Author Topic: Thanks Giving  (Read 16675 times)


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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #60 on: November 26, 2010, 02:52:41 AM »
I am thankful for Tom Brady and Bill Belicheck, without whom I would still be waiting for the Patriots to win their first Super Bowl.

In terms of food, today consisted of New England corn chowder, chicken noodle soup, spaghetti and meatballs and apple pie. If I get unlazy enough, I'll add rice pilaf with mushrooms to that list.

The real food is coming tomorrow.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #61 on: November 26, 2010, 03:08:03 AM »
I love all of you...thank you...


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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #62 on: November 26, 2010, 03:16:05 AM »
Hugs, Dusty? :DD

Also, thankful for awesome friends and family.
And pretty much everyone here.
And chocolate.
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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #63 on: November 26, 2010, 03:16:27 AM »
Well, let's see where to start...

First, the people who are here who can actually see this message. know how important you've been. You helped me get out of one of the lowest points of my life. You're someone I can talk to every day and share crazy Touhou stuff with, or just have someone to brighten up the day talking about nothing in particular. I can't stress how thankful I am to have met you. I feel like I should make this longer, but I'll leave it at that.

Flamezero, thanks for helping me out with my music, inviting me to join the album project just out of the blue, and being the first person here I could call a friend. Sorry we haven't been able to talk much recently, but I hope we can soon.

To the admins and staff here at MotK, thanks so much for putting up with all of us and doing all this work to make an incredible Touhou community. You deserve much more thanks than you tend to get.

And, of course, all you guys here. You're easily the greatest community I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of. I'm so glad I came here. Thanks for being awesome.

And for the people who will probably never see this...

My family, thanks to all of you. There've been feuds, conflicts, divisions, and I can hardly tolerate you guys sometimes, but you've been some of the most important people in my life. I don't know where I'd be without you.

Sean, you're probably my best friend IRL. And one of my few IRL friends. Thanks for putting up with my crazy shit and making me feel great just by hanging out. And we even share 90% of the same interests. You're awesome.

The community at Bogleech. We may have had a sort of falling out a few days ago. Maybe we won't speak again, and to an extent I'm happy about that. Still, I hope you all know that you have been very important to me for the last couple of years. You gave me a place where I could talk about all the weird stuff I wanted to, when everyone else IRL was either too weirded out or uninterested.

And thanks to ZUN for creating the paradise that is Touhou. It's given me something to love and enjoy when everything else fades out of interest.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, and I hope you all have wonderful and successful lives.
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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #64 on: November 26, 2010, 03:36:59 AM »
I might as well take a break from figuring out what this bloody potion in NetHack is and thank a few of the locals that have been important to me in some way or another. Blame ShiningDrake, it's all his fault, all of it. |3

Where to start?

There's Moerin, and his incessant mix of chaotic everything. A mix of good and evil tendencies I can relate to all too well. You are an incredibly pleasant person to be around by my standards, and I thank you for that.

There's Trance, who worries waaaay to much about others, and yet that's great. I know you'll likely not listen to me, but you're a great person because of that. Do everything you can to keep that side of yourself...and yourself as a whole too.

Roukan, always troubled, but always filled with a certain spark...a spark of energy that sadly gets used often in a way that hinders you...but you do show sides of you that I just can't help but care for. You rock on, and don't forget that life's better if you learn to take it easy.

Xan, thanks for the good times. Sad to see that we seem to have drifted apart, but that's my curse really.

Muffin, thanks for making your chat...I know it's been nothing but drama until recently, but it gave me some of my more fond memories. And you yourself, heck, you're something else alright. Thanks for your humor, and best of luck that you don't keep having trouble with that blasted bike of yours, I feel your pain there more than you might imagine.

Sakana, thanks for being just all around amiable, at least towards me. Good to have a fellow German around with whom to fool around a bit. :V

UncertainKitten, thanks for all the sex drugs and rock and roll...I mean thanks for being your friendly and snarky self... and thanks for your blasted pundaemonium attacks. XD

Dragoshi... *smacks him upside the head for making Master Asia more narmy than necessary again in Stein's mind* Thanks, you have given me quite a few smiles...and not just with the above. :V

Momiji... I know our interaction is usually limited to the long name calling and hugging...but I do appreciate it on so many levels.

Purvis, thanks for just being awesome, your brand of humor just rings true to me...even if we disagree on Pharaoh Shuffle. :V

Pesco, even if you hate this, thanks for your brand of humor too, it delighted me quite often.

Erebus, much to your surprise perhaps (or not), thanks for just being your morbid self. I wish it wasn't fueled by real rage sometimes, but when you seem to be doing it in good humor, it's grand.

