Author Topic: Touhou for busy people translation project [IaMP patch released]  (Read 110229 times)


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Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [Halfway there!]
« Reply #30 on: January 28, 2012, 11:55:19 AM »
2 more stages complete. Just about 20% of the game left!
Looks like I might finish it in February...


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Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [Halfway there!]
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2012, 02:16:31 PM »
Another stage is complete, progress updated.

Since there's nothing else to report at the time, here's a translation of the character introduction page (I'm sorry if I got the CV names wrong):


Hakurei Reimu

Voice actor: Hirada Yuki

The main character. Following the original games' style, acts cool but unreasonable, which makes her act as a tsukkomi.
Being extremely poor, she starts to act differently once money is brought up.
Since she's not being ordered by someone very powerful, she acts all busy and having no time to be involved.


Kirisame Marisa

Voice actor: Mochida Sarasa

The second main character. Has a straightforward attitude. Doesn't listen to anyone. Aims to use other people for her own profit. Heretic.
Once situation goes out of hand, threatens people with Master Spark. Beats up Alice without mercy.


Shameimaru Aya

Voice actor: Ichihara Shinano

While she wasn't featured in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, she acts as Reimu's partner on her route. Will do anything for information that could be used in her newspaper. It's unknown whether it's her personality or just an act, but she acts as a boke. It doesn't look like she's trying to consider the circumstances. Tries to avoid difficult situations with dry laughter.


Alice Margatroid

Voice actor: Norano Nego

While she wasn't featured in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, she acts as Marisa's partner on her route. The basis of her personality is a common tsundere. However, she turns into a pervert when Marisa is around. Alice is eccentric, but Marisa is cool, so she either ignores or Master Sparks her.
Once she's dead, she quickly respawns at her house and runs back. She's like Kenny.



Voice actor: Nagase Emiya

A childish character. Nobody knows what she's thinking about. Is that so~?
She probably likes candy more than human meat.

"Soo, I am from Zushi".



Voice actor: Norano Nego

An idiot. Her personality was altered and dissolved through hypnosis, but she's still a stupid brave girl type of character.

"The ones who achieve extreme foolishness can surround themselves with an aura! Or at least a rabbit said that a Hakutaku said that."


Hong Meiling

Voice actor: Amami Touko

An ex-gatekeeper/gardener promoted to an indoor maid. Basically, she does the same thing as Sakuya. But she has a much more earnest personality. We didn't use the name jokes much so she's a pretty plain character.

"I want to see how I do once I act with all my aura. Whether it's any different."


Patchouli Knowledge

Voice actor: Yanase Natsumi

She's not much of a hikikomori since she leaves her library pretty often. And she goes outside, too. But she's very weak and doesn't go far. She is pretty gentle, but she is capable of spitting poison as well. She says "mukyuu-mukyuu" when excited. Or when she wants out of a situation. She took over the initiative in Remilia's prank. She also makes weird inventions.

"Listen to me, mukyu!"


Izayoi Sakuya

Voice actor: Amami Touko

The tsukkomi of Scarlet Devil Mansion. She is the piece that holds the Scarlet Devil Mansion together, though her body is getting worn out by this.
She will gladly take part in anything as long as it isn't more important than Remilia's life. She is a type of person who likes to give absurd orders to her subordinates.

"Add 'U~' at the end after saying anything! Do you get it, maggots?"


Remilia Scarlet

Voice actor: Yamakawa Kotomi

Uncharismatic Mistress. An egoistic childish Mistress. Her lack of charisma doesn't even bother her. She'll do anything if she thinks it'll entertain her. If she's in trouble, she always relies on Sakuya or Patchouli to help her. She likes Reimu, but she's not head over heels about her. Gets dazzled if hit by sunlight.

"Th, that thing! U~, u~!"


Flandre Scarlet

Voice actor: Ichihara Shinano

Even more childish than her sister. Simple-minded. She's not actually crazy. But she does live in the dungeon.
With that said, she doesn't appear much in this story.
She likes Reimu and Marisa and earnestly waits for them to visit her.

"When will they come..."



Voice actor: Mochida Sarasa

A middle boss who likes Cirno a lot. She likes pranks, but isn't smart enough for them. However, she manages to pin the blame on Cirno when their pranks are exposed. It's hard to say if she can stand on her own or even if she acted before...

"That wasn't me, that wasn't me!!"



Voice actor: Amakawa Isuzu

The librarian of the Scarlet Devil Mansion library. It's not clear whether there are many similar Koakumas there. She's a quiet and calm character, but likes to tease Patchouli. She can also say a few insults occasionally.

"Next time! You'll definitely succeed next time!"


  • Give my nose back!
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Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [Halfway there!]
« Reply #32 on: February 05, 2012, 08:38:44 PM »
Another stage finished. Progress updated.

Since there's just 1 stage left, I hope the next time I post, it will be the release announcement.


  • Give my nose back!
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Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [Halfway there!]
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2012, 08:32:41 AM »
It is finally finished.

All the game content is completed and uploaded to YouTube, the game is fully playable.

Here are some fun (not really) stats about this project:

  • The total runtime of all videos is about 8 hours (The videos' runtime adds up to 8 hours 19 minutes, but it is possible to go a little faster than that since you don't have to sit through videos completely).
  • It was possible to convert the game into a YouTube interactive video, because it can be divided into 62 parts, which can then be connected in a right way.
  • The total number of videos is 78 (+1 extra). All the videos beyond the 62 were made because of difficulties along the way (specifically, because YouTube annotation editor is a mess, and because my unlimited length upload right was revoked halfway through).
  • The project was started on 10-10-2011, this was the day when I created first 3 videos to see if the game could be played on YouTube. The last video was uploaded to YouTube on 09-02-2012.
  • The average time it took me to go through 1 minute of a video: 30 minutes (soft subbing), 20 minutes (hard subbing).
  • The game scenario is 5600 words long, total filesize is 1.5 MB.

Unfortunately, most of the in-game tips were lost in translation. Those are author's comments and explanations on certain parts of the game (explanation of various cultural aspects, word definitions, comments, etc). A lot of them were never translated, sorry for that.

B?t V?n Tử

  • 天下第一妖怪 - Thi?n Hạ Đệ Nhất Y?u Qu?i
  • 謀事在人, 成事在天 - Mưu sự tại nh?n, th?nh sự tại thi?n
    • [LAME] - Final project in my HTML class - shamelessly stole from touhou wiki
Re: [COMPLETE] Touhou for busy people translation project
« Reply #34 on: February 14, 2012, 03:14:05 PM »
I dont know what to say but "Good Job, man"
Just wondering, is this game licensed? it would be suck if youtube sends you copyright notice.


  • Give my nose back!
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Re: [COMPLETE] Touhou for busy people translation project
« Reply #35 on: March 02, 2012, 12:25:59 PM »
After some thinking about whether I should translate the Extra stage (I mean, the Extra game), I decided to actually do it.

And the reason is this:

I wish I could do that earlier, but what's done is done - I'm not going to redo all the work I already did.

I'm not planning on giving frequent updates on EoSD for Busy People EXTRA translation status, I'm just going to (slowly) translate it.


  • Give my nose back!
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Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [EoSD extra in progress]
« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2012, 07:45:19 PM »
The translation is still in progress. I got about 85% of content translated. For now, here's the translated character introduction page:


Reimu Hakurei

Voice actor: Hirada Yuki

The main character this time. However, this time, she's not that easygoing. If she takes initiative, it's to resolve some conflict. However, she can still do anything for money. Even some obviously poor deals.

Marisa Kirisame

Voice actor: Mochida Sarasa

Serves as a host this time, but she doesn't have a job of her own. As usual, she's the thieving soldier of Gensokyo. You can do anything, when you have the power.

Patchouli Knowledge

Voice actor: Yanase Natsumi

The now-homeless Witch of the Seven Days. Often says "mukyuu-mukyuu" to everyone. She was originally assigned the role of a follow-up to Marisa, but since her skills aren't particularly useful, she just gets scolded a lot instead.

Flandre Scarlet

Voice actor: Ichihara Shinano

Devil's little sister finally makes an appearance. She's a girl who can't stop having fun from finally meeting with everyone. She is acting dangerous, but since she's so adorable, noone is able to get serious with her. She will usually choose Patchouli or her sister for her attacks. She's clearly winning at life.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2012, 07:48:46 PM by Arknarok »


  • Give my nose back!
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Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [EoSD extra patch complete!]
« Reply #37 on: March 18, 2012, 06:36:00 PM »
The translation of EoSD for Busy Person Extra is complete!

Get the patch here: (version 1.2, fixes text flickering) . Then drop it into the game folder. It's intended to be played with game version 1.6.

Other versions: - version 1.1. First version by DennouNeko, features image translation. - version 1.0. Initial version.

