Author Topic: Random Shipping Shorts (Updated 11/26)  (Read 10837 times)

Random Shipping Shorts (Updated 11/26)
« on: November 12, 2010, 09:32:22 PM »
I blame KimikoMuffin for this.

As you probably all know, KimikoMuffin is known for his shipping on his webcomic Touhou Nekokayou, to the point that he actually built a Random Shipping Generator. Now, the whole thing is silly, especially since you can get some pretty cracky pairings.

So, how much fun would it be to actually WRITE the pairings?

I've been trying to get back into writing for the past three years, but it's been going pretty rough. So, I figured that by getting some practice in, I'll eventually get off my lazy butt and do something more productive. Plus, I have a harder time sticking to longer term projects, so why not write some things that would only work for a one shot?

In order to make it easier to navigate, I'm going to put links to the individual stories here:

1. Senshei!
2. Spirit Weakness
3. Blood Flows Drudgingly As Though It Were A Corpse, Part One

Anyways, so here begins my attempts at Random Shipping. So let's see who the first contestant is:

Chen ? Keine Kamishirasawa

Well, that's interesting. Let's go!


?And that?s the end of class for this week,? Keine ended the lecture, much to the delight of her students. ?This week?s homework,? cheers quickly turned into groans, then moans and yelps as the schoolteacher flicked chalk pieces at the offenders, not even pausing in her statement, ?is to write an essay about your family or close friends. Remember, we?re looking for proper grammar and spelling, so if you need help, I?m always available.? As the usual scuffle to escape the classroom began, she added, ?Oh, Chen, could you come see me for a few moments??

The nekomata?s tails stiffened as the other youkai girls tittered and jeered, before fleeing from Keine?s renewed chalk assault. Soon, the only ones left were Chen and the teacher, who had a gentle smile as she sat on a cushion seiza-style. ?Don?t worry, you?re not in trouble,? she assured the kitten, patting a cushion in front of her, ?I just wanted to talk to you for a bit.? Reluctantly, Chen sat down, hunched like a cat with her hands and feet on the floor, knees sticking out and forcing her red dress to not do its job properly. ?I noticed that you haven?t been acting as energetic for the last few weeks, and I was worried. Are you feeling all right? Also, sit properly, or at least cross legged.?

Chen frowned as she repositioned herself, making her at least look presentable. ?I?m doin? all right, but?? the nekomata trailed off. Keine just waited patiently, knowing that Chen wouldn?t hold back once she knew someone was interested in what she had to say. After a few moments, her tails twitching in agitation, the nekomata broke down. ?Well, Ran-shama?s been acting weird lately.?

?Weird?? Keine frowned. ?Weird how?? Since the fake Moon incident, Keine had gotten to know the Yakumos a little, thanks to her tutoring of the younger youkai every week. She knew that Ran was very protective and caring of her shikigami, and that she was also a very powerful shikigami herself. If there was an incident that was about to happen, and Ran was involved?

?Dunno, just? weird. Weirder than usual, really. Like, she?s always following me around, and watchin? me. And she acts really funny when I talk to her, or hug her. She gets these nosebleeds, too! Like, VWOOSH!? Chen accentuated with her arms, imitating a geyser. ?And it was pretty funny, then kinda scary ?cause she was losing lots an? lots of blood. Then it got funny again, cause Yukari-sama made her clean it up and there was lots of it everywhere.?

?And then she just kinda keeps watching me, and she touches me, too. I mean, I like that an? all, because I like being rubbed and scratched, and she can scratch really good right behind my ear, but she does it a lot now, and in weird places, which ain?t all bad, I guess. And she?s always making me take baths, which I really hate, and she never had me do that before, and then she washes me even though I keep telling her that I can do it myself. Though, I guess she saw through me, cause I wouldn?t?? she muttered quietly.

?Anyways, and then she keeps sneaking into my room at bedtime, but then again I did that all the time before, so I guess that?s fair, but I?m old enough to? what?s with that scary look, sensei?? the nekomata broke off, blinking at the blue haired teacher, whose smile seemed forced, and had suddenly developed a tic at her eyebrow.

?Oh, nothing that you need to worry yourself about, Chen,? Keine replied, voice strained. ?I just realized that I have a few things to discuss with your ?guardian?.? Chen blinked innocently.

?Huh? Like wha-?

The door to the classroom slid open, and a tall blonde woman with a white stocking hat stuck her head inside, a few golden fox tails waving behind her. ?Ah, sorry for being so late, Chen! The mistress was fooling around, so I had to reign her in a- what?s with that scary look, Keine-sensei??

Several minutes later, Ran was sitting where Chen was before and Chen was sent off to play somewhere. The nine-tailed kitsune thought it was pretty amazing: she had a millennia of age and at least half a head on the teacher (her bizarre pagoda hat almost making up the difference), and yet she still felt like a mischievous kit being told off. She could practically feel the hostility rolling off of Keine as the teacher served tea, even though her face was as blank as stone.

Carefully sipping at her tea, Keine watched (glared, Ran?s mind substituted) her guest. ?So, I hear that you?re close to Chen?? she asked (accused!) in an even tone.

Sweating, Ran took a gulp of the tea, wincing as the scalding liquid nearly went down the wrong pipe. ?Er, yeah. She is my shikigami, as you know.?

?Indeed, and that makes you responsible for her wellbeing and her growth as a person,? Keine said, setting down her tea cup. ?That necessitates close contact and love, I would think, but,? her voice grew harsher as she stared at the wilting shikigami, ?there is such thing as too much love. There is a point where your displays of affection for Chen reach inappropriate levels!?

Ran, though cowed, felt flames of anger rise at her accusation. ?How dare you! What gives you the right to judge how-?

?As her teacher, I have a say in Chen?s development!? Keine interrupted in a booming voice, instantly quieting the kitsune. ?Leering at your ward, touching her inappropriately, invading her personal space in the bath and at bed! How is that supposed to help her develop as a responsible adult??

Ran winced at her cutting remarks. ?Well, the photos could probably show her development?? the kitsune muttered under her breath, before her eyes widened and she clapped her hand over her mouth. Her eyes twitched up to the teacher, who now loomed over the chagrined kitsune.

