Author Topic: Crawl Relay Run - Over  (Read 110150 times)


Crawl Relay Run - Over
« on: April 21, 2009, 11:18:31 AM »
New forum, new topic for the game.

Copypasta from last thread:

1.  Get a clean version of Crawl 0.4.5.  There have been several changes made from v0.4.3 and v0.4.4 so some of the information may not translate well between the versions.  More so, you'll want the 32x32 tile graphical version that comes with mouse support unless you're hardcore from the command prompt days.

3.  To play, you'll have to sign up in this topic.  You'll be put at the end of the list.

4.  When your turn comes, you'll be handed the save file via rapidshare, mediafire, mega upload, or some other site.  You'll stick that in the saves file and start up the game.  You'll then have roughly 5000 turns to play.  To check how many turns you've used, just hit Shift and E.  As you play your turn, you are to keep track of a journal of important events that happen.  You can take screenshots or keep a very accurate pictureless journal as you play.  Screenshots are better.

5.  Keep image amounts to a minimum.  56kers still exist. Screw 56kers, I want full documentation!  Anyone who fails to keep up screenshots in his or her run will be ignored and we'll revert to the last save file.

6.  Once your 5000 turns are up (we allow some slight deviation, you can stop at say 5045 or something), save, copy to the files to a zip folder and upload it to a file sharing site.

7.  If you take way too many turns (6000+), we'll politely tell you that you fail, but take the save files anyway.  If you reach 7000, you're off the list for the rest of the game.

8.  If you take more than 3 days (72 hours) taking your turn, we'll skip you and give the save file to the next person in line.

9.  You may sign up again when your turn is over.

10.  Losing is fun.  If you die, just log that and we'll tack it onto the number of times we've lost and continue from the last save file.  Don't worry, the game is meant to be hard.  If you're inexperienced, take this chance to play a high level character and learn more about the game.

11. However, it's not fun if you save the file and give it to the next person with 3HP and surrounded by tough enemies.  We'll consider that your death and revert back to the previous save file.

12.  New rule, if you have bone files in your saves, copy those bone files and stick them in with the save file you'll be uploading.  We want many, many ghosts to deal with this time around.


14.  Feel free to suggest adding in anything I missed on this list of rules.

Waiting List

None, unless anyone wants to start another run, which I don't think will be very soon.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 03:15:18 PM by Byakuren Hijiri »

Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 4, Patchouli: 0
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2009, 12:20:35 PM »

T'was the maiden was back in the mines
Her stomach slightly empty
Of a great battle there were signs
To leave was mighty tempty.

She fled the mines, fearful of lords
Who would cleave stone and metal alike
Taking pride in their axes and swords
And their occasional pike.

T'was not to be, how though
For a party of orcs laid in wait
Warriors and priests who worshipped Beogh
With a weakling for the bait.

She stepped forward, spell ready
With a word, a cloud arose
The fumes left the orcs unsteady
So it would not come to blows.

During the battle a centaur rode
To cleave our unlikely hero.
But little know it would soon explode
Right before her mana went to zero.

She slew them all and strived on
Triggering a trap on the floor.
But she pressed on, and came upon
A very much mundane door.

It swung open, and orcs leapt out
A space apart from the girl
But with a blast of greenish magic
Their vision was left in a swirl.

She struck them down, and left them be
To continue on her quest
A bloodstained armor did she see
To equip it would be best.

She donned the armor and went on her way
Grabbing a wand in a corridor
She strode along fearlessly, but say,
Who opened that door?

T'was a ghost that did the deed
With an axe and arcane magic
With a spell, it made her bleed
It was soon going to be tragic.

She fled, and set snares for it
Hurling bolts of flame
But it only did a little bit-
The ghost yet looked the same.

She blinked and vanished, in a snap
But the ghost's blows came like rain
A blink, and she fell into her own trap
And thus she was slain.

Patchouli is dead. I recommend grabbing the leather armor and leaving that floor as soon as possible. (If I'm not mistaken, the penalty to magic is the equal to the penalty to EV. Leather armor doesn't give that much of a penalty.)

Sign me up for the next free turn.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 5, Patchouli: 0
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2009, 01:43:04 PM »
I think you forgot Wrathie and me, since we all asked before Sylon's asked to play another go
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 01:48:39 PM by Totaku »
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 5, Patchouli: 0
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2009, 01:58:27 PM »
count me out. sch.

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2

The Astral Pancake

  • Lurker McLurkington
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 5, Patchouli: 0
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2009, 11:07:08 PM »
[18:32]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Well let's start
[18:33]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   This is The Astral Pancake
[18:33]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Joining me are...
[18:33]   <Ramus>   Ramus and...
[18:34]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Wake up Xan before I strangle him through standard TCP/IP connections
[18:34]   <Xan>   Sorry.
[18:34]   <Xan>   Here's Xan
[18:34]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   When we last left off, some asshole left a shit load of ghosts running around the dungeon
[18:35]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Isn't that right Totaku?
[18:35]   <Xan>   Silly Totaku and his ghosts.
[18:35]   <Ramus>   Eh...
[18:35]   <Ramus>   Yeah.
[18:35]   <Ramus>   Let's just try not to die, right?

[18:35]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Anyways, I still wondered why we didn't ID the wands
[18:36]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   It would have been useful to have a wand of fireball, yes?
[18:36]   <Ramus>   Always.
[18:36]   <Ramus>   Is that even a question?
[18:36]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Rhetorical
[18:36]   <Ramus>   Right.

[18:36]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Okay, Fire and Magic Dart
[18:36]   <Xan>   Because I already said what they were.
[18:36]   <Xan>   ...
[18:37]   <Ramus>   Xan!
[18:37]   <Ramus>   That's save scumming!
[18:37]   <Xan>   Yes?
[18:37]   <Ramus>   How dare you
[18:37]   <Xan>   Hush.
[18:37]   <Ramus>   Eh, whatever.
[18:37]   <Xan>   And you've done it too.
[18:37]   <pesco47>   Is this supposed to be your commentary log?
[18:37]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Hey, I was the one that dissected Totaku's ghost
[18:37]   <Xan>   Good job.
[18:38]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Getting aside from the point, let's actually start moving
[18:38]   <Xan>   Yes
[18:38]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   To the Dungeon!
[18:38]   <Xan>   TO THE DUNGEON!
[18:38]   <Ramus>   To the...
[18:38]   <Totaku>   Whateverok
[18:38]   <pesco47>   Toilet?
[18:38]   <Totaku>   I'm back
[18:39]   <Ramus>   Geh, this won't work.
[18:39]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   TOTAKU YOU SON OF A BITCH
[18:39]   <Ramus>   Pancake, just work with Xan.
[18:39]   <Totaku>   What happened Pancake?
[18:39]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Nothing
[18:40]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   I was joking around, now I wish a horrible painful death upon you
[18:40]   <Totaku>   I'm waiting to hear your fate
[18:40]   <Totaku>   muahahahah!!!!