ShiningDrake, thanks for caring. That is all for you. :V

ArashiKurobara, cheesy as it may sound (and no, I am not hitting on you) but thanks for stirring a few fond memories in my brain... and thanks for general awesomeness in the KoL chat. :V

rdj522, thanks for the booze. Or rather the Odes to Booze. =3

Sana, thanks for just being yourself, it's delightful, no matter how much you can be teased. Even though I do think you seem to be "growing up" as odd as it may sound. 't brings a tear to me eye. :,)

Jana, I kinda blame you for giving me the confidence of blasting into the community more fully. Something about a Katamari of Love, from back in the day.

Ruro, sorry for always flanderizing you with those four little words, I know you are defined by far more than them... And thanks for actually being a great overall person. I hope you can smile on the inside as much as you can make me smile there.

Gappy, and Eterna, thanks for being you, and I hope y'all get yourself in good gear and find it in yourself to properly relax in every way possible from time to time. And if memory serves right on your choice of career, then thanks there too.

Anthony, you're awesome too. Sorry if you always are the chew toy, but you really are appreciated. You do add a certain spice to the day. Chin up, ok? =)

Shim, thank you for just being yourself, and if that whole rage business is for real, best of luck, just best of luck. Still thanks for whenever you seem awesome ((Which is frankly every time I have paid attention, so yeah...))

As for people that I am not sure whether they go to this forum or not, or am sure they don't go here...

A few folks from Muffin's chat, thank you for just everything... even if drama tore shit up something fierce, thank the bunch of you.

Thanks to my mother for being cool and for the obvious reasons too, and thanks to the rest of my family I still give a crap about.

And thanks to all the friends I had and lost in the last 20+ years. Without them I probably wouldn't be alive anymore.

Now I have that nagging sensation that I missed some really important people on this. If I did, don't let it get to you, I am talking through the tiredness of too much turkey, too little sleep, too much depression, too much fear, and a memory that has not functioned properly since the day I got it.

Also a generic thanks to all the good and cool people in the world, and of course the ass kissing thanks to the staff of this forum.

No seriously, thanks TSO, Kilga, and assorted other fools, this place is very appreciated.

And thanks to ZUN for creating the paradise that is Touhou. It's given me something to love and enjoy when everything else fades out of interest.

Quoting this for truth.

Now back to figuring that damn potion's ability!
« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 03:40:58 AM by Yagosteinro_Eirin »
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #65 on: November 26, 2010, 03:55:45 AM »
Even if I rarely do anything special, I still have a few things/people to be thankful of/for.

Esifex, if it wasn't for you, I would still be that cold-hearted Jerkass with 0 drive for anything, 0 friends, and I probably wouldn't be here right now. I owe you a lot, but all I can offer, is my thanks. Thank You.

Squid, you've been great to me, really great. Far more then I deserve, thank you :) You've been so kind and helpful, and as with Esifex, you have helped give me the drive to keep going, to keep living. Thank You.

Shrinemaide as whole, you have been kind to me, given me many laughs and many more happy moments, you've been a way for me to share my feelings, bit-by-bit. Thus, Shrinemaiden, every member of it, every staff of it, TSO, EVERYONE, Thank You.

:D Thank You. Even if I have never said a word to you, just by being a member of this site, you have my thanks. Thank You.

And thanks to ZUN for creating the paradise that is Touhou. It's given me something to love and enjoy when everything else fades out of interest.

Exactly. I feel the same way, and I think everyone on this site would agree with that as well.

Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #66 on: November 26, 2010, 03:55:53 AM »
I'm thankful that me and a bunch of people I'm fond of aren't dead. That's pretty nice.


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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #67 on: November 26, 2010, 04:09:59 AM »
I'm going to use this thread as a draft of what I'm going to say at the dinner table:

I'm grateful for:
----> Coming back home safely every time.
----> Being in one piece
----> Bettering my mental condition
----> Success in my studies
----> Trip to Japan
----> Being surrounded by people who love me (Although only a small number...)
----> Becoming a better person since last year.
----> Having a roof to sleep under.
----> Food on my table, even if it's not everyday.
----> Health. I hardly get sick, thank you for that.
----> Although we are in poverty, good feelings are never lacking on the dinner table.

...what else?
----> Everything good and bad that's happened to me...

I think last Thanksgiving, I vented these things out somewhere on the Internet. I forgot where, but...

Oh yes, Comiket. Thank you, persons who names I didn't know: Thank you for your gifts. Thank you for your support. Thank you for supporting my work, my site, and thank you for sharing my resources.

Oh! The food's ready. See you, CPMC. Here's my love to MoTK: Thank you~ I've grown fond of this online community.
I love all of you...thank you...

* hug
* We need people at our Thanksgiving Dinner. It's such a shame you aren't here~
« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 04:46:29 AM by Morphine❖ »

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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #68 on: November 26, 2010, 04:22:39 AM »
I'd like to extend a special thank-you to my parents for not causing a big argument at the dinner table this thanksgiving, a first for any family dinner at which all 5 of us are gathered. Thanks for keeping this already-fractured family from cracking any more. :)

Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #69 on: November 26, 2010, 04:36:49 AM »
I would like to thank the people of MotK for giving a 'special' welcome here and making me feel at ease.

