Author Topic: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest  (Read 87662 times)


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13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« on: January 14, 2017, 02:24:04 PM »
13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest

The Touhou Project Popularity Poll, held by the Japanese Touhou Wiki for over a decade, is a poll open to fans around the globe to vote on their favorite characters and music throughout the Touhou series. If you haven't been following the news this announcement might come as a surprise, but voting opens very soon!

Previous Threads

7th Contest - Voting - Results
8th Contest - Voting & Results
9th Contest - Voting & Results
10th Contest - Voting & Results
11th Contest - Voting & Results
12th Contest - Voting & Results


Voting Period: Sunday, January 15th 00:00 JST ~ Saturday, January 21th 23:59 JST

Voting is done similarly to the previous years. You will need to obtain a voting ID by submitting your email address to the site; you will receive an email with your voting ID included, and when completing any poll you will need to enter this voting ID. There is only one voting ID allowed per person.

Voting ID requests can be made half a day in advance of the polls opening. As such, they are already available as of this thread posting.
Please request your ID before the poll starts if possible, to help take some load off of the server during the voting period. Additionally, as you can vote anytime during the voting period, perhaps take care to save your votes until later during the week.

Please refer to this site for the clock / time by which the contest is operating.

Five categories are available for voting :

In the same order as on the site :
Character Poll - Vote for your (maximum of) 7 favourite characters. Your top vote will receive 2 points as opposed to 1.
Music Poll -  Vote for your (maximum of) 10 favourite songs. Your top vote will receive 2 points as opposed to 1.
Works Poll -  Vote for your (maximum of) 5 favourite works. Your top vote will receive 2 points as opposed to 1.
Best Partners Poll -  Vote for your (maximum of) 5 favourite pairings. Your top vote will receive 2 points as opposed to 1.
Voter Questionnaire - A questionnaire collecting voter data on demographics, game clear rates, game and manga ownership, etc.
Here is a translation of the questionnaire.

Here is a list of the candidates that you can vote for in each poll. The top four links send respectively to the list of characters, the list of songs, the list of works, and a list of arranges that will count as the same at their original.

With your votes, you can submit comments about your vote. These will be published on the website once the poll is over. Both your vote and comments can be edited until voting closes.



Q. Can I vote from my cell phone?
A. You can vote, but support for phones is not guaranteed. If errors occur such that you cannot vote, please vote from a different location, such as a net cafe or a friend's PC, instead.

Q. Do I need to fill out the comment field?
A. Filling out the comment field isn't necessary.

Q. I don't want to fill out all the spots for votes.
A. Vote for as many as you would like, then leave the others unselected.

Q. Can people outside Japan vote?
A. Yes.

Q. Will it be okay if I vote from the same computer as my siblings, etc.?
A. While it's impossible to say with 100% certainty that your votes won't be mistakenly judged to be duplicate votes, if you include the voting reason in the comment, it should be fine.

Q. I have no choice but to vote using a free e-mail address; will it be all right if I fill out the comment field properly?
A. As long as it's not a duplicate vote, there won't be any problem.
Note: Recently there has been a surge in votes from one-time-use emails. In case using one is unavoidable they will not be prohibited, but please be aware that there is a higher likelihood that these may be marked as duplicates or invalid votes.

Q. What is the maximum number of characters allowed for comments at voting time?
A. 200 full-width characters. [or 400 ASCII characters.]


Q. Can I vote for Lily Black?
A. She is included in the "Lily White" option. (Note: In the "Kare Radio" broadcast on Aug 21, 2010, ZUN commented that Lily White and Lily Black are the same character.)

Q. Can I vote for Rin Satsuki?
A. As a character which does not officially exist, she will not be included.

Q. There's no option for the character I want to vote for...
A. As Seihou/Uwabami Breakers characters/ZUN are not characters that have appeared in the Touhou series, they will not be included.
In addition, inanimate objects (Yin-Yang orbs, gameplay items, etc) except for the Shanghai Doll and UFOs will not be included.

Q. Story of Eastern Wonderland's Stage 1 midboss and Stage 3 boss are inanimate objects, so I can understand why they're not included, but can't I vote for other PC-98 midbosses?
A. Considering that they have no proper names and are very poorly known, we have decided not to include them.

Q. Regarding the fairy mooks, will there be separate options for fairy maids, etc?
A. Characters without proper names will be included in the options named after their race.

Q. Can I vote for the girl on the Dolls in Pseudo Paradise cover/label?
A. Taking her popularity into account, there are now votes for "Dolls in Pseudo Paradise CD Jacket Girl" and "Dolls in Pseudo Paradise CD Label Girl".


