Author Topic: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio  (Read 194611 times)

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
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Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #780 on: August 11, 2012, 03:54:56 AM »
>Nod. "The advanced classes should start soon, and we have to get there by 2:30, which is generally when they end. So let's be off!"
>Let's roll!
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #781 on: August 11, 2012, 05:20:42 AM »
>Nod. "The advanced classes should start soon, and we have to get there by 2:30, which is generally when they end. So let's be off!"
>Let's roll!

Meiling laughs. "Haha, I see. Wait... hey, Shiku was it? Hold this," as she tosses the dummy to Shiku, who catches it with a bit of difficulty. Once that's done, she runs in and grabs a set of heavy weights, slinging it over her shoulder as she runs back to you.

"You'll want these, and I have a few more. Anyway, let's go."

The three of you fly off, leaving Neneru at the mansion. At your speed, it takes a while to get back to the village, and the guard greets you with a smile.

"Greetings, Keine. I actually have something to tell you before you go inside. A man with silver hair and raven wings was asking about you earlier. As you were gone at the time and the policies against youkai entrance were still in place, I told him you were absent and suggested he come back in the evening. I hope I didn't make a mistake."

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #782 on: August 11, 2012, 05:28:59 AM »
>Nod. "That might have been Lord Tenma, the tengu leader. Did he seem important?"
>Smile. "Regardless, the fact that you told him I was off tending to other things was good. Hopefully he'll be back later. If it was Tenma, let him in, I can tell you here that for a Youkai, he's one of the more honorable sorts."
>"Well, I have to get these two to the Dojo, the Advanced Classes have likely already started by now. It took a bit of work to get Remilia to let go of her gatekeeper for some demonstrations you know."
>After everything's said and done and such, make for the dojo!
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #783 on: August 11, 2012, 05:48:29 AM »
>Nod. "That might have been Lord Tenma, the tengu leader. Did he seem important?"

The guardsman nodded. "Important enough to have guards, anyway."

>Smile. "Regardless, the fact that you told him I was off tending to other things was good. Hopefully he'll be back later. If it was Tenma, let him in, I can tell you here that for a Youkai, he's one of the more honorable sorts."

The guardsman nods again and returns to his post. "Will do. I'll file him under one of Keine's Exemptions." Ah yes, that file every guardsman has, saying which youkai are to be allowed in and which not.

>"Well, I have to get these two to the Dojo, the Advanced Classes have likely already started by now. It took a bit of work to get Remilia to let go of her gatekeeper for some demonstrations you know."
>After everything's said and done and such, make for the dojo!

He grins. "Well, have fun. I'll be here."

The three of you head off for the dojo, which doesn't take long. Already, students are filing in under the watchful eye of Sato Utsuwa, and as you can see, the advance class is about to begin. As you approach, he and Meiling give an elegant bow to each other. Then he turns to you.

"Welcome back, Keine. And welcome to the village, Hong Meiling."

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #784 on: August 11, 2012, 06:04:23 AM »
>Chuckle a little, and smile. "Just in time for the advance classes I see."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #785 on: August 11, 2012, 06:25:33 AM »
>Chuckle a little, and smile. "Just in time for the advance classes I see."

Utsuwa chuckles back. "Of course. And since you're here in time, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I took Meiling for a demonstration." Meiling nods, stepping into the room and examining the surroundings. Very closely examining them. Shiku leans against the door of the building, running her hand through her hair as she watches the students file in until there must be over a score of them in the room. Utsuwa nods to you.

"If you wish, you can observe, Keine-san, although I'll just need you not to be too distracting. I'm actually going to need my concentration for what I have planned, haha."

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #786 on: August 11, 2012, 06:31:24 AM »
>Chuckle a little. "Alright then, Shiku and myself will sit back and watch for now."
>Let's sit back with Shiku and watch the show.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #787 on: August 11, 2012, 03:44:36 PM »
>Chuckle a little. "Alright then, Shiku and myself will sit back and watch for now."
>Let's sit back with Shiku and watch the show.

As you sit back and watch, Utsuwa steps to the front of the class, where they stand at attention facing him and Hong Meiling.

