Author Topic: The Library of MotK 47 ~ Magical Librarian Squad 5-1  (Read 140224 times)


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: The Librarians of MotK 8 ~ The obligatory bikini episode~ (by Rou)
« Reply #120 on: August 24, 2010, 03:26:46 AM »
Blegh. Honestly, I'm not proud of that work. I think I've lost my touch, when it comes to writing directly into a thread.

I think I'm gonna redo this one on my laptop, give it some polish. It needs it, badly, before I continue.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The Librarians of MotK 8 ~ The obligatory bikini episode~ (by Rou)
« Reply #121 on: August 24, 2010, 07:42:50 AM »
I think I'm gonna redo this one on my laptop, give it some polish. It needs it, badly, before I continue.
'twasn't as bad as you seem to think it was, but everything can be improved \o/ I wish you luck.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: The Librarians of MotK 8 ~ The obligatory bikini episode~ (by Rou)
« Reply #122 on: August 24, 2010, 09:08:54 AM »
Sure, I wasn't actually paid for the work I did. I wasn't really a Librarian to begin with
Wait. We get paid?!

She's a Librarian. And Librarians never die. They never shut down. They just keep coming.
Too bad for you that Rou is indestructible when swimsuits are involved. :V

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Wait. We get paid?!
You are paid with the privilege of being in my presence.

In other words,


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
My powers of hypnosis are growing! Everyone THOUGHT there was a story posted here by me, but alas! There isn't one!

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
My powers of hypnosis are growing! Everyone THOUGHT there was a story posted here by me, but alas! There isn't one!

*applied to this user*


:< come on, guy, we wanna see more of your stuff


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
*applied to this user*


:< come on, guy, we wanna see more of your stuff

I'm re-writing it. Wasn't pleased with the end result - reading over it, I could tell how forced it was, and how much it wandered in the first few paragraphs. I'm writing up on my other laptop, so I can plot it, plan it, and shape it properly. It'll be reposted, don't worry.

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: The Librarians of MotK 9 ~ Episode 2: Move out, Magical ★ Librarian Squad
« Reply #127 on: November 27, 2010, 10:59:25 PM »
Okay, who still remembered that story existed? Who still expected it to go on?
Well, now that I had to give up NaNo and have wrapped that up so far, it's time to go back to where I left off with my stories here.

- Episode 2: Move out, Magical ★ Librarian Squad -

At this point, I had given up on trying to apply logic and reason to the situation.
I had been caught up in another absurity of this world, and experience had taught me that just playing along was the best course of action.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, let us move out!"

'Huh, I haven't heard that voice before...'

I turned my head towards the sound, already prepared for the worst, when...

'Hey, that's a cute ferret.'

What I saw was a small ferret sitting on Ruro's shoulder.
It had probably been hiding in her clothes before, and had now come out to give it's speech.


"The world is in danger, Librarians, and you all are the only ones that can save it!", the ferret continued.

I looked over to Chaore with a questioning look, but she just silently shook her head.

"The enemy has kidnapped the Princess, the one that bestows balance upon this world!"

For a moment, I thought I saw a tear glitter in Ruro's eye.

"Donut... please hold on... I will save you soon....", she mumbled, looking down.

"If you fail to save her, chaos will reign forever!"

'Doesn't sound too different from the normal situation...'

The burning eye on Esifex' staff darted around to stare at me.

'Stop that!'


"So, only the world is at stake, eh? No pressure at all.", Chaore interrupted our mental dialogue.

"I wouldn't have called all of you if it was anything less than the world we are fighting for.", Ruro answered.

"Can't I just stay here? I don't think you need me...", a small voice that I had never heard before asked from the side.

I turned my head and saw that it was Polaris that had spoken. The ferret answered her.

"According to Ruro", the red-haired girl shot a glance at the animal. "According to Magical ☆ Samurai Ruro-tan you can easily find things if you know they exist, right?"

Polaris reponded with a short nod.

"See, that's why we need you, Magical ★ K-Polaris. This mission can't succeed without you."

The girl looked up, but still seemed reluctant. Then Esi's voice rang out in our heads.

""Do you want to be responsible for eveyone failing? When, overwhelmed by the enemies strength, they are defeated and killed one after another. No, the enemy is Moerin, so she will do things even more cruel than death to them! They will suffer, bodies and minds broken and then discarded like-"" "Heh, that's enough!", Chaore shouted.

She nodded in the direction of Polaris, who was crouching down on the ground, hands pressed on her ears, shaking in terror.
Esi chuckled at the sight, while both Ruro and the ferret shot her disapproving looks.
Rou still smiled happily like before, but I noticed she had stopped bouncing around, instead she looked like she was paralyzed with fear.

"... anyway, can we count on you to lend your powers to Justice?", the ferret asked Polaris once more.

The girl looked up with tears in her eyes. Her eyes grew wide as she noticed Ruro pulling out one of her swords just slightly. She nodded repeatedly as fast as she could.

"Very good~", Ruro smiled.

She let go of the sword again and came towards me, stretching out her hand.


"You can't fly, and we can't afford to waste time by walking, Moe Moe Tuna-tan. So I'll carry you."

I cringed a bit as she called me by my new name, but forced a smile when I saw her other hand twitching in the direction of her blades.

'Carry? That's so unlike her. Heh, maybe this isn't too bad after a-'

"A magical girl has to carry her pet after all", she smiled brightly.

'Of course...'

I sighed and took the girl's hand.
She looked around to everyone, making sure they were all listening

"Alright girls. Our mission is to save Donut from Moerin before she has the chance to do anything to her!"

"Considering 'rin, I'd bet it's already too late for that.", Chaore chuckled.

Ruro ignored the comment.

"And we shall not fail. For this is our fate as defenders of Love and Justice, as the Magical ☆ Librarian Squad! Move out!"

At those last words, Ruro turned around and started running towards the edge of the roof.
I got dragged along, trying my best not to trip and fall.
I gripped Ruro's hand hard when she took the last step to the edge and jumped, flying off into the sky while I dangled from her hand.