Also, I would like to thank my friends and family for everything they have done for me.

And if I wasn't too tired from eating, I would personalize this even further.


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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #70 on: November 26, 2010, 04:56:59 AM »
Let's see...went to my aunt's, ate macaroni, potatoes, sweets potatoes, biscuits, other stuff. Played spades, erhs, and poker with the family. Ended with taking garbage out.

I'm thankful for a lot of stuff, so much stuff I can't type it out. That, and the fact I'm lazy as well about to go to bed.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff

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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #71 on: November 26, 2010, 05:50:58 AM »
Okay, I wanted to include a special thanks to a certain someone, and for that reason I am temporarily lifting my self-ban on singling people out. And it's not at all who most people would expect-- and that's one of the things I want to address, along with the person:


Trance, I am only now understanding how much I am thankful for you. You're an amazing person overall, but in particular all the encouragement and friendship you extend to people who sometimes fail to give you thanks (myself included) is a shame. A shame I hope to correct. Even when you were so down on your own self-esteem that you wanted to leave the community and leave MotK behind forever, you still never hesitated to try and help and comfort other people. And to see you beat NaNoWriMo in such a short time and root me on from the sidelines as I try to catch up is... whew. Inspiring in ways I can't even hope to describe.

Thanks for being there. And I am thankful that I am still around to give you thanks for everything you do. I hope you have a great day of giving thanks. <3


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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #72 on: November 26, 2010, 05:56:56 AM »
Holy shit Ruro :*
[20:45:19] Ciryano: come and behold why they call it the Panzerfaust
[20:45:39] Hakurei Reimu: ... because it shoots once and then you throw it out?

Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #73 on: November 26, 2010, 06:12:55 AM »
I'ma thankful for the forum as a whole. Ya guys are a great bunch. This and facebook(lolfacebook) are about the only places on the internet where I actually have revealed a picture of myself. I've also been a lot more open about things about myself here than I actually have for people who know me in real life. 'Tis also fun with all the stuff that I get to be involved with.

Also wanna give a special thanks to my good friend of mine, Toonlink777. He's been there for all the times things have been going down for me in the past year and always keeps me entertained. He's also been keeping me updated whenever real life decides to hit me with a brick making me unable to keep up with the times. You're awesome Toonlink, don't let anyone make you think otherwise.

Outside of the internet I'm thankful for my real life friends. Seriously without them I'd probably woulda been a very depressed person. They've always been with me with everythin' and are about the only people I don't have to keep secrets from. T'was through them I've been able to conquer most of mah insecurities.

And of course my family. Been with me through all the crazy cripes I had to deal with. Though at times I may not initially like what they have to say, in the end I'm glad I ended up following what they told me to do. Saved me from many many types of situations.


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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #74 on: November 26, 2010, 06:21:59 AM »
Mom, I went in the kitchen and I offered my help, and you basically told me to gtfo

Everything was under control.
In the kitchen, she is boss. In the kitchen, no one else may exist.

You're the best.
Nobody cooks better than you. Even the neighbors were surprised by your irresistible talent.

I haven't had a delicious dinner like this in like...forever!

But, holy shit. The drinks were strong. I'll take a sip and it'll taste like pure alcohol.
*mildly intoxicated over here*

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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #75 on: November 26, 2010, 06:46:28 AM »
Alright, damnit, the emotion is too much in my heart, right now.

A great, huge thanks to the following people:

AF - You're a real bro, you know that? Even though recently you're very busy, it's very fun to talk about the little things in life that we do, and it always brings a smile to my face to see you trooping through life the way you do it. I wish you luck in the world of work, and show 'em what's coming to them, tiger! Thank you for bringing the small pleasures of life to me and making them seem so big :)

Acidus - Thank you for giving me those insanely hilarious SMS messages whenever you did send them, and even though you made me drain all my phone load, it was definitely worth it. Our trollan shenanigans in Skype are so fun and don't forget that you are pretty cool in my eyes. Thank you for being such an entertainin' lil sis.

Anthony - Hey dude! You may be young, but I can already see the goodness in your intentions and I know how much of a good person you are. Don't stop being who you are, and don't stop rockin' on that super mecha heart of yours :) Thank you for being a good friend!

ArashiKurobara - Well, I can't say I have known you for a long time, but for the time I spent seeing the things you did, they would often bring a smile to my face when I am not feeling so good, whether it be sharing some nice pictures of yourself or sharing some funny articles, I really appreciate that. Thank you so much.

Benny1 - Thank you so much for being one of the only people I can actually get into a heated DotA discussion about, and thank you so much for just being there ever since I joined this community (along with several others who I will mention as they come up). I greatly respect your intelligence and don't forget that if you're stressed with work you can just lay 'em down on me and I will try and help you. Thank you once more!

