Author Topic: If YOU were a resident of Gensokyo  (Read 37772 times)


Re: If YOU were a resident of Gensokyo
« Reply #120 on: January 19, 2010, 01:13:36 AM »
I don't think you'd score points with Satori by killing one her pets.... if she really hated Okuu she would have destroyed her long ago, or just given her to the Moriya's. That's actually a better choice than destroying her. The Moriya's and Kappa's want that nuclear power after all.

Another required item would be a towel. It's omnifunctional. Every hitchhiker/transdimensional traveler knows this.

Noone would know it was me.

Headband+facial hair, under a cardboard box.

Bias Bus

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Re: If YOU were a resident of Gensokyo
« Reply #121 on: January 19, 2010, 05:33:11 AM »
Word, man. Fully supporting you.

But when I look at the last few stages of TH12 and TH5, Makai seems to look like some psychedelic dimension full of floating, rune shaped masses. Yes, it's unbelievably beautiful, but how do we get through it? We can't fly after all, and I don't think it be a nice experience to endlessly fall through a dimensional vortex. Some areas do look a bit more natural though.
Makai is surrounded by Border Space (at least as shown in TH5, I haven't played UFO to know if it's still there) and if my theory is correct said space is most likely an immense void similar to outer space but lacking the vaccuum quality which allows Reimu and the others to pass through there unharmed (unless they use magic or something to 'breathe'). On top of that there's Luize, who practically lives in said space given her avid desire to travel. If luck is on our side we might run into her (provided we get past Sara), given how polite Luize is she'll more than likely help us reach Makai safely if we show her we're not a threat despite being outsiders.

However this is going purely on luck, which is something we can't fully rely on in a realm that has things that can easily kill you 5 ways before you can hit the ground. My only guess is that, if Sara let's us through we can ask her to fly us through Border Space to Makai, if not we'll have to construct some form of contraption to allow us to travel between Gensokyo and Makai unscathed...
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Re: If YOU were a resident of Gensokyo
« Reply #122 on: January 22, 2010, 12:06:15 PM »
Hmm choices choices.

I'm quite mechanically minded so If i happen to be a powerless human, I think I'd end up running a mill or something by a river. If i had some understanding of magic and power, maybe I would attempt to make magical items there? I think it'd be a nice life  ;D Probably have to be near a source of water of course, so probably downhill from the youkai mountain or somewhere in the forest. Which cant be all too bad to have marisa as a neighbor. Long as the doors are well secured, anyway.

If I had some kinda power, I'd love manipulation of mechanical items, To change there form and function. It'd be interesting to turn a clocks gears into a doll of sorts to attack with. (Or if you find a bigger clock, like the one at SDM... fun times begin) And I'd probably end up carrying bags of screws incase theres nothing i can abuse around the area. Would probably get on well with nitori - or find her particularly easy to beat.

If I was gonna suck up to anyone, It'd be Utsuho... I just think that power should so be used to levitate a flying shrine. Of course there is the minor problem that she is pretty much impossible to meet lol.