i don't know how to deal with this .-.


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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2011, 11:01:25 AM »
Would be awesome if it gave some more backstory to the characters. I'd love to learn a little more about Layla and the Prismrivers; maybe even make a short arc or dedicate one episode to them? I'd also wanna see more of Flandre's past, and see how she'll be portrayed in canon (since the OP did mention ZUN being involved, I guess it is canon, then?), whether as the bloodthirsty sadist much like how a huge portion of fanon portrays her, or as the woobie like how another portion of fanon portrays her...

And if possible, maybe a huge twist at the end, giving the audience a huge sucker punch,

OR, well, I wouldn't really mind seeing a slice-of-life style either

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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2011, 05:12:24 PM »
I have had a lot of ideas about this; so why not throw them here.

Whilst making an anime out of each game is fine and all, I sort of enjoy seeing fresh material.
For example..
  • delving into a character's past
  • seeing how certain people became who/what they are known as now
  • a look at what happened between the events of Mystic Square and Scarlet Devil (This one is VITAL!)

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the picture.

Another one I'd certainly like the idea of is implementing an anime arc for Maribel and Renko. Original episodes for the most part, detailing their life, but throwing in the odd episode that would reflect one of the stories from the CDs; since it really wouldn't be right if it didn't at least connect those in to them.

Stories that were barely touched, or briefly mentioned, would be very ideal to be turned into an anime; possibly an OVA and/or animated movie depending on the event itself. (The build-up to the Creation of the Great Border being an example; the first Lunar War being a possibility too, along with the initial vampire incident.)

Another thing worth pointing out when doing the fight scenes is to take into account when said fight is happening. Sure, in this day, it's mostly clothes being torn and stuff (and no, I'm not trying to dish out 'fan-service.' Panty shots and constant boob bouncing are not needed in this!); but everyone knows that blood probably spilled a lot before the spell card rules came into play. That's also not to say no blood will spill during the present day fights too; there will be situations where it will flow, we just need to remember who is involved and will it really cause said incident.


I'm putting too much thought into this.  :3


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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2011, 06:05:31 PM »
I think I'd be one of the few into thinking that ZUN would be more likely to make an anime on it's OWN storyline, rather than a retelling of the games, just like the manga and novels being their own series in Touhou. But I would RATHER it based on the games, with a mix of comedy from Marisa and Reimu, while being informative on how Gensokyo works while they're at it, etc. I dunno if I'd like a slice of life like Nichijou, I just want it to be a mix of epic fight/danmaku scenes with some comedy in the mix (from the usual Marisa, etc).

But yeah, as much as I'd like that, ZUN DID mention in an interview that if an anime did ever happen, it'd have it's own storyline.

Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2011, 09:27:16 PM »
It'd be epic.
nuff said.
Well, I can already see my own touhou anime in my head. Now if only I could get it on paper....

Bias Bus

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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2011, 11:31:19 AM »
I think I'd be one of the few into thinking that ZUN would be more likely to make an anime on it's OWN storyline, rather than a retelling of the games, just like the manga and novels being their own series in Touhou.
I would have to agree on this here. It seems like the ZUN thing to do in regards of making different works for the Touhou series. Everything has it's own fresh storyline, even the music CDs have their own thing going. Slice of life is pretty much the best fit for a Touhou anime since it's such a light hearted series to begin with. Sticking it with something else makes it feel odd (granted their are times where things do take a turn for shit, but it's usually never taken seriously by any of the characters or the like).

I'D never watch it, but yeah :V
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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2011, 12:31:49 PM »
And if I wanted to focus on the cute characters... I imagine a generic moe style. Like Higurashi. :)

Crap, now I will have to look over my shoulder to see if Reimu is the one making that second step...

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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2011, 01:51:51 PM »
Crap, now I will have to look over my shoulder to see if Reimu is the one making that second step...

Be thankful if it's just Reimu asking for donations, who knows you may just see
a bunch of glowing crystals hanging onto some rod-like things protruding from a dark figure, and the last thing you hear is a girl's cheerful laughter going "kyuu~"...

a walking ball of darkness...

Or worse,
who knows, Oyashiro-sama may already exist in Gensokyo, whose curse involves an eternal torture by implanting Himself into your mind and giving you horrible, unimagineable hallucinations everyday, sucking out your happy memories, leaving you with nothing but grief, pain and terror, all while appearing as a hat with cute eyes...

Aya Reiko

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Re: Your Touhou anime
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2011, 07:02:44 PM »
Slice-of-life action-comedy, typical shonen style.
Naturally, it's a retelling of all of the games, from EoSD to current, with games like PoFV, and the fighters being filler arcs.
Naturally, Cirno'd get a whole arc to herself thanks to GFW.
I'd favor this too.  Though make each 12 ep season cover one game.
Make use of continuity nods to things that will have a role later.  (Such as Keine, Aya, and/or 3MF having small parts or cameos.)