Author Topic: Weekly Writing Challenge Thread the First  (Read 489471 times)


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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #390 on: September 18, 2010, 03:34:34 AM »

by the way,

inb4 'cramming = padding' joke for Sakuya. Please let that joke die.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 04:10:19 AM by Esuprisefex »


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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #391 on: September 18, 2010, 06:02:36 AM »
Awwwww, that's so cute

I wish I could write a good story

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #392 on: September 19, 2010, 05:38:24 PM »
I would read "that" twilight...depressed vampire hunters for the win.
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.

Bias Bus

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Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #393 on: September 20, 2010, 06:01:15 AM »
Ending sucks, late entry. Fuck it, my body aches and I don't give a shit anymore.


A cold wind blew across the awakening streets of downtown Hitojin, the half asleep adults slugging themselves out of the comfort of their homes and heading to their cars to head off to work. The children however, had the luxury of staying behind, for this was the paradise of summer vacation, a 3 month nirvana of freedom from the chains and shackles that was the school system. Indeed, for these were the best months of a kid's life, not having to worry of grades, peer pressure or getting up to catch that infernal yellow chairot that dragged them down the road to an educational hell. The laziness ahd freedom would not last as many already knew...yes, summer vacation was ending soon, a a day from tommorrow to be exact. No longer would they have their more would they sit on the sides of the roads and enjoy the sweetness of their melting popsicles as they melted in the sweltering summer sun. Another chilling wind blew across town...this one carrying with it the ominous whisper that spoke to the many youths that summer was on it's dying breath...and school was going to strange that last breath right out of it's failing lungs. Even so, there were some who didn't really care if school was starting or not...for with them, busniess would continue as usual. One of these individuals was known as Meira, The Carnage Princess and a junior attending Hitojin High School. For her, school was simply an outlet for her to conduct her operations, the agents below her being sent through the bowels of the school she attended like the larva of parasitic worms.

Meira ruled through fear...

Meira ruled through power...

Meira was a gang leader...

Many knew of her terrible strength on the streets and in the halls of Hitojin High School, and the fact that a good number of her gang was composed of, not humans, but youkai...even though she herself was a full blooded human. For youkai to follow a human could only mean that said human's might was indeed unmatched, and for Meira she was well equipped to back up the claims many have made of her ferocity; with her wooden sword and the skills of an ancient warrior running through her veins, Meira was a force to be reckoned with on the mean streets of the Hitojin District and in Hitojin High School...much to the disappointment of the Principle; Yamaxandu Shikieiki who was always on her case about following the rules and the consequences that lie ahead for her.

Not that Meira gave a shit...she did what she wanted and no uptight Yama was going to tell her how to run things.

Today, her gang had gathered at their usual hang out, an old warehouse located somewhere near the Industrial park of the Hitojin district. It used to be the warehouse where they kept all the tires, but after a factor shut down the warehouse has all but been abandoned and left to rot in urban blight. Of course, Meira used this as a chance to set up a base for her gang's headquarters. School was just around the corner and of the youkai gang was complaining of how they have to deal with the labors of education and the teachers they so hated in that prison they were forced to slave around in for hours a day. That being said, many of them were doing their best to enjoy what little of summer they could squeeze out of it's dying body, sucking up the festering juice and caring not for the vile taste it would leave in their mouth once they realized that school's advent was an inevitable change...

"Boss, I just got word that Yamaguchi's crew managed to run off some schmoes who were trying to muscle in on our turf." Saitou, a half youkai, informed his leader as he slid his old cellphone into his pocket and awaited Meira's next orders. Yamaguchi was one of Meira's newest allies, having pledged his alliance to her after his utter defeat in front of his own school. Normally, the average high school student would hold something of a grudge against the one who bested them in front of their peers, but apparently, Meira's grace in combat and chilvarous ways "captivated" Yamaguchi and brought him into the ranks of Meira's gang as a frontline soldier. Some even go so far as to say that he fell in love with her, and his desires for her are what compelled him to do her bidding as she willed it. Whatever the case maybe, Meira valued Yamaguchi as a strong ally and nothing more past that...

"We'll talk with him about this tomorrow, I don't really feel like dealing with him and his...advances on such a hot day." Meira sighed, laying back on the makeshift bed made for her out of various junk salvaged from the nearby scrap heap. For a day that signified the end of summer, it was still least, in this warehouse it was. Meira's sharp mauve eyes cut across the room like a dagger, slicing across the group of youkai hoodlums who were in the same area chattering and laughing about how good they had it underneath her thumb. As powerful and feared as Meira was to many others, she was actually a just leader to those who were allied to her. Respecting one's honor and pride being one of the key things she's carried with her from her ancestory onto the streets she tread upon.

"Alright, I'll let him know..." Saitou nodded turning back to his girlfriend, caressing her with his hands and smooth words that made the young woman blush and bury herself in his chest. Meira never really cared much for the amorous display most teenagers of her age seemed to enjoy. Perhaps it was because she was more of a fighter rather than a lover. Her mother often complained to her about 'finding a nice boy', but...Meira really couldn't be bothered with finding someone. For now, her gang and this street life were her only love...

As the sounds of merryment continued to embrace the warehouse, another suddenly came crashing in and fouling up the once cheerful air that everyone was getting drunk off of. The sounds of pained screams and bodies hitting concrete...commands being shouted and yells of how impossible the fight was were roaring outside, and resonating into the warehouse as everyone stood still and listened with fright and disbelief.

"B-Boss...we...we've gotta problem...!" The shaken voice of a youkai called out across the room, his tone killing off the good cheer that had saturated the atmosphere of Meira's quarters as he made his way to the entrance of the warehouse, barely able to stay concious from the injuries he sustained from the battle he just managed to escape from to warn his leader.

"What is it, who's attacking us?" Meira demanded, already knowing from his tone, physical injuries and the sounds echoing from outside that a battle was raging elsewhere and her forces were losing. "Do I need to get out there and teach them a lesson?"

"N-No...too strong...only one...BARF!" Meira's eyes widened slightly as she saw her youkai comrade lose strength and fall, his words ringing in her ears and setting off several alarms of what needed to be done and what was to happen if she didn't act now. Meira turned looked up to her gang who were already looking to her just as confused and spooked as the man who fell before them. Apart of Meira clicked her teeth, knowing that these shivering high school students were youkai to the core...they shouldn't be afraid of only one advisary...but, from what she was getting...just this one advisary maybe something they should indeed be careful about.

"Kai, Call up our forces at the the south part of town, tell them we need them for a fight." Meira ordered to a nearby youkai as she grabbed her trusty wooden sword and headed for the exit of the warehouse carrying with her the intent to defeat whatever opponent dared stir up her hive of soldiers. "Everyone else, prepare for battle."

"B-but, boss..." Kai, a short and rather scrawny lizard youkai, stammered to the opposing gang leader who turned to address his incoming concern. "If we leave the south part of town ungaurded, the Murasa Scouts will take control of that place." Kai was always one of those guys who showed his cowardice first rather than his courage, something Meira didn't readily admire in him as a fighter. However, he held a fair amount of knowledge about blackmail and was rather intelligent too boot. With this under his belt, Kai proved to be one of the sole members who were equipped for intelligent negotiations with other gang leaders and helped her acquire a couple of decent allies from rivaling schools. Saitou was much too hot headed at times and was easily swayed by tits and ass...

"Right now we're fighting against a powerful opponent who may very well be able to defeat me in battle, that territory can always be apprehended again if we gather enough forces from our reserve near the Mahoukin District, however, this is our main base of operations...if we let this foe take over and ravage us...the Kengou Gang will no longer be at the top of the food chain." Meira explained to the lizard who nodded and pulled out his cell phone to call for back-up. That's one other thing she liked of him...Kai was very obedieant, never gave her back sass like some of the other hot blooded punks she commanded. "Now then, if the rest of you are done cowering in the shadows, we have a battle to win."


Bodies...bodies everywhere...

Meira was used to this scene... a scene of a hard battle and, usually, a sweet victory on her part. Unfortunately, the bodies that lay sprawled out before her belonged to her forces, the youkai she placed as gaurds to her territory in and around this area to keep out rivaling school gangs from slipping into the cracks and causing trouble. Most were rouges from other gangs, aiming to be top dog by taking out strong and powerful leaders...and of course, she was the nearest one to most of these rouges. It's burdensome at best, but with a sizeable force to pick up the slack, it's never alot of trouble. Now however, this was not the case...her gaurd unit was utterly only ONE fighter...

"She's...she's too strong...go back..." A female youkai urged Meira, before she gave up conciousness and some of her money came spilling out her uniform. Meira payed more attention to the assaliant rather than the youkai who pocketed the loose money.

"I take it, you're the one who's causing such a fuss on my territory." Meira spoke, narrowing her eyes to her opponent up ahead, her brilliant red hair blew in the wind behind her. Meira knew of this woman, she knew from the stories across town that this lady was no one to be trifled with. The Dragon of Scarlet was her street name but, her true name was Hong Meiling, one of the "Big 4" that served a student who attended Koumakan Private Academy; Remilia Scarlet. The vampire was a woman of great wealth and threw around her money and charisma to gather dozens of followers both human and youkai. Unlike Meira, Remilia had it easy. Being the spoiled brat that she was made out to be, Remilia could get anything she wanted if she whined enough about it. "What business do you have with me, you not know that school's almost begun?"

"I do, but Miss Scarlet has other plans. Plans she wishes to discuss with you, Carnage Princess." Meiling said to Meira, her voice showing that she meant business and was ready to pick up arms and throw them if things proved to get hairy again.

"And the reason for incapacitating all of my gaurds?"

"Ahaha...I really didn't mean to do that..." Meiling chuckled nervously, shrinking a bit in embarassment. "They sorta...came at me first, I just defended myself." Meiling...was an interesting one. While she was regarded as a powerful martial artist, one of the best in Koumakan Academy, she was one of the more...sociable ones, at least in terms of being enjoyable to be around and generally a good person. Unlike her leader who was not only the most popular girl in school...but was also the top "bitch" there as well. From what Meira heard, Remilia was hated by a vast majority of the female student body...

"This is why I tell them to wait for name, school and business first..." Meira sighed and applied palm to face, the students behind her doing just about the same. " anycase, what do you wish to ask of's hot and I'm in a bit of a bad mood at the moment..."

 "I'm sorry but, Miss Scarlet has been thinking of something fairly complex lately and believes that you will be of great use to her." Although she knew Meiling was only relaying the message, the words "use" did nothing more than make Meira's blood boil in her veins. Born into a house supported by the chivalrous ways of the samurai, she disliked the act of using others as "pawns" and sees all her allies and friends as valued comrades.

"Let me make this perfectly clear to you; I am NO ONE'S pawn." Meira declared sharply, hands gripping her weapon tightly and her face wrinkled with rage that threatened to spontaneously combust with the dry air swirling around her. "Tell your 'Miss Scarlet' to fuck off, I work only for those who will respect my honor as a warrior of these streets."

"Uhm, yeah, about that...I don't think that's much of an option for you." Meiling spoke up nervously, her words catching Meira's ears and full attention. "Nothing personal but, Miss Scarlet told me that there were a good number of gangs who want your turf...most of them being under her command. If you don't want them all 'up your ass' should probably listen to me."

"That vamp bitch...she's always pissed me off..." One youkai growled a few other agreeing with his sentiments on just how much they detested Remilia's ways.

"Yeah...always tryin' to be sneaky and play dirty..."

"C'mon boss, we ain't gotta listen to this broad!" A bespectacled student spoke up, stepping beside his leader his sleeves rolled and up picking up a nearby trash can. His nearby comrades beginning their song of war as Meiling lay ready for anything the group of riled up youkai would throw at her. "If we take'er out we'll be taking down one of the Big 4!!"

"And with it, the other 3 will come down and rip us a new one. Don't be a retard on the battlefield, Hanya!" Meira concluded loudly, shutting up everyone's battle cries and revealing to them the folly of their hot blooded ways. "We may be powerful but, I know Remilia has forces that we can't even scratch. Do you know Cirno, the Ice Titan? The one who defeated one of Hakurei's friends AND the 3 Fairies just recently?" The youkai looked to her with surprise, her words doing well with putting fear in their hearts and opening their eyes to the looming threat that Remilia held over their heads like a gullotine. " better gasp collectively..."

