Author Topic: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba  (Read 28958 times)


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 72, June 21st, 2011.

Wondering how Yumi is doing, Souji heads to the Drama club.

We practice and practice, and, eventually, the president decides to call it a day early. Yumi?well, explodes. Looks like she feels that she?s the only person putting their all into the club, and that the president is holding her back. She looks like she?s about to go on, but the bell rings just then anyway. The president takes the opportunity to leg it.

Yumi asks for Souji?s comments on how she handled the situation once the rest of the club has left.

Not?entirely wrong, but her approach could have used any finesse.

Yumi says that, despite her practice in controlling her emotions, she still lacks the ability to properly do so. She resolves to continue practicing, with the caveat that it does not happen at her home.

Why? Her house is empty ? her mother heads straight to the hospital after work. Yumi?s still got the hate going for her father, but that?s not going away any time soon.

Yumi muses that she cannot avoid her past, despite trying to run away from it. Catching herself, she asks that Souji forget what she said.

Uh, no. That way be dragons. Or shadows, specifically, as has been demonstrated so many times. If not for me, then for her certainly ? the problems need to be confronted, I know that much.

Yumi is taken aback, but thanks Souji for his company and support.

We part ways, and I head home. Later that night, I wait for the Midnight Channel to flick on. A vague silhouette app- okay, it?s Rise Kujikawa, I don?t think anyone is surprised about that.

Souji receives a call from Yosuke, the two resolving to visit the tofu store the following day.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 73, June 22nd, 2011.

Gossip is abound at school that Rise Kujikawa has arrived, and is working at her family?s store.

Chie and Yukiko are busy, so it?s us guys visiting the pop idol and warning her that she might get kidnapped and thrown into an alternate dimension by a serial killer, where she will get attacked and killed by her own fears and complexes. Hm, when one puts it this way, we should probably come up with a story that won?t get us thrown in prison for harassment.

Souji, Yosuke and Kanji head to the shopping district, where they find detective Adachi on traffic control duty. He wonders if Rise Kujikawa has already arrived, but Kanji quickly turns aggressive, asking Adachi what a plainclothes detective is doing on mundane police duty. Adachi hastily says that it is due to the police department being badly understaffed, and leaves to avoid further confrontation.

Yosuke quietly wonders if the police think that Rise is a target as well. Right then, Dojima walks out of the shop ? which explains what Adachi was doing here ? and spots us. Seems he?s unaware of Kanji being the latest addition to our group, but doesn?t press the issue.

Dojima asks what the group is doing at the tofu shop, and Souji answers truthfully, if concealing his true intentions through omission. Yosuke corroborates the story. Dojima gives up, and warns the group not to bother the idol too much.

The crowd in front of the shop begins to clear away, talking about how Rise?s presence being just an unsupported rumour. We decide to go in anyway, our conversation turning to tofu, and how Yosuke can?t eat normal tofu, and how Kanji is shockingly well-informed about tofu.

The group spot a uniformed worker hunched over a worktable towards the back of the store, and assume it is the old lady that runs the story. They are shocked, however, when they call for a salesperson, and an actual old lady approaches from another direction. The worker turns around, showing herself to be none other than Rise Kujikawa, albeit in a simple apron and a kerchief. Kanji asks if she is indeed Rise.

I?d recognize those dead eyes from a mile away. It?s definitely her.

Yosuke, sensing the idol?s irritation, tries to turn the conversation to the purchase of tofu, but immediately forgets the differences between the tofu types.

He?s rescued by Kanji, who makes the order for him. I swear, that girl seems nearly dead inside from her tone. The industry must be brutal.

As Rise walks to the counter to collect the tofu, Yosuke remembers the group?s mission at the store. After some heckling from Kanji on Yosuke?s attitude of questionable taste towards the idol, Yosuke finally manages to tell Rise about the incidents that have been going on in Inaba.

It turns out that Rise is already aware of the Midnight Channel, which makes our life a lot easier already. She, however, denies the person shown on the Channel being her: apparently her ? the real Rise that is - uh, ?attributes? aren?t that well-defined.

Yosuke continues explaining the group?s theory, that the people who appear on the Channel are likely targets to be kidnapped. Rise accepts the group?s warning, and thanks them.

Later that day, after Souji and the rest have already left, we see Dojima and Adachi talking to Rise. Adachi tells Rise to not be hesitant about calling the police, and Dojima takes the time to inform Rise about the string of violent cases in the region. He continues to tell Rise about her possible connection to the cases, but she tells him that she is already aware that she may be kidnapped. Dojima is shocked to find out that Souji and his group appear to be a step ahead of him in the investigation.

In the evening, Souji is enjoying a meal of freshly-bought tofu with Dojima and Nanako. Dojima asks Souji what he was doing visiting Rise Kujikawa.

I sense trouble. Dojima?s never out of detective mode, not really. I go for the half-truth again. He won?t buy it, but hopefully he?ll realize I?m not just in this for the kicks.

Dojima, indeed, drops the subject, and Nanako immediately picks up on the fact that both Souji and Dojima met Rise personally, and, from the tense reply, wonders if Souji and Dojima are fighting again.

Even that doesn?t break up the tension.

That night, Souji checks the Midnight Channel again. Although by now unnecessary, the images show Rise?s face clearly.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 74, June 23rd, 2011.

The investigation team gathers at their special headquarters at Junes after school. There is no doubt by now that the next kidnapping victim will be Rise Kujikawa. Considering that Yosuke spotted Rise in her family?s shop that morning, the conclusion is reached that the strange Shadow television show only occurs once the victim has been thrown into the world behind the television screen. The group wonders why the image is shown at all prior to the kidnapping, Yukiko suggesting that perhaps what is seen are the killer?s intentions. Yosuke muses that the entire Channel?s world might be based on this premise ? a reflection of the minds of the victim and the killer, perhaps even of the people watching the Midnight Channel.

Sure it sounds weird, but anything?s possible at this stage. Impossible to make any sort of judgements, though. Kanji agrees with us by having fallen asleep.

The group is unable to make any more progress on deducing the nature of the strange world. Instead, they decide to spend the day on a stakeout, hoping to catch the kidnapper in the act.

We run into Adachi while buying snacks. Turns out he?s on duty watching Rise, too.

Despite their vigil, the group does not manage to catch sight of any potential kidnappers. Just as they are about to disband, Yukiko catches sight of a suspicious individual on a nearby lamp-post. The suspicious man is startled, and, after nimbly sliding down the lamp-post, takes off at a run. The group gives chase.

I can already tell something was wrong ? not in the right sense of wrong, either. If it looks like a stalker and it smells like a stalker, well, you know, right? Still, we can?t afford to take any chances.

The group quickly tackles the suspicious man, who denies any sort of involvements in the murders. Adachi declares there being no doubt that the man is the culprit and, after warning the investigation team off involving themselves with the serial murder case, hauls him off to the police station, happy about his arrest.

I never thought it would be as anticlimactic as this ? and it seems that I?m still right. As we come to the tofu store and hear the old lady?s comment that Rise stepped out without saying a word, we all start to fear the worst and split up to find her.

Despite the group?s frantic efforts, they are unable to find Rise. With grim determination, everyone heads home to watch the Midnight Channel.

There it was, in glorious Technicolor. Rise?s Shadow ? and it?s definitely the Shadow, no doubt about it ? tells the viewers that she is going to show off everything. Everything. To be fair, that outfit leaves just about nothing to the imagination, but I don?t think Rise wants to just show off her physical appearance. As usual, Narrator, the rabbit hole is more than just skin-deep.

Nice job MISSION FAILEDing it, Adachi. :smug:


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 75, June 24th, 2011.

The investigation team quickly heads to find Teddie after school. The find him staring into the foggy distance, wondering why the group abandoned him to have fun on their own. Chie and Yukiko apologise, and reassure the bear that they would never do such a thing.

Teddie is still having identity issues, and now he?s got abandonment added on top of that. He may be hollow inside, but he?s just as screwed-up as the rest of us fleshy humans.

Teddie tells the group that he is unable to detect Rise?s presence, disappointed at his own poor performance, wondering if he?ll be thrown away once his usefulness has dried up. Souji tells Teddie that he?ll always have a place on their group, and not to try to rush his self-discovery.

All of a sudden, the flash hits. It?s been some time ? but I get a feeling from Teddie. He?s as in on this as we are, and the Social Link proves that there?s more to him than cotton stuffing and bright pastel colours.

The investigation team decides to head out into town to try to find clues about Rise that will assist Teddie with his search.

A quick stop at the tofu shop later, we find out that there?s a paparazzo that?s been following Rise around. Already? She?s been here for all of two days. All sorts of people, I guess. Apparently he tends to hang out at the riverbank.

No paparazzo is found on the riverbank, however. A passer-by warns Souji that the paparazzo wasn?t seen today.

On a hunch, I go back to school. She?s popular with the students, so I should be able to find something about her from them. And what luck! After some running about, I find out that Rise went for an extended R&R due to her, and I quote, ?having a lot on her mind.? No kidding, chubby.

Souji decides to keep this information in mind, and resume the investigation tomorrow.

I guess it?s more of the usual today - Rise should be fine for now. I remember that I?ve got the Konishi kid?s hankerchief and decide to return it.

The boy explains to Souji that the hankerchief was his sister?s, and thanks Souji for using the now-useless hankerchief. After some awkward deliberation, he introduces himself as Naoki Konishi. He apologises profusely for telling Souji that he hated him.

I didn?t particularly care then, and it?s certainly the last thing on my mind now ? being close to this kid opens up the Hanged Man link. Not a good Arcana to be sitting under, but I am genuinely curious as to what revelations Naoki will come to.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 76, June 25th, 2011.

The investigation team resumes its search after school.

I head straight for the riverbank. The paparazzo is there and, revolted as I am by working with people of his caliber, I have no choice but to share information.

Souji learns that Rise was rumoured to be tired of her fictional personality of Risette ? which was completely different from her normal one, and she was frustrated at having to live these two lives simultaneously.

Not knowing or understanding one?s true nature, dealing with false little aspects of ourselves that we make up or, in Rise?s case, are forced on us. Rise?s in the same boat as all of us, and we?re definitely getting her out of this, no matter what. That said, I don?t want to rush to Teddie quite yet ? rainy day is Aiya day.


I need to get my priorities straight.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 77, June 26th, 2011.

Still not going dungeon-crawling quite yet. Trust me on this one, Narrator. Instead, I finally find that dog that the ema was talking about. It looked hungry as all get out, so I get it a steak skewer.

The dog runs off afterwards, energized enough to get back to its owners.

I report back to the Fox, and, after some time at the shrine, head back home.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 78, June 27th, 2011.