I looked back and saw the others taking flight as well.
Chaore floated without much enthusiasm, Polaris shifted left and right following some rhythm only she knew while flying, Esi was sitting sideways on her staff giggling like an evil witch as she passed by me and Ruro, and Roukan rode my other half like a motorcycle and squealed happily as she tested out just how aerodynamic a giant tuna could be.

'Wait a...'

I narrowed my eyes and stared at Roukan as she soared through the air.

'Is that possible...?'

The swimsuit-girl shouted with joy as she pulled my other half up and performed a looping.
When she reached the highest point of the loop, I saw that she had trouble holding on and almost fell. I was shocked.

'She's... actually riding it... that means it's flying... my tuna.. is...flying?'

That should have been impossible. I couldn't fly. That thing was half of me. So it shouldn't be able to fly either. Unless...

'Hold on! It always floats, but I never actually tried to...' "Aaaaaah!", I let out a shout as the realization set in.

I was capable of flight.
I had the ability.
But it was in my other half.
Half of my body was keeping the one ability that was really keeping me down, both literally and figuratively speaking, in this world.
I got robbed by myself and couldn't do anything about it.

'Well, I could maybe just ride on it like Rou do-NO. NEVER! I am NOT going to sit on myself', I shouted at myself mentally.

When I looked back, I saw Esifex holding tightly onto her broom to keep herself from falling down because of the laughing fit she was going through.

I felt the urge to knock myself out, but dangling on one hand from a crazy magical samurai-girl flying high in the air left me without the necessary means.
So I settled for letting out a deep sigh.

I looked up towards Ruro.
We were still flying in the same direction we started in.

"Heh Ruro, where are we actually going?", I asked.

While the girl herself didn't seem to hear me, she was intently watching Roukan's tuna-air-show, the ferret on her shoulder turned around at my words and came climbing down her samurai-style clothes.

When I saw it up close I noticed something. First of all, the ferret was wearing a small pair of glasses. Second, it was carrying another, far smaller, ferret on its own 'shoulder'.

'Glasses and a ferret...'

"Matsuri?", I asked.

If it was possible for a ferret to cringe, this one did it.



"I got one of the pages. About the 'Magical Pet' from the book and... next thing I knew I was in this form. It's pretty comfortable in Ruro's clothes though..."

I could have sworn the ferret grinned for a second.

"Though she insists on calling me Magical ★ Ferret Matsurin.", the small animal sighed.

"As for your question, we are going to Moerin's secret hideout."

"Do we know where it is?", I asked in confusion.

"You already forgot Polaris' ability?", Matsuri responded.


Matsuri called over Polaris.

"Alright, we need to find out where to go. Can you search for Moerin's hideout?"

The girl nodded and closed her eyes, concentrating.
For a moment I saw an illusion of the night and Polaris shining along with the glittering stars in the sky. It quickly disappeared when she opened her eyes again.

Matsuri looked at the girl expectingly, but she only shook her head.

"You can't find it? But Ruro ensured me you could find anything?", the ferret looked confused.

Polaris seemed to be embarassed somehow.

"W-well... usually that is true... I only need to know it exists. But because of this form...", she said almost inaudibly.

"Don't tell me..."

"I can only find things now when I know their proper name. And apparently Moerin didn't name her hideout 'Moerin's Hideout', so...", she looked away in shame.

I stared at Polaris with my mouth open.

"C-can't you just find... you know... Moerin? Or Donut?", I asked with a little hope.

Polaris looked at me doubtfully, but used her technique anyway.
The look in her eyes when she opened them again already told me all I needed to know.

"So their names were changed due to pages from the book. Just great..."

I felt the need to bring my palm into my face at high speed, but resisted.
Hitting myself while being carried in the air sounded like a really stupid idea.
Polaris started stammering an apology, but was quickly calmed down by Matsuri.

"Well then, I suppose we will have to ask someone for help", the ferret sighed.

"And we will start... right there!"

I looked towards the place Matsuri pointed to with her paw.
There was a clearing in the woods below us.
Two people stood on the clearing.

And from the looks of it, they were expecting us...

Next Episode: Darkside. A view of the events from the perspective of Moerin's team. Soon in this thread~


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: The Librarians of MotK 9 ~ Episode 2: Move out, Magical ★ Librarian Squad
« Reply #128 on: November 27, 2010, 11:27:44 PM »
Ahahahaha Magical Mind-Reader Esi-tan is a bitch. I love it~

....except Esi is canonnically terrified of heights :ohdear:

<Sakana> She lost the fear with the change to magical  :derp:
« Last Edit: November 27, 2010, 11:31:14 PM by Sakana-chan »


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: The Librarians of MotK 9 ~ Episode 2: Move out, Magical ★ Librarian Squad
« Reply #129 on: November 28, 2010, 01:23:06 AM »
I still remembered this thread due to non-evil plots in my head.

How generic...


  • Developer fairy
  • is working for a game developer now.
Re: The Librarians of MotK 9 ~ Episode 2: Move out, Magical ★ Librarian Squad
« Reply #130 on: November 28, 2010, 02:15:58 AM »
While reading the chapter I actually started to remember the last, meaning that I read it back then.

So I guess the flying powers switched between Sakana and Ruro is because of the magical thing too. Or just canonical inconsistency.


Re: The Librarians of MotK 9 ~ Episode 2: Move out, Magical ★ Librarian Squad
« Reply #131 on: November 28, 2010, 02:36:20 AM »
This is so delightfully silly. :3

Re: The Librarians of MotK 9 ~ Episode 2: Move out, Magical ★ Librarian Squad
« Reply #132 on: November 28, 2010, 03:57:53 AM »
This story.....
I-I love it.
So freakin' funny.

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: The Librarians of MotK 9 ~ Episode 2: Move out, Magical ★ Librarian Squad
« Reply #133 on: November 28, 2010, 08:21:55 AM »
So I guess the flying powers switched between Sakana and Ruro is because of the magical thing too. Or just canonical inconsistency.
Its Ruro writing her story and me writing mine. There's no rule saying we have to write exactly the same stuff, much less is there anything 'canon' :P

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #134 on: December 10, 2010, 07:45:33 PM »
Whee, haven't been feeling that good while writing in a while. That was fun~
Here's some proposed background music

- Episode 2 Another: Darkside -

The young woman let out a pained gasp as she opened her eyes.
She didn't know how she had gotten here, and her body was aching.
High abover her she saw a small light.

