Author Topic: [Music] Nazgul's Soundfont Edits.  (Read 1634 times)


  • Seg Fault
[Music] Nazgul's Soundfont Edits.
« on: June 25, 2013, 04:29:42 AM »
I recently began messing with a Touhou Soundfont I found. I took a couple of .midi's from and replaced the soundfont with the Touhou soundfont.

Soundfont Edits: **These two are also the first soundfont edits I've ever done.
Neo Ayakashi - Original: Final Fantasy V: Neo Exdeath. The name comes from the fact that both Exdeath and the Saigyou Ayakashi are evil trees, so a comparison can easily be made between them.
Cloud of Adrkness - Original: Final Fantasy III: Cloud of Darkness. The title is a blatant reference to the bad Touhou fanfic Reimu Fights The Bad Guys of Adrkness

Future soundfont edits will also be posted here.