At school, Souji attends Mr. Morooka?s lecture on Friedrich Nietzsche, specifically, about the ressentiment that he suspects the class feeling towards the popular Rise Kujikawa.

That?s hatred and jealousy, for you fine folks back home. Two factors bred from a feeling of inferiority and weakness before another.

After school, Souji picks up another assignment ema from the Fox.

Something about a kid wanting some friends. I promptly find him on the riverbank. Turns out he wants a sticker. Aah, the materialism of youth. He finds my prize stickers from the shopping channel program appropriate, and runs off. I?think I should brace for disappointment and get the kid a better sticker.

Souji heads back into the shopping district, having spotted Naoki Konishiwa there.

We end up eating together at Aiya. Naoki says he hasn?t spent much time here, despite how free he tends to find himself.

Naoki mentions that there is not much business at the liquor store. Instead, he tends to see local housewives there to appearing to sympathise with Naoki?s situation. The boy explains with derision that the unwanted attention is suffocating. Despite the heavy atmosphere, Souji and Naoki are able to talk for some time, Naoki curious about Souji?s company being able to get him to talk about things he is not used to.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 79, June 28th, 2011.

Yeah, the sticker didn?t help the kid any. I have a feeling I should consult a regional expert on this. For the time being, however, let?s go see how Naoki?s doing.


Rise will be fine, calm down.

Naoki and Souji head to Souzai Daigaku, to enjoy the regional delicacy. While they wait, Naoki tells a humorous story of events he witnessed in class that day.

I decide to reciprocate. Nothing like a little schadenfreude to bring people closer together

Naoki enjoys the tale, saying that it has been a while since he last enjoyed himself so much.

Oh no, let?s not allow the kid to actually have any fun. The housewives in this town can get a bit too nosy for their own good, Narrator.

Souji tells an annoyed Naoki to ignore the comments, and Naoki agrees, admitting that he is happy to have found an understanding acquaintance in Souji. Naoki feels that he is forced into the victim mentality by the rumourmongering in Inaba, which prevents him from living the life that he wants to.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 80, June 29th, 2011.

I consulted with the regional expert on children?s stickers last night, and Nanako presented me her thesis, as well a demonstration sample. I promptly hand it over to the kid on the riverbank, let?s see if that helps any.

During lunchtime, Ai had asked Souji to keep her company, so Souji quickly returns to school after finishing his errands in town.

Ai takes us to the rooftop, of all places.

Ai thanks Souji for what he did during their previous meeting, and, stumbling over her words, says that she felt happy.

Apparently all those things those guys said got far deeper than she wanted to admit. She?s still feeling extremely uncomfortable remembering the incident and, apparently, thinks she?s in love with the first person that stood up for her back then. I?m sure there?s a psychiatrical term for that, because that is not an entirely healthy association to be making.

Ai wonders if Daisuke has a girlfriend, asking question after question about Daisuke?s preferences.

I tell her to man up, as it were. Ai?s a smart and witty girl, underneath about a million complexes, so she should not have to feel so insecure about herself.

Ai thanks Souji for his candor, but still, stuttering, asks Souji for his help with Daisuke. Souji agrees.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 81, June 30th, 2011.

Today, on names of places you can?t believe are real: the Pis Pis River! It?s going to be on the test, folks!

After school, Souji heads to football club, along the way asking Daisuke on his taste in women.

He practically yells that he?s not interested in girls. After a brief eyebrow-raising moment of silence, he elaborates that, if he were, he might like, and I quote, ?a nice girl,? end quote. Knowing how determined Ai looked, I can already tell that this is not going to end well.

After practice, Daisuke tells Souji to continue without him, as he has to fill in the register.

Kou and I head back ? apparently Kou has something to tell me.

At Aiya, Kou explains his concerns ? he knows Daisuke had been performing sub-par at practice, something extremely out-of-character for him. Kou considers that perhaps Daisuke put so much effort into training Souji because Daisuke thinks he might no longer be able to perform as well as he thinks he should.

Yeah, I?m as lost as you are. The conversation suddenly steers onto Daisuke?s attitude towards girls, and how cold he is towards them these days. It could be related, though.

Kou tells Souji that Daisuke was in a relationship in middle school, but it was weak and without substance. It ended quite quickly and, Kou tells from hearsay, the girl made a big scene and slapped Daisuke.

Kou thinks that it?s then that Daisuke became who he is now. Obviously we?ve got a problem, but a solution isn?t going to be easy to come by.

Kou, however, immediately comes up with what he claims to be a brilliant idea. Skimming the details, he tells Souji to be ready.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 82, July 1st, 2011.

Souji notices an advertisement for a part-time cleaning job at the Inaba hospital.

It?s raining, so you know what time it is. One of these days, Aiya. One of these days?

That evening, Souji goes to his newly-assigned job as janitor.

Nothing special, only the wailing of the damned echoed down the corridors, chilling those of frail constitution to the bone. Not me, that is. Obviously.

At the end of his shift, Souji notices a doctor talking to a nurse. He is not able to discern much about their conversation.

After the doctor leaves, the nurse comes up to talk to me. Oho, she has a portrait. Hello, nurse!

The nurse, wearing a coy smile, tells Souji that he is cute, and asks if he is the student that signed up for the janitor job. In a sultry voice, she tells him that she will show him something fun during his next night at the hospital.

I?ll be there! Ahem. For the pay, that is. Yes, good pay.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Ai?s a smart and witty girl, underneath about a million complexes
comments like this are why I'm glad you're doing this

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 83, July 2nd, 2011.