[18:40]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Wow, a room full of orcs? Whatever shall I do?
[18:41]   <Totaku>   And while I'm at I'll will continue my reaver dwarf production plant
[18:41]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Totaku, I hate you so much
[18:41]   <Xan>   Sure.
[18:41]   <Xan>   Yeah.
[18:41]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   The answer to a room full of orcs is pumping full of toxic gases
[18:41]   <Xan>   Yeah.
[18:42]   <pesco47>   Throw in a female orc!
[18:42]   <Totaku>   good thinking
[18:42]   <Xan>   Is this floor 8?
[18:42]   <Ramus>   Female orcs don't exist.
[18:42]   <Xan>   Cause that's where the ghost spawns.
[18:42]   <pesco47>   PHB2 begs to differ
[18:42]   <Xan>   And they do exist in ADOM
[18:43]   <Xan>   Pancake?
[18:43]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Okay, I turned off training for all magic skills except for Conjurations and Spellcasting

[18:43]   <Xan>   Not even fire magic?
[18:44]   <Ramus>   We need fire magic.
[18:44]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Okay, fire magic but none of the others
[18:44]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Also the orc room has been invaded by Cloudkill

[18:45]   <Xan>   CLOUDKILL!
[18:45]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Moving along
[18:45]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Oh joy
[18:45]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Wandering Mushrooms

[18:46]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   These guys usually appear with a specific Lair entrance or Vault
[18:46]   <Totaku>   They're in the dungeon
[18:46]   <pesco47>   Or they just appear wherever they feel like
[18:46]   <pesco47>   Cause they're wandering you know
[18:46]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   These enemies actually follow you but outside of your field of vision
[18:47]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   They are a pain in the ass if you forget that one is following you
[18:47]   <Xan>   Don't they all do that if they know you're nearby?
[18:47]   <Ramus>   Really?
[18:47]   <Ramus>   I never knew that.
[18:47]   <Ramus>   I just run up and smack it around and move on.
[18:47]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   However they are about as dangerous as a sack of kittens when you can see them
[18:47]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   In other words, free EXP
[18:47]   <Ramus>   So wait, how are they dangerous again?
[18:47]   <Xan>   I dunno, sacks of kittens are pretty deadly...
[18:48]   <Ramus>   I don't care if cats can murder in e3 of D&D, I fail to see how 'Shrooms are dangerous.
[18:48]   <pesco47>   Ever had Shrroms Ramus?
[18:48]   <pesco47>   Shrooms*
[18:48]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   They deal somewhat high damage for the level that we are at
[18:49]   <Xan>   But do they make the screen trip out?
[18:50]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   No
[18:50]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   It's dead, yay for EXP

[18:50]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Moving on
[18:50]   <Xan>   hooray.jpg
[18:50]   <Totaku>   No ghosty yet?
[18:51]   <Totaku>   You must be lucky?
[18:51]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   No ghost
[18:51]   <Totaku>   lucky you
[18:51]   <Xan>   Did you use the bone files?
[18:51]   <Ramus>   No images yet?
[18:52]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Ahaha, gnoll thinks that throwing nets are useful against mages

[18:52]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Also I'm taking pics as I go
[18:53]   <Xan>   Gnolls are not known for their inteligence.
[18:54]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Isn't it sad that once you get poison resist, contaminated meat is
actually safer?

[18:54]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Wait
[18:54]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   No ghost?
[18:54]   <Ramus>   Did you put the bone files in?
[18:55]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Yes
[18:55]   <Ramus>   Lucky so far then.
[18:55]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Oh well, Totaku probably has more bullshit in store for us...
[18:55]   <Ramus>   Always.
[18:56]   <Totaku>   Everyone know I'm good at making a challege hard. :P
[18:56]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Why are we carrying a potion of poison?
[18:56]   <Ramus>   Good question.
[18:56]   <Ramus>   We don't have evaporate, right?
[18:56]   <Ramus>   Dump it.
[18:56]   <Totaku>   I was wonder if we going to learn that spell where we thorw those potions
[18:56]   <Xan>   Because we needed another way to die.
[18:56]   <Totaku>   Yeah evapotate
[18:57]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   You mean awkwardly throw it.

[18:57]   <Ramus>   No.
[18:57]   <pesco47>   Don't you know all the bottles in Crawl are plastic?
[18:57]   <Ramus>   You use evaporate and then throw it for an area attack.
[18:57]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Don't we have spells for that?
[18:58]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Poison isn't even that useful late-game
[18:58]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Before me and the rest of the group start arguing, floor 9!
[18:59]   <pesco47>   Not all potions evaporate into poison
[18:59]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Did someone suicide a character named Cirno on floor 9?
[18:59]   <Xan>   Possibly
[18:59]   <Ramus>   Why?
[18:59]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Because if they did I'm going to kill them
[18:59]   <Ramus>   Did you see a ghost named Cirno?
[18:59]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Not yet
[18:59]   <Ramus>   Okay.
[18:59]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   I suspect Totaku
[18:59]   <Xan>   Then why are you asking?
[18:59]   <Ramus>   I'll put that on my to do list.

[18:59]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Oh fuck
[18:59]   <Ramus>   Cirno, level nine ice elementalist to die on floor 9.
[18:59]   <Totaku>   Nope I didn't do a Cirno
[19:00]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Shit
[19:00]   <Ramus>   What?
[19:00]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Not one of these levels
[19:00]   <Xan>   Mini-vault?
[19:00]   <Xan>   Or something?
[19:00]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   The ones without any walls and are filled with pools of water with Electric Eels
[19:01]   <Xan>   Oh jeeze.
[19:01]   <Xan>   That's GAY!
[19:01]   <Ramus>   Sucks for wizards.
[19:01]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Of course they somehow stayed asleep as I lit them on fire
[19:01]   <Ramus>   I'd suggest just moving on.
[19:01]   <Ramus>   Wat.
[19:01]   <Ramus>   Hey, steam cooked eel.
[19:01]   <Ramus>   Can I have some?
[19:02]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   No
[19:02]   <Ramus>   :(
[19:02]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Fortunately throw flame deals extra damage to them
[19:02]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   And I run into Pysche

[19:02]   <Xan>   Who?
[19:03]   <Ramus>   Ghost, I assume.
[19:03]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   A unique who just fumbled around with her knife as I clouded her

[19:03]   <Xan>   XD
[19:03]   <Ramus>   Lame.
[19:03]   <Ramus>   Never seen her before.
[19:04]   <Ramus>   Be sure to get an image if you can.

I forgot we leveled up.

[19:04]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   I did
[19:04]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Electric Eels can now be killed in one hit
[19:04]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Joy
[19:05]   <Xan>   Yay.
[19:05]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Oh look, a hill giant

[19:05]   <Ramus>   Oh dear.
[19:05]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   MEPHITIC CLOUD

[19:05]   <Ramus>   Physical brute.
[19:05]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Now several times more well done

[19:06]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   I would like to use this opportunity to say fuck you to Crawl
[19:07]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   What is with the branded Dwarven Shield I could have used a few games ago?