Detailed explanation in FAQ form:

Q. The game doesn't work.
A. Kirikiri games often need AppLocale or even system locale shift. You may have to do it.

Q. Do I need v1.6? Where do I get the 1.6 patch?
A. Short answer: yes. Get the patch here: . When it prompts for a folder, select your installation folder.
Long answer: not really, but it wouldn't hurt. Most of the changes are reimplemented in the translation patch anyway, but some are left out. If you're not using 1.6 patch, make sure to rename translation patch so the game can pick it up.

Q. The patch won't load (I don't see the translation).
A. Make sure your file names are correct. Kirikiri will first load file patch.xp3 from the game folder (that is, the folder where ikex.exe is in). Then it will look for patch2.xp3, patch3.xp3, etc. There must not be any breaks in numbers. If you have patch.xp3, patch2.xp3 and patch4.xp3, the last one won't be loaded. Similarly, if you don't have patch.xp3, no "numbered" patches will load. The file patch1.xp3 will never be loaded.

Q. What do I do in the main menu?
A. Paint skills to the rescue: . The "Extra" option is only available after you clear the game once. New version has english menus.

Q. What do I do in the extra menu?
A. New version has english menus.

Q. What do I do in the settings menu?
A. . New version includes english settings window.

Q. What does settings.exe do?
A. It allows you to configure some general Kirikiri settings. You generally don't need to touch anything there.

Q. The words are flickering when there's animation.
A. That's the word wrapping method problem. It doesn't work well when game attempts to redraw text, which it does every time there's animation. I'll try to do better next time (if there will be one).

Q. How do I save?
A. The game doesn't save automatically. There's also no save menu (that was added in PCB for Busy Person). Use Shift+F1~F12 to save and F1~F12 to load.

Q. Are there any other hotkeys?
A. Most hotkeys (except for save/load ones) were removed from the game. You can still use Space instead of clicking. Here's an additional patch that restores some hotkeys: . Keep in mind, they were removed for a reason, they tend to be faulty (especially skipping). With this patch, you can use A for Auto, F for Skip and R for Log (there are other keys as well, but these are the most important).

Q. The game crashes when I try to start a new game after interrupting another game.
A. It's not my fault, it's just a game bug.

Q. I thought the characters would talk faster (like in the videos).
A. Starting from EoSD for Busy Person Extra, the series includes "normal" and "fast" voiceover modes. The game will start in "normal" mode by default. To make it load in the "fast" mode, you need to enter a code during Kasugasoft logo screen when the game starts up. The code is different for each game. There are usually hints in previous games or videos that accompany the game. Try to guess the code yourself. (If you don't feel like it, this time it's
the Contra Code - Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A
.) You have 5 seconds to enter the code. If you do it correctly, you will hear a sound.

Q. I don't get the whole "reply answering" thing.
A. Between the "main" and "extra" game, the developers collect feedback via a special form. This feedback is then addressed in the extra game. While I write this, the reply form for IN for Busy Person is still up: . It's pretty much the same form that was used for EoSD and PCB.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 01:39:12 PM by Arknarok »


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [EoSD extra patch complete!]
« Reply #38 on: April 08, 2012, 12:36:45 PM »
Alternative translation patch:

This one uses a different word-wrapping method. It solves the problem of flickering text, but introduces a few new ones:
- Word wrapping might not work correctly for the first line after you load a save made with another patch.
- Word wrapping doesn't work for Log.
- Due to some bug in EoSD for Busy Person Extra engine there's less space for characters with this method. You may see some text leaving the text frame boundary, if you're unlucky. (This problem seems to be fixed in PCB for Busy Person. Or maybe I just didn't encounter it.)
- This patch doesn't work with hotkey patch - they will break each other in various ways. If there's demand, I can make a new version of hotkey patch that will work correctly with this version.

You may want to use this patch if text flickering really irritates you.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2012, 05:13:23 PM by Arknarok »


  • Give my nose back!
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Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB started]
« Reply #39 on: April 16, 2012, 05:47:24 AM »
I've started work on PCB for Busy Person (see 1st post), but since my image editing skills suck big time, I'd really like someone to edit images with text for me. If you're interested, let me know.


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB started]
« Reply #40 on: April 23, 2012, 08:04:33 PM »
First of all, I'd like to thank you for your hard work.

I'm new at this forum, but I may help you a bit with the images.
Samples of (almost) finished English patch for EoSD for Busy Person:
As for patch itself, it's based on your YouTube videos and right now all that's left to do is some spell-checking (few friends are helping) and adding TL notes in places where there were no author's "tips".


  • Give my nose back!
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Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB started]
« Reply #41 on: April 23, 2012, 09:12:19 PM »
First of all, I'd like to thank you for your hard work.

I'm new at this forum, but I may help you a bit with the images.
Samples of (almost) finished English patch for EoSD for Busy Person:
As for patch itself, it's based on your YouTube videos and right now all that's left to do is some spell-checking (few friends are helping) and adding TL notes in places where there were no author's "tips".
Wow, those are really cool, I'd definitely appreciate your help.

PCB project will take a while though (if I try really hard, I may finish it before autumn), so don't rush it (if you want an immediate effect, you can edit the images for the EoSD Extra game, we can make a new patch that way).


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB started]
« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2012, 09:24:31 AM »
I'm glad you like it.
For now I'll take care of the EoSD Extra images, then will start the PCB ones.
As for rushing it, just gonna take it easy and work on it if I'll have some spare time :)


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB started]
« Reply #43 on: April 26, 2012, 03:10:59 PM »
New version of EoSD for Busy People Extra patch has been released!

Get it here:

This release was made possible because of DennouNeko's image editing and patching skills. Most of the image text has been replaced. Some other things were fixed.

This release uses the original word wrapping method (not the alternative one).


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB started]
« Reply #44 on: May 05, 2012, 10:52:09 AM »
For various reasons it took a bit longer than expected, but here it is: English patch v1.0 for EoSD for Busy Person game.
It's based on Arknarok's YouTube videos with some authorized and unauthorized modifications.

You'll find it here:

About the patch:
  • Update to v1.11 is required, you'll find it here:
  • It's compatible with "fast voiceover" patch, but doesn't require it to work properly.
    If you want to hear the fast voices, you can get the patch here
  • The "save anywhere" and "improved acting v1.3" patches are integrated (mostly because of some extra bugfixes), so you don't have to install them, but you can leave them be if you have them installed already.
  • Finally managed to fix the text flickering in word wrapping code and added few more modifications to it. There may be a bit less space now, but it's 99% bulletproof.
  • Like with Extra, most of the image texts have been replaced with English ones

Warning: It seems that loading saved states with F1~F12 keys (the "save anywhere", also present in Extra) may cause the game to crash when starting new game, so be careful with this. If you used the save/load keys, it's safer to restart game before pressing "Start".

Also, it haven't been long since previous one, but here's English patch v1.2 for EoSD for Busy Person Extra with updated word wrapping.


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB started]
« Reply #45 on: June 22, 2012, 05:01:43 AM »
Looks like I haven't posted in here for a while.

PCB game translation is going steadily, I've recently finished translating Reimu's route, which means that about 57% of the game is translated. All of the videos of that route are on Youtube already (that's almost 7 hours of videos!), you can watch them, if you want.

I'm taking a break for a month before I continue translating the game. All things considered, this project will be finished around mid-October.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 05:03:35 AM by Arknarok »


  • Give my nose back!
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Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB started]
« Reply #46 on: July 20, 2012, 11:32:30 AM »
The game translation is till going steadily. I guess this project might get completed before October.

Anyway, character descriptions translation time:


Saigyouji Yuyuko

Voice actor: Ichimura Oma

Master of Hakugyokurou. Gentle and idle Mistress. Watches over the actions of other. She doesn't do much herself, she's mostly following Yukari.

Konpaku Youmu

Voice actor: Sawatari Yui

Hakugyokurou's gardener, has a very serious personality. Cannot really stand up to Yuyuko's selfishness. She's usually qualified enough to act as a boke, but sometimes it's too much for her.

Yakumo Yukari

Voice actor: Amemiya Safu

Youkai sage of Gensokyo. She is pretty sinister, but she usually can't think of anything proper. She thinks a lot like Marisa, but acts a lot like Remilia. She can't deal with surprise complications and often can't think through. Likes Reimu.

Yakumo Ran

Voice actor: Aoyama Ichiko

Yukari's shikigami. The most normal and serious person in Yakumo family. More or less allows Yukari to have her way, but makes jokes about her. She often misinterprets Chen, it sounds like she's talking to someone else when she replies to her.


Voice actor; Mayuzumi Kaoko

Ran's shikigami. She looks like a kid, but she's a calm tsukkomi. Calm at all times. Can't talk in the beginning of the game for some reason. Likes Ran. Reveres Yukari.