I finally catch up to the sticker kid. Nanako?s sticker came through, and, apparently, the kid has plenty of friends now. Was I really like that when I was little?

His mission complete, Souji calls up the investigation team and heads to Junes.

It?s the proverbial go-time.

The information that the group had assembled about Rise is sufficient for Teddie to pinpoint her location.

The deep purple d?cor, the soft lighting, the suggestive imagery. This is definitely what we saw on the Midnight Channel. Yosuke and Yukiko know a surprising amount of detail on where such establishments can be found in the real world.

Teddie tries to take the opportunity to make a joke, but it goes over poorly.

Man, Teddie, even your jokes have become lackluster lately.

With the investigation team becoming larger and larger, the group decides to only go into dungeons in teams of no larger than four to avoid attracting too much of the Shadows? attention.

I leave Yukiko on the sidelines for the moment. We need more stamina than firepower.

Inside the club, the atmosphere is even more oppressive. The team pushes their way in, Teddie encouraging them with every floor ascended.

We find the Shadow soon enough. And boy do we find her.

The Shadow welcomes the investigation team along with an unseen audience, reminding everyone that it plans on revealing every last inch of herself.

The Shadow then runs deeper inside. Apparently it?s going to be too hard to see with all the smoke. Say what you will, it knows how to play its audience.

The group resolves to stop the Shadow before it does anything irreversible.

As we go up, we start to hear the Shadow. So far it?s spouting the advertisements that Rise?s been on. Perhaps it?s confronting the entirely false and shallow persona that we?ve seen there?

Eventually, the investigation team catches up to the Shadow again. With a crazed shout, imploring everyone to look at her, Rise?s Shadow sends a foe at the investigation team.

That thing managed to lay everyone out in just a few turns without Yukiko, but I held the line by myself and eventually took it down.

Further up, the Shadow?s voice is heard again. It claims that it does not care about appearances when looking for a relationship, believing that what is on the inside matters more. Teddie wonders what he could possibly have on the inside, him being hollow as he is.

And, sooner than we thought, we reach the top floor. The butterfly takes us back down ? we have some prep to do. First off, Teddie had been clamoring about a shadow showing up where Yukiko was, so I head back to the castle and beat it up, getting a weapon for Yukiko in reward. I then upgrade my Persona selection across the board to an Ose and a Ganga, making sure the Physical Resist continues being inherited.

His preparations done, Souji returns to the top floor of Rise?s dungeon to confront Rise?s Shadow.

As predicted, Rise was fine. Mostly.

The Shadow exulted in glee from being watched by everyone. Despite Rise asking the Shadow to stop in a pained voice, the Shadow becomes more and more exuberant. The Shadow denounces Risette as a fake celebrity, and declares itself sick of being an airheaded clich?, forced to choke down everything it is fed and take it with a smile.

That?s where all the look at me must be coming from. Rise wants people to see her true self, and the Shadow is just taking that and twisting it out of control.

Confused and embarrassed, Rise rejects the Shadow and, with a laugh filled with madness, the Shadow goes berserk.

Wouldya look at that thing?

The fight goes easier than normal.

My suspicions prove fruitful. After a while of me and the Shadow exchanging blows, the Shadow uses something Supreme Insight. From that moment, none of my attacks can connect.

The Shadow taunts the investigation team?s inability to attack it. Teddie, standing in the back, is beside himself with worry at being unable to contribute to the fight.

We try to think of something, but before we can even do anything, the Shadow scans us and lays us all out with an absurd attack that we can?t even see coming.

The investigation team looks to be in dire straits. Teddie refuses to listen to Souji and run away. Instead, he resolves to make a stand ? as far as he cares, his last.

Teddie roars, engulfed in a blazing aura! I?d blame him watching too much TV, but I know for a fact that he doesn?t. Still, can?t argue with results ? he nukes the Shadow to smithereens.

Teddie is literally flattened by his own attack. He asks if he was able to help, and Yosuke reassures him that he, in fact, saved their lives. With a great exertion, Teddie pulls himself up, bemoaning the fate of his fine, silky fur.

Teddie will be fine, so we run over check on Rise.

The girl is tired and confused, and apologises for the harm she did. She stands up and, kindly, asks her Shadow to do the same. Rise accepts the Shadow?s words and actions as part of her, and explains that she had been trying to understand who the real her was, but had been on the wrong track. Instead of rejecting false images of herself, she says, she should have been accepting them all as a true part of her.

I hear Teddie muttering behind us about there being no real self, but I pay it no mind. Rise manifests the Persona Himiko.

Rise finally fully comes to her senses, recognizing the investigation team and thanking them all for their timely rescue.

We turn around to head home, but we?re stopped by an odd sight.

Teddie stands in their way, muttering about there being no real him. Rise quickly warns them to stand back, and a deep, cold voice rings out across the room. It proclaims the foolishness of trying to find one?s real self.

A Shadow steps out of Teddie. A Shadow?Teddie.

Rise explains that she felt a powerful presence intervene when Teddie?s Shadow stepped out. Teddie, who had not noticed his Shadow step out, only notices it now. The Shadow states that the truth cannot be attained, no matter what the investigation team might try ? they have no means of knowing that what they learn is the truth. It bids the group close their eyes and lie to themselves, forever remaining in ignorance.

Teddie, bless his heart, stands up to his Shadow, even if he doesn?t understand half of what the Shadow?s saying.