[19:07]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Turns until Iguana falls into water

[19:08]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Nevermind, I forgot you can't drown in shallow water
[19:08]   <Xan>   3
[19:08]   <Xan>   Lulz.
[19:09]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   ARTEFACT ROBE

[19:09]   <Xan>   Yay!
[19:09]   <Ramus>   YES
[19:09]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Not that good
[19:09]   <Ramus>   What be it?
[19:09]   <Ramus>   :(
[19:09]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Only a plus 4 to DEX
[19:09]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   No AC boost
[19:10]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   I feel sad now
[19:10]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Let's take the anger out on something else
[19:10]   <Xan>   Yes.
[19:11]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   NEW BOOK

[19:11]   <Xan>   What is it?
[19:11]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   The book of Ice

[19:11]   <Xan>   HECK YEAH!
[19:11]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   We aren't even trained in Ice
[19:11]   <Xan>   More fire would be nice, but Ice will do...
[19:12]   <Ramus>   No.
[19:12]   <Ramus>   We need ice.
[19:12]   <Xan>   True, but it's useful.
[19:12]   <Ramus>   Elemental competence and stuff.
[19:12]   <Xan>   Yes.
[19:12]   <Ramus>   Besides, it isn't Patch if we aren't using every element.
[19:12]   <Ramus>   Throw Ice, please.
[19:13]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Okay, that is way too many yaks

[19:13]   <Xan>   Uh, that's bad, isn't it?
[19:13]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Badass Blink
[19:13]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Next floor

[19:14]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Should we learn Bolt of Cold?
[19:14]   <Xan>   Sure.
[19:14]   <pesco47>   Learn Blizzard
[19:14]   <pesco47>   Or is it too high level for us?
[19:14]   <Xan>   Probably.
[19:14]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   It isn't in the book
[19:15]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   I'm getting Bolt of Cold
[19:15]   <Xan>   Okay!
[19:15]   <Xan>   Now we have something to use against fire stuff.
[19:16]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   I'm only worried about spell hunger now
[19:16]   <Xan>   Well, then turn off everything except Spellcasting.
[19:16]   <Ramus>   Eh, no.
[19:16]   <Ramus>   We need ice magic up.
[19:17]   <Xan>   We don't have it yet,
[19:17]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   We can barely cast it
[19:17]   <Xan>   So it should auto-train, yes?
[19:17]   <Ramus>   Besides, the more you cast a spell, the less it costs for you.
[19:17]   <Totaku>   We should just cast it till we learn it
[19:17]   <Ramus>   As far as food goes anyway.
[19:17]   <Totaku>   seriously
[19:17]   <Totaku>   That's how it works
[19:17]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Also I ID'd Recharge Wand, Teleport and MOTHERFUCKING EXPLOSION IN A SCROLL
[19:18]   <Xan>   Jeeze.
[19:18]   <Xan>   Explosion in a scroll?
[19:18]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Woops
[19:18]   <pesco47>   Emo scroll
[19:18]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   That was bad
[19:18]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Potion of degeneration
[19:19]   <Ramus>   Very bad.
[19:19]   <Ramus>   What dropped?
[19:19]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Our INT dropped, and went back up within 5 turns
[19:19]   <Xan>   Yay!
[19:20]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Then a Quasit lowered our DEX
[19:20]   <Ramus>   Heh.
[19:20]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   And we found an amulet of inaccuracy
[19:20]   <Ramus>   It's an easy demon to kill.
[19:22]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Narrowly avoided death there
[19:22]   <Xan>   From what?
[19:22]   <pesco47>   Picked up a handaxe od Joyful Slaughter
[19:23]   <pesco47>   Putting the laughter in slaughter
[19:23]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   There were a few ogres and hippogriffs
[19:23]   <Xan>   Ah.
[19:23]   <Xan>   Nasty.
[19:24]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Our STR went down due to illness
[19:24]   <Ramus>   Not a problem.
[19:24]   <Ramus>   Patch is actually quite strong for a deep elf wizard this time.
[19:24]   <Ramus>   No dying to gravity.
[19:24]   <Xan>   Yeah.
[19:25]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Invisible Orc Mage, what shall I do?

[19:25]   <Ramus>   Run.
[19:26]   <Ramus>   If that thing melees you, you're screwed.
[19:26]   <Ramus>   Or find a hallways and hope it follows.
[19:26]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Actually the correct answer is remember it's old position and cloud it

[19:26]   <Ramus>   Eh.
[19:27]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Found a ring of levitation
[19:27]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   I find it odd that we haven't encountered any ghosts
[19:28]   <Ramus>   Sure those bone files are in the saves?
[19:28]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Stuff like bones.06a?
[19:29]   <Ramus>   That should be it.
[19:30]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Off to floor 11

[19:31]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Okay, too many enemies
[19:31]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Time to stairdance
[19:32]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Pwhahaha
[19:32]   <Xan>   Go for it!
[19:32]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   woobwoobwoobwoobwoobwoobwoobwoobwoobwoobwoobwoob

[19:32]   <Xan>   What are you, a stooge?
[19:32]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   I'm in your base Mephitic Clouding your allies and stealing your books
[19:33]   <Xan>   Isn't that more Marisa's thing?
[19:33]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   We got a book of Charms

[19:33]   <Xan>   They're after me lucky charms!
[19:34]   <Ramus>   Marisa just goes for super power laser and kills all mooks in the vacinity.
[19:34]   <Ramus>   And runs before bosses can show up.
[19:34]   <Xan>   Right.
[19:34]   <Xan>   And Alice just Zerg Rushes dolls.
[19:35]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   I dodge past a group of orcs and killer bees
[19:35]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   More Uniques
[19:35]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Oh, I hit 5000 turns
[19:35]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Do you guys mind if I kill this guy first?

[19:35]   <Xan>   Sure.
[19:35]   <Xan>   As long as you don't go to 6000
[19:36]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   DONALD VS THE CLOUD!?

[19:36]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   WHO SHALL WIN?
[19:36]   <Ramus>   Donald?
[19:36]   <Ramus>   Don't think I've met him either.
[19:37]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   We win
[19:37]   <Xan>   Good job.
[19:37]   <Totaku>   He's a wimp

[19:37]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   HE WAS WEARING A ROBE OF RESISTANCE
[19:37]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   YES
[19:38]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   RESIST TO BOTH FIRE AND ICE

[19:38]   <Ramus>   Wait for it...
[19:38]   <Ramus>   Whatever, onto Suika now.
[19:39]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Now that this round is over with, I'm going to hang back on the previous floor

[19:39]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Just so nothing stupid happens
[19:39]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   So until next time, this has been the IRC group!
[19:39]   <Totaku>   Guess that means I call Patchouli
[19:40]   <Ramus>   With too many guest commentaitors.
[19:40]   <The_Astral_Pancake>   Any last words?
[19:40]   <Ramus>   SUIKA!
[19:40]   <Ramus>   RIP AND TEAR!


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 5, Patchouli: 0
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2009, 10:06:43 PM »
Okay, time to get this started.  Sorry for the delay, I had an LP to take care of as well as homework and I failed in several attmepts to get the video working so I'm just doing screenshot for now.