Q. How will votes for arrangements of original songs appearing on the music CDs be handled?
A. Arrangements will be displayed as separate items on the voting screen, but votes for the arrangements and their original songs will be counted together during vote totaling. Please vote for the arrangement you like the most.
(You cannot vote for both the original song and the arrangement.)

Q. How will "Love-Colored Magic" and "Love-Colored Master Spark" be handled?
A. Please refer to the table of arrangements with different names which will be counted together with their original songs.

Q. Aren't "Bloom Nobly, Ink-Black Cherry Blossoms ~ Border of Life" and "Border of Life" different arrangements of the same song?
A. In this poll, they are treated as different songs.

Best Partners

Q. Can I vote for 3 or more in a group?
A. You can only vote for two as one group.

Q. Does the order of characters chosen matter?
A. The order does not matter. "A and B" will be counted the same as "B and A". The name order when votes are released will be in order as listed in the Character List.


Q. Regarding the voter survey questions on game clear status, aren't frame drop rates going to be included?
A. We're not being that hardcore in having such strict policies on counting clears.


Q. Are there any plans to include the spell card poll?
A. It will not be implemented this time.

Q. Can I use pictures I've drawn on Pixiv, etc. as publicity images?
A. Publicity is welcome. In addition, including the hashtag "#toho_vote13" and "第13回東方Project人気投票" is recommended. Registered participants can put links to these works here.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2017, 02:54:14 PM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2017, 02:28:58 PM »
Voting ID requests are already open!

Voting Form:
- Email address
- Previous contest's voting ID (optional)
- Captcha

Including a previous voting ID is for data validation and statistics purposes, but is optional.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Pixel stuff
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2017, 04:30:31 PM »
Character vote
Top vote: Futo
Also: Sagume, Sumireko, Renko, Tenshi, Aya, Miko

Music vote
Top vote: Old Yuanshen
Also: Midnight Spell Card, The Lake Reflects the Cleansed Moonlight, Magus Night, Sky Ruin,  Battlefield of the Flower Threshold, Dr. Latency's Sleepless Eyes, Unknown X ~ Occultly Madness, Magical Storm, The Instant is Shorter Than Planck Time


Urban Legend in Limbo
Forbidden Scrollery
Ten Desires
Dr. Latency's Freak Report
Neo-traditionalism of Japan
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 04:34:17 PM by Quwanti »


  • Overly Eager
  • Sanae~
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2017, 05:12:05 PM »
Character vote
Top vote: Sanae
Also: Reimu, Alice, Suwako, Yuyuko, Nue, Utsuho

Music vote
Top vote: Tomorrow Will Be Sunny, Yesterday Was Not (MoF Extra)
Also: Suwa Foughten Field, Gensokyo Millennium, Cosmic Mind, Phantom Ensemble, UFO Stage 5, MoF Stage 2, LoLK Stage 6, Hartmann's Youkai Girl, Eternal Steam Engine


Partners for AoCF (I don't care too much regardless but here we go)
Reimu/Sanae (I doubt Sanae will be playable but I wanted to have her in a vote anyway)

Survey (the relevant part, but I can list more later)
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 10:03:32 PM by ZM »


  • Awoo!~
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Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2017, 05:57:50 PM »
Time to vote in this year! Missed last years! Decided to vote for who is on my mind instead of numbered favorites, my list is too messed up to number any character. T^T

Top vote: Kagerou (I expect her to rise a bit in ranks, she's been getting more attention in the fandom since the last one)
Additional: Wakasagihime (fish princess is best princess!), Nue, Doremy sweet, Alice, Kogasa (Sorry Tewi! T^T), Sanae.

I love all of them for varous reasons..but struggled with alice, do i pick alice, satori, or parsee, who do I pick to represent my all time favorite...

Decided not to vote on music, far too many to pick, would end up picking mostly CD ones and never got a chance to hear ZUNs 2 new CDs recently so I can't give a fair assesment.

Who do you think might rise in ranks due to fandom?

EDIT: damnit forgot about Nazrin and Shou, this is why 7 feels so small T^T
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 06:02:01 PM by Colticide »
Touhou Fugyouseki ~ Nightmare of Sleeping Girl English Patch
I run a crappy YouTube channel, check it out if you wish~

Suspicious person

  • Just a humble wanderer
  • How suspicious~
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2017, 06:25:47 PM »
Alright, time to shuffle those favorites again !