The Shadow reminds Teddie that he is empty inside, and his search for his nature is a futile attempt to deny his true self. Turning to the group, the Shadow asks how they could possibly find something that they do not even know the nature of.

The truth has to exist, fundamentally speaking, but I already know that this argument is not going to be won with words.

The Shadow confirms Souji?s dread and attacks. Rise reassures the group that she will help them in Teddie?s place.

That thing?s weakness is that all it has are Ice and physicals. It has something called a Nihil Hand that looks nasty, but it?s telegraphed from so far away that it?d set a record in intercontinental communications.

Souji is able to weather the Shadow?s attacks through careful Persona selection and eventually comes out victorious.

We gather around Teddie after the fight. The guy must?ve had a lot more on his mind than we all gave him credit for.

Teddie admits that he does not even know what he is looking for. Reassured by the investigation group, he resolves that, at least, he has something to look for in the first place. With the strength of heart made manifest, Teddie earns the Persona Kintouki-Douji!

We all head back out. It?s been a hell of a day.

Teddie asks for some time alone, explaining that he must work hard at training himself for the hardships ahead. Chie and Yukiko bid Teddie good-bye and take Rise home.

I stay behind to talk a bit with Teddie. He thinks that there must be something that only he can do. To be frank, he?s already done more than enough, but if the guy wants to go above and beyond, then let him.

That evening, Nanako finds a drunken Dojima being dragged home by Adachi.

Not the best way to meet one?s daughter after nights of not being at home.

Adachi explains that the prefectural police sent in special support for the case due to the lack of progress in the serial murders. The special support was an expert private detective, but, as it turns out, who is also a young man not older than Souji.

Basically, politics here and there mean that the local police may not refuse help and that?s gotten Dojima frustrated to no end.

Soon, however, Dojima falls asleep, and is dragged to bed. Souji and Nanako retire as well.

shadow Teddie
"Say, kids, do you know a word that begins with F!?"
"Uh ... fsteak?"
(and no one had dinner that night)


  • Fighter than anyone else

For those of you interested, that was done in one day, and could have been done solo were I not careless and allowed Shadow Teddie to hit me with a Mind-Charged Mabufula after a Nullity Guidance while I was off Ganga. He was on about 30% health at the time. He has no other tricks.  :(


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 84, July 3rd, 2011.

Souji strikes up conversation with Kanji whilst in the shopping district. As it is near lunchtime, the two head to Aiya.

Kanji?s talking about his mom?s cooking, when some man walks in and recognizes Kanji.

The man turns out to be a police officer, and asks Kanji his business. Kanji retorts angrily, urging the policeman to do his job more professionally.

Not using quite those words, mind you. The policeman leaves after Kanji?s tirade.

Kanji explains that this is a common occurrence, and apologises to Souji for getting him involved.

I tell him he just needs to change outwardly ? he?s plenty enough of a good guy on the inside.

Kanji agrees, enthusiastic at finally being able to repay others who helped him with his newfound power.

Kanji threatens the owner with excessive vandalism due to the food taking a long time. He catches himself, though, not without help from stern glares from my and Aiya?s direction, and adds the threat of excessive renovation to the threat of vandalism.

That evening, Souji talks to Dojima.

Nothing really interesting, just, uh, awkward back-and-forth.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 85, July 4th, 2011.

In the morning, Morooka urges his class to take down more notes on Pascal. He asks Yosuke the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.

Yosuke should know this, what with our entire team engaging in the latter. Still, I end up having to use my newly-found powers of ventroloquism to tell him the answer.

After school, Souji goes to the north side of the shopping district to see Naoki.

So we?re heading to Aiya ? why is it always Aiya? ? when some housewife runs up to Naoki and starts shouting about how he should get home and not worry his parents, and how a family should stay together and help each other out, and how she?s just trying to help.

Souji, outraged, snaps at the housewife.

Today, kids, we learn the meaning of shameless hypocrisy! When your help and sympathy to someone is limited to armchair advice and condescending judgement, then you too might be a shameless hypocrite!

Souji tells Naoki that it is not Naoki?s fault, which cheers Naoki up.

He?s got a similar problem to Yosuke, actually ? both of them can?t afford to act out-of-place due to their parents? business.

Souji heads home afterwards.

Nothing untoward happened to any puddings that night. Certainly not ones belonging to Nanako.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 86, July 5th, 2011.

Souji goes to the liquor store after school, wishing to speak to Naoki again after the previous day having been cut short by a rude interruption.

We?re able to get to Aiya in peace this time. Out of the blue, Naoki tells me he?s planning on quitting school and taking a full-time job at his family?s business.

Naoki has taken to heart the comments from the housewife from the day previous, and believes that he should stick close to his family.

It?s actually a good idea, but not for those reasons ? he?s obviously feeling a lot of pressure, and he really needs to take some time out to get his emotions straight.

Naoki comments how their store is likely to lose customers to Junes, and how he himself believed that the store would end once his father retired.

I was this close to starting on that rant on market theory that had been building up for quite a while now, but then I realize that Naoki is the one with actual issues between the two of us. So I just tell him good luck.

Naoki wonders on the abrupt futility of life, and how his sister?s death opened a hole in his family that nothing could fill.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 87, July 6th, 2011.

I continue pestering Naoki for the third day in a row. I wonder if his decision to quit school has survived a good night?s sleep.

Naoki tells that his parents were against the plan, instead urging him to live the life he would want to. He continues to tell how they got suspicious, wondering if he perhaps hated school, and was running away from his problems.