<Ramus> Oy!  This is Ramus.
<Xan> And this is Xan
<Ramus> And we're here to play Crawl.
<Xan> Yeah.
<Ramus> And by we, I mean me while he just tells me what I do wrong.
<Ramus> Okay, so new game.
<Ramus> We'll be playing as Suika for a change.
<Xan> This time, we go for RIP AND TEAR!
<Ramus> Cause to put it bluntly, Patch sucks.
<Xan> Well, more of: we suck with Patch.
<Xan> Pancake might disagree.
<Ramus> Bah.
<Ramus> I'll take him on in a debate later about Warriors VS Wizards.
<Xan> Fine.
<Xan> It'll be ammusing.
<Ramus> First view of the game.
<Ramus> As you'll notice, Suika is 8-bit.
<Xan> And Suika is dawwwwww
<Ramus> This is mainly because I couldn't find any good image of her to shrink down.
<Ramus> But whatever, she looks awesome.
<Ramus> Starting stats:
<Ramus> HP: 16
<Ramus> MP is a whomping 0.
<Ramus> Str 18
<Ramus> Int 7
<Ramus> Dex 11
<Ramus> AC 7, EV 7, SH 7.
<Xan> Probably the most rounded stats you can get out of a Dwarf FIGHT-TAR!
<Ramus> I'm fine with that.
<Ramus> This way we can't be auto-killed by walking into an orange statue.
<Ramus> I believe anyway.
<Xan> Well, one more int and we can't get killed.
<Ramus> I've only encountered them twice.
<Ramus> First time killed my minotaur fighter.
<Ramus> Second time I just ran with my wizard.
<Ramus> Onto the main game.
<Xan> Yeah.
<Ramus> First kill is to the right of the previous screenshot.
<Ramus> That's right, Suika killed a gecko with ease.
<Xan> That's not all she can do.
<Ramus> She can also kill a small snake!
<Ramus> Kill count: 2
<Xan> She should be capable of killing Sigmund at level 3.
<Xan> Easily.
<Xan> Assuming she doesn't get confused.
<Ramus> Kill count: 43
<Ramus> Ah!
<Ramus> Just 4.
<Xan> We wish it was 43.
<Ramus> Though have a kill count that high in under 100 turns would be awesome.
<Ramus> Right, one last thing.
<Ramus> Suika uses maces for this run.
<Ramus> It's fits her since she has a blunt weapon anyway.
<Xan> Indeed.
<Ramus> That and the people on IRC are paranoid about Hydras.
<Xan> Yeah.
<Ramus> Weren't you one of them?
<Ramus> 5
<Ramus> 6
<Xan> No.
<Xan> It was pancake.
<Xan> I don't even get that far most of the time.
<Ramus> OH SHI-
<Xan> >_>
<Xan> What, Gnolls?
<Ramus> No, no.
<Ramus> First floor and I get a mini vault.
<Xan> Niiiiice.
<Xan> Damn.
<Ramus> Darn you Crawl!  You've tricked me yet again!
<Ramus> Found potion of water though.
<Ramus> Woopie?
<Xan> Ah well, remove curse isn't hard to find...
<Ramus> 7
<Ramus> 8
<Ramus> Level 2 and kill count is 10
<Ramus> Hobogoblin!
<Ramus> 25 HP now.
<Ramus> SH is at 7.
<Xan> Yes!
<Ramus> And we've gotten a whomping 1 MP.
<Xan> MP isn't going to be increasing much.
<Xan> But, we aren't going to be using it.
<Ramus> Okay I'm beginning to think this thing is very, very inaccurate.
<Xan> The spear?
<Ramus> I'm killing faster with it BUT I CAN'T HIT!
<Ramus> Yes.
<Xan> It's innacurate because we have shit dex.
<Xan> And guess what, it's dex reliant.
<Xan> And we also don't have any ranks in spear
<Xan> *polearm
<Ramus> RAGE
<Ramus> It's also runed.
<Ramus> And cursed.
<Ramus> So I'm assuming the stats suck.
<Xan> Yeah.
<Xan> Well, just use the scroll roulette.
<Ramus> Not yet.
<Ramus> I need to find a good piece of armor.
<Xan> Yeah.
<Xan> Well, if we're really lucky, Gold Dragon hide.
<Ramus> Okay, missing a hobogoblin 8 times in a row is definitely not Suika fighting poorly.
<Ramus> And now it won't come, thank you Xan!
<Xan> Sorry.
<Ramus> Potion of degeneration.
<Ramus> We just got stupider by about two points.
<Xan> FUCK!
<Ramus> Okay, screw it, scroll roulette!
<Xan> Yeah, really.
<Ramus> Yeap, -3, -1 Spear.
<Ramus> Accuracy in is the dumps.
<Ramus> Attack isn't too bad.
<Xan> Jeeeze.
<Xan> Ditch it ASAP.
<Ramus> Scroll of remove curse.
<Xan> Yeah.
<Xan> Get rid of the spear.
<Ramus> I finally hit stuff again.
<Xan> Yay!
<Ramus> And not too soon, I've been needing a weapon to chop copses up again.
<Xan> That should never have been an issue, but YAY!
<Xan> Make sure it isn't cursed
<Ramus> It isn't.
<Ramus> Mace attack up.
<Xan> Okay, good.
<Xan> YES!
<Ramus> Not much going on in floor 2.
<Ramus> I've completed it though.
<Ramus> And here's the only thing remotely interesting...
<Xan> Well, that's not neccesarilly a bad thing.
<Ramus> First Gnoll of the game.
<Ramus> That halberd shall be MINE!
<Ramus> Ha ha ha!
<Ramus> Oh hey, another.
<Xan> Well, Gnolls are only a problem at level 1
<Ramus> LEVEL UP
<Ramus> Str up.
<Ramus> HP 30
<Xan> YES!
<Ramus> And another.
<Ramus> I think they have a camp behind this door or something.
<Xan> Gnolls rarely are alone.
<Xan> there's always like 3 of them
<Xan> or 4
<Xan> Sometimes there's a fortress with a moat and a bunch of the damn things.
<Ramus> Oh lol
<Ramus> Some gnoll just threw my cursed spear at me.
<Xan> XD.
<Ramus> Your flail is mine.
<Xan> Wait, he threw it, or tried to throw?
<Ramus> We're upgrading to flail.
<Ramus> He missed.
<Xan> Yay, flail.
<Xan> Is it dwarven?
<Xan> I wish it was dwarven.
<Ramus> Just a plain old flail.
<Ramus> Regardless, level will go up faster with this.
<Xan> Yes.
<Ramus> Jessica and she is moving quickly.
<Ramus> Guess what I'm going to do with a spell caster a large distance away from me?
<Ramus> Come on, it's not hard.
<Xan> Kill her?
<Ramus> WRONG
<Ramus> She'll kill me before I get close.
<Ramus> Instead:
<Xan> Oh, right, that.
<Ramus> By the time that image uploaded, she was dead.
<Xan> I see you got behind a wall.
<Ramus> Level 4.
<Ramus> Str up.
<Ramus> HP 37
<Ramus> And MP is finally 2.
<Xan> hooray.jpg
<Ramus> Gnoll rush.
<Ramus> CRAP
<Xan> Watch as Suika squishes them al-
<Ramus> Scroll of fear to make the rest go ahead.
<Xan> I did.
<Ramus> But this jerk is brave.
<Ramus> He has a special weapon.
<Xan> He's a douche.
<Xan> But we want that flail.
<Ramus> And that mace is MINE
<Xan> YES! YES!!!
<Ramus> Potion of mutation.
<Ramus> I lost 1 str but now I blink and have fire resistance.
<Ramus> Fair trade off.
<Xan> Yes.
<Xan> By blink, I hope you don't mean random teleport.
<Xan> Because that sucks.
<Ramus> WTF?!
<Ramus> Unarmed Gnoll had a wand of smite?
<Ramus> Game over  >_O
<Xan> >_<
<Xan> Smite sucks.
<Xan> Goddamnit.
<Ramus> Just a thought:
<Ramus> Or two actually.
<Ramus> 1. Have you ever gotten your hands on that lengendary wand of smite?
<Xan> No.
<Ramus> 2. Crawl hates me for this relay.

So let's see, kill history...
Died to an electric dart on floor 1.  It was a OHKO.
Died to a steam dragon on some floor.  It was a OHKO.
Died to wand of smite.  It was two hits but I was in a hallway.