Character votes :
-Hinanawi Tenshi (First vote)
-Moriya Suwako
-Fujiwara no Mokou
-Usami Sumireko
-Kochiya Sanae
-Kishin Sagume
-Toyosatomimi no Miko

Music votes :
-Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke (First vote)
-Ghostly Band ~ Phantom Ensemble
-Gathering the Mysterious from All Around Japan
-Retrospective Kyoto
-Japanese Saga
-Welcome to the Moon Tour
-Dr. Latency?s Sleepless Eyes
-Fall of fall ~ Eternal Waterfall
-The Fairies' Adventurous Tale
-Hangover of Bedfellows Dreaming Differently

Favorite work votes :
-Magical Astronomy (First vote)
-Retrospective 53 minutes
-Touhou Suzunaan : Forbidden Scrollery
-Touhou 12.8 : Great Fairy Wars
-Touhou 13 : Ten Desires

AoCF partner wishlist :
-Mokou & Sumireko (First vote)
-Kasen & Mamizou Last second modification to Reisen & Youmu happened
-Hijiri & Miko
-Koishi & Kokoro
-Shinmyoumaru & hopefully Seija
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 04:35:22 PM by Suspicious person »

Chill Observer

  • Aimless fanatic
  • haHAA
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2017, 06:45:02 PM »
Character Vote
Top Vote: Satori
Additional Vote: Clownpiece, Flandre, Tenshi, Remilia, Aya, Alice

Music Vote
...too lazy to do that lmao
Also I can't really pinpoint a favorite music track myself.



Yes, all of these except possibly the first one is wishful thinking. I'm aware all of the ULiL playables (including Reisen) will be present in AoCF. Oh well, one can always dream...

Voter Questionnaire
1cc question:
Hard all, except for PoFV and LoLK Pointdevice (Normal, only played once).

What aspects of Touhou I like the most:
Games and characters.

When did I know of Touhou:
A while after LoLK release.

How did I know of Touhou:
Was looking for new games to play after quitting my long time MMO spree, this was one of the first things that popped up. Oh and also fanart and stuff.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 02:04:25 AM by Satorical Komeijist »
Retired Touhou player. Not involved with anything Touhou anymore.


  • :D
  • kms
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2017, 07:11:51 PM »
Character Votes:
Top Vote: Alice
Others: Koishi, Kogasa, Reimu, Remilia, Aya, Eiki

Music Vote:
Top Vote: Hartmann's Youkai Girl
Others: Plastic Mind, Romantic Children, Strawberry Crisis, Infinite Nightmare, Border of Life, Doll Maker of Bucuresti, Himorogi Burn in Violet, Casket of Star



Too lazy to add the last thing. xdd
i like cute stuff


  • 宇宙少年
    • Suzunaan
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2017, 08:26:40 PM »
Toyosatomimi no Miko (top vote)
Tenshi, Yukari, Kosuzu, Mamizou, Sagume, Seiga

Music (not really a particular order aside top one)
Theme of Eastern Story (top vote)
The Frozen Eternal Capital,  Mystic Oriental Love Consultation, Battlefield of the Flower Threshold, Necrofantasia, The Gensokyo the Gods Loved, Walking the Streets of a Former Hell, Flight of the Bamboo Cutter, Cosmic Mind, Desire Drive.

Ten Desires (top)
Forbidden Scrollery, Imperishable Night, Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom, Urban Legend in Limbo

Reimu/Yukari (top)
Sanae/Kanako, Reisen/Kaguya, Koishi/Kokoro (would be hilarious), Kasen/Suika


I'm buying both FS and WaHH volumes + Strange Creators issues

Most attractive aspects of Touhou
Music, games, characters, story, worldview

When and how did I know of Touhou
June 2008, internet games/chat.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 09:12:37 PM by Plubio »


  • Shipper On Board
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2017, 08:55:41 PM »
Quick note that the pairings section is meant to be 'what teams you want to see in AoCF' not 'who do you want to smooch', so choose wisely.


  • 宇宙少年
    • Suzunaan
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2017, 09:06:13 PM »
Quick note that the pairings section is meant to be 'what teams you want to see in AoCF' not 'who do you want to smooch', so choose wisely.

Is that so?
Oh, that's soooo sad.

Gonna need to edit them later lol


  • Overly Eager
  • Sanae~
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2017, 09:35:56 PM »
Quick note that the pairings section is meant to be 'what teams you want to see in AoCF' not 'who do you want to smooch', so choose wisely.

Oh thank God. Thanks for the heads up.


  • Border of Whatever
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2017, 12:37:00 AM »
Yukari (Top), Rumia, Seija, Kagerou, Sagume, Yorihime, Toyohime

PCB (Top), EoSD, DDC, FS, Three Fairies


« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 12:40:41 AM by PK »


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Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2017, 01:34:58 AM »
Quick note that the pairings section is meant to be 'what teams you want to see in AoCF' not 'who do you want to smooch', so choose wisely.
Well, having the Best Partner vote again is in commemoration of AoCF, so that's what would be implied, but I think it'd be a safe bet to say that shipping is most likely what it'll end up being anyways.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2017, 01:50:12 AM »
Voter questionnaire