Entirely expected. Blunt, but expected. I tell him that he should consider that he might well be causing his parents worry.

Naoki says that his parents telling him to do what he wants to is something he hears a lot everywhere ? from his teachers, the health association and his neighbours. He resents his actions not having consequences and him not having a moral compass due to everyone around him acting in the same way no matter what he does.

Everyone takes responsibility away from him, so he feels like he?s living a pointless life.

Naoki cannot understand how he is supposed to continue, being shunned and alienated by the unwanted kindness of others, wondering if he should perhaps ignore them, eventually even forgetting about his own sister.

Thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. Different situation, similar outcome. It is ironic how a sister is so critical to one?s redemption, and the other?s fall.

I remember coming out of the high school class's unit on that book wanting to go "if I see the word 'phony' one more goddamn time ..."


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 88, July 7th, 2011.

Souji learns about the Man-yoshu in class this afternoon, a famous tome of Japanese poetry.

I was asked ? get this ? which poet wrote the most poems about Tanabata in the Man-yoshu. Now, normally I respect school and teachers ? they know stuff, and we don?t. But this is exactly the sort of stuff that turns people off learning forever ? expecting students to know absurdly situational facts that only a genuine expert would ever need to know. That said, I read ahead in the handout. It?s some guy called Kakinomoto no Hitomaro.


I would guess that it is somehow apropos that answering this question correctly bumps my knowledge from Expert to Professor.

After class, Souji finds Ai to tell her about Daisuke?s preferences.

As I expected, Ai just about freaks out when I tell her about the whole ?nice girl? thing. She?s had this impression that guys only care about appearances, which she qualifies plenty for, of course. Frustrated, she asks me to just go and ask him if there?s any girls he likes out there.

At Ai?s insistence, Souji heads downstairs to ask Daisuke, who says there is nobody who holds his interest. Souji queries him on Ai, and Daisuke flatly says to be uninterested. After Daisuke leaves, Souji notices that Ai had been eavesdropping.

I run after her and? Ai, get off there! Narrator, take over.

Ai had managed to climb over the school roof?s outer fence, and now stands on the edge, looking out over the fifteen-meter drop. Completely hysterical, she warns Souji away, saying that she had worked hard to become as pretty as she is now. Surely, she believes, that should have been enough for her to attract young men.

You stupid girl, look, I?ll genuinely hear you out, I understand your problem, just get off the damned death-drop.

Ai, sniffing and sobbing, comes back, completely unsure of herself. She tells that she used to be clumsy and overweight, and her family poor. Because of this, she used to be bullied. She was cruelly rejected by the young man that she was attracted to, and others at her school treated her poorly as well.

Her family came into their money just afterwards, when Ai was to go to middle school, and they all decided that it was a chance to start over, Ai included. She essentially dedicated herself to turning the whole business of being attractive into a science.

Bitterly, Ai says that all her work appears to have been for nothing ? she could not find fulfillment before, and she cannot find it now, despite her efforts. She believes that she has no redeeming qualities other than her appearance.

I promise to yell at Daisuke later ? the guy?s a bit blunt for his own good, anyway.

Ai thanks Souji for his continued support, wondering if, perhaps, she should have fallen in love with him instead, but immediately laughs off the notion.

I play along with the joke, but I think we both know well enough that Ai doesn?t need to waste her time trying to find love or what have you right now ? she needs to find herself first and foremost ? the Ai that she?d buried under years and years of self-delusion.

That evening, Souji continues his janitor work at the hospital.

That nurse shows up again ? I guess she?s a night-shift nurse. She introduces herself as Sayoko Uehara, and offers me, and I quote, ?some hot coffee.?

Sayoko compliments Souji on the smoothness of his skin, and wonders if he knows what she is trying to suggest.

I tell her to back the heck off. She just chuckles, and says she?ll adjust her shift to coincide with mine next time. Is? Is she a serial killer, Narrator? She?s got the Devil Social Link with her, but that doesn?t preclude anything. Do we have two murderers in Inaba now?


I?m scared.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 89, July 8th, 2011.

Today?s a good a time as any to tell the Fox that the kid got his friends.

Souji spends some time with the fox and goes back home in the evening.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 90, July 9th, 2011.

I go back to the shrine to see if there are any more wishes to fulfil. Turns out a man wants to, uh, recapture the joy of life. I?m sure it?s entirely wholesome and family-friendly. That said, it?s a rainy day, and you know what that means!

In the evening, Souji watches the Midnight Channel. Once again, nothing shows up due to the investigation team?s efforts.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 91, July 10th, 2011.

Cicadas chirp on a balmy summer morning. The lifeless body of an adult man hangs high up off the railing of a water tower.

What? But we? No this isn?t right, there is no reason the rules would change on us suddenly like this.

Chie calls Souji in the early morning to ask if he had heard yet, and confirms that a dead body had been found.

We all rush to gather at Junes.

The investigation group gathers, Yosuke rushing to last ? he had taken a detour to confirm the events, and details that a body had indeed been found and reported. Furthermore, it appears that the victim was Mr. Morooka.

Everybody freaks out at this curveball. Kanji says what we?re all thinking ? Morooka hadn?t been on any television programs whatsoever.

The group falls into a depression, wondering if their efforts and success were merely coincidence. Souji reassures them, saying that it is too early to give up.

Kanji backs me up, with a strongly-worded ? very strongly-worded speech.