File to come soon.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 5, Patchouli: 0
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2009, 10:20:39 PM »

Anyway, Totaku, you're next, right?  Beware of running into a Ramus ghost.  He's been running around with a +4, +5 spear that returns to his hands when he throws it.

I'm going to take a break from this relay run.  At least for a short while.


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 5, Patchouli: 0
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2009, 11:14:14 PM »
Suika manages to be infinitely more moe than Patch.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 5, Patchouli: 0
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2009, 12:04:22 AM »
I believe there's an 8-bit Patch.  And a whole slew them in general:

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 5, Patchouli: 0
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2009, 02:50:20 AM »
I'll sign up for controlling Suika.

EDIT: Here's my bones files. Not a threat to Patchouli, but possibly to Suika.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 03:56:12 AM by Xan »
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.

You can just use a wand or a flame-branded weapon to kill hydras. Flaming weapons cauterize their heads so they can't grow back.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 5, Patchouli: 0
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2009, 02:02:52 PM »
Ok I've just completed my run of crawl! And boy this adventure could only be described as both epic and terrifying...

Picking up where Astral left off....

PAtchouli was down on the 10th floor, she realized that maybe the Lair was worth a visit. So she picked up a pair of elven gloves and she proceeded up the nearest set of stairs where in the end she confronted 2 Yaks at the moment she arrived on the 9th floor.

Thankfully with her quick thinking she managed to out thing the yaks by blinking and then gassing them.

From there she launched a few flames and thus burning the large bellowing beasts to a crisp.

She then proceed to the stairs and went up to the 8th floor which she returned to where the mushrooms surrounded the entrance to the lair...

She sliced through the mushrooms till she could make an opening which she could enter into and proceed down into the land of beasts known by all as "The Lair"...

She picked up the unknown potion and ventured through till she spoted a grey rat. She though it would be a good time to test her new wand on the rat and when she waved it against the sleeping grey rat....

It turned into a human!

The human turns to fight Patchy, but she put the human to waste very shortly with her flames as she continued forward....

She eventually spotted a strange lantern that caught her interest.

What could this lantern be? And could be of use? Patchouli grabs the lantern and decided to light it.

Suddenly the world around Patchouli looks different ans shadows begin to flicker off the walls, but the real surprise would come as she travled while she held her lamp...

While it was hard to see at first, when she removed the lamp from her hand she could see that her own shadow had come to life! This could prove to be useful in the right situation if her shadow comes to life as it could aid her in combat.

She turned a corner and confronted a brown snake. A more dangerous version of the regular snake as it's known to be slightly quicker and it's bites can hurt more than a regular snake...

However thanks to her talents to flamed the snakes and let her shadow finish the serpent off..

She also then confronted a giant centipede, a fragile bug that while not strong posesses powerful venom, but once again, thanks to her robe the bug was reduced to being nothing more than a speck of dirt to Patchouli's eyes, thus the flamed the centipede to it's end....

Her adventure would continue to prove that the lair was filled with all sort of bizzare facinating creatures ranging from giant slugs and snails....

Giant Brown Frogs, a more agressive version of the giant frog.....

And even chased by Giant Lizards and Gila Monsters....

But did this put an end to her adventure?

Nope for all she need to do was blink and flame these creatures...

From her fighting she eventually became better as she reached level 11!

Patchouli then came across a ring, she picked it up and tried it, but couldn't do anything with it so that was when she decided to examine it.

She this cover that the ring was a....

A powerful ring that can protect the wearer the pain and effects of draining moves to a certain extent.

But the scroll had more power... so she examined her potion she collected....

It turned out to be...

A potion that can be either promising or problematic as it often mutates a person giving them unique properties that can either benifit, or give someone as disadvantage when consumed....

And the scroll had more she decided to look at her scroll and sae that it was a scroll of weapons enchantment I. Useful for having better accurate attacks with the weapon one wields.

Patchy continues to explore as she runs into an Orc. What could a creature like him be doing in the Lair anyways? No one knows, but he was burnt before he even noticed Patch...

But her adventure would be filled with more challenges as she ended up running into a her of Yaks!

The beasts took noticed and changed of her and charged at her she use her gas cloud to confuse them and then chased flamed them, but she couldn't take all of them down as she was exhausted and several still came after her... so did she do?

Why she shut the door to keep the beasts out while relaxing in a small room.

Once she regained her stregnth, she laid waste to the beasts and burned them all along with a few rodents in the process. This was when Patchouli found a scroll...

She took a look at it and she couldn't belive what she had obtained...

A scroll of Aquirement!

A scroll that blesses those with an item of thier choosing.

"Perhaps another book to add in the library...."

Upon her wished she obtained a powerful and useful book...

A book of Conjuration [Fire]!

With this, Patchouli could perfect her fire magic and thus decided to study Fireball!

Now she could lay to waste creatures in a group by creating firey explosions and with Mima's support the risks of her magic were not to be feared...

But that was not all to that adventure as she traveled onward she came across a strange room, she opened the door and found a Necromancer and some Sircarium of various mammals.

With her new fireball magic she put the Necromancer and his icey creations to rest before they could even lay a finger on her.

This was when Patchouli went inside the Necromancer's room and she spoted a door the lead to another room... what could be in that room? Treasue? Books? She opens the door and finds...

Sricaruiums of various mammals... again!

Nothing Patchouli couldn't melt away though as she obtained alot of fire magic. It was when she eleminated these creatation that she heard a voice...

"Your studies have come along quite well pupil, take this book with you. You may find it useful."

At her feet stood a book which Patchouli opened and to her amazement, PAtchouli was bless by Mima with a book with powerful magic....

The Book of the Tempest! A powerful book of magic that pocesses great magical power! With the greatest spell being Shatter a powerful Earth elemental spell.

"This could be quite useful"

Patcholi takes the book and ventures onward...

She battles tons of green rats (slightly tougher rats when in packs, but are still very weak, plus poisonus meat, not that Patchy needs to worry about that.)

A vicious wolf...(Fast and quick creatures, can attack alot too, but can be taken down easily if you successfully hit it.)

Eventually Patchouli ventured down to the 3rd floor of the Lair, at first she just ran into a few yaks, but when she gotten through the area she realized it was rather small and seemed to pocessed very will to it... however, she found a shop.

Inside the shop she found out that it selled wands.

Not much to pick from though... however she decided to but the wand of draining and paralysis as they will aid her in battle. She dumpped her wand of flame and magic dart want near the shop as the weight of the equipment was starting to get to Patchouli....

PAtchouli then decided return back upstairs and went to another flight of stairs, the weight of her items were still bothering her so she dumped her book of flame by the stairs. Before she went down.

It was here where Patchouli's greatest challenge would come...

At first it was simple, a few snakes, and mice... she even found a stairway leading to the Snake Pit, a lair filled with untold horrors and serpents.

But this was when her peaceful trip would become violent as she discovered water nearby which  turned out to be a path leading to gathering of Centuars worshiping Malkelb. They turn and begin to fire thier arrow at Patchy as she makes her escape!

However the centuars catch up and she tried to turn them, but more keep coming! Eventually a greater threat appeared before her....Blink Frogs!

Blink frogs may look like ordinary frogs but are far the most dangerous of the frog group as they come in groups and hit hard and to top it, off blink into random locations.

Patchouli had no choice but to gas the centuars and frogs to pull a hasty retreat!

She bearly survived as she managed to climb up to the second floor where she would regain her strength. She ate a piece a bread and wait until she felt better before returning down stairs to fight off the rest of the creatures.