There was a pregnant silence in the room, and Ran swore that the nineball was hiding somewhere nearby, what with the almost sub zero chill in the room, when Keine noisily stood up. ?That?s it. You leave me no other choice, Ran Yakumo,? the teacher announced. ?Chen will stay with me from now on.? Shocked, Ran tried to voice an objection, but Keine continued on. ?With you barely able to restrain yourself, I fear for Chen? safety around you. At this rate, you may end up doing something unspeakable to her, destroying both of you!? A few moments passed, and Keine?s expression softened at seeing Ran?s distraught expression. ?Ran, I really think that the two of you need to spend some time apart. If not for yourself, then at least for Chen?s sake.?

Ran stared at Keine, quivering slightly, before exhaling noisily. ?May? maybe you?re right. For Chen?s sake,? she mumbled, taking a sip from her cooling tea cup. After a few moments of reflection, she barked a laugh. ?I guess I have been getting too obsessive about Chen, huh?? Standing up, she folded her hands into her robe sleeves. ?So, I?ll return home and bring some of Chen?s things to your place, then?? she asked, voice shaking a bit. Keine smiled at the kitsune.

?That would be wonderful. I think a month should be a good amount of time?? An odd mixture of relief and fear rolled across Ran?s face, before she nodded weakly back at the teacher. ?Well, then I?ll let Chen know.? Ran nodded again, before exiting the classroom. When she left, Keine released a sigh.

?That Ran, she really has it bad,? she muttered to herself, before heading off to track down the nekomata. ?A month with Chen? that?s probably not my best idea?? Keine could only imagine how chaotic living with the rambunctious kitten would be like. ?Ah, oh well. What?s the worst that could happen??

"We're home!" Keine said as she stepped through the door, holding a bag packed with Chen's clothes. Slipping off her shoes, she looked over her shoulder at Chen, who trudged along carrying another bag and a large fox patterned pillow, shoulders slumped and tails limp. "Now, don't be so glum, Chen."

"I wanna be with Ran-shama," the nekomata grumbled moodily. The teacher sighed, and leaned over Chen.

"Myself and Ran-san agreed that the two of you need to spend some time apart," Keine lectured, then rubbed Chen's head, knocking her hat slightly askew. "Besides, it's only a month; it could be fun! And you'll be closer to your friends, so you can play with them more often!" Chen perked up slightly, and begin taking off her shoes, before Keine stopped her. "Ah, don't forget to say, 'I'm home'!"

The nekomata blinked at her a few times, then smiled brightly. "I'm home!" The energy that she shouted that phrase with caught Keine off guard, and she had to take a step back, blinking at her new charge.

"W-welcome home," she replied, then composed herself. "Anyways, my house is small, so I don't have a guest room. So, we'll be sharing a room; I'm used to having Mokou over from time to time, so it should be big enough for the two of us." With that, Chen bounded off into the house. Keine watched her leave with a smile on her face.

"Well, I guess I can't really blame Ran too much; she really is adorable."

Keine was in the middle of cutting vegetables when she heard the door slide open. "Sensei, I'm ho~me!" Chen sang out, the pattering of bare feet growing louder.

"Welcome home! Don't run in the-" Keine reminded the nekomata, before getting a good look at Chen's face. "Chen! You're filthy!"

The nekomata, face grimy and dirty, had a devil may care grin. "Yep! We had a wrestling match! Wriggle was pretty good, and Cirno cheated with her ice, but they were no match for my kung fu!" the shikigami exclaimed, posing and shadow boxing.

Keine had an odd look on her face, trying to decide if she wanted to be amused or exasperated. "Isn't using kung-fu in a wrestling match a little unfair?" she asked as she wetted a washcloth in order to clean off Chen's face. The little nekomata squirmed as the teacher rubbed off all of the grime, her expression not dissimilar to a put off cat. Keine couldn't help but think that the eye squinting, frowny face was adorable.

"Well, Cirno cheated first!" When Keine released her grip, Chen retreated out of the teacher's reach. "Is food ready?"

"Just about," Keine replied, washing out the rag. "Wash your hands and have a seat at the table. We're having ayu tonight." At the mention of fish, Chen's eyes sparkled in delight, and she rushed forward to wrap Keine in a hug.

"Yay! I can't wait!" With that, Chen bounded off to get ready for dinner, leaving a slightly startled Keine. Slowly, the teacher put her hand to her cheek.

"Ah. My face is warm..."

"Sensei~, I don't really get this." Keine smiled at Chen as the nekomata sat at the kotatsu, glaring holes into the papers in front of her.

"Well, Chen, you look at this and..." as the school teacher went into lecturing mode, she couldn't help but marvel at how well Chen had been doing in school since the little youkai moved in with her. Granted, Chen's math skills had always been excellent, mostly likely thanks to having a mathematical genius as a master, but her grammar skills had been steadily improving as well. Unfortunately, Chen had no head for history, which Keine really found to be a shame: she found it to be a shame that people didn't take more of an interest in the past, especially since she found it to be more exciting than...

While the teacher was lost in her thoughts, she missed Chen yawning loudly until she felt the nekomata slump into her side. Surprised, she looked down to see the nekomata leaning into her, head resting on the side of her bosum and drooping eyes blinking slowly. Keine felt her face growing warm.

"Ah... I guess you're sleepy, right? It hasbeen a long day..." Keine asked, getting a lethargic shake of a head as an answer, only for the nekomata to slide further down. Blushing, Keine caught her before half of her body landed in the teacher's lap. "Now, it's time to get you in bed."

After a bit of a struggle, trying to maneuver the suddenly heavy kitten into the bedroom, Keine finally managed to drag Chen into her futon, completely giving up on getting her clothes changed. Keine watched from a kneeling position as the nekomata instantly reached for the large fox patterned pillow, clamping onto it like a barnacle with a satisfied sigh. "How adorable," Keine giggled, brushing several brown locks away from Chen's eyes, fingertips lingering on Chen's soft cheeks.

It wasn't until Keine climbed into her own futon that her actions dawned on her.

"Senshei~! Senshei~!"

Keine didn't look up at Chen's cry, but instead continued to scrub at the clothes in the bucket. "What is it, Chen-chan?" she asked as a shadow loomed over her. In her periphial vision, she could see Chen's bare feet, spotted with dried mud.

"My outfit got all muddy. Can you wash it for me?" Keine couldn't help but sigh.

"Another? I'm washing nearly all of your clothes right now..." she complained. "All right, go ahead and change so I can..." she blinked as a red, mud covered dress was thown into the bucket, and she craned her head to look at her temporary charge.

And flushed red as she regretted that choice. "Ch-chen!" she stuttered, staring at the innocent looking girl. "I didn't mean change here"

Chen blinked in confusion as she looked herself over. "But I'm wearing clothes right now," she replied, gesturing at her white bloomers and shift.