The group decides to ask Teddie, and heads to the electronics department. However, a pair of staff are talking busily near the televisions. Yosuke asks them if anything had happened, and the two tell him about a strange mascot that had been around the department for a while. They have trouble recalling his name.

Terry? Eddie? Oh?Oh no. This is going to be weird.

Chie is the first to spot him ? Teddie is in the electronics department, relaxing on the massage chairs.

None of us even considered that Teddie could possibly come out of the TV, like some sort of plush, adorable Sadako.

Teddie eagerly tells how his interest in the outside world had been sparked by the investigation team, and, without considering the consequences, he got to where he is now.

We finally get ourselves together enough to ask if there was anyone who entered the other world. Teddie says that he had stayed until the fog settled, but nobody showed up inside.

The group considers that, with Morooka never being seen on television, and, with Teddie having told them that he sensed nobody, perhaps that the murder is not Midnight-Channel-related.

Teddie breaks the train of thought ? looks like he wants to give a pair of glasses to Rise. It makes sense ? she?ll need them if she?ll want to join the team. Teddie says that, now that his role is taken by Rise, he?ll join us on the front lines, with ?a powerful attack, an unbeatable defense, and a winning smile.? Shine on, Teddie, you crazy diamond.

The group has started to draw attention, so they leave the electronics department and regather at the food court. They reconfirm that Morooka was never thrown into the television, and conclude that he was killed in the real world.

Yukiko and Chie consider that maybe the murder was done in this manner because we?ve been so good at rescuing people from inside the TV. I?m not entirely sure we?re barking up the right tree, but we?ll need a few more clues before we can decide anything, so we decide to check with Rise first.

Just then, Teddie declares that, because it is so hot outside, he is taking the bear suit off.

That?s a surefire way to get people?s attention. Hollow headless mascot wandering the food court.

Teddie claims that he is no longer a hollow bear. Having trained and trained, he claims to have an inside.

And so?he takes off? his head. There? is a guy inside the bear suit. He sparkles. Have? Have I gone insane, Narrator? Has the pressure finally gotten to me?

Teddie(?) asks Chie and Yukiko if, perhaps, he can be brought something to wear, for he is, at the moment, much like a newborn. The two girls, at a loss for words, take him to the clothing department.

Whilst we just sit there, slackjawed. Yosuke?s right ? it?s not like we haven?t seen weirder things, though. We get ourselves into gear to check with Rise ? the girls can take care of themselves if Teddie(?) turns out to be a zombie monster or something.

However, Souji, Yosuke and Kanji end up eating ice-cream whilst waiting for Chie and Yukiko to catch up. Teddie follows closely, obviously enjoying his new human form, and the fashionable clothing picked out for him by Chie and Yukiko.

Chie regales us with stories of Teddie?s exploits in the clothing department. Guy?s going to need to learn some restraint.

The girls comment that Teddie could be quite charming should he learn to behave himself. Yosuke asks if Kanji agrees. Seeing Kanji?s confusion, he clarifies by asking if Teddie was Kanji?s type.

Good lord, Yosuke. I mean, sick burn bro and all that, but learn to pick your fights.

After desperately smoothing things over with Kanji, Yosuke hands him and Teddie a 1000-yen note, suggesting they purchase Teddie some ice-cream, despite their protests. Chie comments how good it is that Yosuke has matured into an adult that does not let trifles bother him.

That sounded suspicious. Yosuke thinks so, too.

Chie explains that she and Yukiko did not have enough money for Teddie?s clothes, and so charged the rest of the sum to Yosuke.

It?s almost entrancing to see how quickly karma gets back at Yosuke for the stupid things he says and does.

Yosuke threatens Teddie to keep his newly-bought clothes in the best of condition. Chie shouts back at Yosuke, and the two get into a prolonged argument. Yukiko and Souji decide to leave the two be and go to Rise?s tofu shop.

We run into that guy again, the one with the hat and the Kanji. As it were. He introduces himself as Naoto Shirogane, and it turns out that he?s the private investigator the city sent over to investigate the murders.

The boy asks the group about their knowledge of Morooka, and comments how the public?s view of the teacher?s being associated with the second victim?s school is irrelevant. He proceeds to state that he is intrigued at the inconsistency of Morooka having never appeared on television.

Nice. No wonder this kid is driving Dojima up the wall.

With an enigmatic smile, the young man leaves. As the group starts to discuss, Rise comes down the road and greets them. She asks them if they have some time to spare, and invites them to follow her.

On the way, we ask her if she remembers being kidnapped. Unfortunately, she gives us no leads, either. She does tell us that the Naoto kid had asked her many things about the incident, and, when asked about us, she had made things up.

Rise, trying to find the right words, thanks the group for what they did for her and, with a sudden change of character, as if a great weight had dropped off her shoulders, exclaims once again her thanks and her admiration for the investigation group.

We?re all understandably surprised at the sudden cheer out of nowhere. Rise explains that her gloominess from the stress was probably not winning her any points.

Rise comments how her more cheerful self probably sounds more natural to the public, and muses how she?d entirely lost touch with what the ?normal? her is like. Chie and Yukiko reassure her that having multiple sides to a person is entirely normal.

Before we all forget, we decide give her the glasses. While I try to put some sort of invitation together in my mind, she offers her help first.

Rise cheerfully accepts the glasses, eager to help the rest of the team. She says that she will be going to the same school as them, and asks for the group?s continued company.

Kanji shows up then ? apparently Teddie ate a whopping five Topsicles. The guy?s a beast. We split up afterwards and everyone heads home.