"Greetings, advanced class Autumn. I'm pleased to announce that today we have a special guest, the youkai gatekeeper Hong Meiling, an expert in martial arts and physical combat," Utsuwa says with a stern expression. "I expect you to treat her the same you'd treat any other martial arts master," he continues, though the students likely need no reminding.  "I thought I'd begin the day by actually showing you what combat with a skilled youkai looks like. Meiling, if you would?" Meiling nods, turning to him and cracking a small smile. "Danmaku?" is all she asks, to which Utsuwa nods. Without another word, the two begin what looks at first to be a martial arts battle.

Neither one actually attacks for several seconds, and Utsuwa is the one to make the first move, a startlingly fast strike to Meiling's midsection. Meiling smirks, counters with her left arm, and spins, using her right arm to fire a small blast of rainbow danmaku at point-blank range. This stings Utsuwa a bit, but he keeps going, darting in for another attack almost faster than you can see, catching Meiling by surprise as his high strike becomes a kick to the leg. The youkai trips, but flips into a handstand to keep her momentum going, delivering what look to be a series of powerful kicks even while holding herself up by her hands. After this causes Utsuwa to back off, she thrusts upward and rights herself, going on the attack with a high combo of blows that Utsuwa struggles a bit to keep up with. Shiku grins at the commotion.

"Now handstand fighting... that's a new one, eh Keine? I've never even considered that possibility."

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #788 on: August 11, 2012, 10:43:20 PM »
>Chuckle a little. "He isn't the former Village Guardian for nothing after all. I'd say he's giving quite a show himself you know."
>Nod. "And yes. You've noticed that females tend to have more mobility than males, yes? Well, that's what allows her to be able to attack like that in such a skilled manner. Even I may have a challenge on my hands if I were to go up against her."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #789 on: August 12, 2012, 05:34:48 PM »
>Chuckle a little. "He isn't the former Village Guardian for nothing after all. I'd say he's giving quite a show himself you know."
>Nod. "And yes. You've noticed that females tend to have more mobility than males, yes? Well, that's what allows her to be able to attack like that in such a skilled manner. Even I may have a challenge on my hands if I were to go up against her."

Shiku grins. "You should try it. I'd love to see a battle like that."

While you were talking, it looks like Utsuwa managed to gain the upper hand, darting a series of low combos and fakes that, due to their ferocity if nothing else, is actually pushing Meiling back. She doesn't really seem to be fazed, though. Indeed, she almost seems to be grinning as she blocks and weaves out of his combos. In a flash, she slips about 15 feet back, giving herself a lot of room. Utsuwa stops as well, and they seem to have reached an impasse for a few moments. It doesn't last long, as Meiling darts low and fast to begin another combo. They're both starting to breathe heavily now.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #790 on: August 13, 2012, 01:57:51 AM »
>Chuckle a little. "Perhaps some other time. Say, on the full moon?" Smirk just a bit.
>Let's keep watching!
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #791 on: August 13, 2012, 04:04:14 AM »
>Chuckle a little. "Perhaps some other time. Say, on the full moon?" Smirk just a bit.
>Let's keep watching!

Shiku laughs at this. "Way to claim an unfair advantage! Why don't you just throw in 'with my shikigami' while you're at it?"

Meiling grins, shouting. "You're tired. So am I. Better end it quick!" She darts forward, seeming to aim an uppercut strike toward Utsuwa's head. When he brings his hands up to block  this, she suddenly swings back, hitting his gut with both legs as she flips into a handstand. Utsuwa flies into the air as Meiling thrusts herself up for a second kick in midair, and even manages to stick the landing as Utsuwa falls to the ground, groaning a bit. Apparently Meiling had been holding back the whole time till now. She steps forward, helping the groaning master up as Shiku pokes you in the back.

"This is really great, don't get me wrong, but if you've got some high-mucky-muck visitor coming in, shouldn't we make sure the house is clean first?" For someone who claimed not to want to be a servant, she sure does seem to remember all the household tasks...