1. Age

2. Gender
  • Male
  • Female

3. Residence
  • [Various regions of Japan; you don't need these]
  • Outside Japan: East Asia (China, Taiwan, South Korea, etc)
  • Outside Japan: Southeast Asia
  • Outside Japan: South/Central/West Asia
  • Outside Japan: Europe
  • Outside Japan: Africa
  • Outside Japan: North America
  • Outside Japan: South America
  • Outside Japan: Oceania

4. On what difficulty can you 1cc each game? (Clear with no continues)
  • EoSD  (No answer, Not played, No Easy Clear, Easy Clear, Normal Clear, Hard Clear, Lunatic Clear)
  • PCB  (No answer, Not played, No Easy Clear, Easy Clear, Normal Clear, Hard Clear, Lunatic Clear)
  • IN  (No answer, Not played, No Easy Clear, Easy Clear, Normal Clear, Hard Clear, Lunatic Clear)
  • PoFV  (No answer, Not played, No Easy Clear, Easy Clear, Normal Clear, Hard Clear, Lunatic Clear)
  • MoF  (No answer, Not played, No Easy Clear, Easy Clear, Normal Clear, Hard Clear, Lunatic Clear)
  • SA  (No answer, Not played, No Easy Clear, Easy Clear, Normal Clear, Hard Clear, Lunatic Clear)
  • UFO  (No answer, Not played, No Easy Clear, Easy Clear, Normal Clear, Hard Clear, Lunatic Clear)
  • TD  (No answer, Not played, No Easy Clear, Easy Clear, Normal Clear, Hard Clear, Lunatic Clear)
  • DDC  (No answer, Not played, No Easy Clear, Easy Clear, Normal Clear, Hard Clear, Lunatic Clear)
  • LoLK Pointdevice  (No answer, Not played, No Easy Clear, Easy Clear, Normal Clear, Hard Clear, Lunatic Clear)
  • LoLK Legacy  (No answer, Not played, No Easy Clear, Easy Clear, Normal Clear, Hard Clear, Lunatic Clear)

5. Currently-subscribed publications:
  • Wild and Horned Hermit  (No answer, Don't buy, Buy the tankobon volumes, Buy the serialization (Febri))
  • Forbidden Scrollery  (No answer, Don't buy, Buy the tankobon volumes, Buy the serialization (Comp Ace))
  • Curiosities of Lotus Asia  (No answer, Don't buy, Bought the serialization (Strange Creators of Outer World))

6. What draws you into the Touhou Series? (multiple answer)
  • Music
  • Games
  • Characters
  • Story
  • Universe/Setting
  • Derivative Works
  • Social interaction

7. When did you get into Touhou?
  • No answer
  • Pre-Windows Era (2000/12)
  • SSG* ~ EoSD (2002/08)
  • EoSD ~ PCB (2003/08)
  • PCB ~ IN (2004/08)
  • IN ~ IaMP (2004/12)
  • IaMP ~ PoFV (2005/08)
  • PoFV ~ StB (2005/12)
  • StB ~ PMiSS (2006/12)
  • PMiSS ~ MoF (2007/08)
  • MoF ~ SA (2008/08)
  • SA ~ UFO (2009/08)
  • UFO ~ FW (2010/08)
  • FW ~ TD (2011/08)
  • TD ~ SoPM (2012/04)
  • SoPM ~ DDC (2013/08)
  • DDC ~ ISC (2014/05)
  • ISC ~ LoLK (2015/08)
  • LoLK ~ Old Adam (2016/08)
  • Old Adam ~ Current
          *Shuusou Gyoku

8. How did you first discover Touhou?
  • School, Clubs, Family, or other offline connection
  • Online game, Chat (IRC), or otherwise through online friends
  • Personal site, Blogs, News sites, etc
  • Pixiv, Nijie, TINAMI, etc illustration sites
  • 2ch, Futaba, Shitabara etc online anonymous BBS
  • Youtube, Niconico etc video sharing sites
  • Twitter
  • Magazines, TV
  • Doujinshi events (Comiket etc)
  • Doujin shops or other stores
  • Rhythm games that has Touhou music in them
  • Found while looking for an interesting STG
  • Found while looking for an interesting FTG

9. If you attend doujin events like Comiket and Reitaisai, what are your main activities there? (multiple answer)
  • Do not participate (invalidates other options)
  • Buy official works
  • Buy doujinshi
  • Buy doujin music
  • Buy doujin games
  • Buy doujin goods
  • Buy corporate works
  • Distribute works (as a circle)
  • Staff
  • Interaction with circles and friends
  • Performing cosplay
  • Watching/photographing cosplay
  • Corporate collab events (for rhythm games, etc)
  • Live concerts (when applicable)

10. Have you voted in the Touhou Series Popularity Contest before?
  • No answer
  • First time
  • Voted past 1~3 years
  • Voted past 4+ years

Nearly the same as last year's. If you were smart enough to check last year's questionnaire you would've been fine.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Fulisha of Light

  • Also known as Felis-Licht
  • Light and Day Aeon ~C☆
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2017, 02:46:52 AM »
Quick note that the pairings section is meant to be 'what teams you want to see in AoCF' not 'who do you want to smooch', so choose wisely.

