Author Topic: Koakuma's Writer's Parlour ~ Have some tea and discuss fiction and writing here!  (Read 227856 times)

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Hm... so I'm back.

/gets slapped for abandonning his works

Ouch... anyways...

/gets slapped again

I'm thinking, I'm very bad at writing series, the story poped up and got longer, to the point my hands can't keep up with my mind anymore. It's much better to write one-shots, but you know what? It keeps running in my head to a 200 episodes anime. Is there anyway to stop that? I love writing, but the only way I can complete my fic is typing non-stop. If I stop for a nap, a meal, or even a leak, my head goes ahead and when I sit back to the computer, the story is way behind my imagination. It's a pain to re-create it in my head again, usually because I tend to rush...


I know the feeling.

Half the reason I write the way I do, with incredibly short chapters that cover as much as possible in as few words as possible, is to get to the next part before I get bored and am no longer able to write. Although I can't binge-write like that, and I actually have to let my (very short) chapters sit a bit and alter lines so that the quality doesn't nosedive.

Though I really can't shorten my chapters any more than I already have. It's already been reduced to only the dialogue and the bare minimum needed to keep the readers up-to-date.

Personally, I would (as in, am currently attempting in my own work) write all the branching storylines. It feels like writing 6 different one-shots at the same time.

Yeah, I have problems working up Writing Energy myself, especially when I'm doing other stuff like Create.swf Adventures and Villainmad ...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
I can't find any fics about Rika.

She's a tank builder from one of the earlier touhou games. stage 1 boss and extra boss. I've taken an interest in the character.

Are there any fics that feature her?

If not, do you have any suggestions about ones featuring Patchouli?


  • I can't stop being a perv!
I can't find any fics about Rika.

She's a tank builder from one of the earlier touhou games. stage 1 boss and extra boss. I've taken an interest in the character.

Are there any fics that feature her?

I can't find any either, not any that I know of.

But creating a fic about her would seem like an excellent idea. Jotting down some ideas...


  • Time expired: 121:45
Rika plays a major role in my story later on.  At the rate I'm writing I should get to her around early 2037  :3

Specialis Libri has a fair amount of Rika in it.

It would be interesting to see story reviews for some of the stuff in the bookstore, but I'm wondering about the potential drama that might arise :x


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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It would be interesting to see story reviews for some of the stuff in the bookstore, but I'm wondering about the potential drama that might arise :x

why would that generate drama read about me playing league i guess

Iced Fairy

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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
why would that generate drama
Because a public review stating "This story has good ideas, but terrible execution," would inevitably lead to drama.  And I'm sure there's at least one story that fits this category in KGB.  (Note: I don't have a story in mind when I say that.  I'm just using law of averages here.)


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Because a public review stating "This story has good ideas, but terrible execution," would inevitably lead to drama.  And I'm sure there's at least one story that fits this category in KGB.  (Note: I don't have a story in mind when I say that.  I'm just using law of averages here.)

I can't even begin to list the number of reasons that shouldn't generate drama

unless the review isn't a review so much as senseless bashing read about me playing league i guess

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
It would be interesting to see story reviews for some of the stuff in the bookstore, but I'm wondering about the potential drama that might arise :x

I agree with Ryuu and second this motion, though I doubt it works that way.

Lets be frank, I need some pretty brutal reviews if I'm going to get anywhere in my stories. By brutal, I mean, I need to be criticized for having my characters make boring or uncharacteristic decisions, so that I can go back and rewrite the section of my story that is uncharacteristic, or improve a writing style that is dull, or add detail when the audience demands it.

Going through the stories, and telling authors when their stories are boring, or when the subject matter isn't very interesting, is an important part of good writing. If we can increase the quality of the writing, we should do it, as the two functions of fanfiction are to entertain readers and entertain the writers. If a fic fails at the former because the author can't get into his reader's head, then it is in all our best interest to tell the author how he is falling short so that he can improve.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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I agree with Ryuu and second this motion, though I doubt it works that way.

Lets be frank, I need some pretty brutal reviews if I'm going to get anywhere in my stories. By brutal, I mean, I need to be criticized for having my characters make boring or uncharacteristic decisions, so that I can go back and rewrite the section of my story that is uncharacteristic, or improve a writing style that is dull, or add detail when the audience demands it.

Going through the stories, and telling authors when their stories are boring, or when the subject matter isn't very interesting, is an important part of good writing. If we can increase the quality of the writing, we should do it, as the two functions of fanfiction are to entertain readers and entertain the writers. If a fic fails at the former because the author can't get into his reader's head, then it is in all our best interest to tell the author how he is falling short so that he can improve.

I can't ^ this post hard enough read about me playing league i guess

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
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  • if you're better than me
I agree with Ryuu and second this motion, though I doubt it works that way.

Lets be frank, I need some pretty brutal reviews if I'm going to get anywhere in my stories. By brutal, I mean, I need to be criticized for having my characters make boring or uncharacteristic decisions, so that I can go back and rewrite the section of my story that is uncharacteristic, or improve a writing style that is dull, or add detail when the audience demands it.

Going through the stories, and telling authors when their stories are boring, or when the subject matter isn't very interesting, is an important part of good writing. If we can increase the quality of the writing, we should do it, as the two functions of fanfiction are to entertain readers and entertain the writers. If a fic fails at the former because the author can't get into his reader's head, then it is in all our best interest to tell the author how he is falling short so that he can improve.
Holy crap, this to the north star and back.

I actually encourage people to come at me with this stuff. I want to get better at this, and if that means getting a brutal critique of how my shit's not good enough, then fine.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus

Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Geez, why did noone bring that up on the channel? I totally missed the idea of reviews in here.
Actually, there is something in that direction in planning already   :3

Geez, why did noone bring that up on the channel? I totally missed the idea of reviews in here.
Actually, there is something in that direction in planning already   :3
oh :3


  • I am a save frog
  • *wink*
I was wondering if someone could help me out with a story of mine? In it, my character, Savory Misori,m is on a journey to bring the power of wishes to Gensokyo.

The setting right now is Youkai Mountain, but I am having some trouble writing it in. What I'm trying to lead up to is
having Savory meet Aya as well as the Moriya Gang, finally resulting in a meeting with Tenshi.
But I'm not so good at mountain environments.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: New Writers Contest
« Reply #647 on: February 01, 2011, 06:38:13 PM »
I admit, SquidTentacle's was good.

(note: I have nothing to do with judging these stories)


It feels weird to say that my primary criticism is that it was dark. But it is fair to point out that dark stories often turn people away. And I know it was dark because it actually made me laugh. See, I can't quite cope with death very well, so I often laugh when faced with things that are morbid as a way of coping, since laughter is much easier to face than depression. So yeah, when something becomes difficult to read, regardless of quality, the fact that the audience has trouble reading it to the end will often turn them away.

Second, I note that it wasn't quite a touhou story. I mean, Orin was there, but at it's core it was a story about facing death; who was there wasn't as important, and it could have been a hallucination or anyone and still held about same impact. I mostly point that out because one of the primary advantages of this fandom is to use the unique abilities and attributes of the characters, which you did, to form a story that wouldn't be possible anywhere else.

The only possible concrete flaw I could point to is the main character's back story. All things considered, your use of logic, your presentation, heck your story as a whole was executed exactly the way it should have been, and the only things left to critique would be the story itself. It's very well written.

It's pretty good, but I do not want to say it's the best story. The reason is simple - When Sect said you wrote the best story, I mixed up yours with CS's and I thought I agreed with Sect. Then I realized that he was refering to your story, not the one about the bully. Thus, the fact that Sect thought yours was the best improved my opinion of the story I thought was yours without actually changing anything about the story. It's a psycological phenominon where people like what's popular, and while author's should take advantage of that phenominon, judges shouldn't be swayed by it.

CS - Your story is also pretty good. Though the turn-about for your bully isn't in character. In fact, your bully falls well into parody, but it's very satisfying. Keep in mind, he falls under the psychopath personality - he appears to have literally been born without a conscience, and thus, he wouldn't be able to form one at any point in the story. The ability to empathize would not ever develop in this type of person. Ironically, because your story has a concrete flaw I can point to, I have less to say because I don't have to look for things that would make your story better, or critique the story aspects of your story. Though many of the same things that applied to SquidTentacle apply to you - it's hard to read through because it's dark but not the same emotional kind of dark as squid's, and while it does get into the touhou canon faithfully it could apply to any canon.


Also, beware the OC. Some people will not read a story that starts with the OC. That is because the first thing they know about the story is that it won't be about a touhou character. It might be better to start the stories with Orin and Yukari, simply so that the reader knows it won?t be all about your OC. Once you get your readers past the first few lines, you?ll be golden, but if the first thing they knew is that it?s about someone they don?t know being a bully or dying, they may not even bother with the rest.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Re: Re: New Writers Contest
« Reply #648 on: February 02, 2011, 10:48:09 PM »
capth: maybe instead of telling people to worry about the amount of readers, you should tell them how to improve upon the stories themselves : |

nothing is wrong with having a dark story or a story with a well done OC read about me playing league i guess

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Re: New Writers Contest
« Reply #649 on: February 03, 2011, 12:48:39 AM »
capth: maybe instead of telling people to worry about the amount of readers, you should tell them how to improve upon the stories themselves : |

nothing is wrong with having a dark story or a story with a well done OC

@ Ryuu - Honestly?

It's because my perspective is different than yours.

My perspective isn't "how good is the story" but rather "Is this a story I would have read?"

It doesn't matter how good chapter 2 is if I don't see something I want to read about by the end of chapter 1.

There are lots of people here who can judge quality on the standard of how good the witing is. I don't feel a need to judge that, because anyone here could do it and would probably do a better job than me. Rather, I do feel a need to judge whether I would have read the story at all, and whether it's a story I would want to see to the end; qualities that may have nothing to do with the quality of the writing itself.

See, I don't want to read about OC's, so I ignore any story where the first character is not from touhou to attempt to filter the content. After all, there's a lot of touhou content, so I have to make a cut-off somewhere. That's why I warn about starting with an OC - The only reason I read CS and SquidTentacle was because they were in this thread; in normal circumstances, I would not have even gotten to the part where Yukari whisks away the boy in CS's story before deciding I was done. So I feel obligated to warn the writers about the OC cutoff keeping a lot of people who would have normally enjoyed their work from even getting to the touhou part. I only mention the part about them being dark because that is another common theme that turns people away; not me personally, but it's a common turn-off.

Our writing is about two things; appealing to ourselves, and appealing to others. Especially when the thing that keeps people from enjoying a work has nothing to do with the quality of the work, the author should be warned about the pitfall so that he doesn't fall right into it.


  • 不聖女
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Re: Re: New Writers Contest
« Reply #650 on: February 03, 2011, 01:05:10 AM »
Constructive criticism is made to better the writing of an author.

In no way should you let your personal biases or predispositions towards reading for pleasure get in the way of such endeavors. Furthermore, not everyone gives a shit about the kind of things you're interested in reading or disinterested in reading. If you may notice the entire point of this contest, it's to try and improve the quality of the writing of the new authors in this community.

To be frank, nobody gives a damn if you refuse to read stories with OCs in them for whatever reason.

It shouldn't get in the way of bettering someone's writing. Nothing should.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
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  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Re: Re: New Writers Contest
« Reply #651 on: February 03, 2011, 01:06:37 AM »
except you constantly referenced words like "audience" and "people"

writing is about one thing and that is telling a good story

no one cares what you like. no one cares what you want to read. it's unbelievably arrogant and smug to critique others based off of your taste. people posted in this contest for critiques from the judges and you're posting what you'd rather their story be, which is against the goddamn rules

respectfully, stop posting critiques. especially when you have no idea what you're talking about.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 01:11:10 AM by Ryuu » read about me playing league i guess

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Re: New Writers Contest
« Reply #652 on: February 03, 2011, 01:33:21 AM »
ALL criticism is subjective, except for the absolutely most dry proofreading. There isn't even a point if we can't bring in our own tastes. And if you choose to ignore my opinions because I have different opinions than yours, then I can't complain.

Second, I am not criticizing the direction the work is going in. I'm criticizing what's already been completed, which is different than suggesting a new story altogether or suggesting a path for the story, and thus it's not against the rules. But the whole point of this thread is to review the content of the work, not to be a microsoft word grammar checker. If it's inappropriate for me to voice my opinion, then I'll stop, but I don't want any of you holding back out of coutesy when you review my work.

Now, keep in mind that I consider good writing and popularity synonymous. Even the really awful ones are good in there own way, and that's why they're popular. I firmly beleive that if penguins make your story more popular, then adding penguins to your story makes you a better author, since you know that's what they want. That's because I'm an odd person with unusual views, and you should feel no obligation to take my advice.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Re: Re: New Writers Contest
« Reply #653 on: February 03, 2011, 01:34:40 AM »
ALL criticism is subjective, except for the absolutely most dry proofreading. There isn't even a point if we can't bring in our own tastes. And if you choose to ignore my opinions because I have different opinions than yours, then I can't complain.

Second, I am not criticizing the direction the work is going in. I'm criticizing what's already been completed, which is different than suggesting a new story altogether or suggesting a path for the story, and thus it's not against the rules. But the whole point of this thread is to review the content of the work, not to be a microsoft word grammar checker. If it's inappropriate for me to voice my opinion, then I'll stop, but I don't want any of you holding back out of coutesy when you review my work.

Now, keep in mind that I consider good writing and popularity synonymous. Even the really awful ones are good in there own way, and that's why they're popular. I firmly beleive that if penguins make your story more popular, then adding penguins to your story makes you a better author, since you know that's what they want. That's because I'm an odd person with unusual views, and you should feel no obligation to take my advice.


please stop. read about me playing league i guess

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Re: New Writers Contest
« Reply #654 on: February 03, 2011, 01:39:42 AM »


please stop.


But please, criticize my work based off of your tastes, and absolutely not just the quality of the writing.

EDIT: I mean, how else can I tell if my ideas are stupid?

EDIT2: I admit, I'm surprised about... that as well, but if I thought something like penguins would be stupid, do you really think I would have written Shoot the Moon the way I did? I have no sense of common sense about some of these things, and I apologize.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 02:33:16 AM by capt. h »

Re: Re: New Writers Contest
« Reply #655 on: February 03, 2011, 02:01:44 AM »

But please, criticize my work based off of your tastes, and absolutely not just the quality of the writing.

EDIT: I mean, how else can I tell if my ideas are stupid?
Because you put penguins in them?

Cap, putting things that are popular in your stories doesn't make you a good writer, it just means that you're putting things that are popular in your stories. Just because your story doesn't suit someone's tastes doesn't mean that you're a bad writer; one of the highest praises I've recieved for a story was that I managed to get the person to actually read it and enjoy, despite the fact that it was a male on male erotica piece, which that reader abhored.

EDIT: ... Of course, while I'm thinking of it, one of the less... complimentary reviews I've recieved was the fact that I actually wrote a male on male erotica piece...
« Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 02:05:36 AM by Sect »

Cap, if you want a really good counterexample to "popularity is the definition of quality," see: Twilight. (Or, better yet, don't.)


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Capt H. Two things.

> Popularity != good writing. Just because you appeal to memes, injokes and fanservice does not mean your writing is actually any good. Here's a question - if two people were to write fanservice fiction on the same subject, how would you decide which was better? Would you favour the story with more blatant appeal to the audience, or the story with more effort to it, where the author has placed the importance of plot and logic ahead of getting quick views and responses?

> OCs are difficult to pull off, but there's no reason to avoid them entirely. People are familiar with the Touhou characters, true, but that means that there's less room for originality since the characters are laid out [unless you intend to just fly in the face of canon in which case whyyyyyyyyyy]. OCs give writers a chance to look at an angle we wouldn't see otherwise.

ALSO SECT YOU WROTE YAOI I AM DISOWNING YOU >:< (joking, before I get misinterpreted on this)


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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capt h:

you say popularity = good writing right


this is the most popular fanfic ever written

it's spawned spinoffs, retellings, reposts, in depth analysis and is extremely famous across the internet

if this doesn't convince you that your stance might be incorrect, I don't think anything will read about me playing league i guess

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
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  • if you're better than me
Basically what Rou said ahead of me.

I honestly don't think that being a writer means you have to completely sell yourself out to what's popular and all that mess. Writing should be done to have fun and to have creative freedom, not to adhere to how your audience sees you and your work. Writing for me in the touhou fanbase is my only safe haven from all the yuri and what not that I quite honestly can not stand. With my ability to write, I am able to create a place where I don't have to look at so much shit in one barrel alot of things I dislike and risk running my blood pressure up to areas that could literally lead to me tearing my computer apart piece by piece.

OCs are pretty much the same. Would you have been able to find a T-Rex loli running around in Gensokyo? Yeah, probably not. Would you like to see one? If yes, then a writer just might be willing to produce said T-Rex loli.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 09:40:48 AM by Bunnybus »
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus