Author Topic: Kirin's Haiku Drabbles  (Read 12590 times)


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Re: Haiku Drabbles
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2010, 08:01:16 AM »
I'm awfully sorry VIVItheHeiwa, but the thought of yaoi turns me off. ^^" Hope you don't mind.

dont worry,Kirin
i wrote that for joke...
thanks, you are a sun!

thinking now, yaoi
no is a good haiku word.
(nanshoku it is.)

"if only he would know
the words who i can?t speak.
You,my hardest fight..."

"shiroi sakura,
who bloom first in the spring.
but your beauty wins!"  (
Curiosities of Lotus Asia: Chapter 13 Colorless Sakura reference.

(found carved in a rock near to Kourindou forest. Unknown author,only appear the kanji 忌.)

How many time he was there? days? months? can?t remember.Only his memory begin to work when see his face.Then begin to live again, and remember where he was before...and when decides go down to Gensokyo searching ilumination.But no found enlightement for the mind...because his heart was invaded for that pure light and all for the fault of that man. When finally can win this his hardest battle, will can return to his home...(or maybe not.)
Maybe tomorrow he will enter to that so shop and confess all...This,before begin to forget even his own name or why have a ghost floating to his side.

fun thing who my drabble had "maybe" words too. MAYBE this drabble is connected and go together the Kourin drabble. XD

Edit: sorry sorry Kirin, was my entusiasm. XD
« Last Edit: September 28, 2010, 09:06:02 PM by VIVItheHeiwa »

Monochrome Rainbow~* Technicolor Ochoufujoshi!
(?y ahora en espa?ol ,yay!) he will be Adequate?


  • Fallen Angel
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Re: Haiku Drabbles
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2010, 08:48:41 AM »
...Gah, probably should've mentioned that I intended this thread for my own use only. Should've included that in the title. Ah well. ^^"


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Re: Haiku Drabbles
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2010, 03:49:35 AM »
Can I request for the Fairies of Light? Especially for Luna Child~


  • Fallen Angel
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Re: Kirin's Haiku Drabbles
« Reply #33 on: October 06, 2010, 08:36:36 AM »
"You can't see me now!
Just like the sun in the sky,
I cannot be seen!"

Sunny Milk gave out a rich laugh. She was vibrant all over, just like the sun she was named after. Unfortunately, like all fairies, her intellectual capabilities were a little stunted, and so she would explode into rich (and loud) laughter even in the middle of a sneaking thief run. Many of the fairies' looting escapades were prematurely cancelled due to a sudden need to laugh at the way their victim looked or the state of their house, but for some reason, they still looked to her for guidance. Not that that bothered her one jot.

"Coffee beans taste good!
I'll erase all sound and sneak...
No! I meant steal, STEAL!"

Apparently, Luna Child had gotten it into her head that 'steal' sounded 'better' than 'sneak'. Which, phonetically speaking, wasn't far from right. However, it's doubtful she actually got the implications of the words right. Stealing is an actual criminal offense after all, while sneaking is, while uncomfortable sounding, for the most part legal. Not that there was a law system in Gensoukyou in the first place. But the dear fairy had just broadcast her intentions to the world, and now every coffee bean for the next five miles would be guarded as heavily as gold. After all, coffee was a delicacy, not too widely known about in Gensoukyou, and cherished by those who did knew. Including herself.

"Star Sapphire here, but!
Starlight, star bright, who could know?
I am Kaguya."

Giggling wickedly behind an upturned hand, the third fairy of the trio finished off her haiku in grand style. She had seen the mistress of Eientei before, although not often, on the rare occasions where she left the sanctuary to wage war upon the phoenix. The Bamboo Forest of the Lost wasn't that far from the Forest of Magic, really. Compared to her two sisters, Star Sapphire was reasonably... sensible, if not overly intelligent. She wasn't about to walk headlong into the massive hail of danmaku the two were throwing at each other, but she did manage to notice that the eternal maiden Kaguya looked quite a bit like her. It was only natural she decided to have some fun by impersonating her. That  their heights were different never occurred to her; she had seen her at a distance, which made her look smaller.

Bah, I seem to be running out of inspirations for good haiku ideas. >_>


  • Fallen Angel
  • I, the Fallen Angel, will knock you all down!
Re: Kirin's Haiku Drabbles
« Reply #34 on: October 14, 2010, 12:12:53 AM »
"Flames in the sky burn,
I am the daughter of red,
The phoenix reborn."

Fujiwara Mokou sighed, raising a hand in the air with flames dancing from her fingertips, ready to incinerate the parchment. With a diving save, a familiar were-hakutaku leaped in and snatched it up, rolling out of the way of the flames and hightailing it while cackling madly. Her face red with embarrassment, the immortal gave chase. Keine had dared her to write a haiku after she had caught her staring at the one she wrote, and after pleading, cajoling and almost outright threatening her, the white-haired woman had finally gave in and took her up on the dare. It wasn't hard for her. As the daughter of a highly respected noble, she had been trained in all sorts of things a noble's daughter might have need of, and this included literacy. Despite her vagabond ways nowadays, she was still very much a noblewoman. And it showed. It was one reason Keine loved her after all.

"Earth, wood, water, fire.
I am the one week wizard.
Metal, moon and sun."

Patchouli Knowledge rubbed her eyes, grumbling under her breath. For some strange reason, most likely under the influence of what seemed to be a haiku writing pandemic throughout Gensoukyou, she had found herself waking up in the middle of writing a haiku, in her sleep no less. With as much sleep as she was getting nowadays, she might not have bothered getting into bed in the first place. Not that she bothered sometimes, but Remilia had insisted, and as her close friend, she felt she had an obligation to keep. So she dutifully went to bed at 3am every morning, waking up at 5am to continue her research and reading. After all, she was obeying her friend and mistress, wasn't she?