Good to know!

I'm still gonna put down Rinnosuke and Marisa as my top vote regardless  :V

Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2017, 02:47:54 AM »
Considering how shitty the opinions of the Touhou fandom are, i'm expecting to be disappointed with the results.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi


  • Awoo!~
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Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2017, 03:36:36 AM »
Considering how shitty the opinions of the Touhou fandom are, i'm expecting to be disappointed with the results.

Yes because it's awful when someone likes a character for reasons that differ from your own.  ::)
Touhou Fugyouseki ~ Nightmare of Sleeping Girl English Patch
I run a crappy YouTube channel, check it out if you wish~


  • MoonScraper
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2017, 04:06:56 AM »
Character Vote

Eirin Yagokoro (First)
Hieda no Akyuu
Iku Nagae
Komachi Onozuka
Tenshi Hinanawi
Kasen Ibaraki
Watatsuki no Yorihime

Music Vote

Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's "Kappa" ~ Candid Friend (First and ULiL > MoF > HM personally but they're all among my favorites in the series)
The Hall of Dreams' Great Mausoleum
The Gensokyo the Gods Loved
Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon
At the End of Spring
A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander
Voile, the Magic Library (Hisoutensoku)
The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl (ULiL)
Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path
Eastern Heaven of Scarlet Perception


Cage in Lunatic Runagate (First)
Wild and Horned Hermit
Forbidden Scrollery
Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody


Kasen/Komachi (First)
Noob/Smoke (Just kidding)
Koishi/Rin Kaenbyou

Yes because it's awful when someone likes a character for reasons that differ from your own.  ::)

I disagree with the old guy's mindset in the sense that I find it way too harsh. Furthermore, this mindset would sort of means that every fanbases would be crap seeing how all popularity polls are heavily affected by things such as how well-known a character is (via official material, fan material, memes, videos, etc.), nostalgia, bias, appearance of a character, etc. and I think this is what's sort of funny about the popularity poll. Not funny in a mean-spirited way but... I think it's fair to say the Touhou fanbase is very creative. We got a lot of neat ideas and we're really good at putting our ideas into motion to make games, comics and all sorts of neat things. However, the Touhou popularity poll rarely changes in term of results which is a sort of funny "contradiction".

Anyway, it's a popularity poll and that sort of thing is just for fun and to collect information about the fanbase. It's neat to be able to vote and pick what we like and even if a favorite character, tune or work would be in like, dead last, it wouldn't alter that character in any way. There's no need to get upset about it. One should vote for what they like and take it easy.  :V
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 07:06:12 AM by Jeremie »
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by Rumia.

Chill Observer

  • Aimless fanatic
  • haHAA
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2017, 04:21:23 AM »
The only thing I'm concerned about is some people who are voting might still misinterpret "partners for AoCF" as "shipping pairings in general", so we can expect to see some skewedness in that aspect.

Otherwise, I'm fine with how things are, really. You can't really control what the fandom prefers. Remember, every fan is different and has differing preferences. I like seeing the slight variations in polling results after each popularity contest, I find it quite interesting.
Retired Touhou player. Not involved with anything Touhou anymore.


  • Awoo!~
  • *
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2017, 04:28:18 AM »
I love all the silly pictures of pairs that come out of these, how many sandwhiches will we get this time? Still can't beat the ultimate sandwhich Alice got a few years ago!
Touhou Fugyouseki ~ Nightmare of Sleeping Girl English Patch
I run a crappy YouTube channel, check it out if you wish~

Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2017, 06:11:37 AM »
Quick note that the pairings section is meant to be 'what teams you want to see in AoCF' not 'who do you want to smooch', so choose wisely.

Can we get a real source on that? All I found was this on

To commemorate the announcement of Touhou 15.5, we have instituted a special "Best Partner Group", for you to choose the pair which you find the best.

"Commemorate". It doesn't say that they will use the votes for 15.5, or that you should only vote partners for that game.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 06:22:32 AM by Splashman »


  • Awoo!~
  • *
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2017, 07:14:34 AM »
Can we get a real source on that? All I found was this on

To commemorate the announcement of Touhou 15.5, we have instituted a special "Best Partner Group", for you to choose the pair which you find the best.

"Commemorate". It doesn't say that they will use the votes for 15.5, or that you should only vote partners for that game.

