Author Topic: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming  (Read 12531 times)

Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2011, 11:04:13 AM »
I thought about upgrading to a 3ds at launch but after everybody was like bawww headaches I'm really not sure if I'd want to splash out on an expensive potential migraine trigger even with a price drop :/

Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #31 on: July 29, 2011, 04:49:51 PM »
How long is the battery life, out of curiousity.  And how far back does the backwards compatability go?
Every source I hear says 3-4 hours for battery life, roughly the same as most laptops I've seen (compared to 8-10 or so for the DS Lite). The backwards compatibility goes back to the original DS, GBA compatibility was phased out with the DSi and no model of the DS has GB/GBC compatibility

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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #32 on: July 29, 2011, 05:06:53 PM »
Not to be lost is just how bad the company has to be doing to do such a rapid price cut. 13% stock drop, 82% profit loss, and the worst sales since pre-Wii. Ouch.

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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #33 on: July 29, 2011, 05:29:46 PM »
At least they opt for exec pay cuts instead of layoffs *coughamericanbusinessescough*


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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #34 on: July 29, 2011, 05:39:43 PM »
At least they opt for exec pay cuts instead of layoffs *coughamericanbusinessescough*
But they then pull a move from the jaebeols in Korea and give staff increasingly overkill amounts of work to do to give a reason for firing them. (Samsung actually does this tactic on older employees)

Not to be lost is just how bad the company has to be doing to do such a rapid price cut. 13% stock drop, 82% profit loss, and the worst sales since pre-Wii. Ouch.
Ouch indeed. Keeping track of this to see if Nintendo ends up being the next Sega. The even sweeter part would be if it ends up being acquired...but who would do that? If it ends up being Sega Sammy I will laugh very hard at the irony, a little less if it was Sony or MSFT.
Plus I really wonder if Nintendo can deliver new quality games now that can in retrospect be seen as kickass swan songs...the current release schedule seems nothing like one.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #35 on: July 29, 2011, 06:23:28 PM »

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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #36 on: July 29, 2011, 08:30:41 PM »
Ouch indeed. Keeping track of this to see if Nintendo ends up being the next Sega. The even sweeter part would be if it ends up being acquired...but who would do that? If it ends up being Sega Sammy I will laugh very hard at the irony, a little less if it was Sony or MSFT.
Plus I really wonder if Nintendo can deliver new quality games now that can in retrospect be seen as kickass swan songs...the current release schedule seems nothing like one.

Nintendo said in the past that if it ever stopped making consoles it would also stop making games, and I guess, cease to exist. 
As for the current release lineup,  there's nothing really exciting being released, which is sad for the Wii at least, since it is on its way out, and it will have few good games released in its last moments, and I think nothing at all in the early part of 2012 before the Wii U is released.  The annoying part is, there's three pretty good looking games that were released in Japan, and got pretty good reviews, and now will be released in Europe, that for some reason that Nintendo won't say, have no stated plans for being localized in North America, but that's a story for a rainy day.

As for the 3DS itself, I wanted one and was all excited for it around a year ago, but there's just no games I'd want for it currently (I know there's Ocarina of Time, but I just replayed it.) The price drop makes it tempting but it would still be nothing more than an expensive fancy paperweight.  Beyond the Labyrinth looks interesting, but I think at the moment it's just a bunch of screenshots. (And since it looks even remotely fun it probably won't be coming to North America.)
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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #37 on: July 29, 2011, 09:42:50 PM »
My question is: How many versions of the DS does Nintendo expect us to buy? If the 3DS did succeed, who's to say that they wouldn't come out with a slightly different one by Christmas.

This is my question exactly.  It wasn't too long that they released the "last" version of the DS and then the 3DS came along, was it?  I lose track of time easily, so maybe it's been a while, but still...

I haven't played CS2 yet (no PC port yet :(), but from what I do know all console versions of CS are upgraded to CS2 for free via online updates. BlazBloo is only for the DSi and 3DS due to it being a DSiWare game.

Ah okay.  I was actually a bit disappointed that we only got the 2 extra characters for CS, aside from the 3 DLC characters... kinda why I held off on getting it, aside from the fact that I still have quite a bit to do in CT.  A portable BlazBlue game could be fun, but (to quote from another forum):
"It's an HD sprite-based fighter. One of only two such series that exist, because it involves so much drawing. You're missing out on a lot of the work that went into it if you get it for PSP..."
That aside, I really did want that BlazBloo game. >:  It looked so cute... I guess that's something to look forward to when I eventually get a 3DS.

Every source I hear says 3-4 hours for battery life, roughly the same as most laptops I've seen (compared to 8-10 or so for the DS Lite). The backwards compatibility goes back to the original DS, GBA compatibility was phased out with the DSi and no model of the DS has GB/GBC compatibility

Ah, sounds like around the battery life of the PSP... or at least mine.  That's one of the reasons why I stuck to the DS when I had to go anywhere, longer battery life (and smaller games).  That and you could close it and protect the screen, my PSP screen is all funky around the edges and I hardly use it.  I guess with the ability to download older games on it, there's no need for the compatability to go back to the GBA/GBC/GB games.  For some reason I kept thinking my DS could play GBC games for a long time, until I actually tried it.  I still have my GBA (not SP) but the battery cover's broken and the down button on the D-Pad is kinda broken... I think I wore it out playing Pokemon (I always seem to be going "down" in those games).