'The... sky?'

The gears of her mind started turning again, faster and faster as she made out her situation and her memory returned.

'Did I... fall down?'

She recalled flying over the lands of  the Art Atelier, with no specific goal.

'Then... light...'

Was she attacked? That was the only explanation she had for the light she had seen before something hit her and she had plummeted down towards the ground.
For all she knew, it had probably been danmaku, but it didn't matter right now.


She moved her arms and legs. They hurt tremendously, but nothing seemed to be broken.
Slowly, the woman picked herself off the ground and stood up.
She looked around. This was no place she had ever seen before, but then again she didn't come to AAA very often either.
Still, the architecture...

'This looks ancient... forgotten...'

As she thought those words, she woman's eyes suddenly became more lively.

'Could it be?'

She looked up to the hole far above her.
It was rather small.
Getting shot down while flying around randomly in a way that sent her right down here?
The chances for that happening without some higher plan were nigh-impossible.

'Have you... finally called me?'

The woman spotted an exit from the room she was in and quickly made her way through it, ignoring the pain in her body.
As expected, she must have had fallen right into an ancient part of AAA, possibly even older than the big chasm that divided it from its literary counterpart, the Scarlet Library.

'This is... the ancient ruins of the Community Fanworks? I didn't know they still existed. Didn't the mods erase them?'

Passing by empty bookshelves, broken canvases and cans of paint that had almost turned to stone by now she made her way deeper and deeper into the Fanworks.
She didn't know where she was heading, she didn't even know what she was expecting.
But this couldn't be a coincidence.
Maybe this was the day she had been waiting for so long.

'There's a chance. A lot was lost back when the chasm occurred. Maybe there was something about.... her.'

The woman didn't care that her clothes got ripped and her pink hair turned grey from dust.
She forced her way deeper and deeper until she finally reached what she immediately recognized had been her destination.

'This is...'

Before her was a round room lit by glowing stones on the walls.
An white altar in the middle of the room designated the place as a shrine.
And there, towering above anyone who entered the shrine and watching over them with a calming smile was a statue of its deity.

The pink-haired woman stumbled a few steps into the room, her eyes glued to the statue.
Her mouth hung open at the splendor of it and her eyes started to get moist.
Then she broke down and sunk to her knees, sobbing and shedding tears, overwhelmed by the atmosphere of the shrine.

'Rin... finally... I found you...'

She cried with joy for a while before she got back to her feet, the pain forgotten, her body filled with energy once more, just as she usually was.
For the first time since she came down here, she spoke.

"Good afternoon, Rin~"

Her voice echoed through the shrine, turning its already melodious sound into a choir.

"I've been searching for you... so long... it's been so long...", her eyes shimmered with tears again.

"They told me you didn't exist. But I believed you did~. They forgot you existed. But I remembered~. They made jokes about you. But I honored you and praised your splendor~. That someone would have made such a wonderful shrine for you, Rin, who would have thought, ehehehe~."

The woman walked over to the altar and placed her hands on it.

"Speak to me, Rin. Speak to me, and tell me what you wish from me. Tell me what I need to do to spread your name all around MotK!", she shouted into the room, her words resounding numerously from the walls.

The woman's shoulders dropped a bit and she hung her head.
Of course, what had she expected.
Even if someone had built a shrine, that didn't bring Rin into existance.
After all, she still was only a fragment, barely more than a name written in an ancient language amongst many others who gained physical form in the distant lands of Gensokyo.

The woman sighed, ready to turn her back on the statue and search for a way back to the surface.
She would come back to the shrine from time to time, she vowed to herself, but there was nothing here for her now.

Then, a small sound disturbed the silence.
An almost inaudible rustling, as if a feather had fallen from above and softly landed
She turned her head, and her eyes grew wide.
There, on the altar that had just now been empty, lay a single piece of paper.
A page from a book, words and illustrations packed tightly on it.

The woman turned around again, her hand shaking as she stretched it towards the page.
Carefully she grabbed it and lifted it up to see what was written on it.
She gasped.

"This is..."


The woman jumped in surprise.
She looked around, searching for the voice that had called out her name.
But there was noone around.
She was alone down here, in a place long forgotten by the people of the world above.
Noone in their right mind would come down here.

'Though that condition doesn't exactly apply to the majority here.', Moerin thought to herself.

"Moerin! I have waited long. Finally you have come to find me, my dear!", the mysterious voice rang out once more.

This time the woman found the source.
The voice was coming directly from the big statue of the forgotten girl she loved so much.

"Rin? Is that you? Is that really you, my goddess?", Moerin asked in excitement. "How can this be... all this time I have waited... and now suddenly..."

"Your love for me has awakened me from my slumber,  Moerin. Only one in whom the tilde runs strong could achieve that.", the soothing voice responded.

Moerin beamed with joy and sunk to one knee, bowing her head before the statue.

"My goddess, my mistress~ Finally you have come to me~ Tell me, what should I do?"

"Moerin, please do not bow your head. Stand up strong and proud. Right now, noone besides you could perceive me, as they deny my existence. But together, we can spread my name across the land  and show those heathens my might."

Moerin's face was flushed as she listened to those words that sounded incredibly sweet in her ears.
What she had dreamt about for so long, to make Rin's name known in the world, was now announced to become reality by Rin herself.

"Yes, Moerin, it is time to grant me existence. It is time for my Revival... or maybe we should call it my Birth? And you, Moerin, are the one to take the steps necessary to reach this goal! You are the only one I can rely on! Please help me."

"Mistress, you do not need to ask for my help~ How could I deny you that which I have been yearning for all the time? Please, tell me the details~"

"Look at this page in your hand, my dear Moerin. This is a page that will grant you far greater powers than those you possess right now."

The page in Moerin's hands started to glow, a glow that extended towards the woman's hands and then covered her whole body.