BaitySM - I didn't know you for as long as many others, but you're still someone I greatly respect, as well, for all the things you did, and I really love how quickly we got along with each other. Thank you so much, Baity, for being you! Don't stop! :D

Chaoree - I remember in the past we've been on bad terms, but it seems we've moved on past that. So thank you so much for helping me to understand each other and show me that you're a great person!!! :)

Choja - One of the first people I got to know, and very hilarious to talk to at times. You're a hard worker, and thank you for trying so hard to deliver to the entire community. God knows I can't do that! Wahahaha. Thank you! :]

Drake - Thanks for giving me that B&W gamerip Drake, you took on the gargantuan task of starting the Ijiyatsu shmup game, which lots of people doubt its completion, but I think, that you will manage it in the end :3 You're a great person with your snark and your competency with a computer, and it has brought some form of inspiration in me to start SNAAFU ADVENTURE. Thank you a lot for that.

dustyjo - You're a nice fellow to be around, generally pleasant except when you're not and you need cheering up, but that's okay! Whenever we have the chance to chat, it's generally a nice time for me and I really thank you for that. :)

Edible - God, you're like the first person in the Western Touhou Community from MotK that I ever met, way back when I first joined #iamp in miho's server (which exploded). Even if you spend half the time cracking jokes at my expense, it is still amazing to see how amusing and funny you can be, so thank you for giving me laughs! :]

Esifex - I got only a couple of words: BURNING ENTHUSIASM yeaaaaaaaaaah >:(

Jana - Well, you already know what I'm going to say about you, I think? XD Ahaha. That's fine. I think that you're a really nice person there despite the things you've been through, and it makes me smile to see that you take the time to have a nice time with everyone. Thank you for brightening my life up a little. :3

Kool Kidz Klub, The - Fuck yeah Skype! Even if recently I'm unable to talk to you guys (Momiji, Greyn, Mima-sama, Kanako, et. al) as much, you guys are totally awesome. And keep my days from being grindfests. So thanks!!!

HakureiSM - You're another SMite :derp: Just kidding. We haven't talked very much with each other, but that doesn't matter to me - I can see that you are a caring and great person just from the discussion you have with others. Thank you for being you! Man I use that line a lot don't I :ohdear: I am uncreative! Wholulu

Helepolis - CHARISMA BROS 4LYFE. You are especially awesome for doing the things you do, and I especially loved how you serenaded happy birthday to me that day XD You are a really great friend and I appreciate your company. Thank you so much! :)

Lloyd Dunamis - Aside from being in the same country as me and knowing my pains, you're a very kind and caring person from what I've seen, and for that I thank you for trying so hard to be a pal to everyone, despite having to pay money at the comp shop just to get online. You are a really nice person. So thank you! :D

Matsuri - I really worry about you, ya know? :3c That's okay for me, though, because you've been a very dear friend and I want to see you happy, just like a lot of others. Especially for a certain other person XD Anyways! Matsurin, thank you for trying to be an understanding and kind person to all concerned, and generally being there for everyone! Thanks!

Moerin - Same with you! You don't give yourself enough credit, yeah? There are lots of people who think you are awesome. And you are awesome, in your unique special way! People enjoy you for who you are, so please don't let yourself get down! Thank you for being you, Moerin! I really appreciate that.

nintendonut888 - I am still bitter that you're older than me Man, at first, I didn't really know you that well, but then, I realized that you are a pretty nice person to be around, even if I may not agree with the things you say or do. But I can put that aside, because in the end, we are all people, and we do things in our own little way. You at least help me realize that life is colorful in that sense, so thank you!! :]

Pesco and Purvis - You need to both continue being funny. Thanks you two! :]

Sakana - fishy fishy fishy :) So reasonable, and able to keep me in line when I am a little out of control. So simple, yet so very powerful in that sense. Thank you for keeping me in control of myself when I needed it most! You are a great pal.

Sakura Rurouni - I really don't deserve those words... Really :blush: That aside, you really shouldn't blame yourself for the bad things that happen that are out of control. There are people out there who show a great deal of concern for you, so try and fight that evil voice telling you otherwise! Anyway, you manage to garner respect from a lot of people, myself included, and for administrator status person, you are quite approachable and yet when it comes down to it you steel your resolve and get things done, even if I note you may not agree with it. I really admire that in a person and it has inspired me somewhat to try and become stronger as a person. So thank you too, for that.

Sana - Wheeeeeeeeeeeee :]

Stein - Same with you as what I said with Sakana, except you give me lots of food for thought that help me to set myself back straight. And I am listening to you now :3c Thank you!

theshim - Let us feast in our rages together. Seriously speaking, even if we may act like to locking horns, you are still so much fun to talk to. And occasionally kawaii desu uguu~ So thanks!

UncertainKitten - Same with you as I said to theshim. We seem to have disagreements more oft than not, but still, you seem to be able to make lots of people amused and happy, so I will thank you for that :]

Xan - Thanks for fun times, even if we don't talk so much nowadays!

And last, but definitely especially not the least:

TSO - Having known you for the past 3 years or so, it's been a blast to be a part of this community, and the things you do just seem to go by relatively unknown until the last minute when everyone thanks you for it. On behalf of everyone here, and from the very bottom of my heart, I thank you for everything you did. And I think you know the other things I would love to say to you in thanks. :blush: :)

holy shit i forgot some people aaaaaaaaa ::

Sapz - omfg how could I forget you ;_; you have the sexiest voice ever and omfg we need to talk more aaaaaaaaaaaaaa :*

Roukan - thank you for helping me see my true calling in life. that is all. :)
« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 08:54:48 AM by TranceHime »

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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #76 on: November 26, 2010, 07:12:52 AM »
All of you.

Seriously. Everyone here, that's part of MotK, even the folks I don't regularly talk to, the folks who don't know who I am, and the folks that don't even know I'm here because they stick to subforums that I don't. You're all part of a community that's given me a place to feel like I belong, where I can write and cater to a crowd without worrying 'will anyone like this?'

We're all common Touhou fans here - probably the best and most close-knit western community out there, at least maturity-wise. I love being able to sit back and think 'I belong with this group.'

There are people I'd list off and say a few things, but the problem is, I go out of my way to get as many friendships as I can, and from there try to garner the best of the best social circle I can. And that means, sure, I could go through and say who all I love having around, but... there's always gonna be people I'll forget.

So trust me, if you know me enough to know me, you know that I'm glad to have you as one of my friends.

Thank you, all of you.


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Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #77 on: November 26, 2010, 07:59:36 AM »
Argh. Trance's heartfelt post set me off. Fine. Don't feel bad if I forget you or don't have you on my list. >_<

The people of this site I am thankful for~ No particular order, just as I think of you all. Ahem...

u?, I don't really know you all that well, but you've always been the shadow I need to talk to when I need to say something to a completely neutral person. On top of that, you're the person who convinced me to join this site in the first place, so I have to thank you for that. :3

Kanako, I doubt you'll be reading this, but kudos to you. I'll never forget our summer together on Livestream. You were a great friend to make fun of, get made fun of by, or to talk to. Sadly we seem to have drifted the past year as you've distanced yourself from MoTK, but I'll always remember the good times we had.

Trance, you're quite a guy. I know I seem to always end up saying the wrong things to you, but I consider you a good friend. You always seem to know the information I need for a game, and are a good conversationalist. I may make fun of you, but I trust you to know I'm just kidding. Keep on fighting for gypsy equality. :D

Theorin, even during my dark months of depression, I thought you to be one of the few people that hadn't turned on me. In the end, you may have kept me from leaving in despair. It saddens me that you think so low of yourself, since you do nothing but brighten the day of those around you. I hope you someday see what a good person you are.

Kilga, I know we don't really have a...healthy relationship. Both of us have things we don't agree with about each other, but I can't really imagine this site or IRC without your presence. Thanks for being a friend to all my friends and filling that part of conversation that would be left empty otherwise.

TSO, thanks for keeping this site going despite everything in your life. I also have to thank you for that trial nearly a year ago. Though the pain I went through was way more than most of you guessed, in the end it was what began my slow climb back out of all the crap I had gotten myself into. I'm still not there yet, I'm still an annoying attention whore, but I would not be trying to fix this if it weren't for you. Thank you, and thank you for not banning me and deciding I'm someone worth keeping around.

Erebus, I said this before, but you're another one of those roles that brightens up the chat. A grumpy guy you are, but you're also a voice of reason, a devil's advocate (oh the double entendre), and a fellow PC-98 enthusiast. Thanks for tolerating all us yuri fags.

Rikter, frankly I find some of your antics annoying more than anything, but you fill the essential role of schoolyard bully. :P Thanks for filling this role, for that in itself is something my life would not be complete without.

Sana, you're always so silly and fun to talk to. I've never seen you mad, and you're always enthusiastic about something or another. Thanks for always being there to greet me and as someone to mess around with. :)

Sapz, my man! You're such a fun guy to talk to and mess with and be messed with by. Thanks for filling our lives with the bass of your sexy voice. ;) I'm glad I dragged you over here from GameFAQs.

Baity, my hated rival! >:( I hate you and rue the day I ever served as an inspiration for you to get better. It certainly didn't touch me that I made a difference in this community for those like you to get better. I especially hate all the trolling we do to each other. I hope you rot. >:<


Valenta, I know you're going through a tough time in your life, one that you may not even believe you can get out of. However, I hope you know that I will never give up on you no matter what happens. You serve as a reminder of what I want to be in life, and I thank you for reinforcing that.

Sakana, thank you for being such a resilient tuna. I can't say I 100% agree with all your actions, but you're a positive force on everyone you care about. I can respect that in a fellow food-item, so...thanks.

Matsuri, such a fuwa fuwa guy. Your cute obsession with your favorite franchises and shameless demonstrations of love make me grin. Though I didn't think so at first, we think a lot on the same wavelength, and on top of that you're always up for talking about things like Sakura Wars (and no, this isn't a subtle guilt trip to finish the last two chapters). I hope we can continue to get to know each other.

And lastly, Ruro, thank you. Thank you so much. I could wax paragraphs on how much of an impact you've had on me, but you already know all of it. If I had to think of the best thing I've taken away from the chain reaction getting into Touhou has had, it is our friendship. If it weren't for you, I'd still be the complete introvert intorovbert I was before I met you, and would very likely be filled with regret over not telling my feelings to her. You already know how I feel, so let me just say I will never forget what you've done for me until the day I die.

Whew. It's still Thanksgiving for one more minute, so let me just say I love you all, and don't feel bad if I didn't list you. Viva MoTK!
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #78 on: November 26, 2010, 08:23:14 AM »
Don't feel bad if I forget you or don't have you on my list. >_<

* Tokikofex feels bad anyways

Lloyd Dunamis

  • aka Amanie
Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #79 on: November 26, 2010, 09:19:54 AM »
1400.52|   <Saboten-Rurouni>   Lloyd, you need to go into that thread and spread your moe-moe thankfulness as well.
1400.58|   * Saboten-Rurouni   pushes Lloyd into the thread.
1401.05|   <Lloyd>   G-gyaaa---!! O//////O
1401.16|   <Lloyd>   B-but I don't have much ...time >/////////<
1401.26|   <Lloyd>   ......oh well, for once... >//////////<
1401.27|   <Saboten-Rurouni>   Lloyd: Then write what you can~
1401.37|   <TranceHime>   Lloyd: I'll cheer you on! Hell, I'll cheer all of you on.
1402.40|   <Lloyd>   Y-you're paying my rental fee for this! >/////////< (uhm, <-- j-just a joke >_<;)
1402.55|   <TranceHime>   Hey Lloyd, if we knew each other IRL
1402.58|   <TranceHime>   I'd totally pay for you
1403.00|   <TranceHime>   or at least pitch in
1403.05|   <Lloyd>   Eh---- >////////////////////////////<
1403.21|   <Lloyd>   n-n-no noeed to bother, r-really >//////////<
1403.27|   <TranceHime>   Nah, I insit ;)
1403.28|   <Lloyd>   *no need
1403.32|   <Lloyd>   >/////////////<
...You know who to blame if I don't get to be online for... how many days >_<;; (<- is just kidding, but... uhm, I hope you get my point >.<;; )
Uhm, a-anyway... ngah, who to start to >_<;;...nnn... The tone sounds kind of a little selfish and corny as how I always read my own posts, but... I guess it's better than nothing... And I'm not good with specifi*shakes head* ON TO WRITING!! >_<

Momiji! Though I've only talked to you directly through IRC in my early MotK days, you, including some IRC#shrinemaiden fellows, were one of the first people to encourage me to...well, try and be outgoing to the people around here. First person to get & accept my huggles~<3! >w<

Stein-sama! If I hadn't confessed, I would not have been a better...uhm, socializing person and end up not socializing with others. To think that after our PM, I didn't hear anything from you for several months. It felt like something that's been passed to me and, if I don't do something about it, the effort will be for nothing... something like that >_<.
This means a lot to me. Thanks.

Nobu! For so long, I've been a fan of your quality posts, be it humor post edits or SRSbsns or something.
Though sometimes your art looks weird, sometimes it's sooo cute~<3 >w< (...*cough* p-pardon, that didn't sound so good, did it? >_<;;...)

Tengukami! The Aya of MotK~<3... or so how I saw you most of the time, because of avvie and apparent liking to Aya. Though you seem to be on to Kaguya recently =w=
...*shakes head* erm... Th-thanks for telling me your appreciation of my posts. Makes me think someone's there, anticipating for my opinions, and that my posts are actually read(past tense)...and that I exist here... >///////<

Fightest! Music Analyst Extraordinaire or something, and who led me to appreciating music more. A person I didn't expect to take on CPMC so well, that gave me a few smiles =w=

Ruro-senpai! Being a good leader, writer, friend, moderator, librarian... uhm...... I-m sorry, Ruro-senpai's Charisma is getting on my way, I can't concentrate how I'll word it properly x///////////x
...Now that I remember my first birthday celebration in MotK, Ruro-senpai's the first one to call me moe >//////<...

...ugh, pardon, I seem to thank stuff that's happened way back >_<;;...

AF! If I hadn't confessed, I wouldn't...erm, felt like I've said that already...*shakes head* ack >_<; anyway... I wouldn't be as open and feel accepted by others. Also discovering that my blushings and stuff were... wh-what everyone calls moe >////<...
...Wasn't it a...w-weird intro to know me through my first PM? Though you've told me it's alright, I can't shake the feeling of being ashamed of myself >/////////<...

Baka Miko Pits! ... I-I don't know, perhaps because, of all people, you've attempted to challenge me? >////< Also someone to look up for, as you seem to have nice enthusiasm as a newbie, which in turn gives me more courage >w<

Th-there's so much people for me to thank for, that I'd love to list them personally one by one, but unfortunately I don't have ample time to stay. I'm really sorry, and sorry for being such a slow writer! x/////x
2010.1212 <Sakana> The only time wasted is the time in which you really do nothing at all, not even enjoying yourself
You may send me suspicious files that could be infected/a trojan, and I'll try analyzing it for you. :3 -Mo?ware, your personal Anti-Malware Engineer


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #80 on: November 26, 2010, 09:49:27 AM »

It's... too powerful!
The sheer moe!
But... I'm a dude! And he's a dude... we're both dudes... what does this mean?


Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #81 on: November 26, 2010, 02:41:35 PM »
Ate dinner with my grandpa, went to a friend's house, ate again, watched Iron Man, puked mightily. Overall, it wasn't bad.

I am thankful for Nicolas Cage.

Naturally, I'm also thankful to have you guys around. MotK is actually unique among the online communities I've participated in in that there isn't a single person I can think of here who I outright dislike.


  • Developer fairy
  • is working for a game developer now.
Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #82 on: November 26, 2010, 02:48:16 PM »
I'm thankful for my country's culture not having a day where people will be all thankful by chore and then forgetting to be in the rest of the year, the day also being taken over and followed by blatant consumerism.

I'm thankful for my cousin, for being my cousin and the only Hungarian person I can talk to and understands me.

I'm thankful for my parents, whom I still cannot love, because you may have taken a path in my rising what made me feel almost nothing towards you and almost made me emotionless, but when I heard in secret, how you both have sacrificed your entire social life and dreams only for me and my brother could have a better life, it somehow moved me, so while I cannot love you, I can still respect you more than any person. That's why I allowed you to take all the money I earn or get as scholarship from my college; you need it more than me.

I'm also very thankful for all the people here and on the IRC channels I care for deeply, as you being my life. Maybe you forget me when you have to remember your friends, and I'm probably just some annoying kid you barely care for or remember, but I still like all of you, always finding ways to make me a whole better and sociable person. I mean, people mostly remember the past, but I like the fact that I'm here in with everyone in the present, and get along with most of you.

I'm also thankful for all my favorite games and movies and music n stuff being made by people I should be thankful for.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #83 on: November 26, 2010, 07:30:11 PM »
I'm pretty thankful that it's been more than a full year since a close friend or relative died read about me playing league i guess

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #84 on: November 27, 2010, 12:31:19 PM »
All thankings that do no involve Purvis will be nineballed shortly. Please watch warmly.

Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #85 on: November 27, 2010, 08:06:00 PM »
* Suikama sits in the lonely corner

Lloyd Dunamis

  • aka Amanie
Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #86 on: November 28, 2010, 06:05:55 AM »
Part of my thanks & appreciation are somewhat fic-related, but... It's still worth thanking for, for making me smile daily!

Esifex Gonna Eatya! Thanks for appreciating my voice samples so much, Mr. Sexy Baritone Voice! >w< and some small advices and stories from IRC and social threads.

Sakanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~<3!! *says that while lightly rapidly umbrella-whacks Sakana's tuna-half*...err *coughcough* s-sorry, over-excitement >////////<;; *huggles tuna-half*
Uhm... could that be enough summary of how much I like and want to thank you?... A-anyway, thanks for clearing up stuff when I'm mostly confused what to think myself... and some other Sakana forum posts that made me chuckle more than I should have.<3

TranceHime! ...At first I thought "This guy's scary ;_;" during our early IRC conversations. Up till now sometimes, actuall*mentally kicks paranoid self* >.<;; sorry.
Uhm, Trance, I think you're quite strong yourself; beating your "negativism that makes you want to just leave us out and conquer your problems yourself" or something, which in turn enables you to stay here and all. Like what others said, you're an awesome person! >w<
I think I have practiced wielding my umbrella enough, so if you feel *excuses for the word* shitty by yourself and needs feels you deserve some beating up, you can ask me and/or Sakana to do the beating for you :3. Heck, let's do that daily, and everyone will be happy! ?D (...wait, that didn't sound right :ohdear:)

Helepolis! If you wouldn't have booted me because of my uncertainty and worry that one time, I wouldn't have learnt my lesson to just post it there, worry about details later and stuff. Thanks.
Also, thank you for making the threads "Name You Touhous" and "Nana / Lala Touhou Songs" >w<

Anunsew! I've always been a fan of your burning motivation to make music. Making melodies definitely needs more lovin'! >w<
To think that you make/remix these musical pieces during computer rental and even make it a leisure work, which I could only afford doing at home because I'm all too affected by time-pressure.

Flamy! Where are you? #atelier-magna's lonely without you. Get back here and chill with us again! >w< (unless, of course there's IRL stuff) Thank you for being such a nice friend =w=

Sercan! Keep on rocking that piano and piano roll, and musically inspire others, like me! >w< Thank you.

Squiddie! ...umm, Squiddie~<3 >w<... erm, s-sorry, I don't know how to...uhm...... Thanks for being awesome, too!
Squiddie has this quality & point-of-view I like that I also liked from Nobu. Though I'm not sure how to specify what quality that is, it has made people in SRSbsns calm down and be cleared of something at least. (I can't say it's the "neutrality" point-of-view because it's not totally neutral in a way, but... uhm... *is confused* @_@;; )
Also get back rocking that piano; don't think&feel you're inferior to other pianists there! :3

dustyjo! Thanks for being there when I had to struggle through my hacked pRO account, even when what you just did was listen, be there, and be cuddliest for comfort. I wouldn't have calmed down if I didn't type it all out with someone listening, which also might've kept me from thinking of re-starting the change email address process.
Also, did I mention how adorable you are just being you? Nyuuuuu~<3 *huggles dustyjo* >/////////<

Ghaleon! Though you seem to not post in CPMC (and probably missed my voice sample birthday gift to you T_T), I've always been fond of your long responses around the forum. =w=

Azure Lazuline! ......Muh >//////////>;;
Uhm...s-seriously, Thank you for accepting & appreciating my cuddliness; for making me feel appreciated for my making your day all cuddly-wubbly fine everytime I get to talk to you =w=. Thank you for being there for anyone who needs a couple huggles and a little lovin' as well.

Then for the people who randomly but never failed to make me smile from either their posts or avatar/signature/personal text... also an excuse to list everyone I want to thank because else I'll just be repeatedly spreading "Hyaaaa~<3 :*" or "Nyuuuu~<3 :*" everywhere... :ohdear:
Suikama, GreenVirus, Ryuu!, Iced Fairy, Donut! (especially the birthday avvie hack~<3), Matsuri, Sana!, Jana, VicViper, AHugeBattleship, Haku~!, Reddyne, Iryan, Gpop~<3!, Moerin~, Anthony, SomewhatMystia!, theshim!, Odda C., Pesco, Furienify, Chaore!, KimikoMuffin, axman, Drake, Autumn!, Purvis, Kilga, Roukan, Gappy!, Thatsonnn, Choja, rdj, huh what, Katachi Kazami, Magic Devil, Kasunagi-no-Tsurugi, Erebus, OkashiiKisei, E-mouse, Solais!, Keri, Kiro, SilentW.

For the people who appreciates me/my posts but hasn't had the courage to voice out their appreciation, thank you! (...I don't...sound like those showing in pageants for I? >_<;; )

I'm grateful for being alive, and everything - yes, everything - that my life so far has brought me. It's made me who I am. And if I take a few seconds to look at the world around me, I see just how effin' privileged and fortunate my life is.
Thanks for not making me fix a word to "effin'" from your quote :3

And thanks to ZUN for creating the paradise that is Touhou. It's given me something to love and enjoy when everything else fades out of interest.

...M-maybe I should've taken Esi's advice to just quote his message and not force myself to write for everyone, where the thank you message in my head seems to just repeat itself ~.~;;...

What I'm most thankful for and making me stay home here is the combination of all us diverse idiots in MotK making all these simple conversations, all these simple interactions made awesome because we're actually here reading together, appreciating together, laughing together, whacking each other, crying together (...did something like that actually hap---nevermind =w=), while defying the restrictions of this so-called Timezones!
Then finally, Thank You Very Much, TSO~! >w<

...I just went on typing whatever was in my mind in one go...Gah, what did I just write? @///////@;
* Lloyd Dunamis faints
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 06:25:10 AM by Lloyd Dunamis »
2010.1212 <Sakana> The only time wasted is the time in which you really do nothing at all, not even enjoying yourself
You may send me suspicious files that could be infected/a trojan, and I'll try analyzing it for you. :3 -Mo?ware, your personal Anti-Malware Engineer


Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #87 on: November 28, 2010, 08:54:12 AM »
Reading that made me really happy, Lloyd. Thank you <3

Wait, you think I'm cute? ...~
« Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 09:01:37 AM by dustyjo »

Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #88 on: November 28, 2010, 09:52:56 AM »
Hey, big brother?

Thank you.


  • cawcawcawcaw
    • The Grass Feels Like Pants
Re: Thanks Giving
« Reply #89 on: November 28, 2010, 10:01:36 AM »
I am crying like a bitch right about now. (in the good way, I mean)

Nearly three years of putting up with my crap, of listening to me bitch and moan about simple and not-so-simple things. Helping me get over some serious problems.

Thank you so much, sis. I love you.

And because I'd feel awful about leaving out another person who's put up with a lot of my shit, a lot of my jealousy, and a lot of my poor, weak-as-hell attempts at cheering you up... Well, you said you'd always be here for me (within reason), and you are. You know who you are, dear. Thank you so much.