About 2 brakes later all 5 centuars and 4 blink frogs were burned an eleminated.

Patchouli decide to look around the place and she discovered another unknown scroll.

Upon examining it, something hidious appeared before her!

It was an anbomination, and a friendly one too... This could prove to be a worthy ally for Patcholi while it was around. So she took the thing with her...

She then came across another set of stairs that lead to the Swamps, a dangerous marshy place full of many creatures that man would fear to face and a toxic like atmosphere making it hard to breath in....

Eventually she finished her exploring and decided to return to check out those two areas later so she went down to the 4th floor.

The floor was very open with lots of water and who know what may appear before her. Patchouli had to prepare for the worst..

Her abamination vanished and it was just then, a Hippogriff appeared before her!

These creatures are sightly fast, but are most dangerous to face in direct combat in Patchouli's case as they will claw and rip her apart. So what she do against it?

Fireball it of course! The creature was burnt to a crisp and Patchouli decided to return back to the stairs and rest up beside them incase she had to face more creatures like it....

This thus ends my run for Patchouli in Crawl!

Sign me up for another round!

Patchouli and Suika File and I added some bones for you. (hahahaha):P

Your go Anathe! Here's the file with Xan's bones. If you server doesn't complete the request keep retrying till it does.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 02:27:57 PM by Totaku »
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 7, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2009, 06:24:40 AM »


I dropped the sling, blowgun, robe of fire resistance, lantern and 3 scrolls of remove curse. (Lair 4)

Going up...

Grabbed a staff of cold. It'll come in useful later when we start learning ice spells, since ice spells really help in the late game.

I turned off fire magic. Spellcasting is the way to go, and a high spellcasting skill would give you a decent chance to cast just about any spell.

Made a stash of items and scrolls on Lair 1.

Memorized Animate Dead. We need some meatshields if we hope to survive.

Heading back down...


'Tis a spiny frog. They can do quite a bit of damage and kill you if you're not careful. Oh, and they're immune to poison, so Mephitic Cloud is out.

Slew it and shortly after came across...

A komodo dragon.

These have a nasty diseased bite which would probably drop our stats if we don't treat it.

Necromancy has its perks. It's not a real dragon, mind, but it's still good.

After grabbing a few more corpses, Patchouli falls through a shaft!

Getting a little encumbered, so I wield-identify some of the items to get rid of useless ones-

Handy. Though not entirely useful.

Found a book of necromancy, but we already had one so I left it.

Wand stores seem to be in abundance today.

Leveled up. I increased Strength, to avoid an orange statue-instakill.


A griffon! I've never seen one.

It did a bit of damage. Moved behind a meatshied and fled... And it disappeared. Just like that. No exp message, my meatshields were still intact. Just poof.

I would have liked to add it to our corpse collection, too.

I come across a grey disc and pick it up. Knowing these things...

That's nice. (Note that there are two such discs on this floor.) Unfortunately, you need a high air magic skill to reliably use this.

After some fighting and non-eventful item aquisition, I head back up to add to the stash on Lair 1.

Going down, I killed a giant iguna and got this:

Detect Creatures is useful, so I got that.

Moving on...

Most excellent.

Nearly died to a black snake when Patchouli ran out of mana. Had to quaff three heal wound and a potion of speed to escape.

And on that note, I'll stop my turn at 24484 turns.


Patchouli ran out of magic on several occasions. This is highly worrying, as it may result in death down the line. We should consider either training Patchouli in Short Blades and Fighting, or training Invocations to use Sif Muna's magic restoration ability effectively.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 7, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2009, 10:53:15 AM »
About that.  Wizards are not meant to be played on the move.  They're skinny little pricks that don't exercise so they do need to stand around for a while every few minutes to regain HP, and more importantly, MP.

This may mean getting less done or having to eat more, but it also means a reliable amount of MP at any given time.

Warriors and assassins and other such physical classes don't need to do this as they don't use MP. Also, Patch trained in weaponry?  Even in emergencies, she not what you could call... competent.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 7, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2009, 11:32:31 AM »
Rest more often. No need to pay in blood for what comes for free.


  • soujiko x yousuke is my otp
  • I will repeat it, in RED
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 8, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2009, 01:08:25 PM »
ouch, i died lol but here's the commentary.
Take Sylon's save btw.

a few tips from me on what to do.

if you go down the stairs, two wild dogs are around with 2 grey rats.
Wait for it and kill the three with a single Fireball ^^ u doubt me, look at the screenies for how i did it >3

A blacksnake is around, kill it with Frost, it works wonders >3
if you see a Giantslug. put a flame in front of it
retreat and see it catch fire, freeze it for an instant dried slug.
Death Yaks will charge through fire so the same tech might work ^^

So yea, the commentary


1. Got down, retreated to the wall and with  a single hit...

3 Kills. Yay!

Patchouli dispatched the Snakes and the Wolfs slowly.. and steadily before realizing Ice is lethal to them..... Patchey took out a firedrake with Ice with one shot, but after the Firedrake took out a few of the Dogs with it.

Met a slug..

it killed itself there..

Slugs are evil.

Herd of Evil yaks... awesome.
I set a fire to stop them and Spewed Evil Noxious Gas... but i didn't expect them to charge forward like crazy to get at me.

It was a close call but i took out 5 of them by retreating back.
and I met with a Blacksnake that i dispatched with a Single Frost spell ^^

Yep so here's a NEW crystal, didn't take it for fear of exploding in my face...

Well you look at that, a Thorn frog... how cute... Frosted.

A new Floor here... i dispatched a Yak before i spotted a brownsnake rearing it's ugly head. I retreated fast but spammed the wrong skill for rats... awesome...

But i took out the brown snake with an off target Fireball ^^, i targeted it 1 square beside it and BAM.. Bye bye snake.

I tried going to the pits but the Slime spat acid a turn after i tried to get out of the pits.
A green rat was valiantly killed in the exchange..

A random screenshot but if u notice the map i scramed out of another area as it was populared with DeathYaks and blacksnakes.

Next Floor..
A Blink Frog... a good sign?

... nope.. a hydra came out... i blinked out immediately.. knowing that there was another blinkfrog and a slug at the other entrance. Normally i could take care of it but with so many threats...

I took a Blinkfrog Zombie with me just for safety, it was caught napping with a frost blast.

I took out another Elephant Slug, was going after a Blink Frog when suddenly, i was attacked by a Spine Frog..
Darn, I was low on health, mp and options.
I retreated... and when i was cornered.. I busted a Scroll of Fog and in the confusion, which my blinkfrog zombie killed the blink frog and i escaped.

Most epic escape route i ever did but it was not to be...

while heading towards the stairs, the horned frog came after me..

stupidly i blasted it with fog instead of using Frost...


sign me up agian.. bahs, i'll be more careful next time.

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 8, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2009, 01:22:31 PM »
Stop dying with wands and scrolls of fear in stock damnit >:(


  • soujiko x yousuke is my otp
  • I will repeat it, in RED
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 8, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2009, 03:02:01 PM »
the next floor is already generated, Sylon scramed out so yea.

And pesco: the wand is not enough to save me when the draining won't kill it in one hit and it's in front of me.
The scroll i busted out a Fog Scroll and the teleport won't kick in fast enough.

I didn't depict the epic fight with a Blacksnake and a Deathyak death trap that i won with a draining wand and the implosion of Yak with a fireball skill.