"Best Partner group" seems pretty clear cut on what it means. Talked with a few others and they voted in favor of 15.5 tag partners.
Touhou Fugyouseki ~ Nightmare of Sleeping Girl English Patch
I run a crappy YouTube channel, check it out if you wish~


  • Overly Eager
  • Sanae~
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2017, 07:32:44 AM »
Caring about the results is unnecessary. Placements barely change in the top 20, and themes/works barely change, as well. I predict this year that LoLK characters will fare much better, but that will be the only major change.

Also in regards to the poll, it were shipping, there would be so many pairings to sift through and it would all just be one gigantic mess. I would hope they're referring to AoCF partners, and I'm pretty sure they are.

Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2017, 07:56:27 AM »
"Best Partner group" seems pretty clear cut on what it means. Talked with a few others and they voted in favor of 15.5 tag partners.

Voting in favor of 15.5, agreed. You can do that, voting a pair that you think makes great partners for the game itself. But if the voting was solely for 15.5, I believe they'd severely cut down the list, instead of letting you vote everyone.
For example, one of my votes still goes to Merry/Renko. Aside from being one of my favorite ships, they are canonically two of the strongest partners in the whole series. That doesn't mean they'll show up in 15.5 however.


  • Awoo!~
  • *
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2017, 08:27:18 AM »
Well since the roster isn't set in stone the partners could be anyone (we all know not everything but still), it's just there if you want a pair that you think could work, like Reimu/Aya or Kagerou/Wakasagihime! (How that pair would work no idea, maybe we finally get to see a flying fish!)
Touhou Fugyouseki ~ Nightmare of Sleeping Girl English Patch
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Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2017, 09:04:52 AM »
Here's my vote:

1. Character:

Top: Koishi Komeji (I like her randomness than any)

Suzen, Udongein Inaba (Her performance at ULiL really put her into the spotlight again)

Fujiwara Inuki (That supernova :) )

Ibuki Suika (Who doesn't like a drunk loli :D)

Marisa Kirisame (I always like her more than Reimu)

Yukari Yakumo

Soul and dreams (Isn't that sound like a band name ? xD)

2. Music:

Top: Let's Live in a Lovely Cemetery


Lunatic Eye ~ Invisible Full Moon (ULiL version)

Fate of Sixty Years

YouTube 跋扈 ~ Who done it! ( xD)


Border of Life

Flowering Night

History of the Moon

Gensonko gods love in Gensokyo (Isn't it sound like a Yuri title?)

Because Princess Inada is scolded

3. Work:

Top: ULiL


The Grimoire of Marisa

Don't know


Fairy War

4. Best Partner:

Top: Flandre Scarlet and Koishi Komeji (Be honest... we would like to see this for years )


Kaguya Houraisan and Fujiwara Mokou

Yuuka Kazami and Four Season Princess Yamaxanadu (Oh how I love Google Translate, great conincidence though)

Soul and dreams and Rock of Horikawa (See? Band name)

Seiran and Ringo (It's too obvious that they would be in)

Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2017, 10:48:45 AM »
Watashi no Votes (yes that sounds weaboo lol)

1 Koishi (best grill)
The rest: kokoro, yuyuko, suika, renko, tewi, reisen

1 Satori's theme
The rest: eternal short lived reign,
sanae's theme,
miko's theme,
hecatia's theme,
reisen's PS4 theme,
raiko's theme,
IamP Lunar Dial,
Sagume's theme,
Sukuna's theme.

1 Koishi+Kokoro (Best ship, heart motif with a character named heart, expressive character whose impulses are no longer blocked by the consious mind with one who's initially unable to express herself. A nemesis to each other, more or less)
The rest: renko+merry

Well that's it. I like rabbits :D
Edit: I changed my mind on the partners vote. From heca+piece to seiran+ringo
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 10:51:16 AM by seakill »


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Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #28 on: January 15, 2017, 01:30:05 PM »
An ordered character list, in case someone needs it:

共通 - Protagonists
博麗 霊夢 - Reimu Hakurei
霧雨 魔理沙 - Marisa Kirisame

東方紅魔郷 - Touhou 6
ルーミア - Rumia
大妖精 - Daiyousei
チルノ - Cirno
紅 美鈴 - Hong Meiling
小悪魔 - Koakuma
パチュリー・ノーレッジ - Patchouli Knowledge
十六夜 咲夜 - Sakuya Izayoi
レミリア・スカーレット - Remilia Scarlet
フランドール・スカーレット - Flandre Scarlet

東方妖々夢 - Touhou 7
レティ・ホワイトロック - Letty Whiterock
橙 - Chen
アリス・マーガトロイド - Alice Margatroid
リリーホワイト - Lily White
ルナサ・プリズムリバー - Lunasa Prismriver
メルラン・プリズムリバー - Merlin Prismriver
リリカ・プリズムリバー - Lyrica Prismriver
魂魄 妖夢 - Youmu Konpaku
西行寺 幽々子 - Yuyuko Saigyouji
八雲 藍 - Ran Yakumo
八雲 紫 - Yukari Yakumo