That evening, Souji and Nanako watch the evening news. A picture of Morooka is shown on-screen. Nanako, scared, wonders if someone Souji knew had passed away.

This is not the sort of thing Nanako should be watching. She?s such a rock normally ? and I mean that in the best of ways ? that one can forget about her situation.

That night, Souji finds himself whisked away, in his dreams, to the Velvet Room. Igor asks if Souji feels himself coming closer to the solution of his mystery, and tells Souji that a new form of Fusion is now available ? the ability to combine four or more Personae at once.

Ah, uncharted territory. I knew much of the plot from Hiimdaisy's comic, which sorta ended abruptly; I know some of the details after this, but I didn't know about
Morooka's death

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Fun Fact: In Persona 2(both of them), there was a particularly draconian teacher/principal.
And he looked a lot like our old buddy Morooka. Can you guess what happened to him?
If you guessed that
he died horribly
, you win!
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Fighter than anyone else
Fun Fact: In Persona 2(both of them), there was a particularly draconian teacher/principal.
And he looked a lot like our old buddy Morooka.

Huh, fascinating!

On my first playthrough of P4, I actually liked Morooka quite a lot - he had a lot of character, and quite unusual character at that.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 92, July 11th, 2011.

Yosuke and Souji talk on the way to school, wondering what their new homeroom teacher would be like.

Yosuke says they cannot be worse than Morooka. Well, Yosuke, now you?ve done it. We?re doomed.

As homeroom starts, the new teacher introduces herself as Noriko Kashiwagi.

She promises to take ?good care? of us, with a giggle and a wink. She proceeds to ask us to close our eyes for a moment of silence for Morooka and, when we open them again, she?s sitting up on the desk, playing the Basic Instinct game, telling us what it means to become an adult.

Kashiwagi goes off on a sudden tangent to badmouth Rise Kujikawa and her status as an idol.

She did say ?inexperienced jailbait,? I?m pretty sure.

After school, the investigation team gathers at the Junes food court. Chie and Yosuke lament about the upcoming exams, and Rise laughs, happy that she was able to make friends so quickly, despite the circumstances in which the friendship was forged.

Yosuke eventually changes the subject to Morooka?s murder. Chie mentions that, even though he did not appear on TV, the murder happened just like all the other times. I think I?ve got an idea what?s going on.

Rise mentions that there is little sense in trying to deduce motive for the murders from the direction of personal grudges, instead suggesting that the killer most likely does not know his targets personally.

We?re wondering what to do when that Naoto kid shows up again. He says that there is no reason to examine the Morooka case any further ? apparently the police had already found a suspect.

Naoto explains that the suspect is a high-schooler, and that the police have testimonies directly linking him to the incident. Yosuke asks why Naoto has told them what is certainly confidential information.

Naoto says that he told us because our ?game? is to soon reach its end. I know I speak for Yosuke at least when I say that it?s not a game.

Naoto notes that Souji does not deny being involved in the matter.

Very cute, detective kid. This guy would infuriate me to no end if he didn?t have a portrait. With that in mind, however, and the impression that he?s got something to prove ? to anyone, it seems, including a bunch of high-school punks ? I?m suspecting there?s more to this Naoto than meets the eye.

Rise berates Naoto for his poor taste in words. She says that it is Naoto who no doubt thinks of the affair as a game, with no personal connection to the case, only involved in it for the mystery and the solution thereof. Yosuke follows up by telling how the late Saki Konishi meant a lot to him. Naoto is cowed by the rebuttal.

Yosuke, in his somewhat tasteless way, manages to hit the nail on the head ? now that the police have a suspect, Naoto?s assistance to them is unnecessary.

Naoto admits that this is true, bitter at how he is only paid attention to when he is necessary, and for no longer. Naoto excuses himself and leaves soon afterwards.

That evening it?s Nanako and me again, braving the Dojima-less cold, hard night. Actually, Dojima calls, saying he?s on his way.

Nanako, in high spirits, starts preparing dinner, but finds out that there are no more pickled radishes in stock.

I offer to run out and buy some, and have Nanako hold down the fort. She insists she come along, because we?d have to go to Junes.

Souji and Nanako head out and, soon enough, come back with the shopping to find Dojima already at home.

Dojima is not pleased. He scolds Nanako for going out this late at night ? apparently, no matter the reason, rules are rules. I jump in ? Nanako?s not at fault, here.

Despite Souji?s taking her side, Nanako gets upset and runs to her room.

Dojima, his face the sternest I?ve seen in a while, explains that he can?t allow kids to run about late at night, how dangerous it?s been, how I shouldn?t have been out there either? I just nod and head back to my room ? Dojima needs to cool off. I hope I?m not making light of the matter, but I do think that this overprotectiveness stems somewhere from the death of his wife, and now Nanako is suffering for it.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Day 93, July 12th, 2011.

Souji overhears students talking in the morning, reminding him that examinations start the next week.

[souji] And we learn from Kashiwagi ? who is quickly taking the place of ?teacher people are most uncomfortable being around? ? that eels are slimy due to some protein called mucin that agglutinates into microparticles.

The rainy day is otherwise uneventful, Souji once again trying his luck at Aiya and heading home afterwards.

Fightest's note: I'm going on vacation for a week and a half from tomorrow onwards, and I have not had the chance to play ahead, so updates will not resume until then. Fortunately, next week is exam week for Souji, meaning that nothing's happening anyway!