That said, i request for Lightning to be learnt if any1 stumbles upon one. With that i will K.O 3 Hydras with a single spell.

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2


  • hoho
  • ... but I have promises to keep.
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 8, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2009, 03:28:46 PM »
Ahh... Would like to sign up on the queue for this if possible.

Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 8, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2009, 03:57:15 PM »
We do in fact have lightning in our stash on Lair 1, if my memory serves.

@Pesco and Ramus: Resting is good and all, but on occasion (Especially on those open levels) you may get swarmed by enemies. Having to cast Mephitic Cloud several times to keep them off your back before blasting them with spells to finish them off will drain your MP terribly.

Either way, it might be a good idea to make use of Sif Muna's MP restoration ability.

(Also, add me on the list)


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 8, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2009, 04:02:19 PM »
You could always go back up a level to rest.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 8, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2009, 07:05:14 PM »
Pesco speaks the truth.  Especially since if you're not on a floor in Crawl, the game freezes that floor as is, no activity happens, so nothing will change while you're up or down stairs.

Also, sign me up.  SUIKA GO!


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 8, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2009, 10:00:23 PM »
I feel like I have to help bail you guys out occasionally. :P But anyways I made some progress for you all.

I didn't cover much since the last two attempt explained the majority but I'll cover what I can.

Basiclly Patchouli's quest at this point is dangerous from the very start. As soon as she traveled down to the 8th floor of the lair she nearly faced her own death when she faced off against a few black snakes and War Dogs. Far more dagerous creatures that one faces within the layer...

She was lucky to survive. After several rests and careful planning with her fights, Patchouli returned down stairs and found a marble ring, she put it on, but couldn't tell what it did, so she went and use her scroll to identify it.

It was a Ring of Fire. A useful ring that can grant Patchouli more power with her fire and improve her fire defense, but it also weakens her resistance to ice.

She eventually confronted a herd of Death yaks, powerful evil beast that roam the lower ends of the lair. Patchouli was able to lay short work to them though by fireballing them.

And with thier corpses, she summoned them from the dead to become her loyal servants.

With powerful undead beasts on her side Patchouli could feel secure for a while as she continued her quest.

Her undead servants would prove to be very useful  as they took out many obsticals that stood among patchouli.

However at one point, Patchy had to face a large number of beast at one point on the floor. Did this mean trouble for her?

Luckly, no it didn't at all! Her spells took care of some but her highlight was definetely her fireball spell as it took out 4 of them in one blow!

Patchouli was victorious and she chopped up the hippogriff and made the rest of the corpses into undead followers.

After a short trip later Patchouli found the stairway to the Slime Pit on Floor 8. A place where dangerous acidic slime lives which can ruin your armor very quickly if enganged in close range. And there are lots of different types of slime that are rather threatening.

She decided it would be best to return at a later time and proceeded to the 9th floor.

At first all was easy as if there weren't may problems for her to face. She ran into an elephant slug along the way.

Not that it was dangerous or anything...

But what became the true problem on that floor were Death Yaks. The floor was swarming with them. And this made her adventure very difficult for her as she would be facing these creatures regularly. Having to fireball them constantly, hunger became an issue for her so she had to retreat and recover countless times to be able to stand up to the yaks that wait for her.

Eventually Patchouli was able to dispose of some of the yaks and a then a giant snail which lead her to become...

Level 13!

After eating some bread and recoving her magic she returned downstairs and met a very strange bug...

A Boulder Beetle, a very slow moving, but powerful creature, who also has a boat load of HP and Defense due to it's rock like body. But with PAtchouli's magic, she eventually weaken the beetle to the point that it ran and so she chased it and then finished it with her sword by poisoning it.

Many death yaks and blink frogs later....

Patchouli found some wands, one of them she tried and discovered that it was a teleportation wand. A very useful wand when it wants to work. It can be reliable, but sometimes, it may not always work...

The other is unknown at the moment. And eventually after taking out a Brown Snake Patchouli heard a voice...

"Well done my loyal apprentice, I shall grant you this book for you to use."

Below her was a book. She was interested to see what was inside it.....

It was the book of Control!

With this Patchouli could make use of several things from within this book.

Ranging from controling animals, the undead, control teleportation, cause confusion to everyone that sees her and even make everyone that sees her fall to sleep.

A rather useful book that Patchouli could use, but for now she stashed it in her collection...

After a long and intense battle against more death yaks, lizards, and blink frogs, and other creatures....Patchouli nearly cleared the floor, found a ring of dexterity +2 and was being chased by a komodo dragon before she found a safe spot to rest....

I stopped at 30000 turns even. The floor been pretty much cleared on the most part. And Patchy's only one or two pieces of meat overloaded.

Just becarful, as a Kimodo Dragon may still be around and also a few death yak....

This concludes my turn in Crawl....

Sign me up for the next turn with Patchouli.

Since MediaFire is down, I'll go put it on RapidShare.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 10:10:15 PM by Totaku »
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Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 8, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2009, 07:21:40 AM »
Sign me up. I'd perfer Suika but I'll play whatever if I have to.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 8, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #24 on: April 26, 2009, 11:29:39 AM »
Also, sign me up.  SUIKA GO!

You missed, Tsun.  I was before Totaku.

Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 8, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2009, 02:20:57 PM »
We do in fact have lightning in our stash on Lair 1, if my memory serves.

@Pesco and Ramus: Resting is good and all, but on occasion (Especially on those open levels) you may get swarmed by enemies. Having to cast Mephitic Cloud several times to keep them off your back before blasting them with spells to finish them off will drain your MP terribly.

Either way, it might be a good idea to make use of Sif Muna's MP restoration ability.

(Also, add me on the list)

I was before Ramus.

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 8, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - BATTLETOADS
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2009, 04:49:04 PM »
Up the deaths to 9. One of the ghosts Totaku put in killed Suika just now.

[09:22] <Xan> Hey, this is Xan
[09:22] <The_Astral_Pancake> This is a hydra
[09:22] <Xan> Yay, hydra.
[09:23] <Xan> I'm totally excited.
[09:23] <Xan> That was sarcasm, for those who can't tell.
[09:23] <The_Astral_Pancake> The hydra head hits
[09:23] <The_Astral_Pancake> The hydra head hits
[09:23] <The_Astral_Pancake> The hydra head hits
[09:23] <The_Astral_Pancake> The hydra head hits
[09:23] <The_Astral_Pancake> The hydra head hits
[09:23] <The_Astral_Pancake> The hydra head hits
[09:23] <The_Astral_Pancake> The hydra head hits
[09:23] <Xan> Yes.
[09:23] <The_Astral_Pancake> The hydra head hits
[09:23] <The_Astral_Pancake> The hydra head hits
[09:23] <Xan> I have a mace
[09:23] <The_Astral_Pancake> You dies...
[09:24] <Xan> No shut up.
[09:24] <Xan> *Now
[09:24] <Xan> Besides, Suika, Mountain Dwarf Fighter and drunkard, is on floor 1
[09:25] <Xan> There are no hydras on D:1
[09:25] <The_Astral_Pancake> D:
[09:25] <Xan> Am I cursed with shitty stat rolls?
[09:25] <The_Astral_Pancake> Yes
[09:25] <Xan> 16 strength is WAY too low.
[09:26] <The_Astral_Pancake> How about starting with 3 INT?
[09:26] <Xan> Would be bad.
[09:26] <Xan> I have 7.
[09:26] <The_Astral_Pancake> Then finding a cursed ring of -4 INT?
[09:26] <Xan> And forgetting how to breath.
[09:26] <Xan> Yes, yes, I know.
[09:26] <Xan> What's the text for 0 Dex death, by the way?
[09:27] <Xan> Actually, is that even possible?
[09:27] <The_Astral_Pancake> Yes
[09:27] <Xan> I don't think I've ever seen single digit dex scores.
[09:27] <The_Astral_Pancake> Getting sick will lower stats
[09:27] <The_Astral_Pancake> Also there a necromancy miscasts
[09:27] <The_Astral_Pancake> As well as Tartarus
[09:27] <Xan> Ah.
[09:28] <Xan> So what does it say?
[09:28] <The_Astral_Pancake> You can add in stat modifiers in your equipment
[09:28] <Xan> Right.
[09:28] <Xan> Yeah, I get it.
[09:28] <Xan> But what's the death message?
[09:28] <Xan> Also, fuck, cursed gloves.
[09:28] <Xan> EVAR!
[09:29] <The_Astral_Pancake> Aside from putting on better gloves
[09:29] <Xan> Yeah.
[09:29] <Xan> Well, that probably isn't happening.
[09:30] <Xan> Anyhow, Suika's rip and tear is going well.
[09:30] <Xan> FFFF, the first scroll I pick up is curse armor.
[09:30] <The_Astral_Pancake> Crawl loves you
[09:30] <Xan> Yeah.
[09:30] <The_Astral_Pancake> In the sadist way
[09:31] <Xan> Fortunately, it decides to curse my shield, rather than something I'm likely to switch in the immediate future.
[09:31] <Xan> Because in my experience, better armor pops up more often than better shields.
[09:31] <The_Astral_Pancake> Jelly corrodes your shield to -8?
[09:31] <Xan> That would suck.
[09:32] <Xan> None of those that I can see.
[09:33] <Xan> Ooh, I found a runed short sword.
[09:33] <Xan> I don't plan on using swords, but good to have.
[09:33] <Xan> Yeah.
[09:33] <The_Astral_Pancake> REAL MEN USE REAL WEAPONS
[09:33] <Xan> I have an ax, but it's not enchanted, so feh.
[09:35] <Xan>
[09:35] <Xan> Level 3
[09:35] <Xan> Yay!
[09:35] <Xan> +2 short sword.
[09:35] <The_Astral_Pancake> Toss it
[09:35] <Xan> If I was an elf or spriggan, I would be quite pleased
[09:36] <The_Astral_Pancake> Unless we are going to be training in long swords as well, toss the damn thing
[09:36] <Xan> I did.
[09:37] <Xan> Well, wonderful.
[09:37] <Xan> I find a wand, after I waste a scroll of recharging.
[09:37] <Xan> Yay.
[09:37] <The_Astral_Pancake> hooray.jpeg
[09:38] <Xan> Yay, meat ration!
[09:38] <The_Astral_Pancake> Don't use it yet
[09:39] <Xan> I won't
[09:39] <Xan> those things are valuable.
[09:39] <The_Astral_Pancake> Of course it doesn't matter because you will die
[09:39] <Xan> Lulz
[09:40] <Xan> You are correct!
[09:41] <Xan> Hooray for more Totaku ghosts!
[09:41] <Xan> This time it's his brother's Skirmisher.
[09:41] <Xan> Did I mention I hate Totaku yet?
[09:42] <Xan> I'm pretty sure he's been the cause of more of my deaths on this relay than anyone else.
[09:42] <The_Astral_Pancake> No
[09:42] <Xan> Well, I hate Totaku.
[09:42] <Xan> But not really.
[09:42] <Xan> I hate his ghosts.
[09:43] <Xan> I probably could have won, but the ghost had a key advantage.
[09:43] <Xan> Guess what.
[09:43] <The_Astral_Pancake> Fireball?
[09:43] <Xan> Plate Mail
[09:43] <The_Astral_Pancake> Enchanted items?
[09:43] <The_Astral_Pancake> Well that is not much of a advantage
[09:44] <The_Astral_Pancake> Also Paletweb order get~
[09:44] <Xan> When you're level 3 and don't have good damage output, it is
[09:46] <The_Astral_Pancake> So how many Totaku deaths have we gained?
[09:48] <Xan> 3
[09:48] <Xan> At least

So yeah, sign me back up. I want revenge.
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.


  • soujiko x yousuke is my otp
  • I will repeat it, in RED
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: ⑨, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - getting ⑨ed
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2009, 04:50:06 AM »
Died, so go on. didn't take a lot of screen shots so who ever's next
go ahead.

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2


  • hoho
  • ... but I have promises to keep.
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: ⑨, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - getting ⑨ed
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2009, 06:19:55 AM »
Hm, I would like to play Suika, but how does one make the custom sprites appear?

Or if Xan/Ramus wants to play her, I don't mind.


  • hoho
  • ... but I have promises to keep.
Re: Crawl Relay Run - Game: 10, Patchouli & Suika: 0 - SNAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2009, 01:18:41 PM »
Oh gosh.  That was a very scary run.  Stupid ghosts.  I think I might have screwed up the entire thing too, due to me quaffing all 3 scrolls of teleportation, 7 healing potions, and 3 cure wounds potions in the process of 4 levels.  Stupid ghosts and stupid orc wielding an orc flail of distortion.

Oh yay, I forgot that you could search for secret doors in the game.  Anyways, hopped into the hatch immediately without a second thought.  Luckily, this brash action didn't give any bad consequences.

Oh gosh, almost immediate instant statdeath; a -6 cursed ring of intelligence, yipee.  It would be like your IQ dropping sevenfold.  This game hates me already, but then again, it would have been fun forgetting how to breathe or something like that.  Other than that, nothing much of note; other than surprisingly easy kills of sorts.

This made me feel as if I deserved the statdeath.  Whoops.

After that, found some scrolls of remove curse, which is pretty welcome.  Threw the ring onto the ground as soon as I got it uncursed.

On level 3...

This happened, I guess.  assasin the minotaur fighter.  Used my wand of flame 6 times rather foolishly, thinking that I could easily dispatch it, but strangely, no, I couldn't (it seemed to work with my ghosts).  Quite flustered, but managed to flee upwards and go to another part of stage 3, killing things as normal.

Found the temple and worshipped Chokowaru.  I hope you guys are okay with this; he's my personal favourite...

Returned to level 3 and suddenly got cornered by the ghost.  Could have used the teleportation scrolls but oh well, I felt that I wanted to kill it.  Bad news is that I had to potion roulette and quaff lots of healing potions and 1 cure wound potions, but finally reached level 6 as a result.

There are no images for the next part of the run due to massive adrenaline-induced phail on my part.  Mima the deep elf wizard appeared along with a huge number of gnolls, orc wizards, and orcs and a snake.  Even worse, one of the orcs had a flail of distortion which halved my hp.  Cue massive use of scrolls of teleportation, potions, stair-dancing, and getting the distortion flail.  Unfortunately, this was my first time getting a weapon with such a brand, so I didn't know that it caused enemies to teleport randomly as a result.  Not too sure what the next person would do with that distortion flail, though it does good damage.  Hopefully we don't get banished.

I ended the run at level 4, with Mima still on level 5.  The only good thing acquired was one wand of confusion, which might help against Mima.  Other than that, good luck to the next person.  Ended at around 5200+ turns.

Save file here