Author Topic: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release  (Read 20566 times)


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Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« on: October 01, 2014, 06:37:21 AM »
Touhou Defence of the Shrine (DOTS, a.k.a. THD) used to be a fairly popular Touhou-themed Dota variant. Today, the 1.0 alpha version of its Dota 2-based sequel DOTS 2, or THD 2, has been announced.

UPDATE: Q&A with a member:
Q: The original Chinese DOTS dev team had abandoned their game a long time ago. Who is making this sequel?
A: DOTS 2 is being developed by a completely new team from China, with only a few non-essential members of the old team joining in.

Q: Later in the life of DOTS, the old team had made many universally disliked changes. Will these changes remain?
A: We are not fans of the LoL-style changes introduced since version 977 either. DOTS 2 is based on version 967G, and I'm sure you know what this means.

Q: How long has DOTS 2 been in development?
A: We have been accumulating the required knowledge for some time. The proper development started with the release of Dota 2 Workshop Tools, that is to say, one and a half month ago.

Q: This is a custom Dota 2 map. Would that mean high system requirements?
A: At the moment, running user-defined maps in Dota 2 indeed has somewhat high demands for your computer and upload bandwidth. But considering that Dota 2 Workshop Tools is itself in beta, I believe we can trust Valve to continue making optimizations.

Q: Do you have any message to the players?
A: The current release is only an alpha version, marking the end of the relatively simple first stage - porting the game to Dota 2. Afterwards, we will enter the second stage, where we will create new content: characters, models, mechanics, and so on. We are all amateurs working in our spare time, so this stage will likely take several years. We wish we can have your understanding.

Q: What things are the common soldiers supposed to be?
A: Moon rabbits on the Hakurei side, and tengu on the Moriya side.

You can find it in Steam workshop here.

Gameplay video: CLICK HERE

Their English news release:

TouHou Dots2 1.0 alpha

a dota-like team versus map based on Touhou-Project characters. In-game models and icons are taken from the WC3 TouHou Dots so model details may not be very fine. At this alpha test stage there may be a small amount of BUGs so if you got one please report to me by comments.

Further models and effects are still in progress,if you have ability, patience and willing to join us,please contact me.

If you wanna play online match, you may got stuck at the loading screen because the D2 editor is still in test stage.I made a summary of resolution and some notice to that, hopefully this will work for you guys. computer must be in high performance, with high amount of bandwidth. Otherwise it'll be laggy even if everyone is connected.
2.If you launched game and got stuck at the loading screen, you got no sound and you cannot get into the match. Just close the dota2 windows and it'll bring you back to dota2 main menu. Click 'reconnect' and try this several times, basically you'll get connected in.
3.Just don't use fullscreen, you cannot enter game in fullscreen mode because of some unknown problems.
4.DO NOT randomly use alt+tab during the loading stage, wait patiently until you enter the match.

Since D2 tools are not quite fully functional, running RPG maps properly is still a problem.So thank you all guys for waiting in such patience. We're actually working hard to make this map perfect before the official launch of D2 workshop tools come out. Keeping an eye on us by clicking subscribe. Your support is the greatest impetus for us.

English Board:

« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 09:32:51 AM by cuc »
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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2014, 07:12:27 AM »
So it has finally arrived. I am going to try this all out.


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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2014, 07:21:24 AM »
If they end up making League of Maidens 2.0, I suppose we'll have to make OUR OWN Defense of the Shrine 2.0!

I imagine it'll be even more rage inducing.


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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2014, 07:26:29 AM »
Sad part is that Tapsa and few were attempting their own DotS2. There were some things being tested/build and now the Chinese community comes with this.

It seems they are integrating it with the dota2 client (duh, Dota2 workshop). Current setup also seems Peer-to-peer connection with the host being the bottle neck. I can try to host a game tonight with my awesome 90mbit down and 9mbit up connection. But perhaps Dorakyura who has better bandwith can do it?

Just hoping they won't make this another LoLstyle version like they did with DotS 1. That one went down hill fast when they tried to make STR INT AGI scaling mechanics.

I will be watching this warmly. Thanks for the heads up Cuc.


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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2014, 07:56:44 AM »
If they end up making League of Maidens 2.0, I suppose we'll have to make OUR OWN Defense of the Shrine 2.0!

I imagine it'll be even more rage inducing.
Just hoping they won't make this another LoLstyle version like they did with DotS 1. That one went down hill fast when they tried to make STR INT AGI scaling mechanics.
Well the old team leader has been kicked out a long time ago, something like that. DOTS 2 will inherit none of the bad things. I'm speaking with them at the moment.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 07:58:20 AM by cuc »
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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2014, 08:13:18 AM »
Well that was the dreadful thing about the old DotS which we at MotK (and probably many others) have wondered an discussed endlessly. Endlessly discussing why the devs wouldn't bother balancing out  the game but kept on inserting weird mechanics, skills and then suddenly decided to make it LoL style.

We even had ApharmdB who had been closely tied with the community telling us about it. He bravely attempted to rework DotS 1 entirely but he stopped because our own community was dead and uninterested. We were kind of fed and done and our gameplay degenerated.

We had our peak play (almost daily) in 2012 / 2013 as far as I know. We had 4 v 4 and 5 v 5 eventually going on. We even played with bunch of Korean folks on our own hosted battlenet. Except then jealous Korean people started ddosing it and TSO ahd to took it down.

DotS II can relight our fire again!