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #792 on: August 13, 2012, 04:17:40 AM »
>Chuckle a little. "We'll handle that here in a bit, after the classes are over, Neneru's been brought back, and Meiling's been returned."
>Smile. "But for now, maybe you'll get to have a light spar with some of the other students."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #793 on: August 13, 2012, 04:55:49 AM »
>Chuckle a little. "We'll handle that here in a bit, after the classes are over, Neneru's been brought back, and Meiling's been returned."
>Smile. "But for now, maybe you'll get to have a light spar with some of the other students."

Shiku grins. "You think they could take me? I am an evil dangerous youkai, after all," she smirks, playing up the image she must think is prevalent in the village. Who knows, maybe she's right. Utsuwa heads over to you, a large bruise already developing on his chest.

"She's a great fighter, all right," he says, coughing a bit. "I'll leave her to watch the students, I need a bit of a rest myself, haha."

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #794 on: August 13, 2012, 05:04:38 AM »
>Chuckle a little. "We have some time, even though I'm expecting someone."
>Fistpalm. "Ah, could you excuse me for a moment? I'll go check something real quick."
>If the training area is open-air, let's take to the sky to get a good view of things, perhaps our guest is on the way.
>Otherwise, we'll just go to the dojo's backyard to do so.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #795 on: August 13, 2012, 05:09:47 AM »
>Chuckle a little. "We have some time, even though I'm expecting someone."
>Fistpalm. "Ah, could you excuse me for a moment? I'll go check something real quick."
>If the training area is open-air, let's take to the sky to get a good view of things, perhaps our guest is on the way.
>Otherwise, we'll just go to the dojo's backyard to do so.

Utsuwa nods, saying "sure thing" as you step outside for a moment. Taking to the sky, you look around, and although you don't see any active fliers, your careful eyes can spot about 5 wolf tengu located in a circle around the city, each a few miles away. Scouts, you suppose.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #796 on: August 13, 2012, 05:15:51 AM »
>Well, the guards already know about our guest, so we should be fine. We can just discipline any overzealous guard or scout if we have to.
>Let's land and head back in.
>"Well, seems our guest has people watching for me. Just as well I suppose. Shiku, keep an eye on things here while I go tend to the house."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #797 on: August 13, 2012, 05:51:59 AM »
>Well, the guards already know about our guest, so we should be fine. We can just discipline any overzealous guard or scout if we have to.
>Let's land and head back in.
>"Well, seems our guest has people watching for me. Just as well I suppose. Shiku, keep an eye on things here while I go tend to the house."

Shiku nods. "Any restrictions on whether I can fight them? Or, ya know, how?" Utsuwa answers before you can with "no danmaku. And try not to kill anyone."

Meiling certainly looks to be having fun teaching the students just where they're going wrong. You suppose she's done this a lot.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #798 on: August 13, 2012, 06:01:13 AM »
>Chuskle a little. "And don't go all out either, try to keep even with them. Limiting yourself is a good way to bring your skill up."
>Now that we've said our piece, let's make for the house to tend to it.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #799 on: August 13, 2012, 06:11:31 AM »
>Chuskle a little. "And don't go all out either, try to keep even with them. Limiting yourself is a good way to bring your skill up."
>Now that we've said our piece, let's make for the house to tend to it.

Shiku grins. "I'll see what I can do."

As you head the short distance to your house, you can see why Shiku was concerned - while not particularly filthy, the house still needs a good cleaning, especially the tea room and dining areas. You don't figure the bedrooms need cleaning at this point, though... you're not likely to take Lord Tenma to bed with you, after all.

Where do you wish to tidy up?

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #800 on: August 13, 2012, 06:14:14 AM »
>We'll tidy up the tea room and dining area, as that will be the more important area of the house currently.
>Advanced classes should be done by the time we're finished, correct? After all, that demonstration had to take up a decent amount of time.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #801 on: August 13, 2012, 06:30:49 AM »
>We'll tidy up the tea room and dining area, as that will be the more important area of the house currently.
>Advanced classes should be done by the time we're finished, correct? After all, that demonstration had to take up a decent amount of time.

You take care to clean up the tea room and dining area, leaving the rest of the house alone. You still want to have time to get Meiling home, after all. You check the sun outside when you're done, and guess that the classes are probably about done. At least the important rooms look clean. Heading back towards the dojo, you see Shiku. With several bruises. Grinning like a fairy. Waving at you.