Letty Whiterock

Voice actor: Ichimura Oma

Acts as Cirno's older sister. Usually calm, but snaps when the topic of her body is brought up. She also snaps when her body isn't brought up, but she thinks it is. That's why she ends up looking angry most of the time.

Prismriver Sisters

Voice actors: Mayuzumi Kaoko (Merlin), Nagase Emiya (Lyrica), Kashiwagi Chihaya (Lunasa)

Lunasa: the eldest sister. Most serious one of them, acts as a tsukkomi.
Merlin: younger than Lunasa. Boke. A very cheerful trumpeter.
Lyrica: the youngest sister. Prone to personality swings. Very mysterious.

Shanghai Doll

Voice actor: Nagase Emiya

Alice's doll. She's pretty serious, but often says bad things. She's always anxious because of her worthless master.

Lily White

Voice actor: Rutile

A fairy who puts all her efforts into announcing spring. There are many fairies like her, though they look the same. She also has a black-colored evil version.

Flandre Scarlet

Voice actor: Arise Hinana

Even more childish than her sister, Remilia. Careless. She's not crazy, but often tries to solve problems with violence. For the time being, feels attached to Marisa.

And everyone else: Remilia Scarlet, Hong Meiling, Daiyousei, Alice Margatroid, Kirisame Marisa, Hakurei Reimu, Shameimaru Aya, Cirno, Patchouli Knowledge, Izayoi Sakuya. Voice actors for these characters haven't changed.


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB started]
« Reply #47 on: August 17, 2012, 05:06:24 PM »
Just keeping this thread alive, since the project is still ongoing...

Gameplay videos are being uploaded to youtube regularly, last one will be uploaded on Sept., 18. Patch will be released some time after that.


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB started]
« Reply #48 on: September 06, 2012, 04:29:00 AM »
The game is 100% translated now.

The rest of the videos will be uploaded to Youtube during September.

In total it took me about 5 months to finish translating.
Total video runtime is about 11 hours 40 minutes.


Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB started]
« Reply #49 on: September 06, 2012, 04:31:17 AM »
I just wanted to say thank you for this because these things are adorable. :3


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB complete]
« Reply #50 on: September 20, 2012, 01:08:41 PM »
This project is now complete.

Get the v1.0 patch here:
The patch is intended for game version 1.9. If you don't have the 1.9 patch, get it here:

Please use EoSD Extra FAQ if you have any questions:,11099.msg805268.html#msg805268

The password for unlocking fast voiceover is BABAA this time. YouTube gameplay videos use fast voiceover.

I'd like to thank DennouNeko for images and various YouTube commenters (mostly 123agemo) for proofreading.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 01:14:42 PM by Arknarok »

Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB complete]
« Reply #51 on: September 28, 2012, 11:53:04 PM »
I'll start reading this as soon as I finish reading EoSD for Busy People Extra. Thanks for all your hard work.


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB complete]
« Reply #52 on: November 03, 2012, 10:21:58 PM »
Kasugasoft has contacted me and asked to remove my YouTube videos. Because of that, they are no longer available.

I'm going to find out if they're okay with English patches. They're available for now.


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB complete]
« Reply #53 on: November 08, 2012, 04:26:40 AM »
Reply from Kasugasoft came today. I'm allowed to upload gameplay videos up to stage 3 (or up to 50% of the game if the game has no stages). I'm going to reopen access to YouTube videos that fall under this rule.

Translation patches (including English patch) are completely okay with them, feel free to use those.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2012, 12:34:06 PM by Arknarok »

Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB complete]
« Reply #54 on: November 08, 2012, 06:28:15 PM »
are you going to translate the next part in the busy person series?


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB complete]
« Reply #55 on: November 08, 2012, 06:54:14 PM »
are you going to translate the next part in the busy person series?
Probably eventually.

It's going to be a big project again, though.


  • Give my nose back!
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Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB complete]
« Reply #56 on: November 08, 2012, 08:43:02 PM »
Alright, we've more or less came to a conclusion, I've partially reopened the videos again.


Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB complete]
« Reply #57 on: November 08, 2012, 09:20:54 PM »
That was pleasantly reasonable of Kasugasoft.

Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB complete]
« Reply #58 on: November 10, 2012, 02:58:02 PM »
Yeah, I'm kinda surprised it went that well.


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: Touhou for busy people translation project [PCB Extra in progress]
« Reply #59 on: November 16, 2012, 03:22:21 PM »
Well, I've already started the PCB Extra project, so there's that. For now you can follow the progress on Youtube.

I don't have much time for this project, so I don't know how fast it'll go.