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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2014, 08:22:33 AM »
Damn straight time to get more people to play

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2014, 08:35:09 AM »
I only got into DotS right before the whole DDOS thing and then it kind of stopped being a thing. Hopefully it works out better this time. In any case, awesome news! Gotta try this out.

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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2014, 08:36:30 AM »
Welp. Time to install DotA 2 again...  :ohdear:

Having played DotS before, I have some form of hope that this will get me back involved with stuff. Will certainly keep an eye on the news as it comes~


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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2014, 08:41:57 AM »
Tonight I will try to host a game with my awesome Bandwith 90mbit down and 9mbit up location THE NETHERLANDS

Time: 23:00 GMT + 1 (DST) applied.

I know timezones are shit but here is a countdown timer

Feel free to join #dots-meido or our TS server.

Please make sure the game boots and you don't need to update/install.  ( I will do the same logically ). We will basically try to host immediately at 23:00.

See you tonight for those who are interested.


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Gameplay video:

Your questions, answered here by a developer!

Q: The original Chinese DOTS dev team had abandoned their game a long time ago. Who is making this sequel?
A: DOTS 2 is being developed by a completely new team from China, with only a few non-essential members of the old team joining in.

Q: Later in the life of DOTS, the old team had made many universally disliked changes. Will these changes remain?
A: We are not fans of the LoL-style changes introduced since version 977 either. DOTS 2 is based on version 967G, and I'm sure you know what this means.

Q: How long has DOTS 2 been in development?
A: We have been accumulating the required knowledge for some time. The proper development started with the release of Dota 2 Workshop Tools, that is to say, one and a half month ago.

Q: This is a custom Dota 2 map. Would that mean high system requirements?
A: At the moment, running user-defined maps in Dota 2 indeed has somewhat high demands for your computer and upload bandwidth. But considering that Dota 2 Workshop Tools is itself in beta, I believe we can trust Valve to continue making optimizations.

Q: Do you have any message to the players?
A: The current release is only an alpha version, marking the end of the relatively simple first stage - porting the game to Dota 2. Afterwards, we will enter the second stage, where we will create new content: characters, models, mechanics, and so on. We are all amateurs working in our spare time, so this stage will likely take several years. We wish we can have your understanding.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 09:06:31 AM by cuc »
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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #12 on: October 01, 2014, 09:07:50 AM »
I wish to thank you sincerely for the Q&A.

also DotS 967g

Hell yea. My precious old Komachi is going to scythe some mortal souls.


Cuc, I noticed in the gameplay video they put in Kyuubis and Fairies as enemies. Will they ditch this Madoka joke thing and implement serious business again? Originally it was white wolves vs turtles.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 09:13:22 AM by Helepolis »


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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2014, 09:29:04 AM »
Cuc, I noticed in the gameplay video they put in Kyuubis and Fairies as enemies. Will they ditch this Madoka joke thing and implement serious business again? Originally it was white wolves vs turtles.
The common soldiers are now moon rabbits and tengu. The tengu look a little like kyuubis.
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter

Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2014, 09:35:20 AM »


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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2014, 09:44:35 AM »
A serious final question before I continue my work Cuc:

Will the dev team create their own new models from scratch or perhaps approach the makers of the MikuMikuDance Touhou models? (Which often used for dance/song videos or funny short films)?


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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2014, 09:52:25 AM »
They will update the old models to make them fit into the Dota 2 environment better. Their current modeler happen to come from the original DOTS team. There won't be any MMD models.
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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2014, 10:27:32 AM »
Ok so that means that they will indeed remodel their current models and also remake the particles and spell effects.

Now will there be voice acting I wonder. Probably in much much later devphase.

Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2014, 10:30:32 AM »
Hello cuc, do they know ApharmdB? He did translations for english dots versions for some time and helped us with translations for th wiki.

I also remember that he build an improved map for dots some time ago, the 0.967 map had to alot unused space.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2014, 10:42:08 AM by Dorakyura »


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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2014, 10:44:45 AM »
No, I don't know him. Sorry, I can't help you with that.
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter

Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2014, 03:37:36 PM »
I'm taring to find a picture similar to this, but the original one was from thd1. Do anyone have it

Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2014, 05:38:08 PM »
This is simply wonderful. Was trying to get into this back then, but the community died out.

Hopefully my internet can handle this.

Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #22 on: October 02, 2014, 09:42:30 AM »
The legend never dies.
I mean, we never died, we were waiting :) #dots-meido4life  :V

I hope they can add english translations soon, I mean 0.967 translations are on touhou wiki and stuff  :derp:


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Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #23 on: October 02, 2014, 01:09:55 PM »
Quote from: Dots2 chinese forum
We urgently need each a THD2 screenshots
Each a screenshot can send me by email
My email address:

青葱炒肉粉 is requesting people to sent screenshots like the Wriggle Kick being shown above. I am not sure though whether they have to be 'funny'  or serious (like show casing).

Either way, people who wish to help out. Feel free to.

Re: Touhou Defence of the Shrine 2 (for Dota 2) 1.0 alpha release
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2014, 11:33:41 AM »
-Allpick [PRO ONLY] -coming soon... 2015

I've played a few DotS (while cutting short off my time in TCO >=O) couple of weeks ago and the item was  :o , wonder how they gonna fit all that bundle into the shop....

some part to share of the playing in the old DotS version:
Alice- Dolls chase rape warfare
Utsuho- that nuke...
Yukari- DAT GANKING, umm... when do i use my ulti?....

Anyway, will there be AI like the old one?

edit: screw the old one their AI was blerurghgegh, will there be decent AI bot system? (though i'm moving a bit fast here..)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 01:11:30 PM by IshikoriRai »