"As for you, Dragon of Scarlet..." Meira began bringing her attention to Meiling. "When does your mistress wish to meet? I will arrive at whatever time she is avaliable."

"3rd Block, tomorrow." Meiling stated. "Miss Scarlet has a piano recital today so, she can't discuss street matters."

"I don't see why someone with such a silver spoon in her mouth would want to get involved with us gangs." Meira huffed, shaking her head. Meiling only chuckling a bit. "It seems so out of character for some as 'high and mighty' as your mistress." This was actually, Meira's way of taking a shot at Remilia, subtly implying that the vampire shouldn't be getting into the street related things and leave things alone. Of course, Meiling didn't really catch it.

"Well...she once told me she considers all her followers as 'pawns on the board' maybe it's something like chess to her?"

"Typical of her to see us as such." Meira said with one eye open as she turned to head back to the warehouse. "In anycase, I'll be there. My schedule for school says my 3rd block is History...I hate history."


Like the prophecy to an oncoming doomsday event, the start of school came just as it was predicted by the adults to the youths. Dread and terror was only short lived in their hearts as they realized that it would get them nowhere and would not cease the torture school was laying ready to exact upon them. For those at Hitojin high school, they had to endure not only school itself, but it's principle, Miss Shikieiki Yamaxandu. For the students, seeing Shikieiki was the equivalent of getting sentence to hell itself. Indeed, Shikieiki was a formiddible Principle and she needed to be...with Meira and her Kengou Gang just as active as it was every school year, she made sure to make it clear that their antics would not be tolerated on school grounds. in fact, with the beginning of school, she had a plan. One she called the was willing to discuss with the Vice Principle, Yukari Yakumo about...even though she knew the youkai would never listen to her words anyway. The two were like night and day and always saw things differently...but somehow, things worked out when it came to running the school. At least, for the most part anyway...

"You know of the Kengou Gang, Miss Yakumo..." Shikieiki began as she watched the students pass by the window of her office, her leery green eyes scanning for any trouble amongst the integrated youth of humans and youkai alike.

"Oh, you mean, that gang under that samurai girl, Meira?" Yukari replied stealing one of Shikieiki's hard candies from the dish nearby and popping them into her mouth with merry abandon. "What do you plan to do this time, Eiki~?" This wasn't the first time Shikieiki has had to think of ways to deal with the Kengous...this has been going on for just as long as Meira first started coming into power with her gang of vagabonds during her freshman year.

"Zero Tolerance, Miss Yakumo." Shikieiki responded coldly, her finger letting go of the blinds to her office window. "We have been leniant with them for much too long. The P.E teacher, Hoshiguma Yuugi, has told me of how students of the youkai variety have been acting up lately, especially after the near rape of that Tatara Kogasa girl. Meira and her gang maybe the key to shutting this foolishness down."

"Hmhmhm, you realize they won't listen to us old ladies, right?" Yukari giggled, Shikieiki turning to her with an irritated expression. "Oh hush, you're just as old as I am, Eiki. Stop trying to hide it with that tight business skirt~"

"I honestly don't see how the children can be more at ease with you..." Shikieiki sighed as she walked to her desk and prepared for the morning announcements. "You're so unprofessional..."

"Hmm, maybe that's why?" Yukari remarked with a smile. "No one likes a girl with a stick up the butt, Eiki~"

= Elsewhere =

Meira stood at the doorway to her homeroom class, watching as the students around her clamoured on about their vacation and how they wished it wouldn't have ended. She knew a fair amount of them from either her exploits on the streets or through school related affairs, some respected her, others feared her. None of them, however, could be called a friend. That was where her gang came in to fill in the blanks, and as luck would have it, Saitou was in her home room. The half youkai making himself known by walking outside with her and looking at the crowd of teenagers pass through the packed hallways of their school.

"'re actually gonna help them?" Saitou spoke up, cutting his yellow eyes toward his leader, his hands resting in the pockets of his blue school uniform. "You know Remilia's reputation as much as I do, Meira-dono. If you help her, she'll only try to backstab you and suck you into her army of happened to "

"I know, I know..." Meira sighed placing a hand on the side of her head, and running it through her purple hair. "She's practically left me with no options here; either I accept her terms and take whatever double cross she has up her sleeve or I refuse and risk being overwhelmed by her army..."

"You'll think of always do." Saitou said leaning against the lockers, flipping off a kid he had beef with last summer. "I've known you since junior high, you've got some wit under that ponytail of yours."

"Did you cancel with Yamaguchi?" Meira said, taking Saitou's words as a compliment but not giving much of a response to it.

"Huh...oh yeah, he seemed real upset about it. Says he wanted to see your beautiful eyes again...Heh." Saitou said supressing a burst of laughter that threatened to tear it's way through his mouth. He knew how Meira felt about Yamaguchi and their one-sided relationship (if you could even call it that), so he usually tried not to laugh at how corny Yamaguchi could actually be with his words. "But after I told'em why I had to cancel, and who you had to meet, he sorta just hung up...didn't even say goodbye or anything."

"I would have expected him to do that." Meira replied. "Yamaguchi used to attend Koumakan, before he transfered to Youkai Academy last year. From what I remember about the stories...he was in an incident involving one of the Big 4."

"Oh yeah, I forgot he had some serious beef with Remilia and her crew." Saitou nodded, his memory managing to dig up the rumors he head heard on the subject long ago. "He was going out with Patchouli the "Week Witch" and Remilia broke them up, but...the way she did it..."

Meira said nothing on the matter and focused more on how much time they had left to remain in the halls. The clock above them and the slowly emptying halls proved that class was about to begin, along with their first day of the new school year. "We should be inside soon, if we stay out here, no doubt Yamaxandu will lecture us if she's out patrolling the halls..." The gang leader suggested, turning and retreating into the classroom, Saitou following close behind. The classroom was filled with the chatter of teenage gossip and excited reunions of students who haven't seen each other all summer. The homeroom teacher, Heida no Akyuu, gazed at the rowdy band of teenagers and sighed. It was her first time teaching, after having decided to give it a shot when Keine encouraged her to.

"Alright students, settle down please. The announcements are about to begin." Akyuu spoke up, the loud chiming melody that sounded from the intercom buzzing in right on time and snapping the student's attention to what needed to be said.

"Good morning students of Hitojin High School, I would like to welcome you all to a new school year and an oppurtunity to-" And that was all the children heard because after that, the rest was tuned out as they began whispering amoungst each other. Meira and Saito were no different on the matter, much more concerned about subjects concerning their gang and what Remilia planned on doing with them. That is, until a certain announcement caught the attention of the vastly uninterested whelps and answered Meira's questions for her...

"Also, I have been informed that the one known as, Remilia Scarlet of Koumakan Academy, is funding an afterschool event today for Hitojin High School, one circling around the student council's efforts which means that Koumakan Academy will be involved in the festivities." The classroom murmured with disdainful words, having still retained their distaste for Koumakan Academy...especially Remilia. "For this reason I ask that there be NO gang related activity during this event. If I catch anyone acting up, then it's immedieate 5 day suspension, no questions asked." All eyes turned to Meira and Saitou, the only two inside the room who were noted to being in a gang. Meira looked to the intercom with disdain, treating the yama's words similar to a declaration of war. "In anycase, I wish you all a happy and fruitful--" Shikieiki's words were suddenly cut short by the sound of what appeared to be a struggle to attain dominance of the microphone. "M-Miss Yakumo, s-stop it! Stop-!"

The mic let out a piercing whine as Shikieiki's voice suddenly disappeared. "I would also like to add that this is Chen's first day at high school, so no bullying her~"

Moments later the sound of uproarous laughter echoed through the halls, letting others know where Chen was attending homeroom...


Time marched on through the school day as it does like any other, and soon enough came the arrival of 3rd block. Meira, knowing Keine-sensei wouldn't let her skip out on a bathroom break, decided it be best to simply cut class altogether. Word of the meeting had already spread through out the bulk of the Kengou members prior to schools start, so many of them had already figured out what they had to do to attend it. After leaving the school grounds as discreetly as they could, the gang slithered their way through the back alleys of downtown and took roost into their warehouse base. Meira took her usual seat and watched as everyone situated themselves for Remilia's arrival. There were only about a handful present, give or take 6 or 7 students not including herself and Saitou (Kai was more interested in Home Economics class, for some reason). Of course, Meira knew that some of them weren't going to attend the meeting for one simple reason; Remilia is an arrogant bitch.

The gang had to sit for about several minutes before the shadows of two figures blocked out the source of sunlight leaking into the warehouse's dark interior.

"Hmph, who would have thought I would have to skip my 3rd block just to come here to these...backwater accomodations." Remilia sneered, showing her disgust for the gang's hideout in both her voice and her body language. "Listen to the beasts as they howl, thinking their bites will harm my flawless prescence...what a disgrace they are, wouldn't you agree, Sakuya?"

"Yes, they are indeed trash, Miss Scarlet." Remilia's ever present maid, Izayoi Sakuya agreed as she flashed a chilling glare to several youkai students who flashed them obscene gestures. Sakuya knew the lot of them would not act on their insulting gestures because of two things; they respected Meira's wishes and usually never acted unless she ordered them too and she knew that all of them would fall to her elite combat technique that earned her a top spot alongside Remilia. Still, It was obvious that they were not welcome here, but Remilia could care less now that she had her eyes set on Meira and the manpower her gang posessed...

"Tch, be thankful there are plenty of places for you to elegantly drop a load of your bullshit money." Saitou muttered before a loud thwack echoed through the warehouse, Meira having slapped him upside his head with her wooden sword to keep his tongue under control. She didn't want or need, things to go south due to someone'e inability to respect those of higher power...even if they were a spoiled vampire girl with no sense of respect for others. Remilia only chuckled to this display as her dutiful servant quickly pulled up a chair behind her to sit on.

"My, my...your dogs sure are noisy today..." Remilia chuckled, with a smile. "Here's a piece of advice; get them all nuttered and I garuntee that their constant barking will cease."

"If you're going to waste my time with childish insults then the door behind you is always wide open, Scarlet." Meira spoke, trying her best to keep herself calm and cool for this meeting even though her gang wasn't making much of an effort to. Remilia was trying to get under her skin, trying to make her look bad in front of her followers...but, Meira knew better. So long as she didn't feed into Remilia's snobby bitch routine, she would be okay. "Unlike you, I take pride in the well being of my allies and comrades."

"Hmph, very well then, we shall discuss business as planned." Remilia said with a shrug, snapping her fingers to Sakuya behind her who produced a yearbook of some sort. The silver haired servant girl handed the book to her mistress who held it open and directed Meira's gaze to circled photo of a young woman...well, it wasn't like she couldn't notice it what with all the doodles around it and the profane insults surrounding just that one photo. "Tell me, do you know of this girl here, the one on the far right?"

"Who doesn't, that's Hakurei Reimu. President of the Student Council that has several big names attending it; Marisa the Master Hand, Youmu of the Dead, Alice of Wonderland and (maybe) Suika the Barbarian Tower." Meira said, looking up to Remilia with a quirked eyebrow, her intuition telling her of what the vampire was getting at with this. "One of your servants came to me yesterday saying you wanted us to do something...does it involve Reimu?"

"Indeed, Reimu has alot influence at her school, and is regarded as one of the most popular girls at her school as well...alongside Marisa." Remilia explained, throwing aside Marisa's name like it were nothing more than a used piece of toilet tissue. It was already rather obvious the vampire was focused on no one else but Reimu. "You know that my school has a burning rivalry with yours but, at every turn they seem to best us. We're not at the top represented in Gensokyo's Best Schools anymore, we're..." Remilia paused and swallowed a lump in her throught, everyone looking to her with anticipation. "Number 2!" The vampire fell back in her chair looking to have grown faint, just from speaking the words 'number 2'.

"My lady, please bear with it a little longer!" Sakuya pleaded as she fanned the neatly dressed vampire girl with a paper fan.

The youkai of Meira's gang all looked to the despairing vampire and to each other, was THIS really the Remilia they all heard about? Someone who grows faint from just hearing herself say the word...number two? Apparently so. "Heh, I guess that means she can't stand the way her shit stinks, huh fellahs?" a youkai muttered as he nugded his buddies who laughed a bit and high fived him for his "ingenious" crack.