"They won a lot!" she says, stopping waving for a moment.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #802 on: August 13, 2012, 07:20:06 AM »
>Chuckle a little. "You didn't go too easy on them, did you?"
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #803 on: August 13, 2012, 03:32:58 PM »
>Chuckle a little. "You didn't go too easy on them, did you?"

Shiku shook her head. "Nope. Well, sometimes. I still won a lot of matches too, don't get me wrong. But some of them... yeah, they're good. Some of them are real good. Meiling had a lot of fun too, she stayed back to talk tactics with the old man."

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #804 on: August 14, 2012, 02:29:40 AM »
>Nod with a smile. "Well, I'm glad everyone had fun. I'll leave you to tend to the house, and receive any guests in my stead while I see Meiling home, and pick up Neneru. Be sure to be polite now, alright?"
>And now let's make for the Dojo again to pick up Meiling, exchange a few pleasantries with Utsuwa, the usual.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #805 on: August 15, 2012, 03:36:51 PM »
>Nod with a smile. "Well, I'm glad everyone had fun. I'll leave you to tend to the house, and receive any guests in my stead while I see Meiling home, and pick up Neneru. Be sure to be polite now, alright?"
>And now let's make for the Dojo again to pick up Meiling, exchange a few pleasantries with Utsuwa, the usual.

(I apologize for not posting yesterday. I've been busy with job interviews and things lately.)

Shiku nods, giving a small grin. "Will do! Although... I do sort of hope you'll beat any visitors here. Just saying." She walks past you in the direction of your house, as you continue on to the dojo.

Once there, you see Meiling and Utsuwa casually chatting by the front entrance. Utsuwa waves you to with a grin as you approach, and after a moment, Meiling does as well. "Yo, Keine!" Utsuwa shouts out, "your friend certainly packs a punch! Knocked three of my students out!"

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #806 on: August 15, 2012, 04:26:15 PM »
>Chuckle a little. "She happens to be one of my Shikigami after all, of course she'd be good. I did tell her to hold back some though, as a way to improve her skill."
>Smile. "Well, it's about time to be getting you back, I daresay Remilia's been waiting for your return."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #807 on: August 15, 2012, 11:31:07 PM »
>Chuckle a little. "She happens to be one of my Shikigami after all, of course she'd be good. I did tell her to hold back some though, as a way to improve her skill."

Utsuwa nodded. "She did that. Of course, she did it to the wrong people, and some of my better students got a few really good hits in. All in all, though, the girl's got some endurance and strength in her. What did you say her name was again?"

>Smile. "Well, it's about time to be getting you back, I daresay Remilia's been waiting for your return."

Meiling chuckles. "Yeah, and more likely Sakuya. I'll bet she's running double duty right now, trying to play gatekeeper as well as chief maid - no offense, but I don't think she'll trust your little catgirl friend."

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #808 on: August 16, 2012, 02:15:41 AM »
>Smile. "Her name's Shiku. If you want to have her around for the advanced classes, then that's fine by me. She needs people to train against, so I'll be sure to have her come by every now and again."
>Nod. "Well, we'll be off now. See you tomorrow I suppose."
>Let's take Hong and roll back to the mansion.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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    • RP Blog for Kaenbyou Rin
Re: Keine Quest II - Shikigami Trio
« Reply #809 on: August 16, 2012, 04:03:48 AM »
>Smile. "Her name's Shiku. If you want to have her around for the advanced classes, then that's fine by me. She needs people to train against, so I'll be sure to have her come by every now and again."

Utsuwa nods. "That'd be great. I think she'd be a great asset to the class... oh, and I kept her youkai nature secret for now. I'm not sure how revealed you want that, so I erred on the safe side."

>Nod. "Well, we'll be off now. See you tomorrow I suppose."
>Let's take Hong and roll back to the mansion.

A grin. "See ya!", he shouts as you and Meiling start the flight back to the mansion. It takes a bit, but you make it there, where Neneru's... actually fallen asleep in Meiling's chair. In the distance, you can see Sakuya watching from a window.