東方永夜抄 - Touhou 8
リグル・ナイトバグ - Wriggle Nightbug
ミスティア・ローレライ - Mystia Lorelei
上白沢 慧音 - Keine Kamishirasawa
因幡 てゐ - Tewi Inaba
鈴仙・優曇華院・イナバ - Reisen Udongein Inaba
八意 永琳 - Eirin Yagokoro
蓬莱山 輝夜 - Kaguya Houraisan
藤原 妹紅 - Fujiwara no Mokou

東方萃夢想 - Touhou 7.5
伊吹 萃香 - Suika Ibuki

東方文花帖 - Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red
射命丸 文 - Aya Shameimaru

東方花映塚 - Touhou 9
メディスン・メランコリー - Medicine Melancholy
風見 幽香 - Yuuka Kazami
小野塚 小町 - Komachi Onozuka
四季映姫・ヤマザナドゥ - Eiki Shiki

東方風神録 - Touhou 10
秋 静葉 - Aki Shizuha
秋 穣子 - Aki Minoriko
鍵山 雛 - Hina Kagiyama
河城 にとり - Nitori Kawashiro
犬走 椛 - Momiji Inubashiri
東風谷 早苗 - Sanae Kochiya
八坂 神奈子 - Kanako Yasaka
洩矢 諏訪子 - Suwako Moriya

東方緋想天 - Touhou 10.5
永江 衣玖 - Iku Nagae
比那名居 天子 - Tenshi Hinanawi

東方地霊殿 - Touhou 11
キスメ - Kisume
黒谷 ヤマメ - Yamame Kurodani
水橋 パルスィ - Parsee Mizuhashi
星熊 勇儀 - Yuugi Hoshiguma
古明地 さとり - Satori Komeiji
火焔猫 燐 - Rin Kaenbyou
霊烏路 空 - Utsuho Reiuji
古明地 こいし - Koishi Komeiji

東方星蓮船 - Touhou 12
ナズーリン - Nazrin
多々良 小傘 - Kogasa Tatara
雲居 一輪 - Ichirin Kumoi
雲山 - Unzan
村紗 水蜜 - Minamitsu Murasa
寅丸 星 - Shou Toramaru
聖 白蓮 - Byakuren Hijiri
封獣 ぬえ - Nue Houjuu

東方非想天則 - Touhou 12.3
大ナマズ - Giant Catfish

ダブルスポイラー - Touhou 12.5
姫海棠 はたて - Hatate Himekaidou

東方神霊廟 - Touhou 13
幽谷 響子 - Kyouko Kasodani
宮古 芳香 - Yoshika Miyako
霍 青娥 - Seiga Kaku
蘇我 屠自古 - Soga no Tojiko
物部 布都 - Mononobe no Futo
豊聡耳 神子 - Toyosatomimi no Miko
二ッ岩 マミゾウ - Futatsuiwa Mamizou

東方心綺楼 - Touhou 13.5
秦 こころ - Hata no Kokoro

東方輝針城 - Touhou 14
わかさぎ姫 - Wakasagihime
赤蛮奇 - Sekibanki
今泉 影狼 - Kagerou Imaizumi
九十九 弁々 - Benben Tsukumo
九十九 八橋 - Yatsuhashi Tsukumo
鬼人 正邪 - Seija Kijin
少名 針妙丸 - Shinmyoumaru Sukuna
堀川 雷鼓 - Raiko Horikawa

東方深秘録 - Touhou 14.5
宇佐見 菫子 - Sumireko Usami

東方紺珠伝 - Touhou 15
清蘭 - Seiran
鈴瑚 - Ringo
ドレミー・スイート - Doremy Sweet
稀神 サグメ - Sagume Kishin
クラウンピース - Clownpiece
純狐 - Junko
ヘカーティア・ラピスラズリ - Hecatia Lapislazuli

東方靈異伝 - Touhou 1
シンギョク - Shingyoku
ユウゲンマガン - YuugenMagan
エリス - Ellis
サリエル - Sariel
キクリ - Kikuri
コンガラ - Konngara

東方封魔録 - Touhou 2
玄爺 - Genji
里香 - Rika
明羅 - Meira
魅魔 - Mima

東方夢時空 - Touhou 3
エレン - Ellen
小兎姫 - Kotohime
カナ・アナベラル - Kana Anaberal
朝倉 理香子 - Rikako Asakura
北白河 ちゆり - Chiyuri Kitashirakawa
岡崎 夢美 - Yumemi Okazaki

