So, impressions from the demo! I played through on Hard with Reimu Possessed/A, but I've also dabbled a bit with the other shottypes. Reimu Possessed, by the way, is awesome. Finally the gohei is used in a shottype, and I love the bomb. It even rocks Reimu back and forth when you use it, as if Reimu has to struggle to hold on. Nice touch there, ZUN.
It seems like we'll be visiting some pretty familiar places as well. When I heard Stage 3's theme, I was a little surprised that ZUN made another Theme of Eastern Story remix for it, but it shouldn't come off as too much of a surprise.
The gameplay seemed to be somewhat easy on Normal, hence why I skipped straight to Hard. Of course, the Stage 3 boss caught me totally off guard. I had to resort to swinging that fricking bigass gohei like it was going out of style. Nevertheless, it's all good fun.
Finally, the system of this game is pretty nice. I really like how you can go to the top of the screen and just go nuts collecting resources. Of course, a lot of my deaths were from doing that, so it's very much risk-reward.
All in all, I really like the game so far and I can't wait for the full version. This is certainly going to be something good.