"Aah! I can feel it~ I can feel it~ The power is flowing into me~ Ehehehehe~", she laughed as the light grew bright at once and then disappeared.

"I shall grant you more of those pages, Moerin. Now, now you are Magical★Moerin. Use the power of those pages wisely and hand them to those that you trust. Gather around you a circle of followers. Once you have those, capture the Princess."

"Princess?", Moerin asked.

"The one you know as Donut, she had been granted the power that balances this world itself, the power of the Princess. Capture her, for that is the power that shall give birth to me."

"Donut? I see~ Is it okay if I turn her into a Dark Princess after I've caught her? Ufufufufu~"

"As long as her power stays intact, you may do as you wish, my dear Moerin. Now, go and do as I told you. Gather your forces, and rip the Princess from the hands of the Blade of Justice. After that, I shall tell you the next steps of the ritual."

"As you wish! Wait just a bit more, my beloved Rin! Soon I shall embrace you in my arms in a body of flesh and blood, ufufufufufu~"



The voice sounded soft, but concerned.

"Mistress, are you alright?"

Moerin opened her eyes.
She was sitting on the large throne in the main hall of her castle.

"You were laughing in a creepy way in your sleep, Mistress...", the maid that had called out for her said.

'I must have dozed off. Ah, but I don't mind seeing this dream~', Moerin thought to herself.

"I'm okay~ Don't worry, Irmingard~", she smiled at the maid and straightened her posture.

Another maid walked past the throne, carrying a tray with some food on it.

"Ah, going to feed the angel, Xan~? Bite her wings for me, I shall taste them off your lips later~", Moerin giggled.

"I'm no angel!", a voice shouted from the side.

Moerin turned her head to the side.
A large golden birdcage stood there, the inside laid out with cushions and veils made of the finest satin.
Caught inside it, clad in a light white dress that complemented her equally white and fluffy wings, sat Donut, a collar and chain around her neck.

"But you surely look like one, my dear pastry~"

"Let me go!", the girl shouted once more.

"Can't do, sweetie~", Moerin giggled. "After all, I need you so the heroine will come and try to save you~"

"Ruro will beat you senseless, you crazy tilde-bitch...", Donut grumbled as she slumped down.

"Now now, no reason to get insulting~ You have such nice company as well~"

Moerin pointed towards the other person, or being, in the cage.
It was barely the size of a child and clearly humanoid.
However, it sprouted a tail from its behind and two cat-ears from its head, and its behavior matched those traits.

"Gappy, or should I call her Neko-Gappy now? She seems to enjoy herself much more than you do, Princess~"

The small catgirl was happily chasing after a toy that was held into the cage by Ana, another of Moerin's followers.
She was the owner and pilot of the wooden robot, or rather mecha, that had helped in the abduction of Donut.
With her short hair and her boyish clothing and attitude, there were some that called her Anthony rather than Ana, and there were rumors that she was, in fact, actually a guy.
Whenever someone asked about it in Moerin's presence however, giggling was the only answer.
Noone knew the truth except the Mistress of the Tilde and the girl in question herself.
Right now, however, she was smiling happily as she watched Gappy chase after the toy she held and played around without any concerns.

"Why did you even bring her with you? She had just strolled in minutes before you kidnapped me, it's not like she has anything to do with your plan.", Donut frowned.

"Eheheh, let's call it spoils of victory~. She was just too adorable to leave behind, wouldn't you agree~?"

Moerin heard the door of the hall open.
She turned her head and looked at the newcomers.
Two girls had entered and were now kneeling before the throne, their heads bowed.

"Mistress, it is as you predicted.", one of the girls spoke. "The Library is moving, led by the Blade of Justice, or Magical★Samurai Ruro-tan, as she calls herself now. They are about to head out."

Moerin nodded.

"Well then, make sure they enjoy their journey~ That is, if they even make it past you~"

"Yes, Mistress. We shall head out at once."

The girl rose up and her companion followed.
After another bow the two of them left the hall with quick steps.

"Six Blades and The Lost. Are you sure you want to send such valuable allies into battle already?", Irmingard asked.

"I wouldn't want to disappoint Ruro now by sending someone weak, would I~?"

"You have a point, Mistress.", the maid responded.

"So it begins~ Just as you predicted Rin~ Soon, the time will be upon us~"

Moerin rose up from her throne.

"Come, come Librarians and show me your power~! Try to stop the inevitable like the puny bookworms you are, and despair before my might~! Ufufufufufu~"

She giggled, her voice growing louder and louder, echoing through the hall and evolving into loud laughter.

"Ehehehe~ Ahahaha~ Mwahahahahahahahahahahaa~!"


On a clearing in the woods, the two girls Moerin had sent out stood and waited.
High above them, they could see several people flying towards them.
The girls grinned.
It was time.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 07:55:48 PM by Whalesharkana »


  • What's punk? It's an explosion of suppressed dissatisfaction.
  • It's the roar of the soul!
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #135 on: December 10, 2010, 08:10:17 PM »
The Mistress of Tilde
Doth approve greatly, Tuna
This is... Excellent~

Now, let those puny
Librarians try and fail
To stop me now, hah~!
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #136 on: December 10, 2010, 08:20:00 PM »
"Your love for me has awakened me from my slumber,  Moerin. Only one in whom the tilde runs strong could achieve that.", the soothing voice responded.
I chuckled.

And thank you, Theo, for sending out your best. This promises to be very interesting. :3


  • Good gravy!
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #137 on: December 10, 2010, 08:23:30 PM »
The Lost
What :<


  • What's punk? It's an explosion of suppressed dissatisfaction.
  • It's the roar of the soul!
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #138 on: December 10, 2010, 08:25:27 PM »
What :<
Search your feelings, you
Know it to be true, Sana~
The solution to all of life's problems!

#1 Rin Satsuki Fan~♥
"For hearts long lost and full of fright, for those alone in blackest night, accept our ring and join our fight... Love Conquers All -  with violet light!"