東方幻想郷 - Touhou 4
オレンジ - Orange
くるみ - Kurumi
エリー - Elly
夢月 - Mugetsu
幻月 - Gengetsu

東方怪綺談 - Touhou 5
サラ - Sara
ルイズ - Louise
ユキ - Yuki
マイ - Mai
夢子 - Yumeko
神綺 - Shinki

蓬莱人形 - Dolls in Pseudo Paradise
蓬莱人形ジャケットイラストの娘 -  Dolls in Pseudo Paradise CD Jacket Girl
蓬莱人形レーベルイラストの娘 - Dolls in Pseudo Paradise CD Label Girl

秘封倶楽部 - Sealing Club
宇佐見 蓮子 - Renko Usami
マエリベリー・ハーン - Marribel Hearn

東方求聞史紀 - Perfect Memento in Strict Sense
稗田 阿求 - Hieda no Akyuu

東方香霖堂 - Curiosities of Lotus Asia
森近 霖之助 - Rinnosuke Morichika

東方三月精 - Fairy Manga
サニーミルク - Sunny Milk
ルナチャイルド - Luna Child
スターサファイア - Star Sapphire

東方儚月抄 - Silent Sinner in Blue
綿月 豊姫 - Watatsuki no Toyohime
綿月 依姫 - Watatsuki no Yorihime
レイセン - Reisen II

東方茨歌仙 - Wild and Horned Hermit
茨木 華扇< - Kasen Ibaraki

東方鈴奈庵 - Forbidden Scrollery
本居 小鈴 - Kosuzu Motoori

その他(ゲーム) - Other (games)
るーこと - Ruukoto
ミミちゃん - Mimi-chan
魂魄 妖忌 - Youki Konpaku
レイラ・プリズムリバー - Layla Prismriver
核熱造神ヒソウテンソク - Hisoutensoku
命蓮 - Myouren Hijiri
毘沙門天 - Bishamonten
嫦娥 - Chang'e

その他(書籍) - Other (print)
名無しの本読み妖怪 - Tokiko
ツチノコ - Tsuchinoko
酒虫 - Sake Bug
月の都の門番 - Lunar Capital gatekeeper
水江浦島子 - Mizue no Uranoshimako
岩笠 - Iwakasa
木花咲耶姫 - Konohana Sakuya-hime
仙台四郎(福の神) - Sendai Shiro (God of Luck)
運松 - Unsho (fisherman doctor)
座敷童 - Zashiki-warashi
ホフゴブリン - Hobgoblin
万歳楽 - Manzairaku
ヤマネ - Mouse
ケセランパサラン - Keseran Pasaran
小鈴の両親 - Kosuzu's Grandpa
煙々羅 - Enenra
チュパカブラ - Chupacabra
沓頬 - Kutsutsura
ウワバミ - Drunkard
易者 - Fortune Teller
抗鬱薬おじさん - Anxious Moustached Villager
なめえもん - Slug
塩屋敷の旦那 - Salt Merchant

その他(複合) - Other (multiple characters)
妖精(メイド妖精・ひまわり妖精他) - Fairies
幽霊(怨霊、神霊、化け化け含む) - Ghosts
毛玉 - Kedama/furballs
UFO(赤・青・緑、その他) - UFO
兎(玉兎、永遠亭の妖怪兎他) - Rabbits
狸(化け狸、野鉄砲他) - Tanuki
狐(妖怪狐、狐の子他) - Kitsune
カラス(地獄鴉、紫・文の使い魔他) - Crows
河童(山童含む) - Kappa
天狗(香霖堂の天狗、大天狗他) - Tengu
龍(子龍、邪龍他) - Dragons
アリスの人形(上海、蓬莱、大江戸他) - Alice's Dolls
華扇の動物(久米、竿打、雷獣、彭祖、人面犬他) - Animals
神降ろしの神霊(天照、伊豆能売他) - Gods
都市伝説の怪異(お菊さん、八尺さま他) - Urban Legends
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 01:57:00 PM by Critz »


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  • as a good friend would.
Re: 13th Annual Touhou Project Popularity Contest
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2017, 08:52:48 PM »
Here's my list of votes:

Top: Kogasa
Others: Nue, Koishi, Clownpiece, Star, Alice and Sanae

Top: Little Princess (DDC)
Others: Pure Furies, Phantom Ensemble (PCB), Primal Scene of Japan, 3rd Eye, Pandemonic Planet, Sunny Rutile Reflection, Greenwich in the Sky, Lost Emotion (HM), Dullahan Under the Willows.

Top: DDC
Others: ULiL, MoF, Three Fairies Mangas, Grimoire of Marisa.

Top: Kogasa/Nue
Others: Mokou/Sumireko, Cirno/Clownpiece, Shikieiki/Byakuren, Alice/Marisa.

That's it! :3