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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #38 on: July 29, 2011, 09:59:28 PM »
Ah okay.  I was actually a bit disappointed that we only got the 2 extra characters for CS, aside from the 3 DLC characters... kinda why I held off on getting it, aside from the fact that I still have quite a bit to do in CT.  A portable BlazBlue game could be fun, but (to quote from another forum):
"It's an HD sprite-based fighter. One of only two such series that exist, because it involves so much drawing. You're missing out on a lot of the work that went into it if you get it for PSP..."
That aside, I really did want that BlazBloo game. >:  It looked so cute... I guess that's something to look forward to when I eventually get a 3DS.
I'm going to take a stab and say that the other HD 2D sprite fighter is AH3 according to them. (GG isn't HD yet :<)
PSP and 3DS versions of BB are heavily compressed graphically speaking. Fluid but doesn't have that charm in the console/arcade/PC versions. Even GGX2 on the PSP is a bit crushed on both the full widescreen (characters fit in full detail but you fight zoomed in) and the fullscreen (everything is shrunk to fit the original aspect ratio).
Vita should change that with its high-res AMO LED display.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #39 on: July 30, 2011, 07:13:01 AM »
You guys are forgetting SKULLGIRLSSSSSSSSS

Red Frost

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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #40 on: July 30, 2011, 07:33:03 AM »
I'm going to take a stab and say that the other HD 2D sprite fighter is AH3 according to them. (GG isn't HD yet :<)
PSP and 3DS versions of BB are heavily compressed graphically speaking. Fluid but doesn't have that charm in the console/arcade/PC versions. Even GGX2 on the PSP is a bit crushed on both the full widescreen (characters fit in full detail but you fight zoomed in) and the fullscreen (everything is shrunk to fit the original aspect ratio).
Vita should change that with its high-res AMO LED display.

AH3?  I only know Guilty Gear because I'm a fan of Dizzy (thinks she has an awesome design).  Kinda sad how many fighting games I missed out on, but they were never my thing until BlazBlue (though I did manage to learn how to use Gon on Tekken 3).  I actually checked out the Vita on wiki and it says it'll also "upscale and smooth graphics via a software emulator."  I'm wondering if that was implemented somehow on a PS3 (well, the older ones that played PS2 games).  My older TV could play both PS2 and PS3 games and look great, but on my new tv doesn't display PS2 games worth a crap on the "Wide" setting, so I have to set it at normal... guess I should've gone with a non-widescreen TV... ah well.  Not like I had an older PS3 either, I have to switch between consoles (and I got a PS3 because I thought it WOULD play PS2 games...)

You guys are forgetting SKULLGIRLSSSSSSSSS

... I don't know what that's referring to. ._.


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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2011, 10:22:07 AM »
My question is: How many versions of the DS does Nintendo expect us to buy? If the 3DS did succeed, who's to say that they wouldn't come out with a slightly different one by Christmas.

Perhaps they'll release a 3DSi xl U controller lite. So we can still have 3D effects with the gyroscopic mechanism.
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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2011, 11:47:01 AM »
You guys are forgetting SKULLGIRLSSSSSSSSS
...ah. Right. Forgot about that. Still not interested.

AH3?  I only know Guilty Gear because I'm a fan of Dizzy (thinks she has an awesome design).  Kinda sad how many fighting games I missed out on, but they were never my thing until BlazBlue (though I did manage to learn how to use Gon on Tekken 3).  I actually checked out the Vita on wiki and it says it'll also "upscale and smooth graphics via a software emulator."  I'm wondering if that was implemented somehow on a PS3 (well, the older ones that played PS2 games).  My older TV could play both PS2 and PS3 games and look great, but on my new tv doesn't display PS2 games worth a crap on the "Wide" setting, so I have to set it at normal... guess I should've gone with a non-widescreen TV... ah well.  Not like I had an older PS3 either, I have to switch between consoles (and I got a PS3 because I thought it WOULD play PS2 games...)
Arcana Heart 3 (XBLA / PSN). I agree that Dizzy is awesome, though I'm a Jam/Sol/Millia player.
As for TVs and PS2s, well, it depends on game and connection type (a good number don't support widescreen, and using Component cables to hook up the PS2 to a TV works well). Though I will say that GGX2^AC works well with both / first-gen PS3s.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #43 on: August 08, 2011, 03:01:03 AM »
Super big price drop? Awesome! Maybe I'll go get me one.

However, its true that they might release another version of it soon...and I'd also like to get mine in red...


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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #44 on: August 08, 2011, 05:08:02 AM »
Super big price drop? Awesome! Maybe I'll go get me one.

However, its true that they might release another version of it soon...and I'd also like to get mine in red...
The Nintendo fan in a nutshell.
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?