"That's still indecent!" Keine insisted, failing miserably at containing her blush. Her skin looked so nice and soft, and the shift held a trace of a contour to her budding... Keine ripped that thought out of her head, and kept her head down and nearly in the wash bucket. Her face was still hot even long after Chen left to change her clothes, and she could still see that cute, innocent vision...

It had become a tradition, over the decade the two had known each other, to spend the night of the full moon together. There were many reasons behind this, but one of the major ones, for Keine, was for comfort. Never mind the increased strength, the increased power over history, the increased aggressiveness, or even the freakish appearance the were-hakutaku form gave her, probably the true curse of the hakutaku was just how uncomfortable it was to try to sleep. Sleeping on her back was straight out on the nights of her transformation, and sleeping on her front was a no go ever since her breasts had developed. The best way she found to relax and sleep in the cursed form was on her side, with a cushion (or, ideally, an immortal pheonix) supporting her.

This month, however, she was glad for Mokou's presence for more than the increased comfort. The last few weeks of supporting Chen was starting to take a toll on her, and she felt that a supporting ear was what she needed.

Actually, she was contemplating choking said supporting ear, if only so that she would stop laughing. "It's not funny, Mokou," she grumbled, arms crossed as she leaned back on Mokou.

The pale haired woman, with the eternal appearance of a teenager, wiped tears away from her eyes. "Ah, yeah, it actually kind of is. I mean, the hypocrisy's pretty hilarious, you ragging on Yakumo only to do the exact same thing."

"I haven't done the 'exact same thing'," Keine protested, twirling a pale green lock around her finger sulkily. "I thought that you would be supportive and sympathetic..." the hakutaku pouted.

"If you want 'sympathy and support', you talk to a big sister. However, I'm the 'onii~-chan'," Mokou's voice mimicked a squeaky girl, "so all you get is teasing." Keine continued to pout, and Mokou continued, grinning as she stared at the ceiling of the dining room/living room, where they had lain out the futons while Chen stayed in the bedroom. "Anyways, if you want to do anything about it, tonight's the night: hey, you could even set it up so that you're rescuing her from the evil clutches of that no good fox!"

Blushing furiously, Keine kicked back at Mokou. "Are you ever going to let up on that? I was eight, for goodness sake!" She continued to try to elbow and kick Mokou from behind, while the immortal laughed and blocked the half hearted blows.

"Mn... Keine-senshei...?" the two friends froze, and looked up at Chen, wearing a pink nightdress and rubbing her eyes as she clutched her pillow. "Can't sleep..."

Keine sat up, looking at Chen with worry. "Oh, I'm sorry, Chen-chan... did we wake you up?" she asked, sending a sharp look at Mokou, who had the decency to look passably guilty.

The nekomata shook her head sleepily. "No... just couldn't sleep..."

Keine had a pensieve look on her face. "Well, I could make you a-"

"Why don't you curl up next to us?" Keine whipped her head around to look at Mokou in alarm. Mokou, for her part, had a particularly smug look on her face. Lethargically, the nekomata nodded, and instantly plopped down next to Keine, much to the teacher's consternation. It barely took five minutes of conversation, mischevious on Mokou's part and hesitant on Keine's part, before Chen was sound asleep, curled up against Keine.

"I so hate you," the teacher grumbled at her best friend. She happened to glance down at the sleeping nekomata, and warmth flowed through her as she espied the delicate, defenseless face.

"Just helping out a little sister," Mokou snarked back. "Personally, I'm just waiting for my horned, two tailed 'nieces' to be runnin' around an- ow!" Mokou yelped as Keine shifted, digging one of the horns jutting out of her shoulder blade into the annoying pheonix's arm.

Keine regretted making any accusation of Ran, especially when she had to drag Chen to the bath. The fact of the matter was that in order to make sure that Chen actually got washed and cleaned, you pretty much had to do it yourself. Enduring Chen's cuteness was already difficult for Keine, and having to take a bath with her was a trial of will; washing the uncooperative nekomata, who continually squirmed and wriggled and ensured that she was rubbing against Keine somewhere at any given time was a bloody labor. Finally, for Chen's sake and her own, she dumped a bucket full of cold water on the both of them, prompting a hiss from the agitated catgirl. "Now, no complaining! Good girls need to stay clean. Now," she took a bottle and squeezed a dollop of shampoo onto Chen's head, "lather that in so we can get your hair clean."

Since the complaining nekomata was distracted, Keine could concentrate on getting herself clean. 'Only a few dats left,' the teacher told herself as she lathered soap onto her arms, 'and Ran will be here to pick her up.' That thought did nothing to relieve herself, and instead made her even more agitated. 'No, she has to go back! Ran is her master, and if she stays any longer with me then it will just make me a hypocrite...' Still, that didn't stop her imagining Chen living with her on a more permanent basis.

A sudden cry distracted Keine from her thoughts, and she whirled to face Chen's sud covered back. "Chen! What's wrong?" The nekomata twisted her body to look at the teacher, wet skin glistening and contours clearly visible, yet her most private parts protected from Keine's sight. Her eyes were slightly puffy, and she rubbed at them with her hands curled like a cat's paw.

"Senshei~... shampoo got in Chen's eyes..." she mewled, pawing at her eyes. Keine instantly turned away from the nekomata, hands clamped over her nose and face bright red.

Then, the month ended.

The were-hakutaku thought it was pretty amazing: a month ago, she was lecturing a nine tailed kitsune about her actions concerning her shikigami, and now the positions were reversed. She could practically feel the hostility rolling off of Ran as the teacher served tea, even though her face was as blank as stone.

Carefully sipping at her tea, Ran watched (glared, Keine's mind substituted) her host. ?So, I hear that you?re close to Chen?? she asked (accused!) in an even tone.

Sweating, Keine nearly gulped her own tea, before recognizing that the tea was still scalding hot. ?Um, yes. She is my student, as you know.?

"Indeed, and I trusted you with her well being and-" Keine interrupted her speech.

"Look, I know. I know that this is just like the beginning of the month, and I'm sure that you're saying what I'm saying just to be funny."

Ran's eyes narrowed at Keine. "This isn't a laughing matter."

"I know it isn't!" The teacher sighed noisily. "It's just... I understand what you've been going through with Chen-chan. It's like she... unconciously seduces with her innocence and her personality."

Ran nodded. "And how she clings onto you, begging for help and attention."

"I'm not saying she does it on purpose, but you just can't resist her charms."

"I understand. In any case, she won't be a temptation for you any longer, so we'll be on our way..." Ran said, preparing to stand up before Keine stopped her.

"Wait. Who said anything about her leaving?" The kitsune turned a glare at the teacher.

"That was the agreement: one month with you, and she comes back home."

The teacher lips pressed into a thin line. "Only if you proved to be safe around Chen," she retorted.

"Like you're any safer to be around her? She's mine, so be smart and let this go!" Ran snarled, fingers curling.

Keine returned the shikigami's glare in full force, hand slowly reaching for her pocket. "And that sort of attitude proves that you haven't changed your ways!" Ran's pupils contracted, and she bared her teeth.

"Why you-!"

"Ran-shama~! Keine-senshei~!" Both adults looked over where Chen's voice came from, and hostility vanished as their spines stiffened. The nekomata had came into the room when she heard the raised voices as she was getting dressed, and it was clear she wasn't done changing. White, thigh high socks and bloomers, and her white shift was all she wore, and her brown hair was tousled and unbrushed. The nekomata galumphed into the room on all fours to sit in front of the two adults, and she grabbed both of their hands. "Won't you two stop fighting? It's scaring Chen...!" she asked them in a weak, plaintive tone, eyes tearing up.

Ran and Keine had idenitical, expressionless faces as they stared at the catgirl.




So, there it is. And, for the lulz, the KimikoMuffin Special Edition Alternate Ending. No jutsu.


The room looked like a slaughter house, red blood covering the floors and walls and dripping down from the ceiling. Chen, white clothes now stained red, sat in front of the crumpled forms of her master and her teacher, lying on their backs and facing the ceiling. The nekomata looked around the room, her expressionless face looking nearly alien on her (and rather horrific, considering the amounts of blood on her face), before her eyes settled again on the two bodies in front of her, their joyous faces looking particularly queer considering the environment and their comatose states. Those happy grins looked as though they had not one regret in this life.

Then, slowly, the nekomata's eyes narrowed, and her mouth split into a sinister sneer.

"Just as Chenned! (Chenkaku doori!)"

So, there it is. Kinda of a weird pairing, but it was pretty fun to qrite. Let's see who's up next:

Youmu Konpaku ? Yamame Kurodani

Hm... interesting...

... This might take some time...
« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 11:22:43 PM by Sect »

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Random Shipping Shorts
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2010, 10:20:32 PM »
Chen ? Keine Kamishirasawa
Oh my god.

Keine likes 'em young, I see. :o And "Senshei" coming from Chen was adorable.

Re: Random Shipping Shorts
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2010, 10:40:46 PM »
That was pure genius.


  • Your #1 Idiot Child.
Re: Random Shipping Shorts
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2010, 12:14:59 AM »
GENIUS! I say.
Youmu Konpaku x Yamame Kurodani
:] Hooray for crack pairings!


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
  • *
  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: Random Shipping Shorts
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2010, 12:23:30 AM »
This thread will be very very amusing, Keep going mate.

Re: Random Shipping Shorts
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2010, 08:07:24 AM »
It's great to see that people are enjoying my stuff so far. I appreciate any comments, criticism, and advice, or even just banter. Also, if anyone has ideas for what to do with pairings, I'm all ears: sometimes people have better ideas than I do, especially when trying to figure out just how to get characters together.

For example, this Youmu x Yamame one: I really don't have any ideas as to what to do with this couple. My original idea was to have some sort of serious altercation, with Yamame being a slightly freaky black widow type, but then I realized that that doesn't fit Yamame's established character at all. Of course, I could do some sort of crack situation, but I kinda wanted this next one to be a bit more serious than the Keine x Chen one I did (and I forsee a LOT of opportunities for sheer cocaine); I could also skip the "meeting" encounter and go straight to the "romance" encounter, but I kinda like doing the "meeting" encounters more.

Also, I don't intend on the majority of the shorts to be nearly as long as my first. I mean, 3,997 words just to set up a silly epic nosebleed joke? (Warning: link leads to danbooru, which should be considered NSFW).


  • Your #1 Idiot Child.
Re: Random Shipping Shorts
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2010, 08:12:18 AM »
Youmu goes into the underground to stop Orin stealing souls. Ran into Yamame. Had some "tea" And thats it. It's sorta really really generalized but thats how much I can get when I'm running out of ideas and falling asleep. And also, Yamame tends to be territorial so, she would try to make Youmu run off or make her go into a battle.

Re: Random Shipping Shorts
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2010, 11:20:04 AM »
Youmu Konpaku ? Yamame Kurodani

look at it this way:
It is still an easier pairing than the one I once got while playing around with the generator:
Youmu Konpaku ? Five Magic Stones

Re: Random Shipping Shorts
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2010, 06:08:11 AM »
Glad to see it's actually getting some use!

There was a thread on Poosh dedicated to finding existing fanart of the generated pairings, by the way.

Re: Random Shipping Shorts
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2010, 06:31:01 AM »
Hey, cool, the Muffin looked!

Anyways, I've figured out what to do about the Youmu x Yamame story. I should add that I've never played SA, so I decided to look at the script for when the characters meet Yamame, and I've come to the conclusion that all eight of them, ESPECIALLY Yukari, are dicks. I mean, seriously.

Yamame: Hey gaiz, there's a party going on! You're invited!

Yukari: Reimu, go beat her up.

Reimu: Sure, why not.

Man, what?

Also, what the hell are the Five Magic Stones?

Re: Random Shipping Shorts
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2010, 08:01:05 AM »
I just remembered why I dislike writing serious, or even semi-serious stories.

So, whenever I try to write something seriously, as opposed to something half assed and nutty-nut-bar-ish, I think too much. I write, and I wonder if maybe the character's dialogue is too stilted. Or maybe I wonder if the actions aren't really realistic. Or maybe I wonder if my characters are being too melodramatic or maybe I wonder if my writing's complete and utter shit or maybe I wonder if I'm going to look like a complete idiot for posting or maybe or maybe ormaybe!

So, in order to preempt all of those thoughts, I'm going to say, "Fuck it all!", and post the next Random Shipping Short. I give you, Youmu Konpaku and Yamame Kurodani.


"Youmu~! Are you ready?" Youmu Konpaku looked up from the countertop to where her mistress' voice was echoing, only to flinch when she saw the busty woman. Or, to be more accurate, half of the busty woman, sticking out from the wall dividing the kitchen from the rest of the household.

"A mo-" Youmu was forced to interrupt herself as a wet, hacking cough forced her way out of her chest, nearly causing herself to fold over. A few seconds passed before Youmu was able to speak. "Just another minute, Yuyuko-sama," she said, voice raspy and thick.

By that time, the ghost mistress of Hakugyokuro had floated through the wall, and was looking at the short girl with undisguised concern. "Maybe," the pink haired ghost hesitantly began, "maybe we shouldn't go to the party after all."

"Nonsense," Youmu replied, sounding less phlegmy after clearing her throat. "You've been waiting for the party ever since you were invited a few days ago by that... cat." The girl tried to keep the distaste out of her voice, she really did, but she was unsuccessful: her dislike for necromancers had probably got stuck in the thick phlegm that refused to leave her lungs.

Yuyuko Saigyouji was still unconvinced. "But you're sick, anyone can tell just by looking at Myon-chan," she reasoned, gesturing. Youmu's eyes followed her motions, where a semi-insubstantial cloud, normally pure white, hung, limp and grey. Youmu's eyes narrowed, and the cloud darted behind the girl and reformed into a near replica of Youmu, only monochrome. Changing its form helped disguise its pitiful look from before, though it still had a sickly grey tone (and, oddly enough, a light red flush all over its body).

"I wish you wouldn't call my ghost half 'Myon', Yuyuko-sama," the half ghost chided, turning back to the kitchen counter, where a teacup sat, a small saucer laying over it. "And you needn't worry," she added, removing the saucer, allowing a puff of steam to escape the teacup, "I only have a chest cold; some boiled thyme should help me tremendously." Youmu drank deeply from the teacup, and sighed as she felt the congestion in her chest alleiviate. She glanced over at her ghostly twin and smiled at its improved complextion. "See? Both I and myself are feeling better already!" The ghost princess, however, continued pouting, looking much more childish than the girl several centuries her junior.

"I just don't want my Youmu and my Myon-chan to be all sick while I have fun!" she whined, glomping on the ghost copy, squeezing and nibbling on the furiously blushing ghost. "I like it when my Myon is all white and squishy and chewy like mochi!"

"Please don't eat me," Youmu said, her flat tone contradicting her red face and quivering body. "I would be very upset if you had ate my ghost half, and it'll ruin your appetite for tonight. I heard that Hoshiguma-san is preparing her famous 'Tsuchigumo Barbecue'," she added, seeing Yuyuko stiffen, "marinated for seven days in her signature tomato sauce," Yuyuko was now drooling on the half ghost's ghost half, "served with a side of garlic and hell mushroom potatoes..."

"Enough talk!" the princess shouted, releasing her captive and pointing upwards. "Let's go, Youmu and Myoro~n! Our forks are the ones to pierce their pie crusts!" The ghost princess then charged through the wall of the kitchen, leaving Youmu with herself.

"I really hope that's not going to be her new nickname for us," the girl muttered as her ghost twin changed back into the floating spirit cloud, still dripping saliva. She grimaced as she picked up her paired swords. "This cold is really killing my mood; I must sound like Izayoi-san right now." With that, she left to go chase down her wayward mistress before she got herself lost again.

Youmu had been to parties before. The quality of the parties varied, usually depending on who was throwing the party, how much food was at the party, and whether or not the host threw her mistress out for eating all of the food. Usually, Youmu was satisfied if Yuyuko was satisfied, though she didn't mind interacting or participating herself. She had thought that she had endured the worst a party could throw at her, especially one organized by Suika Ibuki, especially the previous year's infamous New Year's party. The swordswoman didn't know what she drank that night or how much of it, but she never did find that outfit that she wore, she had no idea who ended up dressing her in the wrong clothes before she snapped out of her drunken haze, and she now knew (though never wanted to) that the rumors about certain measurements of a certain elegant maid being 'inflated' had some basis in fact; Youmu was still peeved that Sakuya was still greater than her in multiple ways...

But in any case, Youmu thought that she had weathered the worst a party could bring: she forgot that Suika Ibuki was one oni, while Yuugi Hoshiguma was... well, also one oni, albeit bigger than the tiny drunken miko oni, but Yuugi had the advantage of having a bunch of other oni friends. The result was a huge cacophony of music, shouting, and laughter; all around was chaos, as youkai drank, as youkai sang, as youkai brawled... oh, wait, they weren't brawling, they were...

"Ooh, wow, they're really getting into it." Youmu yelped in surprise as someone spoke right into her ear. Hopping to the side and reaching for her blade, she stared at a surprised youkai, hanging upside down from a gossamer strand like a spider, her brown dress somehow defying physics by retaining a bulb shape near her ankles instead of falling around her ears. The blonde youkai blinked, then rubbed her head abashedly. "Ah, sorry, I shouldn't have surprised you like that."

"It's..." Youmu paused to clear her throat, "it's no problem, really."

"No, really! I shouldn't have startled you, especially since you're not doing well," the youkai apologized, releasing the thread and flipping onto her feet. Now that the girl was right side up, Youmu could see that she was around her height, maybe a tad bit shorter. Youmu opened her mouth to dispute her claim... then sighed.

"Was it that obvious?"

"Let me put it to you this way," the blonde said, pointing at another blonde youkai, this one with pointed ears, and glaring enviously at the arguing pair of Devas, "do you see Parsee the Green Eyed Monster over there?" Youmu nodded: the youkai was helping with bringing out food earlier, and had gotten Youmu some hot tea. "She wasn't looking at you with jealousy earlier, she was pitying you."

The half ghost winced. "I didn't think I looked that- wait." Youmu glanced at the chatty youkai with suspicion. "Why would you know that?"

"Because I was watching you," was the swift and casual reply, much to Youmu's surprise. "You looked all cute and pitiful then, and right now you don't look like you're having any fun."

Youmu bristled. "I need to make sure that Yuyuko-sama is protected from any trouble that may happen." The youkai looked blankly at the swordswoman, then glanced back at the blue robed ghost princess, who had shoved an entire roasted pig in her mouth.

"Somehow, I get the feeling that no one would start anything with her," the brown clad youkai remarked flatly. Youmu looked away, a light blush (and a red tinge on her ghost half) betraying her embarrassment.

"I meant the trouble that may happen because of her."

The youkai nodded in understanding, then pulled on Youmu's hand anyways. "I think she can take care herself for a few hours, and Yuugi's there, too. Let's go have some fun!" With that, the youkai began pulling Youmu along.

"Wait!" the girl yelped, stumbling a bit. "I don't even know your name!" The blonde youkai grinned back at the half ghost.

"Yamame! I'm Yamame Kurodani the spider youkai! And you?"

"Y-youmu Konpaku!"

Yamame was true to her word, Youmu reflected hours later. She had loads of fun, being dragged around the city of Old Hell by the spider youkai. It was almost like a surface festival, but with less rigged game booths and more people being flung through windows. The two had listened to taikou drummers beat against story tall drums, watched puppet shows featuring oni humiliating human heroes, and danced along with the Moriya Shrine's contingent. Youmu was careful not to drink any alcohol, considering the mysteries of the New Year's Party and the horror of Tewi's Tragic Tanabata (apparantly, Reisen Inaba was still being treated for PTSD), though Yamame drank her fair share.

The two girls, desperately needing a rest after a long day, found a bench sitting in between two tall buildings, with a perfect view of the ceiling of the underground city. High above them, several fairies, who apparantly had some sort of power over photoluminesence in fungi, were creating colorful, ever changing patterns on the ceiling.. The effect was quite surprising, especially since many of the lights of the normally bright city were extinguished.

"It's probably not as thrilling as above ground fireworks," Yamame commenting, munching on a snack Youmu had brought (wise beyond her years thanks to her servitude to Yuyuko, Youmu had collected a snack for later before the ghost princess could eat it all), "but we're proud of it."

Youmu smiled drowsily as she watched the ceiling's everchanging, almost hypnotic pattern. "No, it's quite beautiful, and very relaxing, too." Youmu frowned in thought. "Though, I guess someone could use danmaku to simulate fireworks..."

"Nah, it'll just get the oni and some of the more excitable people riled up again; better to just let them cool down after a long day's worth of partying." Youmu let her head rest on the back of the bench, her ghost half slumped on the bench in between the two girls.

"Wasn't as bad as I expected..." she murmured softly.

"Satori asked Yuugi to tone the party down this time, since a bunch of abovegrounders were invited for the first time in a long time. Their usual parties are wilder, and can last for nearly a week."

"Is that so..." Youmu replied, eyes drifting shut, breathing growing more shallow... then yelped when Yamame deliberately stroked along her ghost body. Now wide awake, and breathing hoarsely, Youmu stared at the chuckling Yamame. "Wh-what was..."

"You gotta be careful down here, Youmu, else you'll get eaten up," the spider teased, "what with you looking so cute and vulnerable." She grinned at seeing Youmu, both human and ghost, blush, then adopted a serious look. "To be serious, though, you don't look good. Neither of you, and I seriously mean it." Youmu glanced at her ghost half, noting its drooping consistency.

"It's just the tint of the-" Youmu tried to begin, but was cut off with a serious look from the spider youkai.

"It's no use lying to me: I'm the youkai that brings illness. I can see the sickness in you." A chill ran up Youmu's spine, but her resolve ('obstinance,' an ignored voice insisted) hardened, and she rose to her feet.

"I'll be fine, it's just a chest co-"

"It's more serious than a stupi-"

"I said I'll be fine!" Yamame froze in shock as Youmu screamed, then began coughing and hacking. The force of her coughs were so hard that it would have brought her to her knees if her ghost half hadn't floated in to support her. A few minutes passed, Youmu coughing hoarsely while Yamame watched in worried silence, before Youmu regained her composure, and sat down.

The silence between the two was long and awkward, but the colors high in the sky never stopped changing. Finally, Youmu said in a strained, raspy voice, without turning to Yamame, "I should go find Yuyuko-sama now." The blonde youkai started at her comment.

"Ah, okay, we can-"

"I can find her on my own." Youmu nearly flinched at her own comment, but she continued looking down at the ground, her white bangs hiding what she imagined to be a hurt look on Yamame's face.

"Um... all right..." Youmu did flinch at the hurt tone in Yamame's voice, which was followed by the brushing of cloth and the sounds of footsteps leading away, into the alley behind the bench. Before realizing it, the words "I had fun today," escaped her. The footsteps paused, then continued, fading away.

'Youmu, you're an idiot,' she imagined her ghost half saying, its sagging shape reflecting the depression she felt inside. 'She was just trying to help.'

"It's just a cold," Youmu dismissed her inner musings aloud as she stood up. "It's nothing that anyone needs to worry about, just so long as I can perform my duties." She looked around, the dim lights and the flashing colors from above not helping her sight. "Now, where would Yuyuko-sama be...?" As she looked around, a faint sound of silk sliding on fabric reached her ears.

"Hey, Youmu?" Ah, that must've been the sound of Yamame's threads, the one she hung around on. Feeling a sudden bout of regret, Youmu began to turn around.

"Yamame, I-" she managed to croak out, before a soft hand took hold of her jaw. Youmu barely had time to blink before she felt lips on her own.

Stunned, for a while, the only thing that Youmu could really register was that Yamame had a really nice neck. It was right in front of her, and as Youmu dazedly allowed her lips to part and as the spider's tongue began to dance, she couldn't help but notice that, even with the poor, ever changing lighting, Yamame's neck was pale and smooth. Quite different from Izayoi-san's, who had faint marks and scars, probably from her mistress' feeding habits. And there was another thing she didn't share with the elegant maid, Youmu noted as her eyes wandered up to Yamame's chest, though the swordswoman didn't really mind that so much, since huge ones were overrated anyways and it wasn't like Iza- waitwaitwait.

Youmu's mind hopped back to the present, where she was currently having her tonsils sucked out by an upside down Yamame. In fact, it was almost literal: it sounded like Yamame was trying to inhale all of the air out of her lungs. Eyes wide, Youmu managed to break liplock, taking half a step back from an out of breath Yamame. "...!"

Despite her shortness of breath, the spider managed to grin. "Ah, I guess I took your breath away, huh?" The spider youkai began climbing up her own thread, to the rooftops. "I just wanted to thank you for having fun with me, and give you a little present. I'll see you later!" With that, Yamame skuttled off to the roofs, disappearing from sight.

Down on the ground, Youmu stared blankly where Yamame vanished, then glanced over at her other self, knowing that there was no way the lights were that bright red. Shaking her head, she turned back to the city, a small, embarrased smile on her face, and her chest much lighter than it was before.

No footsteps were heard as the figure walked down the dimly lit alleyway, following the sounds of coughing and retching. In fact, 'walking' was a poor choice of words, considering that the woman in question had no need for legs, floating towards the hunched over figure. She waited patiently for the horrible sounds to end, before asking, "My, so you're the brazen one who assaulted my Youmu's lips."

Supporting herself on her hands and knees, Yamame looked over her shoulder at the pink haired ghost, wisps of a black haze leaking out of her mouth. "Sorry, but I had something I needed to do," she apologized, gesturing with her head at a black miasma. Yuyuko looked at the dissapating mists with uncharacteristic loathing.

"The 'Spirit Weakening', that's what the Konpaku Clan call it," Yuyuko explained as Yamame pulled herself to a sitting position. "Even among youkai, half humans and half ghosts are particularly unnatural, and their dual nature has weaknesses. They have weaker mortal bodies, still sturdier than most humans, but unable to be as tough as the strongest humans, like Reimu and Marisa." Yamame, having fought those two before, winced and nodded. "It also makes them weaker to sickness.

"Some of the warriors of the Konpaku, Youmu's predecessor, for instance, are hardier than most, and can live much longer in perfect health. However, he's an exception to the rule; I knew a young warrior suffered from disease called 'consumption' for nearly twenty years before moving on.

"And some of them are effected by the 'Weakening' at an even younger age than most..." Yuyuko trailed off. Yamame grimaced as she contemplated the implications. Yuyuko then bowed to the spider youkai, making the blonde blink in surprise. "I thank you for your help. I know that you tried your best, but Youmu will become sick again, and she..." the ghost trailed off, unable to finish. The pink haired woman bowed again to Yamame, and turned to leave.

As Yuyuko floated away, Yamame called out at her back. "Well, then that's good." Startled, confused, and a tiny bit offended, Yuyuko turned to stare at a grinning Yamame. "After all, it means that I get a bunch more chances to assault Youmu, right?" Blinking, Yuyuko's mouth slowly slid into a gentle smile.


So, there you have it. Though, to be frank, I'm not sure if this was any more serious than the Chen x Keine short that I wrote earlier: I mean, aside from the two endings, I thought I handled it rather maturely.

... And why am I thinking in John Cleese's voice right now? Bizarre.

Anyhoo, so, let's look at our next lovely couple, shall we?

Kurumi ? Orin
Ah! Fantastic, more characters that I know little of! Well, at least I'm somewhat familiar with Miss Kaenbyou. So, until next time.

Re: Random Shipping Shorts (Updated 11/16)
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2010, 04:15:18 AM »
I love these crack pairings! Keep it up!

Now to wait for a Yuyuko x Mystia pairing.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Random Shipping Shorts (Updated 11/16)
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2010, 04:19:06 AM »
That's.... actually a pretty good excuse fic.

And Kurumi x Kaenbyou eh?  Let's hope Okuu doesn't get annoyed with Orin's new flame.

Re: Random Shipping Shorts (Updated 11/16)
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2010, 10:53:10 PM »
Sorry guys, no story yet, though that'll prolly come out in the next day or two. Just a quick question: would anybody be terribly offended if Orin had a Southern accent? I discovered that I'm absolutely terrible at Yiddish, and she was starting to sound like she came out of a Twain story before I went "screw it" and started writing her like that.

Re: Random Shipping Shorts (Updated 11/16)
« Reply #15 on: November 26, 2010, 11:19:40 PM »
Guuuuuuhhh... I don't like this one...

I know what I want to write for it, and how it ends, but I can barely draw up the motivation to write it. It just feels like I'm sloughing along or something, and the second part just refuses to write. The first two stories, on the other hand, were easy as hell to write, once I figured out what I was doing.

So, this is what I'm going to do: I'm going to go ahead a post the first half of the story. Then, tell me: should I finish it up, or move on to the next short?

So, here it is: Kurumi x Orin.


One thing that many youkai learn about the Underground very quickly is that you never wander around in it, especially in the uninhabited areas. Centuries ago, before Yukari Yakumo created the Hakurei Border and pretty much jacked up the whole system, the many Hells were located in the twisting, cavernous vaults of the land below the surface. The relatively close placement of the Hells to the surface made it possible for mortals, living youkai, and even gods to travel to the forbidden lands, where they could attempt to rescue loved ones, or get trapped themselves.

However, events over the previous two or three hundred years, such as the formation of Gensokyo, the mass exodus of oni and other youkai to the Underground, the growing bravery (or impertinence, as some would prefer to say) of mankind, and the conflicts between Makai and the Hakurei Shrine, had led to a reformation of the Hells, which included moving the majority of them to a metaphysical plane of existence. As a result, the Underground had simultaneously became both emptier and, oddly enough, more dangerous. This last part is not only due to the fact that, without the presence of the Enma?s guardians, strange and dangerous creatures have taken route in the abandoned vaults, but also that, without the sporadic traffic from Hell to Hell, there were little one could do to find their way once lost in the tunnels. One unfortunate soul was finding this out the hard way, as she tiredly flew through the shafts, large leather wings barely keeping her aloft.

"Elly~..." Kurumi the vampire murmured tiredly, barely avoiding clipping one of her wings on a stalactite. "Yuuka...! Where are you?!" she whined piteously, before her wings gave out for a split second, jolting her down several feet.

"Gotta rest a bit..." she muttered to herself, landing near a stagnant pool of water. Dropping to her knees, not bothering trying to keep her ripped black skirt clean, she cupped a hand into the water and cleaned her face. Though dirty, the cool temperature of the water helped her focus a bit, and allowed her to study her own reflection in disgust. Her long blonde hair was tangled and filthy, and her shirt, missing its red bow, was almost uniformly grey and its ruffles tattered. She wasn't even wearing her suspenders properly, since it got torn up while running from unknown creatures: it was now threaded through her skirt, barely keeping it up.

Sneering at the reflection, Kurumi got to her feet unsteadily. "Gotta go find Elly and-" she told herself, before her first step forward sent her straight into the ground.

"Maybe... a nap would be..."

Kurumi remembered.

One time, before the vampire's world went crazy, the gate keeper Elly had dragged a boat to the lake of blood so that the two could have a picnic. Kurumi wasn't quite clear on why exactly the boat was necessary, or where she even got the vessel, but she enjoyed that lazy day with her best friend, laughing while snacking on fruits Elly absconded from Yuuka's mansion while the purple lake rocked them back and forth. She recalled yawning, and using Elly's lap as a cushion, letting the rocking lull her into a light slumber, rocking side to side, side to side...


The vampire yelped as her head bounced against hard wood. Blinking, she was quick to realize two things: the rocking wasn't part of her lucid dream, and she was in some sort of wooden vessel, not much larger than herself. Thanks to some sort of fabric covering the top of the vehicle she was in, she couldn't tell where she was, but she could easily hear the squeaking of wheels and the scraping of rock against wood.

'H-hey!" she shouted, and propelled into the far side of the vessel as it screeched to a halt. She attempted to sit upright, but lost her balance when the other end of the vessel dropped down suddenly. Now tangled in her ruined clothing, she could do nothing but blink as the tarp was ripped away, revealing a red headed girl with two pairs of ears, a pair of normal looking human ears and a black furred, pointed pair on the top of her head, wearing a green dress and a look surprise and intrigue.

"Oy vey, so yer a live one after all.?

An explanation later, the catgirl with two tails waving about merrily was digging into a concealed compartment in the wheelbarrow. ?So there I was, goin? about ?n tryin? ta track down sumthin? that Yuugi had dropped that the mistress needed, ?n I happen on ta you. I says to myself, ?now, that there?s a mighty fine corpse,? ?fine? meanin? good lookin? in appearance ?n comp?sition, ??n even though we don?t need to shovel dead?uns into the Blazin? Fires no more, what with Okuu keepin? the Fires hot, Orin Kaenbyou wasn?t taught by her mama (or, to be accurate, Satori-sama) to waste perfectly good specimens,? so I shoved ya inta my cart ?n?? the catgirl trailed off as she looked over her shoulder to see Kurumi completely ignoring her in favor of digging into a raw chunk of meat. The vampire didn?t bother with decorum, in favor of biting deeply into the meat, sucking cool residual blood out and staining her hands and face with greasy residue. ?Ah, I reckon you?re a tad starved,? Orin remarked with a bemused expression as she pulled out a canteen of water.

Gnawing on the meat, Kurumi stared at Orin with wide, hungry eyes. ?Gob uny mur?? she asked through the uncooked steak.

?Nope, that there?s my lunch yer slobberin? all over. Unfortunately, I don?t make a habit of cartin? around jugs of blood fer stranded? whatever yer kind is.? Orin drank some of the water in the canteen, then held out the battered tin container. ?Wanna wash that?? she trailed off as she got a good look at Kurumi?s expression. The vampire?s face would have been perfectly cute and innocent, if it weren?t dirty and covered in blood and raw grease, and if her wide, adorable eyes weren?t hungrily fixated on the kasha?s neck.

?? I?m still hungry,? Kurumi noted, no longer concentrating on the steak after draining it of as much blood as she could.

?? Good fer ya. Ya ain?t eatin? me,? Orin replied flatly.

?Come on! Just a little bit!? Kurumi pouted, dropping the significantly less juicy steak on the ground.

?I like my insides in my insides,? the two tailed cat said, ?and I?d thank ya kindly if ya didn?t get my supper all dirty,? she continued, picking up the steak and wrapping it back in its original coverings.

?I?ll stop before you die.?

?Jus? tha fact that ya had ta say that? Listen, doll,? Orin changed the subject, ?ya said that ya got split from yer friends? how long ago??

?Dunno,? Kurumi admitted, eyes still focused on the kasha?s veins, ?I?ve been stuck in that hole for a long while, and the robot maid on top of me wasn?t helping any.?

?So, ya said that ?Yuuka? character?s some sorta flower youkai? Why not just get yourself up ta the surface, then? I can show ya the way on up there.? Kurumi pondered the offer for a few moments.

?I?ll do it if you let me drink some of your blood.? Orin?s flat look at the vampire told her that the offer was declined.

?That?s cute, doll. Listen, on our way up, we?ll just stop to snack on Parsee, all ?ight? If anythin?, she?ll jus? be all green that she can?t drink blood too or sumthin?, I dunno. Jus? so long as Yuugi ain?t ?round.?

?Why?s that?? Kurumi asked as she used some of the canteen?s water to wash her hands and face.

The kasha stood up and stretched, sighing deeply. ?Well, ya ever hear of the sayin?, ?don?t go an? git any one horned oni all riled up, less ya want her ta git mad ?n beat ya?ll all about ?till her cup breaks, then tear off yer head ?n use it to drink the rest of her booze??? The vampire froze in the middle of handing back the canteen, eyes wide in befuddlement.

?? Er, no. I can?t say I?ve heard that saying before.?

?Ah, I reckon? it wouldn?t up there, but I tell ya what, after the third time Yuugi did that, everyone sure did learn not to poke at that girl. Well, ?cept at parties, but them?s an ?ception to tha rule.?


Jeez... I hate writing this one. I don't have anything against the characters, it's just that, for some reason, I just don't have the will to write it.

So, thoughts? Should I finish this one up with the confrontation at Yuuka's Garden, or move on to the next short?

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Random Shipping Shorts (Updated 11/26)
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2010, 06:58:43 AM »
I'm more interested in Yuuka than I am in Kurumi.

Of course, that's just because I think Yuuka shipped with anyone would be hilarious, and I don't know anything about Kurumi.

Kind of surprised that you're generating with the pre-windows characters.

Re: Random Shipping Shorts (Updated 11/26)
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2010, 05:49:45 PM »
To be honest, I'm kind of surprised that I decided to generate with the PC-98 characters, either, considering that the only ones that I know, or care, about are Yuuka (who's in the Windows series anyways), Shinki, and Mima. Can't remember why I decided to in the first place.

Anyways, but when I generated the pairings, I set the generator to Windows characters, PC-98 characters (minus Ellen), Manga characters, and Objects and Animals. Also, when I came up with the list, I did twenty-two of them in a row, without throwing out any pairings, and I'm going down the list from top to bottom without skipping. I don't write stories until I come to the pairing, but I do jot down ideas for when I get to them. Some of them I came up with ideas for really quickly, and others (such as the Youmu/Yamame and the Kurumi/Orin pairings) I came up with ideas to use once I actually started writing for them. Also, it turns out that the PC-98 issue isn't that big of a deal, since there's only five more pairings involving characters from that era, and only two of them will be challenging to write: one is super ultra lulzy, one I can actually pass off as being potentially canonical, and one involves a really fun character to write (hint: it's not Yuuka or Shinki).

Anyways, I'm telling you all of this so that I can announce the next shipping story, which is one that I've been eager to do for some time.

Kisume ? Myon

Wa ha ha. Shouldn't take but a few days: it's going to be a short one, but hopefully lulzy.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Random Shipping Shorts (Updated 11/26)
« Reply #18 on: November 30, 2010, 05:56:37 AM »
Youmu Konpaku ? Yamame Kurodani

Kisume x Myon

Double date?

Re: Random Shipping Shorts (Updated 11/26)
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2010, 08:11:13 PM »
All of these are great!
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.