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #139 on: December 10, 2010, 08:54:46 PM »
Poor Donut. :ohdear:
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #140 on: December 10, 2010, 09:21:40 PM »
Oooooh, I sense an upcoming battle scene! Can't wait to see where this goes, fishy. :3


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
  • *
  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #141 on: December 10, 2010, 09:32:25 PM »
Someone is horning in on my turf there. >: <

...wonder exactly who though...


  • *Roll*
  • *fwump*
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #142 on: December 11, 2010, 11:10:55 PM »
Another great installment in this story. Also interesting choice on me :P


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #143 on: December 12, 2010, 11:47:43 PM »
Rin doesn't sound very...trustworthy...especially at that "we can spread my name across the land  and show those heathens my might" part.

Could this be a different, more diabolical entity than Rin, using Moerin for its own ends? :3


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #144 on: January 08, 2011, 10:57:48 AM »
You're takin' too long, Bishie-fishie! It's time to find out -

What Makes a Librarian
Two months after the Librarian roster is filled, five months before the Magical Girl Tome Incident, and if that doesn't work out for anyone, there was a time-warp involved

Tinny music could barely be heard from under Tylt's headphones as she stood in place, staring off into space, absentmindedly chewing her ever-present gum. The fact that Esi was standing directly in front of her, literally staring into her, didn't faze the Librarian in the slightest.

A bubble slowly expanded, growing in size at a horrendously slow speed. Esi's fierce gaze locked onto it and seemed determined to burn holes in it by intensity alone.

Only when the bubble finally burst did Tylt actually blink, and look down at Esi. The shorter Librarian was still staring at where the bubble had been.

?Oh. Hi, Esi.?

I think I heard some thoughts coming from it. Are you half-bubblegum, like Sakana is half-tuna?

Tylt blinked, and looked around absently before noticing the book in her hand and the cart next to her. Esi had a matching cart trailing behind her, but it was currently neglected.

The short psyker continued staring, as though trying to peer into Tylt's skull itself. She probably was, actually. It didn't bother Tylt in the slightest, though, and she simply found the appropriate spot in the bookshelf for the tome in her hand and made the deposit.

?Don't think so.?

Esi hmph'd, vocally instead of mentally, and planted a hand on her hip. It doesn't make sense. You're so... boring normally, like everything just washes off your back, and you don't form any concrete opinons on anything... but then you bust out the... uh, magic... and stuff... and you're a totally different person.

?I dunno. Just kinda happens, y'know?? Tylt turned back to her cart, ran her finger along the spines of the books until she found another one that belonged in this aisle. She pulled it out and turned back to face the stacks, and as she did, Esi turned around and scooped up a handful of books off her cart and dumped them unceremoniously on Tylt's cart. Then, as though this were an ordinary occurrence, stepped back and watched Tylt.

Tylt simply glanced down at the new pile of books, checked their spines for the titles and directory numbers, then glanced at Esi.

See, even now! You're not even irritated. You're just looking to see if we're still even, in case I still have more books you could take to balance the loads out. How do you work?! Before Tylt could pick up any of the books Esi had transferred over, she reached out and gathered them back up.

If I'd done that to Chaore I could've expected at least some harsh thoughts.

?Well... I guess I'm just not like that.? Another bubble slowly ? painfully, excruciatingly slowly ? formed before Tylt folded her tongue down on it and forced it to collapse.

Well, yeah. It shows.

?If you want to leave some of those books with me, you can. You know how I can find stuff, right? Including places where books go.?

Nah, I'm good. It'll give me something to do.

Esi turned about and lightly kicked her own cart, pushing it only a scant few inches while she fiddled with her own earbuds. Satisfied they wouldn't jump out on their own accord, she started her own music up and pushed her cart down the aisle, leaving Tylt to her work.

Esi plucked a book off the top of the small pile atop the orderly rows of books on her own cart and checked the spine; it was a biography. Biographies were in the opposite wing of the Library itself, but from where she was standing, it would be a safe journey with only a minimal amount of traps to avoid.

Working under Sakura was a little confusing sometimes, but it was always interesting.

As she passed the desk that Sakana was sitting behind, sorting through files and papers and other assorted secretarial things, a wide-brimmed top-hat began to float alongside her. As it settled to about head-height, a girl's body dropped out of it, landing nimbly on her feet.

Chaore, resident rabbit, wanted Esi for something.

It'd be cheating to poke about and see what she wants... but then, this isn't a game, so there really isn't any cheating, is there? Before she could not-cheat, though, Chaore went ahead and spoiled it for her.

?Hey, Esi. Got an assignment for you ? Erebus requested you, personally, write up the summary for his latest piece. Said it'd be right up your alley. It's waiting for you in the reading lounge, still wrapped up. I'll take over your cart.?

Ah. Righto. You sure?

?Yeah, no biggy. Didn't have much to do, anyways.?

Don't say that too loud, Ruro will hear you.

Chaore smirked. ?C'mon, now, you know better than to think about her. She can see you if you do.?

Esi pointed carefully, making sure to shield her finger with her body so that only Chaore could see it. She was pointing past Sakana, laboring at the desk.

Ruro will be along shortly. She's gonna gather up all those invoices that Sakana's collating and go file them properly. But you know what makes that odd?

Chaore cocked an eyebrow expectantly, nearly losing it under the brim of her top-hat.

She was just in the History section. Like, not more than five minutes ago.

Chaore blinked in shock. ?How deep??

Come on. It's Ruro we're talking about here. How deep do you think she went?

?And she's coming here, now??

Coming down the main hall as we speak.

Chaore shuddered. ?I think I'm gonna go and get busy. That's just... uncanny.?

More like inhuman.

Chaore jabbed a finger at Esi, who put her hands up in surrender. I know, I know. We won't go there, again. But still, for a human... how does she do it?

Rather than answering, Chaore simply shrugged, withdrawing her finger, and turned back to the cart she'd commandeered.

Esi took the hint as well, and scurried down the hall towards the reading lounge, not keen on being spotted idle. Even if she was just a sub-Librarian.

Sakana dipped the fin of her tuna-half into the inkwell and signed her signature on the latest invoice. Despite the Library being completed months ago, more building supplies were being shipped and, and... used, somewhere. Ruro would only grin slyly whenever asked about it, and at that point, Sakana was a little more than afraid to ask.

As she waved the tengu fan ? thoughtfully donated by Tengukami from his newsprint shop ? across the page to dry the ink instantly, Ruro herself stepped up to the desk, grinning contentedly.

?Hiyo, Ruro. How's it going?? Sakana offered up, stacking and setting the pages neatly together before holding them up for Ruro's inspection.

?Ship-shape, Tuna-tan. Is this all of it for today?? She thumbed through the pages ? mostly it was sheets upon sheets detailing the latest shipments themselves, with little actual notarizing needed to be done.

Sakana nodded, rubbing a dark handkerchief across the fin of her floating tuna-half. No point in letting it drip ink everywhere. ?Did you see Esi go by? She was... doing something in regards to my tuna-half when she went by.?

Ruro chuckled and shook her head. ?If you mean 'was Esi doing anything unusual', then, no, if you don't count trying to walk and dance at the same time unusual. Why??

?Earlier, Roukan said that Esi was ?? Before Sakana could finish, a sharp report followed by a choked off shout echoed down the hallway, leading from the reading lounge.

Ruro and Sakana shot a glance down the hall in unison, then locked eyes.

?That was the lounge.? Sakana nodded. ?Did we have any patrons in there??

Sakana paled, and stood abruptly. ?A few. Not many, but a few. I didn't bring my spear with me, if it's anything dangerous. Any chance it was one of your traps??

It was Ruro's turn to pale. ?No, impossible. Esi already went through and disabled them all after they kept tagging her with sleep-darts.?

?Oh, crap.?

That's an understatement, Ruro thought. ?Come on ? we've got to make sure no one was hurt!?


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #145 on: January 09, 2011, 03:55:52 PM »

No time warps this time though

Ryuu glanced up as Esi strode into the lounge, and waved lightly in greeting.

Hello, Ryuu-kyun.

?You on break?? Ryuu asked, tucking her quill into the center of her book before closing it. It wasn't one of the Library's books, but rather her own tome.

A Librarian's duty never ends! By speaking mentally, Esi had the benefit of maintaining a sarcastic smirk on her face without having to talk through it. The effect was rather uncanny, though, but everyone who came to know Esi had gotten used to her telepathy long ago.

?Oh? Is that so?? Ryuu stood up and dumped her book into the seat she'd just been occupying, and stretched. ?Then what 'duty' is it that you're fulfilling in here? Refilling the coffee pots??

We have coffee pots?

Ryuu froze mid-stretch and blinked at Esi. ?Uh, right.?

Nah. The Librarians are the ones who write up the summaries for the stories, you know. Lo and behold, there's a story here for me to read, and subsequently, summarize. What're you up to? Writing some more?

?Just little notes. Jotting stuff down, and the like. Don't think I'll have anything ready for a little while longer, though, so there won't be anything to summarize from me anytime soon.?

Are you thinking of writing up a new story? We don't summarize updates, y'know.

Esi spotted Erebus' book; it was still wrapped up in the nondescript brown packing paper, sitting innocently on a table next to one of the impressively large ? and very comfy ? lounging chairs. Rather than sit down, though, she simply picked up the book and tore the tape holding the paper together off.

Let's see what we've got here, shall we? Rather than crumple the paper up, she set it carefully aside. There was just something comfortable about the color and texture of the packing paper that Esi enjoyed. She didn't collect it, so much as she just kept it around until someone else threw it away.

Ryuu came across the room and sat down in the chair next to Esi, denying her the spot, as the psyker opened the grimoire with a slight creak of leather.

'An exhaustive study on the workings of a Librarian.' Hmm. Almost sounds like Erebus has been crushing on us. 'I am the gatherer, the collector, to bring all to one place, to study and to learn.' Weird way to start a story.

Ryuu glanced up at the book. ?Uh. Esi? I think the book, just blinked at me.?

Esi shot a confused look down at Ryuu and flipped the book over to look at the cover. The leather-bound cover had an engraving on it that did in fact resemble eyes, but while Esi was looking at it, nothing happened.

?Can you sense anything from it??

This is the Mangekyou Library. I can sense a lot of the more unusual books ? and coming from Erebus, this counts as 'unusual'. They don't blink, normally, though.

She turned the book back over, and froze. What the hell?


This book isn't complete... Esi thumbed forwards a bit through the book, noting the blank pages. You're the only one with a never-ending book, right? She glanced across the lounge at the tome Ryuu had abandoned.

It's like it's still writing itself.

The last page with writing on it was, in fact, still forming words. 'The links you forge with those around you will allow you to draw strength and deference from them.' What is this, a Persona parody? 'Only through these forced links can you draw that which makes a Librarian who they are from them.' Forced links? What is he going on about?

?That sounds kinda like you, now that I think about it. Y'know, forced links, those around you... like how you communicate. That last bit has me a little worried, though.?

Esi looked around the room, checking to see if she were being set up for some sort of prank, as she turned to the next page.

When she stiffened, and the book nearly slid out of her hands, Ryuu looked up at her. An errant muscle in her cheek was twitching furiously, and her arms were tense, as though she were forcibly flexing every muscle she could. The only part of her that was completely still were her eyes, which remained focused intently on the book itself.

?Esi? Are you alright??

?The links we forge shall be the channels through which we draw the essence of the Library.?

?What? Hey, did you just speak aloud??

?From you, your will, your independence. We claim it for our own.?

Ryuu shifted uncomfortably in her seat as Esi slowly turned her head down to face the seated girl. ?Uh, what??

The tome in Esi's hands seemed to absorb the light around it, becoming a shadow in her grip, before it burst. The explosion blasted Ryuu's chair over, spilling her across the floor, and consuming Esi in the roiling ball of warped shadows.

Though Sakana was a youkai, and Ruro was only human, Ruro was faster. Pacing herself so as not to outrun Sakana was simple enough, and as they neared the lounge, she surged ahead and slid up alongside the archway leading into the lounge.

