Author Topic: Has Anybody Else Played Touhou Kobuto V Burst Battle?  (Read 3534 times)

Has Anybody Else Played Touhou Kobuto V Burst Battle?
« on: December 27, 2017, 05:24:20 PM »
I bought Touhou Kobuto V Burst Battle because it was one of the few Touhou games (as far as I know) that have been released in America and I got it for my Nintendo Switch and I got to playing it and I want someone else's opinion on it because I found the game to be flawed. Like the lack of decent camera control or the floaty jumping. Plus it was an arena fighting game (I thought it would be a 3D bullet hell shoot-em up that would control sorta like Space Harrier), even though I'm somewhat decent (not good, but not super bad), I got my butt handed to me by Cirno in the story mode. Flippin' Cirno!

But those are my thoughts, what do you guys feel about this game?


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Re: Has Anybody Else Played Touhou Kobuto V Burst Battle?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2017, 09:10:06 PM »
Your opinion of it being flawed is my opinion and pretty much everyone's best  :D

It's not a game you'll immediately get the hang of. The camera is weird at first, melee combat transitions can be disorienting and characters have to be played for their strengths. Some tips: "L1", or whatever the button is on the Switch cancels your airtime after a jump and immediately drops you to the ground. Make a habit of using that because you're such a sitting duck while you're waiting to float back slowly to the ground. Computer almost never does this and I make them pay dearly for it  :3
Also utilize practice mode extensively to learn which button combinations lead to the best shot types of a character and use those as often as you can. Sakuya for example has homing knives that appear in the enemy's blind spots and then quickly zoom in. Very unfair and very effective.

I enjoyed the silly story modes and think they're a saving grace.

Re: Has Anybody Else Played Touhou Kobuto V Burst Battle?
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2017, 06:25:09 PM »
I got this game for Christmas, and tried it out for the first time last night. I fooled around a bit in training mode, then did one vs. COM match with me as Reimu and the computer as Marisa. After that, I went through Reimu's story mode. I lost thrice to Patchouli (I was still trying to figure out how to make my spell card work-- once I got it, I won), and then lost twice to the final boss (I got 2-shot by the surprise laser the first time, and my spell card somehow refused to activate the second time) before I managed to pull off a win (I didn't even use my spell card to win here, as the boss was defeated at about the time my charge meter filled up).

I'm sure I could get better with more experience (and if I could make my spell card work more consistently). The gameplay does feel a bit flawed though, like with the camera occasionally not focusing on my opponent just after I melee them, and it felt like the guard button just didn't want to work at all sometimes (aside from quickly dropping out of a jump as Gesh86 mentioned, which did work every time). At least the story and the final boss of Reimu's story did give me a decent chuckle.

Re: Has Anybody Else Played Touhou Kobuto V Burst Battle?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2018, 02:00:18 AM »
It's a Virtual-On clone. Please try playing it with other people.


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Re: Has Anybody Else Played Touhou Kobuto V Burst Battle?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2018, 09:30:31 AM »
Definitely flawed~.

Some characters are much better than others, depending on what you prefer from their moves and their spellcards.  The close range combat feels too strange to get used to, and doesn't feel worth it most of the time. Movement is quite interesting though. Can use half (or some amount) of your spellcard gauge or something if you're accidentally fatigued to dash again. There's the quick-drops too. Dodges in close range are weird and still make me dislike it though. I do enjoy that you can actually dodge things in here, unlike Bullet Ballet, even though it's insignificant in there. Learning everyone's moves helps you know what to expect when you face that character (Shields and taunt-to-spellcard spam Cirno. Field covering and sniping Remilia. Insane damage Marisa. Cheap out-of-nowhere knife Sakuya). The vast amount of moves means people can play a character much differently than others too, so I think that was done well. Same for certain moves using more or less gauge to get a bit of a breather. Needing to recharge just to attack after a spellcard is sort of nice too.

I think it could be fun if you find someone to play with for a bit. Lots of room for improvement though.