Meira rolled her eyes at the vampire's display and went about trying to make sense of things. Deep down, the junior couldn't believe she was wasting her 3rd block on someone who faints from being second banana. "...You do realize that being number two isn't that much of a problem right?" Saitou spoke up for Meira who was clearly in a mental facepalm at the moment to actively respond. Remilia immedieatly perked up right with a look of utter shock on her youthful face.

"Are you mad? My school is the most prestigous of academys in Gensokyo, we will NOT be bested by some...PUBLIC high school!" Remilia said, the words 'public' slipping out of her mouth like that of any profanity. "Well, I will tolerate it no's time Hakurei Reimu learned who is 'top dog' around this city and that's why I need you; I want you and your gang to defeat Hakurei Reimu at an upcoming event I'm funding at your school. I have arranged for my top forces to attend the event as guests and while under that veil of cover we will ambush that miko and take them down through sheer force and numbers."

"Defeat, Hakurei Reimu!?" Saitou gasped, looking to have almost shit himself from the surprise of taking in those words. "It's by her will alone that we're not dissolved...if we fuck with her, things will go badly for us, especially for you since you're from a different school."

"I would not worry of that," Remilia replied confidently. "If we come at her with full force we can defeat her. While not holding as many forces as I do, the Kengou Gang is one of the most successful in this district. With our powers combined we can achieve the impossible!"

"Even so, do you realize how big of a task this is?" Meira said to the vampire who retained her arrogant smirk. "As easy going as she is, Reimu is no light weight. Also the principle herself may be attending, if this were to happen while she is present our scheme will fail for certain."

"What's the problem? You claimed so many times on the streets that you worked for your own reasons and not with Hitojin High School, so why worry about who's going there and what their motives are?" Remilia said with that infuriating smirk spread across her face. The vampire's words did in fact rain forth some truth as Meira refused to affilate her gang with Hitojin Highschool and worked on her own. Part of her success as a gang leader was, in fact, due to this very decision. "But...I can understand if the dreaded Kengou Gang is too weak and spineless to handle one girl and her club of low lives."

"This coming from a leader who's too cowardly to dirty her hands." Saitou spat back, Remilia only smiling evilly toward him.

"I hope you realize that Miyako goes to my would be a shame if something were to happen to her while she was oh, I don't know, walking home from school or in the toilet."

"You leave Miyako out of this!" Saitou shouted, stepping forward ready to strike had it not been for several of his comrades holding him back. "If you touch one hair on her head, I swear before Shinki and all things demonic that I will Head Bomb your frilly ass back to hell, you bloodsucking whore!"

"Saitou calm down! Don't feed into it!" Meira commanded, the half youkai struggling within the grasp of his friends as he glared at Remilia with a vehement rage. Sakuya was already standing ready to strike the half youkai down, but her mistress gestured her to stand down the moment she saw Saitou jerk away from his friends and leave the area to cool his jets. Meira watched as her second in command called it quits on the meeting and left it up to her to deal with Remilia. Kai would have been a better choice...but he was far to interested in Yuyuko-sensei to attend this meeting. Oh well, Meira's been through tighter situations...and this one just proved to be another situation of the same manner. "What are you really after...I know you and Reimu don't really get along, but there seems like more to this than that..."

"Hmm, you're right. There is something more to it." Remilia replied. "Do you know of Kochiya Sanae? The girl who attends Youkai Academy?"

"Yes the girl who attends the school off in the mountains." Meira nodded "What does she have to do with this?"

"Both Sanae and Reimu are slowly becoming friends...if Sanae attends this event and witnesses the defeat of Reimu she will no doubt see her as weak and come to me instead." Remilia replied as she leaned forward a bit with news that she knew would shock Meira down to the ponytail. "Did you know that Sanae attends a school that adores the ground she walks on? Youkai everywhere in that district treat her like a queen and do anything for her. The interesting thing is that Sanae herself is no gang leader, but she holds with her the means to summon forth an immense wealth of power simply due to how every teenage youkai in her town adores her so much. If I can get her on my side, do you realize how many youkai will follow behind her?"

Meira blinked as her mind began to piece the puzzle together and came up with only one possible answer as to where Remilia was going with this. "Don't tell me you wish to take over Youkai Academy too?"

"You bet your horrible vampire books I do~" Remilia said with an devious smirk, her eyes radiating of a egomaniacal march to absolute power and fame. Meira was told Remilia had her mind on taking over the city with the use of gang power alone, but she'd never seen it up close before. If she wanted an example of megalomania, then this was that term personified in it's purest of forms. "I am the queen of Koumakan Academy, and what kind of queen would I be if I didn't partake in a little conquest here and there?"

"A benevolent one."

"Spare me your moral standpoints and give me your answer instead." Remilia said, haughtily demanding Meira to give her what she wanted. "Do take the time to remember that, if you refuse, I hold the key to unlocking a mortal hell upon your gang and territory. You maybe feared by those of Hitojin Highschool, but your nothing compared to the military might of my army." Those damning words piereced right into the heart of Meira, causing her to faulter and cringe the moment they passed through her. Every vile word that fell out of Remilia's mouth was all true...and while, it was hard to admit...she could not refuse Remilia's orders...


Meira simply sighed and rubbed the bridge of her forehead. Fuck this peer pressure thing, but...if she valued the sanctity of her gang and friends...she had to follow through with Remilia regardless of what the future held for her. "Call up Utsuho and her gang, we're going to need their prowess and her 'Big Bang' technique for this..."


As the first day of school came to a close, Meira and her gang didn't return to the last class. Instead, the lot of them stayed behind and began preparing for the coming battle that lie ahead during the event Remilia was speaking of during the meeting. Many of the gang members were already planning on attending the event as it stood, most curious as to what it actually was seeing as to how the purpose of the event was never revealed to the student body. In fact, curiosity was what compelled most of the students to lean towards going to this event, normally, not alot of them would care seeing as to they went by the mentality that many school related events were nothing more than a waste of their time, especially those that took place after school hours. How many attended mattered not to Meira, seeing her main job was focused on Reimu and the council rather than the audience.

The event's location was nestled within the sports field of Hitojin High School, chairs lined up in front of a makeshift stage of sorts, however the set up of speakers and a microphone had some believing that this event would most likely be a concert or speech of some kind. Some were hoping for a concert...a speech would just be another giant waste of time...

"Oh, is this a concert?" One student asked to her friend, as a sea of teenages curiously approached their seats and the stage. "I wonder who's playing...?"

"I dunno, but if Remilia's funding it, then it HAS to be top grade stuff." Another answered, putting emphasis on how rich the vampire truly was.

= Elsewhere - Inside Hitojin High School ~ Student Council Room... =

Reimu looked down from the window of the student council room, seeing the crowd of students take their seats and look around curiously. Her gaze then turned to a certain vampire who sat at the table across from her, Sakuya at her side for whatever needs Remilia may have. "I hope you realize that I'm not going to fall for whatever you're up to..." the council president commented to the vampire who merely chuckled as she leaned forward onto the table, not seeming to take Reimu's words seriously in the least. "It's not like you to throw around money for other people like this...especially for a school that you don't even attend."

"Oh, Reimu...Reimu...Reimu..." Remilia sighed with a shake of her head. "Why is it so hard for you to trust me? We've known each other since elementary school, we used to be friends, remember? Don't you remember those tea parties we used to have on the playground together by that large playhouse?"

"...You've changed Remilia. You've changed for the worst." Reimu said back, keeping well away from the memories Remilia was willing to shove back down her throat. Indeed...they were once friends back then...but not now, the Remilia she knew back then wasn't the one she was talking to anymore. "After what you've done to earn such a reputation through out these schools...I can't find it in me to trust you. Even IF we were friends back in the day."

"Hm, I would have thought you would know the concept of second chances. I didn't mean to be this way you know..." There is a pause in Remilia's statement the vampire looking elsewhere for a moment then back into the serious gaze of the miko student leering ahead of her. "It's because YOU were always off with your other friends playing with THEM instead of with me. It's only natural I found more...attentive friends that could replace you."

"Gangs who do your every bidding are not friends...especially not in the way you treat them." Reimu told Remilia. "And the reason I moved on was because you were the one who abandoned me. After Sakuya transfered to Koumakan, you left our friendship for dead just because you had a personal servant to boss around. Is that what you wanted, some bitch to slap around and stomp all over just to make you feel high and mighty?" Remilia's once collected expression wrinkled with a rising anger, Reimu's words having struck a nerve...

Because it was the truth...

"At that moment, I thought that you were only friends with me because you wanted someone to order around and generally be your slave..." Reimu's glance drifted to Sakuya who was just as upset by Reimu's accusation as her mistress was. "Judging by the looks of things...I was absolutely right."

"How dare you..." Remilia gritted her fangs, and clenched her fists in a heated outrage. "Sakuya is my best friend in Koumakan Academy, and she knows it! Tell her, Sakuya, tell her you're my friend!"

"Yes, I am Miss Scarlet's friend as well as her servant." Sakuya replied, in monotone. Almost as if she's said it many times and has, for the most part, grown bored of saying it. "It's just a coincidence that I serve under her."

"I pity your relationship with her then..." Reimu remarked, turning away from the duo. "You don't realize when you're being used..."

"What was that-!" Remilia growled, her charismatic demeanor slowly beginning to crack as she lay ready to burst forth onto Reimu. However the sudden interruption from Marisa put a lid on this outburst.

"Oi, Reimu's it's about time for things to get rolling, you ready?" The blonde student said, turning to Remilia and giving her a friendly wave. Oddly enough, Marisa was one of the very few students in Hitojin who didn't viciously hate Remilia's guts, if anything, she was more nuetral to the vampire than anything else. However, the same could not be said of her to Remilia. The vampire had long side disliked the student for being one of the first friends Reimu obtained after 'ditching' her. To be blunt; Remilia hated Marisa for being the friend she never was to Reimu...

"Yes, I'm all set." Reimu said as she walked past the table not exchanging a passing glance to Remilia as she left...the vampire doing the same in abstaining from giving the miko and form of eye contact. Marisa blinked in confusion as she looked between the two and merely shrugged as she left to catch up to her council president.

Remilia and Sakuya both sat in utter silence, the echoing sounds of the students down below being the only source of background noise between them. Sakuya glanced to Remilia, gauging her spiteful expression and her wrinkled face exuding of crimson fury just waiting to be unleashed upon her former 'friend' Reimu Hakurei. "...It's going to be quite delicious when I finally manage to humiliate her...wouldn't you say, Sakuya?" Remilia muttered, Sakuya merely nodding in response. "Sakuya, when the attack is issued by her no mercy. I want Reimu to hurt...I want her to suffer. Put her in the hospital if you must...I care not about what happens after this...I want to see that bitch's tears."

Sakuya said no words save for those of obedience to Remilia's orders...


The uptight principle Shikieiki cast a watchful eye across the field as things progressed without incident. The event itself was something of a concert supporting the student council's efforts to put an end to the gang related activities that ran rampant through the streets. The garage band known as the "Rivers of Prism", were the one's providing the musical entertainment for the students, while there were a few other motivational speakers for the students to lend their ears to. Well...sorta, most were sure to tune that part out.

"What's the matter, you look like you want to leave." Yukari asked  to Shikieiki. "Ara, I wouldn't blame you though...these seats are a real pain on the rear end..."

"No that's not it..." Shikieiki replied, not giving Yukari any eye contact as she continued her visual patrol of the field. "Something's going to smart as those children are, I know one of them is going to attempt something. Koumakan and Hitojin are rivals...and with the Kengou's attending this there will likely be a strike made against them."

"Oh, stop being so negative." Came the jovial voice of the gym teacher, Yuugi Hoshiguma, her adopted 'daughter' Kogasa Tatara by her side. "Yeah, Koumakan and Hitojin don't get along, but that doesn't mean there's going to be some kinda riot or anything and if it does happen, we'll take care of it."

"I only wish it were that simple, Miss Hoshiguma..." Shikieiki sighed, crossing her legs and sitting back in the metallic chair as she watched a rather muscular man speak about how 'Crack was whack'. "...How old is the material these speakers use anyway..."

As the show progressed onward, the odd prescense of a small group of youkai students sat by at the very edge of the crowd pretending to enjoy the show that was playing out for them. This group was the Jigoku Ravens, the gang that was native to the Chireiden High School area. They usually did not associate themselves with other groups or schools often, at least not after the incident involving their leader, Reiuji Utsuho the Exploding Nova, who tried to over take the surface schools which earned her quite the hefty suspension. She had vowed to give up her previous interests in street life but later renewed herself as an ally for the Kengou gang once they saved her from an attack by a rivaling Oni gang. While it was a very beneficial partnership for both sides, Meira still saw them more as friends which Utusho seemed to enjoy about her. For the most part, Orin seemed to be the one awaiting the coming signal from one of Meira's gang members the kasha being Utsuho's right hand, but also being the one to handle intelligent decisions since Utusho was more focused on physical assualts than tact.

"Nyaaahaha, lookit them...they're all completely oblivious to what we're cooking up." Orin giggled with a cat like grin before she turned to see Satori tending to Utsuho who was doubled over in pain. "What's up with her...?"

"Okuu's not feeling well..." Satori answered in her usual soft tone. Satori shared a very unusual relationship with Orin and Utsuho, in the sense that they were her pets, but was not apart of the Jigoku Ravens. Even so, Satori was still valued among the team and the members protected her just as they would their leader. "Maybe we should call this off, if Okuu's sick we shouldn't attack anyone..."

"N-No, this will pass, I just..." Utsuho gasped out, sweat beginning to roll down her brow. She looked to Orin who was generally confused on what was ailing her leader, but still seemed concerned for her health overall. "Orin...I-I gotta do it...I gotta do it NOW."

Orin tilted her head in confusion before a red flag shot up in her mind. "What? But...Meira and her gang haven't given us the signal, we're not ready yet!"

"You're not ready, but IT is!" Utusho said, her pain fueling a slight annoyance toward the kasha for telling her she couldn't let it go. "Ooooh, fuck. if you don't give the call, I'mma blow us all up whether you like it or not!"

"You see, Okuu...this is why I told you not to eat the fried egg, hot dog combo..." Satori sighed, seeming to be the only calm person of the group as the other youkai feared the worst and were already beginning to fall into a panic.

Orin knew what was coming, she's been at the business end of this more times than anyone else, and was NOT going against it again. Immedieatly, the kasha assumed a combat position and began meowing orders to the Jigoki Ravens surrounding her. It was now or never, and while she was sure the Kengous would be thrown for a loop by the sudden release, had to be done or things would literally blow up in their face. "Everyone fall back! Make way for Okuu's Big Bang, CAUTION! FUCKING CAUTION!"

"What!? Holy shit, we gotta move!" An oni yelled out as he bolted upright and fled the scene. "Run, she's gonna blow!"

The youkai didn't even wait for a second word to be uttered as the lot of them scattered like spooked roaches, leaving Utsuho by herself as the hell raven groaned and turned her backside to the crowd of opposing students who looked back and began clamouring about what was transpiring off the edge of the field. They all were gravely ignorant to the danger that was set to detonate the entire area...Utsuho had been saving this one since breakfast and now it was going to be put to good use, "Ahhhh BIG BANG!"

"What the FU-!"

Elsewhere, a garbage man tossed in a hefty bag of trash into the back of the truck, wiping his brow of the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead thanks to the linger summer heat. With a sigh he stepped forward to the truck only to hear a loud, thunderous boom rumble through echo through the streets, the ground beneath his boots beginning to quake violently for a good seven seconds. Shaken by the quake (in more ways than one), the garbage man looked around and soon came to gaze upon a mushroom cloud of noxious green gas rise from where he believed that Hitojin High School event was taking place. "What in blazes..." Was all he could say before the smell of rotten eggs strangled his nose with brutal strength.

Back at the school, all hell had broken loose.

Students were reeling from the putrid stench that covered the entire sports field along with a thick cloud of gas that cut vision like a knife. Panic was rampant in the field as students ran trying to escape the awful smell or raven fart, but with the poisonous cloud still looming over their like a sickening miasma...efforts to escape were all but drowned in confusion and failure...

"By the yamas, what in the world-" Shikieiki coughed as she brought her arm to her nose.

"Jeezus Squeezus, who ever cracked that one off, needs to see a doctor..." Yuugi commented, the gas doing just a big a number on her senses as Shikieiki's.

"I know this's that hell raven from Chireiden High School, what is she doing here!?" Shikieiki

"BLARGH my nose...OH MY GOD MY NOSE!" A female student yelled out blinded by the sudden ghastly bio-terrorist attack that came straight from the hell raven's lower intestine. "BARF!"

"This blows my day...literally!"

At the edge of the field, Utusho sat on the ground, panting in relief from having just released the Big Bang. It was a horrid technique she gained long ago after she ate something bad at Sanae's house (it was some kind of rare didn't exactly agree with her). The end result gave birth to the power of 'atomic farts', holding them back makes them more powerful at the expense of enduring terrible stomach cramps. This school is no stranger to this deadly move for Utusho used this once before against Reimu. The Big Bang in the past was so powerful and noxious that the school had to be evacuated and thoroughly fumegated for a week. For that entire week, Hitojin High School was declared a biological hazard to human life. "Pheeew, Mother of mercy...I think I blew off my panties with that one..." Utusho remarked, virtually winded and drained but, for the most part, in a state of sweet relief...really, you would be too if you just cracked off a back blast that practically gassed an entire field. "Orin...tell Meira I'm sorry...I sorta couldn't hold it back anymore..."

"Will do." Rin replied with a thumbs up, her fingers pinching her nose pulling out her cellphone to inform Meira of the news. Although she was pretty sure that the samurai girl could have easily heard the blast herself...


Further off, to the left of the main building of Hitojin High; Meira stood watching the chaos, her gang having came prepared with facemasks to help ward off the putrid stench of Okuu's deadly Big Bang, technique.

"The dreaded Big Bang..." Meira commented. "Fart and it kills everyone...truly a weapon of mass destruction fitting to the Exploding Nova herself. I'm glad such power is on our side." You should be should be...

"Meira we got word that the crowd's been knocked for a loop by that fart move, Shikieiki and the other teachers are pretty much in the same situation. Should we head in and risk the poison?" Saitou asked his leader, who took a moment to gauge the crowd of panicing students and calculate just how much time they had before order was restored. She knew Shikieiki wouldn't allow the crowd to continue going apeshit, it's not in her nature as a yama to allow chaos, so if they wished to strike clean...they had to do it now.

"We'll have to, although waiting was an option, it looks like it's now or never..." Meira said as she turned to the gang, all of them armed and ready to fight the battle they were preparing for the entire afternoon. "Don't drop your facemasks, and focus all your attention on our plan. Kengous ATTACK!"


Remilia sat on the roof of the school, her group of elite fighters the "Empresses Four" all present on the rooftop of Hitojin high and watching as the gang of Kengous rushed into the chaos in search of Reimu and her council members. "How crude of them, using such a disgusting tactic." The vampire said in disgust. This would throw off her ambush plan being...well, SHE didn't want to go down there.

"Still though, you gotta admit, that was pretty darn smart of them." Meiling added. "I mean, who knew the Exploding Nova was on their side?"

"Indeed...if we're to become the supreme power, we will have a difficult time subduing them..." Patchouli agreed, before giving in to a coughing fit she had been trying to scath off since the Big Bang attack. The bad air was not doing her weakened lungs any favors...

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that. Once Reimu is out of the way, I intend to turn the Jigoku Ravens against Meira; their leader is quite the ignorant birdie so it should be easy to fool her. Once Reiuji is against Meira, taking her down should be child's play." Remilia chuckled ominously, her wings spreading full span as she prepared to brave the slowly dissapating cloud of gas. "But for now, let us focus our power on the student council...I have a grudge to settle with a certain miko..."


"God dammit, what in the hell is going on out there...!" Reimu cursed, her nose burning from the gas attack that was unleashed seconds ago. She and her council members were behind the stage awaiting their chance to deliver the closing speech when the attack was let loose onto the crowd.

"Ugh, someone farted, that's what happened." Marisa answered, fanning around her nose.

"We need to get everyone in order. If we don't tihngs will only get worse the more people panic." Alice suggested, before a large book came scream through the air and beaned the blond right in the face. Blood from her newly broken nose shot out into the air as she flipped and rolled over her own weight and came to settle several feet away.

"Miss Margatroid!" Youmu tore her eyes from Alice's downed body and looked around seeing no one. "Who thew that book! Show yourself!"

"Don't bother..." Marisa sneered, "That's the Knowledge Arts or more commonly known as the "Librarians Trick"...Patchouli's deadly signature move." Yes, she knew of this skill all to well.

"Patchouli? Dammit, I knew we couldn't trust Remilia!" Reimu cursed once more as she stepped forward, laying ready to confront the vampire who had declared war on her school and her council. "Suika, take Alice to the nurse's office. Me, Maris and Youmu will handle things here."

"You got it~!" The oni complied, effortlessly hoisting Alice's limp body off the ground and dashing off in another direction, more than likely to take another route that wasn't as dangerous as cutting through the chaotic crowd ahead of them. With Suika and Alice gone, Reimu and her remaining crew dashed from behind the stage and immedieatly came face first with resistance. Several vampiric gang members had .

"Head Bomb!"

A figure rocketed from the air, slamming into the oncoming hoodlums, the sound of bones cracking resonating loudly into their ears as they were driven down into the earth. The figure pulled his head from the bodies of the unconcious thugs, as he tossed aside his now broken sunglasses and turned to Reimu and the others who were ready to strike at him. "Relax, I'm on your side." The person stepped forward to reveal themselves to be Saitou, Meira's right hand.

"You're Saitou, Meira's right hand man..." Reimu then remembered that if Saitou was here, then that meant Meira's gang was involved with things outside in the field. "What's going on here, what's Remilia planning?"

"Hostile takeover. Vamp bitch wants you dead, girl." Saitou remarked dryly.

"That a fact, huh?" Marisa cracked her knuckles and assumed a combat ready stance. "In that case, I suppose we have to fight you too?"

"Nah, but you can if you want to though." Saitou shrugged nonchalantly. "First, lemme let you in on a little secret; Meira's not the one being used here...Remilia is."

"She's double crossing the double crosser?" Marisa gasped, her hands suddenly meeting the sides of her face in surprise. "No way, that's impossible!"

"Whatever the case maybe, we have the advantage here...since Remilia has no idea of what's going on." Youmu stated as she readied her weapon, a lead pipe with a flower tied to the base of it, and gazed out at the raging battlefield before her. "This is our last chance to defeat Remilia, we can't afford to mess this up!"


BGM. Listen if you want to, I don't care.


A student's body was sent rolling back into a group of chairs, having met the business end of Meira's wooden sword in action. She looked around and could only see the maddening mix of an all out brawl taking place before her; the Kengous fighting against Koumakan's forces. Now that he gas had been cleared, Meira was sure Remilia would see that she was screwing her over. If they lost this battle...Remilia would surely take no mercy on her and unleash the full force of her army upon her like a raging fist of god. However, the battle was far from long as reinforcements did not arrive for Koumakan...they could win this.

"We can do this..." Meira thought, clenching her wooden sword tightly and whirling around to swat away a speeding book, sending the thick tome like dictonary spinning off into the distance into the face of a fleeing student. "She's already issued a warrant for my execution, has she?" Meria's sharpened eyes slid to her side and saw the visage of Patchouli, Meiling and Sakuya all surrounding her. Remilia had most likely gone for Reimu and had left her Empresses to take care of Meira.

"Indeed, your betrayal has left Remi very displeased. Her only regret is not being here to deal with you herself..." Patchouli wheezed, her palms glowing with magic energy that telekinetically picked up several books she had previously thrown and calling them to her person.

"Sorry, orders are have to be put down." Meiling added shifting her foot to the side as she went into a fighting stance.

"My loss, I presume?" Meira chuckled sarcastically, "All of you against me, I suppose Remilia has very low confidence in your abilities to defeat me individually."

"Save your bad mouth for the principal." Sakuya spat venomously. "Once this is over, Remilia will turn you in for disrupting the peace her. She won't allow-" Those very words died in Sakuya's gullet, as she dropped her sentence to pick up a chance to gaurd a flying chair from her right side. The maid turned on the heels of her stellitos and saw a familiar face grinning to her. "You..."

"Yamaguchi?" Meira spoke up, visibly surprised by the appearance of someone she didn't quite expect to be here. "What in the name of Yamato are you doing here!"
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
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  • if you're better than me
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #394 on: September 20, 2010, 06:05:07 AM »
Pawt 2!!