She fished her Justicia rosary out from under the neckline of her blouse, and grasped it in her hand. The blade formed silently, and she nodded at Sakana.

?Wait. I'll take point. I'm sturdier than you, remember?? Sakana held her hand out, stalling Ruro as she stepped through the doorway -

 - and was immediately bowled over backwards as Ryuu threw herself on the fisherwoman.

?What the hell?? Ruro stood upright. Ryuu wasn't normally aggressive, and it showed ? she was ineffectually slapping her fists at Sakana, who was more or less deflecting them, even with the shorter girl atop her.

?Little help, here?? Sakana asked, trying to buck the dragon-girl off her. Ryuu was wordlessly shouting at her, still trying to land a good punch.

Ruro relaxed from her combat stance, and reached over and pinched one of Ryuu's wings, where it met her back. Human or not, she was still strong enough to pluck the smaller girl and lift her off of her co-Librarian. As they parted, Ryuu lashed out with one last punch, and caught Sakana on the chin.

?Ow, dammit. Of course she'd get a lucky shot in. What the hell, Ryuu??

Ruro held Ryuu up by her back, and the little dragon-girl was still thrashing about. ?Ryuu? You alright?? Ruro glanced over at Sakana. ?Any ideas??

?Physically it's Ryuu. But this isn't at all how she normally acts. Want me to go find Esi, see what's wrong?? Sakana paused.

The light clicked on for both of the Head Librarians at the same time. ?Esi!? they said in unison. Ryuu spat a tiny fireball, which immediately petered away to nothingness.

?Hang on a second.? Ruro returned the Justicia blade back to its rosary form, and with her now-free hand, conjured up her Administration Grimoire. ?Binding ? Lock. Ryuu!?

With a muffled squeal, Ryuu dropped to the ground, bound in shining chains. ?That'll keep her occupied 'til we find out what's wrong. Now, c'mon, Esi was supposed to be in the lounge just now -?

?Supposed to be, has been, is no longer. From you, your control, we take it for our own. From you, your determination, we take it for our own.?

Sakana froze halfway through rising off the ground, and whirled around.

Esi was in front of her, wearing a nondescript, shapeless robe of toneless grays. Physically, she looked the same, except her eyes were widened to their furthest. She was staring hard at Sakana.

?What the hell? Esi, are you speaking English??

?Sakana! Something?s wrong ? she just took my Administration book!?

Without bothering to look back to confirm it, Sakana threw herself at Esi, intending to tackle her. With the reflexes granted by psychically knowing what Sakana was going to do before she did it, Esi ducked back out of the way, leaving Sakana to stumble.

The round kick that Esi promptly delivered while the fisherwoman was off-balance sent her to the ground. Ruro snatched the Justicia rosary again, conjuring the blade as Esi launched towards her.

Despite being psychic, and having advanced warning of everything Ruro was going to do, Esi didn't have the reflexes to take proper advantage of her power and youkai strength. She was unable to kick through Ruro's lightning-fast defensive sweeps, parries, and blocks.

After the initial barrage, Esi withdrew, snatched Ryuu and set her upright, then conjured Ruro's own Administration Grimoire. ?Unbind ? Ryuu.?

The shining chains dissolved, and Ryuu bristled, flaring her wings out. Ruro dropped back into a defensive stance ? until she knew what was going on, she wasn't about to launch an all-out offensive.

She didn't have to. As Sakana stirred and started to rise back up, Esi and Ryuu both turned and bolted down the hall towards the main exit of the Library.

?What the hell was that?? Ruro mused as she relaxed, banishing the Justicia Blade back into it's pendant form.

?A round kick. A good one, too. That's gonna be sore in the morning, I'm sure.? Sakana rubbed the side of her head, where her jaw met her neck. Her tuna-half bobbed up, giving a quick wiggle to straighten itself out.

?I'm not sure if you noticed, but that clearly wasn't the Esi we all know and ? uh. Work with.? Ruro stepped past Sakana and glanced into the lounge; everything seemed to be shoved closer to the walls than they were before, and a few chairs and tables were knocked over.

?Sure seems to kick as hard as I remember.? Sakana stepped around Ruro and took in the mild destruction without any outward signs, instead moving further into the lounge and set to work picking up the chairs and righting them.

?Well, for one, she wasn't wearing the typical Librarian uniform ? some kind of robe. Also, have you ever seen her eyes get that wide? Almost looked painful.?

Sakana shrugged, and hefted a recliner back to where it belonged. ?Surprised to see us?? she joked.

?It kind of looked like there was writing in the air behind her. Like, above and behind her head. I can't be too sure ? she was coming at me rather aggressively.?

?I'll grant you that ? Esi was mostly verbally abusive, never physical.?

?She also can't fly, and yet she was hovering in mid-air, throwing her kicks at me. She also seems to have flown out of the Library.?

At this, Sakana stopped and turned around to face Ruro. Her tuna-half continued trying to push a table upright. ?Flying??

?Flying. Fighting. Speaking English. Stealing my Grimoire. She said something to you, too - do you remember what it was??

?No, sorry. That kick must've knocked some screws loose.?

Ruro leaned against the doorway, and placed a finger to her chin. ?This could be troublesome. I can't seem to conjure the Grimoire anymore, either.?

She held her hand out, and a rose blinked into existence in her grip. ?I can still control the space in the Library, at least.?

Sakana blinked at her. ?Since when could you do that?? she asked, incredulously.

Ruro rolled her eyes. ?Since when could tunas float??

?Fine, go be all vague and cryptic. I'll be here, putting chairs and tables back in place.?

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #146 on: January 10, 2011, 06:24:06 AM »
Hm...  Erebus can't be the villian, that's too obvious!  Or maybe he is.  Who can say?

Kinda curious as to the aim, but amusing so far.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: The Librarians of MotK 10 ~ Magical Librarians Episode 2 Another: Darkside
« Reply #147 on: January 10, 2011, 08:29:57 AM »
ryuu appears and punches someone in the face

I approve read about me playing league i guess

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Magical loli-dragon Ryuu-chan? This is starting off interesting. Curious to see where this goes  :)


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: The Librarians of MotK 11 ~ What makes a Librarian
« Reply #149 on: January 13, 2011, 08:07:12 AM »
So a mason has an exact budget he has to meet and maintain, but finds out he has one extra brick left over after he's done with the wall he was working on. So what does he do?

He chucks it up into the air as hard as he can!

They found Chaore sitting at the reception desk, drumming her fingers across the blank writing surface with an empty library cart behind her.

?There you are! It's about time. I figure maybe you guys can explain somethin', and if not, you probably wanna know what's been going on.?

Ruro stopped a few steps past the desk, as though it were an afterthought, and she'd intended to continue right on out the door. ?Hmm. Let me guess; Esi did something strange, right??

Chaore pointed at one of her normally-white bunny ears. ?And Ryuu spat a little fireball at me!? Sure enough, her left ear was darkened. ?Incredibly rude, if I may be so bold.?

Sakana reached out and brushed the top of the floppy ear, knocking some of the soot off. ?Didn't even singe you. Ryuu's fireballs aren't that impressive. They'll come clean. What did Esi do??

?Came right up and grabbed me, turned me around while I was working. Said somethin' about 'your patience is mine', then turned around and left. Then Ryuu spat at me!? Chaore frowned at the memory. ?Very impolite, that was.?

?Your ears will be fine. Did you happen to see if Esi left the Library already or not?? Sakana swatted at Chaore's ear again, clearing it of more soot.

?Didn't look. Just thought Esi was bein' weird, so I went back to work, and didn't realize 'til I was done that she was flying and speaking aloud. In English, no less. Didn't sound like her, though. Sounded like a couple of people talking at once.?

Ruro dabbed her finger on the tip of her tongue and held it up, testing the air. ?Well, I can't sense Esi, though I don't know if that's because she has my Grimoire or if it's because she left. Chaore, how long ago was it that Esi bothered you??

?About five minutes.?

Sakana looked back down the hallway, towards the lounge. ?That would've been immediately after she left us. How long were you here, at reception??

Chaore sat back in Sakana's chair and pondered for a moment. ?About two, three minutes maybe.?

Ruro peeled her gaze away from the door, turning slowly to scan the massive stacks surrounding the lobby. ?So either Esi's left already, or she's still here. Or, more unlikely, she and Ryuu both managed to slip out unnoticed by you as you sat here. Running blindly through the wilderness would be pointless, now that Esi is flying ? there won't be a trail to track, and she could've gone in any direction. We'll hang out here for a bit and see if she comes by for the door. Later, we'll ask Tylt and Roukanken if they saw anything, either.?

?That's cool and all. Now, if you'll excuse me, there's been a rather sudden influx of new authors, and I need to get the summaries for their works drafted up.? Chaore rose from the desk and nodded at the Head Librarians.

Sakana waved as Chaore wandered off. ?Hey, Ruro. Do you think I should get my spear? I can get it and be back in about five minutes.?

Ruro shook her head. ?No, just because Esi's being aggressive doesn't mean we need to hurt her. I still can't shake the feeling that there was something hanging around near her head. She's a psychic ? that could mean literally anything for her, and she may be more susceptible to things like this because of it.?

?I kind of figured she'd be more resilient to it. Hmm. Well, either way, after this is all cleared up, we could ask her about it, y'know?? Sakana pursed her lips together as she thought.

?Why Ryuu??

Ruro glanced back at the fisherwoman. ?Come again??

?Why Ryuu? I mean, I know Esi can bodyjack, but that usually makes her immobile and unresponsive while she's doing it. And we both know Ryuu ? she wasn't acting herself, either. Especially with the violence bit ? she's a lot like Esi in that regards. Probably why they're such good friends ? they can snark each other to their hearts content.?

?You don't think it's a cooperative effort on their part, do you?? Ruro pulled out the Justicia rosary and twirled it around her finger, leaning against the reception desk.

?No. Esi's not acting herself, and she's flying ? she could never do that before, and you remember what happened last time we tried to carry her in the air, right??

?She could at least be willing to trust someone to carry her. I'm pretty sure her fear of heights is genuine; I know she'd go through the effort of faking a personality trait for a practical joke later on down the line, but come on ? you've seen how she reacts to flying, like you said. No, factoring in her suddenly new-found ability to hover at least ? and she flew down the aisles, but that could just be fast hovering ??

?That's flight, don't bother with that 'falling with style' nonsense.?

?? oh, whatever... anyways, considering that, I'm sure this isn't just some elaborate joke on their part. Something is wrong here. Do you know anything about what happened before this all went down??

Sakana shook her head, and circled the desk to take her seat. ?I was here, signing off on the shipments we received, when a faery came along with a wrapped book. There was a note on it, saying it was from Erebus, and asked for Esi to read and summarize it. I sent the faery to the reading lounge to drop it off and had Chaore track Esi down to inform her. Business as usual.?

?Sorting the books is secondary to our initial duties... how often is Esi requested by name, as opposed to the others? Especially compared to the other sub-Librarians.?

Sakana sat back and spun the chair around lazily. ?I don't keep a running tally, but if I had to say, she's the most popular sub-Librarian, but no-where near as requested as any of the proper Librarians. She's always willing to take on a larger workload in that regard, but no one usually asks her to. As such, it's mostly things that she's requested for. She logs more hours as a proofreader than she does in the Index.?

?Business as usual, then. And the other subs??

?Rarely, if ever requested. Again, they get more use as community proofreaders than they do writing summaries. Not to say they don't do summaries, of course, but still. Not nearly as much as Chaore, for example.?

?I think Chaore does all the summaries so she doesn't have to deal with stocking the books. Never seemed to enjoy it.?

Ruro pushed off of the desk and slipped the rosary around her neck once again. ?No sign of Esi. I'm going to go look for Roukan ? keep an eye out over here, okay??

?All four of 'em. You know you're not really supposed to be actually wearing a rosary, right??

?You know that tunas aren't really supposed to be actually floating around, right?? Ruro smirked and strode off.

DYNAMIC DUO dunna nunna nunna nunna naaa