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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #45 on: August 08, 2011, 06:07:49 AM »
The Nintendo fan in a nutshell.
Don't forget the massive IP library they all love and want to get! Chances are they won't even bother getting anything else for the system, and the games themselves are rehashes of the previous versions in terms of gameplay, making them all too predictable from both gaming and business perspectives!
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #46 on: August 08, 2011, 07:10:44 AM »
Don't forget the massive IP library they all love and want to get! Chances are they won't even bother getting anything else for the system, and the games themselves are rehashes of the previous versions in terms of gameplay, making them all too predictable from both gaming and business perspectives!
It's odd that this works for Nintendo but not Activision. Maybe it has to do with how you space out your rehashes.

Really all they needed to do was have a strong launch library which would have solved itself if they released it a bit later.

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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #47 on: August 09, 2011, 04:46:41 AM »
Man, as someone who's stuck primarily to Nintendo for his games, it really deeply saddens me to see that the day the company goes under might not be too far off  :(

Even with the price drop though, I haven't seen anything to even really mildly pique my interest about this system.  Rayman 3D looked interesting since it was an actual Rayman game and not those fucking rabbits, but then it turned out it was just a remake.

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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #48 on: August 09, 2011, 04:50:25 AM »
Eh, just because they had a commercial flop doesn't mean they're going under. Nintendo stayed strong through the VBA, and the Gamecube didn't do too well either. This is just a minor setback to the massive gaming empire that is Nintendo. They'll always have their Mario fanboys spending millions of dollars on a jumping plumber.


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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #49 on: August 09, 2011, 04:58:30 AM »
It's odd that this works for Nintendo but not Activision. Maybe it has to do with how you space out your rehashes.
Nintendo is on record for having said, and I quote, 'We normally don't release a sequel until another console comes out...'{in regards to Super Mario Galaxy 2, the developers thought it was just so much fun and amazingness and ohmygodwehavetoputthisinthegame that they went ahead and broke 'tradition'.

In short, they deliberately play on their fanboys' fanboyism by saying 'You like this game? You wanna see where the story goes? Well, time to shell out for a WiiU!'
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, anyone? Gamecube, four GBAs, the GC copy, and four copies of the GBA version, the linking cables... Nintendo relies heavily on their fanbase to be eager fans. It's just a shame that more people are looking at it and going 'well, that's just a gimmick, and now we get to deal with a bunch of shitty ports with touch-screen/motion control/3-D sloppily grafted on to it.'
Lunar Story: Dragon Song, anyone? That was just awful. And on a related note, how many Mario Party games are there now? Seven? Eight? It's almost becoming another Madden franchise. How many times can they repackage Wario Ware, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Smash Brothers (though I wouldn't mind seeing more Smash Bros games, those are good group fun - JUST GIVE ME FE7's HECTOR AS A PLAYABLE ALREADY :qq:)

Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #50 on: August 10, 2011, 09:17:07 AM »
Told them to localise Phoenix Wright vs Professor Layton.
Quote from Myosotis:
"Marriage is a game you can't win. Also, no replay value and the level design is bullshit.


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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #51 on: August 10, 2011, 09:12:48 PM »


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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #52 on: August 10, 2011, 11:36:09 PM »

I'm so getting three of them now

e: I saw an article in Portuguese today(it's why I didn't post it) that said the 3DS sales continued to drop even with the price cut.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 04:05:29 AM by Haku~SM »
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #53 on: August 11, 2011, 04:03:15 AM »
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, anyone? Gamecube, four GBAs, the GC copy, and four copies of the GBA version, the linking cables...

Lunar Story: Dragon Song, anyone?

Didn't need a GBA cart for Crystal Chronicles to work.  Also, Dragon Song was Game Arts and JAM, with various publishers. Nothing to do with Nintendo other that the platform.


Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #54 on: August 11, 2011, 06:17:45 PM »
Oh look, I can get a 3DS for $99 if I trade in my DSLite or DSi. Too bad I have an original. :\

Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #55 on: August 11, 2011, 06:40:08 PM »

I still don't get why Nintendo thought tacking ~*~3D~*~ on a 7-year-old system was a good idea. Should've saved that shit for the WiiU. 3DS should have been what GBA was to GB(C).

Oh look, I can get a 3DS for $99 if I trade in my DSLite or DSi. Too bad I have an original. :\

DSPhat bros  :toot:


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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #56 on: August 11, 2011, 06:45:55 PM »
Didn't need a GBA cart for Crystal Chronicles to work.  Also, Dragon Song was Game Arts and JAM, with various publishers. Nothing to do with Nintendo other that the platform.

Aside from them clumsily grafting the touch screen controls onto the game. I literally loaned it to my friend and told him 'if you feel like losing it, I won't blame you. Don't worry about getting it back to me.'


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Re: Nintendo is screwed, massive 3DS pricedrop incoming
« Reply #57 on: August 12, 2011, 08:35:26 PM »
Wow, even investors are telling Nintendo to jump ship and go to iOS.

I have heard that Iwata only wants to develop his IPs on his hardware, so I'd predict the company just shut down or get acquired before it pulls a Sega.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name
