Author Topic: Decompiler for LotusCraft / Age of Ethanols 3?  (Read 4190 times)


  • 魔法少女まどかマギカ
Decompiler for LotusCraft / Age of Ethanols 3?
« on: July 04, 2016, 02:48:46 AM »

I'd like to try to translate LotusCraft and Age of Ethanols 3 to English, and I was wondering if there was a way to open up the data files, access and modify the text.  I am aware that someone successfully translated vanilla Age of Ethanols to English:,16094.0.html  and am wondering if someone knew what tools they used.

Or, ideally, I'd like to know if there's someone else who is already doing a translation project on these games.