"What? You call this a fair fight?" Yamaguchi shrugged. "I'm here to help my beloved, I won't let them touch a hair on your beautiful purple head."

"Tch...don't get in my way..." Meira sneered focusing on the trio surrounding her.

"Don't worry, I plan to be at your back all the way." Yamaguchi chuckled joining the fray, his eyes locking onto those of Patchouli. It's been quite a while since he's seen her, at least since he transfered out. "...I knew one day we'd have to fight, at least while Remilia was around anyway...I'm sorry it had to be like this..."

Patchouli remained silent and merely recalled the power of her Knowledge Arts, "Dont be...if I had not have known Remi then maybe we could have remained together but, that cannot be changed. This is how it must be so long so Remi needs me as a friend..."

"Fair enough..." Yamaguchi chuckled. "You're a good friend, Patchouli...I'm sure you'll make her very happy..."

The levitating storm of books came thundering down at the two, Meiling and Sakuya dashing as they capitalized on the opening attack Patchouli had unleashed. Meira ducked downward, avoiding one set of books before she drove her wooden sword forward and deflected another. Yamaguchi focused on physical support for the samurai, blocking Meiling's incoming punch and biting back with a counter of his own to which the chinese youkai also gaurded against. Sakuya followed up behind Meiling attack with a blindingly fast technique known as Nitro Port, the maid lifting up her toned legs and shooting forward like a bolt of lighting that struck Yamaguchi right in the back sending him flying forward and into the dirt ahead.

Sakuya disappeared once again to continue her light speed attack, only to have her legs taken from under her by an even swifter attack curtosy of an downward sweep of Meira's wooden blade. The maid spun around in the air for several seconds before her body was blown back by a powerful finishing kick from Meira. The samurai lept forward her blade raised high as she brought it down onto Sakuya only to have it blocked by a folding chair held by the very maid she lay ready to strike down. "You're foolish to think you can betray our wills, Remilia has an army under her. Do you really believe you can defeat her here and get away with it?"

"Yes," Meira replied confidently, jumping back and viciously striking at the chair Sakuya held for protection. "I've beaten Remilia at her own game...the game she thought she couldn't lose is now in MY favor." Meira reeled back and thrust her sword forward, the force of the impact charged through Sakuya like a semi truck and shoved her into a group of folding chairs.

"We can end her reign...We hold the key to stopping Remilia's take over..."


"Geeze, they just won't stop comin'!" Marisa complained, a Koumakan student falling over from a punch to the gut. "Where the hell's Shikieiki and the teachers!"

"Remi's probably got them over run with decoys!" Saitou answered, before he grappled and suplexed a youkai student. "She's probably ordered the bulk of her gang to keep the teachers busy by letting themselves get caught. She's underhanded like that..."

"Underhanded am I?" Came the elegant voice of Remilia, her widely spread wings being the first thing the four students saw of her imposing visage. "You should watch your tongue, I'm in a very violent mood right now, half breed."

"You..." Reimu snarled, less than happy to see the vampire's face after their previous (verbal) fight. "What the hell is wrong with you orchestrating this crap! Do you realize how much trouble your in once this is over!"

"I don't care!" Remilia roared. "I'm sick of you, Reimu...I gave you a chance to come back to me and you blew it! I'm going to make sure you feel every inch of my hatred for you right here and now!" The vampire charged forward to the miko, grabbing a chair and launching toward Reimu.

"Gungir Shot!"

The chair took on a crimson aura as it screamed to the council president, who leaped out of harms way just in time to dodge a near fatal blow that went rolling off into the distance at a break neck speed. Reimu looked up and saw Remilia above her, eyes burning red with hate, at this angle...Reimu wouldn't have enough time to effectively dodge or block. Remilia had her in a checkmate...that is, until Marisa football tackled the vampire to the ground and held her down despite struggling to do so.

"Calm the hell down!" Marisa shouted to the raging vampire student. "You keep this tantrum up, and you're looking at something far worse than suspension!"

"This isn't your fight, go home!" Remilia screamed,  jamming her knee into Marisa's stomach. As Marisa's grip weakened only a small amount, Remilia over powered her and slung her into the wooden stage, the blond colliding with the wood with a low thud and falling onto her back unconcious. Remilia turned her crimson gaze to Reimu, Youmu and Saitou coming to the miko's aide which only made the vampire click her pointed fangs. The vampire dashed forward Youmu being the first to meet her charge with her lead pipe only to have her attack fail as Remilia dodged her assualt and effectively plow her down with a vicious backhand and a stomp to the midsection. With Youmu down, Saitou stepped up next and met Remilia's attack with one of his headbutt moves. The vampire jumped back into the air and dove back down with lightning speed, slamming into Saitou's back and crushing his body into the dirt.

"Hm, my new technique Bat do you like it?" Remilia said to Reimu as she stepped of Saitou's fallen frame and toward her main opponent. There were no more obstacles, nothing between her and the violence she had in store for Reimu and yet, the miko could only smirk. "What're you smiling about?

"Just the fact that you're about to get owned."

Remilia blinked and turned behind her to see only a blur of brown as it struck her across the face, sending her sprawling a few feet away, the vampire brought herself back upright and spat out a trickle of blood before she looked up and saw Meira standing in front of her. "Oh, it looks like I'll be kill two birds with one stone here. How delightful."

"You won't be killing any birds, from now one Miss Remilia Scarlet." The voice of the yama rang into Remilia's ears like the bells of death, the vampire freezing up as she saw Shikieiki walk from behind Meira's position and glare at her from where she stood. Remilia's entire body fell into a pale complexion as the realization of her failure was beginning to sink in. Now that Shikieiki was her, she had a higher chance of getting caught and suspended for her actions against Hitojin High.

"N-no, they did this to me! I was merely defending myself!" Remilia stammered, pulling out a poorly prepared innocent card in an attempt to escape the punishment the yama may have in store for her. "They ambushed me back here just because I attend Koumakan Academy!"

"Save it. Meira's told me all about your scheme and how you're the root of all the gang related activities around the city." Shikieiki glanced to Meira who didn't make eye contact. "I was originally going to suspend Meira but she told me the true threat was you...she was merely defending her school." Upon hearing those words, Remilia's eyes bulged wide as she realized that Meira turned the tables on her by temporarily proving her alliance with Hitojin High. In this sense, her punishment won't be as severe as Remilia's would be. Shikieiki sighed and walked forward, grabbing Remilia by the arm and hoisting her up for the trip to her office. "Come along...we have alot to talk about..."

"Noo, please stop. I-I can explain it all, just don't take me in yet!" Remilia protested, before her eyes met Reimu and Meira. Immedieatly anger began to boil back in her chest as her eyes narrowed in hatred for the two who had defeated her here. "This isn't over! I'll be back for your heads, you can count on it!!"


The incident that took place at the Hitojin High event passed as one of the most violent out breaks of gang brawls that had ever occured on campus, the second being the accident surrounding Utsuho's attack. Many students were injured during the fight, both gang members and normal students alike. Even so, school continued as normal from that day forward...however there was in fact, something different that occured after this event...

"...Ugh, I never thought I'd ask for those hot summer days to come back..." Meira complained, as a cold chill ran across her. Another school day had ended and she was on her way home. For the first time in 3 years...she was going home instead of the warehouse. Why this was lay with the simple fact that after the incident, Meira dissolved the Kengou Gang. After Remilia's defeat many of the others soon followed after once Shikieiki managed to get a hold of their leaders. Meira didn't want to do this...but she knew that it was the right thing to much as she loved roaming the streets with her was in fact a bane to society. Something she did not want to be seen as by others when they mention her name at Hitojin High School...

"Maybe you should consider actually wearing the winter uniforms then." Came the voice of Reimu as she waited by the gate of the school for the samurai girl who merely clicked her teeth at the advice.

"That uniform always makes me itch..." Meira remarked dryly to the miko, walking past as she set to follow her. "Have you seen Saitou and Yamaguchi today?"

"Yeah, they're still going to be in the hospital for awhile but, they seem to be doing fine." Reimu answered. "You know Meira...there's still a seat open for you at the Student Council, we would love to have you with us for tomorrow's meeting."

"I'm not one for your politics." Meira declined. "I may be a former gang leader, but I still work alone."

"Fine, but the offer still stands if you change your mind." Reimu shrugged, as a silence fell between her and the samurai. "Why did you do it?"


"The attack, why did you choose to fight against Remilia?" Reimu added. "

"I never really wanted to help her...she forced her wills on me..." Meira replied, her voice barely audible. "But, then I realized that, even though she could force me into it with as many threats as she wanted...I didn't have to obey her. I knew that if I double crossed her during her attack, it would be the perfect oppurtunity for me to drive a stake through her heart and end her empire. I don't want people to see me as a common street thug...but a good person who fights for what's right in this city."

Reimu shook her head and chuckled. "I never would have thought you of all folks would be the one to care about what they thought of you..."

"I don't." Meira replied, before her lips curled into a faint smile. "But I'm sure Yamaguchi would be fairly upset if his girlfriend gave herself up to Remilia."

"Oh? You and Yamaguchi hooked up?" Reimu questioned, "I thought you didn't care for him that much."

"Love can blossom in the strangest of places...even on the battlefield..."
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #395 on: September 20, 2010, 07:30:45 AM »
Sakana, Chaore, you lazy lazy people, where are your votes >_>

I expect to be able to pass judgment by the time I wake up. >:<

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #396 on: September 20, 2010, 07:32:51 AM »
Heh, we just hit the deadline an hour ago, so go easy on us :P

If people would stop getting killed in Mafia and needing appropriate posts and management and all, I'd have read everything by now :V

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Goin' Back to School!"
« Reply #397 on: September 20, 2010, 05:18:34 PM »
This contest went right up to the last minute! Just as I thought I had chosen, we got an excellent last-minute entry that changed the whole face of the contest. That's right, you've already figured out who won.

Erebus! Not only was your entry completely unexpected, it also blew the judges out of the water with how well-written it was. Your writing style has really improved, and it shows. The ending was also quite a surprise, but I won't spoil it here because everyone should read it themselves.

Honorable mention goes to Sana. I particularly liked Akyu as the lead character-- she gets ignored far too often for having provided so much information in her Perfect Memento, and seeing her decide to make friends no matter what was really heartwarming.

This two-week theme was suggested to me via PM! I think it'll be great fun. :3

September 19, 2010: "The Name's Izayoi. Sakuya Izayoi."

The lunar princess is watching you sleep.

That's right, SUPER SPY TOUHOUS. The interesting part of this is that it can take place in any technology setting you want to put it in; you can get away with anything from ninjas to James Bond-style shenanigans. Subtlety is a must. A good spy has to be fast and quiet, after all. Apart from that restriction alone, you're free to do anything you like. 

Have fun writing, folks!
Heh heh, this is too much fun. 

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "The name's Izayoi. Sakuya Izayoi."
« Reply #398 on: September 20, 2010, 05:28:07 PM »
Congrats Erebus. And congrats to all the others as well, because damn, it was pretty hard to decide before Ere's last-minute entry came in.
Keep up the good work, and most of all: Have fun writing, everyone~


  • Time expired: 121:45
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "The name's Izayoi. Sakuya Izayoi."
« Reply #399 on: September 20, 2010, 06:09:04 PM »
Congratulations Erebus.  That was really good.

Spies, huh?  This could be fun.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "The name's Izayoi. Sakuya Izayoi."
« Reply #400 on: September 20, 2010, 07:03:19 PM »
Erebus, you would have won from length alone, then quality kicks in and O.O I feel pathetic compared to that X_X

Spies, sneaking and stuff huh?


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "The name's Izayoi. Sakuya Izayoi."
« Reply #401 on: September 20, 2010, 07:18:24 PM »
Subtlety? But what's a good spy story without everything going wrong and exploding! read about me playing league i guess


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "The name's Izayoi. Sakuya Izayoi."
« Reply #402 on: September 20, 2010, 07:45:06 PM »
I clearly need to read more Erebus.

Subtlety? But what's a good spy story without everything going wrong and exploding!

Depends what kind of "spy" angle you're going for. You could go James Bond with this, or go Falcon and the Snowman. Could even be an industrial spy trying to find Coke's secret ingredients.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Luna Moth Child

  • I do say, bzzzzzzz
    • Winterdrake Productions
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #403 on: September 20, 2010, 11:57:31 PM »
Does Sakuya necessarily have to be the main character? or can we use anyone?


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #404 on: September 21, 2010, 12:03:22 AM »
Does Sakuya necessarily have to be the main character? or can we use anyone?

Anyone is acceptable. read about me playing league i guess

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
  • *
  • if you're better than me
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #405 on: September 21, 2010, 12:07:49 AM »
Didn't think I'd actually win because ending quality is lolbad...but, good show to all the others, especially Iced and his Persona entry.

Eh, spies aren't usually my bag (I fucking hate Spy Kids), but I think I have something in mind for this one.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


  • ⑨ Baka Nine
    • Gem Wings
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #406 on: September 21, 2010, 03:06:21 AM »

And Hakurei Reimu entered a classy building and walked up to the desk.

"Ma'am who are you? Do you have an appointment."

"I don't need an appointment," she said as she put on swank looking sunglasses, "I'm Hakurei.... Reimu, Hakurei."

The day was saved.



  • serial time-waster
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #407 on: September 21, 2010, 04:23:37 AM »
Meiling: Let me see your identification.

Marisa: [waving her away] You don't need to see my identification.

Meiling: I don't need to see you identification.

Marisa: These aren't the books you're looking for.

Meiling: These aren't the books we're looking for.

Marisa: I can go about my business.

Meiling: You can go about your business.

Marisa: Move along.

Meiling: Move along... move along.

[No remorse was felt in the ripping of this dialogue.]


  • Blackouts=Makeouts! ;)
  • hohoho~*
    • in devianart
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #408 on: September 21, 2010, 07:22:03 AM »
mmm...I'm tempted....very, tempted. i will write something at least for fun.  <---is the opening, for lol your ears

On Her Ghostly?s Secret Service

1885 A.D,Gensokyo.

Period of changes and adaptation. Gensokyo no is dependient to Japan anymore...and after a year of isolation,some people was begin to think in take the chance and begin...a new life.Like a promise, the diferent "damyos" (if actually can be called like that) do a pact: if any of them broke the rules, that will be resolved with a new type of confrontation: a danmaku duel. this will mantain the peace and the equilibrium into the inabitants of Gensokyo.
But the netherworld is out of this, because rule the "not anymore" things. When someone altered the order of nature, trying to stop the cycle of live and death in the new territory...then Her Ghostly Majesty Yuyuko can go thougth all this and send her personal army for defend Hakugyokurou...with license to kill.

He have especific instructions to found a animal called "whiteplage"...the people from the Human village said who see him running in the night. The legend say who he was able to kill all an village (in times when Gensokyo was open) turning ill all of them...the only description who they have are his hair, long, very long, who no leave see the rest of his body, dressed in white yukata, and his eyes, brilliant and yellow like a tiger. must found him and kill it because is unable to control that terrible hability. Sadly, remind a little to Her Majesty when was alive.But she no remember that anymore.

...and finally, after wait all the night, meanwhile an interminable rain turn wet all the Forest of Magic, the "animal" appears. But no looks like the horrid monster who the people tell him. More like a aterrorized young kid, aged around his 17 years, but with a glance of someone more mature.And strangely is a pray for his double swords...but maybe for himself, if only were more old.
-Then you are the "whiteplage"...? no looks so powerful...
-what? im not...not...a killer...
and the truth was reveled after a little talk. His aka "Whiteplage" was gained for a mistake: his family,a clan half human half youkai who begin to live in the forest (and for that called Morichika) fall in disgrase after a strange curse begin to kill all the members of them.He was the only survivor, and was captured for the humans and selled to a brothel. After a while, all the people from that village begin to fall, begining with all the people from the brothel, soon the families from the clients, and finally all the rest...and again, he was the only alive. Alone, he search someone for help...but  the people called him "whiteplage" and look  him like the guilty of the illiness.
-but that no was truth!- a purple gap appears from the nothing in front of the two. The boy was intriguing, but soon...look her with disgust.
-is that youkai again! she was trying to capture me again.She say who im cute and pester me!
-Lady Yukari-dono...-
-He is a hanyou.They have a natural inmunity to human illiness.Is logic the thing who happened in that village. Some stranger or gaijin comes to the brothel, and contagied some girl with a venereal illiness; and after a while, the curse was in the place.How he was the only inmunized, he was the only alive...but something smell fishy here.
-why, Lady Yukari-dono? this looks like only a sad story, but i can leave this kid to the Kiri-
-Because the curse who falls to the this oh so cute child family no is normal. they was all half youkai but died anyways.
-she is here...too.-the boy said very silently...-that ghost...with green hair...who was before that...thing...
-Mima? who she was able to...kill all a clan? and why?
-His family was the only one who knows about us- from the opening who the elegantly dressed youkai create with her fan, the samurai looks a little figure talk with him. He recognize his voice inmediately.
-Lady Yuyuko-sama! - the bushi down his head and do a reverence.
-this is your new mission: protect that kid and infiltrate into Makai route. If Mima is planing something, and even eliminate the only connection who we have with the humans, must be really big - she said with a smile.
-but...he is able to...see you, then? - the man looks the child, who look him like suddenly turn crazy...oh.
-His power is to week for see the purposes and weakeness...maybe only can know names and uses of objects, but no persons...or ghosts. he can?t see me.
-that is good. he looks so confused...but...why i must go with him, my highness?
-because is more secure with you and can obtain more know...with your powers of persuation fufufu....
-BUT Lady Yuyuko-sama! he maybe was prisioner in a brothel but looks so not with little childs! -said the samurai, in red, very noticeable in his very white skin,and his vaporous companion turn soft pink too.
-he, at least, have 40 human years...if he is innocent, im virgin fufufu- said Yukari sama, dissapering in another opening in the air...and with that, the other gaps, where her majesty take comunication with the warrior.
-you no have tell me all the truth, then- said to the young hanyou, who was impressed. -But you have the opportunity to said me in all our trip. You must go with me.
-what?? let me go-auch leave me alone - and was forsed to up to the fine horse.- im don?t like talk with strange people...and you...are...very strange- said the kid, meanwhile look the floating and cold cloud who follow the bushi, and now spy.-is yours?
-yes. I?m Konpaku. Konpaku. Youki.
-spirit-spirit? that sounds like a codename! then...-and the "young" white haired man looks up the rainy sky- then call me suke.Rin-no-suke- said to him, with a funny shine in his eyes. He is a beauty after all, and very educated...
-no is so long. Kourin is good.
-DON?T call me Kourin!-the hanyou cries.
and the mission begins.


lol serendipity. (based in James Bond, a bit of Samurai things,and Patalliro (who is a parody of James Bond, but more homo XD) sorry the horrid english. and for no end it, but is a begin and looks sexy.And have a opening, who i do mixing the Youmu songs stages midis with the midi of the movie On Her Majesty?s Secret Service.

Monochrome Rainbow~* Technicolor Ochoufujoshi!
(?y ahora en espa?ol ,yay!) he will be Adequate?

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #409 on: September 23, 2010, 11:03:13 PM »
((Warning, contains 5x your daily dose of silly, stupid and pantie snatching))

Eastern Gear Bond ~ Metal and Darkness Eternal

Act I - Snake Eater

A orange dot was all that lighted the room, as I inhaled the smoke from my cigarette and waited for my superior to give me my briefing.
I didn't like the fact that I was stuck with another job. Dirty work it was.

"I see you are already here."

I looked up as the lights were turned on. Yamame. Of course it would be her. They knew I trusted that Spider Youkai. I still didn't trust Them.

"Hey Doc. What's the mission this time?"

"Why were you sitting in the know what, nevermind."

I chuckled and took another puff.

"This mission will send you deep into uncharted territory. I won't lie to you, it's going to be dangerous as hell."

"Hrmph. What else is new? What's the target?"

Yamame turned on an overhead projector. I never figured out how that machine worked, but I knew it had no place in Gensokyo. But whatever.
The overhead showed an image of a woman with blue hair and a red dress, appearing to wear some for of large rope circle or something on her back.

"She's that Goddess on the mountain, isn't she?"

"Aye. Your on a mission to gather information from her shrine. There have been reports of something huge moving around the Youkai Mountain, and our sources say that she seems to have a hand in whatever is going on there."

I nodded and continued listening.

"This is a black ops mission. If you get caught we will have to deny all connection to you. You will have to provide for yourself on this mission, so as to prevent anything from linking back to us. You understand, don't you?"

I had been on more missions like this than I could care for, so I understood all too damn well.

"Any clue as to what the giant thing is?"

"We've got nothing. We have heard theories ranging from it being the Daidarabochi to some Chinese God of Disaster."

"So it's up to me, eh?"

"Yes. Here, take this."

Yamame gave me a shoe.

"This shoe will allow us to see what you see and will allow us to communicate with you."

"Hrm...I guess it's better than being completely alone out on the battlefield.

"Yes. Do you accept your mission?"

"As if I had much of a choice, heh. Whatever. When's the drop take place?"

"In two hours. Best of luck and Godspeed. I'll contact you when you arrive."

I nodded and sighed inside. Here we went again.


A few hours later I found myself sitting amongst grilled chicken and more grilled chicken as the cart moved through the forest towards the mountain.

She was sure there wouldn't be any problem with the drop, considering that the inhabitants of the mountain knew that the owner of this grilled chicken stand was immortal, and usually just let her pass whenever she felt like it.

"You OK back there, kid?"

I cringed at thought of being called a kid, but she had a point. My age was as nothing compared to hers.

"Yeah. Be quiet though, or they'll realize there is more than dead meat back here."

Mokou, the Immortal snickered as we approached the mountain. For a good long while it was silent, except for the rustling of the forest itself.

"Mokou, wasn't it?"

I heard the voice from outside the card and held my breath, trying to calm down and slow my heartbeat as much as possible.

"Ah, a dog appears."

"I'm a Tengu, human, a Wolf Tengu."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, doggy."

"Grrr...what are you doing here, human?"

"Planning on selling some grilled chicken. Want some, doggy?"

"Hrmph...maybe later, on my lunch break. Watch yourself up there."

"Sure thing, doggy~"

I remained still for a few more minutes until the cart started moving again.

This was too close for comfort. But this type of mission doesn't allow for comfort.

After a while I heard three knocks. That was the signal. I slunk out of the back of the cart, and made my way to the bushes, to hide inside them.

A beeping sound from my foot distracted me.

*Press Select*

"-ge, do you copy? I repeat, do you copy?"

"Yes, Yamame, loud and clear."

"You are now in enemy territory, so we do no longer refer to each other by our real names. You will be called Peeled Orange from here on out."

"What about you, what should I call you?"

"Hrm... Inaba."

"OK, bunny girl, Inaba it is."

"Now the shrine is up near the top of the mountain on a plateau presumably created by the goddess Suwako. It's gonna be a long and arduous trek up the road, but I am sure you can handle it."

"Thank you for your support Inaba. I have one question though."

"What is it, Orange?"

"Why the hell did it have to be a shoe phone?"

"Blame the eggheads in the lab."

"You'd think they'd get smarter than that."

"If you need me, you'll be able to reach me by dialing (555) 555-5555."

"Are you kidding me?"

"Do I look like I am kidding?"

"Beats me, I can't see you."

"At any rate, best of luck."


I sighed and hung up and put my god damn shoe back on, and began my long trek up the mountainside. It would be hard, cruel, and I would have to live off the land for god knows how long.


*One hour later*

It was hard getting there. But after evading several patrols, sending one of them to eternal damnation with my trusty baton. I had to feed off of snakes and frogs to survive, but it was worth it. I made it to the enemy base.

The shrine grounds were expansive, and there was no real means of getting through it undetected. I had to rely not on being invisible to the enemy, but to blend in. Luckily I always carried a few disguises with me.

A few minutes later, I had my usual green and yellow clothes exchanged for a blue dress with plenty of frills and black highlights. Nobody would recognize me, especially not those guards...those fairies looked like they were sleeping, but I knew better. They were just waiting to pounce.

I moved towards the grounds nonchalantly, past the guards feigning sleep and towards the main building of the shrine. I figured it was time to put in some worshipping time. I opened the doors to the shrine, and looked around smugly.

"Oh, Kanako, Suwako, it looks like we got a guest!"

The green haired shrine maiden approached me.

"Greetings, milady, I don't think I have seen you before. These are the goddesses of the Mountain, Kanako Yasaka and Suwako Moriya. I am Sanae Kochiya. May I ask your name?"

Friendly. Too friendly. I had to play it smart, as I knew I could. "Orange. My name is Peeled Orange."

"A pleased to meet you Lady Orange. Would you like to join us for tea perhaps?"

"Of course I would love to."

Our eyes met, and I knew this woman was danger. Just my type.

The tea ceremony was long and not very... enlightening. There was talk about something they called giant mekas in mangas and other things of pop culture. I had heard a little about these things here and there and managed to contribute a little, but I wasn't getting anywhere with this childish talk.

The conversation was interrupted by a loud noise coming from outside as the mountain itself appeared to shake.

We rushed outside to see that smoke was rising from the lower regions of the mountain. Kanako and Suwako seemed suddenly like two different people from the happily gossiping folks inside, as they began ordering fairies and the like around to check what was going on. In the mayhem a slinked away, and noticed that I heard that beeping noise again from my shoe.

*Press Select*

"Inaba, what the hell is going on?"

"We don't know, Orange, but it would appear that for whatever reason the Palanquin crashed into the Youkai Mountain."

"Captain Murasa and her old pals Jim and Jack I am sure. Anyways, this might be good."

"Yes, the shrine is in chaos right now. Go infiltrate the main building and search it for any clues you might be able to get."


I hung up and put my shoe back on, and looked up to see a young fairy looking at me with wide eyes.

"Why were you talking into your shoe, Miss?"

...I silenced her...forever.

I reentered the shrine and began snooping around amidst the chaos. Neither Sanae's nor Kanako's rooms had any information for me.

Suwako's room however, held info that seemed important. Blueprints. Of something giant...that looked vaguely humanoid...a god damn giant meka.

I made sure to capture plenty of pictures with my shoephone and then made a dash for it. This mission wasn't over yet.

"What were you doing in my room?"

It was far from over.

"Are panties?"

What? I like panties.

I tried making a mad dash for it, with the mad goddess right on my heels.

"W-wait, Miss Orange, not that one please, it's my favorite."

Hehehe, yeah it was a nice one.

I made my way out of the shrine, and began making my way to the extraction point.

I was almost in the clear, when suddenly the ground before me split open. revealing a large hole in the ground, from which something rose. Something that defied logic and natural laws.

"Give me back that pair of panties, or you shall face the wrath of my new toy, the Hisouten Soku!"

I looked up at the giant. The giant looked up at me. I needed some major fire power for this.

"These are mine now, bitch!"


The giant lifted it's foot up and attempted to step on my, but I rolled to the side, dodging the attack. I pulled my trusty baton out and held it up in the air. A beam of light showed me its weakness. The cockpit. I dashed towards the meka, narrowly avoiding a punch from the monstrosity, and grabbing onto its arm, jousting me up to its shoulder. I narrowly avoided another punch directed towards me on her shoulder, and barely managed to cling to some pieces of metal as the giant shook its shoulder to get rid of me.

I slowly dragged myself towards the face of the giant, and put all my force into a mighty baton swing.

A loud noise resounded around the mountain as the head acted much like a bell, vibrating and amplifying its own sound.

I tried to hold my ears shut, but not even that could help against the loudness of the sound.

The giant began swaying, and subsequently tumbled to the floor, breaking apart, steam hissing everywhere. I barely managed to roll away from the dying giant.

I was victorious. I got myself out of there once I saw people coming too look at the new wreckage.

I heard a beeping sound from my foot again.

*Press Select*

"Good job, Orange. You did it. Only the Gods know what they would have done with that monstrosity. And now we have the plans to counteract any new giant abomination like that."

"So that is it, then?"

"Yes, mission accomplished. Given the mayhem it should be save for you to leave the mountain now. We have a new mission for you."

"Heh. Go figure. Anyways, Mission Accomplished. See you at HQ, Inaba."

I put my shoe back on and made my way off that mountain. I took a good long sniff from the panties, then lighted a cigarette.

"Mission accomplished alright~>"


Somebody shoot me please for writing this...because I have two more acts in mind, and I don't think the world is ready for this BS.   :derp:

Yes, I jump the shark, I jump the shark so hard.  :3

Also the "meka" misspelling is intentional, don't ask why, I don't get it either.

Enjoy.  :V
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #410 on: September 24, 2010, 03:19:36 AM »


hahahhahaa you wrote it I love  you

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #411 on: September 25, 2010, 04:54:08 PM »
my brain...
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.


  • Time expired: 121:45
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #412 on: September 25, 2010, 07:56:22 PM »
Agent S

It was a typical morning in the Makai household.  Alice and Mai were at the table eating breakfast and Yumeko talking on her phone.  Shangai was setting in Alice's lap.  Shinki came in looking around and scratching her head.

?What's wrong mom?? Alice asked.

?I've lost my hair bobbles again.  This is the fifth time this week.  I'm going down to the store to pick up some more,? she sighed.  ?Behave for your sister while I'm gone.?

?Luize you will never guess who I saw at the mall.  It was Sakuya, she said hi to me, can you believe it!?  there was squealing from both ends of the phone.

?YUMEKO!?  Shinki yelled to get her attention.

?What is it mom??  she put her hand over the receiver.

?I'm leaving now, you know how to reach me.?  Shinki waved good bye and went outside.

?Poor mom,? Alice said, ?she keeps losing her hair bobbles.  I wish there was a way that she wouldn't lose them.?  She suddenly set up right, ?Mai, I know what we're going to do today!  We're going to make a pair of hair bobbles that can't be lost!?  Shanghai jumped off Alice's lap onto the floor.  Alice and Mai jumped down to the floor and started to run outside.

?Hey!  Don't do anything weird while mom is gone!? Yumeko shouted.  ?I'm watching you!?

?We're just going to make a pair of hair bobbles that mom can't lose,? Alice said turning around.

?Well, that doesn't sound to bad.  But I'm onto you two!?  She put two fingers up to her eyes and pointed at Alice.

They ran outside to their garage.  There was a bunch of tools and big empty space for them to work on.  Marisa, their neighbor from across the street, saw them and walked over.

?Hi Alice, watchcha doing?? she asked.

?Oh, hey Marisa, we're building mom a pair of hair bobbles that she can't lose.?

?That sounds handy, how are you going to do it??

?By putting a tiny teleporter and sensor inside of it.  Whenever she takes them off, they will always go to her jewelry box.  Hey, where's Shanghai??

Around the other side of the house Shanghai had her back pressed against the wall.  She quickly glanced around before pulling a fedora out and putting it on her head.  She tapped against the wall and a hole opened up underneath and she fell down.  A slide took her all the way to a secret lair underground and dropped in a chair in front of a large screen.  Major Yamaxanadu was on the screen.

?There you are Agent S.  Yukari is up to her old tricks again.  This time she's been going around stealing everyone's hair bobbles and not only that, she has ordered hair bobbles from everywhere causing them to be out of stock!  Look at Komachi here, she's looks like a mess.  Komachi come out here and show Shanghai how bad you look.?

?That's alright ma'am, I'm find being back here,? she shouted from off screen.

?Ah hem, go stop Yukari!  We believe she's somewhere in Youkai Mountain.  There's been weird energy reading coming from there.  It has Yukari written all over it.  Literally, Yukari is written all over it,? an image of the mountain with the name Yukari written all over it came up.  Shanghai saluted and ran to the back of the room and took an elevator going up.

Back in house, Yumeko was still on the phone with Luize.  There was a loud noise from the garage that made the house shake.  ?Hang on Luize, I'll have to call you back.?  She closed her phone and started running out.  Shanghai came out of the wall directly in front of her path, but she wasn't watching and tripped over her.

?For a doll who doesn't do much, you sure get in the way a lot!? she picked up Shanghai and started running to the garage.

? were right, Mai.  Using something as unpredictable as magnets is too dangerous.?  Alice was saying when Yumeko ran out there.

?Oh hey Yumeko.?  Alice said.

?What are you two up to??

?We're building mom some hair bobbles.?

Yumeko looked around at the garage.  It was covered in black soot.  There was a giant metallic ring against the wall.

?I'm telling mom!?

?That's a good idea.  We don't need her spending money on something we're building!  By the way have you seen Shanghai??

?She's right here,? she held out her empty hands, ?Huh?  Where did she go??

Shanghai was floating above them with a propeller coming out of her hat.  She flew off toward Youkai Mountain.  When she got in range, she popped the propeller back into her hat and walked up to the front entrance and rang the doorbell.  A gap opened up underneath her and fell through.

?Ha ha ha, Pizza deliveryman!  You thought you were going to deliver the pizza on time, but I won't let you!?  Yukari came in laughing.  ?Oh, it's you Shanghai the Doll.  You have fallen right into the wrong trap!  You see, that over there is your trap.?  She pointed at a bear trap surrounded by lava that was surrounded by a pool filled with piranha and a nuclear warhead positioned over it all.

?So Shanghai the Doll, you must be wondering what I'm doing with all these hair bobbles!  It all started in the old country Sukimachiquaneskawon.  I was five years old and all I wanted was some hair bobbles to call my own!  But when I asked my parents they said I was too old and hair bobbles were only for little kids and then I was forced to get a part time job cleaning chimneys!  By the time I saved up enough money I was seventeen years old and the shopkeeper told me I was too old and refused to sell me any!  But now, with my hairbobbletakeinator, I will take all the hair bobbles and be the youngest looking girl in the TRI-GENSOKYO AREA!?

?Wow, that's sad on a lot of levels.?

?Wait!  Shanghai the Doll doesn't talk!?  Yukari said and looked at the trap.  There was someone else dangling inside of it.  ?REIMU!? she looked up and saw her Mama Hakurei hat, ?Reimu the Pizza Deliveryman!  Where's Shanghai the do-OOF!?  Shanghai fell out of the sky and kicked Yukari in the face.  She stumbled back and hit a button on the hairbobbletakeinator.

?Look at what you made me do Shanghai the Doll.  You made me hit the 'Take soot covered giant rings' button!'?

Meanwhile in the garage the soot covered giant ring took off towards Youkai Mountain.

?I don't remember programming it to do that,? Alice said.  ?Oh well, we were finished with it anyway.  I wonder when Yumeko is going to get here with mom.?

Back in Youkai Mountain, the soot covered giant ring smashed through the door and hit the hairbobbletakeinator.  It knocked all the soot off and into the hairbobbletakeinator.

?Oh no!  All that soot is going to make it blow!?  Yukari shouted.  Shanghai popped the propeller out of her hat and flew off.  The thing blew and hair bobbles started raining over the Tri-Gensokyo Area.  It loosened Reimu's ropes and she got down.  ?By my watch it's been twenty-eight minutes.  Pay up!?  Yukari started grumbling and handing over money, ?Don't forget the tip, too.?


?Yea, yea I get that all the time.?

Back at the Makai household Yumeko was shouting and pushing her mom towards the garage.  ?MOM MOM!  You gotta see what the girls did this time!?

?Alright, alright you don't have to shout,? she said.  ?Hey are those the hair bobbles I lost yesterday??  she bent over and picked up the hair bobble that was laying on the ground.?

?Come on come on!  You gotta see this!  Hurry up!? she was stomping and pointing into the garage.

?Oh wow!?  Shinki said looking at the garage, ?did you two do all of this??

?Yeah, see see!?  Yumeko shouted.

?You dusted the garage, how nice!? Shinki said smiling.

?And there's something I want to show you in your jewelry box!? Alice said.

?Alright, but first who wants snacks.  Marisa can come too,? Shinki said and everyone cheered.  Except for Yumeko who has been staring in disbelief at the garage.  ?Close your mouth dear.?

?Oh, there you are Shanghai,? Alice said.

?Maybe we should make something to find out where she goes everyday,? Mai said and everyone laughed.

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #413 on: September 25, 2010, 11:39:29 PM »
And Hakurei Reimu entered a classy building and walked up to the desk.

"Ma'am who are you? Do you have an appointment."

"I don't need an appointment," she said as she put on swank looking sunglasses, "I'm Hakurei.... Reimu, Hakurei."

The day was saved.


Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
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  • if you're better than me
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #414 on: September 26, 2010, 06:40:55 AM »


Oh wait...what the hell am I doing, I'm supposed to be writing now...
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #415 on: September 27, 2010, 08:09:44 AM »
Yumeko talking on her cell phone like an ordinary teenage girl made me giggle.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #416 on: September 27, 2010, 03:51:48 PM »
... Look at Komachi here, she's looks like a mess.  Komachi come out here and show Shanghai how bad you look.?

?That's alright ma'am, I'm find being back here,? she shouted from off screen.

Anyone else reminded of this?
Danbooru, wary wary.

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #417 on: September 28, 2010, 04:33:57 AM »
Huh. Seems interesting. Well, here you go, then.

On the Job

"Mo-Mi-Jiii..." The call came, dulcet and sweet and, to Momiji's trained ear, promised nothing good. Her ears flattened to her head, but all the same she lowered her sword from the training dummy. With a sigh, she set it down and mopped at her brow with a towel she had brought for just that purpose.

"Moooo-Miiiiii-Jiiiiii!" The call came again, and with a grunt of soft disgust she tossed the towel aside and buckled her sword back in place.

"Yes, I'm coming, mistress Aya." She called back.


"MOMIJI! There you are! Who's a good girl, who comes right when her master calls?"

"Please don't treat me like a dog." Momiji answered in a dull tone, knowing from long experience the futility of it.

"Momiji, my darling, assistant, I have had a WONDERFUL IDEA!" Aya declared, with the sort of cheerful enthusiasm and wide smile which could only mean trouble for Momiji in the very near future. "A brilliant and stunning expose on the innermost secrets of the troublecausers and problem-solvers of Gensokyo, indeed, even a masterpiece of literary brevity and wit, such that the readers will weep with joy to have been even the slightest part of its glory!"

"Oh god." Momiji whimpered softly. "Mistress... may I have a little time before this assignment, to go set my affairs in order? Make sure my last will and testament is up to date?"

"AHAHAHA! Momiji, Momiji, Momiji. I do so love your sense of humor. But let's be serious, now, you've got work to do. I need you to go take sample photographs of the contents of everyone's panty drawers."

Momiji's ears flattened against her skull, and she rubbed anxiously at the bridge of her nose in an attempt to stave off the headache she knew was incoming.

"Don't you usually make a point of taking the photographs you use yourself?" She tried feebly, in an effort to avert the coming disaster.

"Yeah, sure. But, see, I've got appointments to keep with the goddesses of the Moriya shrine. Interviewing them, having lunch,..."

"... Setting up an alibi..." Momiji grumbled.

"Yeah, that too, I suppose." Aya admitted without a trace of guilt or shame. "Now, as is standard procedure, should you be caught behind enemy lines, I will disavow all knowledge of your activities and intent-"

"If I get caught, the very first thing I'm doing is laying the blame for this whole fiasco right where it belongs." Momiji grumbled.

"So don't get caught!" Aya finished, pulling out a camera and scrap of paper with names scribbled on. "You have your orders, soldier! Now, go out there and make me proud!"

Were Momiji a weaker wolf-tengu, she would have begun to whine deep in the back of her throat. As things were, however, she simply grunted in disgust and snatched up the equipment.

As she left the room, she glanced down at the list. This time, she did whine a little, before choking it off into a strangled whimper.

Yasaka Kanako
Moriya Suwako
Kochiya Sanae
Izayoi Sakuya
Remilia Scarlet
Konpaku Youmu
Saigyouji Yuyuko
Horaisan Kaguya
Fujiwara no Mokou
Alice Margatroid
Kirisame Marisa
Hakurei Reimu...


She started with the Moriya Shrine, because in some ways it could be considered the most dangerous of all the places she would have to visit, being the home of no less than three of her targets. Better to get it out of the way quickly, before word began to spread.

Even better, Aya was occupying the snake-goddess and the green shrinemaiden with idle chatter, so she only really had to keep an eye out for the frog-goddess as she infiltrated the shrine.

It only took a moment to find the shrine-maiden's room, and from there to find her panty drawer. Most of it was prints, nothing really exciting. A few heart-prints, some stripes, a smiley-face print, and a few with patterns of robots. An eclectic assortment, but nothing particularly outrageous. Aya probably wouldn't be happy, but it wasn't like she could take pictures of something that wasn't there. She slid the drawer shut with a sigh, and started back to the door.

There was a click, partway there, and it began to slide open. Panicked, Momiji ducked into the closet and swung the door mostly shut, holding her breath and peering out through the cracks as the door to the room opened and the frog goddess stepped cautiously through. She paused for a moment to glance through the room, and Momiji saw that she was wearing a black napkin over her face and thick sunglasses. She hadn't, however, bothered to remove her distinctive hat. As she watched, Suwako continued into the room, stepping exaggeratedly carefully and quietly as she went, snickering under her breath. She moved out of Momiji's field of vision, and for a moment she could only hear what she was doing. A drawer slid open... then there was a soft rustling for a couple moments, and then the drawer slid sharply shut again, and Suwako rushed back out of the room, giggling and clutching a large bar of chocolate to her chest.

Momiji waited a few seconds, listening carefully to see if the goddess was going to return, then slowly let out the breath she'd been holding. Close. Too close.

In comparison, the invasion of Kanako's privacy went almost completely uneventfully. Aya wouldn't be pleased, though. Rather than anything the reporter would find interesting, the drawer contained only chest-wrappings and old fashioned fundoshi.

Her business there complete, Momiji withdrew to plan the assault on the final bastion of the shrine, Suwako's bedroom. It would be tricky... very tricky. Suwako had retreated to her room to scarf down the candy, and didn't show any signs of leaving again anytime soon. She should have come here first. Still, she waited patiently perched in a nearby tree, which offered a clear line of sight into the room, as her target thoughtlessly goofed around inside. Right now, it was a waiting game. Hours passed, and it was well after Aya left that an opportunity opened, as Suwako slumped almost bonelessly into bed, falling asleep moments after collapsing. Not a great opportunity, no, as the other two occupants had begun walking almost aimlessly through the shrine and would probably be quick to respond if Suwako woke and created a disturbance, but it was likely the best that she was going to get. She floated quickly over to the wall and hovered in place, carefully sliding the window open one painstaking inch at a time, wary of any shrill squeaks that might alert the sleeping goddess.

She didn't realize that she was holding her breath until after she'd fully opened the window, and let it loose with a quiet sigh. She carefully leaned forward and shimmied through the small hole, slowly and carefully, mindful of any noise. She was grateful that she'd thought to leave her sword and shield behind for this stealthy operation, as if there was ever a time that they would have caught on something and made a noisy clatter, this was probably it.

She moved to the drawers, and carefully slid them open, one at a time, hunting for the target. When she found it, she paused.


No, this couldn't be right. No way, after the more... mature-looking members of the household had turned out to wear such bland and uninteresting undergarments, there was no way it was possible that she was looking at this. It just wasn't possible. Clearly, her eyes were deceiving her, and she wasn't, in fact, looking at the sort of lacy, almost transparent sort of silky undergarment that could make a victoria's secret model blush slightly. Maybe there was some mistake, and for whatever nonsensical reason, the members of the household kept their underwear in drawers in each other's rooms. Or maybe it was some bizarre illusion, tricking the eyes, and what she photographed would be real?

She tried that. No such luck, as what the photo's showed was exactly what her eyes were telling her was there.



Only one way to be certain that she hadn't just taken leave of her senses, then. She turned slowly and began to creep up on the sleeping goddess, carefully leaning over. Not enough light... there was no way to see what she was looking at. Biting at her lower lip, but unwilling to back down now, Momiji reached out with a trembling hand and slowly, cautiously lifted at the hem of Suwako's skirt.

She had just enough time to, wide-eyed, comprehend and confirm what she was seeing before a small hand slapped hers away and the fabric settled back down. She froze, as the significance of that suddenly clicked in her head, and she slowly looked further up, to where the Goddess, Suwako, was staring down at her, narrow-eyed and frowning, deeply. As their eyes met, she began to form an Iron Ring in one hand.

"THIS ISN'T MY FAUUULT!" Momiji insisted at the top of her lungs, as she beat a hasty retreat through the window, photographs hidden away in a secure place as she dodged blast after blast of angry danmaku and tried to ignore the shrill screams of rage from behind her.


The rest of her raids went more or less the same, with Momiji picking up valuable pieces of life-wisdom along the way. Like 'If you're thinking about trying to steal panties from a knife-happy maid who can stop time on a whim, DON'T', and other such gems of zen-like insight.

The invasion of the Hakurei shrine had been the most harrowing and painful, she decided. Clearly not proportional to the few well-used sets of plain, unadorned white panties that the red-white had hidden so jealously away. In comparison, Marisa's house had been almost a breeze... the trickiest thing in that regard was actually finding where the witch kept her panties. For the most part, they weren't in drawers at all, instead hiding up on shelves and between seat-cushions, or hanging half-out of a cooking pot, aaagh, how could Marisa stand this, and for the most part it was just bloomers, with only a single set of racy, lacy undergarments thrown in for flavor. For the most part, the rest had been in between those two extremes, although closer to the first than the second.

There was only one left, now, on the list she had been given. Fujiwara no Mokou, the other recluse of the bamboo forest. Luckily, it seemed like she was out doing something right now, as her shack was dark, and nobody answered the door when she tentatively knocked. She sighed in relief, thankful for what looked like an easy job after the hell that Aya's request had put her through thus far.

Mokou's door didn't lock, she noted... no, that was wrong. There was a latch on the inside, but the other lock was broken, meaning that she could only keep the door locked while she was inside. Lucky for her, Momiji supposed, making an easy job even easier, as she set to search for the target.

And search. And keep searching. And search some more, as fruitlessly as all the searching previously had proven to be. Finally, having all but completely turned the house upside down and shaken it, Momiji set loose her disgust in a howl of frustration.

"Why can't I find the damn panties!?"

"Panties... huh." A dry voice came from the door.

Momiji slowly turned, and could almost feel her tail drooping as she met Mokou's cool stare. The immortal slowly let out a cloud of tobacco-smoke, then plucked her cigarette from her mouth and slowly ground it out into her other hand. Then, heedless of Momiji's fidgeting, she turned around and latched the door securely. With a dull start, she realized that none of the windows were large enough that she could fit through... with Mokou in between her and a locked door, unless she was willing to bring the whole shack down and possibly kill herself from it, she was well and truly trapped.

"My panties, was it? Let me tell you a little secret.." Mokou said, starting to walk slowly towards Momiji, who took an equal step backwards for every one of hers forward.

It couldn't last forever though, and she quickly ran into a wall, and scrabbled at it with her fingers as Mokou continued her advance. She stopped well within Momiji's personal space and leaned slightly forward, lips almost brushing against the wolf-tengu's ears.

"My little secret..." She almost purred. "... I don't wear any."

Momiji only had time to let loose a startled yelp as Mokou's hands blurred into action.



Hours later, a very haggard, disheveled, and drained looking Momiji stumbled awkwardly into Aya's office, clutching a file almost desperately.

"I've got..." she croaked, then coughed and continued in a more normal voice. "I've got those photos you wanted, mistress Aya." she said, setting the file down with all the tenderness of a holy relic, as though it were the finest crystal and might shatter at the slightest touch.

Aya blinked and glanced down.

"What's this... panties?" She asked aloud, flipping through the photos. "Oh, right! I did ask you to do that, didn't I! Not important." She finished, sweeping the entire file aside and to the floor in a grand, dramatic gesture. "Momiji, dear, I've heard the most FASCINATING new news! The black-white has started meeting regularly with Hoshiguma Yuugi, from the underground, for drinking contests. I think she's JEALOUS of the red-white's association with Suika, and is striking out by getting her own 'oni on the side'! It's the perfect front page story for Bunbunmaru news! Of course, I'll need you to go and interview-"

Momiji lunged, her hands, which had been twitching sporadically since Aya had knocked her hard work aside, outstretched in a clawing grasp towards her superior's silky white throat, even as Aya yelped and tumbled backwards, fighting off her assault as much as she could manage. This time, she promised herself. This time, she would really go through with it, would strangle the life out of the birdbrained reporter, and she would enjoy it. This time, for sure.



  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #418 on: September 28, 2010, 04:44:25 AM »
Oh lord there needs to be more Momiji fics like this one. I love you

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Current: "Super Spies Touhou!"
« Reply #419 on: September 28, 2010, 04:49:54 AM »
I do aim to please.  :blush: